What does an artist specializing in digital painting need? What is CG? Rare job change

Creativity and Hobbies

Become a professional CG artist

I have loved the world of CG since childhood, and recently drawing has become my life.

I am already 24 years old, I have a higher education in non-art and several years of working as an office hamster under my belt. At one point, I decided that this life did not suit me and I needed to change something. I gathered all my will into a fist and entered college to become an animator. Now a year has passed. While training was going on, I began to study what professions there are in the world of artists. I realized that the profession of an animator does not really attract me, just like the cartoons themselves. I prefer to draw and look at static pictures. I prefer sci-fi, military, I like it too cartoon style in the drawing.

I want to develop, educate myself and gain skills. I would like to come up with concepts and different objects for games.

Completion Criteria

Draw in such a way that you won’t be ashamed of your drawings. Receive orders for drawings.

Personal resources

Two years left, a great desire, a personal computer, video tutorials, books, an initial level of drawing and the support of my husband.

Environmentally friendly goal

I want to make a living by drawing because it's the only thing that really brings me pleasure. In addition, I want to see how the gaming industry is developing in the country, I want to see this process from the inside.

Computer (CG) an artist who creates his works exclusively on a computer is a well-rounded person, because creating digital images requires a lot of technical knowledge. This distinguishes him from ordinary painters, who do not need unnecessary tools other than canvas, brushes and paints.

1. It is believed that for any artist it is necessary to have talent. However, all famous graphic artists and painters claim that success consists of only one percent of talent, the remaining 99% consists of diligence and work. So, taking one percent as the initial value, you can understand that it takes a lot of effort for an artist to be able to create, overcoming all the difficulties that arise, laziness and many other distractions.

Only constant training provides an opportunity to realize your talent.

2. A computer artist, like any other painter, must have the basics academic drawing and painting. He must have a steady hand, great. developed sense composition and eye, as well as correct color perception. Only through diligent training does it become possible to achieve professional mastery in drawing.

3. For competent execution of digital images, in addition to the classical fundamentals of drawing and painting, additional knowledge is required, such as foreign language and mastery of special graphics programs. Without these skills and abilities, drawing will not bring pleasure, but will only become "heavy load".

4. Naturally, to create computer graphics, especially for three-dimensional and animated images, you will need a fairly powerful computer.

5. Required condition is to have a perfectly calibrated monitor with excellent color reproduction and high resolution.

6. To realize your creative potential A CG artist will need additional equipment such as a computer mouse, graphics tablets, a scanner and a digital camera.

When working in vector programs, it is enough optical mouse.

For more accurate and complex drawings will be needed tablet, or it is also called . Graphic tablets have the same formats as paper - from A6 to A3. For professional computer graphics, the largest format is used.

To work with the digitizer, you need a special pen, shaped like a regular pen. This cursor is also called a stylus. Graphics tablet allows you to create a drawing as close as possible to the drawn image on plain paper; a masterfully executed work can be impossible to distinguish from a man-made creation.

The principle of operation using a digitizer is the same as on a simple sheet of paper, however, the "" in in this case serves as a graphics device, and the created picture appears in the file and is displayed on the monitor.

For an artist, the digitizer itself often represents great value than the computer itself.

Auxiliary input devices are scanner And camera. It is often easier and more appropriate to draw a sketch on paper, then transfer it to electronic format. To create the necessary photographs from nature (references) comes to the rescue indispensable assistant- camera.

There are already more advanced and expensive devices, such as, on which the creation of an image is carried out on the screen, and the pen has ink. For professional digital painting, such a device is much more convenient than a regular tablet.

7. Also computer artist in my work it is necessary Printer. To print large formats you will need plotter. These devices are quite expensive and large in size. Only a few artists can afford them to work at home.

8. An important condition is excellent command of graphic programs, without which you cannot do without digital painting. There are many graphic editors, each of which has its own features and advantages.

Any program has its purpose.

