Interesting skits for children on March 8

Not a single holiday in honor of International Women's Day, no matter where it is held, is complete without congratulations from ladies, adults and even very little ones. Most often, schools and kindergartens organize concerts where children sing songs in honor of mothers and girls, dedicate poems to them, and show skits on March 8th. The themes of adult skits at corporate parties include relationships between men and women, funny performances about the working day of co-workers, domestic and family squabbles, and discussions of married life. Funny scenes for children, prepared for mothers and grandmothers, in elementary school and kindergartens usually become converted to new way fairy tales High school students love skits that are adaptations of famous literary works or dramatizations about the school preferences of their classmates. We have tried to collect for you examples of the newest and most relevant holiday productions on March 8th. Read, watch and choose your favorite scenes!

Funny skits on the 8th Day of March for schoolchildren - School skits for girls and mothers

When choosing skits for the March 8 holiday, teachers and parents who help children stage the performance always take into account the age of the children participating in the performance. For example, for high school Skits about students and their relationships with classmates are great. Dramas on the topic “Homework” turn out to be very funny, when schoolchildren portray lazy students who shirk their homework under the pretext of being overloaded with assignments from their mother. Such scenes usually consist of three parts. The first part shows how a careless student complains at school about how busy he is at home; they feel sorry for him, sympathizing with the guy. In the second part of the mini-production, this “busy” schoolboy, with tears in his eyes, complains to his mother about a huge number homework and inability to help around the house. In the third, brief final part of the skit, the guys participating in it go on stage and read a poem or text ridiculing such would-be schoolchildren, wish the mothers obedient children and give the guests flowers.

Examples of funny skits for schoolchildren on March 8th

The scenes where high school students dress up as adult “gentlemen” and perform a dance dedicated to the “ladies” - classmates, their mothers and grandmothers who came to watch are very funny and funny. festive concert at school.

Musical skits on March 8 for schoolchildren with remade songs

Musical dramatizations performed by boys look very funny, singing popular songs, remade in a new way and accompanying their performance with various scenes from life.

Musical pantomime about March 8 - a skit for a school concert

With the help of pantomime (a performance shown only by movements, without words), you can show an excellent scene on March 8! Girls and boys, dressed up as the characters being portrayed, show a real performance with movements to the music, understandable and without words!

Short funny skits on March 8 - Small dramatizations for elementary school

In elementary school, teachers always help children stage a skit on March 8th. Schoolchildren in grades 1-4, as a rule, cannot yet choose a theme for a production. Children aged 6-8 years old enjoy learning poems about mothers, so skits for them need to be selected in such a way that as many children as possible can participate in them and read out short poems. It will be easy for first and second graders to remember the words of the skit “Our mother is the best.” On March 8, the teacher supervises the children’s performance in front of their visiting mothers, prompting the children to read the texts if they forget them.

Simple examples of short funny skits on March 8 in elementary school

Children in elementary school, especially first-graders, are still embarrassed to perform in front of an audience - grandmothers and mothers who come to visit them to watch the concert. The teacher should always be ready to tell the child the forgotten words of his role or recall a line of poetry when the student stumbles.

Dance musical skits on March 8 in elementary school

In elementary school, you can choose skits without words. Dance musical numbers performed by little artists always cause a storm of applause. Parents and guests love dance scenes performed by boys on March 8th.

A funny scene for March 8th “How will we surprise the girls”

The cool skit “How can we surprise the girls” is performed by boys in grades 1-2. It is performed by several boys, each of whom discusses how to surprise the girls this year. Someone offers to give the girls flowers, and another objects: “Where did you see flowers in March?” Another decides not to tease his classmates, give them compliments, and play with the girls. The words of such a scene are easily remembered even by the youngest children - the rhymes of the text are simple and understandable to children.

Funny skits for the festive concert on March 8 - Funny performances for mothers in kindergarten

Every time International Women's Day approaches, kindergarten teachers, together with preschoolers, organize a festive concert for mothers and grandmothers. In addition to poems and songs, the concert always includes skits. Little children love to dress up as adults and make funny parodies of them. Costumes for scenes on March 8 can be old mother's or grandmother's clothes, an older sister's dress or an aunt's skirt. The teacher should help the children put on outfits for skits on International Women's Day from the kindergarten before the performance.

