Solzhenitsyn's creative path. The creative and life path of Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn

The name of Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn, which was banned for a long time, has now rightfully taken its place in the history of Russian literature of the Soviet period. Solzhenitsyn's work attracts the reader with truthfulness, pain for what is happening, and insight. A writer, a historian, he always warns us: don’t get lost in history. "The Gulag Archipelago" was published in 1989. After this event, there were no works left in either Russian or world literature that would pose a great danger to the Soviet regime. Solzhenitsyn's book revealed the essence of the totalitarian Stalinist state. The veil of lies and self-deception that still obscured the eyes of many of our fellow citizens has subsided. "The Gulag Archipelago" is both documentary evidence and piece of art. Here is captured a monstrous, fantastic martyrology of the victims of the “building of communism” in Russia during the years of Soviet power. Alexander Isaevich was born in December 1918 in Kislovodsk. The father came from peasants, the mother was the daughter of a shepherd, who later became a wealthy farmer. After high school Solzhenitsyn graduated from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the University in Rostov-on-Don, and at the same time entered the Moscow Institute of Philosophy and Literature as a correspondence student. Without completing the last two courses, he goes to war. From 1942 to 1945 he commanded a battery at the front and was awarded orders and medals. In February 1945, with the rank of captain, he was arrested due to criticism of Stalin detected in correspondence and sentenced to eight years, of which he spent almost a year on investigation and in transfer, three in a prison research institute, and the four most difficult years in prison. general works in the political Special Security. Then A.I. Solzhenitsyn lived in Kazakhstan in exile “forever”, but from February 1957 rehabilitation followed. Have worked school teacher in Ryazan. After the appearance of the story “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich” in 1962, he was accepted into the Writers' Union. But I am forced to submit my next works to Samizdat or print them abroad. In 1969, Solzhenitsyn was expelled from the Writers' Union, and in 1970 he was awarded Nobel Prize on literature. In 1974, in connection with the release of the first volume of The Gulag Archipelago, Alexander Isaevich was forcibly expelled to the West. He was put on a plane and flown to Germany. Until 1976, Solzhenitsyn lived in Zurich, then moved to the American state of Vermont, whose nature resembles middle lane Russia. On the eve of his 60th birthday, Solzhenitsyn began publishing collected works; by 1988, 18 volumes had already been published. The writer himself claims that the form that most attracts him in literature is “polyphonic with precise signs of time and place of action.” A novel in the full sense is “In the First Circle”; “The Gulag Archipelago”, according to the subtitle, is “an experience artistic research“,” the epic “The Red Wheel” is “a narrative in a measured time frame.” " Cancer building" - by the author's will, a "story", and "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich" - even a "story". For 13 years, the writer worked on the novel “In the First Circle.” The plot is that diplomat Volodin calls the American embassy to say that in three days a secret will be stolen in New York atomic bomb. The conversation overheard and recorded on film is delivered to the “sharashka” - a research institution of the MGB system, in which prisoners create a voice recognition technique. The meaning of the novel is explained by the prisoner: “Sharashka is the highest, the best, the first circle of hell.” Volodin gives another explanation, drawing a circle on the ground: “Do you see the circle? This is the fatherland. This is the first round. But the second one is wider. This is humanity. And the first circle is not included in the second. There are fences of prejudice here. And it turns out that there is no humanity. But only fatherland, fatherland is different for everyone...” “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich” was conceived by the author during general work in the Ekibastuz special camp. “I was carrying a stretcher with my partner and thought how it would be necessary to describe the entire camp world in one day.” In the story “Cancer Ward,” Solzhenitsyn put forward his version of the “incitement of cancer”: Stalinism, Red Terror, repression. “They will tell us: what can literature do against the ruthless onslaught of open violence? And let’s not forget that violence does not live alone and is not capable of living alone: ​​it is certainly intertwined with lies,” wrote A. I. Solzhenitsyn. “But you need to take a simple step: do not participate in lies.” Let this come into the world and even reign in the world, but not through me.” Writers and artists have access to more: defeating lies! Solzhenitsyn was the kind of writer who defeated lies.

