Emo youth subculture. Symptom of LonelinessWhy Kids Become Emo and Goth

Who are emo and goths? How can parents understand where their child has gotten himself into? Kravchek Dina Illarionovna

Goths and emo

Goths and emo

I’ll say right away: goths are much more interesting than emo. In any case, they more successfully fit into the general cultural layer, making entire departments of history, literature, philosophy, esotericism, and music their own, that is, “Gothic.” That is, if it’s difficult to talk to emos, since their range of topics does not go beyond today, then you can talk with Goths, and it can be very pleasant.

Emo are sometimes called glamorous goths in vain. In terms of their love for fashionable clothes, emo, of course, is very close to glamor, but they are completely different from goths. Today's emos have almost nothing else besides their appearance and talk about restlessness in the world. The Goths are another matter. They also pay a lot of attention to their appearance, but at the same time they live a rich life. inner life, many of them are creative people. They have their own aesthetics - gloomy, of course, but very attractive.

Goths are often confused with another youth movement - Satanists. The latter are a phenomenon of a very special kind, in fact, not so much a movement as a secret society, a modern religion that rejected Christianity and turned its gaze to Satan, that is, choosing a positive attitude towards evil as its ideal. Satanists study the gospel of LaVey, idolize Lucifer and strive to master the art of black magic. As the Church of Satan, they are, of course, untenable, but the methods of mastering the sorcery disciplines terrify the well-meaning layman. Of course: Satanists do not see anything wrong in making bloody sacrifices. It’s good that the victims are mainly animals. But this too normal person causes disgust and rejection.

Goths are not Satanists. More precisely, to Satan and dark forces they have a great attitude, it fits into the framework of gothic aesthetics, but they don’t slaughter anyone in cemeteries, don’t serve black masses, and they just talk about black topics more than they do it themselves. However, among the masses of ignorant people, Goths are strongly associated with the image of Satan.

At the same time, Goths are more understandable to people who do not share their ideals. If only because it is clear that the Gothic theme has become firmly entrenched in culture and art. Here the Goths did not invent anything new. The favorite Gothic theme - vampirism - has become very firmly established in painting, literature and cinema. The topic, as they say, is everlasting. It is loved by writers, artists and directors of various schools and directions. In this sense, the Goths came ready-made. Emos, by contrast, are as poor as church rats. They have nothing to boast about except music. By the way, this is one of the reasons why they don’t like goths too much, but at least they understand them, while emo people don’t like them and don’t understand them.

The aesthetics of death (and the Gothic worldview contrasts death with life and shows it as something attractive) among the Goths is as different from the aesthetics of emo death as the paintings of the great masters are from comics. I'm ready, of course teenage perception world, but compared to emo goths just philosophers. Of course, only real goths, and not near-gothic young ladies and boys who came up with the word “gothic” as the highest praise for everything they admire.

So a real goth is a philosopher and poet, who reads a lot and strives to understand the essence of things, smart, with a specific sense of humor, often gloomy, but almost always spiritual.

It is enough to go to almost any gothic site to understand the difference between emo and goths. On the sites of the former you will not find either good literature or good cinema. The only thing you can get from emo resources is music recordings of emo bands. On Gothic sites you will often find entire deposits of books, sometimes ones that are difficult to find on the Internet. In this regard, the Goths are very active and willingly publish even historical and cultural studies. You will also find a lot of good music, both “gothic” and simply good, often classical. Some resources are entirely dedicated to cinema and can serve as a guide to film studies. From this enumeration alone it is clear how much more saturated the cultural layer is perceived by the Goths. Emo are just little kids compared to them.

However, when journalists take on the Goths, it usually turns out that the Goths also look somehow mentally retarded. Journalists simply don’t know what to ask a goth boy or a goth girl.

“Eh,” the journalist comes up with a question. – How long have you been ready in society?

