Characteristic features of a Russian person. Russian mentality: what does it mean to be a Russian person? Heightened sense of justice

We are Russians...
What a delight!
A.V. Suvorov

Reflections on the character of the Russian people lead us to the conclusion that the character of the people and the character of an individual do not have a direct correlation. The people are a conciliar, symphonic personality, therefore it is hardly possible to detect in every Russian person all the features and properties of the Russian national character. In general, in the Russian character one can see the qualities of Peter the Great, Prince Myshkin, Oblomov and Khlestakov, i.e. both positive and negative properties. There are no peoples on earth who have only positive or only negative character traits. In reality, there is a known relationship between the two. Only in the assessment of some peoples by others does a false idea arise, giving rise to stereotypes and myths, that another (not our) people has mainly negative character traits. And, on the contrary, there is a desire to attribute all kinds of positive characteristics superlatively to his own people.

In the character of the Russian people, such properties as patience, national fortitude, conciliarity, generosity, immensity (breadth of soul), and talent are often noted. BUT. Lossky, in his book “The Character of the Russian People,” begins his study with such a trait of the Russian character as religiosity. “The main, deepest character trait of the Russian people is their religiosity, and the search for absolute good associated with it... which is feasible only in the Kingdom of God,” he writes. “Perfect good without any admixture of evil and imperfections exists in the Kingdom of God because it consists of individuals who fully implement in their behavior the two commandments of Jesus Christ: to love God more than yourself, and your neighbor as yourself. Members of the Kingdom of God are completely free from selfishness and therefore they create only absolute values ​​- moral goodness, beauty, knowledge of truth, benefits that are indivisible and indestructible, serving the whole world" [ 1 ].

Lossky puts emphasis on the word “search” for absolute good, thereby he does not absolutize the properties of the Russian people, but seeks to designate their spiritual aspirations. Therefore, in the history of Russia, thanks to the influence of the great holy ascetics, the ideal of the people became not powerful, not rich, but “Holy Rus'”. Lossky cites the insightful remark of I.V. Kireevsky, that in comparison with the businesslike, almost theatrical behavior of Europeans, one is surprised by the humility, calmness, restraint, dignity and inner harmony of people who grew up in the traditions of the Russian Orthodox Church. Even many generations of Russian atheists, instead of Christian religiosity, showed formal religiosity, a fanatical desire to realize on earth a kind of kingdom of God without God, on the basis of scientific knowledge and universal equality. “Considering Christian religiosity and the search for absolute good associated with it as the main property of the Russian people,” wrote Lossky, “in the following chapters I will try to explain some other properties of the Russian people in connection with this essential feature of their character” [ 2 ].

Lossky calls such derived traits of the Russian character the ability to higher forms of experience, feeling and will (powerful willpower, passion, maximalism), love of freedom, kindness, giftedness, messianism and missionism. At the same time, he also names negative traits associated with the lack of the middle area of ​​culture - fanaticism, extremism, which manifested themselves in the Old Believers, nihilism and hooliganism. It should be noted that Lossky, when analyzing the features of the Russian national character, has in mind the thousand-year experience of the existence of the Russian people and in fact does not give assessments related to the trends characteristic of the Russian character in the 20th century. For us, what is important in Lossky’s works is the basic feature of the national character, the dominant that determines all other properties and sets the vector for the analysis of the problem posed.

Modern researchers of this topic take more into account the trends in the development of the Russian national character of the 20th century, without denying the tradition that, over the course of the thousand-year history of Russia and the Russian people, has shaped these properties. So, V.K. Trofimov in his book “The Soul of the Russian People” writes: “Acquaintance with the national-physical and spiritual determinants of the psychological properties of the Russian people allows us to highlight the fundamental personal traits national psychology. These fundamental qualities, which constitute the essence of the national psychology and national character of the Russian people, can be designated as the essential forces of the Russian soul" [ 3 ].

Among the essential forces he considers the paradoxical nature of mental manifestations (the inconsistency of the Russian soul), contemplation with the heart (the primacy of feeling and contemplation over reason and understanding), the immensity of life's impulse (the breadth of the Russian soul), the religious desire for the absolute, national resilience, “We-psychology” and love of freedom. “The essential forces inherent in the deep foundations of the Russian soul are extremely contradictory in the possible consequences of their practical implementation. They can become a source of creation in economics, politics and culture. In the hands of a wise national elite, for centuries the emerging features of national psychology served prosperity, strengthening of power and Russia's authority in the world" [ 4 ].

