What is the best name for a boy born in January? Name days in January: men's and women's according to the Orthodox calendar

A craving for independence, a strong character, isolation, pronounced leadership abilities - all these characteristics apply to men born in the first month of the year. They love to work, courageously overcome any obstacles, are balanced, but at the same time they suffer from painful pride. How to name a boy born in January so that the name is consistent with his personality? Fortunately, the choice of options is huge.


What to name a boy in January, dreaming of a charming, intelligent, creative son? IN childhood Evgeny is unlikely to be an obedient quiet person, but you shouldn’t expect excessive mobility from him either. The name gives the child a tendency towards good nature, which will be combined with a certain impulsiveness and a passion for artistry. Zhenya is quite easily angered, but he does not resort to force when arguing.

Those around him will be surprised by his sudden decisive actions, which he often does not expect from himself. Eugene is full of ambitious impulses, knows how to appreciate the advantages of the material world, and often strives for fame. He is not a workaholic, obsessed with work, but he does not pass up the opportunity to get a promotion. Sometimes this man opens own business, but mostly limited to dreams about him.

Charming Evgeniy can marry several times, remaining on excellent terms with each ex-wife. However, a happy marriage on the first try is not excluded. This is an excellent name for a boy born in January if parents want to see their son in the future as a representative of a creative profession. Name days - January 6 and 21.


In January, so that he becomes confident, assertive and strong? Alexander is an excellent option, because this name belonged to many famous commanders and emperors. The boy's character will be somewhat arrogant and authoritative; he will tend to want to stand out from the crowd. For Sasha, success in any area is important - study, sports, career. He wants to show leadership qualities.

If Alexander can detach himself from the opinions of others and concentrate on his goals, dizzying success awaits him in almost any field of activity, be it commerce, sports, or politics. The life partner of a man with this name will be provided with everything except fidelity, since he is inclined to indulge in fleeting hobbies. Name days are celebrated on January 17th.


What do you call a boy born in January to raise a son full of innovative ideas, prone to decisive action and ready to take risks for the sake of his goal? It’s difficult with Grigory in childhood, when he easily loses his temper, not remembering to be careful, reacting violently to attempts to hurt his pride.

In adulthood, Grisha's energy is directed in a positive direction. There are frequent cases when boys with that name, who were not interested in studying in the junior and high school, suddenly begin to catch up closer to graduation and enter a prestigious university. It is important to be able to help Gregory decide on his goal; he needs specific tasks, which he copes with excellently. Often these men make a brilliant career, but their fate cannot be called simple; it is full of ups and downs.

What to name a boy in January, dreaming of a calm and happy life for him? Definitely not Grigory, because these men do not give special significance comfort, do not value regularity and convenience. Their brutality attracts women, however family life working with them cannot be called simple and pleasant. Gregory's name day in January is celebrated on the 1st, 14th, 18th, 21st, and 23rd.


In January, so that he grows up practical, sober-minded and at the same time not devoid of adventurism? Victor is not a person who can be classified as a romantic idealist; pragmatism predominates in him. Strong emotions and adventure beckons this man, but he never completely surrenders to the excitement, knowing how to get out of the game completely. The one who is ready to let go a large sum in the casino, his name is definitely not Victor.

People like Victor's great sense of humor; they consider him cheerful and interesting conversationalist. In their youth, these men are quite impulsive, they can say too much, but with age they learn from their own mistakes. They have access to a career in many fields, but they should not choose a profession related to philosophical movements and abstract concepts. It is worth considering a technical specialty, scientific work. Name day - January 31st.


How to name a boy born in January if you want to choose enough rare name? Daniil is not seen as often as Sasha or Zhenya. These men are not characterized by hot temper and aggression, they do not give in negative emotions, but they love to engage in soul-searching, which greatly hinders them during adolescence. They resolve conflicts with the help of persuasion, paralyzing the enemy with their own good nature.

In most cases, Daniel is happily married; he chooses his companions not by appearance, but by their inner world. The well-being of his family is very important to him, and he is ready to take care of increasing it tirelessly. Men with this name are especially successful in the fields of art and philosophy; they cannot be called active figures. Name day - January 2.