“A long time ago,” says the Goth girl, “three or four years (for her it’s a long time, a very long time ago).

– Why did you choose the Goths? – the journalist asks a question that causes stupor.

“It happened so,” says the girl (how can you explain why one person likes to communicate with goths, and another likes to drink beer with skins?)

- Do you like it with them? – the journalist tortures.

At this point the girl can’t stand it and replies that if she didn’t like it, she wouldn’t hang out together, which is completely fair. Here the journalist asks the question for which the interview was probably started.

- But you go to the cemetery... Are you ever scared there or don’t you experience any such sensations?

God knows what the journalist means by “such” sensations, but the girl understands: the dead are much safer than the living, she replies, and in general there is peace and tranquility in the cemetery, that is, according to Gothic concepts, complete happiness. Having heard about cemetery happiness, the journalist no longer wants to meddle in this jungle. For the sake of formality, she is interested in the number of Goths, and then smoothly moves on to a more understandable issue for the writing fraternity - clothing, and from clothing - to literature. The journalist persistently calls the clothes Gothic, and the literature Gothic. This is where it turns out that for a normal Goth, the degree of “Gothicness” of literature is not so important, and the girl even asks: “What do you mean by the word “Gothic literature”? Occultism, or what? And hints that besides works of art There are also studies on magic and demonology. “But you’re not interested in demonology or cults.” pagan gods? – she asks thoughtfully. To which the journalist admits that she is not good with demonology, but demands to confess what else the respondent is reading. It turns out that the books are about the lives of artists and writers.

“But that’s not interesting to you,” the girl adds.

- No, why not! – the journalist exclaims. – This is just the opposite! For example, I’m very interested, and he gives a damning justification for his increased interest. – Their life is not always connected with the Gothic.

This remarkable addition makes the respondent’s hair stand on end.

“When a person likes a work,” she notes, “why not read how it was written, how the writer lived?.. This is simply spiritual enrichment! The sense of beauty is probably the most important thing in the gothic subculture.

It definitely exists in the Goth subculture. But the journalist has nothing more to ask such a well-read young lady: she weakly inquires whether the girl knows how to play the musical instruments. It turns out that he can do more than just one. What a problem. I wanted to get scary pictures from the life of the “Goth subculture,” but I had to talk to some too smart and gifted girl, damn her. She didn’t even say anything criminal about the cemetery.

And, addressing her viewer, the journalist hammers the last nail into the coffin of the “Gothic” interview:

– Thank you for telling us about Gothic, about their character and life.

Everyone, turn off the lights. We talked.

Unfortunately, interviews with goths or articles about goths are structured in such a way that it is impossible to understand who the goths are. And parents are frightened after reading the revelation of the greyhound writers that their daughter or son will choose the Goth party. After all, the cemetery occupies an honorable central place in articles about the Goths. Is it normal for a teenager to walk in a cemetery? And he reads books that are clearly not from the children's library?

Fine. For - goth. A goth, as a rule, is almost an adult. According to the researchers’ sample, the age of the Goths ranges from 17 to 22 years. These are not twelve-year-old emos. These are people with an established worldview.

Death in their worldview is surrounded by a shining halo. And every goth strives to look like a worthy warrior of death.

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Goths and emo I’ll say right away: goths are much more interesting than emo. In any case, they more successfully fit into the general cultural layer, making entire departments of history, literature, philosophy, esotericism, and music their own, that is, “Gothic.” That is, if it’s difficult to talk to an emo, because

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In life you can meet anything, and various representatives youth subcultures is not the most surprising thing. But there are many strange moments in their behavior:

  1. Why do they like the same clothes?
  2. What attracts them to the chosen movement?
  3. How do they live like this?

Most often, these questions in our country are raised in relation to those who like the “emo” subculture. It is worth noting the fact that in our country this direction has literally mutated and changed greatly compared to its original character. Many emos do not even realize how far they are from the pioneers, and continue to live with false ideas about their movement.

