History of Star Trek. How to be a Star Trek fan. Where no man has gone before

In September of the universe " star trek" will turn 50 years old. Over the years, Gene Roddenberry's creation has more than once experienced a crisis and was on the verge of closure, but each time it rose from oblivion. The early 2000s turned out to be especially difficult, when the last full-length film with actors from the series “ Next generation", and the television series " Enterprise" was canceled due to low ratings.

However, now things are looking up for Star Trek: thanks to new series feature films, the Enterprise ship has again gained popularity. Recently in Russia " Alien land", in July we will see the premiere of the film " Star Trek Beyond", and a new television series will begin airing on CBS in January.

Not long ago we published about all the races of the Star Trek universe, be sure to read it. Well, now we have compiled for you a chronology of the most important events universe. Let's remember everything.

First steps in space

1960s. Businessman Ralph Offenhaus begins to secretly finance a group of scientists involved in breeding a race of superhumans. The experiments are successful, and among those born is a certain Khan Noonien Singh, who will later play a vital role in the Universe.

1992-1996. Eugenic wars are unfolding on Earth, during which superhumans are trying to take over the planet. At the peak of his power, Khan controlled approximately a quarter of the earth's territory, from Southeast Asia to the Middle East. But the people managed to gain the upper hand, and Khan, along with his closest supporters, escaped from Earth aboard the Botany Bay ship.

1999 The Voyager 6 research probe takes off. Through a wormhole he ends up in a distant part of the galaxy. The connection with the device is lost.

2026. The beginning of the third world war. According to historical documents, the Third World War was fought not by individual countries, but by entire factions. The conflict, either fading or flaring up with renewed vigor, dragged on for almost three decades and claimed the lives of six hundred million people.

2053 The Third World War is ending, and post-nuclear horror begins on Earth: billions of people are forced to survive in difficult conditions of radioactive contamination, lack of supplies and the absence of a clear system of managing society. Poverty and hunger reign on the planet, and diseases are rampant. Active use nuclear weapons led to the appearance of huge dust clouds and nuclear winters.

April 3, 2063. Scientist Zephram Cochrane makes the first successful manned flight in a warp-driven spacecraft. The discovery of warp travel serves as a formal introduction for the Vulcans, and a meeting committee awaits Cochrane at the landing site. Occurs for the first time in human history official contact with alien races.

Inventor Zefram Cochrane essentially opened the galaxy to humanity.

The Borg collective mind from the future tries to prevent this and sends one of its spheres into the past. Jean-Luc Picard and the crew of the Enterprise rush to help Cochrane.

2063-2064. Zefram Cochrane aboard the Bonaventura makes the first long warp flight to and from Alpha Centauri.

2068 The beginning of diplomatic relations between Earth and Vulcan.

Great space discoveries

The officers of the first Enterprise: Earth's first deep space explorers.

2151 Thanks to a technological breakthrough in the production of warp engines, earthlings have the opportunity to move on to serious study of deep space. The ship Enterprise NX-01, under the command of Captain Jonathan Archer, is sent on its first research mission. Humanity's first contact with the Klingons occurs.

Klingons, Vulcans, and Romulans are the three most commonly encountered races in the Star Trek universe (besides humans).

2152 The first contact of humanity with the Romulans immediately almost escalated into the first conflict.

2156-2160. The first war with the Romulans. Earth forms an alliance with the Vulcans, Andorians and Tellarites. In 2160, the allied forces inflict a crushing defeat on the Romulans at the Battle of Cherona, and the parties sit down at the negotiating table.

The first space Enterprise with a recognizable shape.

2161 Earth and the Romulan Empire sign a peace treaty known as the Alpha Trianguli Accord. The Romulan Neutral Zone is being created - a no-man's space on the border of two states, violation of whose borders will inevitably entail a declaration of war. The winners form the United Federation of Planets and Starfleet.

The Romulans were so proud of their neutral zone that they even painted it on the floor of their Senate.

2233 Birth of James Tiberius Kirke. It is this date that serves as the breaking point and becomes the beginning of an alternative universe." star trek", in which the events of the films of J. J. Abrams develop" Star Trek" And " Star Trek Into Darkness" In this universe, Kirk's father dies immediately after the birth of his son, and the Romulan miner Nero, avenging his death home world, destroys Vulcan.

It was this mining ship that changed the Star Trek universe forever, destroying the entire Starfleet. The Romulans knew how to build!

In the original universe, Vulcan is intact.

2244 Construction of the Enterprise begins in the San Francisco shipyards and at a Starfleet assembly station in orbit around Earth. Construction ends next year and the ship departs on its first five-year mission under Captain Robert April.

2250 The Enterprise returns from its long flight. Captain April is promoted to Captain Christopher Pike, under whose command the ship embarks on its second five-year voyage.

Where no man has gone before

Starfleet Headquarters and Academy are located in San Francisco.

2261 year. The Enterprise returns from its second five-year mission under Captain Pike. Command of the ship passes into the hands of a promising young Starfleet officer, James Kirk. The crew is completed by Lt. Gary Mitchell, Lt. Nayota Uhura, Dr. Leonard McCoy, Lt. Hikaru Sulu and Cadet Ensign Pavel Chekov.