Adobe Photoshop is the most common editor, it allows you to create both raster and vector images. This program allows you to work in photo art techniques and create animated images.

Photoshop provides a wide range of different effects. Besides everything, this graphic editor has a lot of convenient ways saving and editing files. The capabilities of the program are so great that there are very few people who have studied all of them.

Corel Painter also applies to no less popular programs among CG artists. This graphic editor has more than four hundred varieties of brushes. Corel is designed primarily for creating vector images, so a huge variety of effects and functions are not required.

Adobe Illustrator – similar in purpose and functions to Corel Draw vector program.

3D Max, Maya, ZBrush– editors for 3D modeling, which require a powerful, at least 4-core, computer to work with. There are many more graphic editors, each of which has its own purpose.

Licensed programs cost a lot, but for computer artists to professional work It is still recommended to purchase this version to avoid troubles with inspection authorities. Companies producing these graphic programs are increasingly paying attention to copyright compliance.

There are alternative free programs available, the most common of which is GIMP. A CG artist most often prefers one favorite editor, but the use of other programs is often necessary.

9. For an artist specializing in digital painting, having the necessary skills, equipment, tools and knowledge of graphic editors will allow him to create fruitfully. But he's like anyone creative person, needs the approval of contemplatives. Moreover, the more recognition, the better for the development of his creative potential.

10. The result of considerable work and diligence is the demand in the market for services.

Compliance with all these conditions is necessary for a computer artist to be completely successful! Any CG artist will agree with this. However, we should not forget about the existence the most important condition: To fully unleash your creative potential, you need to devote yourself to this activity as much as possible!

Date of publication: 04/15/2012

How are special effects for films created? What is digital painting? What do CG and CGI mean? We will answer these questions in this two-part article. And besides, here you will find addresses of websites on the topic and videos about creating special effects for films.

The article turned out to be so long that I had to divide it into two parts to make it easier to read. The first part is devoted to theory and special effects, and the second to digital painting and graphics.

In general, most of the resources on the Internet related to the creation of special effects and digital painting are of foreign origin. This is due to the fact that in Russia this area is still developing. That is why Russian blockbusters with beautiful special effects have appeared quite recently. It is worth mentioning Timur Bekmambetov, who gave impetus to modern Russian blockbusters (for which many thanks to him).


"CG" translates to "computer graphics". However, as a rule, this concept has a slightly different meaning. After all, the concept of “computer graphics” covers almost any field of activity where graphics are created by or with the help of a computer. However, the word “CG” specifically implies the creation of either special effects for video, or digital painting, or the creation of graphics for various interactive presentations and video games.

True, special effects in movies are usually called "CGI" ( computer- generated imagery , literally "computer-generated images"). Although, in principle, there are no special differences between CG and CGI.

And now the most interesting...

Special effects in cinema

Once upon a time, special effects were very primitive, but also innovative. Usually, the essence of special effects was to skillfully erase safety ropes, etc. from the frame to make everything look exciting and more interesting. All this happened in the days of silent films.

Later, when there was a need for various movie monsters, there was a need for corresponding special effects. Of course, if you need to create a humanoid or Bigfoot, then the actor simply applied makeup or put on a costume. However, creating something more complex caused big problems for directors.

To add bizarrely shaped creatures to movies, filmmakers came up with stop-motion animation. Those. a plasticine model of the creature was made, and then photographed many times, while its body pose was slightly changed. And then, if you quickly scrolled through such photographs (30 frames per second), it looked like the creature was moving. Although it looked ridiculous, the directors managed to make it quite interesting.

It was stop-motion animation that changed everything (even modern special effects are made according to the same principle). However, even in our time, some cartoons are made using frame-by-frame animation, because such cartoons look unique and interesting.

And then came the era of information and computerization...
Then the film industry realized that it was possible to render special effects using a computer. Moreover, characters and various creatures can also be drawn directly on the computer and transferred to film during editing. Then the first films with “embedded” characters appeared.

