The comic in comedy is an undergrowth. What is the comedy of the exam for Mitrofan in the comedy by D.I. Fonvizin “Undergrowth” (Unified State Examination in Literature). Final settlement with teachers

What is the comedy of the “exam” arranged for Mitrofan?

Read the text fragment below and complete the tasks.

Pravdin (To Mitrofan). How far are you in history?

Mitrofan. How far is it? What's the story? In another you will fly to distant lands, to a kingdom of thirty.

Pravdin. A! Is this the story that Vralman teaches you?

Starodum. Vralman? The name is somewhat familiar.

Mitrofan. No, our Adam Adamych doesn’t tell stories; He, like me, is a keen listener himself.

Mrs. Prostakova. They both force themselves to tell stories to the cowgirl Khavronya.

Pravdin. Didn’t you both study geography from her?

Ms. Prostakova (to son). Do you hear, my dear friend? What kind of science is this?

Mitrofan (quietly to mother). How do I know?

Mrs. Prostakova (quietly to Mitrofan). Don't be stubborn, darling. Now is the time to show yourself.

Mitrofan (quietly to mother). Yes, I have no idea what they are asking about.

Ms. Prostakova (Pravdin). What, father, did you call science?

Pravdin. Geography.

Ms. Prostakova (To Mitrofan). Do you hear, eorgafiya.

Mitrofan. What is it! Oh my God! They stuck me with a knife to my throat.

Ms. Prostakova (Pravdin). And we know, father. Yes, tell him, do me a favor, what kind of science this is, he will tell it,

Pravdin. Description of the land.

Ms. Prostakova (To Starodum). What would this serve in the first case?

Starodum. In the first case, it would also be suitable for the fact that if you happen to go, you know where you are going.

Mrs. Prostakova. Ah, my father! But what are cab drivers good for? It's their business. This is not a noble science either. Nobleman, just say: take me there, and they will take you wherever you please. Believe me, father, that, of course, what Mitrofanushka does not know is nonsense.

Starodum. Oh, of course, madam. In human ignorance, it is very comforting to consider everything that you don’t know to be nonsense.

Mrs. Prostakova. Without sciences people live and lived. The deceased father was a commander for fifteen years, and at the same time he deigned to die because he did not know how to read and write, but he knew how to make and save enough wealth. He always received petitions, sitting on an iron chest. Afterwards, he will open the chest and put something in. That was the economy! He did not spare his life so as not to take anything out of the chest. I won’t boast to others, I won’t hide it from you: the dead light, lying on a chest with money, died, so to speak, of hunger. A! what does it feel like? 

Starodum. Commendable. You have to be Skotinin to taste such a blissful death.

Skotinin. But if we are to prove that the teaching is nonsense, then let’s take Uncle Vavila Faleleich. No one had ever heard of literacy from him, nor did he want to hear from anyone: and what a head he was!

Pravdin. What is it?

Skotinin. Yes, this is what happened to him. Riding on a greyhound pacer, he ran drunkenly into the stone gate. The man was tall, the gate was low, he forgot to bend over. As soon as his forehead hit the lintel, the Indian bent his uncle to the back of his head, and the vigorous horse carried him out of the gate to the porch on his back. I would like to know if there is a learned forehead in the world that would not fall apart from such a blow; and my uncle, to his eternal memory, having sobered up, only asked if the gate was intact?

Milo. You, Mr. Skotinin, admit yourself to be an unlearned person; however, I think, in this case, your forehead would be no stronger than a scientist.

Starodum (to Milo). Don't bet on it. I think that the Skotinins are all tough-minded by birth.

D. I. Fonvizin “Minor”

Indicate the name of the dominant literary movement in the 18th century, the principles of which were reflected in the dramaturgy of D. I. Fonvizin.


