Alexander Maslyakov Sr. personal life. Maslyakov Alexander - permanent presenter of KVN

E.V.: I confirm: there were rumors that A. Maslyakov was imprisoned... I also remember an article, if I’m not mistaken, in Izvestia entitled (I quote from memory) “Sasha no longer smiles.” Something like that.. .

I decided to test myself, I typed this phrase into a search engine and ended up on the website of the Union of Right Forces, where I found an article by A. Bogdanov dated November 17, 2005 (,7591,7667,quote=1 ). As it turned out, I was wrong, but not much:

"It's hard to recover from the shock after the November 10th concert on TV, dedicated to the Day police, at which Sasha Maslyakov put up a KVN team of policemen, and they swaggered and mocked Khodorkovsky. And then it seemed to me that I clearly remembered an article on the entire page, on page in " Literary newspaper"in the era of Brezhnev and Shchelokov" Our Sasha no longer smiles", where they also mocked how successfully Sasha was imprisoned for currency smuggling and exporting abroad an unlimited amount of diamonds weighing tens of carats, where do you think?! - in empty hollows and fillings of horse-sized back teeth! Special propaganda was written and published in mass circulation in order to convince Soviet people that there will be no more KVN in the Soviet Union, not for political reasons, clear and understandable to everyone, but thanks to the lightning-fast operation of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs to neutralize a large currency dealer and black marketeer, who even has double-walled teeth! Well, complete nonsense! “Our Sasha doesn’t smile anymore...” Then this was the pinnacle of custom journalism. Sharks of the pen worked for the KGB, ruining Sasha’s fate and reputation as honest man, in the eyes of the Soviet people, literally every comma"...

For KVN President Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov, nothing in this life comes easy. He was born in 1941 in the Urals. The father went to the front, the mother raised her son alone. Maslyakov does not like to remember those hungry times. Arriving on TV, young Alexander heard: “An unsightly boy. Let's see what he can do." The student was able to pull himself together and show what he was capable of. It was for his talent that he was accepted. The host of the comedy program met his wife Svetlana at work. She was an assistant director. The girl did not pay attention to Alexander’s advances for a long time, but at one point she gave up. The Maslyakov couple have been living together for 40 years. When KVN was closed in 1971, rumors began to circulate that Alexander was sent to prison for currency fraud. Maslyakov was very worried about gossip. He assures that he did not break the law and was not in prison. The program was closed due to the fact that the government did not like the sharp jokes of the KVN members. In the 80s, KVN was revived. On humorous program More than one generation has grown up. KVN gave huge amount artists. However, Maslyakov is disappointed in the quality of humor that the graduates of his program offer today. What upset him most was the Comedy Club, which is so popular today.

Place of birth, education. Born in Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg). In 1966 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers, in 1968 - Higher courses television workers.

Career. After graduating from the institute, he worked as an engineer for a year. After completing courses for TV workers, he worked in the Main Editorial Office of Youth Programs as a senior editor (1969-1976), special correspondent (1976-1980), and commentator (1980-1991). Then - a commentator at the television studio "Experiment" (1991-1992), a commentator at the studio of artistic, journalistic and mass programs of TO "Experiment" (1992-1995). In 1990 he created the Television Creative Association (TTO) "AMiK", and until 1998 he was the general producer. Since 1998 - President of TTO "AMiK" ("Alexander Maslyakov and Company").

President International Union KVN.

A. Maslyakov appeared on television in 1964, while still a student at the institute. During his studies, he was involved in amateur performances and was an active fan of the institute's KVN team. “One day Pasha Kantor, the captain of the team, ran into me in one of the classrooms and said: “Listen, let you be one of five!” And he explained that the workers of the youth editorial office of the Central Television were going to film a funny program. And the presenters should be five students from that institute that he won the last KVN game,” recalls Maslyakov. After that, he first appeared on television, from which he has not left for more than 40 years.

After the first shooting, the youth editors invited the student to host KVN. Before the show “Cheerful and Resourceful” was taken off the air in 1972, he was the permanent host of the program. Then there were the programs “Hello, we are looking for talents”, “Come on, girls”, “Addresses of the young”, “Virage”. A. Maslyakov reported from world festivals of youth and students in Sofia, Havana, Berlin, Pyongyang, and Moscow. Was a permanent presenter for several years international festivals songs in Sochi. He hosted the programs “Song of the Year”, “Alexander Show” and many others.

As president of the International KVN Union, A. Maslyakov was the leader of a mass informal youth movement, which involved tens of thousands of citizens of Russia and other countries in the territory former USSR, as well as from abroad. Within the framework of the Union, under his leadership, a huge infrastructure of various “Kaveen” tournaments has been created, many of which have international status and are broadcast by many television channels, occupying high ratings.

