Biography of Victoria Beckham. Beauty evolution: Victoria Beckham in her youth and now

The career of this amazing woman began in the 90s in the group Spice Girls.

The famous British magazine Top of the Pops called her Posh Spice - Chic Pepper.

In those years, the girl looked very bright, often sacrificing comfort for the sake of beauty. She wore short leather dresses, furs and statement heels. The singer’s figure allowed it: Victoria Beckham in her youth she had graceful forms and small beautiful breasts.

I have nothing against people who have done anything to their face. I think if it makes someone feel good about themselves, that's great.

Victoria Beckham before and after plastic surgery

In 1999, the girl married a football player DavidBeckham.

After the birth of her first child, Vicky was faced with rejection of her own changed body and thought about breast augmentation.

But my acquaintance with plastic surgery turned out to be not the most successful: the implants stood out noticeably on my fragile figure after losing weight and, due to the lack of subcutaneous fat, were heavily contoured. At the same time, the “peppercorn” denied mammoplasty, citing underwear with a push-up effect.

In the mid-2000s, the singer replaced high-profile round implants with anatomical ones, and in 2010, after her fourth birth, she openly admitted that she had removed the endoprostheses and settled on natural forms. In 2014, rumors appeared that Vicky had silicone implants installed again, but the star herself did not confirm the information.

Experts believe that the style icon resorted to rhinoplasty.

Photos of Victoria Beckham before and after plastic surgery show that the tip of her nose has become narrower and more graceful. Vicky did not set the plastic surgeon the task of globally changing the profile, and he only slightly changed the supratip fracture and the outline of the tip.

The doctor’s work deserves applause - only differences in early and late images indicate intervention.

It is a mistake to claim that Victoria Beckham's famous sunken cheekbones are the result of removing Bisha's lumps. At a certain stage in her career, Vicky lost a lot of weight and lost the girlish roundness of her cheeks.

The shapes of the famous designer, acquired as a result of the most severe diets, are called upon by specialists to proper nutrition There are a lot of questions, but Vicky continues to monitor her weight.

A sharpened chin may well be a consequence of total weight loss. But there is another opinion: Victoria Beckham had her chin corrected with an implant, and the procedure lengthened her face. Whether this is true or not is known only to the ex-peppercorn herself.

Experts believe that over the years, Vicky has corrected the volume of her lips several times using hyaluronic acid. Since the star knows when to stop, her lips look very natural.

The good results of Victoria Beckham's plastic surgery are largely explained by the moderation of requests and an innate sense of beauty. The designer very faithfully adheres to the principle: the best is the enemy of the good, and Victoria’s appearance only confirms this. Victoria Beckham Now she’s not the same girl in mini-dresses in acid shades. Today she is a smartly dressed businesswoman who sets trends.

Victoria Beckham is a unique person in her own way. It’s rare that any media person today manages to succeed first in one business, and then, perhaps even more fully, in another. Those who grew up in the 1990s and were interested in foreign pop music, the brilliant Spice girls will definitely be remembered, and the new generation is delighted with Victoria Beckham’s work as a fashion designer and businesswoman promoting her own brand.

One cannot fail to note her marriage to a famous football player: it seemed that Victoria was exceptionally successful in everything she put her hand to. Victoria Beckham's biography is intense and rich in events, including not always positive ones, but she is known for her ability to stoically endure any adversity that befalls her. Today Victoria Beckham is 44 years old, but time seems to have no power over her. Despite visits to plastic surgeons and silicone implants, Victoria Beckham's measurements are attractive and close to the natural proportions of a young girl.

  • Real name: Victoria Caroline Adams
  • Date of birth: 04/17/1974
  • Zodiac sign: Aries
  • Height: 163 centimeters
  • Weight: 75 kilograms
  • Waist and hips: 58.5 and 84 centimeters
  • Shoe size: 38 (EUR)
  • Eye and hair color: Green, blonde.