The name of Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn, which was banned for a long time, has now rightfully taken its place in the history of Russian literature of the Soviet period.

Solzhenitsyn's work attracts the reader with truthfulness, pain for what is happening, and insight. A writer, a historian, he always warns us: don’t get lost in history.

"The Gulag Archipelago" was published in 1989. After this event, there were no works left in either Russian or world literature that would pose a great danger to the Soviet regime. Solzhenitsyn's book revealed the essence of the totalitarian Stalinist state. The veil of lies and self-deception that still obscured the eyes of many of our fellow citizens has subsided.

"The Gulag Archipelago" is both documentary evidence and a work of art. Here is captured a monstrous, fantastic martyrology of the victims of the “building of communism” in Russia during the years of Soviet power.

Alexander Isaevich was born in December 1918 in Kislovodsk. The father came from peasants, the mother was the daughter of a shepherd, who later became a wealthy farmer. After high school, Solzhenitsyn graduated from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the University in Rostov-on-Don, and at the same time entered the Moscow Institute of Philosophy and Literature as a correspondence student. Without completing the last two courses, he goes to war. From 1942 to 1945 he commanded a battery at the front and was awarded orders and medals. In February 1945, with the rank of captain, he was arrested due to criticism of Stalin detected in correspondence and sentenced to eight years, of which he spent almost a year on investigation and in transfer, three in a prison research institute and the four most difficult years in general work in the political Special Security Service. .

Then A.I. Solzhenitsyn lived in Kazakhstan in exile “forever”, but from February 1957 rehabilitation followed. He worked as a school teacher in Ryazan. After the appearance of the story "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich" in 1962, he was accepted into the Writers' Union. But I am forced to submit my next works to Samizdat or print them abroad. In 1969, Solzhenitsyn was expelled from the Writers' Union, and in 1970 he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.

In 1974, in connection with the release of the first volume of the Gulag Archipelago, Alexander Isaevich was forcibly expelled to the West. He was put on a plane and flown to Germany. Until 1976, Solzhenitsyn lived in Zurich, then moved to the American state of Vermont, whose nature resembles central Russia.

On the eve of his 60th birthday, Solzhenitsyn began publishing collected works; by 1988, 18 volumes had already been published. The writer himself claims that the form that most attracts him in literature is “polyphonic with precise signs of time and place of action.” The novel in the full sense is “In the First Circle”, “The Gulag Archipelago”, according to the subtitle, is “an experience in artistic research”, the epic “The Red Wheel” is “a narrative in a measured time frame”. “Cancer Ward” is, by the author’s will, a “story,” and “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich” is even a “story.”

For 13 years, the writer worked on the novel “In the First Circle.” The plot is that diplomat Volodin calls the American embassy to say that in three days the secret of the atomic bomb will be stolen in New York. The conversation overheard and recorded on film is delivered to the "sharashka" - a research institution of the MGB system, in which prisoners create a voice recognition technique. The meaning of the novel is explained by the prisoner: “Sharashka is the highest, the best, the first circle of hell.” Volodin gives another explanation, drawing a circle on the ground: “Do you see the circle? This is the fatherland. This is the first circle. But the second, it is wider. This is humanity. And the first circle is not included in the second. There are fences of prejudice. that there is no humanity, but only fatherland, fatherland, and different for everyone..."

“One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich” was conceived by the author during general work in the Ekibastuz special camp. “I was carrying a stretcher with my partner and thought how I should describe the entire camp world in one day.” In the story "Cancer Ward" Solzhenitsyn put forward his version of the "incitement of cancer": Stalinism, Red Terror, repression.

“They will tell us: what can literature do against the merciless onslaught of open violence? But let’s not forget that violence does not live alone and is not capable of living alone: ​​it is certainly intertwined with lies,” wrote A. I. Solzhenitsyn. “But we need to take a simple step: do not participate in lies. Let this come into the world and even reign in the world, but not through me.”

Writers and artists have access to more: defeating lies! Solzhenitsyn was the kind of writer who defeated lies.

