Moscow Sretensky Theological Seminary. What is the Presentation of the Lord and what is the meaning of this holiday

On this day, the Christian Church remembers the events described in the Gospel of Luke, namely I meet the baby Jesus with the elder Simeon in the Jerusalem temple on the fortieth day after Christmas.

The Presentation of the Lord is one of the twelve, that is, the main holidays of the church year. This is a permanent holiday, which means that it is always celebrated on February 15th.

What does the word Meeting mean?

In Church Slavonic, “meeting” means "meeting". The holiday was established in memory of the meeting described in the Gospel of Luke. On that day, the Virgin Mary and the righteous Joseph the Betrothed brought the baby Jesus to the Jerusalem Temple to perform established by law a thanksgiving sacrifice to God for the firstborn.

What kind of sacrifice in ancient Judea had to be performed after the birth of a baby?

According to the Old Testament law, a woman who gave birth to a boy was forbidden to enter the temple for 40 days (and if a girl was born, then all 80). She should also bring to the Lord thanksgiving and cleansing sacrifice: thanksgiving - a one-year-old lamb, and for the forgiveness of sins - a dove. If the family was poor, a dove was sacrificed instead of a lamb, and the result was “two turtle doves or two dove chicks.”

In addition, if the first-born in the family was a boy, on the fortieth day the parents came with the newborn to the temple for a rite of dedication to God. It was not just tradition, but the Mosaic Law, installed in memory of the exodus of the Jews from Egypt - liberation from four centuries of slavery.

The Blessed Virgin Mary did not need to be purified because Jesus was born as a result of immaculate conception. She came to the temple out of humility and to fulfill the law. Two doves became the cleansing sacrifice of the Mother of God, since the family into which Jesus was born was poor.

Rembrandt van Rijn. Candlemas

Who is Simeon the God-Receiver?

According to legend, when the Virgin Mary crossed the threshold of the temple with a baby in her arms, an ancient elder came out to meet her. His name was Simeon. In Hebrew, Simeon means “hearing.”

Tradition says that Simeon lived 360 years t. He was one of the 72 scribes who in the 3rd century BC. At the behest of the Egyptian king Ptolemy II, the Bible was translated from Hebrew into Greek.

When Simeon was translating the book of the prophet Isaiah, he saw the words: “Behold, the Virgin will be with child and give birth to a Son” and wanted to correct “Virgin” (virgin) to “Wife” (woman). However, an Angel appeared to him and forbade him to change his word, promising that Simeon would not die until he was convinced of the fulfillment of the prophecy.

On the day of the Presentation, what the elder had been waiting for all his life was fulfilled. long life. The prophecy has come true. The old man could now die in peace. The righteous man took the baby in his arms and exclaimed: “Now, O Master, you are sending Your servant away in peace, according to Your word, for my eyes have seen Your salvation, which You have prepared before the face of all nations, a light to enlighten the Gentiles and the glory of Your people Israel” (Luke 2:29-32). The church named him Simeon the God-Receiver and glorified him as a saint.

In the 6th century, his relics were transferred to Constantinople. Bishop Theophan the Recluse wrote: “In the person of Simeon, the entire Old Testament, unredeemed humanity, passes into eternity in peace, giving way to Christianity...” In remembrance of this evangelical event, the Song of Simeon the Receiver of God is heard every day in Orthodox worship: “Now you let go.”

Rembrandt van Rijn. Simeon the God-Receiver 1627-1628

Who is Anna the Prophetess?

On the day of the Presentation, another meeting took place in the Jerusalem Temple. In the temple, an 84-year-old widow, “daughter of Phanuel,” approached the Mother of God. The townspeople called her Anna the Prophetess for her inspired speeches about God. She lived and worked at the temple for many years, “serving God day and night with fasting and prayer” (Luke 2:37 - 38).

Anna the prophetess bowed to the newborn Christ and left the temple, bringing the news to the townspeople about the coming of the Messiah, the deliverer of Israel. “And at that time she came up and glorified the Lord and prophesied about Him to all who were waiting for deliverance in Jerusalem” (Luke 2:36-38).

How did they begin to celebrate the Presentation of the Lord?

The Presentation of the Lord is one of the most ancient holidays of the Christian Church and completes the cycle of Christmas holidays. The holiday has been known in the East since the 4th century, in the West - since the 5th century. The earliest evidence of the celebration of the Presentation in the Christian East dates back to the end of the 4th century. At that time, the Meeting in Jerusalem was not yet an independent holiday, but was called “the fortieth day from the Epiphany.” It should be noted that until the 6th century this holiday was not celebrated so solemnly.

Under Emperor Justinian (527-565), in 544 Antioch was struck by a pestilence that killed several thousand people every day. During these days, one of the Christians was given instructions to celebrate the Presentation of the Lord more solemnly. The disasters truly ceased when an all-night vigil and religious procession were held on the day of the Presentation. Therefore, the Church in 544 established the solemn celebration of the Presentation of the Lord.

Since the 5th century, the names of the holiday have taken root: “Feast of the Meeting” (Candlemas) and “Feast of Purification.” In the East it is still called Candlemas, and in the West it was called the “Feast of Purification” until 1970, when a new name was introduced: “Feast of the Sacrifice of the Lord.”

Icon “Softening Evil Hearts”

What does the “Softening Evil Hearts” icon mean?

Associated with the event of the Presentation of the Lord is an icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, which is called “Softening Evil Hearts” or “Simeon’s Prophecy”. It symbolically depicts the prophecy of Saint Simeon the God-Receiver, pronounced by him in the Jerusalem temple on the day of the Presentation of the Lord: “A weapon will pierce your own soul” (Luke 2:35).

The Mother of God is depicted standing on a cloud with seven swords piercing her heart: three on the right and left and one at the bottom. There are also half-length images of the Virgin Mary. The number seven signifies the fullness of grief, sadness and heartache experienced by the Mother of God in her earthly life.

What signs exist for Candlemas?