F.M. Dostoevsky, long before Berdyaev and Lossky, showed how the character of the Russian people combines the base and the sublime, the holy and the sinful, the “ideal of Madonna” and the “ideal of Sodom,” and the battlefield of these principles is the human heart. In Dmitry Karamazov’s monologue, the extremes and boundless breadth of the Russian soul are expressed with exceptional force: “Moreover, I cannot bear that another person, even higher in heart and with a lofty mind, begins with the ideal of the Madonna, and ends with the ideal of Sodom. It is even more terrible who is already with the ideal of Sodom in his soul does not deny the ideal of the Madonna, and his heart burns from it and truly, truly burns, as in his young, blameless years. No, the man is broad, too broad, I would narrow it down." 5 ].

The consciousness of their sinfulness gives the Russian people the ideal of spiritual ascent. Characterizing Russian literature, Dostoevsky emphasizes that all the timeless and beautiful images in the works of Pushkin, Goncharov and Turgenev were borrowed from the Russian people. They took from him his simplicity, purity, meekness, intelligence and gentleness, in contrast to everything that was broken, false, superficial and slavishly borrowed. And this contact with the people gave them extraordinary strength.

Dostoevsky highlights another fundamental need of the Russian people - the need for constant and insatiable suffering, everywhere and in everything. He has been infected with this thirst for suffering from time immemorial; a stream of suffering runs through its entire history, not only from external misfortunes and disasters, but wells up from the very heart of the people. For the Russian people, even in happiness there is certainly a part of suffering, otherwise happiness for them is incomplete. Never, even in the most solemn moments of his history, does he have a proud and triumphant look, but only a look of tenderness to the point of suffering; he sighs and lifts up his glory to the mercy of the Lord. This idea of ​​Dostoevsky found clear expression in his formula: “Whoever does not understand Orthodoxy will never understand Russia.”

Truly, our shortcomings are a continuation of our strengths. The polarities of the Russian national character can be represented as a whole series of antinomies expressing positive and negative properties.

1. breadth of soul - absence of form;
2. generosity - wastefulness;
3. love of freedom - weak discipline (anarchism);
4. prowess - revelry;
5. patriotism - national egoism.

These parallels can be increased many times over. I.A. Bunin gives a significant parable in “Cursed Days”. The peasant says: the people are like wood, from it you can make both an icon and a club, depending on who processes this wood - Sergius of Radonezh or Emelka Pugachev [ 6 ].

Many Russian poets sought to express the total immensity of the Russian national character, but A.K. succeeded especially fully in this. Tolstoy:

If you love, so without reason,
If you threaten, it’s not a joke,
If you scold, so rashly,
If you chop, it’s too bad!

If it's too bold to argue,
If you punish, that's the point,
If you forgive, then with all your heart,
If there is a feast, then there is a feast!

I.A. Ilyin draws attention to the fact that immensity for a Russian person is a living concrete reality, his object, his starting point, his task. “Such is the Russian soul: it is given passion and power; form, character and transformation are its historically vital tasks.” Among Western analysts of the Russian national character, these features were most successfully expressed by the German thinker W. Schubart. The greatest interest in contrasting two diametrically opposed types of worldview - Western (Promethean) and Russian (Johnnian) - is a number of positions proposed by Schubart for comparison, which are saturated with diverse specific material. Let's reproduce one of them. The culture of the middle and the culture of the end. Western culture is the culture of the middle. Socially it rests on the middle class, psychologically on state of mind middle, balance. Her virtues are self-control, good manners, efficiency, discipline. “The European is a decent and diligent, skilled worker, a flawlessly functioning cog in a large mechanism. Outside his profession, he is hardly taken into account. He prefers the path of the golden mean, and this is usually the path to gold.” Materialism and philistinism are the goal and result of Western culture.

The Russian moves within the framework of a peripheral culture. Hence the breadth and immensity of the Russian soul, the feeling of freedom right up to anarchism and nihilism; feelings of guilt and sinfulness; an apocalyptic worldview and, finally, sacrifice as the central idea of ​​Russian religious morality. “Foreigners who came to Russia for the first time,” wrote Schubart, “could not get rid of the impression that they found themselves in a sacred place, set foot on holy land... The expression “Holy Rus'” is not an empty phrase. A traveler in Europe is immediately carried away by the noisy rhythm its active forces; the high melody of labor reaches his ears, but this - with all its greatness and power - is a song about the earth" [ 7 ].

However, a simple listing of certain qualities of the Russian national character will be very incomplete or haphazardly redundant. Therefore, in further analysis, one should take a different path: to determine sufficient grounds (criteria) according to which it is possible to summarize the characteristics of the Russian character. In modern scientific literature, there has long been a discussion about what is the determining principle in the study of national identity: “blood and soil”, or “language and culture”. And, although most researchers pay attention to language and culture, nevertheless, the national genotype and natural and climatic conditions are directly related to the formation of the qualities and properties of the national character.

