The hero of the work is The Master and Margarita. Essay “The main characters of The Master and Margarita

Roman Master and Margarita - famous novel Bulgakov, which he wrote for 10 years. Characters in the novel The Master and Margarita live an unusual and interesting life.

The main characters of the novel The Master and Margarita

The main characters are the Master and Woland, and in general there is a lot of characters.

Master (Image of the Master in the novel The Master and Margarita)

Professional historian who won a large sum into the lottery and got the opportunity to try yourself in literary work. Having become a writer, he managed to create a brilliant novel about Pontius Pilate and Yeshua Ha-Nozri, but he turned out to be a person not adapted to the era in which he lived. He was driven to despair by persecution from colleagues who cruelly criticized his work. Nowhere in the novel is his first and last name mentioned; when asked directly about this, he always refused to introduce himself, saying, “Let’s not talk about that.” Known only by the nickname “master” given by Margarita. He considers himself unworthy of such a nickname, considering it the whim of his beloved. A master is a person who has achieved the highest success in any activity, which may be why he is rejected by the crowd, who are unable to appreciate his talent and abilities. Master, main character novel, writes a novel about Yeshua (Jesus) and Pilate. The master writes a novel, interpreting the gospel events in his own way, without miracles and the power of grace - like Tolstoy. The master communicated with Woland - Satan, a witness, according to him, to the events described in the novel.

“From the balcony, a shaven, dark-haired man of about thirty-eight years old, with a sharp nose, anxious eyes and a tuft of hair hanging over his forehead, cautiously peered into the room.”

Margarita Nikolaevna (The image of Margarita in the novel The Master and Margarita)

A beautiful, wealthy, but bored wife of a famous engineer, suffering from the emptiness of her life. Having met the Master by chance on the streets of Moscow, she fell in love with him at first sight, passionately believed in the success of the novel he wrote, and prophesied fame. When the Master decided to burn his novel, she managed to save only a few pages. Then she makes a deal with Messire and becomes the queen of a satanic ball organized by Woland in order to regain the missing Master. Margarita is a symbol of love and self-sacrifice in the name of another person. If you name the novel without using symbols, then “The Master and Margarita” is transformed into “Creativity and Love.”

Woland (The image of Woland in the novel The Master and Margarita)

Satan, who visited Moscow under the guise of a foreign professor black magic, "historian". At its first appearance (in the novel “The Master and Margarita”), the first chapter from the Roman is narrated (about Yeshua and Pilate). The main feature of appearance is eye defects. Appearance: “He was neither short nor huge in stature, but simply tall. As for his teeth, he had platinum crowns on the left side and gold ones on the right. He wore an expensive gray suit, expensive foreign shoes to match the color of the suit, and always had a cane with him, with a black knob in the shape of a poodle’s head; the right eye is black, the left one is green for some reason; the mouth is kind of crooked. Shaven clean." He smoked a pipe and always carried a cigarette case with him.

Bassoon (Koroviev)

One of the characters in Satan's entourage, always wearing ridiculous checkered clothes and pince-nez with one cracked and one missing glass. In his true form, he turns out to be a knight, forced to pay with a permanent stay in Satan’s retinue for one bad pun he once made about light and darkness.

The Koroviev-Fagot has some similarities with the bassoon - a long thin tube folded in three. Moreover, the bassoon is an instrument that can play either in high or low keys. Either bass or treble. If we recall Koroviev’s behavior, or rather the changes in his voice, then another symbol in the name is clearly visible. Bulgakov's character is thin, tall and in imaginary servility, it seems, ready to fold himself three times over in front of his interlocutor (in order to then calmly harm him).

In the image of Koroviev (and his constant companion Behemoth), the traditions of folk laughter culture are strong; these same characters retain a close genetic connection with the heroes - picaros (rogues) of world literature.

There is a possibility that the names of the characters in Woland's retinue are associated with the Hebrew language. So, for example, Koroviev (in Hebrew cars- close, that is, close), Behemoth (in Hebrew hippo- cattle), Azazello (in Hebrew azazel- daemon).