2263 The Enterprise embarks on its first five-year exploration mission under the leadership of James Kirk.

2264 The Enterprise stumbles upon a ship in space carrying Khan Noonien Singh and his followers in a state of suspended animation. After an unsuccessful attempt to mutiny and seize power on the ship, Khan and his supporters are landed on the not yet colonized planet Alpha Ceti V.

2269 The Enterprise's five-year exploration mission is coming to an end. James Kirk is promoted to admiral, after which both he and the rest of the crew receive new assignments. Dr. McCoy is stepping down temporarily.

Kirk during the V-Ger crisis.

2271 year. From the depths of space, an unidentified flying object calling itself “V-Ger” is approaching the Earth. The only ship capable of meeting him in time is the Enterprise, which is being repaired. Much to the displeasure of the new captain, Willard Decker, control of the ship passes into the hands of Admiral Kirk.

It turns out that V-Ger is actually the missing Voyager 6 probe, which encountered a race of intelligent machines that improved it somewhat (according to one theory, we are talking about the Borg, but there is no evidence of this). On the way home, Voyager collected so much information that it gained sentience. Now he wants to complete his mission and appear before the creator. Captain Decker sacrifices himself, merging with the V-Jerom into a single whole, and Kirk leads the Enterprise towards new adventures.

2278 The Enterprise returns from another five-year mission. Admiral Kirk relinquishes command to Captain Spock and joins the Starfleet Academy faculty.

Khan in all his glory.

Come on, who can immediately guess what Captain Kirk is shouting?

2285 Starfleet stumbles upon Khan Noonien Singh again. Things are not going well for them: soon after Kirk dropped them on an uninhabited planet, living conditions there deteriorated sharply, and most of Singh's supporters died.

Khan blames Kirk's friends for the death and tries to take revenge, but he is let down by his lack of combat skills in three-dimensional space. He almost manages to take his enemies to the next world with him, but in last moment Spock sacrifices himself by repairing the Enterprise's warp engines and receiving a lethal dose of radiation.

That same year, the Enterprise crew goes to desperate step and finds a way to resurrect his dead friend. However, Spock's return comes at a cost to the crew: Kirk's son, Dr. David Marcus, is killed in the process, and then the captain is forced to sacrifice his ship.

David Marcus, son of Captain Kirk.

2295 The Enterprise-B sets off on its maiden flight under the command of Captain John Harriman. Captain Kirk is overseeing the flight. When the crew intercepts a distress signal from two El Aurian ships, the Enterprise rushes to the rescue. It turns out that the ships were attacked by an unknown flying object. During the rescue operation, the Enterprise also suffers: with a well-aimed shot, the ship demolishes the compartment in which Captain Kirk was located. Kirk is believed to have been killed in action.

New generation

2308 The Cardassian Empire occupies the Bajoran system, which will further lead to a devastating war.

2310 The Federation and the Romulan Empire sign an agreement under which Starfleet abandons attempts to develop or use cloaking devices on their ships.

2333 The Starfleet ship Stargazer embarks on an unprecedented twenty-two-year exploration mission. The first officer on board the starship is Lieutenant Jean-Luc Picard. Almost immediately he is forced to assume the responsibilities of captain.

2344 The Starfleet ship Enterprise-C dies while defending a Klingon colony from a Romulan attack. The crew's dedication leads to a warming of relations between the Klingons and the Federation.

2351 Meanwhile, the Cardassians are building the Terok-Nor resource extraction station in orbit of Bajor.

2363 Captain Jean-Luc Picard takes possession of the newest starship Enterprise-D. Earthlings make contact for the first time with the powerful multi-dimensional alien race Q, who have the powers of gods.

2365 Q introduces the Enterprise crew to the Borg. Having lost eighteen crew members in the clash, Picard becomes aware of the danger posed by this race.

The Borg are one of the most powerful races in the galaxy. Since any Borg, not counting the queen, is devoid of individuality and is only a part of the whole, it is not entirely correct to call representatives of this race in the plural.

2366 The Enterprise once again encounters the Borg. He kidnaps Picard and assimilates him. Using the captain's knowledge, a single Borg cube destroys forty Federation ships in the Battle of Wolf-359.

Queen Borg and Jean-Luc.

2369 The Cardassian Empire ends its occupation of Bajor. The Terok-Nor station passes into the hands of Starfleet and is named Deep Space 9. Formally, Bajor is not part of the Federation, but the presence of Starfleet, according to the Bajorans, should protect the planet from new attempts to conquer it.

In addition, a wormhole was discovered near Bajor, connecting this part of the galaxy with the gamma quadrant. It was seen as a very profitable trade route, so the Deep Space 9 station, located near the entrance to the hole, suddenly turned into an important trading outpost and research center.

2370 After three years of negotiations, the Federation and the Cardassian Empire come to an agreement that creates a demilitarized zone between the two powers, and several Federation colonies go to the Cardassians. Not all colonists are happy with this decision and, together with Starfleet officers disillusioned with their leadership, they found the Maquis terrorist organization, which is at war with the Cardassians.

2371 The Starfleet ship Voyager is sent to hunt for the Maquis organization's vessel. Both starships fall into a spatial anomaly and are transported seventy thousand light years from Earth into the delta quadrant. Finding themselves far from home in unknown and often dangerous and hostile territories, the crews of both ships begin to work together to survive and return home. Captain Picard as Locutus, a Borg-conscious creature.

