Ivan Tsarevich and Russian swans. Russian folk tale: “Ivan Tsarevich and the young lady”

Cross stitch is a simple, but at the same time quite fascinating type of needlework. It consists of transferring the pattern printed on the counting chart to special canvas - canvas.

The fabric can be either clean or with a pattern already applied. For beginning needlewomen, it is better to buy sets with a printed pattern. This will relieve them of the need to constantly count crosses, which will allow them to focus on getting the stitches right.


The following tools are commonly used for cross stitch:

  • hoop;
  • scissors;
  • needles with a blunt end;
  • canvas;
  • floss threads;
  • scheme;

As a rule, threads and canvas are included in ready-made kits, which can be purchased at any hobby hypermarket or craft store. Needles are also quite often found in sets, but the final configuration directly depends on the manufacturer.

Hoop sold separately in specialty stores. They are two rings of different diameters. The outline is fixed between them. On the shelves of handicraft stores there is a large selection of devices for securing fabric. The hoops differ in diameter and the material from which they are made.

Beginning needlewomen often ask themselves the question: should they immediately purchase a ready-made set or limit themselves to purchasing a pattern? Of course, purchasing just one canvas with a printed design will cost much less. However, not every craftswoman can independently choose the right shades of thread and their number. Manufacturers take on all the work of selecting colors and calculating their quantity. In addition, the manufacturer determines the size of the canvas required to transfer the design.

All sets are divided by difficulty level, which is determined by a number of factors:

  • Number of flowers. The more there are, the more complex the drawing.
  • Embroidery technique. So, one job can combine different types stitches In addition, the main pattern can be supplemented with ribbons or French knots.
  • Canvas size. The size of the crosses also depends on this parameter. The most difficult thing is to create a pattern on small fabric. At the same time, it is the paintings made on small canvas that look most impressive.
  • Canvas color. The darker the fabric, the more difficult it is to embroider on it. In order to learn how to cross stitch, it is better to choose kits with white or cream colored canvas.
  • Size of the drawing. How more picture, the more impressive it looks. However, embroidering it is much more difficult.

An embroidery pattern is also usually included in the kits. However, in some sets, which consist of canvas with a printed pattern, the counting diagram may be missing. Each thread color is assigned a number that corresponds to a special designation on the diagram. The correspondence table is located on the sheet with the diagram. There are also recommendations on which stitch to use in each specific case.

Of course, ready-made kits cost embroiderers much more, but purchasing them saves embroiderers from unnecessary worries.

Cross stitch for beginners. Step by step instructions. Preparing for work

The first thing you need to do before starting work is organize workplace . First of all, it must comply with safety rules and provide the needlewoman with maximum comfort. It is best to locate in comfortable chair or on a soft sofa.

It is also necessary to take care of lighting. The place in which the needlewoman will do embroidery should well lit. Daylight hours are best for embroidery. In the evening, you should take care of a table lamp, which should be used together with the main light source.

All tools and objects, necessary for embroidery, it is recommended to place them at arm's length so that they can be easily reached. At the same time, care must be taken that they do not interfere with the craftswoman doing what she loves.

Getting started

Before starting work, you need to decide where to start embroidering. Manufacturers of kits most often recommend starting embroidery from the center. This is true when the selected pattern is not solid. If the picture is continuous, then you can start working on it not only from the center, but also from any angle.

It is usually embroidered using two threads. However, some needlewomen prefer to apply the design so that the outline does not show through from under the floss threads. In order to determine the required number of threads, just embroider a few crosses on the canvas. Depending on the result, you can increase or decrease the number of threads.

How to secure the thread in the fabric?

The following tips will help you learn how to embroider. First, let's look at the main ways to secure the thread in the canvas. The simplest one is the so-called loop method. It is suitable when embroidery is carried out in two threads. To secure the thread, simply fold a single thread in half and insert the cut ends into the needle. Now you need to pull the needle through the fabric, leaving a loop on the wrong side. After making the first stitch, pull the needle through the loop. So, the thread is secured.

Second way - pull the thread under the stitches. It is suitable when part of the design has already been applied to the canvas. In addition, you can make several small stitches in the place where the main pattern will be located. All that remains is to overlap the resulting stitches.

The photo shows main types of stitches. Basically, a full cross is used, which is the intersection of two diagonal stitches. It is important to remember that the upper diagonal of all crosses should be directed strictly in one direction (for example, from the lower left corner to the upper right). This will make the embroidery look neat.

Exists two types of seam: Danish and English. Both options are universal, and their use depends on the personal preferences of the craftswoman.

When executing Danish seam First, a series of diagonal stitches (half crosses) directed in one direction are applied to the canvas (picture on the left). The size of this row corresponds to the number of crosses of the selected color. Then you need to finish the crosses by stitching in the opposite direction.

When executing English seam Each cross is transferred separately. The transition to the next cross is carried out by diagonals. The technique for making an English seam is shown in the figure below.

Both seams are universal, and each needlewoman is free to choose the most convenient option for her. In addition to the full cross, quarter, three-quarter and reverse stitches can be used during work.

The size of the quad stitch is 1/4 of the main stitch. It is performed as follows: you need to take the thread out of the bottom corner and pull it into the middle of the square. The three-quarter cross stitch consists of one full diagonal of the cross and a quarter stitch. As a rule, such stitches are used to “draw” individual details of the image.

