How to draw a snowflake with a pencil easily. Drawing lessons for children

Draw snowflakes - favorite activity children, especially before the New Year holiday. Drawing them on paper or on a window is quite simple, but even such a seemingly easy task has its own secrets. The snowflake should be symmetrical, i.e. her right and left side should not be different. This requires accuracy and precision. Let's look at how to draw a beautiful snowflake with a pencil step by step. Videos and pictures on our website will help us with this.

To draw a snowflake with a simple pencil, draw a circle on paper. Draw a horizontal line through it, which will slightly extend beyond the circle. We mark the center of the line and draw two more intersecting lines through it in the same way. These are the rays of a snowflake. Around them we then add a pattern in the form short lines, semicircles, etc. However, attention: the pattern must be symmetrical.

Stage 1: draw the base of the snowflake - the sun

Stage 3: combining the patterns Stage 4: drawing the details Finished snowflake


There is another way to draw a snowflake with a pencil. You can do this using a hexagon. Let's analyze step by step how to do this, based on pictures for children and videos on our website.

First we draw a hexagon. To get it right, you can use templates to depict geometric shapes, which are often found on school rulers, or measure all the edges with a ruler: they should be the same size. We fit snowflakes into the resulting hexagon. To do this, draw three lines intersecting in the center so that their ends coincide with the corners of the hexagon. Once the base for the snowflake is ready, you can add patterns and decorations.

Stage 1: draw the base - a hexagon Stage 2: divide the hexagon into equal parts Stage 3: draw a star in the hexagon Stage 4: draw the details of the snowflake Stage 5: erase the extra contours Final stage: draw the snowflake


In fact, there are a lot of ways in which you can draw a snowflake with a pencil. We have pictures and videos on our website that will help you choose the one that is most convenient for you. As for children, the following method is suitable for them, which we will consider step by step.

1.Draw a circle. It is advisable to do this using a template or a compass, since if the circle turns out to be crooked, then the snowflake will turn out asymmetrical.

Stage 1: draw the base - a circle

2. At the second stage, it is advisable to draw three lines through the center of the circle, which will intersect in the center, although this is not necessary.

Stage 2: divide the circle into equal parts

3. Now we draw patterns in the form of a spiral so that each curl coincides with one of the lines. The drawing looks something like this.

Stage 3: start drawing patterns Stage 4: add spirals to the end Spiral snowflake in pencil Finished spiral snowflake

Using triangles

Another unique way to draw a snowflake is to use triangles inscribed within each other. Videos and pictures for children will help you visualize it.

  1. First, draw an isosceles triangle (with sides equal in size).
  2. On top of it we draw another isosceles triangle, but upside down. It turns out to be a six-pointed star.
  3. All that remains is to decorate its edges with carved patterns, and the snowflake is ready in all its glory.
How to draw a snowflake using a triangle

Complex options

We have reviewed simple options snowflakes, consisting of a sketch of a ray and elementary patterns. How to draw a snowflake with a pencil, more complex and, of course, more beautiful. Let's look at this process step by step.

To draw a snowflake with an elaborate pattern, we use the principle shown in the very first drawing. Using a template, we draw a circle and draw three lines through its center. Next we outline the contours of the pattern. We fit into big circle several more circles of smaller diameter, leaving space between them for the pattern. The following can serve as a pattern:

  • small circles,
  • ovals,
  • lines,

inscribed in the spaces between the main circles.

Stage 1: draw a circle with lines - the basis of a snowflake Stage 2: add circles

To make the rays more voluminous, we draw several more in parallel next to the main lines, and then combine them.

Stage 3: unite by drawing patterns

When the pattern drawing is completely ready, we wipe its base (initial circles and lines).

Finished snowflake

How to quickly draw a snowflake:

Heart shaped

Snowflakes can be given not only for New Year, but also for Valentine's Day. You may ask, “Why do we need snowflakes for this?” Don't forget that February 19 - Valentine's Day - is still winter, and it's easy to make a snowflake out of hearts. The result will be an unusual and charming valentine. If you don't know how to draw hearts, take a ready-made Valentine's card - a small card - and trace it on paper. Do this four times so that the hearts are arranged in a square and just touching each other. Now the snowflake is ready. It will make an unusual postcard.