In 2013, he became a member of the jury of the TV show “Sense of Humor” together with Yuli Gusman.

In August 2016, it became known that the creative association "AMiK" filed a Federal service By intellectual property Russian Federation documents for registration of the trademark "Alexander Maslyakov".

On July 1, 2017, the Moscow government dismissed Maslyakov from the post of director of the MMC Planet KVN. This happened after an investigation. Transparency International , in which it turned out that on behalf of the Planet KVN center he transferred the Havana cinema in Maryina Roshcha in Moscow to his own creative association AMiK. Initially, the Moscow prosecutor's office did not identify any violations. However, Transparency International challenged this decision in Prosecutor General's Office . On December 1, 2017, the KVN press service denied the dismissal, saying that Maslyakov left of his own free will.

Regalia. Honored Artist Russian Federation(1994). Winner of the Ovation Prize (1994). Academician of the Russian Television Academy. Laureate of the Academy of Russian Television TEFI award - “For personal contribution to the development of domestic television” (2002).

In 2006 (the year of the 45th anniversary of KVN and the 65th anniversary of its presenter), A. Maslyakov was awarded a number of awards: the Order of Merit for the Fatherland (Russia), the Order of Merit (Ukraine), the Medal for Merit Chechen people"(Chechen Republic).

Civil position. In January 2012, he became a member of the “People's Headquarters” (in Moscow) of a candidate for the presidency of Russia.

In January 2018, he was registered as a proxy of Vladimir Putin in the presidential elections on March 18, 2018 in Russia.

Family ties. Father - Vasily Maslyakov (1904-1996), originally from the Novgorod region, his whole life was connected with aviation, was a military pilot, navigator, fought on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, after graduation he served on the Air Force General Staff.

Mother - Zinaida Alekseevna (born 1911), devoted her life to her family and raising her son.

His wife, Svetlana Maslyakova, after graduating from school, came to television as an assistant director of KVN (in 1966). In 1971, Alexander and Svetlana got married. For many years now, the wife of the Club president has been a KVN director.

Son Alexander Maslyakov (born 1980) is a graduate of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations, host of the “Planet KVN” and “Premier League” programs.

Alexander Maslyakov – television journalist, permanent host of the comedy and entertainment program “KVN”, founder of the creative association “AMiK”.

The childhood of a future journalist

Alexander Vasilievich was born in the fall of 1941 in the Urals. He was brought up in a strict, intelligent family. The boy's father was a military man, his mother was a housewife. At school, Maslyakov studied well and was distinguished by diligent behavior. Since childhood, Alexander dreamed of becoming famous, but having received a matriculation certificate, he took a package of documents to MIIT.

Alexander Maslyakov in his youth

After graduating from college, Maslyakov worked in his profession for several years, but at some point he realized that this was not his path. In 1969, Alexander got a job at the Main Editorial Office of Programs for Youth, where he took the place of senior editor, and remained there for 7 years. Then he was transferred to another department to the position of special correspondent. In 1981, the young man moved to the Expert television studio.

Maslyakov came to television by accident, at the request of his friend, he became one of the 5 presenters student program KVN. New look Alexander liked it, he even thought about the author’s program. The first program of the modern version of the club of cheerful and resourceful people aired in 1961, but for a number of reasons it was closed after the second episode. The return of the project to television screens took place in 1965, Albert Axelrod became the host of the project, but 3 years later his place went to Maslyakov.

A messy start to work at KVN

For the first 7 years, the KVN program was published exclusively in live, but due to Soviet ideology and strict principles, this idea had to be abandoned. Subsequently, all episodes were strictly censored before being broadcast. Ultimately, it reached the point of absurdity: participants in the show were strictly forbidden to wear a beard, because it desecrated the image of Karl Marx. As a result of such ups and downs, the broadcast of KVN was completely stopped.

Alexander Maslyakov at the beginning of his career

In 1986, thanks to the captain of the MISI-60 team, the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful returned to television screens. Alexander Maslyakov continued to lead the project. In the new format, the program has become even more popular. It was played in schools, colleges, universities, and not only in the Soviet Union, but also abroad.

Alexander Maslyakov and Svetlana Zhiltsova

In 1990, Alexander decided to open his own project, which was called “AMiK”. It was this creative association that became a permanent sponsor of KVN games at various levels. Under this label various entertainment programs. Modern editions of the humorous battle are significantly different from Soviet editions, where participants could criticize the current government to smithereens.

Alexander Maslyakov managed the AMiK company

Maslyakov’s brainchild supports the policies of the current president, who has been repeatedly invited to the KVN finals. At the same time, Vladimir Putin did not refuse invitations, and made several return visits. In 2013, Alexander Vasilyevich handed over the reins of the AMiK company to his only son, whom the participants call San Sanych.

