Modern youth subcultures: rappers. The impact of youth rap subculture on personality

The main way the youth rap subculture influences society is RAP (or recitative). The meaning of the text in rap is crucial, since it was originally formed as a protest subculture, so rap took slogan forms. In fact, rap can be called melodic recitation. The main thing in rap is the rhythm of words and text. With skillful selection of sounds in rap, the effect of melody in simple pronunciation (reading) of texts is achieved. Despite the apparent simplicity of the approach, it is very difficult to become a master, since reading texts should not be monotonous, but memorable, therefore the correct selection of rhymes, intonations, and the principle of alliteration are of great importance. Naturally, there is not only English-language rap. French, German, and Spanish performers are also widely known. Rap has been constantly gaining popularity and now this trend has only intensified. Thus, we conclude that a subculture is nothing more than an attempt by young people to assert themselves at the expense of certain values ​​that in this case are taken as a constant and the basic principle of life.

Forecast for the development of rap culture in Russia

Influence Western culture, fashion, music had a strong impact on the worldview of Russian youth. But unlike the West, the fashion for rap and hip-hop music in Russia is expressed only in the way young people dress, move and convey their thoughts to the audience in a certain way, just as famous Western rappers did and do. Basically we are talking about a culture of consumption, not a way of life. Rap in Russia, in fact, is a large commercial project that brings substantial fees to rap artists and their producers. The response of fans to the creativity of artists, as well as personal and creative self-affirmation in a certain environment of show business and self-realization are the forces that motivate “rap stars” to continue their cultural march through the world of teenagers and youth. It is quite difficult to predict exactly how the rap industry will develop in Russia in the future. Russian rap in Russia is closely connected directly with show business, or rather, is an integral part of it, and it would be logical to assume that rap will develop at the same pace as other mass projects in the Russian world of music and shows. The conclusion suggests itself - as long as rap music brings moral and material satisfaction, both to those who make it and to those who consume it, rap in Russia will develop and flourish, acquiring new forms, subtypes, supporters , admirers, as well as enemies, ill-wishers and, naturally, envious people, since this type youth subculture is considered quite “expensive”, as you could see by reading this article.

To summarize, it should also be noted that rap is one of the types of those subcultures that are not imposed on society, but, to be more precise, on young people. Since, as has already been repeatedly noted above, young people, although they are a fairly suggestible audience, in terms of musical preferences are mainly guided by fashion trends and the interests of their social group, its sphere of personal socialization. But fashion, as we know, is a rather fickle phenomenon, and there is no guarantee that after a certain amount of time a subculture, for example, hippies, will become relevant again... How our society should “correctly” react to this remains a mystery to us and, naturally possible fertile ground for various social and scientific research.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Mari State University"

Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology

Department of Preschool and Social Pedagogy

Youth subculture


Influence on the socialization of personality

Specialty 050711.65-Social pedagogy


Student of group SP-24

Gorelov A.I.________


Scientific supervisor

Associate Professor of the Department of Preschool and

Social pedagogy,

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Chaldyshkina N.N.________

Yoshkar – Ola


    The history of the emergence of the subculture.

    Rapper style.

    Hip-hop music.

    The impact of youth rap subculture on personality.

    Forecast for the development of rap culture in Russia.

List of sources and literature used.


Rap(English) rap, rapping) is a rhythmic recitative, usually read to music with a heavy beat. The rap artist is called rapper(not to be confused with rapper), or the more general term MC.

Rap is one of the main elements of the hip-hop music style; often used as a synonym for hip-hop. However, rap is used not only in hip-hop music, but also in other genres. Many drum and bass artists use rap. In rock music, it is found in such genres as rapcore, nu metal, alternative rock, alternative rap and some others, for example, new directions of hardcore music. Pop musicians and modern RnB performers also often use rap in their compositions.

The history of the emergence of the subculture.

Rap in it modern form appeared in the 1970s among African Americans in the Bronx, where it was “exported” by visiting Jamaican DJs. In particular, DJ Kool Herc is called the founder of rap. Rap ​​was not originally read in commercial purposes, and at first it was mostly DJs who did it for fun. These were simple rhyming couplets addressed to the audience.

The spread of rap was greatly facilitated by black amateur radio, which played music that was fashionable among blacks, and quickly picked up new style. The words “rap” and “rappers” became firmly established as a style thanks to The Sugarhill Gang’s track “Rapper’s Delight” (1979). One of the first people to be called a "rapper" was radio host Jack Gibson, nicknamed Jack the Rapper. He organized one of the first rap conventions.

