Children's funny scenes for March 8

Today is part 1 - “A woman’s gaze.”

This is a scene for a corporate party or other adult feast.

Dear schoolchildren, don’t waste your time: this is not for you, I will soon write another funny sketch for you.

It can be performed in different ways - like a conversation between two friends over a cup of tea or on the phone. Married woman in a happy voice she enthusiastically describes the day of March 8th to her unmarried friend, who just nods, sighs sadly and occasionally inserts monosyllabic questions.

Here I present an option with a telephone. It looks like a monologue by one actress. If you also have a second one, then dividing the text into two will not be difficult. Doing the opposite is a little more difficult, so I'm trying to make your life easier.

Since you will stage my monologue before March 8, and the speech in it comes after it, I recommend a short introduction:

Dear ladies and gentlemen, now we will show a story about how you can spend March 8th in a separate marital apartment. There is one holiday, one apartment, and two stories about the same day, and very polar ones. Listen, watch and draw your own conclusions. So that your March 8th will be equally wonderful for both parties involved.

Funny scenes for March 8:

part 1, “A woman’s gaze.”

Oh, yesterday was just a fabulous day!

I open my eyes in the morning and there is a basket of flowers. Big? No, not very big, not theatrical... the basket is... well, like a big cup... But still, it’s not a cup, it’s a basket!

And in it there is a note: “Darling, lie down, rest, don’t go into the kitchen, I’ll do everything myself!”

Who would refuse this! I’m lying there happy, thinking - what a great fellow he is! And before dawn, he ran for flowers and prepared breakfast for me! But the neighbor was unlucky - her husband did something there that even the Ministry of Emergency Situations was called!

What? Oh, no, I didn’t see it myself, my beloved told me about it later. But I personally heard the sound of the siren and the smell of smoke. I can’t even imagine what was burning there that the smoke even penetrated into our bedroom!

In general, my husband didn’t let me into the kitchen - he said women had nothing to do in the kitchen on March 8th. That’s why we had breakfast right in bed - it’s so romantic, you melt from the rush of feelings!

What did you give? The gift was great! I always secretly assumed that his prudence and practicality were so, on the surface, out of modesty. But in fact he is extraordinary generous man, extraordinary! He gave me such a cute envelope with the inscription “Allow yourself everything!” - exactly what I want is drawn on it! And inside - bank card VIP client, can you imagine! And again the inscription - “And even this!” I allowed it.

My husband said that I could take a walk for now, and he would put things in order at home. And in the evening another surprise awaits me!

Well, I went for a walk! In this weather? What's wrong with the weather? Did the weather forecasters report a bad day on March 8? Darling, the weather doesn’t matter at all when you have a VIP card in your purse! And then - I shopping center I was walking, not on the street. The doctors Fresh air recommend? Yes, I heard something about this. I also went out into the fresh air to catch my breath after shopping and figure out how it happened that I hadn’t spent all the money on the card yet, but the terminals suddenly stopped accepting it. Probably the systems in the stores are glitching due to overload - do you know how many acquaintances I met there that day? Not that many people come to paid demos!

In general, by the time I got home, evening had already come. The beloved is quiet, silent, looks with such eyes... What? Well, how can I tell you? The look is clouded and slightly distraught. Just slightly. How is this why? From love, of course. And he managed to get bored - he didn’t see me for half a day.

Darling, let's not go to the restaurant. I want to be alone with you. I even cooked dinner myself!

And, really, just imagine - I stewed vegetables and meat, made dessert... And everything smells so delicious! And again, in the bedroom, a makeshift table was set on the bed. What means a real man! I said I wouldn’t let you into the kitchen on March 8th, but I never let you in! The only thing is that for some reason vegetable peelings and egg shells were also in the bedroom. He probably got busy, got busy, and accidentally brought it out of the kitchen with dinner.

What then? Well... I couldn’t help but thank him for such efforts? Moreover, he hinted in every possible way. Flowers in the bedroom, breakfast and dinner in bed. In the evening he asked several times if I had a headache. Of course, I was very tired - is it a joke to spend five hours in fitting rooms without leaving? But he was so sad, how could I refuse?

In general, the day was a fairy tale, and the night was simply anriel on new way! Well, that's a different story.

After this, be sure to immediately present and show the 2nd part from the next article - funny.”

Your Evelina Shesternenko.

The presenters promise the girls to perform their most cherished dreams in honor of the holiday. But there are many girls, but little time to fulfill desires. Therefore, they decide to make happy only seven who will pass the most difficult tests.


Creating a festive mood and a friendly atmosphere.


Balloons, congratulation banner, sayings famous personalities about women, paper flowers, balloons.


  • Potatoes (hidden under some seats in the hall), baskets;
  • Vegetable peelers;
  • Wool threads;
  • Handkerchiefs, clothespins, rope;
  • Balloons, cocktail tubes;
  • Robes with buttons, mittens;
  • Cookies with wishes;
  • Typewriter, flower, pencil.


  • Leaders - young men

Progress of the event

Presenter 1: Hello girls and boys!

Presenter 2: Congratulations on your holiday!

Presenter 1: What are you doing? Happy holiday?

Presenter 2: Happy International Women's Day... Oh, really, what do boys have to do with it? We congratulate only girls, girls and women!

Presenter 1: We wish you a huge sea of ​​flowers, an endless ocean of smiles!

Presenter 2: And fulfillment of all, all desires!

Presenter 1: By the way, do you want us to fulfill all your wishes today? True true!

Presenter 2: We will only fulfill the wishes of those girls who turn out to be the most courageous, dexterous, and strong!

Presenter 1: After all, you girls have been torturing us for years, testing us for strength and dexterity. Why can't we do the same to you at least once?

Presenter 2 (sarcastically): Then you will regret, Kulakova, that you held such fun competitions on February 23!

Presenter 1: Okay, we joked a little, and now let's get back to our rams, sheep, and in general - to desires!

Presenter 2: So, whoever dreams of having their most cherished desire come true - raise your hands!

Presenter 1: Look how many people are interested! Even in a month we won’t be able to cope with everyone who wants to come!

Presenter 2: We'll be casting! Whoever wins will receive the right to execute one thing - no more! – desires. Are you ready, girls? Then let's go... to the garden to weed potatoes!

Presenter 1: It's March - what kind of potatoes are there?

Presenter 2: But we don’t care, because we are magicians! We can even conjure snowdrops in December, but grass and potatoes in March are a piece of cake!

Presenter 1: Girls, he's just joking! But seriously, it's time to start casting. So, whoever dreams of having a wish come true - we ask you to take the stage!

Several participants take the stage.

Presenter 2: Haha, I wasn’t joking about potatoes at all! Imagine, you planted it and didn’t weed it at all! Now you need to look for the harvest in the grass. The grass is the audience in the hall. There are real potatoes under some chairs! You need to find it and collect it.

Presenter 1: So, there is a first contender for the fulfillment of a wish. For now, please go to your place in the hall.

Presenter 2: Since we are wizards today, we will grant exactly... seven wishes!

Presenter 1: Why seven? After all, in fairy tales, 3 wishes are usually granted.

Presenter 2: Three is too few! They'll throw tomatoes at us if we don't perform aerobatics like magic! Seven is a beautiful number, and most importantly, it’s odd!

Presenter 1: Okay, let's make it seven. Then we are looking for the next candidate - she must be able to cook.

Those who wish come out.

Presenter 2: What can you cook (the girls answer)? Do you know how to fry potatoes? You know that you need to peel it first, right? Do you know how to do this?

Presenter 1: Now we ask those who know how to sew at least a little to come on stage. Need a costume for the holiday urgently!

Presenter 2: Now we will wash the sewn suits. Hope, modern girls They know that washing isn’t just about rinsing in water, it’s also about wrung out, hanging to dry, and removing already dry clothes.

