Types of linings and their meaning - what can be achieved with such witchcraft. Why is lining dangerous?

IN modern world, despite the development of technological progress, people are increasingly beginning to turn to magicians and sorcerers in order to harm other people or achieve their goal, to obtain the qualities that another person possesses. As a result, the person against whom the magical action is directed finds things under his door or in secluded corners of the house, even in his personal belongings and work offices, that seem strange at first glance, atypical and often of contradictory nature and meaning.

Intuitively, one can understand that threads or branches laid out in a cross under the door, or an unfamiliar button found in a purse sewn to a piece of fabric, or chewing gum very carefully glued under a stand for a calendar or stationery are not just thrown things, but planned linings that can cause harm.
What is a lining in magic and how to deal with it so as not to harm yourself?

The meaning of the word "lining"

Lining in magic, from the word “put under”, “under” is any thing that can be thrown, placed or even given as a gift. malicious intent, performing a certain ritual over her.

How to understand that an item is a lining

They can be different in size, but they often use small objects that will be inconspicuous and will not attract attention.

They can put it anywhere. In addition to being under the door or in front of it (on or under the rug), the lining can be brought into the house and placed in a pillow, behind a closet, even stuck in a curtain, window frame, in linen or things in a closet, often outside the home they can be thrown into a bag, a pocket, even discreetly stuffed into products bought at a market or in a store - there are many options for giving such a “gift”.
Types of linings
A person who makes a lining in magic has a specific goal of causing damage directly to his enemy or, conversely, to the object of his adoration. There are different types of linings depending on their purpose.

1. Substrate for love in magic.

When a person is driven by the desire to make another fall in love with him, to arouse in him passion, attraction to himself, he uses love. Such a lining can be small, discreetly thrown into clothes, a bag, or another item that is constantly worn or used, but it can also be a gift - a charmed cup, a toy, something that a person can often use. What is important here is constant contact with the lining, which will attract the victim to the one who made it.

2. Lining - damage to illness or death

Spoilage lining is a dangerous lining in magic, often done secretly, hiding in secret places at home in order to gradually draw out vital energy from a person or his residents. It can also be an obvious lining in magic, more often in front of a door or just on the street at an intersection or road - tied feathers, ropes, even a broom, poured earth. It is especially dangerous if such a lining was taken from a cemetery or from someone’s grave. It is enough to step over the lining left under the threshold for it to start working against the victim. There may also be linings of damage to suppress someone’s will.

Then the customer must have an item that is associated with the item planted on the victim. Thus, the victim falls under the power of the person who ordered or made such damage, and only the destruction of this bundle can save him - the destruction of the lining or the belongings of its owner.

3. Vampiric toss

Vampiric lining in magic is a lining whose purpose is to take away various types of energy from the victim: luck, health, financial stability, luck, happiness. Often in order to attract them to you. The peculiarity of this damage is that a certain entity is attached to the thrown thing, which draws energy and getting rid of this type of influence is easier at the very beginning, and more difficult over time.

4. Protective lining

A protective lining in magic is more of a talisman, since it is aimed at protecting a person. Such lining is often made for relatives, for example, by pinning a pin, giving a blessed cross. They are usually obvious and hang or are located in a visible place, including above the front door. Such linings are also made during the construction of houses. Descriptions of this type of lining can often be found in literature and historical descriptions. Built into the walls or threshold, the lining can protect those living in the house from thieves, magic, and protect the family from negative manifestations from the outside. True, protection made individually for one family can harm new residents who purchase such a house.

What to do with the lining

If a person finds a suspicious object in or near his home, it may well be a lining. In any case, it is not worth the risk, especially if the item looks strange or you are not sure that this item belongs to him or his family. We must remember that not only is it forbidden to touch this thing, it is strictly forbidden to step over it. It is better to wear rubber gloves, take paper, a bag, a broom, a rag - anything that does not consist of metal (paper, wood, polymer, rubber things and fabrics are suitable), collect everything, put it in a bag and take it away from human habitation for destruction along with gloves and whatever was used to collect it. Ideally, this should be a deserted place where no people walk.

How to destroy the lining

In order to destroy the lining, and with it the magical effect, it is necessary to build a fire in which to put everything collected. It is recommended to sprinkle the fire in a circle with consecrated or at least ordinary salt, or draw a circle on the ground with a knife and stick the knife into the western side of this circle. It’s good to put herbs into the fire that protect against bad influences, such as thistle, wormwood, pine needles, or even throw in a handful of salt. It is advisable to read special prayers or at least the “Our Father”.

