The best horoscope for Virgo February

The character of the White Rat will have an extremely strong impact on Virgos in February of the year. negative influence. Get ready for a series of small but extremely tiring troubles. A purchase paid for and forgotten at the checkout, a broken heel or nail, malfunctions of small household appliances, forgotten keys will haunt you throughout the entire month, or even longer, and you can only console yourself with the fact that these problems are not worth a damn. Try not to take all these minor troubles to heart, you won’t be able to change anything, which means you shouldn’t get on your nerves over trifles.


In the field of work, Dev expects stability and success. However, it is worth paying more attention than usual to the preparation of all documents, because here, too, minor misunderstandings and oversights are possible that cannot affect the process, but can significantly spoil you nervous system because of concerns about them.

Virgos tend to stop and linger at the last minute. This can play a bad joke on Virgos throughout their lives, and especially in February. Pay attention to all the proposals received regarding business and work process, one of them will be exactly the one that is worth accepting. This will ensure your well-being and a comfortable life for a long time.

Virgo men should pay a little attention to their appearance, especially if they have to hold a management position or be the owner of a business. Illegibility in clothes or their not very neat appearance can alienate potential clients from you. Spend more time doing your morning toilet. Make sure to visit your hairdresser regularly. Polish up your look with branded clothing and accessories. Similar omissions that concern your appearance, is impossible and unacceptable to explain either by the lack of funds or the lack of time for them.

Business trips and trips during this period will be successful, and you will be able to make the most of your goals. Give preference railway transport. Avoid air travel and long car trips during the winter. But it’s better to avoid vacations in February altogether. He will be sad and joyless. And, if it cannot be postponed to another, more suitable time, try to spend it at least in a good team.


February is a good time to create relationships. The stars are inclined to create tandems Virgo - Leo, Virgo - Aquarius, Virgo - Pisces. Relationships in such unions arise easily and continue long time and remain durable all this time. The only clarification is that Virgos will have to slightly weaken their demands towards their partner, increase their criticism towards themselves and try to eradicate the desire to rule over everyone and in everything. This is especially true for Virgo women. Try to put the initiative in the hands of your partner, because his choice was based on positive qualities your man. You don’t have to constantly prove your supremacy, just rely on your companion in all vital matters. important issues, he will be able to provide you with a reliable life and rear. For married couples continues magnificent period. Harmony and mutual understanding reign in your family. If this is not the case, then look for reasons only in your behavior. The accumulated claims against your spouse, upon closer examination, will result in your miscalculations or inattention towards your significant other.

Virgos are often subject to attacks of jealousy. Jealousy is often unfounded and obsessive. Virgos can remember events long ago days gone by, the relationships in which their partners were before the start of the current relationship, and experience pristine emotions every time with these memories. Try to be more restrained in intimate conversations with Virgo about past love affairs. Excessive details can ruin and complicate your life and future relationships.

Virgo Child

For little Virgos, everything is given to them during this period without any particular difficulties. Studying and creative activities, sports achievements please parents and bring a lot of positive emotions directly to little Virgos. Try to record in the child’s memory how comfortable he is in such a situation. He will need to be reminded of this when there is a decline in interest in studies, hobbies or public life child. And this decline throughout school years or years of higher education educational institution will inevitably happen and more than once, because you have a Virgo child.


In February, Virgo's health may be harmed due to food poisoning. Pay attention to everything you eat in your kitchen, and even more carefully to what you eat outside of it. When visiting, it is recommended to avoid consuming salads made with mayonnaise and creamy sauces and canned foods. Try to be more restrained in your alcoholic libations. If poisoning does occur, seek medical help immediately, otherwise it will put you in bed for a long time and it will be difficult to recover from it.

Many Virgos are prone to obesity, diabetes and hypertension. It is much easier to prevent all this than to later deal with both the phenomenon itself and its consequences. Pay attention to the food you consume, its quantity and calorie content. Try to limit your consumption of carbohydrates and fats. Virgos have a big sweet tooth. Sweet is yours weak point and the most important factor in the gradually emerging problems with overweight. Try to eliminate its consumption, if not completely, then at least to a minimum. Be sure to attend training or at least take a walk before bed. Constantly fight excess weight.