Presenter 1: Let's see which of our girls can handle all this.

Presenter 2: They did it quickly, hung it up carefully, but it was not a test, but a training session.

Presenter 1: Imagine that a heavy downpour is about to begin and it will ruin all your things. You need to very quickly remove things, fold them neatly, and collect the clothespins on a string.

Presenter 2: Hey girls, hey beauties! You definitely won’t be lost with you! You deal with all the challenges so masterfully that we are even scared to think what will happen next.

Presenter 2: The next competition is for those who stop a galloping horse and enter a burning hut...

Presenter 1: Don’t scare the girls - we’re not recruiting them to serve in the Ministry of Emergency Situations!

Presenter 2: Yes, just nurses. Who dreams of wearing a white robe - come out!

Presenter 1: And the last competition.

Presenter 2: The very last one. No longer! Last chance to make your dream come true! Who wants? Come on stage!

The “Flower Meadow” competition is being held.

Various flowers grow in the clearing: forget-me-nots, daisies, dandelions. Each participant receives an order - to make a bouquet of certain flowers. Girls collect necessary flowers in the required quantity and glue them onto a sheet of paper. Whoever completes the task faster wins.

Presenter 1: So the tests are over. Seven candidates for magic, for a piece of happiness - go on stage!

Presenter 2: So, the time has come for the moment for which we have gathered - the fulfillment of desires!

Presenter 1: Before we can fulfill a desire, we must know it. And we will do this with the help of our special abilities.

Presenter 2: Now we will determine the desire of each participant. Attention - magic cookies to the studio, to the stage!

Cookies with wishes are brought onto the stage. Participants choose anything, break it apart, take out a wish, read it out loud, as if voicing it own wish: “I want to be given a toy car (flower, pencil)”, “I dream of dancing (singing a song about friendship) on stage”, “I want to be clapping for exactly a minute”, “I have long dreamed of becoming a presenter.”

The presenters fulfill the “cherished wish” of each participant: they give a toy car, a flower, a pencil, they allow them to sing, dance, and ask the audience to applaud.

Presenter 1: Let's fulfill your last wish. Do you dream of becoming a presenter? Then over to you - our event is just ending. Say goodbye to everyone.

(The song plays For our ladies Trofim)

We remember wonderful moments

What have you given us in life?

So without delay

Let's start the concert for our ladies!

We are grateful for the smiles

And for the heavenly features,

For the mistakes and mistakes

You forgive out of kindness.

For giving excitement,

That they rise again and again

And Divinity and inspiration,

And life, and tears, and love!

(Song intro plays SONG OF OLD WOMEN - MERRY WOMEN.

New Russian grandmothers appear, sing a song)


Music Vladimir Shainsky Lyrics Mikhail Nozhkin

We are the people with our skills

Yes, he rewarded me with fun,

To lift your spirits

I have equipped you to help!


We’re a year old – it doesn’t matter!

If the soul is young!

It's not a problem for us!

If the soul is young!

Since childhood I have not been afraid of blood,

I will heal all of your wounds.

And if I laugh -

I'll want everyone around me to laugh.


I have a keen eye -

I will make out all your enemies.

Well, when I whistle at once,

I will put the army on the ground.


Can we fire the cannon?

Sew, wash, cook dinner!

Well, what kind of old ladies are we?

The three of us are 300 years old!


Matryona:Good evening, dear ladies and people. Check out how cool I am in general, I’m already enjoying myself! And this is my old friend?..

Flower:... oh, Matryon, how hard it is to be a real woman these days...

Matryona: Oh, Flower, don't talk. And you look really cool today, that’s okay! (Flower howls) What is it?

Flower: This morning I got up, sat down in front of the mirror, laid out my cosmetics in front of me... and fell asleep...

Matryona? No, I went to the beauty salon today. Look what I'm like today..!!

Flower: Oh, wow...what a beautiful lipstick you have!

Matryona: the lipstick is super-resistant, once you apply it you can never wipe it off, even if you go to bed with it... by God...

Flower: ohhh

Matryona: Fathers, and the shoes, and the shoes...what is a Flower?

Flower: This is Iconika!

Matryona: ahh..that's what..

Flower: shoes for the dead man! oh, for the fan! and look, I bought myself an anti-aging

Matryona: I immediately looked 40 years younger! No, you know, I struggle with wrinkles differently. right now..iron Rowenta, ironed it once and the wrinkles were gone!

Tsvetotsek: oh, you know, I already forgot about wrinkles.

Matryonaa: why??

Flower: Sclerosis, the best medicine...hihihi....

Matryona: Flower, do you know why we even gathered??

Flower: nooo

Matryona: Ahh...about our professional holiday!

Flower: janitor's day????

Matryona: Why is Janitor’s Day...??! I’m actually talking about a women’s holiday!

Flower:ahh...I remember, of course, I remember about the women's holiday! Now our men will congratulate us! what do I look like??

Matryona: Lord forbid...t. e. I want to say super-stupid! Well guys, we are listening to you!

(Men come out singing)

We must tell you honestly

We need girls more than life.

Well, who will tell us that spring is coming,

Well, who will deprive us of peace and sleep?

Who will awaken love in the soul,

Who will make you believe in your dream again,

Who will kiss us, at least sometimes?

Who will share life with us once and for all?

Chorus: (Grandmas sing)

How can you live without us?

Well, tell me, tell me.

Where would you be without us?

Yes, just nowhere.

No wonder all centuries

We are carried in their arms

And we are ready to lend our hands again.

(they bring chairs to the grandmothers, they sit down)

Man: let me congratulate you on Women's Day, and wish you to always remain as young as you are today..

Flower: Are you kidding me or what? I don’t understand..

Man2:It shouldn’t be like that! dear grandmothers!

Matryona: By the way girls!

Flower:...and not that expensive...

Man:okay, our dear girls, on this day we would like to wish you intelligence, a lot of beauty..and also..

Matryona: wait, wait... what are you trying to say, that we are two unfortunate, terrible fools or something...??!

Man3: it has to be like this! Our dear ladies, we congratulate you on the holiday and wish you good health!

Matryona: Now, that's better! (The men leave) ________________________________________________

Matryona: Flower, what I wanted to tell you...

Flower: FAQ?

Matryona: Do you know that Maria has a granddaughter?

Flower: What are you talking about?!

Matryona: Yesterday I was born, by God.

Flower: Bah!

Matryona: Such an ugly girl!

Flower: It's nothing! It's nothing! Ugly things, they get prettier later. And beauties, on the contrary, turn stupid.

Matryona: Or maybe you were a beauty when you were a child..

Flower: Again! Stop it Matryona, let’s announce the number: on stage _________________________________________________

(Scenery: park, bench, Flower comes out, sits on the bench, later Matryona comes out)

Flower: Why did you come out with a guitar??

Matryona: Yes, I want to congratulate you personally..

Flower: Personally...well, it’s nice...will you be the only one to congratulate?

Matryona: No._________________

Flower:Okay, now, wait, I’ll take a pose..

Matryona: also have a congratulatory pose...

Flower: Well, what about... (hit parade)

L. Vaikule: Vernissage

Once in our village

I met you by chance

You drank kvass right at the kiosk.

I fell in love with you

For your ADIDAS suit

And there are 3 stripes on the emblem.

There is no end to the chance meeting

We hugged on the porch

Promising to love each other...

The yellow moon was shining

I realized that I was in love

I realized that I was in love

ETC.: May this March day

No one will be lonely

Let them give flowers to women,

And let the cats sing songs.

I congratulate all the people

And this song is a joke to you

Performed for lovely ladies...

Boris Moiseev comes out

(behaves capriciously, mannered)

We are nobody to each other and that makes it easier

Doesn't hurt, doesn't pinch and doesn't drive you crazy

I came here to see you for a festive evening

To wish you all love and goodness.