In addition, reverse stitch is often used to shape the outline of the design. To perform it, you need to stretch the thread from the wrong side to the front side and then stick it into the hole located on the right. To perform the next stitch, you need to bring the needle into the hole located to the left of the first stitch and repeat the previous action.

Embroidery on canvas with a finished pattern

As mentioned above, sets with a pattern printed on canvas are more suitable for beginner needlewomen. Their main advantage is that the embroiderer does not need to constantly check the counting chart and calculate the number of crosses. Thus, such an outline will help you get better at making basic stitches.

However, there is a small nuance: the drawing on such a canvas does not always coincide with what is shown on the diagram. For this reason, when performing small details, you will still have to refer to the counting diagram. If there is no diagram in the kit, then when embroidering small details the craftswoman will have to rely on her imagination.


Once the design is transferred to the canvas, you need to get rid of the print printed on it. This takes an hour soak the embroidery in warm soapy water. After this, the canvas must be rinsed and wrung out. Do not twist the canvas under any circumstances!

Now follows iron the work. To do this, place the embroidery on terry towel face down and iron. Once the fabric is dry, you can place the resulting painting in a frame.

These tips will help beginning craftswomen learn how to create real masterpieces.

There lived an old man and an old woman. They lived poorly, and the only joy they had was their daughter Alyonushka. She was kind and pretty, she was not lazy to work, she knew how to do everything, she was not afraid of any work.
And so, one day at dawn she says to her father and mother:
“I’ll go to the forest, pick some mushrooms and ripe berries, and return home in the evening.”
And the old woman sighs and worries:
-Don’t go, daughter, I feel something bad will happen.
-Don’t worry, mother, for how many years I’ve been going to the forest, nothing will happen to me.
She took the basket and went into the forest.
And in the forest it is so beautiful that the heart sings and the soul rejoices. Outlandish flowers are blooming, birds are chirping in the branches, and there are no mushrooms and berries in sight. Alyonushka began to pick mushrooms, but she didn’t know, dear one, that Leshy was luring her into his domain. Where he passes there is a mushroom and grows, where he waves his hand, berries will appear.
She looked around, and all around were unfamiliar, dense places, she had never been here before.
The girl became scared, the sun was already setting, and the wild animals were screaming terribly...
“And why didn’t I listen to my mother?” she cried bitterly. “Apparently, now I’ll have to disappear...
And suddenly, an old man came out of a spreading old oak tree. When he saw Alyonushka, her beloved beauty, he began to beg and beg her:
-Marry me, beautiful girl. If you live forever in wealth and luxury, I will give you all the treasures that are within my control.
-What you! “What are you doing!” she exclaimed in response. “I don’t need either you or your countless riches...
“Well, since you don’t want to be mine, then no one else will have you!” exclaimed Leshy and clapped his hands three times.
And Alyonushka turned into a white swan...
She began to fly over the forest, and then she flew to the forest lake, and so she settled there.
I walked through those parts once good fellow, Ivan Tsarevich. He walked through the forest, to hunt, to show off his brave prowess. Suddenly he sees a white swan on the lake. He took out an arrow and was about to shoot, when suddenly the swan spoke in a human voice and began to cry:
-Don't kill me, good fellow. Do not destroy my maiden soul...
“What happened to you?” he began to ask.
-I didn’t listen to my father and mother, Leshy lured me into the thicket of the forest, he wanted me to become his wife. I refused the forest spirit, he got angry, and turned me into a swan...
“Don’t be sad, red maiden,” Ivan answered her, “don’t grieve.” Perhaps we will deal with your trouble.
He said goodbye to the white swan and set off through the forest to look for Leshy and gain freedom for Alyonushka.
He walked for a long time along forest paths, and then he found himself at an old oak tree.
The prince began to wait for the night, and then, when it was completely dark, the old Leshy came out of the oak tree and began to walk in circles around the young man, casting a spell on him.
But Ivan does not give up, he got the hang of it and grabbed Leshy by the long beard. He took out his sword and was about to chop off his head, but Leshy turned into an owl and rose into the sky. But Ivan was not taken aback, he took out an arrow, and it was about to hit him. And Leshy fell to the ground and became a creeping reptile, about to hide in a hole, but the prince was very clever and grabbed him by the tail.
All night they fought with each other, and at dawn Leshy said to the prince:
-Okay Ivan, yours took it! Ask for whatever you want, just let it go! I have no strength to fight with you anymore!
-Release the red maiden and white swan from your captivity!
“Okay,” said Leshy, “you got it!”
He clapped his hands three times and a white swan appeared in front of them. She circled over the forest the first time, and the second time, and the third time she became a red maiden, Alyonushka. And she was so sweet and pretty that the prince loved her with all his heart.
Leshy presented them with a rich dowry, granted them a whole casket of gems, and set them free.
Alyonushka took her father and mother, they married the prince, and began to live, get along, and make good things. That's the end of the fairy tale.

Sensation! Decoding Russian fairy tales! 3 levels of meaning Ivan Tsarevich the gray Wolf and Geese Swans

Here is a summary of the inspiring speech of Ivan Tsarevich (Georgy Levshunov) at the Renaissance festival in the fall of 2016.
Video link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDJ_fB0zPD0

Today is our Education Day. Education, when we studied at university or school in the Fox era, it is outdated! And now the main education of the Wolf era is the education of truth. The very word “education” is a sculpture of images. Who knows how to sculpt images? Only the one who has the “King in his head.”