Performing rhyming chants on the streets remains a tradition in black neighborhoods to this day. In addition, the so-called “battles” are verbal duels in which two rappers squabble while maintaining rhyme and rhythm. Battles can be not only swearing, it can be the presentation of rhyming text on a certain topic

The term "hip-hop" to describe the genre appeared in the 80s. Its introduction is attributed either to Afrika Bambata or to Grandmaster Flash. The hip-hop genre and culture reached its peak in popularity in the 1990s. “Hip-hop” also had a serious influence on R’n’B music.

Rapper style.

T-shirts, sports jackets, “baseball caps” with the visor turned to the back of the head, hats, chains, backpacks - a typical image of a modern rapper. Add to this thick shirts in combination with trumpet jeans, jewelry, and the image will finally take shape. Clothing distinguished young people from the gray mass of ordinary people from the first moment of the birth of the “rap” subculture. Today it is no longer just clothes, it is style, and it is fashion.

Teenagers – students and schoolchildren – are the main representatives of “rap” culture or “rap” subculture, as experts call it. There are no requirements for joining its ranks: listen to rap, dress and speak like a rapper!

That's the whole charter. True rap fans are somewhat different from the large army of other lovers of “talking” music. Their attitude towards their surroundings is one of irony and feigned contempt. Their style is “broad”. Wide trousers that slide off the hips and “sweep” the floor, large sizes (as if from a father’s shoulder), shirts hanging down to the knees - often baggy, but clean, everyday clothes of amateur and professional rappers.

Fashion connoisseurs find various explanations for the clothing style adopted in the “rap” subculture. Since “rap” is the culture of far from the wealthiest segments of the population, the origin of its elements is mainly associated with simple factors that are understandable to everyone. It is believed that clothing large sizes“came” into the fashion of rappers from the USA, where universal clothes were made for prisoners - to fit everyone. In addition, it is a common occurrence for elders (fathers, brothers) to pass on their clothes to the younger ones. In modern conditions, creating a “rapper” outfit is also quite simple: these clothes can be bought inexpensively at clothing wholesale markets, even where the asphalt is poor, or in “second hand”.

At the same time, rappers' fashion is not so simplistic. Today great attention began to pay attention to decorations. It is believed that this "offshoot" originates from the African American ghettos, where jewelry was the best and most in a simple way determined the status of a person. Not last role The influence of criminals, who participated in the formation of the subculture, also played a role in increasing the importance of jewelry.

All this significantly influenced the choice of young people, who consciously define rap not only as a direction in music, but also as a lifestyle. This leads to requirements for clothing, the desire to look like rap stars, and the need to demonstrate one’s status.
Recently, there has been active website promotion and development various directions turnips, groups and rapper clubs are being created.

Since the 80s large manufacturers sportswear companies are actively working with hip-hop culture in the USA. As you noticed, several areas of New York (Harlem, Bronx) played a huge role in the development of rap and hip-hop culture in general. Everything that the “street leaders” began to wear, the entire subculture began to wear and huge amount“white Americans” who were into breakdancing, graffiti or rap.

Hip-hop music.

Hip-hop music is quite diverse. It may be simple, but at the same time interesting and melodic. Its basis is the beat - the rhythm of the song. Usually there is an accent on every second beat (backbeat):

    Clap (clap) - a single sound similar to clap.

    Snare, snare(English) snare) - the sound of the lead drum, clear and short.

Percussion (such as whistles and chains) can also be used for the backbeat.

Another important element is the kick drum (not to be confused with the bass). Party musical instruments in hip-hop music is quite diverse. It can also consist of keyboard melodies, wind melodies and numerous computer sounds (bass, effects).

« Hip-hop" (" hip hop"), How cultural phenomenon street art or metropolitan art (underground, at least at the beginning of its history) includes three different areas: 1. Painting/design - "Graffiti"(“Graffity” - “scratched”) wall paintings and drawings;2. Dance style - "Breakdance"(“break dance”) is a unique dance in its plasticity and rhythm, which set the fashion for the entire culture of hip-hop - sportswear; 3. Musical style - "Rap"(“rap”) rhythmic recitative with clearly defined rhymes and a musical rhythm set by the DJ. Rap has three classifications: "fast rap" (one rapper talking to another); “life” rap (often contains obscenities); “commercial rap” (hip-hop, r`n`b and dance rap). Common roles in turnip:· "DJ"- “disc jockey” or “DJ”, their task includes programming the rhythm on a drum machine, sampling, manipulating vinyl records, i.e. creating a musical background; "MS"- “Microphone Controller” or “Master of Ceremony” are the direct performers of the rhyme; · Dancers- various dancers who complement the MC's performance.