After the fire burns out, you should turn around and leave without looking back. Usually, after its destruction, the person who made the lining can be visited. After all, after the destruction of such a conspiracy against a person, the negativity returns to the one who sent it. You should be attentive to those who, after destroying the lining, meet on the way or come to visit. Under no circumstances should you take anything from people on this day, let those who do not live in the house into the house, or give anything away from the house. The person who made the lining will try in every way to bring the victim back under his influence.

Many people are faced with this type of negativity such as damage to the lining. Some, due to their ignorance, others, due to carelessness, may not pay attention to this special attention. This is fraught with the beginning of a “black streak”, tragic strange cases occur, health conditions worsen, and the like. A person, even after discovering the lining, may not compare the find with what is happening.

What can be considered a lining? This is any object or thing with which certain magical actions have been performed, thus charging them with negative energy. As a result of such manipulations, various troubles will occur with the place where the lining was planted or with the person to whom it was intended. Already from the name it may be clear that the spoken item must be planted or planted secretly.

Linings are almost always made with the intention of causing harm. Sometimes they are aimed at attracting damage to the victim of the disease, sometimes to ruin relationships between friends or spouses. There are also more dangerous scenarios - for a fatal illness or death.

How to detect the lining and neutralize its destructive effect? First of all, you need to determine whether there is damage to you. If signs of damage are discovered (lack of money, quarrels and scandals in the family, deteriorating health), then it is worth checking for damage from a specialist or at home, and also looking for lining in your yard or house.

In some cases, the lining can be planted not only secretly, but also as a gift or souvenir. If you do not have much trust in a person, do not accept any gifts from him, and if this is not possible, then get rid of them immediately.

It also happens that the lining is not made for someone in particular. In other words, the enchanted thing is left right on the street, with the expectation that someone will definitely pick it up or step over it. That is why you should never pick up anything on the street, be it money or other objects, since damage can spread to you through them.

The lining can be almost any thing, but more often it is some kind of sharp, piercing or cutting object - a needle, pin, knives, nails, scissors. If you find such a thing in the house, you should at least be wary. Most often, with the help of such objects, they try to ruin the relationship between spouses, cause them to quarrel, etc. Such pads can be found in walls, doors, door frames, corners, under baseboards or under furniture.

If you come across a suspicious mirror or a comb that came from nowhere, this is also a sign of possible damage. Such items pose a particular danger to women's health. Quarrels and squabbles between relatives can create linings in the form of scattered grains of buckwheat, wheat, and sunflower seeds.

Another type of lining is knotted (threads with knots tied), which provoke various diseases and infertility.

A person's sleep can be negatively affected by using feather lining. Planted insect corpses, bird and fish bones can worsen your health.

Spoilage caused by salt is also very dangerous. In magic, this substance is used as a powerful absorbent of various energies and desires, which means that it can be used to cause harm in all areas of a person’s life. If salt is mixed with cemetery soil, then the damage will be aimed at bringing a person to the grave by any means.

The easiest way is to neutralize the lining left on the doorstep. However, sometimes the threshold can simply be rubbed with cemetery soil and cast special spells. Then the space beyond the threshold is declared dead, which means that everyone who lives in this house must move from the world of the living to the world of the dead.

Egg-shaped linings pose a great danger - it will lead people to the grave. You cannot touch such a lining, otherwise the effect of its action will only intensify, and several times more. The charmed apple will rot, taking away beauty and youth from the victim.

Linings are quite often used in love spell rituals. IN similar cases The enchanted object is left at the house of the love spell victim.

Many people are interested in the answer to the question, how to properly neutralize the lining? To do this, you must follow several rules. First: never touch thrown objects with your bare hands, use gloves. It’s better to take a broom, dustpan and bag, rake up the find and destroy it somewhere away from the house. In addition, you will have to get rid of everything that the object touched - the broom, the dustpan, the gloves, and the bag. If you find a strange object in the yard or near the house, you should not carry it under the roof.

The surest way is to burn the lining. Moreover, during the burning process, you need to stay away from the smoke so that it does not reach you and read prayers. If it is impossible to burn the lining, douse it with gasoline and bury it further in the forest. When you arrive home, you should wash yourself under cold running water.

After destroying the lining, carry out energy cleaning in the room. All household members must undergo the same procedure. If you do not have sufficient strength and knowledge to neutralize the effects of damage, it is better to seek help from a specialist magician.