This is classicism. A work of art is organized as an artificial, logically constructed whole. Strict plot and compositional organization, schematism. Human characters are depicted in a straightforward manner; positive and negative heroes are contrasted. Actively addressing social and civil issues. Emphasized objectivity of the narrative. Classicism in Russia developed under the influence of enlightenment ideas. In his comedy, Fonvizin makes fun of a society that is not interested in acquiring knowledge and is proud of it.

Answer: classicism.

Answer: Classicism

Tatiana Statsenko

We read the assignment: “the name of the dominant literary movement in the 18th century.” Still, this is classicism.

Ksenia Budai 10.10.2016 21:38

Such a question cannot be on the exam, since there cannot be an exact answer to this question. This is classicism with realism. Correct or delete the question. Thanks for understanding.

Tatiana Statsenko

Unfortunately, as practice shows, there may be different questions on the exam, including some that are not entirely correct. As for this issue, then there can only be one answer here - classicism. I draw your attention once again to the wording of the question: " dominant in the 18th century literary direction". Is realism, even educational realism- This dominant direction of the 18th century?

Name the genre to which Fonvizin’s “Minor” belongs.


This genre is called comedy. Comedy is a dramatic work that, through satire and humor, ridicules the vices of society and man.

Mitrofanushka is a fool who believes that education is not a noble matter.

Answer: comedy.

Answer: Comedy

The heroes of "The Minor" have surnames, the sound of which is their unique characteristic. What are these surnames called?


Such surnames are called speaking names. Mrs. Prostakova is a stupid, narrow-minded woman, and the stupid, rude man is Skotinin.

Answer: speakers.

Answer: Talking

What term refers to the author's comments and explanations during the action of the play (Ms. Prostakova ( quietly to Mitrofan))?

A remark is an explanation given by the author in a dramatic work, describing how he imagines the appearance, age, behavior, feelings, gestures, intonations of the characters, and the situation on stage. Directions are instructions for the performers and the director staging the play, an explanation for its readers.

Answer: remark.

Answer: Remark|remarks

Catherine Rabbit 09.06.2013 19:24

And for what reason is the answer "Remarks" not accepted? After all, the question is plural. And won’t such a “mistake” affect the Unified State Exam scores? Thanks in advance.

Tatiana Statsenko

the question is formulated as follows: what TERM denotes the author's remarks... The term denoting these author's remarks is REMARK, not REMARKS.

The basis of the play's action is the conversation of the characters, the exchange of remarks. What is this form of communication between characters called?


This form of communication is called dialogue. Let's give a definition.

Dialogue is a conversation between two or more persons in a work of fiction. In a dramatic work, the dialogue of the characters is one of the main artistic means for creating an image and character.

Answer: dialogue.

Answer: dialogue|polylogue

In the stories of Ms. Prostakova and Skotinin, the “dead father” and uncle Vavila Faleleich appear. What are the names of the characters mentioned in the speech of the heroes, but not appearing on stage?


Such a character is called off-stage. An off-stage character is a character who is mentioned in the speeches of characters on stage, but does not appear on stage himself. Off-stage characters are especially important for characterizing society and the people who mention them.

In the comedy “The Minor,” D.I. Fonvizin poses one of the most important problems of society: the upbringing and education of the younger generation. The play caricatures the “educational process” in the Prostakov family of landowners. Satirically depicting the morals of the local nobles, showing their complete ignorance of how they prepare children for life and activity in society, the writer sought to condemn this approach to education. Mitrofan's mother is forced (in addition to her main concern - the nutrition of her son) to demonstrate the implementation of the decree on the education of noble children, although of her own free will she would never force her beloved child to “useless teaching.”

The author satirically depicts Mitrofan's lessons in mathematics, geography, and the Russian language. His teachers were the sexton Kuteikin, the retired sergeant Tsyfirkin and the German Vralman, who were not far from the landowners who hired them. During an arithmetic lesson, when the teacher suggested solving a division problem, the mother advises her son not to share with anyone, not to give anything away, but to take everything for himself. And geography, according to Prostakova, is not needed by the master, because there are cab drivers who will take you where you need to go.