When choosing the name of a boy born in January, you can name the child Ivan. Name famous character Russian fairy tales evoke associations with good nature and thoroughness, inner strength. These men do not need a leadership role, but are prone to ambition and dream high social status and often achieve it. Vanya has been independent since childhood and knows how to adapt to circumstances.

Ivan is not familiar with problems in relationships with the opposite sex, unless he still has complexes that came from childhood. He may seem flighty, but in reality he is not prone to adultery and frequent changes of chosen ones. Ivan highly values ​​material wealth; his ability to get along with a team often allows him to achieve great career success and occupy leadership positions. Name days - January 2 and 11.


Vladimir is a wonderful name for a boy born in January. From the Old Russian language it is translated as “owning the world”, has pagan origin. Control of emotions, calmness, confidence are typical qualities for Volodya. People trust him, often ask for advice, and consider him an intelligent and charming person. Men with this name are careful in choosing friends.

Vladimir's energy and inner strength allow him to achieve the most difficult goals. Such a person will not waste time on tinsel, moving on the straight path. Efficiency and perseverance are traits that open up a wide variety of professions for him. Volodya is often happy in marriage; he wants to see a practical wife as a wife. smart woman, true friend. Name day - January 25th.


What to name a boy born in January so that he becomes businesslike and economical? Ilya. Men with this name value order above all else; they do an excellent job of organizing. In the family circle, at work - everywhere they show thoroughness, balance, and spiritual integrity. The latter quality makes emotional outbursts possible, but conflicts pass painlessly, leaving no memories.

Ilya rarely fails in professional activities. However, his habit of setting the bar too high for himself often results in dissatisfaction. current situation business Such men start a family at a fairly late age, preferring to first create a stable financial base. in January they are celebrated on the 1st, 21st and 27th.


Maxim is the name of a boy born in January, which is most easily described with the words “ambition” and “pride”. These men often suffer from high self-esteem, which mature years could be the root of their problems. They have difficulty parting with their youth, do not want to grow up, giving up carefree fun, and are constantly looking for ways to assert themselves, trying to penetrate into circles that they consider elite. Max attracts influential patrons, but this deprives him of independence.

If Maxim manages to overcome the negative traits of his own character, his energy allows him to achieve dizzying career heights in various fields of activity. Men with this name are successful among the opposite sex, but they often find themselves immersed in difficult relationships. Happy marriage more likely in later life. Name day - January 26, 29, 31.


If the boy's name day is in January, you can name him Peter. Children with this name are characterized by activity, restlessness, and a passion for research. They love to disassemble objects into small parts. Petya's character will be formed depending on the environment in which he spent his childhood. A boy can grow up unbending and tough, or become soft and vulnerable. As a rule, he does not have difficulties at school and easily absorbs new information and strives for knowledge.

Peter has such advantages as excellent memory, analytical mind, it is easy for him to master technical professions, he is successful in the fields of music, writing, and teaching. Such a man spends the first half of his life in search of an ideal companion, the second in a strong family, for the sake of whose strength he agrees to make absolutely any sacrifice. He should have children after 30; if they appear earlier, Peter will be indifferent to them. Name days - January 3, 10, 14, 15, 22, 25, 26, 29.

Not quite suitable names

Orthodox names for boys in January should not be too tough, since they already have a fairly strong character. Otherwise, the negative character traits that are characteristic of January children will come out, supplemented by the appropriate name. It is not recommended to choose names such as Dmitry, Anatoly, Igor for your son.

The second month of winter is considered the harshest. If we proceed from the sign that winter children are stronger than others, then this applies to January children back in to a greater extent. They are more patient, more restrained, more serious and decisive than others. It is best to reinforce the baby’s inherent character by birth with an appropriate name. Now the tradition of focusing on the calendar in this matter is returning, since they provide a wide choice. Name days in January are marked by powerful patrons, and on different dates there are different saints.

Large selection for men

Saints are not just a calendar of religious holidays and dates. This is a book of the history of Orthodoxy. When choosing a name for a child according to the calendar, parents not only introduce the child into the circle Orthodox traditions, but also determine a defender for him.