Snowflake-heart in the form of a postcard

Unusual hexagon

We offer another easy and interesting way how to draw a snowflake. To do this, we will need a pencil, a sheet of paper and templates for drawing a hexagon and a circle, unless, of course, you know how to draw them yourself. To begin with, we draw a pretty hexagon large size. As in previous drawings, we draw three intersecting lines through the center. Inscribe a circle in the center of the hexagon. Next, we begin to inscribe six more circles so that their edges touch the center and one of the corners of the hexagon. It turns out this picture:

Snowflake with patterns

If desired, you can add patterns to the resulting snowflake.

So, let's summarize. To draw a snowflake, we will definitely need a circle and three lines passing through its center as a basis. We “string” patterns onto the base. The drawn snowflakes should be absolutely symmetrical, as in nature. They can be:

  • paint,
  • cut out of paper

decorate with them:

  • windows,
  • room,
  • educational institution.

A snowflake is the harmony that we admire in winter and delight our eyes. Drawings can give you joy and harmony for the whole year.

Other snowflake options

Pencil drawing is an incredibly interesting and useful hobby that allows you to develop fine motor skills and imagination in children and adults. Creative process does not take much time, and most importantly, it captivates you step by step work and the opportunity to put your thoughts and feelings on paper. For example, in anticipation New Year's holidays you can try to depict a fairy tale of the snowy season or its details. Snowflake drawing in pencil for New Year 2019 is one of the options that can be depicted on a white sheet of A4 format using colored pencils. There are a lot of reproduction options...below in the article only the most beautiful and simple snowflakes are demonstrated, which can be used in creating a postcard, hand-drawn applique for interior decor, and even.

Getting started should start with a sketch. Clear and well-drawn contours consisting of straight and straight lines, you can color it with blue or blue pencils at the end of the work. You can use glitter, drops of wax and even rhinestones as decoration.

Snowflake drawing in pencil using a ruler for New Year 2019

The simplest thing you can draw with a pencil is a snowflake. It is reproduced using a compass, a simple pencil and a ruler. As coloring, as mentioned above, you can use all shades of blue and cyan.

  • Step #1

Visually divide the white sheet into 4 parts, finding the middle. From the starting point, draw a circle, drawing 12 lines to it. The easiest way to do this is to use a ruler, placing it next to the circle.

  • Step #2
  • Step #3

Connect all the lines together to get a beautiful snowflake.

  • Step #4

Color the finished sketch by erasing unnecessary lines with an eraser.

Several snowflakes on one sheet - pencil drawing for New Year 2019

To prevent snowflakes from dancing on a sheet of paper, as in the last master class, divide the sheet into equal parts. True, if the first option suggested division into 4 parts, then this one represents a division first into two sides, and then into 4 on both sides. The result is a whole geometric system.

The further process may be identical to the first step-by-step master class or done completely differently. Appearance snowflakes are determined solely by the artist who decided to create a small masterpiece from available stationery.

For example, as an option, depict snowflakes such as in the photo below.

Snowflake in the shape of a flower for New Year 2019 - pencil drawing + photo

If your child wants to draw a simple and at the same time beautiful snowflake, show him a “flower” model consisting of five-pointed lines. He will definitely like her!

  • Step #1

Divide the sheet into 4 equal parts, marking the middle for yourself. Focusing on the intended point, draw a pentagon. From each corner of the figure, draw a straight line of equal length.

  • Step #2

Outline the child's side points extending from each line on both sides. This step will help simplify the task of drawing a snowflake.

  • Step #4

Ask your child to connect the dots together so that you get a snowflake like in the photo below.

  • Step #5

The finishing touch is the work.

The simplest snowflakes

Not every child or beginner in drawing can draw a snowflake in a pencil drawing. That is why today we propose to look at simple solutions that even a preschooler can repeat.