Examples of cool funny scenes for March 8th in kindergarten

The cool skit “Three Mothers,” the video of which you will find on this page, talks about home life three generations of busy mothers, worried about both very young daughters and adult children. Performed by kindergarten children, the sketch looks very cute and funny.

The “Old Grandmother” skit performed by small children dressed as grannies looks amazing - the children who parodied the movements and behavior of elderly women deserve fair applause! To perform this scene, it is best to choose boys and dress them in granny costumes. Old ladies, briskly moving around the stage and rocking out catchy dances, will appeal to everyone!

Comic skits for high school students on March 8 - Cool performances for International Women's Day

The funniest skits on March 8, performed by high school students, are performances with disguises. In such performances, teenage boys dress up as grandmothers, mothers, teachers and, accordingly, “try on” their behavior. The success of such mini-performances depends entirely on acting high school students and their resourcefulness. On the Internet today you can find texts and videos of skits dedicated to International Women’s Day in high school. In grades 9-11, students can find and choose a production or even write a short play themselves for March 8th. They practically do not need the help of teachers, however, before showing a skit for the holidays, teachers must approve the future short performance. Comic scenes for a women's holiday may include ditties, altered songs, and funny dances.

Examples of funny skits for March 8 - Sketch for high school students “If I were a Sultan”

Dress-up scenes at school always go off with a bang. High school students dressed in women's clothing look especially cool. The skit on March 8 “If I were a Sultan” involves several boys performing both male and female roles. The script for the mani play is simple - the wife offers her husband to redo everything for him homework until she gets at least one day, March 8, to rest from household chores. Surprised by the “simplicity” of the task, unaware of the hardships of housework, the spouse begins to complete the “easy” task. Soon he literally collapses from fatigue, realizing that there are things in the house heavier than the TV remote control. Collapsed from fatigue on a chair, he remembers the popular song “If I were a Sultan” and is already drawing pictures of wives serving him with three pairs of hands... But then the dreamer remembers with horror the “three mothers-in-law” from the same song - their “care “He simply sees in reality. Waking up from a nightmare, the husband realizes with relief that it was all just a dream, thanks the Lord for one wife given to him and congratulates her with all his heart when the rested wife returns home.

Funny scenes for mothers on March 8 - Cool performances for corporate events on Women's Day

In any team gathered to celebrate March 8, there is always a creative person who makes a proposal not to turn International Women’s Day into an ordinary exchange of gifts, routine words of congratulations, presentation of postcards and bouquets of mimosas. Such creative person invites the team (whether school students or company employees) to stage a funny skit for International Women's Day and thus bring some life to the holiday. You can write the script for a mini-play for women, the best mothers in the world, yourself, find it in collections of sketches for the holidays, or find it on the Internet. We have prepared for you several videos demonstrating what scenes can be like for the March 8 holiday, how you can play with the most famous literary works, choreograph a dance, “show” poetry with movements, remake a song. If everyone approves of the idea of ​​staging a skit for Women’s Day, then the team can vote on the best proposed version of the production for a corporate party or holiday at an educational institution.

The best examples of funny scenes for mothers on March 8 - Funny scene “How a woman sold her husband” for a corporate party

If you are staging a skit for a corporate party, invite the most talented artists of your team to participate in the production. Perhaps, when discussing the production, there will immediately be people who want to take part in the skit. Funny scene“How a Woman Sold Her Husband” is based on a famous poem, but its words change. The plot of the scene is known - first, a woman who comes to the market to sell her husband “extorts” the price for him. Gradually she reasons that “the man is not the same” and reduces the price of the goods. A passerby who comes up to help the seller skillfully praises the “product.” In the end, the lady decides not to part with such a treasure - after all, there is a buyer for it!