In my opinion, the following basic factors should be considered as the initial formative foundations of the Russian national character:

1. Nature and climate;
2. Ethnic origins;
3. The historical existence of the people and the geopolitical position of Russia;
4. Social factors (monarchy, community, multi-ethnicity);
5. Russian language and Russian culture;
6. Orthodoxy.

This order is not at all random. The analysis of factors should begin with external, material, physical and climatic ones, and end with spiritual, deep ones, defining the dominant character of the national character. It is the religiosity of the Russian people (N.O. Lossky), rooted in Orthodox Christianity, that most researchers of this issue consider as the deep basis of the Russian character. Consequently, the order of importance of these factors is arranged in an ascending line.

Threats and challenges to the existence of national identity and Russian character undoubtedly exist. As a rule, they have objective and subjective content and greatly increase their negative impact during periods of unrest, revolutions, social breakdowns and crisis situations. The first objective trend leading to a threat to the existence of Russian national identity is associated with the collapse of the USSR (historical Russia) at the end of the 20th century; it was this tendency that called into question the very existence of the Russian people, and, consequently, their national identity. The second objective trend is associated with the “reform” of the economy, which, in fact, was a complete collapse of the economy of the entire country, the destruction of the military-industrial complex, a huge number of research institutes that had been providing priority directions for the country’s development for a number of decades. As a result, the economy of post-Soviet Russia has acquired an ugly, one-sided character - it is entirely based on the production and export of hydrocarbons (oil and gas), as well as on the export of other types of raw materials - ferrous and non-ferrous metals, wood, etc.

The third objective trend is the depopulation of the Russian people, associated with a low birth rate, a high number of abortions, low life expectancy, high mortality from road accidents, alcoholism, drug addiction, suicide and other accidents. Over the past 15 years, the population of Russia has been declining by 700-800 thousand people annually. The depopulation of the Russian people is a consequence of the above objective trends and leads to a sharp increase in migration flows, often uncontrolled, from the Caucasus, Central Asia and China. Already today, 12.5% ​​of students in Moscow schools are Azerbaijanis. If migration policy is not strictly controlled, then in the future this process will lead to the replacement of the Russian people by migrants, to the displacement and extinction of Russian national identity. Depopulation is largely a consequence of the crisis processes of the 90s. XX century.

Subjective tendencies leading to threats to the existence of Russian national identity can be summed up as a loss of identity. However, this provision requires decoding and detailing. The loss of identity is associated with the invasion of the world of Russian national self-awareness by external influences alien to the Russian person, aimed at transforming national self-awareness and Russian character according to the Western model: in the field of education - accession to the Bologna Charter; in the field of culture - replacing traditional examples of Russian culture with pop culture, pseudoculture; in the field of religion - the introduction of various sectarian movements associated with Protestantism, occult and other anti-Christian sects; in the field of art - the invasion of various avant-garde movements, emasculating the content of art; in the field of philosophy - the frontal offensive of postmodernism, which denies the originality and specificity of national thinking and tradition.

We see how diverse the ways of denying national identity are every day in various media programs. The most dangerous among them is Russophobia - denial and contempt for Russian culture, national identity and the Russian people themselves. It can be assumed that if the Russian national identity is replaced by the Western mentality that has been introduced in our country for a decade and a half, then the Russian people will turn into a “population”, into ethnographic material, and the Russian language and Russian culture, in the future, may share the fate of dead languages ​​( ancient Greek and Latin). The denationalization of culture, the suppression of national consciousness, its transformation into a comic-clip consciousness, the distortion of Russian history, the desecration of our Victory, the lulling of defense consciousness is becoming an everyday phenomenon.

The country's unfavorable economic situation, the permanent political crisis of the late 20th century, and the crime situation led to a "brain drain" - the mass emigration of scientists to other, more prosperous countries. Scientists who went abroad filled research centers and universities in the USA, Canada, Germany and other Western countries. According to the Russian Academy of Sciences, over 15 years, about 200 thousand scientists have left the country, including 130 thousand candidates of science and about 20 thousand doctors of science. In fact, this is a catastrophe, almost a complete loss intellectual property countries. Talented graduates best universities Russians tend to go to rich business corporations or go abroad. This led to the loss of the middle-aged level of RAS research workers. Today, the average age of doctors of science at the Russian Academy of Sciences is 61 years. There is a “brain drain”, the steady aging and impossibility of replenishing scientific personnel, the disappearance of a number of leading scientific schools, and the degradation of topics scientific research [8 ].

How can we counteract these negative trends leading to the erosion of Russian national identity?