2373 The Borg attack Earth again and Starfleet is defeated, but the intervention of the Enterprise-E turns the tide of the battle: Captain Picard, remembering his experience with the Borg, orders fire to be concentrated on one specific point, and the cube ship explodes. However, a small sphere manages to go to the planet, which then jumps into a temporary funnel. The Enterprise follows, but before the ship enters the crater, the crew sees an Earth completely inhabited by the Borg. Picard realizes that the Borg has traveled back in time and changed the course of history.

Meanwhile, the Federation enters into open confrontation with the Dominion, an unusually dangerous alliance of warring races. Deep Space 9 finds itself in the midst of military action. The war affected all major political forces of the alpha and beta quadrants and turned out to be one of the bloodiest, most brutal and large-scale conflicts in galactic history.

2374 Voyager encounters Species 8472 - beings from another dimension living in "liquid space", a space filled with organic liquid. After several conflicts, the Voyager crew manages to make peace.

Race 8472 was first encountered by the Voyager crew.

2375 The war with the Dominion ends in victory for the Federation and its allies.

2376 Starfleet is rebuilding a sector of space damaged during the war with the Dominion. Picard learns of an imminent Borg attack on the Federation. The Klingon Empire is also under attack. A civil war begins there.

Borg creates new type ships capable of instantly assimilating entire worlds. In the depths of the tachyon nebula, the Enterprise discovers a huge transwarp portal, allowing entire fleets to be quickly and quietly transferred to other areas of the galaxy. Starfleet sends a massive force to the Delta Quadrant to attack core worlds Borg. The operation is successful, but most of the invasion forces remain cut off from home due to the destabilization of the portal.

Taking advantage of the situation, the Cardassians invade Federation territory, but the Klingons come to the aid of Starfleet.

2377 The spaceship Voyager is returning home.

Date not determined. The Federation and the Klingon Empire independently send small exploration fleets in great secrecy to investigate strange quantum anomalies similar to those created by Species 8472. However, the research mission quickly turns into a fight for survival when it is revealed that the anomaly was a trap set by the species. 8472 to better understand the strengths and weaknesses of their new opponents from the alpha and beta quadrants of the galaxy. The browser strategy, which was recently released in Russian, is dedicated to these events.

Deep Space 9 dramatically transformed from a mining station into an important transport and trade hub.

2387 The star of the Horus system suddenly begins to go supernova. The leader of the mining guild, Romulus Nero, tries to save the planet and turns to Ambassador Spock for help. Vulcan has the technology to create black holes using red matter, but the Vulcans are afraid to hand it over to their distant relatives. Romulus dies, and Nero blames Spock and the Federation for what happened. He decides to take revenge, travels back in time and sets off a chain of events that led to the emergence of an alternate Star Trek universe.

WikiHow works like a wiki, which means that many of our articles are written by multiple authors. This article was produced by 33 people, including anonymously, to edit and improve it.

Whether you're a new Star Trek fan or an old fan looking to brush up on your knowledge, this guide is for you! Being a Star Trek fan means watching films and TV series, collecting souvenirs and attending themed events where fans of the franchise gather. In this article, you will learn how to become an avid Star Trek fan and discover various ways satisfy your interest!


    Decide what you will be called among Star Trek fans. You may just be a “Star Trek fan,” but it may help to know that Star Trek fans are called by two names: Trekkies and Trekkers. There is currently debate about a more appropriate term, and many fans are outraged over the use of the "wrong" name. The title of this article includes the name "Trekkie" due to its greater prevalence, but you can choose the term for yourself using the following information.

    Watch TV shows and movies if you haven't already. Even if you're an obvious Trekkie with gaps in your knowledge, now is the time to catch up with the rest of us!

    • Watch the Star Trek series. The Original Series (TOS) is still shown on some channels, depending on where you live. However, the surest way to catch up with other fans is to watch the series on DVD, so you will be sure that the episodes are in in the right order. Keep in mind that the special effects are not comparable to what we see now, since the series started on a low budget back in 1966! Hold your criticism!
      • There are 3 seasons of TOS and you can watch them for free on the CBS website in the classic shows section (CBS Classics).
    • Watch The Next Generation. Again, best way This is a DVD so you can see the episodes in the correct order. Star Trek: The Next Generation consists of 178 episodes!
    • Watch the following films:
      • Star path I-VI (1-6)
      • Star Trek: Generations
      • Star Trek: First Contact
      • Star Trek: Insurrection
      • Star Trek: Into Darkness; And
      • The new film “Star Trek” (2009) and its sequel “Star Trek Into Darkness” (in the Russian version “Star Trek: Into Darkness” (2013)). Even if you don't like the new movies, they still fall under the Star Trek label even though they don't fit original story.
    • Watch other adaptations. Deep Space Nine, Voyager and Enterprise. Pay attention to technologies, terms, creatures and characters.
  1. Read books. They are still published in a fairly wide range. Maybe first you should turn your attention to books in order to understand your favorite series. To prove to yourself that you are a true Star Trek fan and not a "hobbyist", you should read a few books.

    • One of the books you must have is the Star Trek Encyclopedia. It contains detailed information about the entire Star Trek universe. It can be called the Star Trek bible. And if you're going to be a full-fledged fan, you'll need a reference guide for those times in the middle of the night you'll "undoubtedly" need to check which episode a certain ship was in or what year Harry Kim was born.
    • Look for used books in local bookstores in the science fiction section or use online auctions.
  2. Join the Star Trek wiki community on - Memory Alpha. This is a collaborative project to create the most accurate, detailed, and accessible encyclopedia and reference book on all things Star Trek. It can be found at http://ru.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Capital. It contains more knowledge than the Star Trek Encyclopedia due to its constant up-to-date updates. You'll need it if you want to deepen your knowledge beyond the fifth season of Voyager. Being part of the wiki community gives you the opportunity to collaborate with other Star Trek fans.