The impact of youth rap subculture on personality.

The main way the youth rap subculture influences society is RAP (or recitative). The meaning of the text in rap is crucial, since it was originally formed as a protest subculture, so rap took slogan forms. In fact, rap can be called melodic recitation. The main thing in rap is the rhythm of words and text. With skillful selection of sounds in rap, the effect of melody in simple pronunciation (reading) of texts is achieved. Despite the apparent simplicity of the approach, it is very difficult to become a master, since reading texts should not be monotonous, but memorable, therefore the correct selection of rhymes, intonations, and the principle of alliteration are of great importance. Naturally, there is not only English-language rap. French, German, and Spanish performers are also widely known. Rap has been constantly gaining popularity and now this trend has only intensified. Thus, we conclude that a subculture is nothing more than an attempt by young people to assert themselves at the expense of certain values, which in this case are taken as a constant and the basic principle of life.

Forecast for the development of rap culture in Russia.

The influence of Western culture, fashion, and music has had a strong impact on the worldview of Russian youth. But unlike the West, the fashion for rap and hip-hop music in Russia is expressed only in the way young people dress, move and convey their thoughts to the audience in a certain way, just as famous Western rappers did and do. Basically we are talking about a culture of consumption, not a way of life. Rap in Russia, in fact, is a large commercial project that brings substantial fees to rap artists and their producers. The response of fans to the creativity of artists, as well as personal and creative self-affirmation in a certain environment of show business and self-realization are the forces that motivate “rap stars” to continue their cultural march through the world of teenagers and youth. It is quite difficult to predict exactly how the rap industry will develop in Russia in the future. Russian rap in Russia is closely connected directly with show business, or rather, is an integral part of it, and it would be logical to assume that rap will develop at the same pace as other mass projects in the Russian world of music and shows. The conclusion suggests itself - as long as rap music brings moral and material satisfaction, both to those who make it and to those who consume it, rap in Russia will develop and flourish, acquiring new forms, subtypes, supporters, admirers , as well as enemies, ill-wishers and, naturally, envious people, since this type of youth subculture is considered quite “expensive”, you could be convinced of this by reading this article.

To summarize, it should also be noted that rap is one of those types of subcultures that are not imposed on society, but, to be more precise, on young people. Because, as has already been repeatedly noted above, young people, although they are a fairly suggestible audience, in terms of musical preferences are mainly guided by fashion trends and the interests of their social group, their sphere of personal socialization. But fashion, as we know, is a rather fickle phenomenon, and there is no guarantee that after a certain amount of time a subculture, for example, hippies, will become relevant again... How our society should “correctly” react to this remains a mystery to us and, naturally possible fertile ground for various social and scientific research.

List of sources and literature used:

    Stepanov, L. B. Modern youth subcultures / L. B. Stepanov. – M.: Education, 2004.

    Musical styles (Electronic resource). – Access mode:, free.

    Mitrokhin, A. I. Rap ​​territory / A. I. Mitrokhin // Rap subculture. - 2007. - No. 23. - P.5-10.

    Alexandrova, M. Ya. Reflections on youth fashion / M. Ya. Alexandrova. – M.: Mysl, 2008.

    The emergence of rap is the history of the emergence of a subculture (Electronic resource). Access mode:, free.

Hip-hop subculture- one of the most widespread and widespread today throughout the world. Originating in the 1970s in the United States, hip-hop continues to attract young people with its multifaceted manifestations. Under what conditions did hip-hop culture develop forty years ago, and what is it like today? Read on;)