The name of Alexander Solzhenitsyn, which was banned in our country for a long time, has finally rightfully taken its place in the history of Russian literature.
After the publication of “The Gulag Archipelago” in Russia (and this happened only in 1989), it seemed that there were no works left in either Russian or world literature that would pose a great danger to the Soviet regime. This book revealed the whole essence of the totalitarian regime. The veil of lies and self-deception that still obscured the eyes of many of our fellow citizens has subsided. After everything that this documentary book revealed to readers, after the monstrous, fantastic martyrology of the victims of the “building of communism” in Russia during the years of Soviet power was imprinted in the memory, it seems that nothing is surprising or scary!
Brief biography of Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn: date of birth - December 1918, place of birth - the city of Kislovodsk; the father came from peasants, the mother was the daughter of a shepherd, who later became a wealthy farmer. After high school, Solzhenitsyn graduated from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the University in Rostov-on-Don, and at the same time entered the correspondence department at the Moscow Institute of Philosophy and Literature. Without completing the last two courses, he went to war, from 1942 to 1945 he commanded a battery at the front, and was awarded orders and medals. In February 1945, with the rank of captain, he was arrested for criticizing Stalin and sentenced to eight years (he was on so-called general labor in the political Special Security Service). Then he was transferred to Kazakhstan “forever,” but after the rehabilitation that followed in February 1957, he worked as a school teacher in Ryazan. After the publication of “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich” in 1962, he was accepted into the Writers’ Union, from which he was expelled seven years later. In 1970 he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. In 1974, in connection with the publication of the first volume of “The Gulag Archipelago,” he was forcibly expelled from the USSR. Until 1976 he lived in Zurich, then moved to the American state of Vermont, whose nature resembles central Russia.
This is not easy life path writer. Today we can say with confidence that his work has returned to his homeland.
On the eve of his 60th birthday, Solzhenitsyn began publishing a collection of works with the subtitle “Restored original pre-censorship texts, newly checked and corrected by the author. Other works are being published for the first time.” By 1988, eighteen volumes had already been published.
Although the writer himself claimed that the form that most attracted him in literature was “polyphonic with precise signs of time and place of action,” of his five major works, it is not surprising that only “In the First Circle” is a novel in the full sense, because “ The Gulag Archipelago” according to the subtitle is “an experience in artistic research”, the epic “The Red Wheel” is “a narrative in a measured time frame”, “Cancer Ward” is by the author’s will, a “story”, and “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich” is a story.
The novel “In the First Circle” took thirteen years to write and has seven editions. Its plot is that diplomat Volodin calls the American embassy to say that in three days the secret of the atomic bomb will be stolen in New York. The conversation overheard and recorded on film is delivered to the “sharashka” - a research institution of the MGB system, in which prisoners create a voice recognition technique.
The meaning of the title of the novel is explained by the prisoner: “Sharashka is the highest, best, first circle of hell.”
Volodin gives another explanation, drawing a circle on the ground: “Do you see the circle? This is the fatherland. This is the first round. But the second one is wider. This is humanity. And the first circle is not included in the second. There are fences of prejudice here. And it turns out that there is no humanity. But only fatherland, fatherland is different for everyone...”
“One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich” was conceived by the author during general work in the Ekibastuz special camp. “I was carrying a stretcher with my partner and thought how it would be necessary to describe the entire camp world in one day,” recalled Alexander Isaevich.
In the story “Cancer Ward,” Solzhenitsyn put forward his version of the “incitement of cancer”: Stalinism, red terror, repression.
What attracts Solzhenitsyn’s work? Truthfulness, pain for what is happening, insight. A writer, a historian, he always warns us: don’t get lost in history.
“They will tell us: what can literature do against the ruthless onslaught of open violence? And let’s not forget that violence does not live alone and is not capable of living alone: ​​it is certainly intertwined with lies,” wrote A. I. Solzhenitsyn.
I believe that writers and artists with their works help people defeat lies. This is the whole of Solzhenitsyn’s work, outstanding writer our days and a great man.