Minor troubles are possible in February.
Trips and business trips will be successful.
Horoscope for Virgos for March 2020.

Virgos look forward to the February days. Will the last month of winter please them or bring new disappointments in love? Virgos can find out about this by reading their romantic horoscope for February. The astrological forecast contains a lot of predictions that will help representatives of the sign build the future of their dreams and find true happiness with their loved one.

Love horoscope for Virgos for February 2019

Many Virgos dream that at the end of winter they will finally be able to establish relationships with the opposite sex. February 2019 will give them several chances to succeed in this. The luckiest ones will be Virgos who are on the verge of breaking up with their soulmate. At the beginning of this year, it will be extremely difficult for them to end the relationship, especially in February, when every square centimeter of air space is filled with the aromas of love.

None of the zodiac signs prepares for the celebration of Valentine's Day as carelessly as Virgos do. Love horoscope recommends that representatives of the sign take a more responsible approach to the opportunity to please their chosen one. Arrange a romantic date by candlelight and good music, prepare a gift or surprise your partner with an unusual surprise. No person will remain indifferent to such an organization of the holiday.

In February, significant changes will occur in the lives of family Virgos. Representatives of the sign will no longer have to worry about the infidelity of their spouses; the latter will be able to prove the sincerity of their love. Almost the same prediction is given by the love horoscope for Virgos who are planning a wedding soon. In February, confidence in your chosen one will only strengthen.

Love horoscope for Virgo woman for February 2019

The female horoscope predicts Virgos will have wonderful relationships with the opposite sex in February. The love astrological forecast advises girls of this sign not to be afraid of anything and to flirt more often with the men they like. In February, Virgos will have unforgettable dates, beautiful signs attention, amazing confessions and, of course, an ocean of passionate feelings and bright emotions.

The love astrological forecast predicts some difficulties for married Virgos. First of all, they will touch on the whims of the girls themselves. In February, Virgos will want even more attention from their husbands, and they, due to their busy lives, will not be able to instantly fulfill the desires of their hot-tempered lovers. At first the girls will have a lot of reasons to quarrel, but by the end of the month they will be able to calm down.

Virgo women can safely start new relationships from the second half of February. For this, the horoscope highlights favorable days: 17th, 19th, 22nd, 25th and 28th. On the indicated dates in February, Virgo girls can not only accept marriage proposals, but also get to know each other in the most unexpected way.

Love horoscope for a Virgo man for February 2019

At the beginning of the year, Virgo men were not as confident in their charm as they are now, when the Yellow Earth Dog finally took over. February will bring both challenges and opportunities to strong representatives of the sign. The love astrological forecast advises Virgos to show their masculinity in February in all situations related to girls in one way or another.

The end of winter this year will give Virgos the opportunity to make new acquaintances. Even if flirting on the Internet has long become commonplace, for many representatives of the sign it will be a novelty. If during this period Virgos notice signs of attention from an unfamiliar beauty on social networks, the chance should not be missed. She can become the woman with whom Virgos want to spend their lives and go through all the hardships together.

Married Virgos will experience a period of short-term calm in February. At this time, neither serious showdowns nor ardent passion are expected. Feelings seem to freeze in February, only to melt again in the most romantic time of the year - in spring.

Love horoscope for Virgos for other months of 2019

Astrological forecast for the Virgo zodiac sign - what changes are coming? According to the horoscope for February 2018, Virgo will be rewarded for her merits and numerous achievements. You will be thanked for the help that you provided a long time ago and even stopped remembering about it. You will receive a business offer that will seem very tempting to you. Your family members will probably try to dissuade you from taking it, but you will have to decide for yourself what to do.

According to astrologers, at the end of winter you will face significant costs and some difficulties. A calm and reasonable Virgo should not worry about impending troubles. You are quite rational and intellectually developed, so you can cope with tasks of any complexity with relative ease. In addition, you will be able to avoid some problems, and most of them will be only temporary. If Virgo makes some mistakes, she does not need to be upset. Depression is what you should really be afraid of. If Virgo succumbs to depression, severe trials await her.