Funny scene for March 8th “How a man sold a woman”

The production for March 8, “How a Man Sold a Woman,” is even funnier. The script of this poetic mini-play is very similar to the previous scene, only it tells the story of a man who decided to sell his “jealous, grumpy, overly smart” wife. Of course, it is also here kind woman, who decided to help a man sell his “unlucky woman.” The outcome of the story is known - as soon as a buyer is found for a woman, the wife becomes less grumpy and “needed by herself.”

Presenter Man Buyer
Trader Armenian Spouse

A man was selling his wife at the market,
Nobody gave a penny for her,
Even though she looked very nice,
But bad character had a wife:
Jealous, grumpy, overly smart,
And she knew everything about everything herself,
She didn’t let her friends in and hid vodka,
Almost... and threw a frying pan at him...
She sawed without stopping night and day,
She approached money with calculation, with intelligence,
I found his stash at the moment,
It’s as if she’s the main cop in the village...
Our man is very tired of this,
For six months he thought, decided and wondered,
How can he part with a harmful woman?
In peace and happiness to live alone...
And then, one day, the man gathered his courage,
He mentally said goodbye to his wife,
I poured sleeping pills into her tea in the evening,
And he took the sleeping woman to the market in the morning...

Man, are you selling your wife?

Selling, am I standing at the market for a reason?

Are you asking a lot of money for it?

Yes, where there is a lot - I would like to return what is mine!
I think she's too smart?

But that’s the trouble, she’s already very smart!
And I’m with her when I’m drunk,
I feel like a complete fool!

Have you often poured wine for you?

I don’t remember what it smells like!

Your wife is too good!
Guess she doesn't know how to do anything?

No, on the contrary, although I’m not happy,
She is simply a fan of her work!
She gives herself completely,
Cleaning and washing, bulldog grip,
He doesn't sleep at night, he's like a bee in the kitchen,
And then he collapses into bed from fatigue

What about sex? Are you getting along with her?

What kind of sex is there?! Sandwich on the go!

The man stood at the market all day,
No one gave a price for a wife,
The neighbor merchant felt sorry for him,
Throwing a beautiful shawl over my shoulders,
Swims towards the man, propping up his sides,

Yes, brother, your hand is not easy!
Let me sit with your wife
And I'll show you how to trade!

The wife slept at the market all day,
She fell off the counter, falling on one side.
One Armenian walked through the bazaar,
I saw her, swallowed an orange,
Breathing stole, trembling in ecstasy...
What a sexy woman lies here!
Will you sell Jana?
Buy if you're rich!
Take off your boots, not a woman, but a treasure!

Wah, treasure GAVARiSH? What... is she rich?

What are you doing? The box is full of different trinkets!
There are medals, diplomas and certificates,
Sings and dances, you can’t count it all!

What if you go out with friends until the morning?
I will be godless, what will she say?

He will kiss you, warm up his friends,
And he will greet you at the door with a smile,
And he will pour a glass and feed you fully,
Such a good wife, brother...

Karoshiy, handsome and smart wife,
I really need her like this at home,
I’ve been dreaming about women like this, wow, for a long time!

And he took out a wad of dollars from his pocket...
The man looked at his wife,
He wiped a stingy tear from his cheek

Why am I, Marusya, selling you?
I need such a wife myself!

Sketch of congratulations from new grandmothers to women on March 8

This skit involves two actors. It is best if you choose men or older boys (depending on the team) for the role of “new grandmothers”. Having gathered, modern “grandmothers” decide how to congratulate everyone on International Women’s Day. In the process of discussing the choice of gifts, the grandmothers begin to quarrel, laugh at each other, and, in the end, it almost comes to a fight. Of course, the scene ends with the old women reconciling, singing a funny song to the tune of “Merry Girls” to all the guests who came to the holiday.


FLOWER: Well, Matryona, open it,
Treat me to some tea or something!

MATRYONA: Hello, hello, how are you?
Life is almost over!
You've grown old, my friend,
You are already quite an old lady!

Ts: Yes, and you’re not the same anymore,
Yes, the years take their toll!
It’s already two thousand ten years,
We need to re-weigh the calendar.