    • On the Internet, Star Trek-themed pseudonyms are correctly used, for example Klingonscienceofficer7777777 (Klingon science officer).
  3. Use Star Trek phrases in your daily communications. This is a must have for the hardcore fan. Trekno-chatter is fast “technobabble” that only a true Trekkie can understand. You shouldn't get confused talking about all these things from the future. Some key phrases to spice up your dialogue:

    • "Catch me with your beam, Scotty!"
    • "Do it."
    • "Live long and prosper."
    • "It's illogical."
    • You were late for work because you had to go to the optician. When you showed up at work, your boss called you to ask where you had been. You can inform him that you have assessed your multifunctional visual senses and that appropriate corrective measures have been taken. You will make a strong impression on his mind.
    • Know series title abbreviations such as STV, TOS, TNG and others. You'll look unkind if you say, "I'm missing the point in all this futurity talk," instead of, "Track talk is a piece of cake for me."
    • Be smart and speak long sentences like Data.
    • Study star dates. Then, if someone asks “when does the cinema open”, you can surprise him by telling him the star date. See the Tips section to understand how to use the stardate.
    • Get into the habit of saying “universe” instead of “world.” Instead of saying “you are the best mom in the world,” say “you are the best mom in the universe”!
    • There is a Klingon language and it is useful to learn it. Don't create your own version of Klingon, there is a Dictionary of the Klingon Language compiled by Marc Okrand. It will teach you the basics of the language. This is a great opportunity to impress people who doubt the validity of your passion for Star Trek.
  4. Learn to do the Vulcan salute. You can read more about this on wikiHow's website.

  5. Study the layout of the Enterprise. Any respectable Trekkie should know it by heart!

    • You should know what Jeffrey Trumpets are.
    • You must know how the warp core works.
  6. Play Star Trek games. Except singles, there are games for two, as well as special games for themed parties:

    • Remember how many times Dr. McCoy said, “Am I a doctor or not?” This good exercise to improve memory and observation skills!
    • Memorize Star Trek trivia to compete at parties with other die-hard fans!
    • Memorize movies line by line. For fun, you can challenge another trekker to a “quote war.” The first one who couldn't remember the name of the episode loses. You should also know which episodes the popular quotes are taken from.
    • The situation is similar with episode titles. First, learn the names of the TOS episodes, there are quite a few of them. Then try TNG. It's not easy, but it will make your fan life easier.
    • Play Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock.
  7. Build models of the Enterprise and other famous spaceships. Look online for parts if you can't design the model yourself.

    • Buy the kit if you want to build a spaceship or other Star Trek model from scratch.
    • Try making a phaser or other equipment. (Wear protective gear!)
    • Make a model of the Enterprise from a floppy disk.
  8. Collect souvenirs and show them off. Star Trek memorabilia is sold on various websites and online auctions. It can also be found at real auctions. Always be vigilant to complete your collection..

    • Hang themed posters on the walls.
    • Get a special shelf for souvenir products Star Trek
    • Post photos of your collection on the Internet to make other Trekkies drool with envy.
  9. Attend Star Trek conventions. Attending conventions that are partially or entirely Star Trek themed give you the opportunity to meet other fans and truly enjoy the spirit of Star Trek.

    • Come in a suit. This is necessary. True fans wear uniforms or other appropriate costumes. You can find them on the Internet or make them yourself.
    • Get into the character's shoes. For example, read the articles “Act Like Mr. Spock,” “Act Like Diane Troy,” and “Act Like Julian Bashir.”
  10. Bake. If you're good at baking, creating cakes and cookies in the shape of Star Trek characters or items will be an enjoyable pastime for you. Upload photos of your culinary creations to fan sites for other fans to appreciate.

    • Learn to embrace the motivations behind Star Trek, attitudes toward other cultures, and external differences. Star Trek has long preached tolerance and open-mindedness.
    • You can imitate a certain character, but another person can do the same. Star Trek is open to everyone and there can be more than two Scotty wannabes in the same place. Don't be envious and jealous, you can get together and have fun. There are many sites and groups dedicated to a specific character.
    • Despite the differences, you can communicate with them. Treat Star Wars and other science fiction fans with respect and courtesy. We agree to disagree. Be tolerant when a non-sci-fi person says that Star Trek and Star Wars are the same thing or “which one has Luke Skywalker in it?” Inform the ignorant population!
    • Record a subject message for your answering machine. This will greatly surprise a person who does not know about Star Trek.
    • "*Using stardate. This information is taken from the 2009 film. You cannot use it to determine the date of events in TV series and other films. The part of the stardate before the tenth is the year, the part after is the day of the year. For example, 2010.11 is January 11 2010; 2010.38 is February 7, 2010; 2233.4 is January 4, 2233. If you created your own group, remember to spread this method so that other Trekks know it!
    • Register on as many Star Trek themed sites and games as possible.
    • Consider registering with the academy.http://academy.sfi.org/.
    • If you can't find good game, try the trial version of Elite Force. It can be found at startrek.com.