Snowflake drawing in pencil for New Year 2019

Draw a simple snowflake everyone can. But I want to draw her in such a way that the eyes will rejoice at her beauty, and not just become recognizable. Of course, not every person is an artist, but after reading this article, it will become much easier to draw these cute snowflakes:

Option 1

Let's look at an easy option for drawing a snowflake step by step with a pencil. Take your child with you and sit next to him, learn to draw a simple snowflake together. First draw a circle, then divide it into 4 parts by drawing two straight lines: horizontal and vertical. Spend some moretwo diagonal lines. Draw small branches at the tips of the snowflake.And in the center there are snowflakes draw curved lines in the form of a cobweb.

Option 2

Draw a hexagonal snowflake. Insidegreat circledraw a circlesmaller diameter. Between the two circles we draw corners so that both sides are symmetrical. Try to draw all six corners the same size. The beauty of a snowflake depends on this. Then we proceed to finish the very middle of the snowflake by drawing dwar hexagon. Divide the snowflake into 6 sectors using identical curved lines, connecting the corners and the double hexagon. Inside each sector, draw the same shape, but smaller in size. Inside the hexagon, draw small triangles. There are n leftdraw diamonds inside the sectors and ice “petals” outside.

Option 3

First draw a circle and 3 lines in it. Then draw two more circles in this circle different sizes. Thismore complex snowflake. Look at the diagram below and try to draw the same snowflake on paper with a pencil. When the snowflake is ready, trace it around the office with a felt-tip pen.

Option 4

How to draw a beautiful snowflake? To do this, draw a circle, and inside it there are two more circles of different sizes. Draw 3 lines that will divide the circles into six equal sectors. I would like to emphasize that the new steps are indicated in red. Then draw corners like in the picture. Try to draw 6 branches symmetrically. Decorate the snowflake with a beautiful pattern, but erase the circles with a grater. Finally, outline the snowflake with a marker.

You can draw a snowflake in different ways, we looked at just a few options. I think each of you will be able to come up with your own unique snowflake. Draw and post in the comments, let's learn from each other!

This lesson fell into the category of easy ones, which means that in theory it can be repeated by small child. Naturally, parents can help young children draw a snowflake. And if you consider yourself a more advanced artist, then I can recommend the “” lesson - it will require more perseverance from you, although it will be no less interesting.

What you will need

In order to draw a snowflake we may need:

  • Watercolor or oil paints.
  • A clean palette to mix colors and create new combinations.
  • Water for dissolving paints and soaking brushes.
  • Set of brushes. Professionals advise using natural brushes, but beginners can also use synthetic ones.
  • A clean cloth to wipe your brushes.
  • A little patience.
  • Good mood.

Step by step lesson

Natural phenomena are quite difficult to draw. That is, drawing them is not difficult, but achieving realism is much more difficult. I always recommend looking at the original to get the most accurate copy of what you are about to draw. In the Yandex image search, just search for “snowflake in the photo” to get large number the required material.

By the way, in addition to this lesson, I advise you to pay attention to the lesson “”. It will help improve your skill or just give you a little fun.

Advice: paints, especially watercolors, are afraid of time: they dry very quickly, so apply strokes as quickly as possible, but very carefully. A drawing created with paints is quite difficult to correct.

If you are not very confident with a brush and paints, then do not hesitate to sketch with a pencil. This will save you a lot of time and nerves. I recommend doing this before the first step.

Are there any patterns for drawing snowflakes? No, of course, each snowflake is unique and has one single crystalline form. After all, a snowflake is a crystal formed when water freezes.

Come up with a snowflake pattern yourself, draw a picture of a snowflake on paper, and then cut out the outline of the drawn snowflake with scissors and decorate your window with this paper snowflake. One paper snowflake will not be enough for a large window, but after this lesson you can easily draw pictures of snowflakes of a different shape. It will turn out very beautiful, more of course christmas decoration. To prevent pencil marks from being too noticeable, try to draw the contours of the snowflake firmly without pressing on it.

Now let's see how to draw the simplest snowflake step by step.

1. Snowflake has even number rays

It may seem that drawing a snowflake is too simple. It is possible, but only if in the first step of the drawing you symmetrically arrange the rays of the snowflake. Try to make this marking as accurately as possible, then the snowflake will be even and beautiful.

