Yellow color of the wallet. What spell to read for a new wallet so that money can be found? Silver and white

In this article you will learn:

A wallet is an item that is constantly in contact with money and valuables, which makes its selection and care especially important. According to Feng Shui, to attract money, a wallet must comply with some simple principles that will bring wealth and prosperity to the life of its owner.

Shape of a suitable wallet

Practicing masters are unanimous in the opinion that it is better to choose a wallet according to Feng Shui from rectangular options. The best choice would be the shape of a paper bill. Round (or with pronounced roundings) wallets are extremely undesirable, as they deprive the owner of financial stability. A wallet for attracting money should be as simple as possible, in terms of shape and outline.

Optimal product dimensions

Of considerable importance in the practice of Feng Shui are exact numbers associated with the sizes of objects important in life. When choosing a wallet size according to Feng Shui, you can turn to imperial sizes: eight categories by which you can calculate correct length, width and thickness.

The most favorable segments are the following lengths:

  • from 0 to 5.4 cm;
  • from 16.2 to 21.5 cm;
  • from 37.5 to 43.2 cm.

A wallet should be abandoned if any of its sides fall within one of the following intervals:

  • from 5.4 to 10.8 cm;
  • from 10.8 to 16.2 cm;
  • from 27 to 32.4 cm.

Choosing the wrong size can lead to a number of negative consequences, including monetary losses, problems with the law, clashes with deceivers and criminals, deprivation of a social circle.

It is not advisable to purchase a wallet that is too small, as it will not be able to store banknotes in proper form. Money should be well straightened, not bent. For the same reason, wallets that need to be folded in half are not recommended, because folding can disrupt the circulation of favorable energies.

Natural materials are the basis of wealth

The following principles will help you choose the right wallet, in terms of material and quality:

  1. Money should not be visible when the wallet is closed. Therefore, it is unacceptable to have compartments made of transparent materials (even pockets for coins).
  2. Natural base – best choice for a wallet, especially if it is genuine leather or suede. It is believed that due to its natural origin it is capable of transmitting energy through itself. If it is not possible to purchase a leather wallet, natural fabric is a good alternative. This option is always better than any artificial materials that can lead to stagnation of energy.
  3. Particular attention should be paid to the quality of tailoring: it should be as high as possible. No uneven seams, sloppy threads, loose or crooked elements. The coloring must also be durable. To know for sure whether a wallet has been painted correctly, just rub it.
  4. The wallet should not be cheap; it is better to give preference to an expensive model. Although if it is possible to purchase the product high quality with a discount, this is not forbidden.
  5. All available fittings must work properly. Before purchasing, you should make sure that all locks and fastenings function without difficulty.
  6. The wallet must be new; you cannot buy or accept as a gift a product that has already been in use, even for a very short time.
  7. Wallets with external trim are not the best option, but also acceptable.

Wallet color palette according to Feng Shui

Despite large number principles on which you can rely when choosing this product, there is one golden rule: The best color for a wallet according to Feng Shui is red. It symbolizes wealth and great financial success. A red wallet should look luxurious and requires especially careful care. It is not forbidden to have any symbols of wealth on the purse, not necessarily related to Eastern teachings.

Also, a wallet can be selected in accordance with the element to which its future owner belongs from a Feng Shui point of view. This can be determined by the last digit of the year of birth:

  1. Metal (0 or 1): gray, white, silver, copper. It is important to consider that wallets of these colors are difficult to care for.
  2. Water (2 or 3): blue, light blue, purple, turquoise, black wallet.
  3. Wood (4 or 5): Any shade of green that encourages prosperity and growth.
  4. Fire (6 or 7): red, yellow, pink, orange and any shades thereof.
  5. Earth (8 or 9): all shades of brown, gold, beige. These are the colors of reliability and stability.

When choosing a wallet, it is better to give preference to bright, rich shades that lift your spirits and are pleasing to the eye. In addition, this approach increases security: a bright wallet is much more difficult to lose than a black or gray one.

What talismans can be stored in it?

After purchasing a new wallet, you can place a Feng Shui talisman in it, which will enhance the attraction of money. This is not necessary, but this approach is common and produces good results. As a talisman for well-being you can use:

  • three Chinese coins decorated with hieroglyphs and tied with a red thread - the most common symbol of wealth that can be carried with you everywhere;
  • a small bill or coin earned by the owner of the wallet;
  • one dollar bill: green currency best suits the principles of Feng Shui;
  • A mint leaf is a strong positive symbol.

You should always keep money in your wallet, and nothing extra. Acceptable is the presence bank cards, but they have their own section. Banknotes inside the wallet should be kept neat and clean, arranged in ascending order, face forward. Over time, this becomes a habit and does not cause any inconvenience, but the right approach brings more finances into life. It is important to ensure that banknotes do not wrinkle during storage.

What is harmful to keep in your wallet?

Having chosen a wallet to attract money, you should keep it clean and tidy. For many people, it is common to carry photographs of loved ones and family members inside their wallet.

  1. Receipts, checks, tickets and other similar trash (which often includes various lists purchases). When you come home, you should check every time to see if there are any extra papers inside, move them to another place or throw them away.
  2. Dirty, shabby, torn money. It is recommended to spend them immediately, put them in a bank account or exchange them for cleaner ones.
  3. Discount cards. They do not carry money energy and may interfere with its circulation.
  4. SIM cards, memory cards and other plastic cards.

At the same time, the wallet should never be left completely empty, even if its owner practically does not use cash. The energy of money can leave it, so it is important to constantly keep at least one coin or bill of any denomination in your wallet.

You should carefully monitor the condition of your wallet to prevent damage to it. The condition of all locks and fittings is especially important. If you don’t keep your wallet in good condition, you can’t count on inflows of monetary energy.

The wallet requires replacement in two cases:

  • it is in normal condition, but does not bring financial well-being (or even prevents it);
  • it has served well, but has become worn out over time and no longer has a presentable appearance.

In the second case, you should leave one bill (of the smallest denomination) in your wallet and carefully put it in a secluded place, away from prying eyes. In the best possible way The wallet owner's personal mailbox is suitable for this. After a month, the bill is replaced with a larger one. The ritual is repeated monthly throughout the year; it must be performed in high spirits. It is believed that this approach will increase the chances of financial well-being so much so that the last bill no longer seems large to a person.

The bills in your wallet should be spent with a feeling of ease and gratitude: this approach will definitely bring financial well-being.

Would you like to have a wallet that would attract money to you? If you believe the money horoscope, then this is quite possible if you choose a wallet in accordance with your Zodiac Sign. So, which wallet will attract wealth to you?


Aries need to choose expensive leather wallets. Such an accessory will emphasize his status and become an excellent talisman for money. Preferred wallet colors: red, gold and crimson.


A modest wallet, but with taste, is suitable for Taurus. Preferably without drawings or inscriptions. Money will be lured by a green and yellow wallet.



Cancer money luck will bring a wallet with many compartments and pockets. The color of the wallet should be purple, silver, light green.


Leo's wallet should be luxurious. Sequins, stones, inscriptions, drawings, studs and other decorations are welcome. The color of money luck in this case is black, scarlet, purple.


Virgo's wallet, first of all, should be convenient and practical. The colors recommended by the money horoscope are white, green, pale blue.


Libras need to choose a wallet that is stylish and original. The colors of money luck are blue, turquoise.


Only a high-quality and expensive wallet can attract good luck in money to Scorpios. The colors recommended by the horoscope are red, yellow, orange, gold.


Sagittarius needs to choose a large and bright wallet that will become a beacon for money. Lucky colors are blue, green, purple.


Classic version a wallet will come in handy. Recommended colors: black, blue, brown.


A wallet will bring money luck to Aquarius self made, made by someone close or familiar. Colors: turquoise, blue, ultramarine.


A vintage wallet will bring financial luck to Pisces. Colors - blue, steel, silver, white, color sea ​​wave.