Firstly, we need a balanced program (ideology) for a long-term historical perspective, which must correspond to the national interests of Russia, take into account the limits of national security in the development of Russian culture, school and university education, science, and the protection of the moral, religious, and ethnic values ​​of the people. At the same time, such an ideological program should outline the prospects for the development of the economy, agriculture, military-industrial complex and other spheres of production that could ensure the independence of our country at the proper level. The so-called “national projects” developed and implemented by the administration of President D.A. Medvedev, are very fragmented and do not have the character of a universal national program. As I.A. wrote Ilyin, Russia does not need class hatred or party struggle, tearing apart its single body, it needs a responsible idea for the long term. Moreover, the idea is not destructive, but positive, state-owned. This is the idea of ​​cultivating a national spiritual character in the Russian people. “This idea must be state-historical, state-national, state-patriotic, state-religious. This idea must come from the very fabric of the Russian soul and Russian history, from their spiritual integrity. This idea must speak about the main thing in Russian destinies - and past and future; it should shine for entire generations of Russian people, making sense of their lives, pouring cheerfulness into them" [ 9 ]. Today there is already experience in developing such promising programs [ 10 ].

Secondly, it is necessary to educate the Russian national elite, whose aspirations would correspond to the national interests of Russia and the Russian people. The foreign and heterodox elite will always push the country either to another revolution (in essence, to a redistribution of power and property), or, in the words of F.M. Dostoevsky, will once every few decades “let go of a convulsion,” i.e. carry out the next crisis situation. As the experience of the tragic 90s for Russia shows. XX century, such an elite - the "Chicago boys" - was directed and controlled by external forces hostile to Russia, contrary to the national interests of the country.

Thirdly, it is necessary to educate new generations of Russian people in the spirit of love for the Motherland, in the spirit of patriotism, and this requires a fundamental restructuring of the entire system of education and upbringing. Only in this case can the negative consequences of modern national nihilism and Russophobia be overcome. “The Pepsi generation”, brought up under the motto - “Take everything from life!” is a social product of the destructive processes of the 90s.

Fourthly, it is necessary to fight the negative features of the Russian national character - anarchism and extremism, disorganization and "hoping for chance", lack of formality and hooliganism, apathy and loss of the habit of systematic work, which was largely the result of the crisis phenomena of the last year and a half. decades. This struggle should not be waged through “outbursts of revolutionary spirit,” but through the development of persistent self-discipline, continuous self-control, patience and endurance, spiritual sobriety and obedience. S.N. Bulgakov spoke about Christian asceticism, which is continuous self-control, the fight against the lower sinful sides of one’s self, asceticism of the spirit. Only on this path can the negative tendencies of the Russian national character be neutralized to some extent, which in an era of historical unrest lead to the destruction of the essential forces of the people, when the “underground of the human soul” comes to the fore. When a people is on the verge (and even beyond) of physical existence, it is difficult to demand adherence to highly moral behavior from them. This requires measures of a social, political, economic nature, but, above all, spiritual ones. Only in this case is there hope for a successful, positive result in the development of Russia, the Russian people and their national identity.

If the Russian people have sufficient national and social immunity, then they will again return to their own national identity. Historical experience gives us sufficient grounds for an optimistic scenario for the development of events. Russia and the Russian people overcame the most difficult situations and found a worthy Answer to the Challenge of History. Such an analysis of the Russian national character by Dostoevsky, who revealed the deepest contradictions, gives hope that the abyss of fall in which the Russian people find themselves today will sober them up, and they will overcome the stage of yet another self-destruction, going through repentance and suffering.

Here the question involuntarily arises: how did the Russian people, who have positive qualities along with negative ones, become seduced at the beginning of the 20th century? ideas of the revolutionary reorganization of Russia and atheism, which resulted in regicide, destruction of churches, renunciation of the faith of their ancestors and impoverishment of the people's soul. We find the answer to this question in Dostoevsky. For a Russian person, in his opinion, it is typical to forget every measure in everything. Whether it is love, wine, revelry, pride, envy - here some Russian people give themselves up almost selflessly, ready to break everything, renounce everything, family, custom, God. “This is the need to reach over the edge, the need for a frozen sensation, having reached the abyss, hanging halfway into it, looking into the very abyss and - in special cases, but very often - throwing yourself into it like a crazy person upside down.

This is the need for denial in a person, sometimes the most non-denying and reverent, the denial of everything, the most important shrine of his heart, the most complete ideal of his, the entire people's shrine in all its fullness, which now he was only in awe of and which suddenly seemed to have become unbearable to him somehow a burden, - this is how Dostoevsky characterizes the traits of self-denial and self-destruction characteristic of the Russian national character. - But with the same strength, the same swiftness, with the same thirst for self-preservation and repentance, the Russian man, as well as the entire people, saves himself, and usually when he reaches the last line, that is, when there is nowhere else to go. But what is especially characteristic is that the reverse impulse, the impulse of self-restoration and self-salvation, is always more serious than the previous impulse - the impulse of self-denial and self-destruction. That is, it always happens on the account of petty cowardice; whereas the Russian person goes into restoration with the most enormous and serious effort, and looks at the negative previous movement with contempt for himself" [ 11 ].