Damage-lining is one of the most effective and dangerous types of damage, because the carrier of the negative program is in close proximity to the recipient of the program. The lining can be any object charged to spread negativity near the location; in some cases, the lining can be charged to have an energetic impact on an individual.

Damage-lining can be found in a house, on a personal plot, in a car or on the road, in a passageway. The last type of damage-lining is usually not aimed at a specific person; with the help of such damage, the addressee transmits his illnesses or curse.

Impact of lining on humans

After placing a dangerous object in close proximity to a person, destructive energy begins to adversely affect him, causing problems in the family, deterioration of health, accidents and death. A damage lining can contain a single release of negativity, that is, the program can be designed, for example, for one death or fatal illness, but there have been cases when a charged object spread the program over many decades and destroyed more than one generation.

The danger of damage to the lining also lies in the fact that due to the impact of a high concentration of negativity, a portal may open to other world, from where entities and ghosts will enter your living space. Therefore, if you begin to wake up at night from steps along the corridor, begin to notice someone’s shadows and outlines, hear a whisper or feel someone’s presence, this is not a reason to see a doctor; first of all, inspect the house or apartment for strange, unusual things .

What does the lining look like?

Damage-lining can be one or several items in the aggregate. The stronger the energy message and the more dangerous the damage, the more elements. Damage may contain:

  • threads,
  • scraps of fabric,
  • wood fragments,
  • dry grass,
  • needles,
  • pine needles
  • candle stubs,
  • dried flowers,
  • plastic flowers from gravestone wreaths.

These elements are tied with twine, ribbons, and threads. Damage-lining can be liquids (for example, oil poured on an apartment door), bulk substances - cemetery soil, cereals, salt. On the street you can most often find damaged lining that is not intended for a specific recipient, which represents money, valuables, or jewelry.

Each of the ingredients of the damage-lining carries its own program, but most often such damage is done for illness or death, less often for loneliness or divorce.

In a house or apartment, damaged lining can most often be found under the rug front door, in door jambs (needles), in pillows, in upholstered furniture or behind furniture, in flower pots. On the site, they most often bury a spoilage lining in the ground or scatter a charged liquid or pour a charged substance directly into the ground.

What to do?

If you find a foreign and incomprehensible package containing the mentioned items, or when you come home you find a handful of earth or cereal at your door, under no circumstances touch the find with your bare hands. Using a bag or discarded gloves, pack the items in a tight bag and burn them in a large fire while reciting prayers. If suddenly you fail to burn the damage, this is a reason to turn to, which means that the recipient has great power and has invested a lot of dark art in the damage, and the situation can be extremely serious.

A brooch, ring, earring, pin and other small objects dropped by someone can have an occult meaning, so you need to avoid such “gifts of fate” so as not to take on someone else’s negativity.
Unclaimed items on the street can look “expensive” and there is a great temptation to pick them up. Let's look at the most popular things used as magical bait for a naive passerby.
Especially lying at a crossroads. It can be either regular or gold. A cross can be thrown out on purpose so that another person will take on the “cross” or the heavy share of another.
Mirrors are integral attributes of many areas of magic. Damage and negativity are transmitted through reflection, if you speak to the mirror first.
If the clasp is fastened, then the item may have been “lost” intentionally. Metal objects with a clasp (brooch, hairpin, pin, etc.) are often thrown away to get rid of negativity. This is very ancient rite, which our great-grandmothers used.
Especially with hair. Hair has long been considered a storehouse of personal energy, therefore, if it migrates into the wrong hands and, God forbid, other people's hair, a comb can become a source of danger.
A traditional way to get rid of bad luck, illness, tears and melancholy.
The charmed ring is thrown away due to constant failures in his personal life. You should not try on ownerless jewelry, but if it is valuable, take it to a pawnshop or sell it for scrap.
This category includes feathers, masks, strange bracelets (usually rag), fancy bouquets of plants, signs, symbols and images on tablets or paper, antiques, balls, pyramids, figurines and figurines.
IN lately the object of the spellcasters became ordinary PHOTOS. But what if you unexpectedly discovered not your own, but someone else’s photograph, for example, in your office desk drawer? This could be one of the types negative impact at a distance, like telephone magic. This one is rude, unprofessional, but quite effective method, is rarely used, but still occurs.
In this case, the stranger’s face and his eyes in the photograph are the source of the negative program laid down at the time of photographing. To ward off the “evil eye,” it is advisable to burn the photo and try to “change” your appearance. For example, hairstyle, makeup, usual wardrobe. After the moon “gets old”, on the first day of the new moon you can return to your usual style.