Take advantage of your money luck given to you by your Zodiac Sign! We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

A wallet has long become indispensable for a person, being within his biofield for most of the day. The sages of ancient and modern times believe that the energy of money has a certain intelligence and strives for radiations familiar to it. These are different talismans, and certain colors that have a spectrum of colors similar to it. Knowing what color your wallet should be can bring abundance and prosperity into your life.

Selection criteria

The wallet itself is a symbol of wealth. The energy of abundance will be extremely uncomfortable in a shabby, dirty cosmetic bag or a cheap oilcloth wallet. The owner, opening it for payment, will experience unpleasant feelings that are incompatible with the warm and abundant energy of wealth. Therefore, it is important to know not only what color attracts money, but also the quality requirements for a symbol of well-being.

Top quality

It’s logical that a wallet shouldn’t be cheap, but it doesn’t have to be incredibly expensive if it doesn’t fit into the family budget. But it's worth spending a little more than planned to create beautiful house for the constant presence of monetary energy. Eat certain standards qualities to look for Before you buy the right wallet:

At the same time, there are a number of unacceptable parameters. There is a possibility of losing money or even the source of its income. The wallet should not be:

  • dilapidated, dirty, scratched;
  • round or oval;
  • too small;
  • with a common pocket for change and paper money;
  • wrong color.

The main thing is symbolism

Inside it is necessary to have spacious compartments: separately for small items and several compartments for bills (the latter must be placed unfolded, with the front side facing the owner). It's good if they are sorted in order from small to large, and there is a large zippered pocket at the back for storing high denomination banknotes. This symbolizes that the influx of money is constant and growing, and there is a sufficient reserve in stock.

Banknotes should be taken with the left hand and given with the right. This is an old sign that always works. First of all, you should spend wrinkled or glued paper money if you accidentally find it in your hands. Regular cleaning of your wallet from old checks and notes is mandatory for a successful person. You should not store photographs of loved ones there, this makes them less spiritual and down to earth, but small reproductions of icons are very useful, because it will work as a talisman.

The following work great as a symbol that attracts money:

  • three coins tied with red thread;
  • 2 cents given by a rich person;
  • dollar folded into a triangle;
  • mint or clover leaf;
  • runes or hieroglyphs with the meaning of wealth;
  • A large denomination banknote.

Any of the amulets can be placed in a special “window” inside the wallet and this will make it a magnet for attracting money, but the main thing is to decide on the color.

Rainbow of abundance

Having set out to choose the right wallet to attract money, first of all you need to focus on the colors of the element to which the person belongs. You can find out by date of birth.

Multi-colored horoscopes

According to the Eastern and Western horoscope, each zodiac sign and year of birth corresponds not only to an animal, but also to a certain element. Nowadays everyone knows their zodiac sign, so making a choice will not be difficult.

If you take eastern horoscope, then there is more consistency in the choice of elements and colors. Sometimes they coincide with the color of the zodiac sign, making it easier to choose the color of the wallet based on your date of birth, and if not, the colors can be combined or rely on your inner feeling of what is needed right now. You can easily determine the desired element by looking at the last digit of the year of birth:

  • zero, one - metal (silver, gold, white-gray);
  • two, three - water (blue, blue, black, violet);
  • four, five - wood (all shades of green, coffee);
  • six, seven - fire (pink, bright scarlet, orange, purple);
  • eight, nine - earth (yellow, dark brown, red, sand).

The colors of water are dangerous for everyone except those born under its protection. The rest, using a purple or black wallet, will spend more than expected and will be left without funds.

If a person combines the opposite forces of nature, for example, Aquarius (air), born in the year of fire, you can combine the main colors and purchase a white-orange or gray-red wallet. The only exceptions are combinations of shades of elements that destroy each other. Combinations to be avoided:

  • water with fire;
  • wood with metal;
  • land with water;
  • metal with fire;
  • tree with earth.