In conclusion, let us once again turn to the listing of the main features of the Russian national character. The natural and climatic conditions of Russia have formed such traits in the character of the Russian people as patience, endurance, generous nature, and hard work. This is where the passionarity and “native” character of the people come from. The multi-ethnicity and multi-confessional nature of Russia have instilled in the Russian people brotherhood, patience (tolerance) towards other languages ​​and cultures, selflessness, and the absence of violence. The historical existence of the Russian people and the geopolitical position of Russia forged in its character such properties as national resilience, love of freedom, sacrifice, and patriotism. The social conditions of existence of the Russian people - the monarchy, the community - contributed to the formation of a monarchical sense of justice, conciliarity, collectivism, and mutual assistance. Orthodoxy, as the main dominant of Russian national identity, formed in the Russian people religiosity, the desire for absolute goodness, love for one’s neighbor (brotherhood), humility, meekness, awareness of one’s sinfulness and imperfection, sacrifice (readiness to give one’s life for one’s friends), conciliarity and patriotism. These qualities were formed in accordance with the gospel ideals of goodness, truth, mercy and compassion. In this we must see the religious source of Russian fortitude and patience, endurance and strength of sacrifice of the Russian people.

Every Russian person should clearly know the negative properties of his national character. The breadth and immensity of the Russian soul is often associated with maximalism - either everything or nothing. Weak discipline leads to revelry and anarchism; from here lies a dangerous path to extremism, rebellion, hooliganism, and terrorism. The immensity of the soul becomes the source of a daring test of values ​​- atheism, denial of tradition, national nihilism. The absence of ethnic solidarity in everyday life, the weakness of the “tribal instinct”, disunity in front of “outsiders” makes the Russian person defenseless in relation to migrants, who are characterized by cohesion, arrogance, and cruelty. Therefore, migrants in Russia today feel like masters to a greater extent than Russians. Lack of self-discipline often leads to the inability to work systematically and achieve your goal. The above-mentioned shortcomings increase many times during periods of unrest, revolutions and other crisis social phenomena. Gullibility, a tendency to temptation, makes the Russian people a toy in the hands of political adventurers and impostors of all stripes, leads to the loss of the immune forces of sovereignty, turns them into a mob, into an electorate, into a crowd led by a herd mentality. This is the root of all social unrest and disasters.

However, negative properties do not represent the fundamental, dominant traits of the Russian character, but rather are the flip side of positive qualities, their perversion. A clear vision of the weak traits of national character will allow every Russian person to fight them, eradicate or neutralize their influence in himself.

Today, the topic related to the study of Russian national character is extremely relevant. In the conditions of a permanent social crisis at the end of the 20th century - beginning of the XXI centuries, when the Russian people have been humiliated, slandered, and have largely lost their vital forces, they need confirmation of their merits, including at the level of research into the Russian national character. Only on this path can the connection of times be realized by turning to tradition, to the deeds of our great ancestors - heroes, leaders, prophets, scientists and thinkers, to our national shrines, values ​​and symbols. Turning to the national tradition is like touching a healing source, from which everyone can draw faith, hope, love, willpower and an example for serving the Motherland - Holy Rus'.
Kopalov Vitaly Ilyich, Professor of the Department of Philosophy, IPPC at USU. A.M. Gorky, Doctor of Philosophy


1 - Lossky N.O. The character of the Russian people. Sowing. 1957. Book. 1. P.5.
2 - Ibid. P.21.
3 - Trofimov V.K. The soul of the Russian people: Natural-historical conditioning and essential forces. - Ekaterinburg, 1998. P.90.
4 - Ibid. P.134-135.
5 - Dostoevsky F.M. Brothers Karamazov // Dostoevsky F.M. Full collection op. In 30 volumes. T. XIV. - L., 1976. P.100.
6 - Bunin I.A. Damned days. - M., 1991. P.54.
7 - Schubart V. Europe and the soul of the East. - M., 1997. P.78.
8 - Fourteen knives in the body of Russia // Tomorrow. - 2007. - No. 18 (702).
9 - Ilyin I.A. Creative idea of ​​our future // Ilyin I.A. Collection op. V. 10 vol. T. 7. - M., 1998. P.457-458.
10 - See: Russian Doctrine ("Sergius Project"). Under the general editorship. A.B. Kobyakov and V.V. Averyanova. - M., 2005. - 363 p.
11 - Dostoevsky F.M. Writer's Diary. Featured Pages. - M., 1989. P.60-61.