Among the ancient Jews, Azazel was a goat-shaped spirit of the desert (the word “Azazel”, more precisely “Aza-El” means “goat-god”). Traces of the faith of the goat-shaped god - the devil - have been preserved in modern Jewish and Christian beliefs: the devil, who at a much later time took on the image of a man in the minds of believers, retained, however, some of his ancient external attributes: horns and hooves. Mention of the demon Azazel is found in the Old Testament Book of Enoch. That's the name negative hero Old Testament, a fallen angel who taught people to make weapons and jewelry. Bulgakov was probably attracted by the combination of seduction and murder in one character. It is precisely for the insidious seducer that Margarita mistakes Azazello during their first meeting in the Alexander Garden: “This neighbor turned out to be vertically challenged, fiery red, with a fang, in starched underwear, in a good-quality striped suit, in patent leather shoes and with a bowler hat on his head. “Absolutely a robber’s face!” thought Margarita.” But Azazello's main function in the novel is related to violence. He throws Styopa Likhodeev out of Moscow to Yalta, expels Uncle Berlioz from the Bad Apartment, and kills the traitor Baron Meigel with a revolver. Azazello also invented the cream that he gives to Margarita. The magic cream not only makes the heroine invisible and able to fly, but also gives her a new, witch-like beauty. It was the Hebrew demon Azazel who taught women to decorate themselves precious stones, blush and whiten - in a word, taught a lesson in seduction. In the epilogue of the novel, this fallen angel appears before us in a new guise: “Azazello flew at the side of everyone, shining with the steel of his armor. The moon also changed his face. The absurd, ugly fang disappeared without a trace, and the crooked eye turned out to be false. Both of Azazello's eyes were the same, empty and black, and his face was white and cold. Now Azazello flew in his true form, like a demon of the waterless desert, a killer demon.”

Cat Behemoth

A character in Satan's retinue, a playful and restless spirit, sometimes appearing in the form of a giant cat walking on hind legs, then in the form of a plump citizen, with a face reminiscent of a cat. The prototype of this character is the demon of the same name Behemoth, a demon of gluttony and debauchery who could take the forms of many large animals. In his true form, Behemoth turns out to be a thin young man, a demon page.


A witch and vampire from Satan's retinue, who confused all his human visitors with her habit of wearing practically nothing. The beauty of her body is spoiled only by the scar on her neck. In the retinue, Wolanda plays the role of a maid. Woland, recommending Gella to Margarita, says that there is no service that she cannot provide.

Mikhail Alexandrovich Berlioz

The chairman of MASSOLIT is a writer, a well-read, educated person who is skeptical about everything. He lived in a “bad apartment” on Sadovaya, 302 bis, where Woland later settled during his stay in Moscow. He died, not believing Woland’s prediction about his sudden death, made shortly before. At Satan's ball further fate was determined by Woland according to the theory that everyone will be given according to their faith.... Berlioz appears before us at the ball in the form of his own severed head. Subsequently, the head was turned into a bowl in the form of a skull on a golden leg, with emerald eyes and pearl teeth....the lid of the skull was hinged. It was in this cup that the spirit of Berlioz found oblivion.

Ivan Nikolaevich Bezdomny

Poet, member of MASSOLIT. Real name is Ponyrev. He wrote an anti-religious poem, one of the first heroes (along with Berlioz) who met Koroviev and Woland. He ended up in a clinic for the mentally ill, and was also the first to meet the Master. Then he recovered, stopped studying poetry and became a professor at the Institute of History and Philosophy.

Stepan Bogdanovich Likhodeev

Director of the Variety Theater, Berlioz's neighbor, also living in a “bad apartment” on Sadovaya. A slacker, a womanizer and a drunkard. For “official inconsistency” he was teleported to Yalta by Woland’s henchmen.

Nikanor Ivanovich Bosoy

Chairman of the housing association on Sadovaya Street, where Woland settled during his stay in Moscow. Jaden, the day before, committed the theft of funds from the cash register of the housing association.

Koroviev entered into a temporary rental agreement with him and gave him a bribe, which, as the chairman subsequently stated, “she crawled into his briefcase herself.” Then Koroviev, on Woland’s orders, turned the transferred rubles into dollars and, on behalf of one of the neighbors, reported the hidden currency to the NKVD.

Trying to somehow justify himself, Bosoy admitted to bribery and reported similar crimes on the part of his assistants, which led to the arrest of all members of the housing association. Due to his further behavior during interrogation, he was sent to a psychiatric hospital, where he was haunted by nightmares associated with demands to hand over his existing currency.

Ivan Savelyevich Varenukha

Administrator of the Variety Theater. He fell into the clutches of Woland’s gang when he was carrying to the NKVD a printout of correspondence with Likhodeev, who had ended up in Yalta. As punishment for “lies and rudeness on the phone,” he was turned by Gella into a vampire guide. After the ball he was turned back into a human and released. Upon completion of all the events described in the novel, Varenukha became a more good-natured, polite and honest person.