Hip-hop owes its origins to African Americans living in American ghettos at the turn of the 1960s and 1970s. Residents of the "black neighborhoods" in major cities The USA organized discos where DJs played dance music using sampling techniques. At that time, sampling was the repetition of individual fragments of a composition. Soon, the sampling technique began to improve and gained popularity, and soon DJs began recording their performances and selling them on cassette tapes. In essence, it was rap, read over sampled music, combined with disco and funk rhythms. In 1970, Sylvia Robinson, who had experience working at Columbia Records, created her own recording studio, Sugar Hill Records, where she began recording and publishing hip-hop music. The first single was released in 1979 and immediately made a splash on the American music market. This single is also considered to be the first hip-hop single in history. In the 1980s, hip-hop music shifted to new level. Now it was not only “black music” - white youth also became interested in rap. During this period, the development of rap was greatly influenced by European electronic and pop music. New sampling technologies came from Europe to the United States, and new breakbeat rhythms finally conquered rap and hip-hop musicians. The Beastie Boys became the first white team to become widely known and commercialized. In the 1970s - the first half of the 1980s, hip-hop music was intended exclusively for discos and parties. Since the mid-1980s, the themes of rapper songs began to acquire a social connotation. Hip-hop musicians spoke against violence, cruelty, crime and racism in their lyrics. By the end of the 1980s, rap declared itself as a full-fledged musical genre and achieved popularity on par with pop and rock music.

In the 1990s, new themes and characters appeared in rap. Gangsta rap became popular, telling about gangster realities in black ghettos. The most famous performer Dr. Dre is rightfully considered the leader of gangsta rap, and his follower, Snoop Dogg, is the modern personification of gangsta rap. Performers of this type of rap sought scandalous fame, often became participants in street fights and shootouts, and appeared in crime news either as drug distributors, or as murderers or killed in the same street fights. IN beginning of XXI century, hip-hop music has been commercially successful and is replete with a variety of directions and branches. Famous rap artists often occupy far last places in the lists of the richest musicians in the world.

In the USSR hip-hop as a subculture and the musical direction came in the 1980s. Now the number of rap artists is in the hundreds, and in every city and town, literally in every district, you can also find a local rapper. But hip-hop is not only music. There is a hip-hop dance style, and graffiti is an integral part of hop-hop culture. The hip-hop subculture has its own worldview and its own fashion, which is dictated by the street. Dance style hip-hop is very multifaceted, as it incorporates elements of different dance styles. One of the main components of hip-hop dance is breakdancing. Hip-hop borrows a lot from funk, locking and other dance styles.

Fashion hip hop subculture very recognizable. These include baggy pants, kangaroo sweatshirts with or without hoods, sneakers, bandanas, baseball caps and caps (clothes are usually several sizes larger than needed). Various accessories are popular - wristbands, belts, glasses, ear piercings. A more glamorous variety of hip-hop - R-n-B involves an abundance of rhinestones, precious metals, fashionable trinkets, which are used where necessary and not necessary. Backpackers (hitchhiking) cannot imagine life without a backpack on their back, which holds all the things necessary for the trip. As for the worldview of a particular representative of the hip-hop subculture, it can vary depending on what this very representative does. If he dances, draws graffiti or is interested in any sport (often extreme), he usually does not drink or smoke and advocates healthy image life. If this is a rapper (performer or listener - it doesn’t matter), then there are no special ideological principles - he may or may not smoke, he may lead an antisocial lifestyle, or he may be a fighter for justice, but in most cases he will be against racism.
One way or another, the hip-hop subculture has a rich, although not very long history, and is perhaps one of the most numerous subcultures.

Since the 80s, major sportswear manufacturers have been actively working with hip-hop culture in the United States. As you noticed, several areas of New York (Harlem, Bronx) played a huge role in the development of rap and hip-hop culture in general. Everything that the “street leaders” began to wear began to be worn by the entire subculture and a huge number of “white Americans” who were fond of breakdancing, graffiti or rap.

Most rappers wear tube jeans and thick shirts or sports T-shirts (hockey or basketball), an Alaskan jacket, and jewelry stylized in rap culture. Rapper's clothes are very comfortable and stylish.

Plus size clothing is welcome. There are 2 versions of why this is part of fashion: 1) The clothes of prisoners in the USA used to be made large to fit prisoners of different sizes;

2) Adult brothers or fathers passed on their worn clothes, which were large in size, to the younger ones.

Often, rappers' shirts hang down to their knees, and their sliding jeans touch the floor. However, the clothes must be clean; they are distinguished only by careless bagginess.

Beanies, baseball caps, waist-length backpacks, chains, sports jackets, T-shirts - all these are the must-have accessories for a young rapper.

Special attention is paid to decorations. Currently, hip-hop clothing is primarily luxury. These are very expensive things, usually made of gold with an abundance of stones. The necessity of having such decorations is due to the fact that in the ghetto African Americans could only demonstrate their “success and importance” in one way, and since most of them were illiterate, then special attention was given to jewelry. In addition, the long-term influence of the criminal world on the development of rap was reflected in rap fashion.