The “exam” scene in which Mitrofan demonstrated all his knowledge is imbued with a special comedy. He sought to convince the “commission” how “far he had gone” in studying, for example, the Russian language. And therefore he sincerely assured that the word “door” can be both a noun and an adjective, depending on its location. Mitrofan achieved such results thanks to his mother, who indulged her lazy son in everything, who was used to doing only what he liked: eating, sleeping, climbing the dovecote and seeing unquestioning obedience from everyone around him, the fulfillment of his desires. Study was not part of my interests.

In the conditions depicted in the comedy, children could not be very different from their parents, since ignorant people are not able to instill in their offspring a thirst for knowledge, a desire to become educated and intelligent citizens who would consciously prepare to serve the Fatherland. Mitrofan’s father and mother don’t even know how to read, and his uncle “hasn’t read anything in his life”: “God... saved this boredom.” The vital interests of these landowners are extremely narrowed: satisfaction of needs, passion for profit, desire to arrange a marriage of convenience rather than love (at the expense of Sophia’s dowry, Skotinin would like to “buy more pigs”). They have no concept of duty and honor, but they have an immensely developed desire to rule. Prostakova is rude, cruel, inhumane towards the serfs. “Beast, thief's mug” and other curses are a reward, and the payment for work was “five blows a day and five rubles for a year.” Mitrofan will become the same owner, who has been taught cruelty to serfs since childhood. He considers teachers to be servants, wanting them to submit to his lordly will.

Mrs. Prostakova in mentally“too simple” and “not trained in delicacy.” He solves all issues with abuse and fists. Her brother, Skotinin, belongs to that group of people who are close to animals in their image and likeness. For example, Skotinin says: “Mitrofan loves pigs because he is my nephew. Why am I so addicted to pigs?” To this statement, Mr. Prostakov answers him: “And here there is some similarity.” Indeed, the Prostakovs’ son Mitrofan is in many ways similar to his mother and uncle. For example, he does not have a desire for knowledge, but he eats a lot, and at the age of sixteen he is quite overweight. The mother tells the tailor that her child is “delicately built.” Nanny Eremeevna reports about Mitrofan’s needs: “I deigned to eat five buns before breakfast.”

The goal of D.I. Fonvizin was not only ridiculing, denouncing morals landed nobility, but also satirical image existing orders in society, in the state. Despotism destroys humanity in a person. The writer substantiates his conclusions about the need to abolish serfdom by showing how some landowners in their own way understood the “Decree on the Liberty of the Nobility” and other tsarist decrees supporting serf owners. The peculiarity of the life and everyday life of the local nobles is that they accept laxity of morals as a virtue, since they have unlimited power, which is why rudeness, lawlessness, and immorality flourished in their society.

The comedy “Undergrown” is aimed at exposing the vices of society. Satirically depicting the morals of landowners, their “methods of education,” Fonvizin sought conclusions about what people should not be like, how children should not be raised, so that new “Mitrofanushki” do not appear among the nobles. Life principles Mitrofan is directly opposite to the beliefs of an enlightened person. The author of the work created not a positive, but negative image. He wanted to show the "evil nature" worthy fruits“, therefore, he reflected the worst aspects of landowner life, the evil nature of the serf owners, and also highlighted the vices of raising the younger generation.

The landowner Prostakova raised her son in her own image and likeness (as her parents once raised her) and instilled in him the qualities that she considered necessary, so Mitrofan, at the age of sixteen, had already defined goals and priorities for himself, and they are as follows:
– does not want to study;
- work or service does not seduce, it is better to chase pigeons in a dovecote;
– food has become the most important pleasure for him, and daily overeating is the norm;
– greed, greed, stinginess – qualities that help achieve complete well-being;
- rudeness, cruelty and inhumanity are the necessary principles of the serf-owner;
– deceit, intrigue, deception, fraud are the usual means in the struggle for one’s own interests;
– the ability to adapt, that is, to please the authorities and show lawlessness with people without rights, is one of the conditions for a free life.