Rising Star

Victoria's biography begins in the English county of Hertfordshire, or more precisely, in the village of Goffs Oak. The maiden name of the future star is Adams. Victoria Beckham's nationality is English. IN school years the girl experienced communication with peers, learned to dance and dreamed of one day waking up as a celebrity. And, oddly enough, her entry into the girl group Spice girls began with a banal advertisement in the local newspaper. When asking what group Victoria Beckham sang in, fans usually mean this name, although few people know that the first name of the “peppercorns” was Touch. Along with the four other members of the group, she probably had no idea that just three years later she would one day wake up famous.

After releasing three recorded albums, where Victoria Beckham sang, the group decided to cease to exist. And only in 2007, the awakened nostalgia of the participants made it possible to recreate the famous girl band of the 90s. The 20 million dollars earned during each of the performers' last tour can certainly be considered the main reason why it was decided to reincarnate the Spice girls, but as Victoria herself stated, her task was to show her grown-up children what had previously been the main milestone in her life. Until 2004, the singer also made attempts to continue solo career, however, they were not so successful as to speak of independent formation nova from the old train.

De Integro

Today, Victoria Beckham is known primarily as a designer and owner of clothes named after herself. However, her start along a completely new path for her was not as successful at first as she would have liked. The dVb perfume line, V Sculpt cosmetics for the Japanese market, several other fragrances and branded bags brought her money, but did not provide her with fame in her new role.

And only in 2009, Mrs. Beckham gained fame as a fashion designer, justifying the Latin saying tattooed on her body - De Integro - “again”. Just ten dresses from the Victoria Beckham Collection winter collection bring both fame and money to her brand, Beckham Brand Ltd. Perhaps, everyone who is at least somewhat interested in fashion remembers this top ten: dresses with a simple but attentive to detail haute couture cut were highly praised by critics and fashion bloggers. Bright, local tones, collars reminiscent of school outfits, medium lengths without an ounce of vulgarity and slimming universal styles created a boom effect.

Subsequently, Victoria only consolidated her achievements with new collections, which included silk items of a more elaborate cut. It should also be noted that the ex-singer always attached great value own appearance. How can I demonstrate my own clothing line if I look bad - these were her words in response to all the attacks from critics of her figure. And they were definitely found, because Victoria’s weight for her height and age remains almost critical.

Scandals with photos of her with a problematic breast implant added fuel to the fire, but today, it seems, the paparazzi have given up trying to influence Mrs. Beckham’s behavior, recognizing it as impossible to lead her astray from her chosen path. Victoria's 2015 collection is designed in soothing colors and is reminiscent of the English noble families of the northern counties and their attire of the early twentieth century.

Personal life of the “chic spice”

Posh Spice, as reporters dubbed her, in 1999 made all the fans of football player David Beckham bite their elbows by becoming his official wife. Since then, the yellow press has repeatedly tried to identify possible conflicts in the couple, but until now both form a harmonious union and follow the ideology family life. In total, the couple had four children by 2015, of which three were boys. Since 2013, the Beckham couple left the United States, preferring cozy London to noisy Los Angeles.

The paparazzi regularly pamper her fans with photographs where she is constantly rushing to business meetings, walking with children, shopping or visiting beauty salons. Who would have thought that someday a member of a pop group would become not just the wife of a famous football player, but also a style icon that millions of girls from all over the world would look up to.


Victoria Adams was born in 1974 on April 17. Her family was quite rich, which is why the girl was often subjected to envy and caustic remarks from her classmates. In addition, she had skin problems as a teenager, which became an additional reason for bullying.

Victoria Adams began Star Trek in 1994 as a singer in the Spice Girls and immediately received the title of the most stylish member and the nickname “Posh Spice” (posh spice).

After the breakup of the group, the girl releases her solo album, but, unfortunately, it does not bring her success. An unsuccessful vocal experience gives Victoria a start, like a real girl, changes her hairstyle to a stylish bob and begins the path of a famous trendsetter.

Spice Girls: life after world fame

In 2007, the “peppercorns” united to release a new album and world tour. Victoria Adams did not become a good singer, but she charmed all her fans with her appearance and style. By this point, the girl clearly realized that a vocal career was not for her and she was ready to realize herself in another field. Of course, in the fashion industry.