In large Russian cities there are quite a lot of young people wearing clothes stylistically related to rap. But rap fans are like " cool guys in wide pants" posing as rappers, with "contempt" or irony. The fact that similar rapper clothing is found quite often in Moscow and some other large Russian cities is largely influenced by economic factor: such clothes are sold at wholesale clothing markets and relatively inexpensive. Therefore, of course, a certain part of young people are quite consciously focused on hip-hop culture not only as a musical direction, but as a lifestyle, primarily manifested in the manner of dressing, looking like “show business rappers” (to demonstrate status).

Almost from the very birth of the rap subculture, young people began to stand out with their clothes. And when it comes to clothing, the topics of style and fashion soon arise. Over time, some rappers even began to appear on “Best Dressed” lists.

Representatives of hip-hop have their own slang. In writing he expresses himself in simplified terms in English words. The speech is leisurely, drawn-out, designed to personify status. Each representative comes up with a new name for himself, which should be quite short but sonorous. Rappers' slang is very diverse and very rich in words from other types of slang. For example, you can come across a lot of “thieves” expressions.

Since hip-hop culture is a street culture, people who are interested in it end up on the street and hear the conversations of the same not very educated people. Rappers are not people from high society. These are mainly people who spend most of their lives on the street. They talk using a lot of profanity and other simple “folk” expressions.

Rap slang is constantly evolving and adding new expressions. People speak as they feel comfortable, and not as established by any rules or procedures. Below are examples of slang, both from rappers and graffiti and break dancers:

Common rapper slang:

Afech - A party with more than 40 people. - Not a weak afech.

Base - home. - Let's go to the base.

Absolutely - definitely. I will definitely do it.

A nerd is a person who is passionate about learning. - Hey, nerd.

Braza, bro - brother. - Hey, bro.

Bullish is a tense personality. - That's bullish.

Vazap - (from what's up) - how are you? - Vazap, man.

To knock down - to kill, beat. - He was recently killed.

Wap - yes. - Did you do it? - Wap.

Smoke - understand. - Did you like the topic?

Volyn is a pistol. - Hide the tree.

Everything is fine - everything is fine. - How are you? - Everything is smooth.

Golda is gold. - All in gold.

The gnawing is the face. - This is what gnawed.

If you hit it in the mouth, you will beat it. - Yesterday they hit him in the mouth.

Crusher - MS amateur, newbie. - Here's the crusher.

Knead - beat. - I was kneaded yesterday.

Taxi - come, visit. - I’ll pick you up today.

Zenki - eyes. - What are you staring at?

Kaya - Marijuana. - Take away the kaya.

Roof is a company that will protect. - We talked to the roof.

Kulno - (from cool) cool, great. - Kulno spoke.

Cash - (from cash) money, cash. - Return the cache.

Screw-up is bad. - It's a lame topic.

Lamer is a novice user. Disrespectful treatment. - Well, you're a limer.

Strap - 1,000,000. - Three straps must.

Maza is good. - Massive topic.

Man is a man. - Hey, man.

Minus - music without recitative. - A good minus.

Mordovorot is an unworthy person. - Here he is a muzzle.

MC - (from Master of the Ceremony). A person who speaks in rhyme, a person who is fond of rap and reads it well. The person who leads the party. - Cool MC!

Natadas - for later. - Put aside the natadas.

Don't drive the blizzard - Don't talk nonsense, don't deceive. - It's good to drive away the snowstorm.

Niga is a rapper. - Hey, nigga.

Sheep is a passive person. - Well, you're a sheep.

Shoot - Follow, observe. - It's good to shoot.

Party - party. - Are you going to the party today?

Peace - (from peace) peace. - Peace, brother.

Running through is a deliberately disingenuous statement. - Stop driving away.

Respect - respect, good location to a person. - Respect, man.

Rulez - cool, cool. - You read it manually.

Saga is a theme, a story. - An interesting saga.

Sista - sister. - Hey, sista.

Sleeper is a misunderstanding person. - Well, you're a sleeper.

To wash away - to leave, to leave. - Let's get out of here.

Cart - minus and reading, song. - Nice cart.

The trick is a good thing. - Not a bad feature.

Hamster - eat, eat, consume food. - Stop hamstering.

Chrome is a pistol. - Remove the chrome.

Chase is a bag. - Give me a chase.

Chel is a person. - Hey, man.

Chixa is a girl. - Cool chick.

Reading - reading rap. - Cool read.