I want you to be happy, alive,

If a bullet flies, it always passes by you,

And I want to tell you that you are all beautiful here,

But I’m in a hurry, I’m leaving now!

Ex: I won’t, I won’t eat your vinaigrette now,

And I will not and will not even eat your salad,

I'm passing through here, and I have a ticket in my hands,

I will soon leave for the city of Leningrad!

Alla Pugacheva

To the tune of the Song about a Real Colonel

Oh, what a capricious Boriska you are,

Get out of my sight quickly

You're acting just like a radish

What should I do, I’ll sing for two,

Etc.: Let the songs ring loudly

Today is our holiday!

Happy March 8th, girls

Come out - let's start dancing!

Flower: Oh, Matryona, thank you very much... and this is not Boris’s son Maesya..?? (Matryona looks at the flower with amazing eyes)

Matryona: Flower, today is a holiday, but you need to write an explanation why you were late for Chinese lessons yesterday??

Flower: Damn it (in Chinese, shukai here)

Matryona: Why...who should I pike...??

Flower: Nothing... it's in Chinese... damn it's wrong

Matryona: Okay, write an explanatory note, and I’ll come over later

(the audience and Flower write a letter)Why am I late (explanatory)

Beginning of the form

End of form

Why am I late (explanatory)

Yesterday when I was walking For Chinese lessons, suddenly fell from a tree on me Crazy Policeman . I screamed like Underground Rhinoceros and lost consciousness. I woke up In Karaganda and said: Take me For Chinese lessons , I really need. But for some reason they took me away IN State Duma , and from there I walked until he gave me a lift Reactive Jalopy . That's why I was late yesterday.

Matryona: Little flower, how come you got into this... Oh, look, there’s some kind of gathering there, let’s go and have a look

(2 people in a bathrobe and start advertising the w-mobile)

HOST: Consider that best gift– this book is the lot of librarians. You and I know the correct answer. Fur coat? No, take it higher. Well? As dear Leonid Arkadyevich would say: aw-to-mo-bi-l!!! And so, now a new concept car will be presented to your attention... But I’m silent, I’m silent: word to the creators!

Two young men in white coats come out.

CONSTRUCTOR 1: Dear friends! Actually, we planned the presentation at the Geneva Motor Show, but for the sake of the holiday (International Women's Day), we will tell you some insider information.

CONSTRUCTOR 2: And so, let Mikhail Prokhorov bite his elbows with his Yo-mobile, we present the first women's store F-MOBILE!

CONSTRUCTOR 1: Main characteristics. The J-MOBILE, like the hostess, refuels with one glass of gasoline.

CONSTRUCTION 2: Unlike a regular car, there was a section for lipstick - where the cigarette lighter was. The cigarette lighter itself was removed to avoid an unpleasant burning sensation.

CONSTRUCTION 1: If desired, the J-MOBILE can be painted with henna or hydrogen peroxide, and the thresholds can also be increased.

CONSTRUCTOR 2: Important point: the car is a chameleon. Automatically matches your handbag and boots.

CONSTRUCTOR 1: F-MOBILE – it doesn’t skid on the road, it just wags its bumper.

CONSTRUCTOR 2: The Z-MOBILE radio tape recorder fundamentally does not pick up chanson, and automatically replaces it with your favorite hits.

CONSTRUCTION 1: THE F-MOBILE has a disk with compliments. This was done on purpose to scream: Where are you going, fool?- you heard: Smart girl, you're doing everything right.

CONSTRUCTOR 2: Every year the J-MOBILE needs not only pendant repairs, but also a new necklace and ring.

CONSTRUCTOR 1: The J-MOBILE has one drawback, it looks too good on traffic police photo radar images.

CONSTRUCTOR 2: The J-MOBILE steering wheel is shaped like Brad Pitt’s torso, which makes you don’t want to let go of it.

CONSTRUCTION 1: The steering wheel automatically gives you a manicure, and the gas pedal automatically gives you a pedicure and a light foot massage.

CONSTRUCTION 2: The machine senses where there is new collection or discounts and it slows down there itself.

CONSTRUCTION KIT 1: A soft toy, a pink pillow and a velvet rag are already included in the basic package.

CONSTRUCTION 2: There is a function to search for a lost earring in the salon.

CONSTRUCTION 1: The vehicle inspection certificate is also discount card and a subscription to the solarium.

CONSTRUCTION 2: The car is washed at least twice with shower gel with violet extract.

CONSTRUCTION 1: There is not only a rear view mirror, but also full height in the cabin.

CONSTRUCTION 2: To avoid creating a negative image of the owner, the car is equipped with an automatic parking function.

CONSTRUCTOR 1: Well, that's probably all. Does anyone in the room have any questions?

PERSON FROM THE AUDIENCE: You described everything so colorfully. Does your car have any disadvantages?

CONSTRUCTOR 2: In our opinion, there is only one: the trunk of the J-MOBILE is made according to the principle of a handbag.


CONSTRUCTOR 2: It has everything you need, you just won’t find what you need.

CONSTRUCTOR 1: Thank you! Wait for sales! Coming soon to AVON and ORIFLAME catalogs!


Matryona: Fathers, Flower, I also want a mobile phone like this...

Flower: Hey..I’ve had J-lisaped for 15 years now...and I drive it fine...

Matryona: Well, let’s go, show me, and while ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ will perform on stage - (they leave)

Flower: Well, what do you like about my car? Is it a car?

Matryona: You know, flower: Not really. I have a Cossack, that’s enough for me. The motor makes no noise at all.

Flower: Why is it so quiet?

Matryona: Why, your ears are pinched between your knees!

Flower: Wow. On the stage_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Flower: Oh, Matryona, after all, we’re great for deciding to go on patrol with you at night! Defending your beloved village is a sacred cause, especially since today is such a holiday, you never know... you have to be on your guard (takes a gun)!

Matryona: Don't talk, don't talk!

Flower: Oh, anyway, is it really so scary now to walk in the village in the evenings?

Matryona: Good, that's it! You are a maniac yourself, Flower!

Flower: No, I'm a killer of maniacs! MIG 76!

Matryona: I’m looking at you right now, after all, it’s true what they say is that the whole village is afraid of you, the whole village!

Flower: Is she afraid of someone?

Matryona: Why aren’t they afraid of you? Yesterday evening, what did she fire from a gun? You might say she was a hooligan? Did she shoot at the banks?

Flower: So the man was digging cabbage in the field!

Matryona: Bah!

Flower: Yes!

Matryona: oh, look at the young people coming... and how they coo... come on quickly... quickly into the bushes...


A short and thin man named VASYOK comes onto the stage. He sits down on a chair. He is wearing a cap with a flower and a fashionable country jacket. He has a grass stalk in his teeth and a small flower in his hands. The song starts playing: Oh, you're there on the mountain.

His beloved Marusya comes out to see Vaska (it could be a man in women's clothing) and sits down next to him.

VASYOK: Hello, Marusya!

MARUSYA: Hello, Vasek!

VASYOK (gives a flower): This is for you!

MARUSYA: Oh, thank you!

They both look up a little in awe. Vasek carefully places his hand on her shoulder. She winces.

VASYOK: Marusya... will you marry me?

MARUSYA: Oh, I don’t know. This is so unexpected! I need to think.

VASYOK: How long can you think? I proposed to you six years ago.

MARUSYA: Well, I don’t know. If you think it's time, then I agree.

The song is still going on. They sigh together with smiles on their faces.

MARUSYA (after a pause): Vasya! Who do you want to get first: a cat or a dog?

VASYOK: Well, maybe we’ll have the first child after all?

MARUSYA: Vasya! (pause) Who do you want first: a girl or a girl?

Vasek slowly turned and looked at Marusya. Then he turned back just as slowly.