Alexander Maslyakov on the KVN stage

In addition to the KVN TV show, Maslyakov led such projects as: “Hello, we are looking for talents!”, “Come on guys!”, “12th Floor”, “Sense of Humor”. His work has been highly recognized by numerous prestigious awards.

Alexander Maslyakov and Vladimir Putin

Happy family man

Alexander met his wife Svetlana in 1966. She worked as an assistant director of the KVN program. For about 5 years, the young people met and got to know each other better. Then Maslyakov proposed marriage to his beloved girl, and they registered their marriage.

Alexander Maslyakov with his wife

In 1980, the Maslyakov family was replenished with the birth of their first child, son Alexander. The guy followed in the footsteps of his parents and graduated from MGIMO. In 2006, the son of the eminent presenter had a daughter, Taya, who also keeps up with her creative relatives. The girl has already tried herself as a presenter charity project dedicated to Children's Day.

Son of Alexander Maslyakov with his wife and daughter

In December 2017, Maslyakov Sr. found himself at the center of a scandal; he was accused of numerous frauds while working in the KVN project. This was the reason for the dismissal of Alexander Vasilyevich from the position of State Unitary Enterprise. The investigation was conducted by independent experts who forwarded the existing facts about corruption to the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation.

About the lives of famous people public figures read

They say that nature rests on the children of celebrities. The same cannot be said about Maslyakov Jr. He inherited from his legendary father, the host of the beloved Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful, the ability to work with the public and surprise viewers with his professionalism. For my father, the main work of his life was the creation of a number of programs for young people: “Come on, girls!”, KVN, “Jolly Guys,” etc., which later became the most popular. From childhood, Sasha lived among the film crew and, as they say, with his mother’s milk he absorbed a love for various types of entertainment programs.

All photos 7


Maslyakov Jr. was born in Moscow on April 28, 1980. Alexander Maslyakov's parents are famous people. The father, the well-known Alexander Vasilyevich, is the permanent presenter of KVN, Svetlana Anatolyevna - the mother of our hero - worked as a television producer. She was the constant companion of her star husband and worked on releases of KVN programs. While studying at school, Alexander Maslyakov Jr. did not particularly show interest in all types of sciences. He was easy to handle math problems and read poetry perfectly, pleased teachers in all subjects. But I didn’t like going to an educational institution. Toward graduation, he decided to enter the Faculty of Economics at MGIMO. He passed the exams successfully, moreover, in 2006 he defended his Ph.D. in Economics. But he did not work in his main specialty.

At the age of 20, Alexander Maslyakov Jr. repeatedly appeared on screens as a regular viewer or host of KVN. Many were sure that Alexander Vasilyevich saw his son as the main contender for the presidency. And they were right, since Sasha already became the head of the KVN Premier League in 2003. This project allowed us to raise a whole galaxy of talented participants in the popular program. Moreover, the young presenter, without interruption from the league, created the programs “Planet KVN”, “First League”, “Outside the Game”. Maslyakov Jr. was often seen at regional competitions, after which he began to be called the most active and energetic member of the club. In 2013, Alexander Alexandrovich appeared on the stage of the next competition as a guest star for the number of one of best teams- “Team of the Kamyzyak region.” Thanks to his wit, the guys emerged as the winners of the season, and Maslyakov Jr. grew in the eyes of critics. But still, he was repeatedly attacked by his colleagues on TV. The well-known Maxim Galkin openly expressed the opinion that Sasha does not have such talents as his star father, builds a career due to the popularity of Maslyakov Sr., etc.

But the son of the talented Alexander Vasilyevich decided to ignore unnecessary conversations and never entered into conflicts. This manner once again proved good upbringing. And Sasha continues to work at the club, successfully leads the Premier League, and his reputation as a professional is growing every day.

Personal life

While studying at his diplomatic alma mater - the Institute of International Relations - Alexander Maslyakov met charming girl. Her name was Angelina Marmeladova. Before this the guy had no serious relationship and reasons for gossip in the yellow press. He constantly encountered the beautiful Lina within the walls of the university, in the dining room. Soon she decided to transfer to the group where Alexander studied. At first it was friendship, the girl helped him curb science. Over time, the friendly relationship developed into a deeper feeling, and the couple began to meet more often. The guy tried his best to impress Marmeladova pleasant experience, invited me to a cafe, then to a restaurant. Lina was especially pleased by the invitation to the next season of KVN, where Sasha felt like the master of the situation. After this, the strict girl gave up and agreed to marry Maslyakov Jr. The scale of the celebration amazed the seasoned restaurateurs, and as a gift the newlyweds received the keys to own apartment. Thus, Alexander finally became completely an independent person and found happiness in my personal life. You should not assume that Angelina is in some way behind her star husband. She was a successful student and has amazing knowledge of literature and journalism. Now Marmeladova famous writer, has published three novels that have become bestsellers, and works for various publishing houses. In 2006, she gave her husband a daughter, Taisiya, which also made her father-in-law, Alexander Vasilyevich, very happy. Together with her husband she works on television, directs theater studio“Fidgets”, and Alexander Maslyakov, the youngest, spends time with his favorite Club of the cheerful and resourceful.