Interesting fact: Varenukha’s punishment was a “private initiative” of Azazello and Behemoth.

Grigory Danilovich Rimsky

Financial director of the Variety Theater. He was so shocked by Gella’s attack on him along with his friend Varenukha that he turned completely gray, and then chose to flee Moscow. During interrogation by the NKVD, he asked for an “armored cell” for himself.

Georges Bengalsky

Entertainer of the Variety Theater. He was severely punished by Woland's retinue - his head was torn off - for the unfortunate comments he made during the performance. After returning his head to its place, he could not come to his senses and was taken to the clinic of Professor Stravinsky. The figure of Bengalsky is one of many satirical figures whose purpose is to criticize Soviet society.

Vasily Stepanovich Lastochkin

Accountant at Variety. While I was handing over the cash register, I discovered traces of the presence of Woland’s retinue in the institutions where he had visited. While handing over the cash register, he unexpectedly discovered that the money had turned into various foreign currencies, for which he was arrested.

Prokhor Petrovich

Chairman of the entertainment commission of the Variety Theater. The Behemoth cat temporarily kidnapped him, leaving him sitting in an empty suit at his workplace, for holding a position that was unsuitable for him.

Maximilian Andreevich Poplavsky

Kiev uncle of Mikhail Alexandrovich Berlioz, who dreamed of living in Moscow. He was invited to Moscow for the funeral by Behemoth, however, upon arrival he was concerned not so much with the death of his nephew as with the living space left over from the deceased. He was kicked out by Behemoth and exposed to Azazello, with instructions to return back to Kyiv.

Andrey Fokich Sokov

A barman at the Variety Theater, criticized by Woland for the poor quality of food served in the buffet. He accumulated over 249 thousand rubles from purchasing “second-fresh” products and other abuses of official position. He received a message from Koroviev about his death from liver cancer after 9 months, which, unlike Berlioz, he believed, and took all measures to prevent it - which, of course, did not help him.

Professor Kuzmin

The doctor who examined the barman Sokov. Was visited by the demon Azazello, who “spread” first into a “vile sparrow”, then into a nurse with a “man’s mouth”. Despite his obvious medical talent, he had a sin - excessive suspiciousness, for which Azazello was punished - he received slight damage to his mind.

Nikolay Ivanovich

Margarita's neighbor from the bottom floor. He was turned by Margarita’s housekeeper Natasha into a hog and in this form “brought in as vehicle"to Satan's ball. The reason for the punishment is lust. At Margarita's request, he was forgiven, but until the end of his days he mourned such forgiveness - it was better to be a hog under naked Natasha than to live out a century with a disgusted wife.


Beautiful, blonde housekeeper Margarita. She secretly smeared herself with Azazello cream, after which she turned into a witch and, riding a hog (Nikolai Ivanovich), went after Margot. Natasha, together with Gella, helped Margarita at Satan’s ball, after which she did not want to return to her former life and begged Woland to leave her as a witch.

Aloisy Mogarych

An acquaintance of the Master, who wrote a false denunciation against him in order to appropriate his living space. Was kicked out of his new apartment Woland's retinue. After the trial, Wolanda left Moscow unconscious, but, waking up somewhere near Vyatka, returned. Replaced Rimsky as financial director of the Variety Theater. Mogarych's activities in this position caused great torment for Varenukha.


Professional speculator. Broke a bottle with sunflower oil on the tram tracks, which was the cause of Berlioz's death. By a strange coincidence, he lives next door to a “bad apartment.” Later, Azazello was intimidated for stealing a diamond horseshoe, given by Woland as a souvenir to Margarita (the horseshoe with diamonds was returned to Margarita).


A sinner invited to Woland's ball. She once strangled an unwanted child with a handkerchief and buried her, for which she experiences a certain kind of punishment - every morning they invariably bring this same handkerchief to her bedside (no matter how she tried to get rid of it the day before). At Satan's ball, Margarita pays attention to Frida and addresses her personally (invites her to get drunk and forget everything), which gives Frida hope for forgiveness. After the ball, the time comes to voice her only main request to Woland, for which Margarita pledged her soul and became the queen of the satanic ball. Margarita regards her attention to Frida as a carelessly given veiled promise to save her from eternal punishment, under the influence of feelings, she sacrifices her right to a single request in favor of Frida.