VASYOK: (thoughtfully) I don’t know. (pause) Probably a girl. And you?

MARUSYA: I don’t care. (pause) Vasya, will you always love me?

VASEK: I will love you to the end.

MARUSYA (after a pause): Vasya, it’s already late. Take me home.

Our heroes are leaving. The music stops.

Vasya comes out and sits on a chair. Five seconds later, Marusya comes out with buckets. He puts them on the floor.

MARUSYA: Why are you sitting? Why are you sitting, I ask you? Have you cleaned the yard? Did you feed the chickens? I have to do everything myself.

VASYOK: Why are you screaming like that? I'll do everything now.

MARUSYA: I’m screaming because even on the eighth of March, you don’t do anything for me. And you said that you will love me to the end.

VASYOK: So the end has already come.

Flower: oh, so much romance... that...

Matryona: What are you doing with the bag...are you really going there...??!!hihi..

Flower: No...I’ll fly to Hawaii...

Matryona: What Hawaii... it's a holiday... and even more so you don't know what the weather is like there... ahh... what if it rains... snow

Flower: Matryon, what are you... it’s always warm there... and what’s the weather like for our holiday today....??

(forecast weather)

Matryona: Dear comrades, we start the weather forecast for tomorrow...

(The flower dances and hums a melody Emmanuel)

So, tomorrow, according to the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia, it is expected...

Flower: A!

Matryona : What is it again?

Flower : Something hit me in the back.

Matryona: She jumped, the old nymphet...

Flower: No, when it hits my back, it means rain.

Matryona: Do you understand where it hurts?

Flower: Here, in the upper third...

Matryona: Tomorrow there will be rain in the east of the country...

Flower : A!

Matryona : What is it again?

Flower: Something snapped inside me.

Matryona : Thunderstorm possible.

Flower: No, look, it’s gone.

Matryona : There may not be a thunderstorm.

Flower: Do you hear, grandma, scratch your back, something is hurting.

Matryona : Tomorrow there may be a cyclone to the north, an anticyclone to the south, an assault front to the east, midnight in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky!

Flower : Hey, scratch it in the southwest. Something is bothering me there. probably the pressure is jumping

Matryona : Tomorrow in the black earth regions of the country the pressure will drop to 40 degrees inwards, to 40 milligrams... milliliters... oh well... millimeters of mercury.

Flower : For some reason my nose is itchy, probably because of the drinking.

Matryona: Highs in the 40s and lows are expected over the weekend. 9 in the morning there is complete fog, dry conditions and wind. All!

Flower : No, not all. Rain and snow, ice, wind gusts up to 15 m/s, visibility 20 meters are expected.

Matryona: Fathers, how did you know everything?

Flower : It was announced on the radio in the morning.

Flower: So now the 6th grade students will tell us everything.

6th grade skit


Matryona: where is that one? Have you seen my jerboa with glasses?

(Flower appears)

Why are you always late?

Flower: faq, faq I was backstage, watching.

Matryona: Whom?

Flower: Like whom? Yes, their beauties. Just look at them......(ditties 5th grade

Matryona: What do you have again?

Flower: Yes, the crossword puzzle doesn’t work. Here are 2 words and it doesn’t work

Matryona: Let me help.

Flower: here 13 horizontally is a bad habit.

Matryona: Whose bad habit is it?

Is it my bad habit? (cries)

Flower: What do you have to do with it?

Matryona: I have a bad habit. I've been suffering for 5 years now.

Flower: What happened then?

Matryona: Yes, as soon as I wake up, I brush my teeth.

Flower: It's nothing. This is fine.

Matryona: Who is fine. And do you know. How many times do I wake up? - normal.

Flower: Doesn't fit anyway.

Matryona: Look eighth vertically. Starts with the letter I...

Flower And this is a game. 5th grade on stage

Flower: I have good news. I was chosen as the best fan of the year.

Matryona: Well, that’s right, now you’re sick, now with something else, now with this, now with a leaking roof.

Flower: You started teasing me again.

Matryona: Well, we need to finish this matter, otherwise you will get sick again.




You don’t look well, Matryona.


Better look at yourself, old crow!


You look pale, lethargic and boiled like pasta!

Well, get ready for work and defense.

Flower:. I have one recipe, we will teach men how to bake pies.

Matryona: Regular apple pie recipe

Flower: Take 10 eggs from the refrigerator, put the remaining seven on the table and wipe the floor, next time be extremely careful. Take a basin and break the eggs into its corner, pour their contents into the basin. Wipe the table from yolks, be careful. So, we have 5 yolks in the basin.

Matryona: Now take the mixer, insert the beaters and start beating the yolks. Try inserting the beaters again... until you hear a click. Whisk.

Wash your face, neck, arms and back, pour the yolk out of your ears.

As a result, you have two beaten yolks left in the bowl, which is exactly what we need for the pie.

Flower: It's time to get the flour. Cover the kitchen walls and ceiling with newspaper and cover the furniture with some fabric. Pour 200 g of flour into a glass, then pour into a bowl with yolks; carefully collect the remaining 800 g back into the bag.

Matryona: After making sure that the ceiling and wallpaper are covered with newspaper, start whisking.

Flower: Take a shower. Take 4 big apples and a sharp knife, first run to the pharmacy and buy iodine, a patch and a bandage. It's time to start peeling the apples.

Matryona: Process thumb iodine and bandage it. Cut the apples into cubes and remember, we will need 2 apples, so you can only eat half during the cooking process. Treat your index and middle fingers with iodine.

Flower: Throw the only remaining and already chopped apple into a basin, pick up the fallen pieces from the floor, and rinse them.

Matryona: Beat everything with a mixer. Wash the refrigerator, then it dries - you can’t wash it off.

Flower: Now pour the contents into the frying pan and place in the oven. Wait an hour and if you don’t see any noticeable changes, turn on the oven. When you wake up, don’t call “01”, just open the windows and oven.

Matryona: After everything you have experienced, with a sense of accomplishment, go to the store and buy a cake.

Flower: Come on, Matryona, we need to buy a cake, otherwise now the men will take everything apart, but in the meantime, meet

Diva Alla Pugacheva with the unfading hit “A Million Scarlet Roses”:

There lived a magician alone.

I bought a nice house.

Created a greenhouse -

I grew red roses.

To the glorious women's day

Raised a million

But not loving either one,

He used roses:

A million, a million, a million red roses

You are carrying, you are carrying, you are carrying to Privoz

Who is in love, who is in love, who is in love and seriously

I gave half a thousand for five scarlet roses!

The holiday was successful -

He sold a lot of flowers.

He shoveled money like a ladle,

I just didn't become any happier.

Let him ruin you

But you were happier:

You bought these roses

Gave it to your sweetheart!

Let someone grow a million scarlet roses,

Let him carry it, let him carry it, let him carry it to Privoz:

You're in love, you're in love, you're seriously in love

You will give, You will give everything for five red roses!!!

Flower: Matryon!

Matryona: Aw!

Flower: What do I want to ask?

Matryona: A-ha, ask, ask dear

Flower: Is this what you thought yesterday when we were offered to perform at this school?

Matryona: Hey, heh! My dear, I didn’t think anything. What can we think, they won’t pay us anything here anyway. So at least we will be a gift for the holiday that is dear to them!

Flower: Meet another gift. On the stage Gr. Factory

To the tune Fish from the repertoire for performance by a ladies' group.

When spring comes again,

The streams are ringing, the snowdrifts are melting!

Together with nature on earth

The weak floor also blossoms!

Oh, Lyuli, my Lyuli!

Oh, Lyuli, my Lyuli!

The spring winds have blown!

Well, why are we worse than these stars?

In your province, girls!

And we have our own producer!

They need to look for something like this!

Don't let tours threaten us!

And business is not going to happen to us!

But we know one thing for sure:

We are the best in this world!

