Victor Vasnetsov – biography and paintings of the artist in the genre of Romanticism, Symbolism – Art Challenge. The most famous paintings by Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov

Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov was born in 1848 on May 15 in a village with the funny name Lopyal. Vasnetsov's father was a priest, as were his grandfather and great-grandfather. In 1850, Mikhail Vasilyevich took his family to the village of Ryabovo. This was due to his service. Viktor Vasnetsov had 5 brothers, one of whom also became famous artists, his name was Apollinaris.

Vasnetsov’s talent manifested itself from childhood, but the extremely unfortunate financial situation in the family left no options for how to send Victor to the Vyatka Theological School in 1858. Already at the age of 14, Viktor Vasnetsov studied at the Vyatka Theological Seminary. Children of priests were taken there for free.

Having never graduated from the seminary, in 1867 Vasnetsov went to St. Petersburg to enter the Academy of Arts. He had very little money, and Victor put up 2 of his paintings for “auction” - “The Milkmaid” and “The Reaper”. Before leaving, he never received money for them. He received 60 rubles for these two paintings a few months later in St. Petersburg. Arriving in the capital, young artist it was only 10 rubles.

Vasnetsov did an excellent job in the drawing exam and was immediately enrolled in the Academy. For about a year he studied at the Drawing School, where he met his teacher -.

Vasnetsov began studying at the Academy of Arts in 1868. At this time, he became friends with, and at one time they even lived in the same apartment.

Although Vasnetsov liked it at the Academy, he did not finish it, leaving for in 1876, where he lived more than a year. At this time, Repin was also there on a business trip. They also maintained friendly relations.

After returning to Moscow, Vasnetsov was immediately accepted into the Association of Mobile Vehicles art exhibitions. By this time, the artist’s drawing style was changing significantly, and not only the style, Vasnetsov himself moved to live in Moscow, where he became close to Tretyakov and Mamontov. It was in Moscow that Vasnetsov came into his own. He liked being in this city, he felt at ease and performed various creative works.

For more than 10 years, Vasnetsov designed the Vladimir Cathedral in Kyiv. M. Nesterov helped him in this. It was after the completion of this work that Vasnetsov can rightfully be called a great Russian icon painter.

1899 became the peak of the artist’s popularity. At his exhibition, Vasnetsov presented to the public.

After the revolution, Vasnetsov no longer lived in Russia, but in the USSR, which seriously depressed him. People destroyed his paintings and treated the artist with disrespect. But until the end of his life, Viktor Mikhailovich was faithful to his work - he painted. He died on July 23, 1926 in Moscow, without finishing the portrait of his friend and student M. Nesterov.

Architecture, as well as design, fascinated Vasnetsov, the reason for this was his participation in the Abramtsevo art circle, which zealously strived to create modern synthetic art. Vasnetsov’s development as an architect took place in Abramtsevo. Church of the Savior […]

The canvas “Christ Pantocrator” was created by Vasnetsov over 9 years, from 1885 to 1896. The artist depicted the image of Jesus Christ enclosed in a circle perfect shape, in the central part of the composition, with Vasnetsov in the background […]

State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow. The painting “The Shroud” (otherwise known as “Laying on the Coffin”) was painted by Viktor Vasnetsov in 1901. It depicts the gospel scene of the funeral of the crucified Jesus Christ. In the center of the canvas is Christ [...]

1885; watercolor; State Tretyakov Gallery. Expert in Russian folklore, lover of dramatic fairy tales, Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov appears in a form that is not the most familiar to him. Watercolor sketch called "Spring is Red" - not separate work, […]

In 1873, Alexander Ostrovsky wrote his famous play "The Snow Maiden", which was staged at theater stage. Many masters of that time worked on the decorations for the production, but the works of Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov occupy a special place. […]

Vasnetsov is known for his artwork on fairy-tale and epic themes. However, the list of themes in his work is extensive. He painted portraits and paintings on everyday and religious themes. Painting portraits of loved ones helped Vasnetsov create […]

Artist Viktor Vasnetsov is an artist and painter. Creative direction the artist is mostly associated with historical and fairy tale themes, Russian epics. Vasnetsov very skillfully used his talent and skills to clearly demonstrate his understanding folk tales, took inspiration from the rich folklore images. Thanks to his ability to accurately implement his plans, he soon became recognizable. The public immediately appreciated and loved his work.

Biography - Viktor Vasnetsov was born into the family of a poor priest M.V. Vasnetsov, Vyatka province, village of Ryabovo on May 15, 1848. WITH early childhood it was noticed that he gravitated toward drawing; the main subjects of his sketches were local landscapes and scenes village life. Later, Vasnetsov was accepted to study at a theological school in 1858, and a little later he entered the theological seminary in the city of Vyatka.