In one of his interviews, Alexander Solzhenitsyn admitted that he dedicated his life to the Russian revolution. What did the author of the novel “In the First Circle” mean? contains hidden tragic twists. The writer considered it his duty to testify about them. Solzhenitsyn's works are a significant contribution to historical science XX century.

short biography

Solzhenitsyn Alexander Isaevich was born in 1918 in Kislovodsk. Literary activity I have been studying since my youth. Before the war, he was interested above all in the history of the First World War. The future writer and dissident dedicated his first literary works to this topic.

Solzhenitsyn's creative and life path is unique. Become a witness and participant in important historical events- happiness for the writer, but a great tragedy for the person.

Solzhenitsyn met the beginning of the war in Moscow. Here he studied at the correspondence course of the Institute of History, Philosophy and Literature. He had Rostov University behind him. Ahead lies officer school, reconnaissance and arrest. At the end of the nineties, in the literary magazine " New world“Solzhenitsyn’s works were published, in which the author reflected his war experience. And he had a considerable one.

As an artillery officer, the future writer went from Orel to the events of this period, years later he dedicated the works “Zhelyabug settlements”, “Adlig Schwenkitten”. He found himself in the very places where General Samsonov’s army once passed. Solzhenitsyn dedicated his book “The Red Wheel” to the events of 1914.

Captain Solzhenitsyn was arrested in 1945. This was followed by long years prisons, camps, exiles. After rehabilitation in 1957, he taught for some time in a rural school, not far from Ryazan. Solzhenitsyn rented a room from a local resident, Matryona Zakharovna, who later became the prototype main character story " Matrenin Dvor».

Underground writer

In his autobiographical book “A Calf Butted an Oak Tree,” Solzhenitsyn admitted that before his arrest, although he was drawn to literature, it was very unconsciously. IN Peaceful time, free, he was upset that fresh topics for stories were not easy to find. What would they have been like if he had not been imprisoned?

Themes for stories, novellas and novels were born during transit, in camp barracks, and in prison cells. Unable to write down his thoughts on paper, he created entire chapters of the novels “The Gulag Archipelago” and “The First Circle” in his head, and then memorized them.

After his release, Alexander Isaevich continued to write. In the fifties, publishing your works seemed like an impossible dream. But he did not stop writing, believing that his work would not be lost, that at least his descendants would read his plays, stories and stories.

Solzhenitsyn was able to publish his first works only in 1963. Books, as separate publications, appeared much later. In his homeland, the writer was able to publish stories in Novy Mir. But this was also incredible happiness.


Memorizing what was written and then burning it is a method that Solzhenitsyn used more than once to preserve his works. But when in exile the doctors told him that he had only a few weeks to live, he was afraid, first of all, that the reader would never see what he had created. There was no one to preserve Solzhenitsyn’s works. Friends are in camps. Mother died. His wife divorced him in absentia and married someone else. Solzhenitsyn folded the manuscripts that he had written, then hid them in a champagne bottle and buried this bottle in the garden. And he went to Tashkent to die...

However, he survived. With the most difficult diagnosis, recovery seemed like an omen from above. In the spring of 1954, Solzhenitsyn wrote “The Republic of Labor” - the first work during the creation of which the underground writer knew the happiness of not destroying passage after passage, but being able to read his own work in full.

"In the first circle"

A novel about a sharashka was written in the literary underground. The prototypes of the main characters of the novel “In the First Circle” were the author himself and his acquaintances. But, despite all the precautions, as well as the desire to publish the work in a lighter version, only KGB officers had a chance to read it. In Russia, the novel “In the First Circle” was published only in 1990. In the West - twenty-two years earlier.

"One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich"

The camp is a special world. It has nothing in common with the one in which they reside free people. In the camp, everyone survives and dies in their own way. Solzhenitsyn's first published work depicts only one day in the hero's life. The author knew firsthand about camp life. That is why the reader is so amazed by the rough and truthful realism present in the story that Solzhenitsyn wrote.