Oh, Lyuli, my Lyuli!

Oh, Lyuli, my Lyuli!

The spring winds have blown!


And on this March day

We sincerely congratulate you!

And reach any heights

We wish you well in all matters!

Let your eyes glow

Let your face shine with a smile!

And may fate give you

One day I'll meet a goldfish!

Oh, Lyuli, my Lyuli!

Oh, Lyuli, my Lyuli!

The spring winds have blown!

And we wish you more

Hear compliments more often

And may you always be

Much better than your competitors!

And we don't need anything

Just more moments like this!

And even though we are not in the Kremlin now,

But we really look forward to applause from you!

Here we shine like the sun!

Congratulations! Congratulations!

And we will shine for you today

We wish you brighter than any stars!

Oh, Lyuli, my Lyuli!

Oh, Lyuli, my Lyuli!

The spring winds have blown!

Matryona: Flower, oh, what a song! I'm crazy!

Flower: And I was so turned on, so turned on! You know, I watched a movie yesterday, there were two such men! (at this time R.V. Delikanov and V.V. Pitreev come out) There they are, those from the TV!

Couplets from the repertoire of Bandurin and Vashukov

We are funny grannies

We'll sing ditties for you.

Performed by grandmothers, get your hands ready.

1st:When I was young I was

A very prominent girl...

2nd:Something's looking at you

I can't believe this! (clap their hands in a place with the audience)

I used to perform in the choir,

I sang a song...

2nd:We thought it was a dog

It's howling at the moon! (clap their hands in a place with the audience)

1st:I had 4 husbands with registration….

2nd:And 4 more were on privatization (they clap their hands in a place with the audience)

1st:On the path of pensioners

Grandfather was walking with gray hair...

2nd:When he saw you,

He ran away like a young man! (clap their hands in a place with the audience)

1st:I'm going to a beauty contest

We made a sign...

2nd:Explain to the people

Why are you a technician? (clap their hands in a place with the audience)

1st:I'm waiting for this spring day

Prince on a horse...

2nd:I was daydreaming! For you

Grandfather will wear a vest!

We've come to the end of the ditty,

Clap your hands

In the meantime, let's go dance

With that good guy!


Matryona: Oh, men, respect!

Flower: We are so excited in our souls that we are now going to sing for the men!

Matryona: Listen, do you like ditties?

Flower: Adore!

Matryona: Can you sing them?

Flower: And talk and sing!

One - and, two - and I got shortchanged -

Nowadays there are men.

I'll be like Bandurin.

Matryona: Well, I’m like Vashukov.

Flower: Please, people, pay attention to us!

Together: Let's sing from female face women's suffering!

Chorus: We are not too lazy to sing ditties,

Because it's Women's Day.

Guys, attention -

Women's suffering!

The husband carries a bouquet in his hand.

2. And where will you place it?

Are these ficus plants in a pot?

1. My husband will give gifts again today

Toilet water.

2. That’s why it doesn’t happen

No guests, no flies sometimes!

1. My baby is bald

Well, where should I put him?

2. When there is no mirror

You'll be looking at your bald head

1. They came to match me

On a gray mare

2. They took your chests,

And they forgot you

1. I am a foreigner

Found it through an ad.

2. You live abroad with him

In sunny Turkmenistan.

1. Darling is walking along the road,

Goes smiling

2. It turned out that he inserted teeth -

The mouth won't close!

1.My dear tractor driver

Well, I'm a milkmaid

2. He is in fuel oil, you are in manure,

You are a sweet couple.

1. I can Matryon you

Crush with morality.

2. Do you hear, don’t get angry,

Kettle with spiral.

1. Oh, you, fashion, fashion, fashion,

What have you brought to this point?

2. Even Grandma Lukerya

I went to church in shorts.

1. At school you have girls -

Smart girls, beauties!

2. And I know that for boys,

Love this!

1. We wish everyone good health,

We wish you happiness

2. Happy first spring holiday

Hearty congratulations

1. So that you know sorrows

Even a slight shadow of sadness,

2. So that your eyes always shine,

And not only on this day!

Together: We are not too lazy to sing ditties,

Because it's Women's Day.

We sang suffering

Thank you for your attention.

Dance Nachalka__________________________________________________________________________

Flower: Teacher, teacher.

Matryona: How often do you sing this?

Flower: I want a song for the teacher.

Matryona: Please, by pike command, According to Flower's desire Song All flowers

Matryona: Listen to Tsvetik, that's what I'll say.

Flower: Tell me, tell me, honey.

Matryona: If deputies have a sad life, their salaries are high. But these teachers have a fun life, but the salary is small. Look how funny they are.

Matryona: We congratulate our dear women

After all, you are beautiful, like spring itself!

May fate protect you all from troubles,

And life will be beautiful and long!

Flower: Let it have everything - a sea of ​​smiles,

Love and happiness - a whole ocean!

Many amazing stories

And congratulations from distant countries!

Matryona: Ambassador from the island of Sicily. The head of the Sicilian mafia Antonio Zverino (Anatoly Zverev, for example) with a translator (translator).

Ambassador of Sicily: Drunk morning because of Stolini Gulini, Poganini, bikini!

Translator: Greetings to everyone sitting in this festive hall!

Ambassador: Drunk in the morning, brainy, sick, goner - hungry, smart, felicita!

Translator: I greet all my friends and colleagues present here!

Ambassador: Drunk in the morning striptease, cretino, bambino, gulako immoral.

Translator: And also those who couldn’t come today!

Ambassador: Mia problem, consensus and body to the hairdryer.

Translator: On this day we will not talk about political and everyday problems.

Ambassador: Mia Rozhe Interesto

Translator: I would like to ask.

Ambassador: Bellisimo belly humanoid?

Translator: Who gave the joy of this holiday?

Ambassador: Mafioso Terazini?

Translator: State Duma?

Ambassador: Papa Putino Cardinale?

Translator: Our president?

Ambassador: Know, know, know!

Translator: No, no, no!

Ambassador: Santa, Maria, Maradona, Felicita!

Translator: Friends, you gave yourself this wonderful holiday!

Ambassador: Mia presente Santa Maria..

Translator: I want to wish you...

Ambassador: Angino, griposo, gastrito, miacardo and radiculito

Translator: Good health!

Ambassador: Kolosale ponimanto respect!

Translator: Mutual understanding in the team and family.

Ambassador: Grandiose business!

Translator: Prosperity in life!

Ambassador: And drunk, drunk, drunk!

Translator: And always be happy!

He bows and leaves.

(Costume of the Ambassador of Sicily: a long dark cloak, buttoned tightly, on top of a long white thin scarf (muffler), a dark hat with wide brim, cigar, dark glasses.)

Grandmothers: We came to you for an hour to congratulate you on March 8th! We wish you much happiness, until we meet again! Happy holiday, dear teachers!

SKETCH “THE MUSHROOM” (boy Tolya, dog, cat, 2 boys or 2 girls)

ALL We won’t buy a gift for mom

Let's cook it ourselves, with our own hands.

TOLYA](sitting in the center of the hall at a table, sculpting).

I love my mother very much, I make her a mushroom.

I'll take a little yellow - there will be a stem for the mushroom.

(the dog approaches)

Dog There is a game going on in the yard, the kids are playing around.

There the ball flies up. There the horse is galloping.

Woof-woof-woof, come with me. Let's play with the kids.

Tolya I won’t go. Play by yourself. Don't bother me, my friend!

I have to sculpt a mushroom for my dear mother

(cat approaches)

Kitty Boy, boy, let's play? Shall we roll the new ball?

Tolya I also like to play ball, but now I’m making a mushroom.

Tomorrow will be Mother's Day. I'll give the fungus to mom.

(the cat takes the fungus and runs away, the boy catches up with her and takes the fungus. He sits down and sculpts)

Tolya I will scatter specks all over the little red riding hood.