When the bell's body lights up, a person can think for himself and connect images with each other. The man knows how IN portray, IN flatten the image. The word of the King always materializes. And a person with a “King in his head” knows how to transform this world, i.e. transform some images into others. And that’s why Anastasia, the heroine of Maigre’s books, said that she couldn’t just say a single word, everything was embodied. Remember? Because when there is such a level of awareness, when you rise to the fifth level of development, the fifth line in the Initial Letter, all your words come true. But by this stage a person is already monitoring his words. He says little, but is always to the point. And there is no such thing as idle talk. And the formation of the Wolf era is when you need to clearly understand that there is such a structure - seven miles to heaven and all of it is forest. And the task of every person is to walk these seven miles.
And today we are learning to think. We analyze the fairy tale “Geese-Swans” by images, what depth is in it sacred meaning. Because in 2012, on December 21 (remember, everyone was waiting for the end of the world then?!) - and then there was the second coming of Kolobok. And from the 12th year, a sharp development of the cob body occurs in all people. How does this happen? - ozone holes in the skies, more ultraviolet radiation, more solar radiation - scientists say. And in our opinion, in a fairy tale, there is more light. Heaven comes down to earth. This ultraviolet radiation- this is the highest divine spectrum. And he is getting closer to us. Ozone holes are the plan of the gods. The ozone layer is thinning and this makes us more powerful RA- diation. And because of this, the koloboks around our heads begin to burn brighter. Whoever resists the divine light, who is a member of the “Seventh Day Witnesses” sect, has skin cancer from the sun, you need to hide your eyes, black glasses, a black cap, oh how scary, the sun is shining, oh I’m about to get a tan, oh I’m about to burn ( mockingly)…And our task is to fill ourselves with gold! Their hair does not fade in the sun, it turns golden in the sun. And there is more and more gold in my head, and the Tsar shines more and more brightly. And I Am Ivan Tsarevich I want each of you to begin to understand this and ignite the Tsar in your head.
Look how interesting it is - if there is one person in a family with the Tsar in his head, everyone in the family stops arguing. At least one person in the team, in ancestral settlement with the Tsar in the head - in his presence no one can swear... All swearing, all conflicts come from ignorance, from our darkness. Many people look like Swiss cheese - with black holes. And they need to be covered! Our task is to ensure that everything in Rus' more people was born with the King in the head, kings and queens according to their spiritual development. And kings are people who know how to think, imagine and transform this world.
Holy Scripture of the Slavs - what?! Russian folk tales!
Who doesn't know Russian folk tales? - rabble. The rabble of the Russian land. People- this is someone who knows folk culture, native language, and dresses our way. And not like these people in black, sent Cossack women with American inscriptions, women in pants, you understand! Painted women, men in shorts with American inscriptions. Who are you? You are still a rabble in fact. Because if you felt like a Russian people, you couldn’t put on these American enemy clothes. But the mountain snakes have already rinsed your brains, you are already weak in your thinking and are wearing this American T-shirt, and here, on your chest, on your heart chakra, where the Silver Kingdom is, love for the world, you have something written in American reptilian letters. And all your energy comes through this inscription.
Why did sacred amulets used to be worn on the chest - because this amulet decodes reality, determines the angle of wisdom that you perceive. Here you have eight-pointed stars on your chest - you perceive wisdom through the Alatyr stone.