By mid-February, frosts in Russia begin to weaken, and the approach of spring can be felt in the air. In our country, the weather on this holiday usually determined the start of spring field work. By folk signs Meeting is the border between winter and spring, as evidenced by folk sayings: “Candlemas - winter meets spring and summer,” “Sun for summer, winter for frost.”

By the weather on the feast of the Presentation, peasants judged the coming spring and summer, the weather and the harvest. They judged spring like this: “What is the weather on Candlemas, so will spring.” It was believed that If there is a thaw at Candlemas- spring will be early and warm, if it's a cold day- wait for a cold spring. Snow that fell on this day- for a long and rainy spring. If on Candlemas there is snow blowing across the road- spring is late and cold. “On Candlemas morning, snow is the harvest of early grain; if at noon - medium; if it’s late in the evening.” “On the Meeting of Drops - the wheat harvest.” “At Candlemas, the wind brings about the fertility of fruit trees.”

Among Orthodox holidays you can celebrate the feast of the Presentation. And some may immediately wonder what Candlemas is. What events gave rise to it? The Presentation of the Lord is one of the most revered Twelve Christian holidays. Events related to earthly life Lord Jesus Christ and Holy Virgin Mother of God. The Feast of the Presentation is a permanent holiday, and is usually celebrated on February 15th. The word “sar?tenie” is translated from Church Slavonic as “meeting.”

Candlemas Day defined the point in time when the Old Testament met the New Testament - the ancient world with the world of Christianity. All this happened thanks to one person; this is given a special place in the Gospel. However, let's start from the beginning. The Gospel of Luke says that the Presentation of the Lord took place exactly 40 days after the Nativity of Christ.

There is very interesting fact, associated with the answer to the question of what date Candlemas is. In 528, a strong earthquake occurred in Antioch, and many people died. Then in the same lands (in 544) a pestilence epidemic arose, and people began to die in the thousands. During these days of terrible disasters, providence was revealed to one pious Christian so that the people would celebrate the Feast of the Presentation more solemnly. And then on this day an all-night vigil (public worship) and a religious procession were held. And only then these terrible disasters Christian Byzantium stopped. Then the Church, in gratitude to God, established the Presentation of the Lord to be celebrated on February 15 solemnly and reverently.

History of the holiday

At that time, the Jews had two traditions that were associated with the birth of a baby in the family. After giving birth, a woman was forbidden to come to the Jerusalem Temple for 40 days, this is if a boy was born, and if a girl was born, then all 80. After the expiration of the period, the woman in labor had to bring a cleansing sacrifice to the Temple. For the burnt offering and for the atonement of sins, they brought a young lamb and a dove. The poor family sacrificed another dove instead of a lamb.

On the 40th day, the parents of the newborn boy had to come with him to the Temple to perform the sacrament of dedication to God. And this was not a simple tradition, but the Law of Moses, established in memory of the liberation of the Jews from slavery and the exodus from Egypt. And now we come to the most important Gospel event, which will explain in detail what Candlemas is.

Mary and Joseph arrived from Bethlehem to Jerusalem. In their arms was the Infant God. Their family lived poorly, so they sacrificed two doves. The Most Pure Mother of God, despite the fact that Jesus was born as a result of the immaculate conception, still offered the required sacrifice with meekness, humility and great respect for Jewish laws.

Now that the ceremony has been completed and Holy Family was about to leave the Temple, then an old man named Simeon approached them. He was a great righteous man. Taking the Divine Infant in his hands, he exclaimed with great joy: “Now you are releasing Your servant, Master, according to Your word, in peace, for my eyes have seen Your salvation...”


At the time of his meeting with the Infant Christ, Elder Simeon was over 300 years old. He was a very revered and respected man, one of the 72 scholars who were commissioned to translate the Gospel from Hebrew to Greek. On this Sabbath day, it was not at all by chance that he ended up in this Temple, because it was the Holy Spirit who brought him here.

Once upon a time, Simeon began translating the book of the prophet Isaiah; he was greatly surprised to read there such words that were incomprehensible to his mind: “Behold, the Virgin will be with child and give birth to a Son.” Then he thought to himself that a virgin could not give birth, and wanted to change the word “Virgo” to “Wife.” Suddenly an Angel appeared from Heaven and forbade him to do this, and also told him that until he saw the Lord Jesus with his own eyes, he would not die, and that the prophecy was true.

“Now you let go”

From that moment on, he waited for this moment for a long time, and finally the prophecy of the Angel was fulfilled - Simeon saw the Child whom the Immaculate Virgin gave birth to. Now he could rest in peace. The Church called Simeon the God-Receiver, and he became glorified as a saint.

Later, Bishop Theophan the Recluse wrote that from the moment of the Presentation, the Old Testament gives way to Christianity. Now this gospel story is mentioned every day in Christian worship - “Song of Simeon the God-Receiver”, or in other words - “Now you let go.”

Simeon's predictions

Simeon, taking the Infant of the Most Pure Virgin in his hands, said to her: “Behold, because of Him the people will argue: some will be saved, and others will perish. And a weapon will pierce your own soul, so that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.”

What did he mean? It turns out that disputes among the people mean the persecution prepared for Her son, the opening of thoughts - the Judgment of God, the weapon that will pierce Her heart - the prophecy of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ, because he suffered death from nails and spears, which passed through the mother’s heart with terrible pain.

Icon Mother of God“Softening Evil Hearts” became a vivid illustration of Simeon’s prophecy. Icon painters depicted the Mother of God standing on a cloud with seven swords stuck in her heart.

Prophetess Anna

One more thing important event happened on this day, and another meeting happened. The 84-year-old elder Anna the Prophetess, as the townspeople called her, approached the Mother of God. She worked and lived at the temple and was pious, as she was in constant fasting and prayer. Anna bowed to the Infant Christ, left the Temple and began to tell all the townspeople the Great News that the Messiah had come to the world. Meanwhile, Joseph and Mary with the Child, having fulfilled everything that was required by the law of Moses, returned to Nazareth.