(2 boys or 2 girls are suitable)

1 child Tolya, Tolya, get up. Play with us.

2 reb. And now we’ll sing and dance, dashingly stamp our heels!

Tolya That's it, the fungus is ready (shows). I’ll join you in a circle.

(a cat and a dog run up. Everyone stands around the table and dances)


Reb: Children have mothers, and animals have mothers. Now our guys

will show a skit about how much patience mothers need to show

raising your kids.

Reb: Evening floats through the forest,

It glows like stars.

Sings a song to his son

Brown bear.

Ursa: A pine cone fell on the grass,

Bye-bye, fall asleep, son!

Son: I don’t need a bump!

Reb: My son growled.

Son: I don’t want to, I won’t sleep,

I'd better go for a walk!

Bear: Here's a mushroom for you!

Bye-bye, son!

Son: I don’t want a mushroom!

Reb: My son roared.

Mom came out the door

She brought him a flower.

Bear: Here's a flower for you.

Bye-bye, son!

Son: I don’t want a flower!

Reb: My son screamed,

Mom came out to the door,

To a distant hillock,

Brought some honey

The whole deck.

Mom sings a song

The bear is treating himself.

Son: How powerful is honey,

My eyes are already drooping.


Presenter: “At the edge of the forest, you can see a painted house, it’s not squirrels or bears.”

This house is the fox's house.

It's the fox's holiday, Women's Day.

The fox is working. She is not too lazy to cook.

LICHKA; “I, little fox, red tail, will treat everyone, bake a pie, and welcome guests. (The fox sets the table)

Host: And here is the first guest rushing to the fox. ..the first friend appeared, a brown little bear.

Bear: “Hello, little fox, little fox! Happy holiday, you are beautiful!

(takes out a gift jar of honey). The honey is fragrant, golden! Very tasty and thick.

Gives it to the fox.

Lisa: “Thank you! I’m very glad.

Presenter: Here the little bunny galloped up. Gray heard about the fox holiday.

Hare: “Hello, dear fox. Happy holiday to you. Beauty!

Here are the carrots, here is the cabbage, the borscht will be delicious for the fox!

The gift is a sight to see, please accept congratulations!

Fox: You brought a whole garden, there are enough vegetables for the whole year!

Wolf: Along the path from the wilderness, Gray wolf hurries to the fox.

Wolf: Hello. cute fox! Happy holiday to you, beauty!

Bunny, don't be afraid! Bear, calm down!

I'm not evil, not evil at all! I won't eat any of you!

In a clearing, near a river, I picked flowers!

And I ran to the fox along the path for the holiday (gives flowers to the fox).

The fox invites the wolf to the table:

Well, thank you. I’m treating you to fragrant tea!

Host: And here is another guest rushing to the fox.

Kolobok runs out.

Presenter: What a miracle Kolobok is! Kolobok. rosy side! It’s mixed with sour cream, cooled in the window! And today at the fox’s house, he’s invited to a holiday!

Kolobok: Hello, little fox! Happy holiday to you. beauty!

Congratulations! Congratulations! And I present my gift! (Gives the fox a jar of jam)

Fox: Hello, hello, bun! Kolobok, rosy side! Come in, sit down and chat with the guests! I don’t eat koloboks anymore! I eat honey carrots. jam!

All the artists line up in one line and say in unison:

Let's continue the celebration and have fun dancing.

They dance a simple dance.

This small scene easy to learn and looks good.

Sketch “3 ducklings” (E. A. Mukhina)

Once upon a time there were 3 ducklings:

(Bell, Chamomile and Feather come out and bow in turn).

What interesting names do ducklings have? Who called them that?

Mom called us that.


I am a bell because I always sang a lot.

I am Chamomile, because I have always been white, only my beak is yellow

And I always had one feather bristling.

One day the ducklings went for a walk and found a strawberry - an extraordinary, fragrant strawberry. But there is only one strawberry, and three ducklings: Feather, Chamomile and Bell.

The ducklings argue among themselves.

My strawberry! No, mine. My! No, mine!

Who's making noise here?

This is us. We don’t know how to share one strawberry among everyone?

Is your mother alone?

Girl (to the guys).

Guys, help the ducklings. What should they do with the strawberries?

Give it to mom.

The ducklings give the strawberry to the mother duck.

Mother duck.

Thank you, my ducklings.

He takes a strawberry, pats each person on the head, and kisses them on the cheek. The artists bow.

Puppet show "Gift for Mommy"

Necessary toys: flowers, Hedgehog, Hare, Fox, Mother Hedgehog.

SPRING: An ordinary thorny hedgehog lived in the forest. Every winter he slept for a long, long time with his mother in his forest house. And in the spring he woke up, went out into the clearing and rejoiced in the sun.

The hedgehog comes out into the clearing.

HEDGEHOG: FR-FR... Hello, sunshine! Hello, spring streams! Hello, first flowers!

The Hare jumps out.

HARE: Hello, Hedgehog!

HEDGEHOG: Hello, Bunny! What is this in your hands?

HARE: These are fresh lettuce leaves as a gift for my mom.

HEDGEHOG: What, it’s your mother’s birthday?

HARE: No, Hedgehog, what are you talking about! My mom doesn't have a birthday today. But don’t you know that at the beginning of spring there is a wonderful holiday on March 8?

HEDGEHOG: What kind of holiday is this?

HARE: This is a holiday for all mothers and grandmothers. And so I bring my mother a gift - these wonderful leaves. What will you give to your mother Hedgehog?

HEDGEHOG: Oh, I don’t know... I don’t have any gift.

HARE: Come up with something! Oh, I hear someone's steps. I'm afraid it's a fox! I'm afraid of the fox, she might eat me. It’s okay, my legs are fast, I’ll run away from her! Goodbye Hedgehog!

SPRING: The bunny ran away, and the Hedgehog thought. The holiday is coming soon, March 8th, I need to give my mother a gift. What should I give him? But while he was thinking, a red fox jumped out into the clearing.

FOX: Oh, I ran after the Hare, but I didn’t catch up, he runs very fast! Who does this smell like here? Oh, so it's the Hedgehog! That's what I'll eat! What a yummy - little hedgehog! YUM-YUM... Hey, Hedgehog, now I'll eat you yum-yum! Now I’ll just sharpen my teeth and eat it!

HEDGEHOG: What should I do? I can’t run as fast as a hare, and I can’t run away from the Fox.

SPRING: The Hedgehog got scared. Who will help Hedgehog? And suddenly he heard someone's voices.

FLOWERS: We will hide you, come here!

HEDGEHOG: Who are you?

FLOWERS: We are flowers!

HEDGEHOG: Hide me, please, flowers!

The hedgehog approaches the flowers, and they seem to cover him. To depict this, prepare in advance a mesh fabric with flowers sewn onto it, similar to those that “grow” on the screen. SPRING quickly throws this net over the hedgehog, from a distance it will look like the flowers have jumped onto the hedgehog.

SPRING: The Hedgehog ran up to the flowers. And they - once, and quickly sat on the Hedgehog - like that. And the hedgehog turned into a flowering bush. The fox came to his senses, let's look for the hedgehog.

FOX: Where is Hedgehog? Where did he go? I was here - and no! Only flowers remained in the clearing! He probably ran away too; I didn’t manage to eat the Hedgehog. I'll go into the forest and look for someone else.

The fox runs away.

SPRING: The fox didn’t notice Hedgehog and mistook him for a bush of spring flowers. And so, when the Fox ran away, the Hedgehog decided to thank the flowers for their help.

HEDGEHOG: Thank you, flowers, for hiding me from the Fox. You are so beautiful! Please come to my house to congratulate my mother Ezhikha on March 8th!