Where does the wind blow from?

The previous century turned out to be rich in the discovery of fundamentally new cultures (although the phrase that everything new is well-forgotten old remains relevant). The etymology of the word "emo" is very simple and accessible even to a person with complete ignorance foreign languages.

Emo subculture English sounds like "emotional", which means "emotional". In sociology and cultural studies this is a certain part public culture, which has fundamental differences with the prevailing one. In fact, it is a small world with its own values, behavior, style and even language. Of course, it is worth noting that such communities are distinguished by many basic factors, for example, by nationality, demographics, professional or geographic.

The emo subculture appeared as a reaction of society to the dullness and lack of ideas of the present. Every day, most people go to a job they don't like, knowing that they will spend the whole day there, putting on a fake smile, being under the gun of security cameras (which happens all the time these days). We hide our real emotions under a mask, forgetting that there is only one life and we cannot repeat it. Real emotions are real life. Based on this idea, a whole movement arises.

From history

It is worth noting the achievement of the American sociologist David Reisman, who in his works identified groups of people similar in style and moral values ​​into subcultures. In turn, Dick Habdige wrote a book about subcultures and the meaning of style, giving his point of view on groups and deciding that the main motive for secession was dissatisfaction with generally accepted standards.

The topic began to be studied by the Frenchman Michel Maffesoli, who called such youth movements urban tribes, but Viktor Dolnik in his book works was more delicate and used the concept of “clubs”. In the USSR, subcultures were informal associations, which were also called tusovka. This attitude is understandable, because representatives of such movements differed from the general mass.

There were only three major topics left that were not touched upon by the organizers and ideological inspirers of the subcultures. It's prison, drugs and homosexuality. These areas are so specific in themselves that factional divisions within them do not attract others or encourage others to join. The youth subculture of emo arose on the basis of fans of one musical style, which was precisely distinguished by the abundance of expressed emotions.

Basic features of emo

Their first and most important difference is their common worldview and attitude to emotions: emo is not afraid to show his real self, opens his soul completely, and therefore remains in harmony with himself. Representatives of this trend love bright colors, but the stereotypical thinking that the only acceptable combination for them is black and pink is wrong.

The emo subculture advocates the brightness and richness of colors - this is the color of the grass in spring, and bright sunlight(the more colors and shades, the better). Therefore, real emo are not those strange children in striped clothes, but simply people who stand out from the crowd, whose outfit you want to look at and, perhaps, repeat. By the way, you can recognize an emo by asking and asking to tell you about the ideological component of the costume - they will not remain silent or avoid answering. In communication, they are as friendly as possible, since they fundamentally do not believe in evil and oppose injustice.

It is possible that a representative of emo culture will, on the contrary, be a depressed and easily vulnerable person, since negative emotions are too acute for them. In their desire to tell grief, emos can go too far and then push people away from them. Stereotypes paint them as whiny and weak people, but the true representatives of the movement are completely different. The emo subculture is very deep and interesting to learn, but it requires the right approach and the desire to promote it to the masses.

About music

So, the basis for the emergence of this community was music, which is somewhat reminiscent of punk rock and, strictly speaking, is its variety. At the same time, the value orientations of these directions are absolutely polar. Probably the most romantic and sensitive people in the world are united by the emo subculture. The history of the emergence of this movement eloquently focuses attention on the romanticism, love sublimity and emotionality of its adherents. Personal experiences are much more important to them than social events. At the same time, emo is completely devoid of aggression, which is so characteristic of hardcore.

Music often also connects emo with representatives of the gothic subculture, who are “very original” in choosing the colors of their outfits (they prefer completely black and the most closed style, although there are exceptions to the rules). Emo often sings about rather sad things, for example, Paramore or Fall Out Boy, who perform songs with anguish, telling about the problems of existence and the happiness of love. Nowadays, groups singing in the emo-revival style are at the peak of popularity, including Empire! Empire!, Touche Amore and many others.