Stone: Opal

Number: 11

Color: yellow

Animal: fox

Mascot: hare's foot

Name: Vladislav, Irina

Symbol: Valkyrie

Plant: Fern

Horoscope of love, home and family

Born in the first ten days of the constellation, lonely Virgo in February 2018 will not be ready for changes in terms of love. Even if you have drawn up an appropriate plan, do not rush to implement it. The stars are not aligned in your favor. Better pay attention to your close relatives. For example, if one of them is sick, take care of their treatment.

Lonely Virgos, born in the second and third decades of the zodiac constellation, will begin to build new relationships with their loved ones. You will want to gain some certainty and understand your prospects for the future. Don't be discouraged if your partner isn't ready to give you a clear answer. Maybe he is not yet independent enough, or he has some other reasons. If he didn't say, "No!" - consider that this is already good. Over time you will be able to figure it all out.

In February, a married Virgo should not be discouraged and see everything in a black light. According to the position of the stars, this zodiac sign is not recommended to constantly complain about their colleagues, friends, bad weather and the imperfections of the world. In February, the spouse, despite all his apparent isolation, is open to the manifestation of bright and deep feelings, and with your complaints you can kill all his hopes and desires. Be optimistic and the world will change for the better!

Money horoscope

Astrologers warn that low self-discipline, and sometimes even its complete absence, can turn into a real disaster for Virgo in February 2018. You will not be able to concentrate on solving new non-standard problems, and things may come to the point of raising the question of your professional unsuitability. To prevent this from happening, try to focus on your business. Get rid of all the distractions. Make a plan for each working day and stick to it strictly. A punctual, efficient and well-organized Virgo will definitely take control of the situation.

IN financial horoscope Virgo clearly observes the prerequisites for her deteriorating relationships with some employees. Most often, misunderstandings will happen with those of them with whom you have hardly communicated before. Behind your back you will hear giggles, discussions and conversations on unpleasant topics. Try to lean on people who support you. By the way, there will be significantly more of these.

Well-being horoscope

The stars indicate that the difficult month of February in 2018 will lead Virgo to overwork. This news cannot be called good, but there is no reason to panic. The flexible and resilient Virgo has endured not such trials.

To look good and also feel good, you must learn to live according to a clear schedule and regularly follow certain rules. If at first it is difficult for you, then over time you will get used to it, and everything will go like clockwork. If you overload yourself with work, then in the end you will not have time to recuperate, and time pressure will finally finish you off.

In the last month of winter, astrologers advise Virgos to monitor the functioning of their stomach and esophagus. Due to the constant lack of time, you eat very quickly, which disrupts the functioning of the digestive organs. In addition, you are often distracted while eating, which leads to poor digestion and absorption of food. Therefore, watching TV or reading the newspaper during lunch is contraindicated for you!

In February, Virgos will be rewarded for some past merits. Perhaps this will be a favor from a person with whom you have not had a relationship for a long time, but he remembers that you once helped him. You may receive an offer that you have been waiting for a long time, and it has finally happened. Even if it is of a business nature, it cannot be done without personal relationships. Therefore, most likely, your family or friends will try to dissuade you. However, this may also happen due to the fact that your life in this case will change dramatically, and they would not want that. Keep in mind that if Virgos do something in February, it will be difficult, costly and long-lasting. Don’t take troubles to heart: not only are they temporary, they can also be solved. But you shouldn’t be upset because it’s all your fault (although this is true). Because depressive state it will drag on and you will miss everything. And the opportunity to improve - too.
Favorable days - 3, 8, 13, 17, 23, 26.
Unfavorable days - 2, 7, 11, 16, 22, 25, 27.

Love horoscope for February 2018 Virgo

Your family is not ready for change, which means there is nothing to even talk about in February. Although you will really want it, and you will even figure out how it all could be arranged. The plan is good, but not suitable for February. In addition, it is possible that most of your family members will be in poor health, so you will have to focus on treatment. In a new relationship, Virgos will be determined to be strictly certain, so some difficulties may arise here. Because your chosen one will not be ready to give a clear answer right away. And for some reason you will be sure that since a person doubts, it means he is more inclined to a negative answer. But this is not so. If you have been together for a long time, then, most likely, you will begin to torment your partner with complaints about the imperfection of the world, about an evil boss or cunning friends. You can do this, but it’s better not to overdo it. They will feel sorry for you, but they are unlikely to love you more, much less show this love.