She designed a denim line and became the founder of her own brand, Beckham. This was followed by the release of collections sunglasses, jewelry, perfume and bags. In addition, the “peppercorn” tried her hand at literature. Her first book, “Learning to Fly,” not only broke sales records and became a bestseller, but also strengthened the girl’s popularity.

Fateful kiss

Their marriage has long been considered a role model, and they met on the football field. After another victory for Manchester United, Victoria Adams ran out to the team in delight and kissed David. After a while, information appeared in the press about the beginning of their relationship. Literally a year later they officially announced their engagement, and in 1999 they got married. By the time of the wedding, the couple had already had their first child, Brooklyn.

The wedding took place on the outskirts of Dublin in an ancient Irish castle, where about 300 guests were present. If rumors are to be believed, the ceremony cost the couple $800 thousand. However, these costs were fully recouped, since HELLO magazine received exclusive rights to filming and paid one and a half million dollars. In one of his interviews, David proudly said that his world rests on three pillars - his wife, football and children.

Beckham children

Brooklyn Joseph was born in 1999 on March 4th. The boy received his name in honor of the area where he was conceived. Brooklyn is a true tomboy and loves to copy her dad, from style to hobbies. In addition to football, he has a passion for surfing and snowboarding. By the way, Brooklyn is not only Elton John’s godson, but also one of the heirs to his multimillion-dollar fortune.

Romeo James was born in 2002 on September 1 and was named after the hero of the famous play. If the eldest son of the Beckhams is daddy's boy, then the middle one spends a lot of time with his mother. He knows about fashion and ordinary life prefers to wear things in a casual style.

Cruise David was born in 2005 on February 20 and named after Hollywood actor and close family friend Tom Cruise. The boy is interested in dancing, and to develop his talent, his parents decided to hire a star teacher for him - Raymond Asher. But after some time, Cruz became interested classical dances and entered the choreographic school. The boy dreams of becoming a ballet dancer.

Harper (vintage) English name) Seven (the number under which David played) is a long-awaited daughter who was born in 2011 on July 10. Like many women, Victoria always dreamed of having a daughter so she could go shopping with her and teach her how to do manicures and makeup.

Victoria Beckham (Adams): her style and dresses

Of course, in the mid and late 90s popular pop group there were "peppercorns". This is where the chronicle of Victoria's style needs to begin. The wardrobe of those years included night dresses, mini skirts, stiletto heels and high platforms. The "chic peppercorn" makeup included black eyeliner and dramatic brows.

Since becoming Mrs. Beckham, she has been criticized more than once for her style. A girl could wear a strict trouser suit and a provocative deep neckline, a flowing dress with uncultured slits to the middle of the thigh (by Roberto Cavalli) or an outfit that completely showed off her bra.

The path to the triumphant, elegant look we see now began in 2007. Later in an interview she will say that she always dreamed of finding herself in the fashion industry, and she succeeded. In 2011, it became known that Victoria Beckham (Adams) won the “Designer of the Year” category (British Fashion Awards).

Her style today is dresses with a clear silhouette, fitted style, high-quality fabrics, discreet shades and harmonious accessories. In her book on style, the “chic peppercorn” gives this advice to all girls: “Classics are a canvas on which you can paint any picture.”

Their marriage could be called a misalliance. But love, as we know, does not recognize class differences. Victoria and David Beckham have been considered the most stylish public couple and a truly exemplary English family for eighteen years now.

Victoria Adams

Victoria was born into a fairly wealthy family of Anthony and Jacqueline Adams, where two more children grew up besides her. She was embarrassed by wealth and really did not like going to school with her father in his luxurious Rolls-Royce. She had no friends, and her peers often pestered the girl with ridicule and mockery.

Already in her teens, she decided to become an actress and persuaded her parents to send her to drama school. There she not only forgot about all her problems with her peers, but also actively learned the basics of theatrical skills, while simultaneously developing her vocal abilities.