In Vyatka, the young artist develops his drawing abilities; the main theme of his drawings was the themes of Russian folk proverbs, fairy tales, and sayings. While studying at the seminary, he met an exile Polish artist Andrioli E, who enlightened the young artist Vasnetsov about the art of painting, subsequently Vasnetsov decided, so as not to leave the last course of the seminary, and enter the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, in which the artist Andrioli actually helped him, introducing Vasnetsov to Bishop A. Krasinsky, who persuaded Governor Kampaneyshchikov to organize a lottery promotion to sell Vasnetsov's pictures The Milkmaid and the Reaper, thus earning some money, plus a little help from his father,

Vasnetsov went to St. Petersburg in 1867. In the city of Petra, he enters the academy after passing the exams; without learning about his enrollment in the academy, he is faced with a difficult financial situation while looking for a place to live. In his difficult situation, the brother of Vyatsky’s teacher Krasovsky helps, placing Vasnetsov in a cartographic organization; later the artist drew illustrations for books and various magazines, while simultaneously attending the drawing school of the Society for the Encouragement of Artists, where an important acquaintance in his life with the artist Ivan Kramskoy took place.

In 1868, he again tries to enter the academy, being surprised to learn that he was admitted to the academy last year. At the academy, he met Repin and many other artists and teachers, including Pavel Chistyakov. While studying at the academy, the artist Vasnetsov creates hundreds of different illustrations for various children's alphabet books and fairy tales. Draws townspeople everyday stories from city life.

Having not completed his studies at the academy, he left it, the reason was this: Vasnetsov wanted to paint pictures on free topic, one can say where the soul was going with the themes of Russian epics and fairy tales, which was accordingly prohibited at the Academy of Arts.

On your own creative path Artist Viktor Vasnetsov created large number unique paintings, including famous paintings such as Ivan the Terrible, After the battle of Igor Svyatoslavich with the Polovtsians - the first serious work in the Russian epic direction written in 1878, then in 1882 The Knight at the Crossroads, The Battle of the Russians with the Scythians, “The Flying Carpet, Three princesses of the underworld, Alyonushka’s painting is very remarkable, this painting was painted in a national rhythm with a deep poetic overtone. His very famous painting The Bogatyrs of 1898, which Pavel Tretyakov acquired for his collection.

After writing the heroes, Vasnetsov was thinking about his personal exhibition, which he decided to organize in the spring of 1899 in the halls of the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg. The artist put on display about 38 of his best works.

Most noticeable painting at this exhibition, of course, there was a painting of the Bogatyri about which there were many flattering statements from contemporaries.

According to Stasov, this painting is simply a leader among other works of artists and deserves everyone’s attention and approval.

At the beginning of the 20th century, Vasnetsov worked with paintings on religious themes, and also continued to work with epic and fairy-tale themes.

From under his brush come the paintings Bayan, The Frog Princess, The Sleeping Princess, Kashchei the Immortal and The Princess of the Unsmey

The artist's creativity in his life path it was very eventful, many painting masterpieces were written, the themes of which are simply unique and unsurpassed. The artist’s creative energy was truly inexhaustible, yet many of his plans were not destined to come true. In 1926, in the summer of July 23, Vasnetsov died unexpectedly while painting a portrait of his colleague Nesterov.

Landscape backgrounds of V.'s works on fabulous and historical topics imbued with a deeply national feeling native nature, sometimes remarkable for the lyrical spontaneity of her perception (“Alyonushka”), sometimes epic in character (“After the massacre of Igor Svyatoslavich with the Polovtsians”), played an important role in the development of Russian landscape painting. In 1883-85 V. completed a monumental panel " Stone Age" For Historical Museum in Moscow, in 1885-96 - most of the paintings of the Vladimir Cathedral in Kyiv. In the paintings of the Vladimir Cathedral, V. tried to introduce spiritual content and emotionality into traditional system church monumental painting, which in the 2nd half of the 19th century. came into complete decline. V. painting in the mature period, characterized by a desire for monumental and decorative artistic language, the muted sound of generalized color spots, and sometimes the appeal to symbolism, anticipates the “modern” style that later became widespread in Russia. V. also executed a number of portraits (A. M. Vasnetsov, 1878; Ivan Petrov, 1883; both in the Tretyakov Gallery), illustrations for “Song of prophetic Oleg"A. S. Pushkin (watercolor, 1899, Literary Museum, Moscow). Based on his drawings, a church and a fabulous “Hut on Chicken Legs” were built in Abramtsevo (near Moscow; 1883), the facade was built Tretyakov Gallery(1902). IN Soviet era V. continued to work on folk fairy-tale themes ("Fight of Dobrynya Nikitich with the seven-headed Serpent Gorynych", 1918; "Kashchei the Immortal", 1917-26; both paintings are in the V. M. Vasnetsov House-Museum in Moscow).
Lit.: Stasov V.V., Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov and his works, in his book: Articles and Notes, vol. 2, M., 1954; Lebedev A.K., V.M. Vasnetsov. 1848-1926, M., 1955; Morgunov N., Morgunova-Rudnitskaya N., V. M. Vasnetsov, M., 1962.

Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia:
Vasnetsov’s works clearly represent different genres, which became stages of a very interesting evolution: from everyday life to fairy tales, from easel painting to the monumental, from the earthiness of the Itinerants to the prototype of the Art Nouveau style. At an early stage, Vasnetsov’s works were dominated by everyday subjects, for example, in the paintings “From Apartment to Apartment” (1876), “Military Telegram” (1878), “Book Shop” (1876), “Booth Shows in Paris” (1877). Later, the main direction became the epic-historical - “The Knight at the Crossroads” (1882), “After the Battle of Igor Svyatoslavich with the Polovtsians” (1880), “Alyonushka” (1881), “Ivan Tsarevich on Gray Wolf"(1889), "Bogatyrs" (1881-1898), "Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible" (1897). In the late 1890s, a religious theme occupied an increasingly prominent place in his work (works in the Vladimir Cathedral in Kyiv and in the Church of the Resurrection (Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood) in St. Petersburg, watercolor drawings and, in general, preparatory originals of wall painting for the cathedral St. Vladimir, painting the Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist on Presnya. Vasnetsov worked in a team of artists who designed the interior of the temple-monument of Alexander Nevsky in Sofia. He collaborated with artists M. V. Nesterov, I. G. Blinov and others. After 1917, Vasnetsov continued to work. on folk fairy-tale themes, creating the canvases “The Battle of Dobrynya Nikitich with the seven-headed Serpent Gorynych” (1918);

Viktor Vasnetsov is a famous Russian artist, whose work has left a deep mark on the culture of Russia. The great painter's brushes include paintings and church canvases. The artist did church painting to order for Russian churches. Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov was a versatile, very talented person: short biography may serve to confirm this conclusion.

Biography of the painter

Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov (1848-1926) was born into a poor family of a priest in the village of Lopyal, Vyatka province, on May 15, 1848. In addition to him, his parents had five children. The boy's father paid maximum attention to raising his children. He tried to develop their horizons, and not just instill religious dogmas. Mikhail Vasilievich wrote out scientific journals, however, the places where Vasnetsov lived were replete with legends, epics, and beliefs. The boy's thoughts were spinning around fairy tale characters. Heroes of fairy tales and colorful landscapes of wild lands can be seen on the artist’s canvases.

Little Victor showed an ability to draw from childhood. But lack of money did not allow his father to send his son to study artistic arts. The boy had to enter a religious school (1958), where education for the son of a priest was free.

After college, the boy entered the seminary, but did not graduate from the educational institution, as he began his studies at the St. Petersburg art school(1867). At the same time, the young man passed the exam at the Academy of Arts, but due to excessive modesty he did not come to check the result (Vasnetsov learned about his enrollment a year later).

After graduating from the academy, the artist participated in many exhibitions and painted temples. He became a member of the Society of Traveling Art Exhibitions of Moscow when he came to live in this city. Currently, you can visit the house-museum of Viktor Vasnetsov in Moscow, designed by the painter himself. Vasnetsov built it in neo-Russian style. The artist moved here in 1894 and lived with his family until his death.

The building now belongs to museum complex Tretyakov Gallery and is a museum with a permanent exhibition dedicated to the life and work of the famous Russian painter. Here you will see a portrait of Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov and a number of paintings by the great artist. In addition to the permanent exhibition, other exhibitions covering Vasnetsov’s activities are regularly held here.

A talented painter painted until he died (July 23, 1926). He left unfinished the portrait of Nesterov, the artist’s friend and student.

Works of the Russian painter

The work of Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov developed in stages. As a student at the academy, the young man dedicated free time drawing. At that time, the young artist was interested in illustrating Russian folk sayings, proverbs, fairy tales. Noticing the student’s talent, representatives of the clergy asked him to paint the Vyatka Cathedral.

The works, written by the young artist from 1876 to 1879, depict everyday scenes. The canvases of 1880-1898 have an epic-historical focus. Since 1890, the painter became interested in religious themes. He actively took up painting of churches, but did not forget about easel painting. After 1917, the artist painted illustrations for Russian folk tales.

During his life, Vasnetsov repeatedly took part in painting exhibitions. For the first time he exhibited works as a student at the academy. The demonstration of paintings helped the young man attract the attention of recognized artists and make his name known. After graduation educational institution(1873) the painter exhibited paintings as a member of the Association of Traveling Art Exhibitions. Such exhibitions were held in large villages and many cities. In addition to works by Viktor Mikhailovich, the exhibitions included paintings by other famous artists.

The active work of the partnership lasted until 1980, then the movement began to fade, and the organization itself ceased to exist after the last exhibition (1922).

Famous paintings

Of some of Vasnetsov's masterpieces, only descriptions remain. But many of the canvases have survived to this day. What has Viktor Vasnetsov pleased with modern art lovers: let’s look at the paintings with titles in order.

Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov left a rich legacy to his descendants. Many of his works were destroyed after the 1917 revolution. But even now we can admire the masterpieces of the great Russian painter of the 19th and 20th centuries.