Do you have some conspiratorial letters with black magic! Ivan Tsarevich came to approve white magic- Russian folk tale! So that we feel like a people in folk clothes, know Russian folk tales, know the Russian language. And then there will be no questions about who rules in Rus' - the American constitution, the president. Or we will have a Tsar-Father. And there will be a Tsar-Father, when the rabble turns into people.. In the meantime, there are more rabble than people, we are worthy only of presidents, only of the American Constitution written by them.
The development of the people does not come from above - that some kind of cool law will be passed, some kind of cool constitution and life will be good. The development of a people occurs when everyone takes personal responsibility for themselves, for their development, knows their language, their culture, the golden path of development in a spiral. He knows himself, he teaches his children, he teaches his wife. And then we turn into a people and naturally our people begin to form into a class - nobles, knights, sages, princes, kings, wise men, saints. And all classes respect each other, everyone supports each other and everyone is in their place. One for all and all for one. Naturally, we have a Tsar-Father.
The Tsar Father is the man who has the brightest bun. The most intelligent, the most joyful, strong man. The most bearded. I want to listen to such a king. But such a king will appear when we are worthy of such a king. In the meantime, we look like a rabble in our appearance, in our clothes, we are only worthy of a president - a shaven one. All who cut their hair and shave give up personal power. In the army, monks cut their slaves bald (there cannot be hairy slaves). Hairy people begin to think for themselves. The ancient Russians were all hairy - men, women, and children. I was recently in Novosibirsk, and one boy there had hair below his back. And he is so smart, so smart! He is about 10 years old, I play chess with him, I can barely beat him, although I play chess well. He already knows so much, he already knows everything, he can tell you here. What are you, grown-up men and women?! Are you a rabble or a people? I want you to put this question squarely. Because if you are a rabble, then only rabble-roused happiness awaits you, rabble-roused happiness, rabble-roused health, turbulent money. That the gorynych snakes will throw away crumbs from the master’s table for 5 kopecks, and you are already content with that. And if you are a people, you assign wealth, health, beauty, family, governance to yourself - we turn the state into a power - fair, beautiful, wise. (12.44)
Fairy tale "Geese and Swans". How it begins. Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and grandmother. And they had grandchildren - a brother and a sister. And then one day the grandparents went into the forest. What does “let’s go to the forest” mean? Let’s go for wisdom. And they punished the brother and sister to stay at home and not go anywhere outside the fence. The fence is your own space. But they didn’t listen and went. And then who flew by - geese-swans. And they want to kidnap children. The brother and sister ran away from them. And first they see a stove, then an apple tree, then a milk river with jelly banks. The stove asked to eat the pie. They refused and ran on. Apple tree - “eat an apple, I’ll hide you,” they refused. Milk River - “drink my jelly” - they refused. And then there was Baba Yaga. And what is she? They ran to her hut, thinking she would save her. But what was Baba Yaga like? Dangerous. In fairy tales, Baba Yaga is different - she helps some, gives a guiding ball. And there are other types of yogis.
Our tales have been shortened. Now Ivan Tsarevich will prepare a complete version of the fairy tales. Previously, each Baba Yaga had her own name: Baba Yaga Zhelya, Baba Yaga Strecha, etc. Baba Yaga must have a name. Well, here was Baba Yaga, who tests small children. And so, as the children learned, she wanted to eat them. And the cat helped them escape. And when they were already running back, they had already eaten the jelly, and the apple, and the pie. A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, whoever understands it is a lesson.
Notice what the situation is. The last 1600 years until 2012 was the Age of the Fox. Russian folk wisdom, the whole Russian language (49 letters) was intensively destroyed. Only 33 letters remained of the language, the tales were shortened and edited. Some fairy tales began to end like this - “the witch at the end of the fairy tale was hanged on the gates of the city. That's how she hung. This is the end of the fairy tale." How can a child read this?! So soon Ivan Tsarevich will bring fairy tales into divine form and there will be a collection of fairy tales retold by an eyewitness. Right?! Ivan Tsarevich is an eyewitness and personally participated in many things. And these fairy tales will be good. Because we feel how kindness emanates from Russian fairy tales.
But sometimes such a tough guy in a fairy tale. Why? But because there was such a famous Afanasiev - a collector of fairy tales. Have you seen his face? And if you had seen him, you wouldn’t have let him tell your children a story at night. Afanasiev at one time was what is called a liberal. At that time, Herzen was hiding in London, and Afanasyev carried his letters to Russia. And Herzen wrote as liberals write now - to undermine Rus', this topic began even then. And mind you, where was the first edition of Russian folk tales edited by Afanasyev?! - In London! In the Fox's lair. The fox is still sitting there - Elizabeth the 2nd. In fairy tales the fox's name is Lizaveta Patrikeevna! You see how alive fairy tales are. They describe the economic situation, political, spiritual and moral. Russian folk tales describe everything. Here in Russia main fox redhead who? Chubais. But if you read it the other way around, you’ll freak out. Putin is not stupid. And really, really, not a stupid person! Not a bad person. Putin is paving the way for us for the future Tsar Gorokh. Soon there will be tsarist autocracy in Rus' again, Tsar Gorokh will rule.
- When are you going to move forward, Ivan Tsarevich?!
Ivan Tsarevich will not be king. Tsar Pea should be like Alexander the 3rd, remember? A guy with shoulders like these, so bearded and hefty.

And Ivan Tsarevich will advise him.
Because King Pea should be such that he comes to the Council of Europe and everyone immediately understands who is who. Alexander III ruled in such a way that there was not a single war under him, you know? For the last 300 years, Russia has been at war almost every year. And when Alexander III reigned Russian Empire there was no war. Only the French wanted to fight, Alexander III said - come here, French ambassador. And he takes an ancient Russian forged nail as thick as a finger and ties this nail in a knot and says: “This is what I will do to your France. Take my answer to France.” Once again, France is not at war with Russia.
The fairy tale "Geese and Swans" is very important because it gives us an initial level. A.S. Pushkin, who was with the Tsar in his head, was enlightened, so he created such powerful, royal images. It's always interesting to read him. Pushkin was read 100 years ago. We also read it in the Soviet Union, it was interesting. We still read Pushkin now, when we have mobile phones, computers, we constantly need news, and for some reason Pushkin is interesting. Why? Because Pushkin raises eternal values. And eternal values ​​are relevant in any era. Modern writers They read it for two years and then forget it. The time for small people has come.
So Pushkin suggested the path - three, seven, ace. The first topic is that you need to learn to think for three people. Understand what the copper, silver, and golden kingdoms are. Seven - walk seven miles to heaven and all through the forest, measure seven times, cut once. Study the initial letter of seven lines. And then you become an ace - a solid ace. An ace is an az who has firmly established himself in the divine consciousness and has ignited the King in his head. Here is our path - three, seven, ace, shortened version. When we reveal it, it is embodied in septenary.
And so, in the fairy tale Geese and Swans, a ternary structure is revealed. Stove - Copper Kingdom(abdominal area, lower cauldron). And notice, the person here has a stove - a liver. And the liver temperature is 39 degrees. Those. Our dear gods built a stove into us. And this is where digestion must take place. And the stove in the fairy tale is a hint that the copper kingdom needs to be put in order. And the children - brother and sister - say - well, why do we need this Copper Kingdom. This is how many of you are now - what is this Copper Kingdom to us?! We need to earn money, why are you soaring me here with these fairy tales? And they ran on.
Next is the apple tree. She says, “Eat my apple.” This is the image of the Silver Kingdom (heart, soul, heart chakra). And man - why do I need your Silver Kingdom, you will save us from the geese-swans, we don’t need your apples. And then there is a milk river with jelly banks. Where is she, show me?! That's right - it's the Milky Way. And the nebulae along it are like jelly banks. Where does this heavenly milk flow from? - From the udder of the Zimun cow. It corresponds to the constellation Ursa Minor. This modern name. And before it was called the Hall of the Zimun Cow. Where is the North Star. And so the children in the fairy tale say - why do we need this Milky Way, this Golden Kingdom and ran on. Those. they gave it up.