Having entered college after school, young Victoria also took up dancing and enjoyed studying classical choreography. In the spring of 1994, Victoria decided to take part in the casting, which was quite successful, becoming one of the soloists of the popular group “Spice Girls”.

It was from this moment that Victoria Adams, who received the nickname Posh Spice in the group, began her confident rise to fame.

David Beckham

David Beckham was born into a poor family of a kitchen assembler and a hairdresser. The boy's father, who dreamed of a son, devoted all his strength to raising him famous athlete. He began training the baby when he was barely two years old. However, David himself was passionate about football, showing remarkable abilities.

Already at the age of 11, the talented boy was noticed by Manchester United recruiters. He was invited to take exams, after successfully passing which he was enrolled in the youth team. At the age of 14, the talented teenager had already signed his first contract with his favorite team, and at 17 he won the FA Youth Cup as part of Manchester United. Soon he becomes part of the main team of this club. And although David did not score many goals, he gained football fame for his brilliant execution of free kicks.

The stars have aligned

Posh Spice was dragged to the Manchester United match by teammate Mel B. She was an avid fan and promised that Pepper (as Victoria was often called in the team) would certainly receive many vivid impressions and emotions from the football players’ play.

Victoria Beckham at the PSG - Marseille match. / Photo:

True, Victoria herself did not share her friend’s wild enthusiasm, and did not see anything exciting in this sport. But she still agreed to go to the match. And I never regretted it. After all, it was during the match that she drew attention to rising star English football, immediately deciding to definitely meet him after the match.

Mel put all her strength and connections into getting her and Victoria into the athletes’ locker room. They flew towards the tired, gloomy athletes like two restless birds. And they flew away, leaving a light trail of perfume and a feeling of some kind of understatement in the locker room. However, Vicky was not going to say much, she simply put her ticket for the match into the hand of David, who did not understand anything, and her phone number was neatly written on the back of the ticket. Two stars converged at one point, never to be separated again.

Star Romance

They were both so popular and famous that not a single step of the lovers went unnoticed. Their romance developed quite rapidly. They appeared everywhere, touchingly holding hands and representing the true personification of youth, beauty, and love.

Less than a year later, the lovers announced their engagement and began to slowly prepare for the wedding. However, all their plans were disrupted by the unexpected pregnancy of the bride. The news of this was so stunning also because doctors had shortly before informed Victoria that it was impossible to have children. The bride and groom adjusted their plans and got married four months after the birth of their first child, Brooklyn Joseph.

Victoria Adams and David Beckham vowed to be together for better or worse, for better or worse, on July 4, 1999. Their wedding at Luttrellstone Castle in Ireland was truly a royal ceremony.

Second marriage

After the wedding, the newlyweds showed the world true English restraint: they categorically refused to talk about relationships in their family, and in public they always looked perfect couple. In 2002, the second son, Romeo James, was born into the Beckham family, and in 2005, the third, Cruz David.

No matter what rumors and gossip arose around them, they always remained just rumors. Repeatedly, the tabloids were full of news of the upcoming divorce of the star couple. But Victoria briefly answered all questions that she believed David. And then she went to him on the other side of the globe.

After the birth of Cruise and another round of divorce rumors, David again arranged a wedding with Victoria. They again stood in front of the altar and repeated the words of the oath. After this ceremony, David and Victoria got identical tattoos on their arms: “All over again.”

Coming of age of love

This stylish, bright, extraordinary couple inspires admiration. David and Victoria are distinguished by their incredible ability to work and determination. Over 18 years of marriage, they managed not only to build a real family, give birth to four children (the Beckhams’ daughter Harper Seven was born in July 2001), but also to create their own fashion empire.

At the same time, Victoria and David still look at each other with loving eyes, and in social networks exchange touching messages.

When they appear in public, there is no shadow of doubt that this is love. The one who “covers everything, believes everything, hopes everything, endures everything.” True love based on mutual respect and trust.

The love story of David and Victoria Beckham inspires faith in the omnipotence of love. The history of a star marriage proves that true love knows no barriers.