There are many options for magical linings, or tosses. There may be even more of them, it’s just that not all of them have been invented and implemented yet.
It's like with applications to mobile phones, or with computer programs - they are created to solve certain problems. The same problem can be solved in different ways. Solutions can be simple or complex, effective or not. But how many applications or programs can there be, in principle? Their number is innumerable. The same goes for linings. They are also needed in order to launch a certain program - events, human behavior, etc.
They use pads to invade a person’s life and change something in it. For example, to cause damage, to cause illness, death, or to force someone to fall in love, to divorce someone, . Such influences are more similar to hacker attacks, the actions of viruses, if we continue the computer analogy. Hacker attacks can be more or less skillful, viruses can be cunning, able to bypass complex strong defenses, or simple and any antivirus catches them. The magical program of the lining can also be strong or weak. A simple amulet can save you from a “weak” lining; the consequences can be easily avoided if you get rid of the lining in a certain way and destroy it. Neutralizing the effect of “strong” pads can be difficult even for experienced magicians.
Just as you can throw it, you can also cause positive changes - attract success, health, money, or the lining can be protective.
The ethical direction of love spells is ambiguous. For example, if a wife tries to use a lining, is that bad or good? Depends on the point of view.
All linings have only one unifying feature - in any case, it is a material object that performs the function of an agent, a carrier of magical influence. The nature of the impact itself, its complexity, multi-level nature can be practically anything.

Types of magical linings

All pads can be divided into two categories - magical “mines” and constant continuous action, let’s call them contact ones, because they work only with direct contact with the object.
“Mines” also begin to work after contact with a person, but after the “mine” has worked, further action no longer depends on her. Such pads are not hidden, but are planted on purpose so that a person finds them and picks them up, for example. If this happens, then you can get rid of the toss any way you like, the magic will continue to work. Picking it up is the most common way to activate magical “mines,” but not the only one. We'll talk more about contact methods below.
Contact throws (or lays) only work if they are in close proximity to the object. Contact with the person on whom the magical effect is directed, with the lining, must be constant. The item is quietly thrown into the house, into the car, into a bag, into a pocket, or sewn into clothing. If you get rid of such a toss, its effect ceases. Below you will learn how to properly get rid of the lining.
Contact bombs are easier to make than mines, so they are more common. They are often called “emitters” or “accumulators,” but such names do not entirely accurately reflect the essence of their work. Yes, the contact lining can indeed emit negative energy (or positive, if it is a talisman). Its power supply can be limited and then it is like a battery. But this is all optional.

What could be the lining?

Absolutely any material object.
By the way, amulets and icons are also essentially the same permanent contact pads. The only difference is that they are usually not hidden, because they have a positive, protective effect, and people carry them with them willingly.
There are cases when they are also planted secretly. For example, a person opposed to religion, magic and all “superstitions” would never, on principle, agree to carry an icon or amulet with him. And someone close to him - mother, wife or husband - secretly leaves him with a talisman or talisman for good luck or protection from bad influences.
It happens that negative linings are not always planted unnoticed. The lining can be anything - from a charmed thread sewn into clothes to some large item. They can slip the lining under the guise of a gift. It could be an item of clothing, a bag, a wallet, a precious ring, or other jewelry, it could even be a car! In a large item, you can hide the lining itself (for example, sew it into clothes, hide it in a car), or make the entire item itself a lining.
The toss can be passed on under the guise of a very decent gift, for example, an icon. Well, who would suspect that bad things could come from an icon? However, if certain magical operations were performed on it, then it is no longer a holy relic, a conductor of Christian divine forces and energies, but on the contrary, it can be very dangerous.

How do pads work?

The contact pad can work as an emitter if it is “charged” with negative energy. Then sooner or later his power will run out. But he can also be a “vampire”, not emit, but absorb human energy. Moreover, the lining may not absorb or emit anything at all.
Why, in general, does a magician need a toss? To exert a magical effect on an object. But in any practice, magicians do the same thing without pads. Tosses are from the realm of object magic. They are needed to “find”, “see” the target – a person, as a rule.
In the case of astral (mental, meditative) magic or shamanism, the magician finds a person in the astral plane, that is, finds his energy-information field, which he directly influences. If the magician cannot do this for some reason - he does not have sufficient command of the technique, or the object is under, then one of the ways to exert an influence is to make a lining. Upon his contact with a person, a magical program that has already been created in the astral plane begins to work - the person’s psycho-energetic egregor connects to the necessary egregors in the astral plane, and interaction begins between them. It can be positive or negative (which happens more often). If it is a “mine”, then a single contact is enough; if it is a continuous throw, the contact must be regular.