However, with this came problems. Due to the fact that such characters were superimposed on the tape after filming, the actors had to show all their acting abilities in order to interact with such an “invisible partner”.

When Steve Jobs created the Pixar company, he wanted to create a cartoon made and drawn only using a computer. This is how the Toy Story series was born.

Modern cinema is not far from the basics used by the forefathers of special effects. Only the plasticine creatures were replaced by creatures made entirely in graphic editors. However, there are a couple of techniques and tricks that modern directors actively use...


Pronounced "chroma kay", although the correct pronunciation should be "chroma kee". The idea is simple: the actor is filmed against the backdrop of a green or blue cloth (rear screen), and after that the canvas is replaced with an image. Those. you can shoot almost an entire film in one pavilion, where main character travels around the planet (by the way, this is how the film Resident Evil 4 was created).

To project the desired image well onto the rear screen, you need to use a monotonous soft color, and therefore either green or blue are usually used.


This means "motion capture". Special sensors (white balls or cubes, etc.) are attached to a real actor, and then all his movements are analyzed on a computer. Those. an actor fully dressed in a suit of sensors makes some movements, and then this animation data is transferred to a computer character. This way the computer character moves just like a human (smoothly and physically correctly).
And sometimes, motion capture is used locally, for example, to add something computer-generated to a real actor (computer makeup, if you like).

3D graphic editors

Without them, you cannot make a single voluminous monster or creature, or build the whole city. To add, say, King Kong, you need to first model him. This is done in three-dimensional graphic editors, and the process is more like creating a sculpture. You need not only to be able to handle such programs, but also to know the basics of anatomy, composition, etc. As a rule, such people are also called artists, since the principle of work is almost the same.

Usually, a primitive model of the character is first made in order to understand how he will behave in the frame, how much space he will occupy, and how the actors should interact with him. And then a high-quality model is made for installation.

The skill of modern special effects creators is amazing. Fully simulated actors are already being created - of course, why pay a real actor when you can make your own, who will neither be capricious nor get sick.

In the following image you can see actor Jeff Bridges from the movie Tron: Legacy. On the left is the real Jeff Bridges, and on the right is his artificial young copy (which was created on a computer). Amazing, isn't it...

Filmmakers have many more clever ideas for using computer technology in cinema. Who knows, maybe tomorrow this article will have to be updated - new technologies for producing special effects will appear. Now special effects and artificial computer characters indistinguishable from reality, and what will happen next...

At the end I want to show you a few short videos about the creation of special effects in some films.

Visual effects and computer graphics have become an integral part of our lives. Today anyone can study the mysterious and Magic world post-production and become an expert in this field. The tips below will help you level up your VFX and CGI knowledge.

This is fairly obvious advice, but beginners very often ignore it. The habit of looking and analyzing should become part of the work process or training. After watching a film with cool visual effects, watch it again, but not as a viewer, but as a specialist. Try to find mistakes and problems, there are actually a lot of them. Analyze how the frame was created, how it was lit, and why it was done that way.


Try to repeat frames from your favorite films or videos. Of course, I was working on creating one cool shot cool team artists. But I am sure that most of the shots can be recreated with a minimum budget. The task is to create something similar with a minimum budget and maximum quality. Remember, you are doing this in your own best interest. professional development. As a result, these works will fit perfectly into the portfolio, and they can be published on behance.

Who am I?

When you watch Hollywood's acclaimed CGI blockbuster, remember that a team of professionals worked on every frame. Each team member did one highly specialized job. One group modeled while another lit the models, some painted the environments, some animated the characters, and some did the compositing, blurring the line between reality and the CG world. If everyone did everything, the result would be disastrous.

Therefore, it is important to decide what your soul is about. What are you willing to do for 10-12 hours a day without regretting a single second spent on work? You can choose several directions for yourself, but it is important to highlight the primary ones and, if possible, tighten up the rest.

Learn the Basics

Being a highly specialized expert is important, but you need to understand the entire process of creating a visual piece. If your job is to rig characters, then you need to understand and know how those characters were modeled, how best to light them, and how they will be composed with the footage. Basic knowledge in each of these areas will give you a huge boost to development.