So here it is This is you and me, this brother and sister. You and I have given up our health. Show me at least one healthy person whom I could take to an ancient Russian disco at least 200 years ago, they danced day and night. And the dancing, you know what it was like! Waste-ta, waste-ta, legs high in the air. Yes, you twitched like that for three minutes and suffocated. Where is your Copper Kingdom? You don't have it. What is a healthy liver? You get up like this, they hit you in the liver, but it doesn’t hurt you. The liver is the most large organ human body. And there the blood is stored - the treasure of the ancestors, in the liver the repository of ancestral wisdom. And it hurts you. “Oh, they hit my liver, ah, something’s wrong with my liver today, ah.” Check how your liver is doing - tap (with force) on it. A?! Does it hurt? Here is the squeezed ancestral wisdom, here they are slags...
A story about sleeping on the stove ( 26-27 minutes) Insights come from the dawn - from heaven, revelations - from the blood, from within.
Emelya flew from the Hall of Pike, where his soul was born in Vyriy Garden, like an apple from heaven and rolled to the ground. And so I symbolically caught a pike in the ice hole. Because it was the night of Svarog, it was cold, folk wisdom was frozen. And to cut a hole folk wisdom Among all these biorobot people, you have to try, work with a hatchet, cut an ice hole and catch a pike. And Ivan Tsarevich flew from the Hall of Finist the Bright Falcon. When you begin to be friends with heaven, your life becomes magical. And the stove will go, and the firewood will go, and the buckets will go by themselves. And miracles happen all around.
My friends and I went to the White Sea, to Hyperborea, the northern ancestral home. We're coming to desert island, we disembark, and there are only us, fairy-tale characters, about 8 people, and bears are walking, trees are growing and mushrooms - so many that you walk and trip over mushrooms. Berries - I ran my hand and there was a bunch of berries. I saw how you can live in natural abundance when people do not interfere with natural beauty. And before this happened here, in the Caucasus, and in middle lane Russia, when there was no need to lead agriculture. Because in the forest there are mushrooms, nuts, berries, and you have food. So we arrived on an uninhabited island, and lo and behold, there was a bathhouse there. We steamed and shopped. Wherever you go, there are miracles everywhere. AND everyone who makes friends with their guiding star, with heaven, such a magical life awaits him. You come and they are waiting for you. And all yours are decided life situations. And your life is a good riddance. You walk, and favorable life situations spread out in front of you.
Ivan Tsarevich as soon as he woke up in 2012, oops - I’m not Georgy Levshunov, I’m Ivan Tsarevich, I have to gallop somewhere. And then again - I’m invited to the first big festival raw foodists. And who invites me?! - Dmitry Volkov.

I come and perform at this festival, there we are sitting in the Prophetic Forest, these are the things we ate there, Ivan Tsarevich performs there, Shemshuk performs, various famous raw foodists, Butenko.

And they listened to me there, people were impressed and began inviting me all over Rus'. And I sit in my Belarus and think - Moscow must be taken! I look on the Internet - who is there waiting for me? I look - the club “Your Paths”, chairman Elena Volkova. I call her on the phone (for the first time in my life) and say, “Hello, Elena the Beautiful, this is Ivan Tsarevich.” And she’s like, “Listen, I’ve been thinking about you all the time.” last days" This stuck! I was waiting for you! - I want to conduct a seminar! - Certainly! Come and see me off!
And you understand For each of us sitting here, a favorable destiny is written. And your task is to turn from a rabble into a people. (32.13) Because while you are a rabble, you occupy someone else’s place in life, you only receive crumbs from the master’s table of mountain snakes, reptilians, masons who are weaving these conspiracies and will soon give you a chip. Everyone who remains a rabble will walk around with a chip in their head, I give it 100%. And who will wake up and become a people, who will have folk clothing Those who know their native language, native culture will soon live in family estates, we will plant prophetic forests, paradise gardens, sacred groves, we will live happily ever after. Happily, we get acquainted - we fall in love, happily and dance we have children, happily and dance we raise children, happily and dance we marry them off, get them married. This is the life we ​​have, fairy-tale heroes. But you need to KNOW dances, songs, fairy tales. Who knows 49 dances?! 49 Russians folk songs?! Raise your hand.