FLOWERS: Of course, we would love to. But we just can’t go - we don’t have legs.

HEDGEHOG: And I’ll carry you! Right here, on my back, on my needles!

SPRING: The Hedgehog ran home and carried flowers on his needles. He ran to the house and knocked.

HEDGEHOG: Mom, mom, come out! I want to congratulate you on March 8th Day!

The hedgehog curls up so that it looks like a bunch of flowers, and the Hedgehog leaves the house.

HEDGEHOG MOTHER: What a beautiful bush of flowers has grown in front of our house! Only I don’t see my beloved son, Hedgehog, anywhere. Guys, have you seen him?

HEDGEHOG (turning around): So here I am, mommy! And all these flowers are for you! Congratulations on the holiday of March 8!

HEDGEHOG: Thank you, Hedgehog! I love flowers very much, but I love you most of all!

Music is playing.


SPRING: Hey Hedgehog, well done, he congratulated his mother and gave her a gift. Guys, what do we usually give our mothers and grandmothers for the holiday? Who will tell?

The children participating in the story of the next verse by O. Vysotskaya come out.

SPRING: Gift for mom

We won't buy -

Let's do it ourselves

1st: You can embroider her a scarf,

2nd: You can grow a flower,

3rd: You can draw a house, a blue river.

4th: And also kiss my dear mother!

The teacher distributes to all children the drawings and crafts they made earlier in creative classes for the holiday. Children run and give pictures to their mothers or grandmothers sitting in the hall.

SPRING (verse by Z. Petrova): And although it is frosty,

And the snowdrifts under the window,

But fluffy mimosas

They are already selling all around.

Drops of sunlight

Splashes of sunny summer,

We are bringing it into the house today,

We give to grandmother and mother,

Happy Women's Day

Fairy tale for mommy

An ORDINARY hedgehog lived in the forest near the lawn. Once an UNUSUAL adventure happened to him. Look: the hedgehog came out onto the lawn... like this... and saw FLOWERS.

FR-FR... hello flowers, FR-FR...

Good afternoon...

Good afternoon...

Good afternoon, day, day...

Let's go, please, congratulate... FR-FR... my mom on the holiday.

We agree, yes, yes, yes...

But how to get there?

Suddenly a FOX jumped out into the clearing. It's so BIG. This is so SCARY. She saw a HEDGEHOG and said:

How delicious... YUM-YUM...

Meeting, YUM-YUM...

Now I AM-YUM for you!

Ay, FR-FR, I'm afraid! FR-FR... Help!

Only the flowers were not confused, but quickly sat on the HEDGEHOG like this: One... Second... Third... Fourth... Fifth... That's how the HEDGEHOG turned into a blooming flowerbed. The FOX searched and searched and did not find the hedgehog among the FLOWERS and ran on. And when the HEDGEHOG came home, his MOM said:

What beautiful flowers, but where is my favorite HEDGEHOG?

Then the HEDGEHOG came closer, kissed mommy - like this... and said:

And here I am, FR-FR, under the flowers, FR-FR! Happy holiday!

Mom - Goat, Goat, Cow, Sheep, Dog, choir (with conductor)

Props: masks or hats for characters; apron, basket, handkerchief, shawl, basket with wildflowers, bundle with apple, jacket, bone, jumping rope, house, Christmas trees, tree stump

On the stage, the Goat is with her son - he is sitting on a tree stump, and his mother is getting ready for the market (preening herself, giving instructions to her son.

Conductor (speaking): Mommy often scolded Kozlik, she often left the house...

Choir (singing):

The Goat was jumping in the meadow, right on the flowers

Suddenly he froze while running - his mother was lost!

Goat: Oh, oh, oh! Oh oh oh! Mom is lost!

He looks around and cries. The Cow comes out and collects flowers.

Choir: He, not knowing why, bumped into the new mother, but she told him:

Cow (indignantly): Moo!

Chorus: Auntie with horns.

Moo-moo-moo! Moo-moo-moo! I don't understand anything!

This little son has trampled my entire lawn!

She leaves dissatisfied. The Goat cries, the Sheep comes out.

He's skipping across the grass, like his mother. But I told him

Sheep (excitedly): Be-e!

Chorus: Aunt in a white fur coat

Be, be, be! Be, be, be! Maybe I'm dreaming!

An abandoned child, a little goat!

He takes pity on him, gives him an apple and leaves. Dog runs out

The goat rushed headlong to the most formidable mother, but she told him

Dog (sniffing): Woof!

Choir: Auntie with fangs

Woof woof woof! Woof woof woof! I'm all busy, busy! Don't follow me, my friend, go to your home!

He pushes Kozlik towards the path and runs away. The goat sadly goes behind the Christmas tree.

Action at the Goat's house. She comes back with shopping, tired, looking for her son. Crying, he sits down on a tree stump.

The little goat got lost and ran away from its mother.

The little goat was lost - he didn’t know the way!

Goat Poor little goat...

Chorus: Poor mom. Mom is very sad

Goat (walks towards the audience, sighing heavily)

Lost son! He must be tired! He's probably chilled! Poor little goat...

The goat takes off her shawl and walks dejectedly towards the house. Sits on a tree stump.

Choir: Poor mom.

Kozlik runs out, mom rushes to him - they hug.

The kid found his mother, we are all happy for him,

After all, there is no one in the world dearer than your mother!

Kozlik (into the hall) Well, even if the hour is difficult, don’t abandon us like that!

All the artists bow.

Dramatization "Grandma's Helpers"

Ku-ka-re-ku! The sun woke up

And it shines joyfully in the window!

Ku-ka-re-ku! Enough sleep.

Ku-ka-re-ku! It's time to get up!

(Grandma, an adult, comes out of the house)

Thank you, cockerel, he crowed on time, my friend.

I slept for a long time, but I had work to do.

You need to wash the floor, the dishes, heat the stove hotter,

Wash the clothes, iron them, wipe off the dust, bake a cake.

Who will dig up my beds? How to manage everything, here are the riddles!

I’ll hurry to the house first and quickly knead the dough.

After all, everyone knows that people don’t celebrate a holiday without pies.

(grandmother leaves, mother Duck comes out - child)

Grandma left. Quack-quack-quack! But her worries are in vain.

Even though there is a lot of laundry here, this work is for me.

Hey ducklings, run out and help me do the laundry!

(dance “Washing”, they hang laundry on a line)

(Mother Goat comes out - child)

Me-me-me, here you little goats! Don't play hide and seek with your mom.

(kids run out)

Let's help grandma, we'll quickly put the wood in the barn.

I want her to be pleased and to praise us.

(children carry firewood cubes to the house to the music)

You worked hard, I'm happy, kids!

(mother chicken runs out)

Ko-ko-ko! I'm a chicken, running through the streets...

I'm looking for my guys, cute little chickens.

(chicken children run out)

Chickens (together). Don't worry, here we are, how can we help you?

We will help grandma together.

Here are the brooms, take them, we’ll sweep.

(dance with brooms)

Ved. Suddenly the dog Druzhok barked.

(the dog Druzhok appears)

Get out of the way, Cockerel!

We are not afraid of you, I sharpened my beak in the morning!

(Friend gets scared and runs away)

Ved. The cat Fluff appeared.

Cat. Get out of the way, Cockerel!

(Mama Chicken runs out)

Here again you bullies can't do anything without a fight.

Better take watering cans, garden, water the flowers.

Cat and dog.

We will be friends with you and live in peace with everyone.

(they take watering cans, water them and run away, Grandma appears)

I ran out of things to do in the house: I washed the floor and cleaned it up.

It became clean and beautiful, I even kneaded the dough.

(waves his hands in surprise)

Was there laundry in the basin and where did it go?

On a rope, here it is, apparently it’s been hanging here for a long time.

Clean yard, watered beds. Miracles, only mysteries!