To fumble is to understand. - You're good at searching.

Shmal - hemp. - Good slut.

Yap - (from ueap) yeah, yeah. -Are you coming? - Japanese

Outline - (from outline) edging of letters, shadows, etc. - Make an outline.

Bubble - (from bubble letter) one of the earliest and oldest styles in graffiti. A style of writing letters where the main thing is softness and volume of shapes. Mainly used for bombing. - He draws money.

Bambila - A person who spoils good walls with bad graffiti. - You bombed.

Bit - (from to bite) to copy someone's style. - Stop beating.

Beef - (from beef) enmity, problems. - They have beef.

Bomb - (from bomb) a quick drawing. It is drawn with paint, often using 1-2 (sometimes 3) colors. - Beautiful bomb.

Bomb - draw bombs. - Stop bombing.

Daim - (from daim style) style developed by the writer DAIM. The style of the letters is in 3D, drawn without 15 outlines, the main emphasis is on the shadows. - He loves dimes.

Crew - (from crew) several (and sometimes even many) artists united in one team. - Not a bad cru.

A piece is the same as a piece. - High-quality piece.

Cap - (from cap) - a nozzle for a cylinder. There are different attachments that allow you to adjust the thickness of the line. - Give me your cap.

Pis - (from masterpiece) Drawing on the wall. - Beautiful piss.

Writer - (from writer) actually the one who draws graffiti. - I'm a writer.

Sketch - (from sketch) sketch, sketch. It can be either black and white or coloured. - Beautiful sketch.

Sketchbook - (from sketchbook) a notebook, notebook, etc., in which the artist makes his sketches. - Show me your sketchbook.

Tager - (from taggers) those who are engaged only in placing tags. - He's a tagger.

Toy - (from toy) - 1) an inexperienced person in graffiti, yellow-mouthed; 2) a person who is in graffiti not because of the love of art, but for other reasons. This leads either to beating or to an unwillingness to constantly improve.

Such people receive nothing but contempt and hatred from artists. - He's the one.

Tag - (from tag) is the writer’s signature. It is written either with paint or a marker. Each writer has his own tag. There are crew tags. - Put a tag.

Tag - add your own tags. - Stop tagging.

To kill is to specifically sketch a wall, a carriage. You can kill someone else's tag by placing your own on top of it. - Kill him.

Phil in - sketch inside outline. - All that’s left is to do the finishing touches.

Break dancing:

Worm - a jump to the floor with a bending rotation on the back - first the legs are swung - then the rotation itself. - He's making a vorm right now.

Nail - Vertical twist on the head, legs together. - Made a nail.

Glide - various options lunar paths. - Beautiful glides.

Gaelik - torsion with transition (windmill), arm-shoulder-back-shoulder-arm options are possible. - Good gelik.

Dalasal - twisting the legs (like a corner, only the legs are widened) around oneself. - The depalas turns cool.

Give a nail - spin on your head without using your hands. - He gave me a nail.

Tracks are when your feet run around you. The movements are very basic and have many options (for example, a watch). - Easy paths.

Crack - twisting on the arm with bouncing. - Good crack.

Candle - jump from above onto a straight arm and spin on it. - High quality candle.

Sweep - (from swip) this movement is difficult to describe. - Complex sweep.

Step - (from step) movements on the legs. - Not bad steps.

Tattle - running on your arms around yourself, twisting on your arm. - Tattle requires strong hands.

Track - oblique rotation on the head supported by the hands, as on a tatla. Pairs are often used, for example, sweep-barrel-gelik-dalasal and others. - I made a track.

Fly - the same as depalas. - Cool fly.

Flask - back through the arms (arm) twisting on the head. - Cool flask.

Frieze - (from freeze) fixation of body position when performing a certain element. - I made a frieze.

Electric boogie - (from electric boogie) plastic movements of the arms, legs and the whole body in general: various loops, waves and others + many robot-style movements. - He dances electric boogie well.

Sports associated with hip-hop include skateboarding, snowboarding, streetball and cycling.


Rap (English rap, rapping) is a rhythmic recitative, usually read to music with a heavy beat. A rap artist is called re? pen (not to be confused with rep? rom), or the more general term MC.

Rap is one of the main elements of the hip-hop music style; often used as a synonym for hip-hop. However, rap is used not only in hip-hop music, but also in other genres. Many drum and bass artists use rap. In rock music, it is found in such genres as rapcore, nu metal, alternative rock, alternative rap and some others, for example, new directions of hardcore music. Pop musicians and contemporary RnB performers also often

use rap in their compositions.