The four of us here are so good. 49 Russian folk tales and can he retell them? In general, only one person raised his hand. Do you sense a theme? In order to CONSIDER there must be images inside. What is the image of a man in fairy tales, what is the image of a woman, what is the image of the relationship between a man and a woman. Why are they like this now? difficult relationships? Because we're a rabble. And when we are a people, we begin to live hand in hand - thread to thread, together, one for all, all for one.

And I return to the stove. What does the stove provide? The stove and Russian bathhouse bakes, warms up, removes all the clamps and living energy begins to flow through us, and only then does our soul and spirit open up. And you're stuck! And you come out like this and say: I good man, but I'm stuck. I love everyone, but I can’t do anything, I’m squeezed! And I come up and take you by the cheek and twist you like that and ask: Does it hurt you, girl? - Hurt.- Yeah, you got tense in the Golden Kingdom. Here the girl lies. Did you press her in the shoulder area, did it hurt? - It hurts a lot. - Strained in the Silver Kingdom. Painful love, painful friendship (the girl nods - exactly!) (35.43). And even if you find yourself a betrothed, your relationship will be so tense and constrained. He approached the good fellow and pressed him on the shoulder - - Oops, something shot. - It’s not just painful, but super painful. Super tight. And while your body is squeezed, until you have baked your copper kingdom... You will understand that without a bath there is no spiritual development impossible. You need to go to the bathhouse regularly.
And Russian folk wisdom is based on fools. Why hasn't Russia been defeated yet? Neither the Germans nor the French. Now they wanted to destroy us under Yeltsin, but nothing happened. We have an increased number of fools. Russia has two joys - roads and fools. And thanks to this, Russia is still alive. Neither pass nor pass. Russian fools behave inappropriately in battle, rushing to the embrasure...
(37.10) about a black bath... it was in the Khakass Mountains on Mezmai, where Trekhlebych lives... 7 times I went into this bathhouse, and 7 times I plunged into this lake. And the seventh time I forgot my name. And you feel a complete fusion with nature, a complete sense of unity. What am I saying - when we put our Copper Kingdom in order, through it we can learn both the Silver Kingdom and the Golden Kingdom. Why can't we open up in soul and spirit? Because the Copper Kingdom is so weak - due to poor nutrition, there is a lot of tightness...
(39.09) The second topic is a white bathhouse. It should be the other way around - 60-70 degrees, not hot. And in this bathhouse they float like brooms. And now the best steam bather is sitting here - Prince Elisha 54, sign up with him. And after his session you just feel the energy, he simply kneads the heat of the body, relieves tightness.
Russian traditional food consists of oilseed crops - flaxseed porridge, hemp, amaranth.