Now is it clear what Candlemas is? After all, Candlemas is a meeting with the Savior. The names of Elder Simeon and Anna the prophetess are inscribed in the Holy Scriptures; they gave us an example, since they accepted the Lord with a pure and open heart. After meeting the Infant Jesus, Simeon went to his forefathers.

Feast of the Presentation

The Presentation of the Lord is an ancient holiday in Christianity. IN IV-V centuries The first Sretensky sermons were delivered by the people, take, for example, Saints Cyril of Jerusalem, Gregory the Theologian, John Chrysostom and Gregory of Nyssa.

Some are interested in the question of what date Candlemas is. IN church calendar The feast of the Presentation, which is always celebrated on February 15, occupies an invariable place. But if the date of the Presentation of the Lord falls on Monday of the first week in Lent, which may also happen, the festive service is postponed to February 14th.

Answering the question about what Candlemas is, first of all it must be said that it is a holiday dedicated to the Lord Jesus. In the first centuries it was a day of honoring the Mother of God. Therefore, the one who calls this holiday the Mother of God will also be partly right. Indeed, according to the structure of the service on this day, appeals in prayers and chants to the Mother of God occupy a central position. This duality of the feast of the Presentation also influenced the color of the clothes that the clergy wore during the service. White color became a symbol of Divine light, blue - the purity and purity of the Mother of God.

Candles. Candlemas

Tradition on the feast of the Presentation to sanctify church candles came to Orthodoxy from Catholics. In 1646, Kiev Metropolitan Peter Mohyla described this Catholic rite in great detail in his missal, when a procession of the cross was held, which was a procession with torches. In this way, the Roman Church distracted its flock from pagan traditions associated with the worship of fire.

In the Orthodox Church, the Sretensky candles were treated with special reverence and reverence. These candles were kept all year and were used during home prayer.

Tradition of celebrating the Presentation

As a result, the tradition of celebrating the Christian Orthodox Meeting was mixed with pagan rituals. Another calendar analogy was found with Simeon’s meeting with the Holy Family. Presentation Day has become a celebration of the meeting of winter with spring. People celebrate various kinds of signs at Candlemas. For example, there are various sayings like: “On Candlemas, the sun turns to summer, winter turns to frost,” “On Candlemas, winter meets spring,” etc. The first thaws or frosts were called Sretensky. On Candlemas, signs tell you whether it will be warm soon or whether it will be cold for a long time.

Having celebrated the Candlemas holiday with folk festivities, the peasants began to prepare for spring. The cattle were sent from the barn to the pen, the seeds were prepared for sowing, the trees were whitewashed, etc.

It is interesting that in the USA and Canada the holiday of Candlemas is celebrated on February 2 and another famous holiday is dedicated to it - Groundhog Day.

But in the Chita region there is the city of Sretensk, named in honor of this Great holiday.

In some other countries, on this day they celebrate the Day of Orthodox Youth, approved in 1992 by the heads of local Orthodox churches. This idea belongs to the World Orthodox Movement youth "Syndesmos".

Subjects of icons

The icon of the Presentation illustrates the plot of the story from the Evangelist Luke, where the Pious Virgin Mary gives the elder Simeon into the hands of her baby Jesus. Behind the back of the Mother of God stands Joseph the Betrothed, who is carrying a cage with two doves. And behind Simeon is Anna the prophetess.

One of the most ancient images can be found in the mosaics of the Cathedral of Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome, which was created at the beginning of the 5th century. On it you can see how the Holy Virgin Mary with the Child of God in her arms goes to Saint Simeon, and at this time she is accompanied by angels.

The Orthodox Meeting in Rus' was depicted in two frescoes of the 12th century. The first is located in the St. Cyril Church in Kyiv. The second icon of the Presentation is in Novgorod, in the Church of the Savior on Nerditsa. There is a rather unusual depiction of the Presentation on icons in medieval Georgian art; there, instead of an altar, a symbol of sacrifice to the Lord is depicted - a burning candle.

The icon of the Blessed Mary “Softening Evil Hearts” (otherwise it has the name “Simeon’s Prophecy”, “Seven Arrows”) is associated with the events of Candlemas. In this icon, sharp arrows pierce the heart of the Mother of God standing on a cloud, three arrows on one side and the other and one on the bottom. But there is an icon where the Mother of God is pierced by a dagger, not arrows.

These icons symbolize the prophecy of the holy elder Simeon the God-Receiver, which he made after meeting the Mother of God and her Child.

Believers always turn to these icons in prayer. By softening the heart, not only their physical but also mental suffering is alleviated. They know that if they pray in front of the image of the Mother of God for their enemies, then the hostile feeling will gradually begin to fade and anger will disappear, giving way to mercy and kindness.

In Orthodox, as well as in Catholic, Christian culture, there are many holidays that have great value for believers. One of them is the Presentation of the Lord. On this day, a biblical event known to many people is remembered. Therefore, the question: “The Presentation of the Lord - what kind of holiday?” - definitely deserves attention.


In Russian-language Orthodox culture For many years now the Presentation of the Lord has been celebrated on February 15th. This holiday is rooted in the traditions of Western and eastern countries(IV-V centuries). It was then that the Presentation of the Lord became one of the twelve key dates that were included in orthodox calendar. On this special day, everyone who has faith in Christ remembers with reverence those events that were once described by the Evangelist Luke. We are talking about a special meeting between the baby Jesus and the righteous Simeon.

What does the Presentation of the Lord mean?

In fact, the word “meeting” itself can be translated as “meeting.” As for the story that gave rise to the holiday, it began almost 2000 years ago, when the Virgin Mary came with little Jesus. The future Savior of the world at that time was only forty days old. According to the Law of Moses, a woman who gave birth to a male child had to come to the Temple and offer a cleansing and thanksgiving sacrifice there. That's exactly what Maria did. Although the fact that she conceived a child from the Holy Spirit freed her from the need to make a cleansing sacrifice.