In this regard, January provides a huge choice for future men.

For life and protection

It is believed that a name given in honor of a particular saint not only protects a person, but also has a great influence on his life and destiny. Truly religious people also talk about a real, direct energetic connection between people and their guardians. For a more complete understanding of what a name can provide, it is better to properly study the facts associated with it.

The choice in January for boys is great:

From Ilya to Alexander

If you look at the name day calendar in January male names, then you can find a lot of interesting things. This applies both to the origin of the names themselves and to the personalities of the holy protectors. Here is not only the history of the church, here is the history of the formation and development of the state.

It is worth giving some examples:

Also among boys, name days are celebrated in January by: Ignatius, Daniel, Nikita, Peter, Mikhail, Prokop, Filaret, Feofan, Fedor, Naum, Innocent, Nikolai, Efim, Konstantin, Tikhon, Leonid, Arkady, Georgy, Bogdan, Vyacheslav, Eremey, Kuzma, Seraphim, Zakhar, Kirill and others.

You can focus not only on the child’s date of birth, but also on any date, up to his baptism, as well as several days after baptism. This increases the number of options.

In this case, a child born in the second winter month may have a name day in both January and February.

Names for women

It’s also easy to choose a name day for a girl in January. You can focus on the beauty of the name, the deeds of the saints. The church calendar will come to the rescue here too, providing quite a wide choice. He will help you make the right decision that will suit all family members.

Assistants and mentors

Some names, of course, may seem outdated, but they are recent years are coming into fashion. Girls are not deprived of defenders, women from whom they can follow an example. Can be combined with great meaning beautiful names, which look natural in today's life. In January, name days for girls are set, among others, as follows:

Kind and firm

The January calendar allows you to choose harmonious female names, which are unlikely to cause much controversy and will be able to suit all relatives. Here are some options:

January birthday girls are also: Claudia, Evgenia, Agrippina, Glikeria, Anna, Evdokia, Matryona, Irina, Polina, Vasilisa, Agnia, Nina, Elena, Ksenia and others.

Whoever has a birthday in January- boys or girls - they must grow up to be strong, real people. Their life will be rich in events that will give them the opportunity to show their strongest qualities. Who knows, maybe later books will be written based on their destinies, and future generations of people will be educated using their examples.

Attention, TODAY only!

Each season has its own characteristics, and children born at this time also have their own specific characteristics. In January, for example, talented and purposeful people. But winter children, in most cases, have a complex character, they love to conflict and rarely, when they find common language with peers. But January children are distinguished by patience, balance and really value independent work. Many boys born in January are able to courageously endure minor and major troubles.

It should be noted that most January people suffer from painful pride. After all, very often they commit imprudent acts, following their pride, and thereby take unjustified risks. But they almost never get into serious trouble because they have developed intuition.

What are babies born in January like?

The character of men born in January is courageous and fair, you can rely on them in difficult times. Decisive in their actions, they often behave imprudently and are prone to unjustified risks. They are lenient towards the weaker, respectful and considerate with women, and capable of forgiveness. They are very proud and have a strong will. Wonderful family men.

Children born at the same time can differ greatly from each other in character traits, even twins or twins can be different in character. There is an opinion that the name given to a person at birth, affects him positively or negatively. Therefore, you need to choose names according to their meaning, as well as taking into account factors such as time of birth and zodiac sign. Each of these points deposits certain traits in a person, and together they create a character with positive and negative traits. For example, boys born in January are reliable, devoted friends and faithful spouses. They can also be forgiving and patient, able to forgive and listen. And if a boy is given a sonorous name, then all these qualities will pass to him. The names of boys born in January, soft in meaning and sound, can greatly soften their character traits. Conversely, strong-willed names can impart additional rigidity in character and even pride. That is why the names of boys born in January need to be selected more carefully, taking into account all the above nuances.

With the right name for a boy born in January, you can enhance his leadership qualities. The child will be nimble, easy to train, grasp everything on the fly, and quickly master new skills. Many January men (who have sonorous, strong names) are careerists who work only if they see career advancement in the foreseeable future. What names are suitable for January boys?

Names of boys born in January:






