Ex-host of the Comedy Club Sargsyan Tash: brief biography, career and personal life. Ex-host of "Comedy Club" Sargsyan Tash: biography, career and personal life Tash Sargsyan first releases of the comedy

Սարգսյան; June 1, 1974, Yerevan) - Russian producer and former host of the Comedy Club, former editor-in-chief magazine "Total Football" former actor KVN team “New Armenians.” />

Artashes Gagikovich Sargsyan(hy Արտաշես Գագիկի Սարգսյան; June 1, 1974, Yerevan) - Russian producer and former host of the Comedy Club, former editor-in-chief of the Total Football magazine, former actor of the KVN team New Armenians. Stage name- Tash.


Graduated from the Faculty of Winemaking of the Yerevan Agricultural Academy. He played in KVN in the “New Armenians” team. In its composition in 1994 and 1995 he performed in the KVN First League.

In 1996, Sargsyan and his team made their debut in the KVN Major League and in the first season they reached the semi-finals, in which they lost to the future champions “Makhachkala Tramps”. In the same year, performing for the first time at music festival in Jurmala, “New Armenians” immediately won the second prize - “KiViN in Light”. Artashes Sargsyan and his team won the same award at the next festival.

In the 1997 season, he became the champion of the Major League, sharing this title with the team “Zaporozhye - Krivoy Rog - Transit”. In 1998, “New Armenians”, as champions, skipped the season, concentrating on touring activities. This year, the Armenian team won the KVN Super Cup, and also participated in the KVN music festival, where this time they were left without awards.

In 1999, Sargsyan, together with his team, took part in the Major League games as a favorite, where they reached the final, losing to the young BSU team. “New Armenians” also performed at the next festival in Jurmala and the KVN Summer Cup, where they also remained without awards. After 1999, the team ended its career in seasonal KVN tournaments, taking part only in the Jurmala festival in 2000, where it won the Presidential KiViN, and the Summer Cup in 2001. “New Armenians” focused on touring activities, performing concerts in many CIS countries, Europe, as well as in Israel and the USA.

During one of the American tours in 2001, members of the team attended a performance of the local " Comedy Club" - show in the genre stand-up comedy. By 2003 concert activity The New Armenians began to decline and team members experienced serious financial difficulties; Under these conditions, it was decided to try to implement the Comedy Club idea in Moscow. Among those who came up with and implemented this idea, along with Artur Janibekyan, Artur Tumasyan, Garik Martirosyan, Artak Gasparyan, was also Artashes Sargsyan. From the very beginning of the show, he became a non-thumbnail host.

In 2007, he opened his own restaurant, TM Cafe, which won several awards. In December 2010, Artashes Sargsyan opened the cafe “Cafe “54””.

Hobbies: alpine skiing, snowboarding, skating, traveling, active Internet user, maintains his own blog on LiveJournal and Twitter.

He is a passionate football fan and supports Lokomotiv Moscow, Barcelona and the Russian national team. He was the host of the “Football Night” program on the NTV channel. From 2011 to August 2012 - editor-in-chief of Total Football magazine.

Participant's name: Artashes Gagikovich Sargsyan

Age (birthday): 1.06.1974

City: Yerevan

Education: SAUA

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Tash Sargsyan is remembered by Russian viewers as the first host of the Comedy Club show.

He was born in Yerevan and as soon as he learned to speak he immediately made it clear to everyone that he would be an artist.

He danced, sang, showed theatrical skits - relatives loved to gather in the evenings to watch the next concert.

But when his schooling came to an end, Tash did not apply to theater institute, and to the Agricultural Academy at the Faculty of Winemaking. It seemed to both him and his parents that this profession would be more reliable and consistently paid.

However, as they say, nature cannot be fooled - the boy’s studies were, to put it mildly, boring and uninteresting.

But Tash still got to the diploma, and his student everyday life was diversified by KVN.

He became part of the legendary team “,” with which he performed on the stage of the television KVN. Tash became a champion three times, and the other participants became more than friends for him.

In 2003, the guys reached the point where they urgently needed to change the direction of their activities. The team fell in love with the audience, but in its usual form it was no longer so interesting.

Tash and decided to create the Comedy Club, comedy show, adapted to Russian realities. Unlike other artists, Tash did not want to go on stage with lines in different images - the project needed an entertainer, and he gladly took this position.

At the same time, he never went unnoticed; he was loved for the intonation of his voice, the atmosphere he created, for the jokes that rarely but aptly came from him.

But after a few years Tash decided to leave the project and do something else, which had been attracting him for a long time.

He opened a cafe, then another, then another - now he owns a chain of restaurants.

Having the habit of welcoming guests with widely laid tables, Tash created unique establishments in which everyone who comes feels at home - Caucasian hospitality has become the main reason for success in business.

Along with work Tash is a blogger, he actively shares information on his online pages. And recently, he tried himself as editor-in-chief of the sports channel “Match TV” - today he continues to work in this position.

Sport means a lot in the life of a showman; he himself is actively involved in it, prefers winter views. He also likes football, but only as a fan; Sargsyan does not like to play it.

Tasha’s personal life is well organized- in 2012, he met a blond student Olya at a party with mutual friends. The girl is not only beautiful, but also educated, and, as it turned out later, is an excellent housewife, which has always been important for Tasha.