It so happened that at that time Elder Simeon was living in Jerusalem, who received the following revelation from the Almighty: he will not leave this mortal earth until he sees the Savior of the world. Inspired by the Heavenly Father, Simeon came to the Temple precisely when Mary was there with the baby Jesus. Seeing little Christ, the righteous elder took Him in his arms and proclaimed that his eyes had seen salvation from God.

Therefore, answering the question: “The Presentation of the Lord - what is it?” - it is worth talking specifically about the meeting of the Infant God and the righteous Simeon in the temple of Jerusalem. Another meaning of the word “meeting” is “joy”, the cause of which is the salvation brought to our world by Christ.

The importance of the meeting

Those who are not experienced in Christianity may find it a little strange that such great importance is attached to the meeting of Simeon and the baby Jesus. Actually so close attention, devoted by believers to the feast of the Presentation of the Lord, is more than logical.

The point is that almost everything Old Testament prophets were awaiting the coming of the Messiah - who would free his people. And therefore, the meeting of Simeon with the born Christ is nothing other than the fulfillment of the prophecy, which was believed by many men and women of God who lived in the times of

More information about Simeon the God-Receiver

Trying to understand the question of the Presentation of the Lord - what kind of holiday and what is its value, it is worth paying more attention to one of the key figures in biblical history associated with this date (February 15). If we turn to legend, we will find out that the elder Simeon, who met Mary in the Temple, was 360 years old. His name means nothing more than “hearing.” Moreover, he is considered one of the 72 scribes who received the command from the Egyptian king Ptolemy II to translate the Holy Scriptures from Hebrew into Greek.

It was while working on the translation that Simeon read a prophecy that said that a virgin would give birth to a son - the Savior of the world. The Israeli prophet wanted to change the word “virgin” (virgin) to “wife” (woman), but the angel who appeared to him prevented him from doing this. Having listened to the heavenly messenger, Simeon received a promise from him that he would personally be able to see the prophecy fulfilled.

The Day of the Presentation of the Lord became for the prophet the embodiment of what was promised by the angel.

Anna the prophetess

There is another character in the Bible who is related to the famous holiday. We are talking about Anna the prophetess. Understanding what the feast of the Presentation of the Lord means, it is also important to pay attention to it. On the day when the baby Jesus was brought to the Temple, a widow, who at that time was already 84 years old, approached his mother, the Virgin Mary.

She often voiced wise speeches about God to the townspeople, for which they began to call her Anna the Prophetess. It was this woman who approached the little Christ, bowed to him and, leaving the temple, began to tell the residents of the city that the Messiah had come, who would deliver Israel.

Historical evidence of the veneration of the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord

If you study the manuscripts left over from past generations, you will discover an interesting fact. Its essence boils down to the fact that in the 4th century, the Western pilgrim Esteria wrote the work “Pilgrimage to Holy Places.” This is in fact the oldest historically reliable evidence that the Presentation of the Lord was celebrated in church and liturgical celebrations in the Christian East. At the same time, the Estheria manuscript does not give the holiday its own liturgical title, defining it as the fortieth day from Epiphany. But the very process of the celebration held in honor of the Presentation is described more than emotionally.

But the second monument, which gives the holiday a special liturgical character, has its roots in Jerusalem. We are talking about the Armenian Lectionary. It was there that the fact of the liturgical and statutory practice of the early 5th century was attested. Based on this information, one can draw an obvious conclusion: in the 4th-5th centuries, the Presentation of the Lord was defined in the Jerusalem church as a holiday revered in this particular area.

Current signs

If we consider the question: “The Presentation of the Lord - what is it?” - exclusively in a folk format, then you will notice an interesting fact: this holiday is a symbol of the meeting of winter and spring. In this regard, many signs have appeared.

The first thing that can be attributed to the signs that people pay attention to on February 15 is the weather. According to legend, if it is warm and sunny on this day, then it is worth waiting early spring. Even on such a holiday as the Presentation of the Lord, signs regarding the weather may indicate persistent frosts if on the night of February 15 there is a clear sky in which no stars are visible. But in the case of the starry sky, there is every reason to expect a quick spring.

As for health, here you need to pay attention to the candle lit during the holiday: if the fire is even and hardly moves, then no problems with your physical condition are expected, but when the flame becomes blue and sways, that is, it makes sense to prepare to fight the disease.

On a holiday like the Presentation of the Lord, signs also apply to the road. It is believed that if a person sets out on a journey on this day, he will not return home soon. This statement is explained by the fact that on February 15 the weather is unpredictable, everything can happen - from heavy rains to heavy snowfall. Such precipitation, of course, greatly complicates movement.

Presentation of the Lord: traditions

It is generally accepted that if you feed animals with all your heart on this holiday, they will grow quickly and produce good offspring. Also celebrated on February 15, the Presentation of the Lord helps predict the abundance of the harvest: morning snowfall on this day is a sign of a bountiful harvest of early bread, and afternoon snow prophesies the successful sowing of middle ones.

On this day, they usually prepared the seeds for sowing, drove the animals out of the barn into the pen and inspected the harness. There was also a widespread tradition among the people to use water from the snow that fell on Candlemas Day, since it was believed that it could heal various diseases.

The water flowing from the roofs during the holiday was also of great importance. It was used for baking cakes, which were then given to those who suffered from any illness.

Features of the celebration

To fully answer the question: “The Presentation of the Lord - what is it?” - It is necessary to study the peculiarities of this holiday. An interesting fact is that most of the services in the church are focused on the person of the Virgin Mary. From the ancients religious traditions Several Orthodox rituals have survived to this day and have not lost their relevance.

First of all, the consecration of water and candles takes place directly in the church itself. Another belief is connected with this: if during a thunderstorm a consecrated candle is placed in front of an icon, it will protect the house from a lightning strike. Understanding what the Presentation of the Lord means, one cannot ignore the vibrant traditions of the celebration, during which very beautiful liturgical texts are read. They reveal the essence of the speech of the prophet Simeon, as well as glorify the honor given to him to see the baby Jesus. As for the duration of the celebration, the Presentation of the Lord lasts 8 days: from February 14 (pre-celebration) to February 22 (the celebration of the holiday).