All these moments formed a specific Russian national character, which cannot be assessed unambiguously.

Among the positive qualities, kindness and its manifestation in relation to people are usually called - goodwill, cordiality, sincerity, responsiveness, cordiality, mercy, generosity, compassion and empathy. They also note simplicity, openness, honesty, and tolerance. But this list does not include pride and self-confidence - qualities that reflect a person’s attitude towards himself, which indicates the characteristic attitude of Russians towards “others”, their collectivism.

The Russian attitude to work is very peculiar. Russian people are hardworking, efficient and resilient, but much more often they are lazy, careless, careless and irresponsible, they are characterized by disregard and sloppiness. The hard work of Russians is manifested in the honest and responsible performance of their work duties, but does not imply initiative, independence, or the desire to stand out from the team. Sloppiness and carelessness are associated with the vast expanses of the Russian land, the inexhaustibility of its riches, which will be enough not only for us, but also for our descendants. And since we have a lot of everything, we don’t feel sorry for anything.

“Faith in a good Tsar” is a mental feature of Russians, reflecting the long-standing attitude of the Russian people who did not want to deal with officials or landowners, but preferred to write petitions to the Tsar (General Secretary, President), sincerely believing that evil officials were deceiving the good Tsar, but All you have to do is tell him the truth, and everything will immediately become fine. The excitement around the presidential elections over the past 20 years proves that the belief is still alive that if you choose a good president, Russia will immediately become a prosperous state.

Passion for political myths is another characteristic Russian people, inextricably linked with the Russian idea, the idea of ​​​​the special mission of Russia and the Russian people in history. The belief that the Russian people are destined to show the whole world the right path (regardless of what this path should be - true Orthodoxy, the communist or Eurasian idea) was combined with the desire to make any sacrifices (including their own death) in the name of achieving set goal. In search of an idea, people easily rushed to extremes: they went to the people, made a world revolution, built communism, socialism “with a human face,” and restored previously destroyed churches. Myths may change, but the morbid fascination with them remains. Therefore, among the typical national qualities is gullibility.

Thinking "at random" is another Russian trait. It permeates the national character, the life of the Russian person, and manifests itself in politics and economics. “Maybe” is expressed in the fact that inaction, passivity and lack of will (also named among the characteristics of the Russian character) are replaced by reckless behavior. Moreover, it will come to this at the very last moment: “Until the thunder strikes, the man will not cross himself.”

The flip side of the Russian “maybe” is the breadth of the Russian soul. As noted by F.M. Dostoevsky, “the Russian soul is bruised by the vastness,” but behind its breadth, generated by the vast spaces of our country, hide both prowess, youth, merchant scope, and the absence of a deep rational calculation of the everyday or political situation.

The values ​​of Russian culture are to a large extent the values ​​of the Russian community.

The community itself, “peace” as the basis and prerequisite for the existence of any individual, is the most ancient and most important value. For the sake of “peace” a person must sacrifice everything, including his life. This is explained by the fact that Russia lived a significant part of its history in conditions of a besieged military camp, when only the subordination of the interests of the individual to the interests of the community allowed the Russian people to survive as an independent ethnic group.

The interests of the collective in Russian culture are always higher than the interests of the individual, which is why personal plans, goals and interests are so easily suppressed. But in return, the Russian person counts on the support of the “world” when he has to face everyday adversity (a kind of mutual responsibility). As a result, the Russian person puts aside his personal affairs without displeasure for the sake of some common cause from which he will not benefit, and this is where his attractiveness lies. The Russian person is firmly convinced that it is necessary first to arrange the affairs of the social whole, more important than his own, and then this whole will begin to act in his favor at its own discretion. The Russian people are collectivists who can only exist together with society. He suits him, worries about him, for which he, in turn, surrounds him with warmth, attention and support. To become a person, a Russian person must become a conciliar person.

Justice is another value of Russian culture, important for life in a team. It was originally understood as the social equality of people and was based on economic equality (of men) in relation to the land. This value is instrumental, but in the Russian community it has become a target value. Members of the community had the right to their own, equal to everyone else, share of the land and all its wealth that the “world” owned. Such justice was the Truth for which the Russian people lived and strived. In the famous dispute between truth-truth and truth-justice, it was justice that prevailed. For a Russian person, it is not so important how it actually was or is; much more important is what should be. The nominal positions of eternal truths (for Russia these truths were truth and justice) were assessed by the thoughts and actions of people. Only they are important, otherwise no result, no benefit can justify them. If nothing comes of what was planned, don’t worry, because the goal was good.