Everything there is oil. And when you eat these oily crops, then digestion occurs correctly. And cereal porridge is not human food. Cereals are food for birds. Only birds can digest grains. And people must digest oily crops, plus nuts - pine, hazelnuts, walnuts - they are all in oil! This theme is oiled food, oiled life, oiled joints, open ancestral memory. A cereal crops, on the contrary, a person is spoiled and their ancestral memory is blocked. The most terrible weapon Gorynych snakes to turn the Russian people into rabble - these are cereal crops, the second is religion. And third - what? Green snake - correct. Alcohol did the most damage. And the gorynych snake has three heads and I named them all for you.
Have you noticed that all religions are involved in the test. In Christianity - Easter, prosphora (“eat flesh and blood” - bread and wine, bread and alcoholism). In Hinduism, dough with sugar is a type of sacred food. And also our own fermented drinks. The Indians have the same theme. Ivan Tsarevich took three maps - maps where agriculture appeared (cereals - wheat, rye, oats, corn, rice), maps showing where all world religions appeared, and the third - the hydrogen sulfide belt of the Earth. And these cards coincided completely.
And sulfur is the favorite element of mountain snakes, the smell of rotten eggs. Under the ground now there are all these serpentine creatures who are weaving conspiracies. And when dinosaurs lived on earth, there was several times more sulfur and less oxygen. And now we have been hooked on equipment (cars) that drive and emit huge amount sulfur, factories are working, sulfur is coming out of the pipes, space is being sulfurized due to our ignorance. We fell for the breeding of the Gorynych kites. Bananas and dried fruits are treated with sulfur; in supermarkets, half of the products contain E220 - sulfur dioxide, which is added everywhere as the best preservative. And it turns out that with this sulfurization, the space is being prepared for the arrival of the mountain snakes. And our task is to win with oxygen - to begin planting prophetic forests, paradise gardens, sacred groves. It is beneficial for us, warm-blooded people, to have more oxygen and cleaner air. And trees clean the air. Therefore, now the topic has turned to family estates, this is a key topic - so that we begin to restore forests, at an explicit level we begin to put everything in order. (44.18) The copper kingdom is the obvious level, everything that can be touched, the kingdom of the body...
You and I are these brother and sister who abandoned the apples - the Silver Kingdom, and now we do not know how to be friends and love. This is a fairy tale about you and me! And then they abandoned the milk river with its jelly banks. Those. they refused to communicate with heaven. “Drink my jelly” - no, why do we need your jelly. This is the same as in the fairy tale Ryaba Hen. She first laid a golden egg, the old man beat and beat, but did not break it, the old woman beat and beat, but did not break it. Why didn't they break it? Because the night of Svarog, spiritual oblivion, has come. And the golden wisdom of heaven became incomprehensible. This golden wisdom has already been tried, and nothing is clear. “Let us eat, why do we need your golden egg, your golden Vedic wisdom, give us money and don’t teach us about life.” Now this is the topic - let us eat and we don’t need to teach anything. We ourselves will figure out how to spend the money; we have no problems. Give us a simple egg, we don't need a golden one.
How does all this manifest itself in external level- the fact that we abandoned the Golden Kingdom is manifested in the fact that we have become stooped... Love cannot get through to a person because the body is tight. And now the task of all women is to melt their hands and learn to remove all muscle blocks, tightness, i.e. all women should become ideal masseuses who will knead themselves first, then knead their husbands, and then knead their children. And then only soulfulness can come...
Bearded men are always more authoritative for women than beardless men. Therefore, when Peter 1, the main serpent of the Romanovs, came, what did they do - they shaved everyone’s beards, but they did not shave the Christian priests. And the priests immediately became authorities, and their own husbands, who were without beards and sexist, immediately took second place after the priest. We understood how women’s priorities were changed in a cunning way. Because in women’s genetic memory it is written “listen to the bearded man.” The thicker the beard, the richer and more ancient the man’s pedigree. Therefore, we see that Russian people are the most well-born, ours grow such a beard, the Chinese have a thin beard, and the blacks grow almost nothing at all. Therefore, a woman immediately sees what kind of pedigree a man has, as can be seen from his face.
The Copper Kingdom: now very hot topic- belly smoothing, author Ogulov. We need to learn this. Every woman should definitely be able to knead her belly, husband and children. She is alive in her stomach, healthy in her chest, and glory in her head.
And when the brother and sister visited Baba Yaga and ran back, then only they ate the jelly, the apple and the pie. Those. they did this only after they got to Baba Yaga. And when fairy tale hero gets to Baba Yaga, he sees that her hut is turned backwards towards him. What does this mean? Baba Yaga is ours ancient culture- dances, games, round dances, language, clothing, hair, herbs, trees, birds, heavenly palaces, the Russian calendar - you need to know all this.
Do you know all this? No! And that’s why Baba Yaga’s hut is turned with its ass towards you. And that's why you're a rabble. You go to different sects and don’t understand the meaning of life. And this is inevitable. You have no light, no king in your head, and your ignorance leads you to these sects. And when you studied folk culture, images of initial letters, images of dances, games, round dances, the image of a man in fairy tales (how he should behave), the image of a woman. And then you know how to think, and the hut turns around, Baba Yaga climbs out and says: “Hey are you, good fellow?” Are you gay? A goy is a man who has achieved goy power. Goy is a yogi. A goy is a man who knows folk wisdom. And only the goy Baba Yaga lets her into her hut and gives her a little ball. And if you are not a goy, then she will let you in and eat you, you are an outcast, your place is in the pan. And all those who are outcasts, who have moved away from the Russian people, the gorynych snakes are now slowly roasting you on the fire of chipization, juvenile justice, and alcoholism. It's all one opera, don't you agree?! Hanging out in contacts, on the Internet. The Anunnaki have already arrived for you, global cooling, flat earth on the way! What else do we have there?! Global flood, warming - cooling. At least be scared of something!
Therefore, men and women must gain folk wisdom, you will come to Baba Yaga - folk culture turns to face you and our life begins to spread out like a tablecloth. You go, you fulfill your destiny, you serve the Russian people, you serve humanity, you serve the entire universe.
Ivan Tsarevich, too, until 2012, was an outcast and a rabble and wandered from sect to sect, like all of you, until he understood - mother nature, folk culture, ancestral wisdom. Everything is a holy trinity - race, people, nature. All others are free.
I became a goy, came to Baba Yaga, she immediately became a ball to me, and I immediately had a lot of money, I had a lot of health. I hold Slavic festivals, I rock from morning to evening. Dancing, games, good fun. Lots of health, lots of friends. We all came here and feel like friends. “We are all brothers and sisters in Kolobok.” We believe in the bun - in our golden sun. The sun in Old Russian was called Tsar Kolob. And you and I are koloboks, a kolob body around the head. And the Sun is the main kolob that leads us to light and happiness. The sun's ray comes to you, reflects off your skin, and that's the only reason I see you. Those. I see everyone only because the sun's rays reflected in a person and hit me. Those. I essentially see the sun reflected in the human body. And each of us sees this sun reflected in the body of another person. Those. everything comes from the sun, the sun is our god. And this is obvious. Thanks to the sun it is warm, thanks to the sun it is light, thanks to the sun we see each other. And thanks to the sun we grow towards the light of God. We rise up along the golden spiral. Who wants it?
The era of the Wolf has come. And I Am Ivan Tsarevich I tell you: for each of us there is our own path, our own destiny. 58. When you follow this path, you will be happy. Your life will go like a tablecloth, favorable circumstances will be spread out in front of you, you will come across good people on the way, your life will be different interesting adventures, a lot of health, a lot of love, a lot of money, a lot of everything. There are many holidays, because development occurs through our solar holidays, which we celebrate correctly. You enter into abundance, you serve the people, and the people serve you. And because of this, you have a lot of everything in your life.

Continued here -


in a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king; this king had three daughters and one son, Ivan Tsarevich. The Tsar grew old and died, and Ivan Tsarevich took the crown.