Traditional shades of wealth

Not everyone believes in horoscopes, because the science of Feng Shui is much more ancient, and its methods of controlling the creative power of the Universe are time-tested. Chinese art to attract money, he highlights certain colors that can attract wealth with their own vibrations, consonant with qi energy:

The Emperor's Secret

Color will work faster when combined with the desired shape. According to Feng Shui, a rectangle symbolizes wealth, which is why both banknotes and wallets traditionally correspond to it. Square, the sign of metal, is also favorable. But the masters in ancient China knew the secret meanings of not only colors, but also sizes that attract good luck. Emperors used items measured with a special prosperity ruler. Nowadays, imperial sizes regularly perform their function and it will be useful to know which ones contribute to enrichment.

  • A wallet of any color will become an instant magnet for money in sizes from 17.5 to 19 cm. Feng Shui masters use just these, even if they have to make them to order.
  • A money house measuring from 11 to 16 cm will attract deceivers and thieves. The money won't stay here for long.
  • A length of 19-20 cm means a successful and kind son, and a wallet of this size is ideal as a gift for the heir.
  • Size 20−21.5 cm brings general monetary luck.

It is considered a good omen to buy new wallet slightly larger than the previous one, clean it with salt and ask it to work as a magnet for money and a repository of personal success. It is worth buying it if the previous one does not make a profit or has fallen into disrepair. A well-chosen wallet needs to be cared for and cherished, cleaned regularly and put in salt once every few months to remove negativity.

If it is no longer possible to use it, then you need to throw it away without regret, but with gratitude, on the waxing Moon, but not in the evening. You shouldn’t take risks and buy a wallet of a different color if it’s obvious that red or green regularly brings good luck.

It is favorable to purchase a wallet on the first days of the New Year. On a new moon, you can charge it to attract finance by filling it with silver coins and placing it on the windowsill so that the light of the Moon falls on them. You can pray and ask Higher powers help in financial difficulties or read a spell, and then leave the wallet there all night.

You cannot give an empty wallet as a gift; this blocks access to the energy of money for both the giver and the one who receives. If they gave it as a gift, then you can correct the situation with gold coins or very large bill, which should be put inside for a week, and the wallet itself should be hidden from prying eyes.

The main thing is that the house for money should energetically match the owner, please him and inspire him to replenish with new ones. banknotes. Taking it in your hands, you need to feel the flow of power and a positive response. Only then will he become a good helper and keeper of an endless financial flow.

A wallet is not just a convenient accessory for storing money. Many believe that the wallet is also powerful talisman, attracting material well-being. According to common signs, a wallet should be chosen based on a certain color scheme. Since ancient times, people have believed in magical power colors: some shades are capable of attracting wealth into a person’s life, while others, on the contrary, repel it.

Favorable colors

There are traditional colors in the generally accepted sense that contribute to the accumulation of “monetary” energy. The most popular association with wealth and prosperity is the clinking of gold coins. It’s easy to guess that the most favorable for energy accumulation material well-being are all shades of golden, yellow, beige. If you do not want to purchase a gold-colored wallet that is too bright and flashy, opt for a neutral model with an ocher shade. Wallets in warm yellow tones, beige, brown, and mustard are also appropriate.

When choosing a new wallet, be guided by your own feelings. If the wallet calls you positive emotions and pleases the eye, feel free to buy it, even if the color scheme cannot be called standard.

Fans of a classic conservative style in accessories can choose a wallet in traditional black or brown. These shades are considered the colors of the earth, they symbolize fertile soil. A soft forest green shade would be a good option.

Powerful money talisman The wallet is considered to be red. Red is the color of prosperity and vital energy, it symbolizes blood, fire, activity. It is believed that in a red wallet money will increase without difficulty.

The material of the wallet also plays an important role. It is best to pay attention to models made of genuine leather. Too cheap leatherette accessories are unlikely to attract money into your pocket.

What colors should you avoid?