    • Be prepared for criticism. People don't understand the uniforms, demeanor and quotes, they even make them laugh. They suffer because they do not belong to such a friendly group as Trekkie World. Just smile and curse them in Klingon. And when you come home to your DVDs, ship models and weapons, know that you are better than them. Always.
    • When the pace of competition picks up, a true Trekkie doesn't give up.
    • Star Wars is not evil. Many fans of “The Path” also love “Warriors”. Most of the clashes occur on SNL, due to the popularization of the media thesis "how crazy Trekkies are." Don't believe it. Science fiction clean. The sci-fi multiverse is full of great sci-fi universes, includes huge amount writers and creators of films and TV series. Find out more about them and enjoy them.
    • Some Trekkies behave horribly on the Internet. And contact with them does not bring pleasure. For example, you like a character, but they don’t and they go into a rage. Fans should come together and have fun. The exchange of views does not involve the death of other people. Beware of such people and remember the “report to moderator” button and do not feed the trolls.
    • If you are a real Trekkie, drop the formalities, you will be understood. Call characters by name. The exception is Mr. Spock.
    • Also, know that there are Trekkies who don't like your favorite shows. Go ahead and love Star Trek Enterprise, but don't be surprised if someone criticizes it.
    • This is an authentic account of Trekkie life. If you don't like Star Trek, don't like it. Don't force yourself to watch film adaptations. And don’t buy a suit if its use is limited to going to the toilet. If after watching Star Trek you realized that it’s not for you, don’t be upset. There are trekking different forms, sizes and classes. See link for details
    • Be prepared for more criticism of the 2009 film. Many believe that he destroyed everything Roddenberry created. Don't listen to them if you like him because they will do anything to make you hate him, they will criticize him and call him "brainless action".
    • As with any hobby, don't overdo it and avoid being negative towards those who "don't get you." Ask yourself when you tried to “understand” their passion, did you feel resentful that they didn't care about your passion and vice versa. This is a double-edged sword!

We have collected all the series and films like this famous story like Star Trek. All parts are in order, but not in chronological sequence filming and release on the screen, but in the sequence of events that develop in the Star Trek universe. Although the list is very difficult to build, since the heroes travel not only in space, but also in time.

Star Trek: Enterprise (2001)

Original series. 22nd century. Previously, humanity was held by the Vulcans, but now the vastness beyond the solar system is open to people. The Starship Enterprise is ready to take off to conquer open space. Captain Archer leads a brave crew eager to explore new planets. But in trying to learn new things, the crew will also stumble upon hostile civilizations that want to destroy the Earth.

Star Trek (1966)

Original series. Second half of the 23rd century. An exploration mission on a United Federation of Planets starship is sent to open space. Captain Kirk's team will have to spend 5 years and study everything that comes their way.

Star Trek: The Movie (1979)

Original film. An unidentified object is heading towards Earth directly from the depths of Space. Signals come from him that he is Widger. It is not yet known if there are living beings on the site and, if there are, what is their purpose? But one thing is clear - the speed of the device is enormous, and only the Enterprise can intercept the ship. The mission is entrusted to Captain Kirk and his team.

Admiral Kirk is a simple man, despite all his merits. This means he is also facing a midlife crisis. Now he thinks that this concern is the only important thing in his life, but very soon he will realize that this is not so. A signal comes from the planet Seta Alpha Five that one of his old enemies has appeared - he wants revenge and now Kirk must act very quickly to get ahead of the enemy and survive.

Animated series. Continuation of events that develop in the original series " Star wars", but in the form of a cartoon. Going last year mission of the starship Enterprise, and Captain Kirk and his crew are eager to discover new horizons.

Captain Kirk is not too saddened by the news that his starship Enterprise is being scrapped. He is more concerned about his old friend Spock, who dies while trying to save the starship. At the same time, Kirk's other friend, McCoy, almost loses his mind. From Spock's father, Kirk learns that Spock's death is not final and that his mind is imprisoned in McCoy's head. There is still hope to save your friends, and to do this you need to hijack the Enterprise.

Star Trek IV: The Bound Home (1986)

After rescuing Spock, it was time to return home. The Enterprise is completely destroyed, and Kirk and his friends go to Earth on a Klingon ship. Bad thoughts do not leave the team, because they do not know what awaits them as a result of violating the order. Meanwhile, strange signals are sent to Earth from unidentified object- requests are made in the language of whales, and they have not been on the planet for several centuries. It looks like this is just the job for Kirk and his team.

Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (1989)

Planet Nimbus is experiencing a crisis of power change. The leader of the opposition forces, the Vulcan Sybok, is at the helm. He has his superpower - to inspire complete trust in any being. Sybok has a plan - to find God himself, and for this he needs the fastest starship. It was at this time that the Enterprise appeared on Nimbus, and Sybok liked it and clearly no one could resist it.

Star Trek 6: The Undiscovered Country (1991)

Kirk has a new secret mission - his team must prepare negotiations between the Klingons and earthlings. And while the Enterprise is carrying out a new mission, the Chancellor is killed on board the Klingon ship. The Klingons blame the people for everything, because only the Enterprise was nearby at that time. McCoy and Kirk are exiled to an ice-covered asteroid for the rest of their lives, and the only chance to save these two is to prove their innocence, which is what everyone else on the Enterprise is doing.