As the neighboring kings learned about this, they now gathered countless troops and went to war against him. Ivan Tsarevich does not know what to do; comes to his sisters and asks:

My dear sisters! What should I do? All the kings rose up against me in war.

Oh, you brave warrior! What were you afraid of? How Bely Polyanin fights with Baba Yaga - the golden leg, doesn’t get off his horse for thirty years, doesn’t know how to rest? And you, seeing nothing, got scared!

Ivan Tsarevich immediately saddled his good horse, put on his military harness, took a treasure sword, a long spear and a silk whip and rode out against the enemy. It is not clear that the falcon swoops down on a flock of geese, swans and gray ducks - Tsarevich Ivan attacks the enemy’s army; he does not so much beat with a sword as trample with a horse; killed the entire enemy army, returned to the city, went to bed and slept for three days without waking. - On the fourth day I woke up, went out onto the balcony, looked into the open field - the kings had gathered more troops than that and again approached the very walls.

The prince became sad and went to his sisters:

Ah, sisters! What should I do? He destroyed one force, another stands under the city, threatening more than before.

What a warrior you are! I fought for a day and slept for three days without waking up. How is it that White Polyanin fights with Baba Yaga - the golden leg, does not get off his horse for thirty years, does not know rest?

Ivan Tsarevich ran to the white stone stables, saddled the good heroic horse, put on his military harness, girded his treasure sword, took a long spear in one hand, a silk whip in the other, and rode out against the enemy.


There lived a man and a woman. They had a daughter and a little girl.

“Daughter,” the mother said, “we’ll go to work, take care of your brother?” Don't leave the yard, be smart - we'll buy you a handkerchief.

The father and mother left, and the daughter forgot what she was ordered to do: she sat her brother down on the grass under the window, ran outside, started playing, and went on a spree. Geese-swans swooped in, picked up the boy, and carried him away on their wings.

The girl returned, and lo and behold, her brother was gone! She gasped, rushed here and there, no! She called to him, burst into tears, lamented that it would be bad for her father and mother, but her brother did not respond.

She ran out into an open field and just saw: geese-swans darted in the distance and disappeared behind dark forest. Then she realized that they had taken away her brother: geese-swans had long had a bad reputation - that they played pranks, carried away small children.

The girl rushed to catch up with them. She ran and ran and saw that there was a stove.

- Stove, stove, tell me, where did the geese-swans fly?

The stove answers her:

“Eat my rye pie, I’ll tell you.”

- I’ll eat rye pie! My father doesn’t even eat wheat...

- Apple tree, apple tree, tell me, where did the geese-swans fly?

“Eat my forest apple, I’ll tell you.”

“My father doesn’t even eat the garden ones...” The apple tree didn’t tell her. The girl ran further. A milk river flows on the banks of jelly.

- Milk river, jelly banks, where did the swan geese fly?

- Eat my simple jelly with milk - I’ll tell you.

“My father can’t even eat cream... She ran for a long time through the fields and forests. The day is approaching evening, there is nothing to do - we need to go home. Suddenly he sees a hut standing on a chicken leg, with one window, turning around.

In the hut, the old Baba Yaga is spinning a tow. And my brother is sitting on the bench, playing with silver apples. The girl entered the hut:

- Hello, grandma!

- Hello, girl! Why did she appear?

“I walked through mosses and swamps, got my dress wet, and came to warm up.”

- Sit down while you spin the tow. Baba Yaga gave her a spindle and left. The girl is spinning - suddenly a mouse runs out from under the stove and says to her:

- Girl, girl, give me some porridge, I’ll tell you something good.

The girl gave her porridge, the mouse said to her:

- Baba Yaga went to heat the bathhouse. She will wash you, steam you, put you in an oven, fry you and eat you, and ride on your bones herself.

The girl sits neither alive nor dead, crying, and the mouse tells her again:

“Don’t wait, take your brother, run, and I’ll spin the tow for you.”

The girl took her brother and ran. And Baba Yaga comes to the window and asks:

“Maiden, are you spinning?”

The mouse answers her:

- I’m spinning, grandma... Baba Yaga heated the bathhouse and went after the girl. And there is no one in the hut. Baba Yaga shouted:

- Geese-swans! Fly in pursuit! My sister took my brother away!..

The sister and brother ran to the milk river. He sees geese-swans flying.

- River, mother, hide me!

- Eat my simple jelly.

The girl ate and said thank you. The river sheltered her under the jelly bank.

The geese-swans did not see it, they flew past. The girl and her brother ran again. And the geese-swans returned to meet us, they are about to see. What to do? Trouble! The apple tree is standing...

- Apple tree, mother, hide me!

- Eat my forest apple. The girl quickly ate it and said thank you. The apple tree shaded it with branches and covered it with leaves.

The geese-swans did not see it, they flew past. The girl ran again. He runs and runs, it’s not too far left. Then the geese-swans saw her, cackled - they swooped in, beat her with their wings, and look, they would tear her brother out of her hands. The girl ran to the stove:

- Stove, mother, hide me!

- Eat my rye pie.

The girl rather put a pie in her mouth, and she and her brother went into the oven, sat down in the stomata.

The geese-swans flew and flew, screamed and shouted, and flew away empty-handed to Baba Yaga.

The girl said thank you to the stove and ran home with her brother.

And then the father and mother came.