If the colors of the fire element are able to attract money, then the water element repels them. It is believed that along with flowing and fickle water, money seems to flow away from its owner’s wallet, so you should avoid wallets of all shades of blue, light blue, turquoise, and sea green. The only exception is the silver shade. Despite the fact that silver color is classified as a cold color, it is favorable for accumulating wealth, as it gives rise to associations with precious silver coins.

In esoteric teachings, the color of an object is a reflection of its energy component. Different teachings interpret the influence of colors differently. Now we will find out what color a wallet should be to attract money, according to the Eastern teachings of Feng Shui and Western astrology.

Feng Shui selection

It is believed that the energy that works best for a person is the one that corresponds to the element of his birth. This applies to the color of any item: a car that will prevent you from getting into an accident, or a wallet that will attract additional material wealth into your life.

Therefore, before determining what the color of the wallet should be according to Feng Shui, you need to.


This color is always considered as one of the most powerful activators of wealth. It suits people of the Fire element. Not bad for the Earth element.

However, even for those elements for whom red is suitable, it is not always worth purchasing such an accessory. The fact is that red color enhances everything: both bad and good. And if a person has serious problems with money in his life, he can increase these problems. And finally push away material wealth.

Therefore, if you internally feel some resistance, do not purchase a red accessory. Even if you belong to the element of Fire.


This color is considered a symbol of abundance in many cultures. Not only in the teachings of Feng Shui.

Wallet blue Suitable for people of the elements of Water and Wood. Neutral for the Earth. And completely contraindicated for Fire and Metal.


Black color in Feng Shui is also associated with Water. Therefore, such accessories are again suitable for people of the Elements of Water and Wood.

They are bad for Earth, Fire and Metal.


Earth element color. Also suitable for Wood and sometimes Metal people. Under no circumstances should it be used by Water and Fire.

Beige shades are good only for the Earth.


An excellent choice for people of the elements of Wood and, oddly enough, Fire.

Also, green items are suitable for all those who are starting something new in their lives, for example, starting a new project, and want to receive additional monetary profit from this enterprise.


Earth element color. Suitable for Metal.

However, be careful. Money comes into yellow wallets easily. But they also leave them easily. Therefore, they should not be used by people prone to thoughtless spending.

The gold option is only suitable for people who already have good money savings and want to increase them.


Corresponds to people of the Metal element. They can also use silver and light gray accessories.

Pure white are shown to those who are completely confused in financial problems and want to clean and update their money channels. Regardless of the element of birth.

Choice by Zodiac Signs

Astrologically, the color of the wallet is chosen according to the color of the element of one’s zodiac constellation.

Fire Element: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Red, gold, violet (purple, lilac).

Earth Element: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Brown, terracotta, green, black.

Air Element: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

All shades of blue. Light colors work especially well - the color of the summer sky, turquoise.

Water Element: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.

Red and blue-green shades.

It may seem strange that red is associated with Water. But that's true. It represents the power of the depths of the ocean.

Which color should you prefer: a specific one according to Feng Shui or an astrological one?

Feng Shui is believed to work more effectively.

But remember that the final choice is always yours. Be sure to listen to your inner voice. If you feel that the advice of Eastern teachings does not suit you psychologically, then it is not really true for you.

Rules of use according to Feng Shui

  1. Do not put it in your wallet under any circumstances. family photos. It will “confuse” money.
  2. Never leave it empty. There should always be a certain amount of money there, which is not intended for spending, but simply “lives” there. It will be great if you take such a “fixed ruble” from a person who is significantly wealthier than you in the financial world.
  3. Do not use an old, dirty or torn wallet. Once an item shows signs of fading, it should be replaced immediately.
  4. Buy only items made from natural materials. If you cannot afford genuine leather, it is better to buy a fabric accessory than a leather item.
  5. You can’t keep anything in your wallet that reminds you of spending. For example, receipts. Don't put it there credit cards. Since they symbolize the lack of money, and not its abundance. Also, you should not put items that have nothing to do with money, such as identification cards.
  6. Buy wallets only of a size so that bills fit in them freely, without bending.