Baron Meigel

An NKVD employee assigned to spy on Woland and his retinue, introducing himself as an employee of the Entertainment Commission in the position of introducing foreigners to the sights of the capital. He was killed at Satan's ball as a sacrifice, whose blood filled Woland's liturgical cup.

Archibald Archibaldovich

The director of the Griboyedov House restaurant, a formidable boss and a man with phenomenal intuition. He is economical and, as usual in catering, a thief. The author compares him to a pirate, the captain of a brig.

Arkady Apollonovich Sempleyarov

Chairman of the “Acoustic Commission of Moscow Theaters”. At the Variety Theater, at a session of black magic, Koroviev exposes his love affairs.

Critic Latunsky

The surname of Latunsky, who criticized the Master for clericalism, is a hybrid of the surnames of two famous critics 1930s, A. Orlinsky (real name Krips, 1892-1938) and O. Litovsky (real name Kagan, 1892-1971), who actually sharply criticized Bulgakov

Pontius Pilate

The fifth procurator of Judea in Jerusalem, a cruel and powerful man, who nevertheless managed to develop sympathy for Yeshua Ha-Nozri during his interrogation. He tried to stop the well-functioning mechanism of execution for insulting Caesar, but failed to do this, which he subsequently repented of throughout his life. He suffered from severe migraines, from which he was relieved during the interrogation by Yeshua Ha-Nozri.

Yeshua Ha-Nozri

A wandering philosopher from Nazareth, described by Woland on the Patriarch's Ponds, as well as by the Master in his novel, compared with the image of Jesus Christ. The name Yeshua Ha-Nozri means Jesus (Yeshua ישוע) of Nazareth (Ha-Nozri הנוצרי) in Hebrew. However, this image differs significantly from the biblical prototype. Characteristically, he tells Pontius Pilate that Levi-Matthew (Matthew) wrote down his words incorrectly and that “this confusion will continue for a very long time.” Pilate: “But what did you say about the temple to the crowd at the market?” Yeshua: “I, the hegemon, said that the temple of the old faith would collapse and a new temple of truth would be created. I said it this way to make it clearer.” A humanist who denies resistance to evil through violence.

Levi Matvey

The only follower of Yeshua Ha-Nozri in the novel. He accompanied his teacher until his death, and subsequently took him down from the cross to bury him. He also had the intention of stabbing his executioner, Yeshua, in order to save him from the torment of the cross, but in the end he failed. At the end of the novel, Yeshua, sent by his teacher, comes to Woland with a request to grant peace for the Master and Margarita.

Joseph Kaifa

Jewish high priest, head of the Sanhedrin, who condemned Yeshua Ha-Nozri to death.

Judah of Kiriath

A young resident of Yershalaim who handed Yeshua Ha-Nozri into the hands of the Sanhedrin. Pontius Pilate, worried about his involvement in the execution of Yeshua, organized the secret murder of Judas to take revenge.

Mark Ratboy

Centurion, Pilate's guard, once crippled in a battle with the Germans, acting as a guard and directly carrying out the execution of Yeshua and two other criminals. When a strong thunderstorm began on the mountain, Yeshua and other criminals were stabbed to death in order to be able to leave the place of execution. Another version says that Pontius Pilate ordered the convicts to be stabbed to death (which is not allowed by law) in order to alleviate their suffering. Perhaps he received the nickname “Rat Slayer” because he himself was German. In a conversation with Yeshua, Pilate characterizes Mark the Rat-Slayer as a cold and convinced executioner.


Head of the secret service, comrade-in-arms of Pilate. He supervised the execution of the murder of Judas and threw the money received for betrayal into the residence of the high priest Caiaphas.


A resident of Jerusalem, an agent of Afranius, who pretended to be Judas's lover in order to lure him into a trap, on the orders of Afranius.

Now you remember not only the main characters Master and Margarita, but also all the characters in this novel.

The main characters of "The Master and Margarita"

Bulgakov’s work is a “novel within a novel”, and the main characters of Bulgakov’s “The Master and Margarita” in the part that tells about Satan’s stay in Moscow are Woland, The Master and Margarita, Ivan Bezdomny.


Satan, the Devil, “the spirit of evil and lord of shadows,” the powerful “prince of darkness.” Visited Moscow in the role of “professor of black magic.” Woland studies people different ways trying to bring out their essence. Having looked at the Muscovites in the variety theater, he concludes that they are “ordinary people, in general, reminiscent of the previous ones, housing problem I just ruined them." Giving his “great ball”, he brings anxiety and confusion into the lives of the townspeople.