For each of these “principles” in the comedy “The Minor” there are examples. The author wanted to ridicule and expose the low morals of many landowners, so in creating images he used techniques such as satire, irony, and hyperbole. For example, Mitrofan complains to his mother that he was starved: “I haven’t eaten anything since the morning, only five buns,” and last night “he didn’t have dinner at all - only three slices of corned beef, and five or six hearth (buns).” The author also reports with sarcasm and hostility about Mitrofan’s “thirst for knowledge,” who is going to give the old nanny a “trash” because she asks him to study a little. And he agrees to go to lessons only if the conditions set by him are fulfilled: “... so that it is in last time and so that we can come to an agreement today” (about marriage).

Mrs. Prostakova shamelessly lies to Pravdin that her son “doesn’t get up for days because of a book.” And Mitrofan enjoys the permissiveness and blind love of his mother; he has learned well how to achieve the fulfillment of his desires. This ignoramus is self-willed, rude, cruel not only towards the nanny or other serfs, but even towards his mother, for whom he is the main joy. “Get off me, mother, I’m so intrusive!” - the son pushes his mother away when she tries to find support from him.

Starodum’s conclusion, made at the end of the play (“These are the worthy fruits of evil!”), returns viewers and readers to previous facts that explain and clearly show how characters like the undergrown Mitrofan and his mother are formed in society.

The noble son accepts Pravdin’s decision to send Mitrofanushka to serve unquestioningly. But a question arises that is not answered in the comedy, although it is implied: “Can Mitrofan be useful in the service of the Fatherland?” Of course not. This is why D.I. Fonvizin created his comedy, to show society what kind of “undergrown people” are being raised by landowners and in whose hands the future of Russia may lie.

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The material proposed in the article will help seventh-graders correctly and comprehensively analyze not only the episode of D.I. Fonvizin’s comedy “The Minor” about Mitrofanushka’s exams, but also, on this basis, perform similar work with other scenes of the work. Theoretical concepts, introduced in the first part of the article, dedicated to the second section “Satire and humor in literature”, receive practical application here

Analysis of the episode “Mitrofanushka’s Exams”

  • Sarcasm- caustic mockery highest degree irony and satire.
  • Grotesque– violation of vitality; an absurd and illogical combination artistic details and images.
  • Irony- hidden laughter.
  • Hyperbola- exaggeration.
  • Assimilation– the use of comparison when creating a comic. The technique of likening humans to domestic animals for satirical ridicule of ignorance in the comedy “The Minor.”

The comedy of this phrase is that Mitrofan does not study at all, looking for various excuses to get rid of lessons and teachers.

The discrepancy is what Prostakova says about her son and what really is.

You should know well the meaning of the words “ignorant” and “ignorant”

These are paronyms

An ignoramus is a rude, ill-mannered person

An ignoramus is a poorly educated, little knowledgeable person (according to the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov )

Pravdin turns to Mitrofan with the question: “How far are you in history?”

The comedy of this line is that the word "story"- polysemantic, has 7 meanings.

In what meaning does Mitrofan use the word “history”?

  1. Reality in its development
  2. The science of social development
  3. Progress of development, movement of something (the story of our friendship)
  4. The past preserved in the memory of mankind
  5. The science of the development of any field of knowledge
  6. Story, narration (colloquial)
  7. An incident, mostly unpleasant, a scandal (colloquial) - That's the story!

By the way, the surname “Vralman”, the name Adam Adamych, the name Khavronya (a distorted name “Fevronya”) are “speaking”, characterizing human qualities both teachers and storytellers, which also creates comic effect. Mitrofan – Greek name, translated means “resembling a mother.”

Khavronya's occupation is cowgirl (“a worker who cares for livestock”). The words “cattle”, “bestial” constantly sound in Prostakova’s speech as abusive, contemptuous. You can imagine what kind of “stories” Khavronya told.