The books of this writer caused a resonance in world society, primarily due to their authenticity. Solzhenitsyn believed that a writer’s talent fades and then completely dies if he strives to circumvent the truth in his work. Therefore, being in absolute literary isolation for a long time and unable to publish the results of his many years of work, he did not envy the success of the representatives of so-called socialist realism. The Union of Writers expelled Tsvetaeva and rejected Pasternak and Akhmatova. Didn't accept Bulgakov. In this world, if talents appeared, they quickly died.

Publication history

Solzhenitsyn did not dare to sign the manuscript sent to the editorial office of Novy Mir with his own name. There was almost no hope that One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich would see the light of day. Long tedious months had passed since one of the writer’s friends sent several sheets of paper covered in small handwriting to the employees of the country’s main literary publishing house, when suddenly an invitation arrived from Tvardovsky.

Author of "Vasily Terkin" and part-time Chief Editor I read the manuscript of an unknown author from the New World magazine thanks to Anna Berzer. An employee of the publishing house invited Tvardovsky to read the story, uttering a phrase that became decisive: “This is about camp life, through the eyes of a simple man." Great Soviet poet, the author of a military-patriotic poem, came from a simple peasant family. Therefore, the work, in which the narration is told from the perspective of a “simple man,” interested him very much.

"Gulag Archipelago"

Solzhenitsyn spent more than ten years creating a novel about the inhabitants of Stalin’s camps. The work was first published in France. In 1969, The Gulag Archipelago was completed. However, publishing such a work in the Soviet Union was not only difficult, but also risky. One of the writer’s assistants, who reprinted the first volume of the work, became a victim of persecution by KGB officers. As a result of the arrest and five days of continuous interrogation, the now middle-aged woman testified against Solzhenitsyn. And then she committed suicide.

After these events, the writer had no doubts about the need to publish “Archipelago” abroad.


Solzhenitsyn Alexander Isaevich was expelled from Soviet Union a few months after the release of the novel “The Gulag Archipelago”. The writer was accused of treason. The nature of the crime that Solzhenitsyn allegedly committed was widely reported in the Soviet media. In particular, the author of “Archipelago” was accused of collaborating with the Vlasovites during the war. But nothing was said about the contents of the sensational book.

Before last days throughout his life, Solzhenitsyn did not stop his literary and social activities. In an interview with a foreign periodical in the early eighties, the Russian writer expressed confidence that he would be able to return to his homeland. At the time it seemed unlikely.


In 1990, Solzhenitsyn returned. In Russia, he wrote many articles on current political and public issues. The writer donated a significant portion of his fees to support prisoners and their families. One of the prizes is in favor of the nuclear power plant. But it should be noted that the writer nevertheless refused the Order of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called, citing his reluctance to accept a reward from the supreme authority, which had brought the country to its current deplorable state.

Solzhenitsyn's works are a valuable contribution to Russian literature. IN Soviet times he was considered a dissident and a nationalist. Solzhenitsyn did not agree with this opinion, arguing that he was a Russian writer who loved his Fatherland above all else.

The life and work of Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn

S. Zalygin

Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn-

man, thinker, writer

He formulated his life credo himself: “The meaning of earthly existence is not in prosperity, but in the development of the soul ».

He felt his inextricable connection with the people, was demanding of himself as an artist, and always fought against violence, evil and injustice: “... a writer can do a lot in his people - and should. Once you have taken up your word, you can never evade it: the writer is not an outside judge to his compatriots and contemporaries, he is a co-author of all the evil committed in his homeland or by his people.”


City of Kislovodsk

Stavropol region.

in which they passed

first 6 years of life.


The house where he lived

schoolboy Sanya Solzhenitsyn

The writer’s parents: Isaac Semenovich and Taisiya Zakharovna Solzhenitsyn

Student years Rostov State University

Best friends: Kirill Simonyan and

Lida Ezherets


Artillery cadet


Battalion Commander

Captain Solzhenitsyn

Village of Maltsevo, Vladimir region

Matryona Vasilievna Zakharova at her house. 1956

1970 Nobel Prize: Unheard of bullying

1974 Campaign against Solzhenitsyn in the Soviet press

Nobel Prize Laureate

1965-1973 “Gulag Archipelago”: « Artistic Research Experience" state system extermination of people in the USSR

Natalya Svetlova - wife, friend, irreplaceable assistant


Great Russian writer

Books that revolutionized public consciousness

Solzhenitsyn is back

Writer's meeting.