M: What are you, what are you! God be with you!
Today is a different year!
2012 then.

C: Oh! Oh! Oh, what a disaster!
And where do the years go!?

M: And it used to be that when we were young, we would sit down in the evening,
Candles thin light
It will illuminate us and we will sing,
And now we don’t live like that...

M: How are we going to congratulate?
Should we buy books for everyone?

C: Oh, we found a walking cabinet of curiosities
You've gone crazy, no less.
21st century, you see, you won’t be surprised by a book.

M: Do you think you know everything? Don't consider it an honor
Quasi-muzzle you are!

Ts: Don't be smart here.
Old stick you are.

M: Well, you, you, you...
Oh, you apricot from Komot.
I wanted to drink something.

Ts: You know, we’ll stop arguing.
Things need to be fixed
And on March 8, go congratulate everyone.

M: yeah, behind all the name calling
We have forgotten everything in the world. Went

(to the tune of “Cheerful Girls”, sing together)

Cheerful old ladies
Cool girlfriends,
Friendly faces
Lights of cheerful eyes
We walk around the area
Two white crows
We congratulate anyone
Just treat us
We walk around the area
Two white crows
We congratulate anyone
Just treat us.

Ts: We ourselves are like a gift

M: Meet stylish grandmas!

Ts: I don’t remember because of sclerosis,
Where are my seventeen years?!

M: You are worse than a locomotive:
You haven't had them for a long time!

Ts: I remember at school I studied
It was a holiday for me too.

M: I can judge by your face -
You were at school for three days!

Ts: I ask without insults
And don't touch my intellect!

M: Yes, believe me, without a doubt,
You have one defect!

Ts: I'm younger than you, I know
That's why you're angry!

M: Don't make me laugh, plague
Grandmother of modest beauty!

Ts: Eh, Matryona, Matryona!
Your harmfulness is in plain sight!

M: Listen, mother is vigorous,
What do I mean!
C: No really! I provide
The most important thing is your word!

M: Well, then I suggest
You should be more modest!

Ts: Well, they completely forgot again,
Why are we standing here?

M: The holiday has already been opened,
We'll talk about him!

Ts: I envy specifically:
After all, you have life ahead of you!

M: It’s noticeable from you,
Go congratulate them all!
The flower comes up to the guys, hugs several people and shakes their hands with the words):

C: Congratulations, congratulations
Happy holiday to all lovely ladies.

M: And now I propose
Everyone clap for us.

(new Russian grandmothers leave to applause)

If you decide to organize happy holiday March 8 at school or kindergarten, in a team or even at home, do not reduce identity to ordinary congratulations, giving flowers and souvenirs. Funny, interesting short and funny skits on March 8th performed by schoolchildren junior classes, high school students, preschool children and even their parents will amuse the guests gathered for International Women's Day - women, girls, mothers and grandmothers.

1 Presenter.

Good afternoon, dear ladies and people.

Our dear WOMEN!
Today is the most favorable and happiest day for you according to the “male” horoscope, i.e.:

March 8 is a solemn day,
Day of joy and beauty,

All over the earth he gives to women

Your smiles and flowers!!!
2 Presenter.

What holiday of congratulations? And the first congratulations will be presented to you by our respected leaderName . Her first word.

Word from the school principal.

1 Presenter.

If the planet suddenly froze,
I would lie dead and cold,
From a woman's gaze
Warmed with warmth
She would thaw in an instant...
2 Presenter.

In nature itself the feminine principle
Stronger, perhaps, than all the others.
Nature has generously endowed women,
And people put him on a pedestal.
1 Presenter.

Extol everything about them
Men are happy -
From a meek disposition
Until the color of the eyes...

2 Presenter.

Gives you his complimentName the song "Let".

1 Presenter.

Dear Ladies!
We could praise you until the morning!

However, it's time to get down to business

2 Presenter.

Dear male colleagues, we ask you to come up to the stage. Dear ladies, wives, girlfriends, daughters and granddaughters! All words and congratulations today sound only for you! Spring and Love to you!

The men congratulate.