Victoria Beckham, née Adams, was born into a fairly wealthy British family. Because of this, classmates often made fun of rich Adams and rarely accepted her into their games out of envy. In addition, in her youth, Victoria had bad skin on her face, which became an additional reason for ridicule. Therefore, at home alone, the girl put on real shows in which she was everyone’s favorite star, changed outfits and hairstyles, sang and took pictures.

Finding herself in creativity, Victoria studied ballet. After receiving secondary education, Victoria took a three-year course at the Lanie Arts Theater. Special talents future star she didn’t shine, but the teachers noted the girl’s diligence and diligence, her hard work. It was persistence that helped Victoria during endless unsuccessful castings and auditions. Adams dreamed of becoming a model or actress and was not going to give up.

Victoria has a brother Christian and a sister Louise.

Star Trek Victoria

Mine star trek Victoria Beckham started out as a singer, and in such a famous and popular group as the Spice Girls. Having become one of the peppercorns in 1994, Victoria received the nickname Posh Spice (chic spice) and the title of the most stylish member of the group. As a member of the Spice Girls, Victoria took part in the recording of two albums of the group - Spiceworld and Forever. Critics have repeatedly noted the girl’s weak vocal and artistic abilities. However, it was she who was destined to overtake the other “peppercorns” in popularity and success.

After the breakup of the girl band, Beckham recorded her debut solo album, Victoria Beckham, in 2000, which, however, did not bring success to its creator. In 2002, the singer recorded the album Open Your Eyes, but did not dare to launch it into mass sales.

After this unsuccessful experience, Victoria's vocal career was over. Victoria finally breaks with the past, like a real girl - by radically changing her haircut. She says goodbye to long extensions and sets the trend for short bobs. This haircut, as interpreted by Victoria, gets the name Pob, short for Posh's bob. This is how the ex-singer began her journey as the most famous trendsetter on the planet.

In 2007, the Spice Girls united again for a world tour and the release of The Greatest Hits disc. Victoria never becomes a good singer, but she appearance and the outfits she wears during her performances captivate the audience and make her the most glamorous among her former bandmates. By this point, Beckham is clearly aware that musical career over, but she is full of strength and determination to try herself in something that she knows how to do. Of course, in fashion.

She designs the Rock & Republic jeans line and creates her own brand of clothing. Beckham has also launched her own line of eyewear, bags, jewelry and Samantha Thavasa fragrance. In 2009-2010, Victoria Beckham's collection was recognized as one of the best at New York Fashion Week.

Beckham herself never tires of confessing her love for fashion and giving fashion advice to girls. For example, any image, Victoria believes, should be created from linen, money should be invested in timeless classics and expensive accessories, and shopping tours to Japan and New York should be organized.

In addition, Victoria tried herself in literature. Her first literary experience became the book Learning to fly, published in 2001. And in 2006, a second book appeared, entitled That Extra Half an Inch: hair, heels and everything in between. Both books became bestsellers and broke sales records, only strengthening the popularity of their author. By the way, Victoria Beckham's height is 165 cm.

Personal life of Victoria Beckham

Victoria Beckham's personal life, fortunately, is as successful as her career. For a long time Victoria has been married to one of the most desirable men planets - . A luxurious wedding ceremony took place on July 4, 1999 at Luttrellstone Castle in Ireland.

WITH light hand spouses, Victoria Beckham's husband has turned into the main metrosexual and heartthrob of the world. Victoria understands that the creation of her own hands turned out to be very successful. Therefore, he does not make scenes of jealousy. She is even ready to turn a blind eye to her husband’s casual affairs on the side.

Married to this happy couple Three sons were born: Brooklyn Joseph, Romeo and Cruz. Currently, the entire family lives in Los Angeles due to the contract concluded by the head of the family with the Galaxy club. On July 10, 2011, Victoria finally gave birth to a daughter, who was named Harper Seven. Now Victoria will have a successor, who will get all the luxurious outfits of the most luxurious “spice.”