That is, the lining launches some kind of magical program. But what triggers it in the lining itself? Spirit? Demon? Egregor? The thing itself, after magical manipulations, is a program that launches further processes, and you can call it whatever you like.
Things can also have their own egregors. They are created by people. For example, there are old things that objectively have no value, but are dear to us for some reason. We like them, they are precisely ours. This feeling arises because over a long period of use we unconsciously create egregors, astral bodies, for these things.
Magicians are able to create egregors, tied to things, consciously, and these will have a narrow set of specific functions that are needed for a specific task, for example, etc. Such a thing becomes a lining. The complexity and strength of his egregor depends on the skill of the magician and the task at hand. Magical programs (essentially egregors) can be very complex, and the impact of the linings can be multi-level and targeted.
When a person comes into contact with a toss in physical world, his astral double comes into contact with the egregor of the lining in the subtle world. And then it depends on the program embedded in the lining:
The egregor of the lining can switch the astral field of a person to other egregors in the astral, and everything that will then happen to the person will be justified by these connections and the essence of the connected egregors;
the lining can also connect the subtle body of a person to the astral channel of the magician, and the magician will have the opportunity to influence the person directly with the help of mental magic; in addition, the magician can thus take away the “vampiric” energy of a person for his own purposes;
The egregor of the lining may not create new astral connections, but independently exert the planned effect on the astral body of a person.
The first two options are typical for “min” throws, the third – for permanent contact pads.

Pads are energy “vampires”

They can be either “mines” or contact ones. The contact lining keeps the “vampiric” channel open when it is near a person, the “mine” creates such a connection once, but it will not be interrupted without special magical intervention.
You can “vampire” not only the energy of a person’s psycho-informational astral field, but also luck, success, cash flow, health, presence of mind, and mood. In this case, the “vampire” lining reorients the person’s natural or magically established connections with useful egregors. For example, a person has a good channel of positive communication with the money egregor. The magical program of the “vampiric” lining reorients the channel in such a way that all the positive effect of this connection goes to another person. That is, a person’s useful astral connection works for the benefit of another. In this case, the lining may not cause any active harm, unless one considers it harmful that the victim of magical intervention will be left behind by good luck in business and financial affairs.
The making of such pledges is usually ordered from magicians by people out of a desire to harm someone or simply out of envy. But the magicians themselves can spread “vampiric” linings. Usually, they simply steal the energy of the astral body. This is practiced by unscrupulous and inexperienced novice sorcerers and witches who need energy for rituals, but their own strength is not enough, and they cannot replenish it in other ways.
“Vampiric” linings can be “forgotten”, “lost” things, or something that looks valuable. For example, an empty wallet, a coin, or a gold-plated ring on the road can be “mines.” If someone picks up the object, the toss is triggered. Sometimes energy-stealing linings are distributed under the guise of free or cheap amulets, spells for all occasions, etc.

Objects of lining magic

The objects of magical influence through the lining are usually people. Pads can be personal - designed for a specific person and safe for others - or addressless. The effect of an addressless throw extends to everyone who is nearby, or who picked it up, if it is a “mine”. “Mines” can be single-action or multiple-action - they will work as many times as there are people in contact with them.
The direct object of influence can be a house or apartment. Usually, for this purpose they use a contact pad, which is hidden somewhere in a secluded place. This could be poured sand, earth, or a nail driven into the threshold, or even something embedded in the wall. Everyone living in the house will experience the impact of the toss.

What does contact with the lining mean?

Usually - tactile, that is, the object must be picked up, or carried on oneself, in clothes, in a pocket, in a wallet, etc. But there are options for “mines” pads that are activated by visual contact – a glance. Or from a word heard. That is, the lining will not begin to act until the person hears or utters a phrase. This is exactly how hoaxes presented under the guise of a conspiracy can work. Contact methods can be combined.

Almost always, for the effective operation of a “mine” lining, it is not last value has mental contact. That is, a person finds a strange object - a stuck needle, a knot, an amulet, an incomprehensible drawing on the floor or on the wall - and begins to think about it. Such discoveries cause concern and anxiety - what to do now?

How to protect yourself from lining?