The history of the emergence of the subculture.

Rap in its modern form appeared in the 1970s among African Americans in the Bronx, where it was “exported” by visiting Jamaican DJs. In particular, DJ Kool Herc is called the founder of rap. Rap ​​was initially not for commercial purposes, but for pleasure, and at first it was done mainly by DJs. These were simple rhyming couplets addressed to the audience.

The spread of rap was greatly facilitated by black amateur radio, which played music that was fashionable among blacks, and quickly picked up the new style. The words “rap” and “rappers” became firmly established as a style thanks to The Sugarhill Gang’s track “Rapper’s Delight” (1979). One of the first people to be called a "rapper" was radio host Jack Gibson, nicknamed Jack the Rapper. He organized one of the first rap conventions.

Performing rhyming chants on the streets remains a tradition in black neighborhoods to this day. In addition, the so-called “battles” are verbal duels in which two rappers squabble while maintaining rhyme and rhythm. Battles can be not only swearing, it can be the presentation of rhyming text on a certain topic

The term "hip-hop" to describe the genre appeared in the 80s. Its introduction is attributed either to Afrika Bambata or to Grandmaster Flash. The hip-hop genre and culture reached its peak in popularity in the 1990s. “Hip-hop” also had a serious influence on R’n’B music*.

Rapper style.

T-shirts, sports jackets, “baseball caps” with the visor turned to the back of the head, hats, chains, backpacks - a typical image of a modern rapper. Add to this thick shirts in combination with trumpet jeans, jewelry, and the image will finally take shape. Clothing distinguished young people from the gray mass of ordinary people from the first moment of the birth of the “rap” subculture. Today it is no longer just clothes, it is style, and it is fashion.

Teenagers – students and schoolchildren – are the main representatives of “rap” culture or “rap” subculture, as experts call it. There are no requirements for joining its ranks: listen to rap, dress and speak like a rapper!

That's the whole charter. True rap fans are somewhat different from the large army of other lovers of “talking” music. Their attitude towards their surroundings is one of irony and feigned contempt. Their style is “broad”. Wide trousers that slide off the hips and “sweep” the floor, large sizes (as if from a father’s shoulder), shirts hanging down to the knees - often baggy, but clean, everyday clothes of amateur and professional rappers.

Fashion connoisseurs find various explanations for the clothing style adopted in the “rap” subculture. Since “rap” is the culture of far from the wealthiest segments of the population, the origin of its elements is mainly associated with simple factors that are understandable to everyone. It is believed that large-sized clothing “came” into the fashion of rappers from the United States, where universal clothing was made for prisoners - to fit everyone. In addition, it is a common occurrence for elders (fathers, brothers) to pass on their clothes to the younger ones. IN modern conditions creating a “rapper” outfit is also quite simple: these clothes can be bought inexpensively at clothing wholesale markets, even where the asphalt is poor, or in “second hand”.

At the same time, rappers' fashion is not so simplistic. Today, much attention has been paid to jewelry. It is believed that this "offshoot" originates from the African American ghettos, where jewelry in the best and simplest way determined a person's status. Not the least role in increasing the importance of jewelry was played by the influence of criminals who participated in the formation of the subculture.

All this significantly influenced the choice of young people, who consciously define rap not only as a direction in music, but also as a lifestyle. This leads to requirements for clothing, the desire to look like rap stars, and the need to demonstrate one’s status.

IN lately Websites are being actively promoted and various directions of rap are being developed, groups and rapper clubs are being created.

Since the 80s, major sportswear manufacturers have been actively working with hip-hop culture in the United States. As you noticed, several areas of New York (Harlem, Bronx) played a huge role in the development of rap and hip-hop culture in general. Everything that the “street leaders” began to wear began to be worn by the entire subculture and a huge number of “white Americans” who were fond of breakdancing, graffiti or rap.

Hip-hop music.

Hip-hop music is quite diverse. It may be simple, but at the same time interesting and melodic. Its basis is the beat - the rhythm of the song. Usually there is an accent on every second beat (backbeat):

Clap - a single sound similar to clap.

Snare, snare (English snare) - the sound of the lead drum, clear and short.

Percussion (such as whistles and chains) can also be used for the backbeat.

Another important element is the kick drum (not to be confused with the bass). The range of musical instruments in hip-hop music is quite diverse. It can also consist of keyboard melodies, wind melodies and numerous computer sounds (bass, effects).