Now the couple lives in a civil marriage, they have no children. He is the main breadwinner, and Olya carefully preserves the family hearth.

Photo Tasha

Tash Sargsyan has more than 20 thousand subscribers on Instagram.

Actor and TV presenter Tash Sargsyan (Artashes Sargsyan) was one of those who stood at the origins of the creation of a popular Russian humorous project "Comedy Club" . From the very beginning of the project Tash Sargsyan was its permanent leader.

Tash Sargsyan Born in the Armenian city of Yerevan, from childhood he was a bright and artistic child, always loved to be in the center of attention, and had a craving for creativity. But when after school it's time to choose future profession, Tash entered the Yerevan Agricultural Academy at the Faculty of Winemaking. It seemed more accessible and practical than trying to pass exams for some more creative specialty.

However, true nature always takes its toll, and it is not surprising that Tasha found it boring to study to become a winemaker. But his student years turned out to be decorated by playing in the KVN team. Tash spent much more time playing than studying. And although he did graduate from the academy, his real passion was artistic activity.

During my student years Tash Sargsyan became one of the creators and participants of one of the most successful KVN teams"New Armenians".

Tash Sargsyan is the champion of the KVN Major League in 1997, as well as the winner of the KVN Summer Cup in 1998 and the Big KiViN in the bright years of 1996 and 1997.

Tash Sargsyan: “I am a very lucky person. I don’t have super talent, I’ve just always been surrounded by gifted people. This helped in life. I grew up as an artistic child, and, to be honest, I never had the feeling that I would grow up and start going to work - it seemed that there would always be a holiday around.”

Tash Sarkisyan and his activities in the Comedy Club / Tash Sarkisyan

In 2003, all members of the KVN team "New Armenians", including Tasha Sargsyan felt that the “wind of change” required them to take a new professional leap. In its previous form, the team no longer had any further development potential, and one day during a trip to America, Armenian comedians were inspired by the idea of ​​​​creating their own in Russia "Comedy Club" , adapted to realities home country and the mentality of its inhabitants. The idea was not immediately developed; for a long time the artists doubted the success of such an unusual and new project for Russia. But when it became finally clear that the time of the “New Armenians” was up, the KVN members decided to take a risk. Soon Tash Sargsyan became not only one of the founders, but also the leading Russian project "Comedy Club" . Unlike the other members of the former KVN team, Tash chose activities not related to humorous remarks. According to him, “this is how it happened historically: at first a lot of time was spent on organizational issues, and then we quickly assigned roles.” In the future, he did not want to change his role as a presenter to the place of an artist in the group, and it was in this image that he was loved and remembered by all viewers.

Tash Sarkisyan / Tash Sarkisyan and his personal life

When one day Tash Sargsyan realized that he again needed to change something in his activities, he left "Comedy Club" and did what he had dreamed of for a long time - opened his own cafe. First one, and then the second.

Tash Sargsyan: “For me, the ideal situation in life is the same as in Georgian comedies: welcome to our long table, we will have fun for the rest of our lives and say nice things to each other. I just want to do what I’ve dreamed of my entire adult life: to be the owner of a place where people come to get good emotions. My cafe is for those who are still children at heart. You can come there to talk, you can dance there slow dance and, having heard the music, say - this is the same music to which I danced at the disco in the pioneer camp.”

In his free time from working on his brainchildren, Tash likes to surf the Internet - he has his own pages in various social networks where is the former presenter "Comedy Club" leads a fairly active lifestyle. However, he loves sports even more, mainly winter sports. From the summer, Tash is seriously interested in football, but mostly as an ardent fan.

Tash Sargsyan: “Of course. I experience depression and despondency, primarily because of relationships with people. I am very easily offended, and I always feel this very strongly. But to be honest, I happy man. For complete happiness, all I need is the feeling that it will last forever.”

Artashes Sargsyan, known to all of us as Tash, was born in 1974 in the city of Yerevan. He studied at the Agricultural Academy at the Faculty of Winemaking. According to the official website of agent Tash Sargsyan, he played for the New Armenians team for two years. In 1995 it was already the First League. In 1996, he made his debut in the Major League and immediately he and his team made it to the semi-finals. In the same year, New Armenians took part in Jurmala and received the second prize there. In 2001, New Armenians began touring with their performances in various countries. During such tours, Tasha was noted by members of the local Comedy Club project.

In 2003, the work of the KVN team New Armenians slowed down and they decided to implement a similar stand-up project in Moscow. The result was this wonderful humorous show, which today delights us with his miniatures, sketches and comic songs. In the capital's Comedy Club, Tash became the host; he did not take part in the miniatures. Today you can invite Tash Sargsyan to an event, to a celebration. His presence at your celebration will truly become one of the brightest memories in your life.

In addition to his career in the field of humor, the artist owns his own restaurant, which has repeatedly received all kinds of prizes and awards. He is constantly invited as a presenter on various television programs, as well as as a participant in reality shows. Tash is an ardent football fan, host of Football Night on NTV and editor of a sports magazine. In addition, he is the presenter of Sports ReportTASH on Comedy Radio. Such a versatile and active personality is this Tash Sargsyan.

Organization of Tash Sargsyan's concert