Analyzing the question: “The Presentation of the Lord - what is it?” - in the format of the Catholic tradition, it is worth noting the thorough approach to the celebration. On this day, in churches, priests dress in white clothes and, before starting the solemn mass, conduct a bright procession with candles, and also perform a blessing ceremony. Everyone who came to the temple sings songs that convey the words of Simeon spoken to the Infant God, and the priests, conducting the ceremony, sprinkle those singing.

For many believers, this holiday is significant enough to prepare congratulations. The Meeting of the Lord is actually a veneration of the coming of the Savior, so many poems and scenes on this day talk about new life, joy and spring, which enlivens everything around.

Iconography of the Presentation

A significant holiday for Christians - the day of the meeting of Simeon and little Jesus - inspired artists to create many icons and frescoes. They all describe the moment when the Virgin Mary hands her son into the hands of the elder.

The icon “The Presentation of the Lord” depicts Joseph the Betrothed, who is behind the back of the Mother of God and carries either in a cage or in his hands two, and sometimes three, doves. Anna the prophetess is also depicted on the icon behind Simeon.

It is also interesting that the icon “The Presentation of the Lord” either has the foot of the temple as a background, or depicts the meeting of the elder and the Infant God near the throne. And on images painted at a later time, the torment of hell and future salvation are sometimes depicted (located in the lower part).

The meaning of the icon “Softening Evil Hearts”

There is another icon that is directly related to the feast of the Presentation of the Lord. It is called “Simeon’s Prophecy” or “Softening Evil Hearts.” This icon depicts the moment when an Israeli husband prophesies to the Mother of God that a weapon will pierce Her own soul. The Virgin Mary stands on a cloud with seven swords that pierced her heart: three on the left side, three on the right and one below. The number of swords is explained by the fact that it characterizes completeness, in in this case- suffering, heartache and sadness.

In general, if we consider what the holiday of the Presentation of the Lord means, we can conclude that it significant influence into Orthodox and Catholic Christian culture. This day also brings tangible spiritual meaning, since it symbolizes the meeting of two covenants: the Old, whose prototype is Simeon, and the New, brought by the Savior.

There are Christian holidays that literally everyone knows about. And they can describe in a nutshell what, in fact, believers celebrate. Christmas - Christ is born. Easter - Christ is risen. What is the Presentation of the Lord? What does this unusual even mean? to modern man is the word “meeting”? We invite you to get acquainted with the chronology of the events of Candlemas and see what trace this day of New Testament history left in world culture.

What does the word "Candlemas" mean?

Most frequently asked question, which can be heard regarding the Presentation: “Okay, today is the Presentation. What is this?
The Presentation of the Lord is one of the Twelfth Feasts of the Christian Church, that is, the main holidays of the church year. This is a permanent holiday; in the Russian Orthodox Church it is celebrated on February 15.

Translated from Church Slavonic “sretenie” means “meeting”. Presentation Day is the point in time where the Old One and New Testaments. Ancient world and Christianity. This happened thanks to a man who is given a very special place in the Gospel. But first things first.

Purification sacrifice from the Most Pure Virgin

On February 15, we remember the events described in the Gospel of Luke. The meeting took place 40 days after the Nativity of Christ.

The Jews of that time had two traditions associated with the birth of a child in the family.

Firstly, after giving birth, a woman could not appear in the Jerusalem Temple for forty days (and if a girl was born, then for all eighty). As soon as the period expired, the mother had to bring a cleansing sacrifice to the Temple. It included a burnt offering - a one-year-old lamb, and a sacrifice for the remission of sins - a dove. If the family was poor, instead of a lamb they also brought a dove, which resulted in “two turtle doves or two pigeon chicks.”

Secondly, if the first-born in the family was a boy, the parents came to the Temple with the newborn on the fortieth day for a rite of dedication to God. This was not just a tradition, but the law of Moses: the Jews established it in memory of the exodus of the Jews from Egypt - liberation from four centuries of slavery.

And so, Mary and Joseph arrived from Bethlehem to the capital of Israel, Jerusalem. With the forty-day-old Infant of God in their arms, they stepped onto the threshold of the Temple. The family did not live richly, so two doves became the purifying sacrifice of the Mother of God. The Blessed Virgin decided to make a sacrifice out of humility and respect before Jewish law, despite the fact that Jesus was born as a result of the immaculate conception.

Meeting in the Jerusalem Temple

After completing the ritual, the Holy Family was already heading towards the exit from the Temple, but then an ancient old man approached them, perhaps the most old man in Jerusalem. His name was Simeon. Translated from Hebrew, “šim’on” means “hearing.”

The righteous man took the Child in his arms and joyfully exclaimed: “ Now do You let Your servant go, O Master, according to Your word, in peace, for mine eyes have seen Your salvation, which You have prepared before the face of all nations, a light to enlighten the Gentiles and the glory of Your people Israel."(Luke 2:29-32).

According to legend, at the time of his meeting with Christ, Simeon was more than 300 years old. He was a respected man, one of seventy-two scholars tasked with translating the Holy Scriptures from Hebrew to Greek. The translation of the Septuagint was made at the request of the Egyptian king Ptolemy II Philadelphus (285-247 BC).

It was no coincidence that the elder found himself in the Temple this Saturday—the Holy Spirit brought him. Many years ago, Simeon was translating the book of the prophet Isaiah and saw the mysterious words: “ Behold the Virgin in her womb will receive and give birth to a Son" How can a virgin, that is, a virgin, give birth?

The scientist doubted and wanted to correct “Virgo” to “Wife” (woman). But an Angel appeared to him and not only forbade him to change the word, but said that Simeon would not die until he was personally convinced that the prophecy was true. Evangelist Luke writes about this: “ He was a righteous and pious man, looking forward to the consolation of Israel; and the Holy Spirit was upon him. He was predicted by the Holy Spirit that he would not see death until he saw Christ the Lord"(Luke 2:25-26).