Star Trek 7: Generations (1994)

During a new investigation, Captain Kirk found himself drawn into a crater with unknown properties. Time flows here completely differently: the future, present and past intersect in the most strange way. After 70 years, another ship ends up in the crater. Captain Picard gave up immortality to save human race and must fight a madman imprisoned in the same trap.

Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987)

It's been 80 years since the original film unfolded. Technologies have become more advanced, the crew has been updated, and even a replacement for the Enterprise has been found. However, just as the name of the ship remained unchanged, the mission remained the same: the team is sent to explore new expanses of space.

Star Trek: Deep Space 9 (1993)

The series tells about the events that took place between 2369 and 2375. The space station "Deep Space 9" is located in the orbit of Bajor, which has just been liberated from the occupation of the Cardassian Empire.

Star Trek 8: First Contact (1996)

The Borg race wants to destroy earthlings. The enemy star fleet is getting closer to our planet and very soon the inevitable will happen. However, the Enterprise ship, as always, is ready to help. Captain Picard knows all the weaknesses of the Borg very well and is ready to deal a crushing blow to them, but the enemies send the sphere into the past to destroy humanity at a time when people were not yet protected. The Enterprise has to follow.

Star Trek 9: Insurrection (1998)

Very far from our planet, at the very edge of the Universe, there is the planet Ba Ku. Unusual small creatures live on it - they do not age and, if no one encroaches on them, they can live forever. And these creatures also have extrasensory abilities, thanks to which they look into the future. The earthlings decided to find out the secret of the planet Ba Ku and sent their crew to them for this purpose.

Star Trek: Voyager (1995)

Voyager will have to go on a long expedition. They are flying towards a dark galaxy, where no one has yet explored the local expanses. Researchers don't yet know what they will encounter. Perhaps the earthlings will find new friends, or perhaps the ship is flying straight into the clutches of a new enemy.

Star Trek 10: Into Darkness (2002)

The Enterprise picked up a weak signal from a planet in neutral space. Having gone to this planet, the crew discovers there a prototype of an android created by Dr. Soong. It is unknown how the android got here, but the Enterprise urgently needs to get out of here, since a coup d’état is beginning on Romulus and the situation urgently needs to be corrected. But will the team make it in time?

Star Trek (2009)

Prequel to the original series. The galaxy is in danger and it further fate depends on two worst enemies. One is James Kirk - an emotional and passionate leader devoid of fear, the second is Spock - a Vulcan expelled from the planet for his half-human origin. They need to join forces to save the world. But will the enemies succeed? From the selection in his biography.

Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)

The Enterprise crew members return to Earth, where they learn that their entire Starfleet organization has been undermined from within. The world is facing complete chaos and an ever-deeper plunge into the abyss.

The Enterprise is a spaceship that roams the vastness of the Universe in search of intelligent civilizations. Due to an alien attack, the ship was destroyed, although a small part of the crew manages to escape - they land on unknown planet. It turned out to be inhabited, but local residents turned negatively against unexpected guests. Now the crew must unite with all their might to return home.

It's been 10 years since Voyager returned home. The Federation is in complete crisis. There are fewer and fewer suppliers of crystals in the Federation - any contacts from the outside are stopped. Obviously, this is not a natural phenomenon - someone wants war. Going to new team, which will have to understand the investigation of the main culprits of what is happening.

The original story is still 10 years away. Discovery NCC-1031 and its crew are sent into the depths of distant Space to explore something new, discover new expanses of the galaxy and make friends with new civilizations. From the selection.

It was famous movie"Star Trek" - all parts in order, which includes both films and TV series. The chronology is observed according to the events in the Star Trek universe, and as for the chronology of the release of films, you can easily figure it out based on the dates. 😉

Somewhere in the Galaxy, mighty stars, giant planets and asteroids covered with razor-sharp rocks are spinning right now. They fly and do not suspect that on the inner edge of the Orion arm solar system The inhabitants of the little blue ball have already come up with all their inhabitants and everything that will happen to them in the next four hundred years. And they did it with such attention to detail that whether you like it or not, you have to comply. So we look forward to meeting the Klingons, Vulcans and Gorn in the future. Until that happens, let's remember what interesting things Star Trek prophesied for us.


When writer and producer Gene Roddenberry was asked what his new series would be like, he replied that it would be a Western about space. NBC executives took the bait and gave the project the green light. Little did they know that Mr. Roddenberry was planning a small revolution. He told only his friends about his true plans: to make the series similar to Jonathan Swift’s “Gulliver’s Adventures”, so that in each episode there would be not only fascinating story, but also morality. It would seem, who will be surprised by this? But Gene went further than his colleagues and instead of classical morality - be brave, value your friends, don’t take someone else’s - he stuffed “Star Trek” with allusions to the surrounding reality.

Roddenberry wanted to show humanity what it could become if people did not ignore the lessons of their past. Yes, the world of Star Trek is full of monsters and killers, but against all this is the United Federation of Planets - a utopian society of the future in which there is no racism, and in the first place is the exploration of the dark corners of the Universe, where young civilizations are still waiting to be discovered. In 1964, the Enterprise ship set off on its star journey for the first time - the pilot episode was released. And two years later, the management of the TV channel finally came to its senses after the shock (where has this been seen, so that the crew spaceship consisted of more than just middle-aged white men?!), and the series finally settled on television.