About symbols

How is the emo subculture different? You can briefly judge it by the clothing of its representatives: although the color may be variable, the style is always recognizable - skinny jeans (regardless of gender), a large belt with the symbols of a vegan adherent. By the way, this movement is very popular among emo people, but not everyone can be a vegan.

Thus, emos protest against violence against animals, many of them do not eat meat or animal products. Emos really love comfortable shoes, namely sneakers. Their look can be complemented with leg warmers, mittens, checkered scarves and multi-colored badges. There can be quite a lot of the latter, but you still need to know when to stop.

Image and make-up

Even a guy who loves emo style can hardly do without some makeup. But only a skillful one will look stylish and not feminine with it. By the way, among emo there are not as many representatives of non-traditional orientation as is commonly believed. A guy can remain masculine even wearing a traditional emo hairstyle with choppy bangs. And many famous music artists They set an example for them by lining their eyes with black liner. It’s easier for girls in this regard, because emo people approve of a bright make-up, funny hairpins and an abundance of hearts.

Let's try to find out who emo are. How does a group of people who call themselves emo live: their attitude, attributes and clothes, the music they listen to, the lifestyle they live.

Who are emo? The youth subculture of emo (from English emotional) originates from the style of music of the same name, of which emo are fans. Representatives of the culture are divided into two categories according to gender: emo-boy (boy of emo culture) or emo-girl (girl of emo culture).

Let's return to the word "emotional", which is pronounced as "immotional" - which means it will sound nothing other than imo, but in the Russian language there is a word "emotional", and it is from this that the variant of the name "emo" came from.

Emo attitude

Emotions and their expression are perhaps the most important thing in the life of any emo; they are characterized by self-expression, confrontation and a very sensual attitude towards everything that happens in life. Who are emo? There is already a stereotype among people about emo culture - people with a depressive attitude towards life, seeing only the negative side of everything, constantly showing their tearful nature (and here we are talking not only about females, but also about emo boys too), inclined to make decisions problematic situations in life with suicide. But despite all this horror, what sets emo apart from other movements is that their culture is considered prone to romanticism and emphasizes sublime feelings.

Emo culture promotes such a concept as straight aging - the whole philosophy of this concept is contained in the simplest form of a negative attitude towards alcohol, tobacco, drugs, and in some cases vegetarianism, refusal to use products containing caffeine, refusal of medications and promiscuity are also attributed. The term “straight edge” itself was borrowed from the Minor Threat song “Straight Edge”.

Emo or goth? Who are emo - the same goths or are they two? different subcultures? Very similar, but at the same time different subcultures. All that unites them is, perhaps, their gloominess, a romantic attitude towards everything related to death and depression, and an addiction to the color black. The most important difference between them will always be their attitude to the world - emos hate themselves, goths, in turn, hate everything around them, and due to their worldview, goths are less susceptible to suicidal tendencies and disastrous outcomes, unlike emos. The Gothic movement is characterized by a love of cemeteries, the Baroque and Gothic styles, so these movements should not be confused.

The emo world is always filled with an explosive amount of deep personal experiences, which is why such people have a dulled reaction to social events taking place around them, which can even end in renunciation from the world and the disastrous outcome of suicide, because these people, as a rule, simply have no other choice for themselves. see.