And now, the day has come. What the scientist had been waiting for all his unbearably long life came true. Simeon took into his arms the Child born of the Virgin, which means that the Angel’s prophecy was fulfilled. The old man could die peacefully. " Now You are releasing Your servant, O Master...“The Church named him Simeon the God-Receiver and glorified him as a saint.

Bishop Theophan the Recluse wrote: “In the person of Simeon, the entire Old Testament, unredeemed humanity, passes into eternity in peace, giving way to Christianity...” The memory of this gospel history sounds every day in Orthodox worship.

This is the Song of Simeon the God-Receiver, or in other words - “Now you let go.”

“A weapon will pierce your very soul”

Having received the Child from the hands of the Most Pure Virgin, Elder Simeon addressed her with the words: “Behold, because of Him the people will argue: some will be saved, while others will perish. And the weapon will pierce your very soul May the thoughts of many hearts be revealed"(Luke 2:34-35).

Disputes among the people are the persecutions that were prepared for the Savior. Opening thoughts - God's Judgment. What kind of weapon will pierce the heart of the Virgin Mary? This was a prophecy of the Crucifixion that awaited her Son. After all, the nails and spear from which the Savior died passed through her mother’s heart with unbearable pain. There is an icon of the Mother of God - a vivid illustration of this prophecy. It's called "Softening Evil Hearts." Icon painters depict the Mother of God standing on a cloud with seven swords stuck in her heart.

Anna the prophetess

On the day of the Presentation, another meeting took place in the Jerusalem Temple. An 84-year-old widow, “the daughter of Phanuel,” approached the Mother of God. The townspeople called her Anna the Prophetess for her inspired speeches about God. She lived and worked at the Temple for many years, as Evangelist Luke writes, “ serving God day and night with fasting and prayer"(Luke 2:37 - 38).
Anna the prophetess bowed to the newborn Christ and left the Temple, bringing the news to the townspeople about the coming of the Messiah, the deliverer of Israel. And the Holy Family returned to Nazareth, since they fulfilled everything prescribed by the law of Moses.

The meaning of the Feast of the Presentation

Archpriest Igor Fomin, rector of the Alexander Nevsky Church at MGIMO, cleric of the Cathedral of the Icon of the Kazan Mother of God on Red Square:

“The Meeting is a meeting with the Lord. Elder Simeon and Prophetess Anna left their names in the Holy Scriptures because they gave us an example of how to receive the Lord with a pure and open heart.

After meeting Christ, Simeon went to the forefathers to await the Resurrection of Christ. And, imagine, death became a great happiness for him! The righteous old man lived a long life - according to legend, he was more than three hundred years old. Many will say “lucky” because they dream of living forever. But read the stories of centenarians who have exceeded the age allotted to man by God - one hundred and twenty years. I remember one TV story: an ancient old woman was brought out to the journalists by her great-great-great-granddaughter, who was also far from young. The bent grandmother was straightened up and asked: “Television has come to you here. What can you say? And she answered: “Why was the Lord angry with me? Why doesn’t He take me?” So Simeon waited for deliverance from the burden of a long life. And, having received the Divine Infant from the hands of the Virgin Mary, he rejoiced.

“Now you are releasing your servant,” says Simeon. Now that he has seen the Savior with his own eyes, the Lord releases him from the corruptible world into the Heavenly World. So we, once we have met God, must understand: the time of sin, weakness and self-will has passed.

It's time for bliss!

It is no coincidence that the Presentation occurs with the forty-day-old Infant. He is small and defenseless, but at the same time he is great and full of triumphant joy. This is how a person who has come to know Christ should be—a newborn Christian. Full of jubilation.

Meeting is not just a day from distant New Testament history. At least once in his life, any person finds himself in the house of God - in the temple. And there each person experiences his personal Meeting—a meeting with Christ. How to understand whether a Meeting has occurred in your life? It’s very simple - ask yourself: am I joyful? have I changed? how much love is in my heart? Let's meet the Lord, let's see Him with our hearts! "

Song of Simeon the God-Receiver

The Song of Simeon the God-Receiver, or “Now you let go...” are the words of Simeon the God-Receiver from the Gospel of Luke.
This prayer is mentioned for the first time in the Apostolic Constitutions. In the Russian Orthodox Church, the words of Simeon the God-Receiver are read rather than sung during services, unlike Catholics, for example. This happens at the end of Vespers. In addition, Orthodox Christians say “Now you let go...” during the Sacrament of Baptism - but only for infant boys.


Church Slavonic:

Now do You let Your servant go, O Master, according to Your word, in peace;
for my eyes have seen Your salvation,
which you have prepared in the presence of all people,
light for the revelation of tongues, and the glory of Your people Israel.


Now you are releasing Your servant, O Master, according to Your word, in peace,
for mine eyes have seen Your salvation,
which You have prepared before all nations,
light for the enlightenment of the Gentiles and the glory of Your people Israel.

Troparion to the Presentation of the Lord

Rejoice, Blessed Virgin Mary, / from You the Sun of Truth, Christ our God, has risen, / enlightening those in darkness. / Rejoice, you too, the righteous one, / received into the arms of the Liberator of our souls, / / ​​yes who promises us resurrection.

History of the celebration

The Feast of the Presentation of the Lord is one of the most ancient in the Christian Church. The first Sretensky sermons were delivered to the people in the 4th-5th centuries - for example, Saints Cyril of Jerusalem, Gregory the Theologian, Gregory of Nyssa and John Chrysostom.

The oldest and at the same time historically reliable evidence of the celebration of the Presentation in the Christian East is the “Pilgrimage to the Holy Places.” It was written by the pilgrim Etheria (Sylvia) at the end of the 4th century. She writes: “On this day there is a procession to Anastasis, and everyone marches, and everything is done in order with the greatest triumph, as if on Easter. All the presbyters preach, and then the bishop... After this, having sent everything in the usual order, they perform the Liturgy.”

The holiday became national for Byzantium in the 6th century. Following this, the tradition of the solemn celebration of the Presentation spread throughout the Christian world.