If this is a magical “mine”, and contact with it has already occurred, then it will no longer be possible to effectively neutralize the consequences without the help of a professional magician. If you find a lining that is clearly designed to be discovered, then do not touch it with your bare hands, do not look at it, and try not to think about it. The latter is the most difficult to do, so try to think of the lining as neutrally as possible, as some kind of abstract “thing”, garbage that needs to be removed (this is in case you can’t pass by, for example - you found something on the threshold of the house).
If you simply throw away the discovered lining, other people may suffer from it, in addition, its effect may still affect you. It's safer to destroy him. To do this you can:
throw it into the river, or, as a last resort, hold it under running water before throwing it away;
bury in the ground;
blow in the wind (if it is a tuft of hair, thread, or earth, sand, salt, or an amulet made using them).
That is, to neutralize the lining, you need to use the emanation of one of the elements - fire, water, earth, air.

If you have protective amulets and amulets, this may help against a weak lining, but this is not a fact. If you ordered magical protection from a professional magician, then this is a more reliable remedy against any kind of tossing, but even here there is no 100% guarantee. And it’s not that the magician set up a bad defense, it’s just impossible to take everything into account.
Remember, at the beginning of the article, I compared pads with hacker attacks and computer viruses? Sooner or later, any protection can be bypassed - both in the world of digital technology and in the world of magic. If you have magical protection, but someone seriously intends to harm you and turns to a strong magician, then the magician will most likely find a way to bypass the protective blocks. True, for this you will have to make a very complex lining, and not everyone can do it.
In any case, if you discover a toss, it is better to seek professional magical advice and diagnose the astral field.
Is it always necessary to take protective measures if a lining is discovered? What if he is protective or favorable? Yes, always. If someone has regard for you good intentions, then there is no need to secretly plant something on you. Also beware of sudden gifts from someone you don't expect, or unexpectedly expensive and unusual gifts.
Just don’t, of course, fall into panic and paranoia - from gifts or from a thread accidentally found in your pocket, and suspect loved ones of bad intentions. Sometimes a thread is just a thread.
Consultation and diagnosis of a professional magician will help dispel doubts, and if negative is detected, it can be removed. It happens that diagnostics, on the contrary, help to detect the effect of tossing, which a person is not even aware of.

Damage to the lining in circles of people who practice magic is simply called lining. This word is not used in any other meaning, which means there is no confusion.

What is this? This type of damage has always been considered the most powerful, and there is a simple explanation for this.

Regardless of how strong the magician did the work, a person, having found earth, the corpse of a cat or dog under his door, begins to weaken himself. People say that such a person cheats himself.

Thus, the magician sometimes does not even have to do anything. Regularly appearing soil under the door has a psychological effect.

That is, there may not be damage, but through self-hypnosis a person begins to destroy himself.

What is used as lining

Since lining is village magic, the things that are thrown up will, at first glance, be the most ordinary.

To direct it, the magician takes bones or objects from the cemetery, and other components and sews or ties it all into a new scarf. Into the knot.

Ideally, they try to drag him into the victim’s bed. But sometimes they can just throw it under the door.

To remove such damage, take (not with your bare hands!) a bundle and go to the river. Throw it into the water and say:

“You, river, flow, take the lining-laying-laying with you. Leak, float, return his burden to the owner."

Go home without looking back or talking to anyone, since your task is to remove the impact of negativity, and other people's words can destroy this process.

How to visit

Because this is very strong impact, then doing and trying to cause such damage yourself is highly not recommended.

It is better to find a specialist who will do all the work efficiently and safely. However, you can try to restore weak damage.

Any hair decoration is suitable for this. It should be thrown under the victim’s door or placed on the doorknob.

How to clean an apartment after lining

If you find and burn the lining, do not relax. Most likely, it was not an isolated incident and the apartment needs to be inspected again.

In addition, the energy field of the house will bear the imprint of the negative program for some time. Therefore, the first thing to do after the lining is destroyed is.

You can invite a priest for this, or you can try to clean the house yourself, especially since the same tools will be used.

So, in order to cleanse your house of negativity, you will need:

Light the incense and candle.

Walk through the house, stopping in the corners and reading “Our Father”, “Akathist to the Archangel Michael” and other prayers that suit your specific case. But the universal option is “Our Father.”

If you belong to another religion, then instead Christian prayer read those provided by your faith in such cases.

Pay attention to what happens to the candles. If it starts to “smoke”, “cry”, if the wax starts to flow black, stay in this place longer, or even better, carefully inspect it.

Probably, there is either another lining hidden here, or just a cluster negative energy. By the way, in the corners where children are placed as punishment, the candles just begin to give off black smoke.