Khabarovsk and Novosibirsk.

Back in Moscow


This was a truly powerful figure. Both in literature and in public life he was one of the most powerful figures in the entire history of Russia. Now that he is gone, this is understood especially. One man challenged a huge system - and won. No one, be it the most famous personalities in art, science and politics, there was no such enormous lifetime fame and popularity as Alexander Isaevich.

These days the whole world should gasp mournfully -

The great moralist, fair man, and talent is gone.

Valentin Rasputin

The story "Matrenin's Dvor" was written in 1959. This is Solzhenitsyn's story about the situation in which he found himself after returning from the camp. He “wanted to worm his way in and get lost in the very interior of Russia,” to find “a quiet corner of Russia away from the railways.”

"Matrenin's Dvor"

There are such born angels, they seem to be weightless, they seem to glide on top of this slurry (violence, lies, myths about happiness and legality), without drowning in it at all.”

A. I. Solzhenitsyn

After his rehabilitation in 1957, Solzhenitsyn lived in the village of Maltsevo, Kurlovsky district, Vladimir region, with the peasant woman Matryona Vasilievna Zakharova. The former camp inmate could only get hired for hard work, but he wanted to teach.

"Matrenin's Dvor"


Matryona is endowed with a discreet appearance. It is important for the author to depict not so much external beauty a simple Russian peasant woman, how many Inner Light flowing from her eyes, and emphasize her thought all the more clearly: “Those people always have good faces who are at peace with their conscience.”

"Matrenin's Dvor"


All her “wealth” is ficus trees, a lanky cat, a goat, mice and cockroaches. All the world Matryona in her darkish hut with a large Russian stove is a continuation of herself, a part of her life. Everything here is natural and organic: the beloved ficus trees “filled the owner’s loneliness with a silent but living crowd.”

"Matrenin's Dvor"


The heroine's life path is not easy. She had to endure a lot of grief and injustice in her lifetime: broken love, the death of six children, the loss of her husband in the war, hellish work in the village, severe illness and illness, a bitter resentment towards the collective farm, which squeezed all the strength out of her and then wrote her off as unnecessary. . The tragedy of a rural Russian woman is concentrated in the fate of one Matryona.

One day of life Matryona Vasilievna

Just not to be late

(get up at four or five in the morning)

Bowing to the forest bushes,

go back home


with a kind smile

Quiet, polite,

trying not to make noise

work around the house in the morning

The meaning of everyday


Stock up for the winter


constantly taking risks

go on trial

Selflessly help everyone

(relatives, neighbors, collective farm)

Feed the goat herders

giving all his best to other housewives

and driving yourself into great expense

"Matrenin's Dvor"


The heroes of the story fall into two unequal parts: Matryona and the author-narrator who understands and loves her, and those who use Matryona, her relatives. The boundary between them is indicated by the fact that the main thing in the consciousness and behavior of each of them is interest in common life, the desire to participate in it, an open, sincere attitude towards people or a focus only on one’s own interests, own home, own wealth.

"Matrenin's Dvor"

What and who “is worth to the village, the city... our whole land”?

Matryona Vasilievna is a person who lives according to the commandments of Christ, who managed to preserve the purity and holiness of her soul in the most dramatic circumstances of Russian history of the twentieth century.

“We all lived next to her and did not understand that she was the very righteous person without whom, according to the proverb, the village would not stand.

Neither the city.

Neither the whole land is ours.”


The life and fate of Matryona Vasilyevna Zakharova is a real lesson in life for us - a lesson in kindness, conscience and humanity. If only each of us could hear her quiet voice, reminding us: “You are a man, God’s greatest creation, and God lives in your soul. Remember this". We have revealed the concept of a righteous person; perhaps there is such a person in the lives of each of us. If not, it will appear. It is important to see it and recognize it in time.