Divine service of the Presentation

The Presentation of the Lord has an invariable place in the church calendar. February 15 (February 2, old style). If Candlemas falls on the Monday of the first week of Lent, which happens very rarely, the festive service is moved to the previous day - February 14.

Meeting is a feast of the Lord, that is, dedicated to Jesus Christ. But in the first centuries of Christianity, the Mother of God was honored on this day. Therefore, those who say that this is the feast of the Mother of God will be partly right.

Meeting is close to the holidays in honor of the Mother of God and according to the structure of the service. In the troparion of the holiday, in the prokeimnas at Matins and Liturgy and other hymns, appeals to the Mother of God occupy a central place.

Interestingly, the duality of the Presentation influenced the color of the vestments of the clergy at the festive service. They can be white - as on the Lord's holidays, and blue - as on the Mother of God. IN church tradition white symbolizes Divine light. Blue - the purity and purity of the Virgin Mary.

The custom of blessing candles

The custom of blessing church candles on the feast of the Presentation of the Lord came to the Orthodox Church from Catholics. This happened in 1646, when Metropolitan of Kiev Saint Peter (Mogila) compiled and published his missal. In it, the author described in detail the Catholic rite of religious processions with lit lamps. With the help of such a torchlight procession, the Roman Church tried to distract its flock from pagan holidays associated with the veneration of fire. On these days, the pagan Celts celebrated Imbolc, the Romans celebrated Lupercalia (a festival associated with the shepherd cult), and the Slavs celebrated Gromnitsa. It is interesting that in Poland, after the adoption of Christianity, the Presentation began to be called the feast of the Gromnica Mother of God. This is an echo of the myths about the thunder god and his wife - people believed that Sretensky candles could protect a house from lightning and fire.

The Orthodox Church treated the Sretensky candles in a special way - not magically, but reverently. They were kept all year and lit during home prayer.

Folk traditions of Meeting

IN folk traditions The celebration of the Presentation mixed ecclesiastical and pagan. Some of these customs are completely unchristian, but even they say something important about this day - it was very joyful for people.

A simple calendar analogy was found for the meeting of the Holy Family with Elder Simeon. On this day, the common people began to celebrate the meeting of winter and spring. Hence many sayings: “at Candlemas, winter met spring,” “at Candlemas, the sun turned to summer, winter turned to frost.”

Latest winter frosts and the first spring thaws were called Sretensky. After the holiday, the peasants began many “spring” activities. They drove the cattle out of the barn into the corral, prepared the seeds for sowing, and whitened fruit trees. And of course, in addition to housework, festivities were held in the villages. 1. Many settlements in Russia and abroad are named in honor of the Presentation. The largest is the city of Sretensk, the regional center of the Chita region.
2. In the USA and Canada, the famous Candlemas holiday, which is celebrated there on February 2, is timed folk holiday- Groundhog Day.
3. The Presentation of the Lord - in some countries it is also the Day of Orthodox Youth. The idea of ​​this holiday belongs to the World Orthodox Youth Movement - “Syndesmos”. In 1992, with the blessing of all heads of local Orthodox Churches Syndesmos approved February 15 as Orthodox Youth Day.

Icons of the Presentation

The iconography of the Presentation is an illustration of the narrative of the Evangelist Luke. The Virgin Mary hands the Divine Infant into the arms of Elder Simeon - here main plot holiday icons and frescoes. Joseph the Betrothed is depicted behind the back of the Mother of God; he carries two pigeons in his hands or in a cage. Behind righteous Simeon they write Anna the prophetess.

The oldest image of the Presentation can be found in one of the mosaics triumphal arch in the Church of Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome. The mosaic was created in the first half of the 5th century. On it we see the Mother of God walking with the Child in her arms towards Saint Simeon, accompanied by angels.

The most ancient depictions of the events of Candlemas in Rus' are two frescoes from the 12th century. The first is in the St. Cyril Church in Kyiv. The second is in the Church of the Savior on Nereditsa in Novgorod. It is interesting that in the fresco of the Cyril Church the Child does not sit, but lies in the arms of the Mother of God.

There is an unusual version of the Candlemas iconography in medieval Georgian art. On these icons there is no image of an altar; instead there is a burning candle, a symbol of sacrifice to God.

The icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Softening Evil Hearts” is associated with the event of the Presentation; it is also called “Simeon’s Prophecy.” The iconographic plot reminds us of the words of Simeon the God-Receiver addressed to the Virgin Mary: “ And the weapon will pierce your very soul.”.

By the way, this image is very similar to the “Seven Arrow” icon of the Mother of God. But there is one difference. The arrows piercing the heart of the Mother of God are located on the “Softening of Evil Hearts” icon, three on the right and left, one on the bottom. The “Seven Arrows” icon has four arrows on one side and three on the other.


Theophan the Recluse. Word for the Presentation of the Lord

“...We are all called not to only mentally imagine this bliss, but to actually taste it, because we are all called to have and carry the Lord within ourselves and to disappear in Him with all the strength of our spirit. And so, when we reach this state, then our bliss will not be lower than the bliss of those who participated in the Meeting of the Lord...”

Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh on the Presentation

“...Together with Him, the Mother is, as it were, sacrificed. Simeon the God-Receiver says to Her: But a weapon will pass through your heart, and you will go through torment and suffering... And the years pass, and Christ hangs on the cross, dying, and the Mother of God stands at the cross silently, resignedly, with complete faith, complete hope, complete love giving Him to death, just as She brought Him to the temple as a living sacrifice to the living God.

Many mothers over the centuries have experienced the horror of their son dying; many mothers have had weapons pass through their hearts. She can understand everyone, She embraces everyone with Her love, She can reveal to everyone in the silent sacrament of communication the depths of this sacrifice.

Let those who are dying a terrible and painful death remember Christ crucified and give their lives as the Son of God, who became the son of man, gave it: without anger, resignedly, lovingly, for the salvation of not only those who were close to Him, but and those who were His enemies, last words extracting them from destruction: Father, forgive them, they do not know what they are doing!