    Alexander Maslyakov was born on November 24, 1941 - 72 years old today, November 24. will be 73 years old. Alexander Maslyakov’s wife since 1971 is Svetlana Semenova, she worked as an assistant director at KVN, after graduating from Moscow school, they met, this is where their romance began, and a family was created.

    As far as I know, the famous Russian TV presenter Alexander Maslyakov Sr. was born on November 24, 1941 in the city of Sverdlovsk. Thus, in 2015 he should turn 74 years old, however, he does not look his age at all. Most likely, at present, Alexander Maslyakov Sr. is being helped to remain forever young by his very modern sense of humor, as well as by his beloved wife, Svetlana Maslyakova.

  • Age of Alexander Maslyakov

    No matter how strange it may seem, it’s true, Alexander Maslyakov will turn 73 years old!! It’s hard to believe, it’s even impossible to believe, looking at Maslyakov when he leads KVN. It seems to me that he looks better than his son, Alexander Maslyakov Jr. I wonder what he does and does to look so amazing? And yet, that’s not the question. What is known about the popular presenter6

    • Date of birth - November 24, 1941
    • Place of birth - Russia, Sverdlovsk
    • Marital status - married
    • Wife - Smirnova Svetlana (1947)
    • Children - son Alexander (1980)
    • Grandchildren - granddaughter Taisiya (2006)

    Sasha met his wife on television back in 1966, when Svetlana was an assistant director of KVN. In 1971 the couple got married. Then Maslyakov had a difficult period of life, from 1974, he served a sentence in the city of Rybinsk, colony YN 83/2, under the article Currency fraud (although he denies this).

    In a word, rich life to events, bright personality, excellent presenter.

  • Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov was born in Sverdlovsk on November 24, 1941. To him 72 years old. His wife’s name is Svetlana Anatolyevna Maslyakova, she was born on October 11, 1947. They met on television in 1966, Svetlana was an assistant director of KVN.

    Alexander Maslakov Sr. is already 74 years old:

    He married Svetlana Anatolyevna Maslyakova at the age of 29. Here's a photo of them together:

    Alexander also has a son - Maslakov Jr., also Alexander. His age is 35 years old.

    Our beloved permanent television presenter Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov will turn 10 on November 24 this year. 73 years old. It’s impossible to believe it, looking at how he hosts the show Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful. Standing on your feet for 2 hours at his age is a great feat. I wish him good health for many years to come.

    Alexander Vasilyevich’s wife is his colleague, Svetlana Anatolyevna Maslyakova, the permanent director of the KVN program. Born in 1947.

    Looking at Alexander Vasilyevich, I can’t believe at all that this year he will turn 74 years old, it will happen on November 24th. Well, the permanent host of the popular comedy program looks very young.

    He found his soulmate on television back in 1966. Her name is Svetlana Anatolyevna and she is six years younger than her husband.

    Son - Alexander Jr. followed in his father's footsteps.

    In November 2016, the permanent presenter of KVN, Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov, celebrated his 75th anniversary.

    He looks great for his age, it feels like his appearance hasn’t changed at all over the years. recent years twenty.

    His height is 170 centimeters, and his weight fluctuates around 86 kilograms.

    He has been married to Svetlana Maslyakova since 1971, they have a common son, whose name is Alexander Maslyakov (junior), born in 1980.

    Alexander Vasilievich in the photo with his wife:

    Looking at Alexander Maslyakov, you would never say that in a month and a half he will turn 73 years old - he looks much younger than his age. Alexander’s wife’s name is Svetlana, she works with her husband and is a KVN director.

    For as long as I can remember, the presenter at KVN was always Alexander Maslyakov, who then handed over the palm to his son Alexander Alexandrovich.

    Now Alexander Maslyakov Sr. is 73 years old. But he copes well in life: not every person at his age is capable of broadcasting on his feet for several hours.

    He also chose his wife from the KVN group. His constant companion throughout many years- Svetlana Anatolyevna, who is the director of the program. Svetlana Anatolyevna will soon be 70 years old.

    Health to the couple!

    Alexander Maslyakov already celebrated his seventy-fifth birthday this year. Maslyakov Sr. was born in 1941 on the twenty-fourth of November. His hometown- Sverdlovsk.

    Alexander Maslyakov is married to Svetlana Maslyakova. They met back in 1966.

    The couple has a son named Alexander.

    And here is Maslyakov and his wife:

    By the way, my wife works as a director of the famous KVN program.