Emo look

Who are emo? Let's look at the most important distinguishing features of this subculture that will help you accurately determine who is an emo. Among the many distinctive features are the following:

  • Clothing color: pink and black. Black symbolizes depression, alienation from the world, and pink - the opposition to the connection with the Gothic movement.
  • The traditional emo hairstyle is a slanting torn bang that hangs down to the nose, covering at least one eye, while the hair at the back is short and sticking out in different directions. This is coarse straight hair for young people; girls have all sorts of almost childish hairstyles (ponytails with bright clips and bows), two-layer hairstyles that include two colors, the main one of which remains the same black.
  • The presence of tunnels in the ears, piercings on the face and other parts of the body.
  • Like girls, emo boys use light foundation for their skin, thickly line their eyes with black pencil, paint their eyelashes with mascara, and paint their nails with varnish.
  • Tight tight T-shirts, tight dark jeans with a dark or pink belt, simple sneakers with bright plain laces or checkered laces (emo has its own specific style of lacing), a checkered two-color scarf around the neck, striped leg warmers on the arms and legs; headbands with a bow, large and bright glasses, wristbands and colorful bracelets, a large “mail” bag with various badges.
  • What is rare in emo clothing is unisex clothing.
  • A variety of jewelry from headbands with bows in the hair, large glasses of bright colors, various types of wristbands and bracelets on the arms, bright large beads to soft toys that play the role of mascots, which they then try not to part with anywhere.

I think now you have at least the slightest idea of ​​who emo is, and you can easily distinguish emo from goth or any other representative of another subculture.

Emo style music

Probably the first question that will arise is: what is the difference between emo music and the rest? Emo music contains squeals, crying, whispers that turn into screams, these are songs about broken and unrequited love, about injustice, violence and a world full of cruelty. In terms of sound, there are both soft melodic compositions and heavy ones with anguish. It is impossible to compare one group or another; each person expresses it in his own way. various types emotions, the most important thing is the sincerity of these emotions and that they come from the soul itself. Any standard emo band is no different in composition from any other music group– this is bass, guitar, drums and, of course, a soloist with a beautiful melodic voice, capable of taking high notes. Simply put: powerful music, complex parts, impulsiveness in music and performance, beautiful voice soloist singing about the problems of his unrequited love and eternal problem of its existence is emo music. I will give just a few examples of groups that fit the emo style: My Chemical Romance, Cursive, Neversmile, Origami, etc.

Nowadays, more and more teenagers are joining the emo lifestyle. And this increasingly makes us think about what is wrong and where that turning point in the life of an ordinary teenager occurred.

Goths, punks, rockers, emo, hippies, skinheads - all these subcultures differ not only in the principles they advocate and external manifestations, but also in their lifestyle as such. But if we can easily distinguish a hippie from a skinhead, then goths and emo have many similar features. Let's try to clarify and differentiate these directions.


Goths- a subculture that emerged as a result of the punk movement in Great Britain in the late 1970s.

Emo is a youth subculture that emerged in the 1980s in the United States thanks to adherents of the music style of the same name.


The term "emo" comes from the adjective "emotional". The main rule for representatives of this subculture is the open expression of their own emotions. Often these are vulnerable and even depressed people who tend to have a sensual worldview. Emo is often compared to the goth subculture, which causes outright protest from both. Their main similarities are their love of black clothing, romanticization of death and depression. However, there are also many differences between them. Thus, the Goths are characterized by the so-called cemetery aesthetics - they often hang themselves various amulets in the form of crosses, skulls, spiders, etc. Emos prefer to complement their image with multi-colored bracelets, large beads, wristbands, and badges.

The Goth subculture is represented by people aged 15 to 45 years, and sometimes older. Emo is a purely youth subculture, widespread among teenagers. Appearance Emo teenagers correspond to their age: clothes with children's drawings and massive jewelry in their hair, soft toys as constant companions of representatives of this subculture. The image of the goths corresponds to the black color in clothes, while emos dilute it with cheerful pink. The former wear long flowing hair, the latter prefer short haircuts with oblique, torn bangs that reach the tip of the nose and cover one eye.


Thus, emo, unlike the goths, cannot be called a culture with purely negative energy. Although its representatives have a slightly depressive worldview, deep down they recognize that the world is cheerful and bright. In addition, emos do not welcome appeals to dark forces and mysticism. They strive for a calm and peaceful existence. Goths are a tougher subculture, interested in everything that has anything to do with death. Its representatives are considered ardent adherents of the truth, love to reason and try to deeply comprehend reality. They always try to defend their opinion and prove that their position has a right to exist. Emos are vulnerable individuals who are unable to resist negativity from the outside.