Prostakova persuades her beloved son not to be stubborn, but to show himself

(“show yourself” - a phraseological phrase denoting the manifestation of one’s qualities and abilities to the fullest).

He asks his son to answer all questions for the sake of profit.

He can tell a fictitious dream about the beatings that his beloved mother rewards his unrequited father, and be rude to the nanny who fed him. But in the sciences, he did not succeed. But not because he can't. Most likely he doesn't want to.

His mother’s request arouses his indignation: “We’ve stopped, like a knife to the throat " This phraseological turn means to achieve something “persistently, persistently, obsessively” and is labeled “colloquial.”

Mitrofan perceives the request as an insult. After all, he experienced the real agony of learning.

“Why is the science of geography needed?”

Starodum notes that knowledge of geography will help you navigate your trip.

Prostakova: “What are cab drivers for? It's their business. And science is not noble.”

The expression has become popular.

At the end of Prostakova’s statement, the “crown” phrase sounds: “... it’s nonsense that Mitrofanushka doesn’t know.”

Episode Purpose: to show the extent of ignorance of the Skotinin breed, illiterate in the literal sense of the word: they do not know how to read and write.

In the final self-exposure monologue Prostakova admits to her most secret thoughts. Her phrase - “People live and have lived without science” - is not unexpected for us. After all, we, the readers, have seen that Mitrofan’s training is formal. The teachers gave nothing to the teenager. And they themselves don’t know or understand a lot. Science is not included in the Skotinins’ list of values.

Is Mitrofan scary? Ridiculous? Harmless? Dangerous?

Let's turn to Mitrofan's remark: “Take people for granted?” Read: deal with serfs?

A worthy descendant of the Skotinins. Not only a future, but also a real cruel serf owner.

The pathos of comedy is satirical

Comedy is based on artistic technique, which is called antithesis (opposition, contrast) - enlightened virtuous nobles (Starodum, Pravdin) and ignorant evil landowners (Prostakova, Skotinin) are opposed to each other.

A.L. Murzina, honored teacher of Kazakh. SSR,

teacher-methodologist of NP secondary school “Lyceum “Capital”

Comic in the works of D. I. Fonvizin

(using the example of the comedy “The Minor”)

This comedy is incredible


D. Fonvizin

It is in vain to call a doctor

the sick are incurable.

D. Fonvizin


I"The Minor" is a satirical comedy.

II“Laughter through tears” on the pages of comedy.

- gallery negative heroes

- comedy - it's laughter through tears.

- Fonvizin, a citizen of his time, is bitter and

It’s painful to watch how the future of Russia is dying -

young generation, ugly brought up

mitrofans, which will become a brake

for spiritual and cultural development Russia.

    Current problems of our time.

- In comedy, two worlds with different needs, lifestyles, speech patterns, and ideals collide.
- criticism of autocratic-krapostnist reality

- By creating a comedy, Fonvizin hoped that the time would come when progressive youth would consider an inactive life a shame:
"A nobleman would consider it the first dishonor to do nothing,
when he has so much to do, there are people who need to be helped, there is a Fatherland to serve. "
- as a result of this, Russia will become educated, spiritually rich, because the value of a nation should be determined by the affairs of its people

- tragedy of fate common man

- the problem of upbringing and education of the younger generation

- the desire to see Russia educated, spiritually rich.

2. Satire on landowners - serf owners (Prostakovs - Skotinins):

A)rudeness and unbridled nature;

- speaking surnames

- exaggeration negative traits

- the baseness of the heroes’ desires

b)guide to action - selfish calculation and personal gain;

- the world of the Prostakovs and Skotinins wants to suppress, subjugate life, arrogate to itself the right to dispose of not only serfs, but also free people

- they are trying to decide the fate of Sophia and Milo,

- rude, primitive, resorting to violence, but that’s how they do it

V)position – inveterate serf owners;

- the writer shows her confidence that a serf is obliged to be able to do everything,

must fulfill all her whims/.
"Such bestial reasoning..."