The lack of individual freedom was determined by the fact that in the Russian community, with its equal allotments, periodic land redistributions, and stripes, it was simply impossible for individualism to manifest itself. Man was not the owner of the land, did not have the right to sell it, and was not even free in the timing of sowing, harvesting, or in choosing what could be cultivated on the land. In such a situation, it was impossible to demonstrate individual skill. which in Rus' was not valued at all. It is no coincidence that they were ready to accept Lefty in England, but he died in complete poverty in Russia.

The habit of emergency mass activity (suffering) was fostered by the same lack of individual freedom. Here, hard work and a festive mood were combined in a strange way. Perhaps the festive atmosphere was a kind of compensatory means that made it easier to carry a heavy load and give up excellent freedom in economic activity.

Wealth could not become a value in a situation where the idea of ​​equality and justice dominated. It is no coincidence that the proverb is so well known in Russia: “You cannot build stone chambers with righteous labor.” The desire to increase wealth was considered a sin. Thus, in the Russian northern village, traders who artificially slowed down trade turnover were respected.

Labor itself was also not a value in Rus' (unlike, for example, in Protestant countries). Of course, work is not rejected, its usefulness is recognized everywhere, but it is not considered a means that automatically ensures the fulfillment of a person’s earthly calling and the correct structure of his soul. Therefore, in the system of Russian values, labor occupies a subordinate place: “Work is not a wolf, it will not run away into the forest.”

Life, not oriented towards work, gave the Russian person freedom of spirit (partly illusory). It always stimulated creativity in man. It could not be expressed in constant, painstaking work aimed at accumulating wealth, but was easily transformed into eccentricity or work that surprised others (the invention of wings, a wooden bicycle, a perpetual motion machine, etc.), i.e. actions were taken that had no meaning for the economy. On the contrary, the economy often turned out to be subordinate to this idea.

Community respect could not be earned simply by becoming rich. But only a feat, a sacrifice in the name of “peace” could bring glory.

Patience and suffering in the name of “peace” (but not personal heroism) is another value of Russian culture, in other words, the goal of the feat being performed could not be personal, it must always be outside the person. The Russian proverb is widely known: “God endured, and He commanded us too.” It is no coincidence that the first canonized Russian saints were princes Boris and Gleb; They accepted martyrdom, but did not resist their brother, Prince Svyatopolk, who wanted to kill them. Death for the Motherland, death “for one’s friends” brought immortal glory to the hero. It is no coincidence that in Tsarist Russia the words were minted on awards (medals): “Not for us, not for us, but for Your name.”

Patience and suffering are the most important fundamental values ​​for a Russian person, along with consistent abstinence, self-restraint, and constant sacrifice of oneself for the benefit of another. Without this, there is no personality, no status, no respect from others. From here comes the eternal desire for Russian people to suffer - this is the desire for self-actualization, the conquest of inner freedom necessary to do good in the world, to conquer freedom of spirit. In general, the world exists and moves only through sacrifice, patience, and self-restraint. This is the reason for the long-suffering characteristic of Russian people. He can endure a lot (especially material difficulties) if he knows why it is necessary.

The values ​​of Russian culture constantly point to its aspiration towards some higher, transcendental meaning. For a Russian person there is nothing more exciting than the search for this meaning. For this, you can leave home, family, become a hermit or holy fool (both of them were highly revered in Rus').

On the day of Russian culture as a whole, this meaning becomes the Russian idea, to the implementation of which the Russian person subordinates his entire way of life. Therefore, researchers talk about the inherent features of religious fundamentalism in the consciousness of Russian people. The idea could change (Moscow is the third Rome, the imperial idea, communist, Eurasian, etc.), but its place in the structure of values ​​remained unchanged. The crisis that Russia is experiencing today is largely due to the fact that the idea that united the Russian people has disappeared; it has become unclear in the name of what we should suffer and humiliate ourselves. The key to Russia's exit from the crisis is the acquisition of a new fundamental idea.

The listed values ​​are contradictory. Therefore, a Russian could simultaneously be a brave man on the battlefield and a coward in civilian life, he could be personally devoted to the sovereign and at the same time rob the royal treasury (like Prince Menshikov in the era of Peter the Great), leave his home and go to war to free the Balkan Slavs. High patriotism and mercy were manifested as sacrifice or beneficence (but it could well become a “disservice”). Obviously, this allowed all researchers to talk about the “mysterious Russian soul”, the breadth of Russian character, and the fact that “Russia cannot be understood with the mind.”

Related information.

The mysterious Russian soul (national character of Russians and peculiarities of communication)

The Russian people “can be fascinated and disappointed, you can always expect surprises from them, they are extremely capable of inspiring strong love and strong hatred.”