He disinterestedly takes part in the fate of the Master and Margarita, revives the Master's burned novel, and allows the author of the novel to inform Pilate that he has been forgiven.

Woland takes on his real guise, leaving Moscow.


Former historian, who renounced his name, wrote a brilliant novel about Pontius Pilate. Unable to withstand the persecution of critics, he ends up in a psychiatric hospital. Margarita, the Master's beloved, asks Satan to save her beloved. Woland also fulfills the request of Yeshua, who read the novel, to give the Master peace.

“The farewell is over, the bills are paid,” and the Master and Margarita find peace and an “eternal home.”


Beautiful and clever woman, the wife of a “very big specialist”, who needed nothing, was not happy. Everything changed the moment I met the Master. Having fallen in love, Margarita becomes his “secret wife,” friend and like-minded person. She inspires the Master to have a romance, encourages him to fight for him.

Having made a deal with Satan, she plays the role of hostess at his ball. The mercy of Margarita, asking to spare Frida instead of asking for herself, Latunsky’s defense, and participation in Pilate’s fate soften Woland.

Through the efforts of Margarita, the Master is saved, both leave the Earth with Woland’s retinue.

Homeless Ivan

A proletarian poet who, on instructions from an editor, wrote an anti-religious poem about Jesus Christ. At the beginning of the novel, “an ignorant” person, narrow-minded, believes that “man himself controls” his life, cannot believe in the existence of the Devil and Jesus. Unable to cope with the emotional stress of meeting Woland, she ends up in a clinic for the mentally ill.
After meeting the Master, he begins to understand that his poems are “monstrous” and promises to never write poetry again. The master calls him his student.

At the end of the novel, Ivan lives according to real name“After diving, he became a professor and works at the Institute of History and Philosophy.

He has recovered, but sometimes he still cannot cope with incomprehensible mental anxiety.

The list of characters in the novel is large; everyone who appears on the pages of the work deepens and reveals its meaning. Let us dwell on the most significant characters in Bulgakov’s “The Master and Margarita” for revealing the author’s intention.

Woland's retinue


The senior assistant in Woland's retinue, he is entrusted with the most important matters. In communicating with Muscovites, Koroviev introduces himself as the secretary and translator of the foreigner Woland, but it is not clear who he really is: “a magician, a regent, a sorcerer, a translator, or the devil knows who.” He is constantly in action, and no matter what he does, no matter who he communicates with, he grimaces and clowns around, screams and “yells.”

Fagot's mannerisms and speech change dramatically when he speaks to those who deserve respect. He speaks to Woland respectfully, in a clear and sonorous voice, helps Margarita manage the ball, and looks after the Master.

Only at his last appearance on the pages of the novel does Fagot appear in his true image: next to Woland a knight “with a gloomy and never smiling face” rode on a horse. Once punished for many centuries as a jester for a poor pun on the theme of light and darkness, he has now “paid his account and closed it.”


Demon, Woland's assistant. The appearance “with a fang protruding from the mouth, disfiguring the already unprecedentedly vile face”, with a cataract on the right eye, is repulsive. His main duties involve the use of force: “punching the administrator in the face, or kicking his uncle out of the house, or shooting someone, or some other trifle like that.” Leaving the earth, Azazello takes on his real appearance - the appearance of a demon killer with empty eyes and a cold face.

Cat Behemoth

According to Woland himself, his assistant is “a fool.” He appears before the residents of the capital in the form of a “huge, like a hog, black, like soot or rook, and with a desperate cavalry mustache” cat or full man with a face similar to that of a cat. Behemoth's jokes are not always harmless, and after his disappearance, ordinary black cats began to be exterminated throughout the country.

Flying away from the Earth in Woland's retinue, Behemoth turns out to be "a thin youth, a demon page, the best jester that has ever existed in the world."
Gella. Woland's maid, vampire witch.

Characters from the novel The Master

Pontius Pilate and Yeshua are the main characters of the story written by the Master.

Pontius Pilate

Procurator of Judea, cruel and domineering ruler.

Realizing that Yeshua, who was brought in for interrogation, is not guilty of anything, he becomes imbued with sympathy for him. But despite high position, the procurator could not resist the decision to execute him, he became faint-hearted, fearing losing power.