1 Presenter. To you, dear women, congratulatory telegrams arrived, but all of them were unsigned. Now we will read them, and you try to guess who the author is. I only know that all senders are male.









1 Presenter.
Woman is spring
The image is blooming and tender!
2 Presenter.
A woman is always
The world is radiant, boundless.
1 Presenter.
It's been so many years now
We are fascinated by you.
2 Presenter.
You are hope and light,
We are bewitched by you.
1 Presenter.
Let this song now
It will be a gift for you, dear veterans of teaching work!

Sings for youName "Give women flowers"

1 Presenter. Pupils show off on their desks

The kids crowded around the board

Students write on the board

We tried! Not a single mistake!

It’s not for nothing that so many eyes were watching

As always, a friendly smile

The teacher came into their classroom!

2 Presenter. Great is the teacher's joy

Here she is standing in front of the board

And childish glances follow

Behind her raised hand

Those were good moments

Wrote, smiled again

The kids read: “Thank you, children,

for your studies and love"!

The song “I draw on the window” is sung for you by the vocal group “Constellation”

1 Presenter. Look at the young people walking... and how they coo...

2 Presenter. Well, quickly... quickly into the bushes...Scene “Love, love...”

a short and thin man named VASYOK comes onto the stage. He sits down on a chair. He is wearing a cap with a flower and a fashionable country jacket. He has a grass stalk in his teeth and a small flower in his hands. The song starts playing: “Oh, you’re on the mountain there.”
movie: "He Came Again"His beloved Marusya comes out to see Vaska (it could be a man in women's clothing) and sits down next to him.VASYOK: Hello, Marusya!MARUSYA: Hello, Vasek!VASYOK (gives a flower): This is for you!MARUSYA: Oh, thank you!They both look up a little in awe. Vasek carefully places his hand on her shoulder. She winces.VASYOK: Marusya... will you marry me?MARUSYA: Oh, I don’t know. This is so unexpected! I need to think.VASYOK: How long can you think? I proposed to you six years ago.MARUSYA: Well, I don’t know. If you think it's time, then I agree.The song is still going on. They sigh together with smiles on their faces.MARUSYA (after a pause): Vasya! Who do you want to get first: a cat or a dog?VASYOK: Yeah...MARUSYA: (pause) Vasya, will you always love me?VASEK: I will love you to the end.MARUSYA (after a pause): Vasya, it’s already late. Take me home.Our heroes are leaving. The music stops.

Vasya comes out and sits on a chair. Five seconds later, Marusya comes out with buckets. He puts them on the floor.MARUSYA: Why are you sitting? Why are you sitting, I ask you? Have you cleaned the yard? Did you feed the chickens? I have to do everything myself.VASYOK: Why are you screaming like that? I'll do everything now.MARUSYA: I scream because even on the eighth of March, you do nothing for me. And you said that you will love me to the end.VASYOK: Well, let's go, let's go, I'll do... something...


1 Presenter.

Oh, yeah, so much romance.. (sighing)

2 Vriding.
I would like to congratulate our women teachers. It is difficult for them with us, especially when we express ourselves in an incomprehensible language.

1 Presenter.

But life in general is a complicated thing.

2 Vriding.
But in our school life sometimes moments like this happen. "Groom from 3 b" readsName .

"Groom from 3 b" Name .

1 Presenter.

May success always and everywhere accompany you in your business!

And today, on this bright holiday, be the happiest of all.

2 Vriding.
Gives you his “colorful” performanceName "In different colors."

Name "In different colors."

1 Presenter.

A woman, like a cat, is looking for where it’s warmer,
Where it is dearer to the soul, it is more joyful to the heart.

2 Vriding.
A woman is like a cat - she can be anyone:
Affectionate, harsh, biting, mischievous...

So what kind of woman is she?

He will tell us about thisName .