In the second season, the crew of the Enterprise was supplemented by the Russian navigator Pavel Andreevich Chekhov, a true patriot of his country. As soon as the team members started talking about something, Chekhov immediately inserted a remark: they say, the Russians were the first in this. Sometimes he exaggerated and attributed to us something that actually did not exist: he settled Adam and Eve in the Moscow region, and attributed the invention of scotch (drink) to an old woman from Leningrad. But he himself is a good guy! No wonder he rose to the rank of admiral and subsequently headed Starfleet.

Captain Kirk's battle with the lizard Gorna was so epic that tears welled up in his eyes from uncontrollable laughter

The original is also remembered for the most ridiculous fight on TV. This happened in the 18th episode of the first season. Enterprise captain James Kirk finds himself on a desert planet face to face with an anthropomorphic lizard from the Gorn race. Opponents are forced to engage in hand-to-hand combat. Passions are running high. Only one can survive.

But why don’t the audience worry, but, on the contrary, choke with laughter? Perhaps because the bugle looks like a bodybuilder wearing a rubber dinosaur mask? Or because of the strange sounds that the heroes make while hammering each other?

Tribbles, like gas, try to fill all available space.

Or perhaps because of the absurdity of what is happening? The heroes move very slowly, they strike as if reluctantly, and their effect is hardly greater than that of a handshake. In the end, representatives of two developed civilizations begin to throw stones at each other. The most brilliant allegory what the Third might turn out to be world war, if the enemies don't find common language, - the only weapons left will be sticks and stones.


In 1987, a new series based on the same universe was launched. A hundred years after Kirk and Spock, Captain Picard, navigator Crusher, the android Data and the Klingon Worf set out to explore space. The series was created by the same Roddenberry, but four years later he died, passing the baton to producer Rick Berman. Fortunately, this did not affect the quality of the project.

“The Next Generation” brought the ideas of the original to perfection and finally shaped the appearance of the universe, introducing into it many things that “Star Trek” cannot be imagined without. It was the most popular project in the entire history of the franchise, and it was from here that the people of our country began to become acquainted with Star Trek. And also with the Borg.

“You will be assimilated. Your biological and technical achievements will be added to ours. Resistance is futile,” is the phrase with which the loving Borg race greets guests. They appeared in The Next Generation, and other series began to refine their image. A race of cyborgs with a single collective mind was terrifying not only appearance, but also an uncompromising position: whether you like it or not, we will cram wires and devices into your delicate little body. The Borg are strong, they have the most advanced technology and an incredible desire to improve, dissolving the achievements (and representatives) of other races into their biomechanical civilization. Only a few managed to escape from their silicon hell - for example, Captain Picard, whom the Borg once turned into Locutus, learned through him all the secrets of Starfleet and destroyed 39 ships.

Almighty Q and Captain Picard are like a rabbit and a turtle from a fairy tale. Where one is just heading, the other has already been a long time ago

The series is also remembered for the Q race - the most powerful in the Star Trek universe. These guys can move planets and stars, change space and time. And all this is not for the sake of high goal, but just for fun, because they can do it, but others can’t. Apparently, those who have reached the final stage of evolution have nothing better to do than mock less developed civilizations. So the Enterprise became a playground for one of the Qs. By the way, it was Q who introduced Captain Picard to the Borg, throwing the Enterprise to another part of the Galaxy. For what? One of them wanted to become a crew member - he decided to show that they couldn’t do without him. An innocent prank that cost the lives of several dozen people.

Another notable character is Data, the first android in Starfleet service. He wants to become a man so much that his whole life is a series of unsuccessful attempts at least get closer to ideal. Data jokes - no one laughs. Data falls in love - women leave him. Data creates a daughter for himself, the android Lal - she dies, unable to withstand the emotions that her father endowed her with.

Only a cat named Spot managed to stay in the life of an android. He first appeared in episode 11 fourth season. Data became so attached to Spot that he composed an ode in his honor, and when Picard's first Enterprise was destroyed, Data cried tears of joy when he learned that Spot was alive.

After Data's death, the Klingon Worf, who, by the way, suffered from allergies, began to look after the cat. But what can’t you do for the sake of a good and glorious android.


The Next Generation spawned two more TV series, one of which was Deep Space Nine. It tells about the station of the same name in orbit of the planet Bajor, next to which a wormhole appeared leading to the Gamma Quadrant. This discovery automatically turned the useless station into an important trading hub and strategic location.

Many of The Next Generation's characters make appearances here, too, like the Klingon Worf, Captain Picard, and Q. Deep Space Nine wasn't as much of a hit as The Next Generation, but it proved that the Star Trek universe lives on. even if you remove the starship that flies from one adventure to another.

And never before in Star Trek have space battles looked so cool. The battles have become more dynamic: ships rush around like crazy, evade enemy “bullets,” go off course, and fly to pieces. The scale has also increased. In the final seasons, the station finds itself on the front line in the war between the Federation and the Dominion, which is why dozens of heavy ships converge in battle. And thanks competent work With a camera, every battle looks like a report from a war zone.

Another important detail in the new series is the attitude towards religion. Faced with an undeveloped civilization, the crew of the Enterprise rushed to overthrow their gods, explaining what a starship was and why science is not magic. Deep Space Nine changed the approach. His characters look at religion from the point of view of cultural studies and sociology. Their main enemy- the state of the Dominion, whose powerful leaders position themselves as nothing less than gods. Try telling one of their subjects that their entire religion is just a collection of fears and neuroses. They'll peck.