2. Draw the crystalline shape of a snowflake

You have already drawn a small circle in the center, now let's draw the main part of the snowflake crystal. To do this, place points at the junctions of the hexagon and connect these lines. A little higher, stepping back a little, duplicate the corners with gentle strokes on both sides of the rays and let's move on to the next step of the drawing.

3. Shape of snowflake rays

Connect the previously marked corners with lines going to the center of the snowflake. The result is the first rays of the crystal, which are slightly narrowed towards the center. On the contrary, draw the upper rays in the form of sharp swords. The result is the main outline of the snowflake. Then you can draw a snowflake arbitrarily, at your discretion, adding various patterns to it.

4. Snowflake drawing in detail

You can continue to draw a snowflake by copying my drawing, but you can draw a different kind of pattern. The main thing is that the pattern is symmetrical on all sides. Beautiful snowflake the one with a perfectly even pattern. Moreover, it is not always necessary to do complex geometric shapes, especially if you are going to cut out this snowflake design to decorate the window. Complex shapes will be difficult to cut accurately with scissors.

5. How to draw a snowflake. Final stage

A snowflake is usually drawn, then cut out of paper and decorated with a window, a Christmas tree, or made into a garland of snowflakes. Since a snowflake has a proportional even shape of rays, you can draw only one ray of a snowflake, fold the paper into four or eight layers and then cut out all the other rays along the contour of the drawn ray. Get a snowflake with 8 or 4 rays. If you are not going to cut out the snowflake drawing, then lightly shade the drawing with a simple pencil. The snowflake drawing will look more beautiful if the tinting is done with a blue colored pencil.

To draw a snowflake, in addition to a pencil, you will also need a ruler. Any drawing of a snowflake has the correct geometric shape and therefore it is better to draw it with a ruler. Are there any patterns for drawing snowflakes? No, of course, each snowflake is unique and has one single crystalline form. After all, a snowflake is a crystal formed when water freezes. Come up with a snowflake pattern yourself, draw a picture of a snowflake on paper, and then, using scissors, cut out the outline of the drawn snowflake, decorate the window with this paper snowflake. One paper snowflake will not be enough for a large window, but after this lesson you can easily draw pictures of snowflakes of a different shape. To prevent pencil marks from being too noticeable, try to draw the contours of the snowflake with barely noticeable pencil strokes. Now let's see how to draw the simplest snowflake step by step.

1. A snowflake has an even number of rays

It may seem that drawing a snowflake is too simple. It is possible, but only if in the first step of the drawing you symmetrically arrange the rays of the snowflake. Try to make this marking as accurately as possible, then the snowflake will be even and beautiful.

2. Draw the crystalline shape of a snowflake

You have already drawn a small circle in the center, now let's draw the main part of the snowflake crystal. To do this, put points at the junctions of the hexagon and connect these lines. A little higher, stepping back a little, duplicate the corners with gentle strokes on both sides of the rays and let's move on to the next step of the drawing.

3. Shape of snowflake rays

Connect the previously marked corners with lines going to the center of the snowflake. You will get the first rays of the crystal, which are slightly narrowed towards the center. On the contrary, the upper rays should be drawn in the form of sharp swords. The result is the main outline of the snowflake. Next you can draw a snowflake already arbitrarily, at your own discretion, adding various patterns to it.

4. Snowflake drawing in detail

You can continue draw a snowflake, copying my drawing, but you can draw a different type of pattern. The main thing is that the pattern is symmetrical on all sides. A beautiful snowflake is one that has a perfectly even pattern. In addition, you don’t always need to make complex geometric shapes, especially if you are going to cut out this design to decorate a window. Complex shapes will be difficult to cut accurately with scissors.

5. How to draw a snowflake. Final stage

A snowflake is usually drawn in order to then cut it out with scissors and decorate a window, a Christmas tree, or make a garland out of it. Since a snowflake has a proportional even shape of rays, you can draw only one ray, fold the paper into four or eight layers and cut out all the other rays along the contour of the drawn ray. When you unfold a sheet of paper folded in 4 or 8 layers, you will get a snowflake with 8 or 4 rays. If snowflake drawing If you are not going to cut it out, then lightly shade the drawing with a simple pencil. The snowflake drawing will look more beautiful if the tinting is done with a blue colored pencil.

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