I have a holiday today, it’s cooler than New Year.
You served a wonderful compote this morning.
I didn't find any coffee in the kitchen. It's on the shelf - where it always is.
You can't know about this. However, this is nonsense.
You poured compote into a glass with a chip on the side.
I didn’t find, you said, the cups. I can understand this.
It was not in vain that yesterday I tried to hide everything that was a pity to beat.
So that today you can be the kindest and most tolerant person.
Half a glass of compote you spilled on the bed.
Don't worry, darling. Give me a glass quickly.
I will finish it with a smile, I will finish it with gratitude.
And someday I’ll kill for a new sheet.
Did you fry eggs?!?!?!?!? It's like I'm in heaven!
Even if it has a shell, I will chew it.
Oh! What is this? Mimosa? When did you have time?
Oh, yesterday? And cleverly hid it? Did you want to surprise me?
Where did you hide it? Yeah? In a suit on your day off?
I never would have guessed it! (I will clean it on the weekend)
Will you wash ALL the dishes yourself? Two plates? BAM! One...
Don't worry, everything is fine. The broom is standing over there in the corner.
How sweet you are today, I just want to cry.
Going to? Visiting mom?? I can't recognize you!
Mother-in-law - MOM?? This is great! I didn't dare to dream.
There is no need to carry it in your arms, it is better to hold it by the hand.
It’s good that they didn’t decide to lengthen the women’s holiday.
After all, it’s really impossible to endure this for long.
It’s good that it’s soon evening, the day will disappear in the course of years.
And only the dried bouquet will remain in the kitchen.
I will wash the sheet, deftly clean the jacket,
And this terrible mess will end in the kitchen.
I’ll get myself back to normal, and I’ll get my apartment in order.
And with the happiest face I will fall onto the bed.

1 Presenter.

And I also know that women love to give advice!

2 Presenter. Yes, yes especially mothers. They protect us so carefully, despite their age. There are quite a few of them in our hall too. Compliment to mothers fromName .

1 Presenter.

We rarely bring bouquets to mom,

But everyone upsets her so often...

And a kind mother forgives all this,

Beautiful mom all this forgives.

2 Presenter.
Without bending stubbornly under the load of worries,

She performs her duty patiently...

Every mother is beautiful in her own way,

She is beautiful with her mother's love.

Congratulations to all mothers as wellName . Song "Mom".

Name sings the song "Mama".

1 Presenter.

March 8th is a wonderful and traditionally favorite holiday in our country.

2 Presenter. It is beautiful not only because it is the first spring holiday when nature awakens and the time of love comes. Men worship the bright image of a woman, because they are so similar to angels. "Music of Angels" performed byName.

"Music of Angels" Name .

1 Presenter.

Today is a holiday, but you need to write an explanation why you were late for Chinese language lessons yesterday??

2 Presenter.

Damn it (in Chinese, shukai here)

1 Presenter.

What...who should I pinch...??

2 Presenter.

Nothing... it's in Chinese... damn it

1 Presenter.

Lhell,write an explanatory note,and I'll come later. And while you are writing for all the incomparable women sitting in this room, the next musical number! "Children's Play" performedName .

(go backstage to write a letter)

1 Presenter.

Well, read what you have there.

2 Presenter.

Why am I late (explanatory)

Yesterday when I was walkingfor Chinese lessons , suddenly fell from a tree on mecrazy policeman . I screamed likeunderground rhinoceros and lost consciousness. I woke upin Karaganda and said: Take mefor Chinese lessons , I really need it. But for some reason they took me awayV State Duma , and from there I walked until he gave me a liftreactive jalopy . That's why I was late yesterday.

1 Presenter.

How did this happen to you - then... Oh, look, someone is walking there, let's go and have a look.

2 Presenter.

Yes, yes. It's coming, it's coming. This is Valeria Molchanova coming. What is her head thinking about?

Valeria Molchanova reads “What is my head thinking about.”

1 Presenter.

Dear women! We know this holiday as one of the kindest and most beautiful. On this day, no woman should be left without a gift.

2 Presenter. Please accept our congratulations and may a smile appear on your face that will not leave you for a long time. Accept a gift fromName "Topsy-turvy."

Name "Topsy-turvy."

1 Presenter.

Teacher, teacher

2 Leading.

Why are you shouting?