Chat and meet experts

Go to CG and film related events. Of course, there are very few of them in the CIS, but when they happen, real visual effects sharks gather there.

It's never too late to learn or how to save a few years

A few years ago, it was believed that only a select few could become a VFX artist. In fact, that's how it was. Only the most diligent and persistent could find the valuable information they needed and spend hours studying programs through trial and error. Now everything is exactly the opposite. There is so much information that you could spend your entire life watching tutorials alone. But you won't get that far.

The only one the right way There will be training from professionals. Only under the supervision of a master will a student conquer the heights of the CGI industry.

The only question is where to go to study?

There is only one answer here - to the best masters of your business. For example, take studio courses TerminalFX, just look at them portfolio to understand how cool the teachers work there.
The money spent on training will pay off tens, if not thousands of times. The field of computer graphics is only gaining momentum and specialists are always needed here.

C.G. or CG Painting is nothing more than digital drawing or abbreviation for Computer Graphic. This direction includes all pictures drawn on a computer or, as it is also called, Digital.

What CG artists draw in depends on what exactly they are drawing. Roughly divided, there is raster, vector and 3D. The vector can still be animated later.

Raster is, first of all, Adobe Photoshop, in which you can draw in raster, partially in vector, create flash animations, work in the technique of photo art and collages.
Is there some more Corel Painter With a huge amount different brushes, imitating real painting. Some paint in less popular PhotoImpact, GIMP, SAI, Artweaver, Open Canvas, Art Rage, MyPaint, Krita. And of course in Paint, in which, by the way, it is convenient to draw pixel graphics, they say.

Vector is drawn mainly in Corel Draw And Adobe Illustrator. Both have their advantages and disadvantages, but both are the largest and most famous vector editors.

3D players also have a choice. 3D Max, Maya, ZBrush, Cinema4D– editors for 3D modeling. To fully create this type of computer graphics, you need a VERY powerful computer.

How is digital painting better than traditional painting?

  • Very high speed of work and a large selection of materials. Choice desired color- a matter of seconds (unlike traditional painting, where you need to mix or buy additional paints to get the desired color - it requires experience and time), choosing the right brush/tool ​​is also an almost instantaneous operation. You can do work with imitation oils, pastels, watercolors, or all at once, which is difficult in real world.
  • The ability to cancel your actions, as well as the ability to save at any point in your work and return to it later and again big list opportunities and advantages - all this makes the artist’s work several times faster with the same quality.
  • Computer work is immediately ready for use in digital technologies of cinema, games, layout - work done on the material with paints must first be transferred to digital form and there are also a lot of problems here, plus an additional stage of work.
  • Unlike traditional painting, digital painting has cool and convenient functions and tools: for example, working with layers or applying textures from photographs to the areas of the painting you need; generation of noise of a given type; various brush effects; HDR pictures; various filters and corrections, and much more.
Nevertheless there is a big problem related to color rendering - difficulties with displaying art on material media. Most monitors work in the RGB color model with the sRGB color space, the color boundaries of which are not the same as those of a typical CMYK printer, which has its own color gamut limitations. As a result, some colors visible on the monitor are not printed on paper, and at the same time, the full potential of the printer in terms of coverage is not used. To solve this problem, they use professional monitors with the ARGB color space (Adobe RGB), specially designed to accommodate almost all the colors available for the printer, and for the greatest match between the images on the monitor and the print medium, they use color profiles. However, 100% coincidence cannot be achieved, because Even the worst sRGB space is wider in some color areas than many CMYK spaces.

The problem of education still remains outside the brackets - few schools and courses, a lot of personal time and money. But I think few areas can boast of instant and easy development. In general, now I know what CG is with some additional details and I’m not afraid of this term. It seems to me that, despite the “warm and luminous” aura of traditional painting, the possibilities of CG are still just developing and in the future this direction will only get better.