The hegemon takes Ga-Notsri’s words that “among human vices one of the most important is cowardice”, he takes it personally. Tormented by remorse, he spends “twelve thousand moons” in the mountains. Released by the Master, who wrote a novel about him.

Yeshua Ha-Nozri

A philosopher traveling from city to city. He is lonely, knows nothing about his parents, believes that by nature all people are good, and the time will come when “the temple of the old faith will collapse and a new temple of truth will be created” and no power will be needed. He talks about this with people, but for his words he is accused of an attempt on the power and authority of Caesar and executed. Before execution, he forgives his executioners.

In the final part of Bulgakov’s novel, Yeshua, having read the Master’s novel, asks Woland to reward the Master and Margarita with peace, meets Pilate again, and they walk, talking, along the lunar road.

Levi Matvey

A former tax collector who considers himself a disciple of Yeshua. He writes down everything that Ga-Nozri says, presenting what he heard according to his understanding. He is devoted to his teacher, takes him down from the cross to bury him, and is going to kill Judas of Cariath.

Judah of Kiriath

A handsome young man who, for thirty tetradrachms, provoked Yeshua to speak out about state power. Killed by secret order of Pontius Pilate.
Caiaphas. Jewish high priest who heads the Sanhedrin. He is accused by Pontius Pilate of executing Yeshua Ha-Nozri.

Heroes of the Moscow world

Characteristics of the heroes of the novel “The Master and Margarita” will be incomplete without a description of the characters of literary and artistic Moscow, contemporary to the author.

Aloisy Mogarych . A new acquaintance of the Master, who introduced himself as a journalist. Wrote a denunciation against the Master in order to occupy his apartment.

Baron Meigel . An employee of the entertainment commission, whose duties included introducing foreigners to the sights of the capital. “Earpiece and spy,” according to Woland’s definition.

Bengal Georges . Entertainer of the Variety Theater, known throughout the city. A person is limited and ignorant.

Berlioz . Writer, chairman of the board of MASSOLIT, a large Moscow literary association, editor of a large art magazine. In conversations he “discovered considerable erudition.” Denied the existence of Jesus Christ, and argued that a person cannot be “suddenly mortal.” Not believing Woland's prediction about his unexpected death, he dies after being run over by a tram.

Bosoy Nikanor Ivanovich . The “businesslike and cautious” chairman of the housing association of the building in which the “bad apartment” was located.

Varenukha . “A famous theater administrator known throughout Moscow.”

Likhodeev Stepan . The director of the Variety Theater, who drinks heavily and does not fulfill his duties.

Sempleyarov Arkady Apollonovich . Chairman of the acoustic commission of Moscow theaters, who insists during a black magic session at the Variety Show on exposing the “technique of tricks.”

Sokov Andrey Fokich . A little man, a bartender at the Variety Theater, a swindler, a scrounger, who does not know how to get joy from life, who earns unearned money on sturgeon of the “second freshest”.

Short description heroes will be needed to make it easier to understand events and don’t get lost in the question of “who is who.”

Bulgakov's novel shows the tragedy of a real writer, deprived of the opportunity to write about what he thinks, without censorship from critics. The image and characterization of the Master in the novel “The Master and Margarita” will help to better get to know this unfortunate man who fell under the yoke of circumstances. A novel about love, self-sacrifice, freedom.

The master is the main character of the work. Writer, creator, who wrote a novel about Pontius Pilate.


Age not determined. Approximately close to 38 years old.

“...A man about thirty-eight years old...”

A person without a name or surname. He gave them up voluntarily.

“I no longer have a surname - I abandoned it, like everything else in life...”

He received the nickname Master from Margarita, his beloved. She was able to appreciate his writing talent. Sincerely believing that the time will come and they will talk about him.

Brown-haired with the first glimmers of gray at the temples. Sharp facial features. Brown eyes, restless, alarmed. It looks painful and strange.
The Master did not attach any importance to clothes. Despite the abundance of suits hanging idle in his closet, he preferred to wear the same thing.

Character. Biography.

Lonely and unhappy. No family, no relatives. Beggar, without means of subsistence.

Smart, educated. A historian by profession, he worked in a museum for several years. A polyglot who knows five languages: Greek, Latin, German, French, English.

Closed, excessively suspicious, nervous. He has a hard time getting along with people.

“In general, I’m not inclined to get along with people, I have a damn weirdness: I’m difficult to get along with people, distrustful, suspicious...”