1 Presenter.

I want a song for the teacher.

2 Leading.

Please, by pike command, According to your desire song "Good mood» performed by a vocal group"Constellation".

Vocal group girls "Constellation" performs the song "Good Mood".

1 Presenter.

ListenName , that's what I'll say.

2 Leading.

Tell me, tell meName .

1 Presenter.

If deputies have a sad life, their salaries are high. But these teachers have a fun life, but the salary is small. Look how funny they are.

2 Presenter.

Good moral support,
A decent salary to you all.
Effective and without delay,
Solutions to various problems.

2 Presenter.

You are valued, pampered, loved dearly!
And joy will be young!
Happy holiday, dears!
Together .

Happy start of spring!

This scene is perfect for graduates who decide to have a party at school.

Characters: Narrator, Evil Salesman, Yurik and Vovik.

(The curtain rises, Yurik and Vovik appear)

- Hello buddy! Why are you so sad?

- Why are you so happy? Did you buy a gift for yours?

-Have you forgotten about International Women's Day?

- So he won’t come soon! There's still so much time left!

- In your opinion, is one day a time train?

- We checked in! Now I’m standing and thinking about what to give to my beloved.

“I need to think the same way, she’ll probably get angry if I don’t bring her anything.” On February 23, she gave me five pairs of socks and shaving foam!

- Oh, how lucky you are! And I received as a gift some newfangled item, the name of which I can’t pronounce, and I’m generally silent about its use. And here are socks and foam!

- You know Yurik, it’s not good to envy! I chose a blogger myself, or whatever she’s called, in general, suffer now and don’t complain. So what are our options?

- I don’t know what they usually give on days like this?

- I bought my own perfume last year, although the smell wasn’t very good, it only repels mosquitoes, but I think I’m happy with it. He also brought her flowers and candy, but only managed to eat a few on the way.

- I wanted to give her something special, individual, you know?

- Well, you need to ask this. Mine always says that she doesn’t need anything so that I don’t spend money on all sorts of nonsense, but I know what she means.

- That's what I asked. She told me to surprise her!

- That's the task. Okay, let's go to the store and pick something out.

(Curtain falls)

“They walked for a long time, visited more than one store, but still didn’t find anything suitable. Several shops were completely empty, because gifts need to be bought on time. But miracles still happen, and after spending several hours searching, our heroes ended up in one unusual store, where they were met by a very angry salesman

(Curtain rises)

Angry salesman (in a raised tone):
- Oh, another one has arrived! What do you need?

- Why are you so unfriendly? We actually came to make you some money, but you are indignant!

- Vovik, don’t be nervous, maybe the citizen is just in a bad mood.

Angry salesman:
- Are you in a bad mood? Do you know what your score is today? I am amazed how you can forget to buy a gift for your loved one? I bought it 2 months ago and hid it. In general, today I should have slept at home, next to my other half, I should have chopped salads, but no, they even came home to get gifts! You have no conscience at all!

- Dear, let's not be nervous. Just tell me what you have? We need something to surprise!

- Vovik, wait, you see, the man is already feeling bad. Dear seller, we will pay well, tell me what you have interesting?

Angry salesman (indignant):
- They will pay, well, of course, but who will give me back my time? Oh, okay, look, I still have one talking phone case. Imported, branded.

- How is this, a talking case?

Angry salesman:
- Every half hour he gives compliments to your other half, there is also a program for reminders and gossip, very convenient. Decide quickly whether you take it or not, it’s time for me to close!

- Vovik, let me buy this case? Mine is just all like this social networks, she’s all about likes, and she just needs him! Let’s go and see yours again.

- Why are you buying it right away? Mine is also on Instagram, posting her cutlets, by the way, very tasty!

- Vovik, well, I saw the place first!

Angry salesman:
- So, that's enough! Tired of it! Now complete my task, and the winner will buy a cover, and I will finally go home and chop salads!

- Give us your task!

Angry salesman:
- First, you need to do 10 push-ups, then do abdominal exercises! Otherwise, everyone walks around so unsportsmanlike!