- Prostakova is convinced that she lives according to the correct laws. This is how it was and will be, this is how their ancestors lived, and this is how their children should live.

- The order in Prostakova’s house is terrible: “From morning to evening, like someone hanged by the tongue, I don’t lay down my hands: I fight, I scold, and that’s how the house holds together.”
- Skotinin: “If I weren’t Taras Skotinin, if not every fault is my fault.”
- corporal punishment serfs in the Prostakov estate were a common occurrence.

- The position of the serfs is extremely difficult: Eremeevna faithfully served her masters for 40 years, receiving for this “five rubles a year and five slaps a day.”

- the humiliated position of a slave, every minute insults made her a faithful master's dog, deprived her of self-esteem.

- Fonvizin stood up in defense of the great Russian talented people, oppressed by despots - landowners.

G)mental retardation.

- Mrs. Prostakova at Mitrofanushka's lesson! : “It’s very nice to me that Mitrofanushka doesn’t like to step forward... He’s lying, my dear friend. When you find the money, don’t share it with anyone, take it all for yourself, Mitrofanushka. Don't study this stupid science. Don't work in vain, my friend. I won’t add a penny, and there’s no reason to. Science is not like that. Only torment for you; but all I see is emptiness. There is no money, what to count. There is money - we’ll figure it out well without Pafnutich...”

- Prostakova scolds like a street vendor and is touched by her son’s gluttony

3. Angry protest against education (the image of Mitrofanushka):

A)aversion to work, learning;

- “I don’t want to study, I want to get married,” and then live the way his relatives live.
- and what other desires may appear in the soul of an undergrowth, if he was raised this way from the very beginning? early childhood?!
- and, according to his loving mother, he received an excellent upbringing and, of course, training.

b)underdevelopment of the mind;

V) lack of love for everyone except oneself.

- at the end of the comedy we are not only funny, but also scared.

- a mixture of arrogance and servility, rudeness and confusion makes Prostakova pathetic

- impunity and permissiveness taught Prostakova to the idea that there were no insurmountable obstacles in front of her.

- she becomes a toy of her own passions.

- and thoughtless mother's love turns against herself.

- Mitrofan abandons his mother at the most difficult moment of her life.

- He doesn’t need a mother who has lost money and power.

- he will look for new influential patrons.

- his phrase: “Let it go, mother, I imposed myself...”

became winged.

- this does not change its ominous meaning,

but rather intensified . 4 . The destructive impact of serfdom on :

INcomedy has a deep meaning

- she sarcastically ridicules rudeness that wants to look kind, greed hiding behind generosity, ignorance pretending to be educated.

- according to the playwright, serfdom It is destructive not only for the peasants, as it turns them into obedient, dumb slaves, but also for the landowners, turning them into tyrants, tyrants and ignoramuses.

- cruelty and violence become the most convenient and familiar weapon for serf owners.

- therefore, the first impulse of Skotinin, and then of Prostakova, is to force Sophia into marriage. And only after realizing that Sophia has strong defenders, Prostakova begins to fawn and tries to imitate the tone of noble people.

- but is Prostakova capable of wearing a mask of nobility for a long time? Seeing that Sophia is slipping out of her hands, the landowner resorts to the usual action - violence.

A)servants in the Prostakovs' house;

b)family relationships.

IIIThe topicality of the comedy “The Minor” these days.

- crushing, angry-satirical

Fonvizin's laughter is directed at

the most disgusting aspects

autocratic serfdom

- Gogol noted that “Minor”,

in which traditional love

the intrigue is pushed far into the background

plan, laid the foundation for the original Russian

the genre of “truly social comedy”.

This is the secret of long stage life comedies.

- The play "The Minor" is not a work of distant times, but a modern-sounding work that will help to wage an irreconcilable battle with the still encountered skotinins, Mitrofans, with their terribly tenacious traits .