Romantic and book lover. Margarita, putting things in order in his closet, noted for herself his love of reading.

He was married, but remembers it reluctantly. Clearly making it clear that he did not attach any importance to the unsuccessful marriage. Even the name ex-wife The master does not remember or pretends to.

Changes in life

Changes in the Master's life began with his winning the lottery. One hundred thousand is a considerable amount. He decided to dispose of it in his own way.

Having cashed out the winnings, he quits his job at the museum, rents a house and moves. The small basement became his new refuge. It was in the basement that he began work on a novel about Pontius Pilate.

The novel was not accepted for publication. They criticized, condemned, censored. This attitude greatly undermined the Master’s psyche.

He became nervous and irritated. He was afraid of trams and the dark, which had never been noticed before. Fear crept into my soul, completely subjugating it. He was troubled by visions and hallucinations.

He considered his novel to be the culprit of what was happening. In a fit of anger, the Master throws him into the fire, destroying many years of work before his eyes.

Residential psychiatric facility

A severe mental condition brought him to a hospital bed. He voluntarily surrendered to the doctors, realizing that all was not well with him. Ward 118 became his second home, sheltering him for four months. He developed a fierce hatred for the novel, considering it to be the culprit of all the troubles happening to him. Only Margarita had a calming effect on him. With her he shared his experiences and inner sensations. The master dreamed of one thing, to return there, to the basement, where they felt so good.


Woland (Satan) was able to fulfill his desires. Another world will become for the Master and Margarita the place where he will find eternal peace.

Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov - Russian writer.
Mikhail Bulgakov was born on May 15 (May 3, old style) 1891, in Kyiv, in the family of Afanasy Ivanovich Bulgakov, a professor at the Department of Western Religions of the Kyiv Theological Academy. The family was large (Mikhail is the eldest son, he had four more sisters and two brothers) and friendly. Later M. Bulgakov will remember more than once about his “carefree” youth in beautiful city on the Dnieper steeps, about the comfort of a noisy and warm native nest on Andreevsky Spusk, the shining prospects for a future free and wonderful life.

The Master and Margarita are the heroes of the novel


writer who wrote a novel about Pontius Pilate, in which the events described in the Gospel are interpreted. This is a person who turned out to be unfit to live in the time in which he was born. Subsequently, driven to despair by literary critics, the master ends up in a psychiatric hospital.


beautiful woman who lives with her unloved husband. Margarita suffers from her good, prosperous, but empty life. By chance, on the streets of the capital, she meets the Master and falls in love with him. It was she who first told the Master that he had written a brilliant work that would be successful. After the Master disappears, Margarita accepts Satan's invitation to become the queen of the ball in order to be able to bring him back.


a devil who finds himself in Moscow and introduces himself as a professor of black magic and a historian.

Bassoon (Koroviev)

member of Woland's retinue. A knight who must constantly be in Satan's retinue as punishment for once making a bad joke about light and darkness. Researchers testify that Bulgakov was inspired to create this character by the story of F.M. Dostoevsky's "The Village of Stepanchikovo and its Inhabitants", where one of the heroes is a certain Korovkin, very similar in characteristics to Koroviev.


also participates in the retinue. This is a demon with an ugly appearance. His prototype is the fallen angel Azazel.

Cat Behemoth

the spirit that follows Woland as part of his retinue. Usually takes the form of an okta, or full person, who looks very similar to him. This character was created based on the description of the demon Behemoth, who was known for debauchery, gluttony and the ability to take the form of large animals.


a vampire witch who walked around naked. She was very beautiful, but had an ugly scar on her neck.

Berlioz, Mikhail Alexandrovich

member of MASSOLIT, writer. Quite an educated and skeptical person. He lived in a bad apartment on Sadovaya Street. When meeting Woland, I didn’t believe in the prediction own death, which nevertheless happened.

Homeless, Ivan Nikolaevich

a poet who is busy composing an anti-religious poem. It was her discussion with Berlioz in the park that attracted the attention of Satan. He witnessed the death of Berlioz and tried to pursue Woland, but ended up in a madhouse.

Likhodeev Stepan Bogdanovich

director of the Variety Show, in which Woland, calling himself a professor of magic, plans a “performance.” Likhodeev is known as a drunkard, a slacker and a lover of women.