- Let's do without physical education? They're adults!

Angry salesman:
- Then guess my riddles, whoever guesses the most will walk away with the case!

- Our heroes puzzled for a long time. Riddle after riddle, task after task, after competition. Until the seller gave up.

Angry salesman:
- Okay, both of you are good, so I’ll bring another case from the warehouse, let your ladies be happy!

- So, why did we do all this if we could buy and leave?

Angry salesman:
- And this is all so that you think about your other halves in advance, and not put everything off until last moment, after all more beautiful than women can't find anyone!

(Curtain falls)

This is how our heroes ended their trip to buy gifts. Appreciate, take care, surprise the beautiful half of humanity, give pleasant and magical moments, because when a woman is happy, she shines like the spring sun.

“This is how we congratulated...”

Characters: 7th grade students Seryoga, Zhenek, Max; girls classmates Sveta, Irina, Dasha.

Props: three briefcases with soft toys

On the stage there is a fight “Who will win” between Seryoga and Max (clasped hands and butting head to head, briefcases lying nearby).

Zhenya (gesturing expressively): Press, Seryoga, press! That's it! Hey! What have I come to say! Enough for you, whoever I’m telling! (pulls friends away). Do you hear what I'm saying?

Seryoga (wiping sweat from his forehead with his sleeve): Well, speak up, don’t be shy.

Zhenyok:Guys, do you even remember that today is the eighth?

Max: Well, eighth! So what?

Seryoga: Eighth, ninth, tenth... Are you teaching us mathematics?

Zhenyok:It's March after all!

Max: Well, March. And what?

Zhenyok:Well, you give it! It's a holiday after all.

Seryoga : Zhenyok! Well, sorry, friend (pats him on the shoulder) High five. Congratulations (shakes his hand).

Zhenek looks at him dumbfounded.

Max: Zheka! (Offers his hand to him) Congratulations on your birthday. As they say, good health to you from the Health Center, sharp vision and keen hearing, a good C in physics, a diary without any comments.

Seryoga: And so that the girls love you and carry you in their arms.

Zhenyok:Are you congratulating me?!

Seryoga: Wrong question. Who else should we congratulate? Me or what? Max, tell me.

Max:Zhenya, of course, forgive us for not giving you a gift. It completely slipped my mind. But we will buy a gift, honestly!

Zhenyok:Are you going to congratulate me like a girl?!

Seryoga: What are you doing, Zhenya?! We weren't going to give you flowers or bouquets. A real kid will receive a real gift. For example, a laser. Zhenya, do you want a laser?

Zhenyok:Well, I want to.

Seryoga: You will give Svetka red eyes.

(At this time, smartly dressed girls quietly approach and listen to the conversation.)

Max: Would you like us to give you a spider like this? Just imagine, when you put it in Svetka’s briefcase, she will squeal!

(Svetka squeals).

Sveta: Does this mean these are the gifts you are preparing for us?

Seryoga: What do you have to do with it? It's Zhenya's holiday.

Dasha: Zhenya, what is your holiday, if it’s not a secret?

Zhenyok:No! I told them that today is the eighth! I told them it was March!

And they... mathematics..., laser...

Max: So today is March 8th?!

Seryoga: Well, Zheka! Well, let me down! So I would say that today is March 8th. He fooled our brains!

Irina: What else can we expect from our boys? Let's go, girls. It's not our turn to receive gifts.

Seryoga: Well, no! Some people don't underestimate us! For a week now we have been bringing you gifts instead of textbooks, so as not to forget.

(They take toys out of their briefcases and hand them to the girls.)

Sveta, Dasha, Irina : Thank you, boys, for your congratulations. We love you very much!

Girls and boys hold hands, boys read congratulatory poems to mothers and teachers.

Happy spring holiday,

With the first flowers in this bright hour,

With a festive drop,

WITH good mood

We sincerely congratulate you today!

Please accept our congratulations

On International Women's Day!

Let your mood be

Always blooming like lilacs

May your life be wonderful

And the children are always happy

Let your home be a full cup!

Good luck, happiness and goodness!