“Hip hop”, as a cultural phenomenon of street art or metropolitan art (underground, at least at the beginning of its history), includes three different directions: 1. Painting/design - “Graffiti” (“scratched”) wall paintings and drawings;2. Dance style - “Break dance” is a unique dance in its plasticity and rhythm, which set the fashion for the entire culture of hip-hop - sportswear; 3. Musical style- "Rap" is a rhythmic recitative with clearly defined rhymes and musical rhythm, set by DJ. Rap has three classifications: "fast rap" (one rapper talking to another); “life” rap (often contains obscenities); “commercial rap” (hip-hop, r`n`b and dance rap). General roles in rap: · “DJ” - “disc jockey” or “DJ”, their task includes programming the rhythm on a drum machine, sampling, manipulating vinyl records, i.e. creation of a musical background; · “MC” - “Microphone Controller” or “Master of Ceremony” are the direct performers of the rhyme; · Dancers - various dancers who complement the performance of the MC.

The impact of youth rap subculture on personality.

The main way the youth rap subculture influences society is RAP (or recitative). The meaning of the text in rap is crucial, since it was originally formed as a protest subculture, so rap took slogan forms. In fact, rap can be called melodic recitation. The main thing in rap is the rhythm of words and text. With skillful selection of sounds in rap, the effect of melody in simple pronunciation (reading) of texts is achieved. Despite the apparent simplicity of the approach, it is very difficult to become a master, since reading texts should not be monotonous, but memorable, therefore the correct selection of rhymes, intonations, and the principle of alliteration are of great importance. Naturally, there is not only English-language rap. French, German, and Spanish performers are also widely known. Rap has been constantly gaining popularity and now this trend has only intensified. Thus, we conclude that a subculture is nothing more than an attempt by young people to assert themselves at the expense of certain values, which in this case are taken as a constant and the basic principle of life.

Forecast for the development of rap culture in Russia.

The influence of Western culture, fashion, and music has had a strong impact on the worldview of Russian youth. But unlike the West, the fashion for rap and hip-hop music in Russia is expressed only in the way young people dress, move and convey their thoughts to the audience in a certain way, just as famous Western rappers did and do. Basically we are talking about a culture of consumption, not a way of life. Rap in Russia, in fact, is a large commercial project that brings substantial fees to rap artists and their producers. The response of fans to the creativity of artists, as well as personal and creative self-affirmation in a certain environment of show business and self-realization are the forces that motivate “rap stars” to continue their cultural march through the world of teenagers and youth. It is quite difficult to predict exactly how the rap industry will develop in Russia in the future. Russian rap in Russia is closely connected directly with show business, or rather, is an integral part of it, and it would be logical to assume that rap will develop at the same pace as other mass projects in the Russian world of music and shows. The conclusion suggests itself - as long as rap music brings moral and material satisfaction, both to those who make it and to those who consume it, rap in Russia will develop and flourish, acquiring new forms, subtypes, supporters, admirers , as well as enemies, ill-wishers and, naturally, envious people, since this type of youth subculture is considered quite “expensive”, you could be convinced of this by reading this article.

To summarize, it should also be noted that rap is one of those types of subcultures that are not imposed on society, but, to be more precise, on young people. Because, as has already been repeatedly noted above, young people, although they are a fairly suggestible audience, in terms of musical preferences are mainly guided by fashion trends and the interests of their social group, their sphere of personal socialization. But fashion, as we know, is a rather fickle phenomenon, and there is no guarantee that after a certain amount of time a subculture, for example, hippies, will become relevant again... How our society should “correctly” react to this remains a mystery to us and, naturally, a possible blessing soil for various social and scientific research.

*Rhythm and blues (also rhythm and blues) (English Rhythm and blues, abbreviated R&B, or R’n’B) - a genre of popular music originally performed by African-American musicians, integrating a combination of blues and jazz

Sources and literature:

Stepanov, L. B. Modern youth subcultures / L. B. Stepanov. – M.: Education, 2004.

Musical styles (Electronic resource). – Access mode:, free.

Mitrokhin, A. I. Rap ​​territory / A. I. Mitrokhin // Rap subculture. - 2007. - No. 23. - P.5-10.

Alexandrova, M. Ya. Reflections on youth fashion / M. Ya. Alexandrova. – M.: Mysl, 2008.

The emergence of rap is the history of the emergence of a subculture (Electronic resource). Access mode:, free.