Conclusions website

  1. The Goth subculture is represented by people aged 15 to 45 years, emo a purely youth subculture common among teenagers.
  2. The Goths are characterized by the so-called cemetery aesthetics - amulets in the form of crosses, skulls, etc. Emos complement their look with colorful accessories, wristbands and badges.
  3. Goths promote exclusively black color in clothes, emo dilute it with cheerful pink.
  4. Goths wear long flowing hair, emo prefer short haircuts with oblique, torn bangs that reach the tip of the nose and cover one eye.
  5. Goths are a tougher subculture, interested in everything that has anything to do with death. Emos, despite their depression, deep down admit that the world is quite cheerful and bright.
  6. Goths are considered ardent adherents of the truth, striving to defend their point of view in every possible way. Emo are vulnerable individuals who are unable to resist negativity from the outside.

There are many different subcultures. The most common of them are goths, emo, punks, rockers, skinheads. Of course, each of these subcultures has its own lifestyle. Let's say we can easily distinguish a rocker from a skinhead. But emo and goths are often confused and even considered to be the same subculture. Perhaps the manifestation of some external ghosts really makes them similar to each other, but if you look deeper, you can understand that emo and goths are different from each other. Let's take a look at the main features of these two youth subcultures.

Concepts of goth and emo

Goths appeared in Britain in the late 1970s. The source of their origin is the punk movement.

Emo arose in the 1980s in America, thanks to fans of one musical style.

The main differences between emo and goth

Have you ever wondered about the origin of the concept “emo”? It turns out that this term comes from the adjective “emotional.” Therefore, for adherents of this youth subculture It is very important to show emotions openly. Among emo representatives there are many vulnerable teenagers who believe that in the adult world there is a lot of lies, cruelty and injustice. They are very sensitive and can remain depressed for a long time. Quite often, without understanding it, people confuse emo and goth, which does not make representatives of these subcultures happy at all. Goths and emo are really similar in some ways. For example, they like black clothes and are prone to depression. There are also many differences between these subcultures. The clothes of the Goths contain cemetery elements: Gothic jewelry in the form of spiders, crosses or skulls. Emos decorate themselves with large bracelets, wristbands, bright hair clips, and their clothes are replete with various children's drawings or inscriptions.

It is also important to grasp the following fact: the gothic subculture is not purely youth, since there are representatives different ages. And emo is a teenage subculture. They consider themselves children and hide from the world behind their favorite soft toys or children's trinkets. To the black color, emo adds bright pink shades. The hairstyles of these two subcultures also have obvious differences. Goths prefer long, flowing hair, while emos love short haircuts with oblique, torn bangs that reach all the way to the nose and cover one eye.

It should be noted that emos are more cheerful than goths. This is explained by the fact that emo people actually think the world is beautiful and bright. And the Goths love mysticism and quite often carry out cemetery rituals, turning to the forces of darkness, which emo representatives do not like at all. They don’t understand why the Goths need this and strive to live an ordinary life. earthly life. Representatives of the gothic subculture are tougher, unemotional and cold in nature. As a rule, they have a great attitude towards death, often praising it. They enjoy being in cemeteries. Unlike emo, goths are prone to constant analysis life situations and always firmly defend their position. Representatives of emo are very emotional and vulnerable, so it is difficult for them to cope with negativity from others.

6 differences between emo and goth:

1. Emo is a purely teenage subculture. Among the Goths there are people of different ages.

2. In their clothing, Goths value the presence of elements associated with death and cemeteries: crosses, spiders, coffins, skulls, etc. Emos love colorful clothes with children's drawings and inscriptions, wristbands, beads, bracelets and large hairpins.