How can I solve them? Who decided to help me?

(notices the children)

It is you? Thank you, my little friends!

On this holiday, I baked a pie.

(brings out a pie on a tray)

Don’t be shy, take it and treat yourself to your mother on the holiday.

Dramatization “Behind the Snowdrops”

2 girls. We went for a walk in the forest

And pick snowdrops

Boy. The titmouse sings ting-ting-ting

And the snow melts under the willow

Today is a holiday - Women's Day

And everyone knows about it.

Both. We need to pick flowers for our mothers

1. There are bushes around here

Are there flowers growing here?

2. How is Yura doing?

I found an old lump.

1. I thought the forest was full of snowdrops

But you can’t see them at all, isn’t it a shame?

2. Who will show us where snowdrops grow?

The bunny runs out.

Boy. Gray bunny, wait, let's get to know you.

Both. We are preschool children

Help us, bunny.

Girl. We came for flowers

But they were not found in the forest.

Boy. Maybe we came early

And the flowers didn't bloom?

Bunny. It's okay, baby

And it's time for the flowers to bloom.

I dressed up myself

I put on a gray fur coat

Know that the snowdrop has blossomed

Turned blue in the snow.

Both. Bunny - runaway,

The guys are friendly

Little white snowdrop

Show us quickly.

Bunny. Okay, kids, I'll make it up

I'll tell you everything I know

And forest snowdrops

I'll be happy to show you.

"Dance of Flowers"

Bunny. Now look how many snowdrops I have!

Girl. What nice flowers.

Quicker. Yura, what are you doing?

Look, look, both there and here,

Snowdrops are blooming in the forest!

Both. Give me your paw goodbye,

Thank you for the flowers, bunny.

Boy. Snowdrop, first flower.

He woke up from the warmth.

So the sun is shining brighter

And spring has already come

Bringing the sleepy forest to life

There will be many miracles in it!

Reply with quotation


Mashenka appears on the screen with a saucepan.

Presenter: Guys, look who it is? Yes, this is Mashenka! Mashenka, what are you going to do?

Masha: There will be a holiday and fun

There will be tea and refreshments

I'm waiting for my grandmother to visit


I'll bake some pies

With carrots, cabbage

Pies with dried apricots

They will be very tasty!

Presenter: And so that the pies are baked faster, the guys will sing a song.

SONG “PIES” music. Filippenko

Mashenka: What a good song.

A pie appears from the pan.

Oh? Who is this?

Pie: I'm so glad! I'm so glad!

Today is a holiday for the guys

Grandma is coming to visit


Mashenka: Tell us, who are you, handsome?

Pie: I'm a funny pie

Kolobochka I'm a friend

I can't wait quietly

I’ll run to meet the guests

The pie runs away.

Mashenka: Toropyzhka pie

My friend ran away from us

I'll make tea with jam

Treat for grandma

Mashenka leaves

Presenter: And the pie ran to meet the funny Grandma

Pie appears on the screen

He ran and ran... and to meet him...

The Hare Appears

Hare: Hello Pie! I will eat you!

Pie: Don't eat me, Hare, I'll sing you a song.

I'm a funny pie

I have a ruddy side

Masha kneaded the dough

Delicious pie blinded

She baked me in the oven

And she called him handsome

I'm running to meet my grandmother


Hare: You are beautiful and fragrant

And it tastes so good

I can't stand it at all

I'll eat you buddy

Pie: Dear children

After all, bunnies are all cowards

Only the leaf will tremble

And the little bunny will run away

Presenter: Let's guys help Pie

Hands together...(bring hands to mouth) let's all blow...(blow)

And the bunny is gone!

The Wolf Appears

Wolf: Pie, pie, I'll eat you!

Pie: I'm not afraid of you, I'm a wolf

Gray wolf teeth click

Are you afraid of dogs?

And more hunters

How dogs bark loudly

All the guys know this

Every woof-woof-woof said

And the wolf ran away

The children bark and the Wolf runs away.

The Bear Appears

Bear: Pie, Pie, I'll eat you!

Pie: Everyone wants to eat the pie

What an honor it is for me

And I'm rushing to grandma

And I'm friends with the guys

How to scare a bear?

How to escape from Mishka?

Loves to profit from honey

Yes, he is afraid of bee stings

Help me buzz

And scare the bear

The children are buzzing, the bear is running away.

Lisa appears.

Fox: I'm a good fox

I found myself a mirror

I keep looking at it and looking at it

And I sing, I sing, I sing


Notices Pie

Oh, who is this?

Pie: I am a cheerful Pie

I have a ruddy side

I'm running to meet you, grandma


Lisa: Oh, how nice you are

Ruddy, tasty, aromatic,

Come closer to me

I'd rather see you

Pie: I am a ruddy pie

Kolobochka I'm a friend

You can't trick me

I'm a smart kid

Although blush, handsome and fresh

You, Fox, won't eat me

Lisa leaves. Music sounds, Grandmother enters.

Pie: Hello, hello, Grandma


I came to meet you

We all want to dance

Children always love to sing

Will you play with us?

Grandma: Yes! I am the grandmother of all the kids, I came to the holiday to play with you and have fun.

Mashenka and the pie appear.

Mashenka: Hello, my grandmother


And I baked pies

I was waiting for you to visit

Cabbage pies

Very, very tasty

Help yourself, grandma!

Help yourself, kids.

And I brought you some tea

Sweet candies!

Reply with quotation


Educator: Sit down, kids, side by side.

Yes, listen okay

A fairy tale about the little bunny Styopa,

A prankster and a klutz.

There is a house at the edge of the forest.

And a hare lives in it.

Together with my little son

Styopa, naughty bunny.

Styopa (bunny): I’m helping my mother,

I'm watering the flowers!

So the job is done

Mom, I want to go for a walk!

Hare (mother): Okay baby, go,

Take a walk in the clearing.

Don't move away from the house

And be careful not to get lost!

Styopa is walking towards a frog

Frog: Hello, Styopa! How are you?

Why don't you come to visit?

Styopa: You can’t walk alone...

Frog: Styopa-one, frog-two,

There are two of us, Stepashka,

We can go for a walk in freedom!

Educator: Friends ran into the forest,

They gallop, jump, make noise.

Frog: Kwa! It's time for me to have lunch!

I'll run, Step, bye! (runs away)

Styopa: Oh, while I was having fun,

I seem to be lost!

Where is my home? Where is mom?

Why was I stubborn?

A hedgehog appears

Hedgehog: Don't tremble baby, don't howl,

Do you want me to go with you?

I'll show you the way

And I’ll walk you home!

Styopa: No, you have needles

They are terribly sharp!

The hedgehog leaves, the fox appears

Lisa: What do I see! There's a bunny here!

Poor little coward.

I'll deceive the bunny

I'll take you to my hole.

Why are you crying, my baby?

Why are you shaking all over?

Styopa: I was walking without mommy,

And I lost my way!

Fox: We'll go to my hole,

And we’ll find mommy right away!

And here, my friend, is my hole.

Come in quickly, then,

I'll eat you, little bunny!

Styopa: Oh, save me! Help!

The Bear Appears

Bear: What's that noise in our wilderness?

It's you, cheating fox,

Did you cleverly lure the bunny?

She deceived me, she cheated me.

Fox: Don't ruin it, it's your fault,

I took the bunny to the foxes.

Bear: You're lying! You wanted to eat!

Lisa: What does it matter to you?

And I don't need a bunny!

I'll run to my kids!

Fox runs away

Styopa: You saved me, little darling!

Take me home!

Educator: The mother hare is waiting for her son...

Hare: What to do? It will be night soon.

And my son disappeared. Trouble!

Styopa: Mommy, I'm coming here! (hug)

Educator: Here we end our fairy tale,

And to mother, we promise children,

We won't walk alone,

You definitely need to know this.