STAR TREK: VOYAGER (1995 - 2001)

Despite the common ancestor, the Voyager series was still an offshoot of Deep Space Nine, not The Next Generation.

Deep Space Nine had not yet ended when another Next Generation spin-off, Voyager, aired. It was a return to the basics, with a Starfleet ship at the center of the action once again getting into an adventure. But if the Enterprise crews sought to reach the distant corners of space in order to study them, the Voyager crew tried to return home from the distant Delta Quadrant, where the starship had been thrown by a spatial anomaly. And for this alone we should appreciate the series.

There is a version that this is how Dwayne Johnson got the role in the series - he charmed producer Richard Berman with his tight hugs

The fact is that the Galaxy in which the series takes place is divided into four fragments. The inhabitants of three of them were shown to us in the first three series. But the Delta Quadrant remained a dark spot on the map. What's there? Who lives there? Voyager lifted the veil of secrecy. There are Borg! And there are so many of them that it is unclear where to run and hide. And if it was the Borg episodes that you liked in The Next Generation, then Star Trek: Voyager is made for you. It is also notable for the fact that for the first time the captain’s chair went to a woman, and for the first time among the crew members there was a Borg girl, Seven of Nine. It is worth mentioning the hologram doctor, who suffers from the same existential crisis as Data.

In Voyager, we were finally shown what the place where the Qs live looks like. It turned out to be a road in the desert, on the side of which there is a house with two inhabitants - an old man reading the magazine “Old”, and a girl reading “New”. Here is the home of multidimensional beings. It is clear that the authors simply saved money on special effects, but they came up with a suitable excuse: they say that humanity is not yet mature enough to see the Q-continuum in all its splendor. In general, our “video card” is outdated.

View 8472

In this series, we first encountered the species 8472 - creatures from another dimension who fly on organic ships.

One day the Borg stumbled upon them and tried to assimilate them. The attempt, to put it mildly, backfired on them: species 8472 cannot be assimilated. Moreover, their cells themselves will assimilate and absorb anyone. In hand-to-hand combat, a representative of species 8472 deals with several Borg with a couple of blows, and their ships easily destroy entire planets. The rules of the game have changed, and now, in order to survive, the Borg have to ask people for help. For some time, the Voyager crew helps them, but only until it becomes clear that the Borg, in general, asked for it.


If The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine and Voyager were about the same era and had common heroes, then Enterprise became an independent work. Its plot takes place a hundred years before the adventures of Kirk and Spock and shows the time when humanity was still taking its first timid steps in the exploration of deep space. In this series there is not even a United Federation of Planets, only a United Earth, and the Enterprise, on which the heroes fly to the stars, is the very, very first. Because of this, the importance of each character and each event has increased. Jonathan Archer is humanity's first starship captain in deep space. Subcommander T'Pol is the first Vulcan officer on the Earthling ship. Every guest on board is sure to have their first contact with another civilization. For a Star Trek fan, missing this series means leaving yourself without the history of the formation of your favorite universe.

It seems that the role of Captain Archer was given to Scott Bakula on purpose. Former star Quantum Leap travels through time

Moreover, it was Enterprise that competently linked all the inconsistencies of previous projects. Take, for example, the warlike race of the Klingons. In the first series, they look no different from people. In subsequent projects, characteristic growths suddenly appear on their foreheads. Blooper? For a long time it was thought so. But the Enterprise explained this oddity as a genetic program of the Klingons, with the help of which they wanted to become like people. Later they became disillusioned with humanity and returned to their former appearance.

Same with the Borg. Based on the series “The Next Generation,” the full-length film “First Contact” was released, in which a Borg cube flew to Earth. The attack was repulsed, but several Borg survived by traveling back in time. The heroes of the Enterprise encounter them, as a result of which the aggressive androids send a signal into space, to which the same cube from the film arrived two hundred years later. It's details like these that make the Enterprise so valuable. It's a shame it was canceled after the fourth season.

When all the series came to an end, fans were not sad for long: already in 2009, the film by JJ Abrams was released "Star Trek". He retold the story of Kirk, Spock and Uhura, and did it in a very creative way.

So as not to repeat the old ones storylines and not to violate the canon, the writers used a clever trick - they moved old Spock to the time of young Spock along with a Romulan warship. This changed the timeline and essentially created an alternate universe. It seems that all the old elements are in place, but they are located in a different order and provoke different events. So, for example, Spock’s home planet Vulcan died (which did not happen in the Original Series), and in the second film - "Star Trek Into Darkness"- the heroes met the superman Khan a little earlier and under different circumstances than in the series. Both films were warmly received by the public and inspired new life to the franchise. Now the third film is being prepared for release - « » , - which promises to be no less spectacular and exciting.

Still from the movie "Star Trek Beyond." The new incarnation of the Enterprise crew has already fought with the Romalans and Klingons. There's still so much ahead cult characters and races that they definitely won’t have to rest in the coming years

Over the course of fifty years, the Star Trek universe has acquired so many details that an entire magazine would not be enough to list them all. Books, games, comics, animated series and just series - “Star Trek” lives and feels great. Three new full-length films, which collect excellent box office, and the upcoming series is proof of this. And this is great, because while we cannot explore the depths of space ourselves, we can at least explore those depths that are generated by a love of science and a rich imagination. Engage!