And mothers whose sons, whose children die an evil death - oh, their Mother of God can teach them how to give to the heroism, to the suffering and to the death of those whom they love most on earth and in eternity...

Therefore, let us all reverently worship the Mother of God in Her suffering on the Cross, in Her crucified love, in Her endless sacrifice, and in Christ the Savior, Who is brought to the temple today, and whose sacrifice will be accomplished on Calvary. It ends, the Old Testament has ended, it has begun new life love for life and death, and we belong to this life.”

Archbishop Luke (Voino-Yasenetsky). Word on the Day of the Presentation of the Lord

“In the world, in the deep spiritual world, Saint Simeon the God-Receiver passed into eternity after a 300-year life in anticipation of the fulfillment of the prophecy of Isain: “Behold, the Virgin will be with child and give birth to a Son, and they will call His name Emmanuel, as it is said, “God with us.” .

Why do you constantly hear this prayer now? Why is it, like no other, repeated at every vespers?
Then, in order for them to remember the hour of death, so that they remember that you too must die in such deep world how Saint Simeon the God-Receiver died...

If you want the words of the prayer of Simeon the God-Receiver to be fulfilled on you, if you want to have boldness in the hour of death, repeat his prayer and say: “Now you are releasing Your servant, O Master, according to Your word in peace,” - if you want this, then follow Christ , taking His yoke upon yourself, learning from Him, for He is meek and lowly in heart.”

What kind of holiday is this, the Presentation of the Lord, which is associated with the rite of the Old Testament tradition of dedicating a newborn baby to God on the 40th day, interests many. Holy Mother of God brought little Jesus to the center of spiritual life - the Jerusalem Temple. According to the Law, on the 40th day, in the temple, through the prayers of the priest, the mother must be cleansed of ancestral blood. But in the case of the Mother of God, Her coming symbolizes deep humility before the Law. As a Virgo, she did not have to undergo this ritual.

Sretensky Day is one of the great church holidays. What date of the Presentation of the Lord 2018 is celebrated is easy to remember, because the date is constant. This holiday is celebrated annually on February 15th. The Feast of the Presentation is one of the Christmas holidays (Christmas, Epiphany and Presentation).

According to Holy Tradition, Elder Simeon was waiting for Jesus in the Jerusalem Temple. He was a translator of books, translating the Book of the Prophet Isaiah, Simeon doubted the prophecy about the birth of the Mission.

It sounded like a virgin was about to give birth to a Son. Simeon wanted to correct the word “virgin” to “wife,” but was stopped by an angel who suddenly appeared to him. He predicted to Simeon that he would live until he saw the Son of God.

According to Holy Tradition, Elder Simeon was waiting for Jesus in the Jerusalem Temple

What kind of holiday this is, the Presentation of the Lord, which took place according to angelic prophecy at the hour appointed by God, is evidenced by further events.

Elder Simeon is also called the Receiver of God. He blessed the baby Jesus on his 40th day of birth. By dedicating the Mother of God to Her future trials as a mother and telling Her the mission of Jesus Christ. The icon “The Presentation of the Lord” is dedicated to this event.

Elder Simeon is also called the God-Receiver

The word itself is translated as meeting. At the same time, Elder Anna lived near the temple, who also had the gift of prophecy. As soon as she saw Jesus, she began to praise God and the newborn baby.

Anna is often depicted in icons with Joseph the Betrothed, the adoptive father of Jesus. This is the only case where the father, and not the child, was adopted.

Description of the holiday icon

What kind of holiday this is, the Presentation of the Lord, can be seen by examining the iconography. The execution of the composition of this meeting can be symmetrical, where the Mother of God is depicted with her Son and Elder Simeon receiving him in his arms, and asymmetrical - with the image of the path to the temple of the Mother of God, the angel, Joseph and Anna the fortuneteller.

What kind of holiday is this, the Presentation of the Lord, can be seen by examining the iconography

In the first case, the saving, sacrificial role of Christ is emphasized, and in the second, the participation in this role of the Mother of God as the intercessor of the entire human race.

In the Roman basilica there is the oldest mosaic representation of the Presentation of the Lord in precisely this composition. It symbolizes unshakable obedience and fulfillment of the Law. After all, the Virgin Mary was pure, and she did not need to participate in the purification rite of her mother, nevertheless, she strictly observed all the temple rites of that time.

The Lord said: I did not come to destroy, but to fulfill. Thus confirming the power of His own Word. The icon of the “Meeting of the Lord” with stamps, dated to the 17th century, depicts more than one event that preceded the meeting of Elder Simeon with divine baby Jesus.

Gradually, this redundancy of the plot, according to the decision of the icon painters, became more specific. Because they thought that there was too much information on the icon, and it distracted from the main event.

Canonical icons often depict little Jesus in the arms of the Mother of God, embraced by Elder Simeon. Or he, while waiting, sees a solemn procession approaching him, led by the Mother of God.

Church celebration traditions

The main tradition of the Orthodox celebration of the Presentation of the Lord is borrowed from Catholics. This rite is recorded in the breviary of Bishop Peter Mohyla of Constantinople, a great ascetic of the Orthodox faith. In Catholicism, this holiday is called “Bright Mass” and believers stand with burning candles throughout the service.

In Catholicism, this holiday is called “Bright Mass” and believers stand with burning candles throughout the service.

In Orthodoxy, the tradition is to consecrate candles, which are then called Sretensky candles. They are used in home prayer for severe illnesses, quarrels, light during severe bad weather.

After the Divine Liturgy, it is customary to walk around the home with a Sretensky candle, consecrating it with prayer from wickedness and misfortune.

After the Divine Liturgy, it is customary to walk around the home with a Sretensky candle, consecrating it with prayer from wickedness and misfortunes

Before or after the Divine Liturgy, according to the decision of the priest, a water blessing prayer is served. The water is used in the same way as any other holy water. Take on an empty stomach or as needed.