Health horoscope for February 2018 Virgo

February is a month of increased fatigue for Virgo. It is better for you to live according to a schedule, strictly adhere to certain established rules, this will allow you to keep yourself in shape. Otherwise, you will have little time and will not recover at all. You may be sick without a fever, although all other symptoms indicate that you should have one. This means that it is already difficult for the body to fight on its own. Vulnerable places in February for Virgos are the esophagus and stomach. The problem is that you eat too quickly, get distracted, and as a result, the food is poorly digested and absorbed.

Career and finance horoscope for February 2018 Virgo

The main difficulty of February will be Virgo's lack of self-discipline. Because of this, you may not be able to complete the task or delay the deadline. But if we have to report to someone every day, there is no escape - we will do everything as it should. Therefore, you should think about some verification milestones - it will be easier for you. In projects that you are already involved in, business activity will remain at the same level. But in undertakings, most likely, a decline is expected. As for relationships with colleagues, they may worsen. Especially with those with whom you don’t have to work at neighboring tables. Everything is fine with our loved ones, they will support us. But with the rest, quarrels and disputes are possible. Especially with women who would rather talk about you behind your back. In February, instead of buying new things, Virgos can try to give the old ones another chance. Of course, having altered and improved something. Moreover, you don’t have to turn to the experts; you can handle a lot of things on your own.

February 2019 will bring Virgo success in their careers and romantic relationships. They will decide on their goals and will be full masters of their destiny. Their sociability will help them make profitable acquaintances, and their composure and self-confidence will get rid of the shadow of envious people and rivals. To fully enjoy your position in society, the horoscope advises not to go beyond universal human values. Take care of your home and family. Troubles at work will be resolved on their own, and conflicts with relatives risk taking a protracted form.

Virgo Woman. Representatives of this zodiac sign will find themselves in ambiguous situations and break their promises. The beginning of the month will open up prospects for new social contacts. In mid-February, feelings of duty and responsibility will make you think about your career. At the end of winter, when the magnetism and attractiveness of Virgo women reaches its highest level, they will have a chance to find their place in the sun and begin to live differently.

Virgo Man. Men of this sign will completely immerse themselves in their profession and stop finding time for their personal life. In parallel with this, their health will deteriorate, which will lead them to a hospital bed. By the end of the month there will be an opportunity to risk your capital. The stars advise not to be afraid of the unknown and firmly believe in the result. Go out more often and communicate with friends. They need your participation.

Love horoscope

February will be a romantic month for Virgos.

Free representatives of this zodiac sign use every opportunity to find their soulmate. The efforts of those who focus on spiritual qualities in their future chosen one will be justified: they will meet new love.

Those who have a couple will stop appreciating their loved one. They will begin to notice only shortcomings in him and provoke quarrels.

Family individuals will face a struggle with routine and everyday life. Many of them will have to defend the rights of their family to others.

Business horoscope

Stubborn and self-confident Virgos will experience professional growth in February 2019 and will be awarded a high position.

The unemployed and those who dream of changing their field of activity will be able to realize their plans. The stars will also be favorable to those people of this zodiac sign who are aimed at obtaining a second profession or qualification.

Employees will stand out from their colleagues with their creative inclinations. This will raise their self-esteem and improve their financial situation. The team and management will not interfere with their self-expression.

Financial horoscope

In February, Virgos will face financial problems due to their extravagance and unhealthy adventurism. They will want to spend the entire budget on vacations or small trinkets. Save and invest your savings in large household appliances or housing. The end of winter will be marked by the receipt of a significant amount from a distant relative.

Health horoscope

In February 2019, Virgos should be more vigilant about their health. Negligence towards the prevention of flu and colds, rare wearing of a hat and scarf in frosty days lead to respiratory diseases. Don't get carried away with self-medication and visit a therapist's office.

It is important for men and women of this zodiac sign to eat regularly and diversify their diet with vegetables and fruits with a high content of vitamins. At the end of winter, they will stop monitoring their weight and gain several kilograms. The horoscope advises purchasing a membership to a fitness room or swimming pool and systematically exercising. Take a contrast shower in the morning and smile more often.

Be humane
Humanism and mercy should be behind every decision you make. Don't downplay their importance.

Take moderate risks
Moderate your craving for dubious endeavors - they can destroy your life.