Bosoy Nikanor Ivanovich

a man who held the position of chairman of a housing association on Sadovaya Street. A greedy thief who the day before embezzled some of the money from the partnership's cash register. Koroviev invites him to conclude an agreement to rent out a “bad” apartment to the guest performer Woland and gives a bribe. After this, the received bills turn out to be foreign currency. Following a call from Koroviev, the bribe-taker is taken to the NKVD, from where he ends up in a mental hospital.

Aloisy Mogarych

an acquaintance of the Master who wrote a false denunciation against him in order to appropriate his apartment. Woland's retinue kicked him out of the apartment, and after Satan's trial, he left Moscow, ending up at Vyatka. Later he returned to the capital and took the position of financial director of Variety.


speculator. It was she who broke the container with purchased sunflower oil while crossing the tram rails, which was the cause of Berlioz’s death.


a sinner who was invited to Satan's ball. She killed the unwanted child by strangling her with a handkerchief and buried her. Since then, this scarf has been brought to her every morning.

Pontius Pilate

The fifth procurator of Judea in Jerusalem is cruel and domineering, but he began to sympathize with the wandering philosopher brought in for interrogation. He made attempts to stop the execution, but did not complete the matter, which he regretted for the rest of his life.

Yeshua Ha-Nozri

a character who spends his time wandering and philosophizing. Doesn't look like the gospel image of Jesus Christ. He denies resistance to evil through violence and does not know what goal he pursues in life.

Bulgakov's novel "The Master and Margarita" mystical story love, arousing genuine interest in the fate of the main characters. The image and characterization of Margarita in the novel “The Master and Margarita” plays a significant role in the work. There is a theme associated with the name Margarita true love, freedom, fidelity.

Full name main character novel - Margarita Nikolaevna. Last name unknown.


Bulgakov did not describe Margarita’s appearance in detail. He tried to attract attention not to external beauty women, but to the inner state of the soul. By focusing on the timbre of her voice, movements, manners, laughter, we can assume that she is a beautiful woman.

"She was beautiful and smart..."

Her low, chesty voice had velvety notes, softening the timbre of the sound.
One of Margarita’s eyes was slightly squinted, which gave her image a devilish twist.

“The witch who crosses one eye…”

Light curl on short hair. Snow-white smile. The perfect manicure with sharp-edged nails. Eyebrows, like strings, were plucked professionally and suited her face very well.

Margarita dressed stylishly, not provocatively. Elegant and well-groomed. She attracted attention, undoubtedly, but not with her appearance, but with the sadness and hopeless melancholy in her eyes.


As a young girl, at the age of 19, Margarita married wealthy man. Ten years of marriage. Childless.

"Childless thirty-year-old Margarita."

The woman was lucky with her husband. He is ready to carry his beloved in his arms, fulfill all the whims, and predict desires. Young, handsome, kind and honest. Everyone dreams of such a husband. Even leading household he placed it on the shoulders of the housekeeper he hired. Stability, prosperity, but despite this Margarita is unhappy and lonely. "

She was happy? Not one minute!..”

Character. Personality of Margarita

Margarita is smart and educated. Woland (Satan) immediately appreciated her intelligence.
She is determined. Her actions have repeatedly demonstrated this. With her inner instinct, intuition, Margarita unmistakably determined what kind of person was in front of her. Ungreedy, merciful. She always helped those who needed help. Doesn't waste words. Proud and independent. From bad habits Smoking can be highlighted. She smoked often, and could not overcome this addiction.

Meeting with the Master

Their meeting was accidental. She walked down the street with a bouquet yellow flowers pensive and lonely. He, obeying some secret sign, followed. She was the first to speak. As the Master said, it was love at first sight.

“Love jumped out between us, like a killer jumps out of the ground... and struck us both at once...”

Margarita was truly happy for the first time. She loved, and it was so new to her. For his sake, the woman was ready to do anything. To endure hardships, to share joys and sorrows, to endure the hardships that befall them.

She sold her soul for the sake of her beloved. I was able to forgive when he disappeared. She remained faithful until the last. He was everything to her. Margarita couldn’t imagine life without him.

Meeting with Woland

For six months she knew nothing about the Master. It was as if he had sunk into the water. Only Woland could help bring back his beloved. To do this, she had to make a deal with him.

She must act as Satan's prom queen. Margarita had to become a witch. Satan was pleased with the new queen and in return promised to fulfill any desire. She dreamed of seeing the Master so that everything would return to its place. Basement, novel, He and She.

Eternal happiness

They stayed together forever. Not in this world, in another, having earned eternal peace for love and loyalty to each other.