N. Berdyaev

National Character Traits

If they say about England “Good Old England”, meaning the preservation and observance of traditions, about France - “Beautiful France!”, meaning the beauty and splendor of the country for which it has always been famous in all its manifestations, then about Russia they say: “Holy Rus',” suggesting that Russia is a country historically oriented towards spiritual life, a country adhering to a traditional way of life, a country based on Orthodox values.

Historical and political transformations do not have a very positive impact on the character and mentality of the Russian people.

Vague, non-standard, non-traditional values ​​introduced into Russian society - the philosophy of consumption, individualism, acquisitiveness - are one of the main reasons for the formation of a modern national character.

First you need to decide what is considered Russian nationality. For a long time, a Russian was considered one who adopted the Russian system of values, traditions, aesthetics, etc. Historically, a Russian was considered one who accepted Orthodoxy. Thus, a third of the Russian nobility before the October Revolution was represented by Tatars. A.S. Pushkin, his ancestors were generally dark-skinned! And this despite the fact that the poet is considered the most important Russian (!) poet, who absorbed and described Russian life, customs, and traditions of that period in the life of Russia!

And those white-haired and blue-eyed Russians who can still be seen in Vologda and Uglich constitute the original Slavic branch all Russians.

National traits of Russians

In order to understand the “mysterious Russian soul,” you need to get a little acquainted with the origins of the formation of the Russian national character.

The character of Russians was formed on the basis historical conditions, geographical location country, space, climate and religion.

Among the national traits is the famous breadth of the Russian soul. In this regard, despite all sorts of rules and regulations that dictate moderation in giving, partners, colleagues of the opposite sex, and “vertical” employees are given gifts that are disproportionate in value. Truly on a Russian scale. It is not without reason that the gift industry is replete with expensive and pretentious gifts that are sold out for every holiday.

Main distinctive features of the Russian people are also the following:

Compassion, mercy. Today, mercy and charity are in trend (this is very Russian - to help not even for the sake of image, but simply because someone is in need and suffering...): many people and companies actively help those who find it difficult, transferring funds to help the elderly, children and even animals. They travel at their own expense to disaster sites and actively help the victims.

A German Wehrmacht soldier wrote about this feature of the Russian character when he found himself in a Russian village during the Second World War: “When I woke up, I saw a Russian girl kneeling in front of me, who was feeding me hot milk with honey from a teaspoon. I told her: “I could have killed your husband, and you are worried about me.” As we passed through other Russian villages, it became even more clear to me that it would be right to conclude peace with the Russians as quickly as possible. ...The Russians did not pay attention to my military uniform and treated me rather in a friendly manner!”

To the number best qualities The Russian people include the interests of their family, respect for parents, happiness and well-being of children.

But this is also associated with the so-called nepotism, when a manager hires his relative, who is forgiven a lot, unlike an ordinary employee, which does not have a very good effect on the performance of professional duties

Russians are characterized by an amazing quality of self-abasement and self-denial, belittling their merits. Maybe this is related to all the words that foreigners hear when they are in Russia, that they are gurus, stars, etc., but Russians seem to have nothing to do with it. Foreigners cannot understand how a people with such a rich culture and literature, a colossal territory full of riches manages to deny itself in this way. But this is due to the Orthodox rule: humiliation is more important than pride.” Pride is considered the main mortal sin that kills the immortal soul, according to Christian beliefs.

National traits also include:

Religiosity and piety exist in the soul of even a Russian atheist.

The ability to live in moderation. Not the pursuit of wealth (that is why Russian society is confused - people do not know how to live only by wealth). At the same time, many, “hungry” for “imports” during the Soviet period, tend to show off and throw money at them, which has already become a byword and is well known in Courchevel. This part of Russian nature is usually associated with “Asianism” and money obtained easily or unjustly.

Kindness and hospitality, responsiveness, sensitivity, compassion, forgivingness, pity, willingness to help.
openness, straightforwardness;
natural ease, simplicity in behavior (and even a fair amount of simplicity);
carelessness; humor, generosity; the inability to hate for a long time and the associated agreeableness; ease of human relationships; responsiveness, breadth of character, scope of decisions.

Wonderful creative potential (that’s why the Olympics were designed so beautifully, with the help of innovative technologies). It’s not for nothing that in Russian culture there is a character called Lefty, who hooks a flea. It is known that Lefty is a right-brain person, that is, a person with creative thinking.

Russians are incredibly patient and tolerant. (see above example with a Wehrmacht soldier).

They endure until the last minute, and then they can explode. Repeating the phrase of A.S. Pushkin: “God forbid that we see a Russian revolt - senseless and merciless!”, and sometimes misinterpreting it (so in the Internet dictionary of aphorisms you can read “The Russian revolt is SCARY - senseless and merciless”), tearing it out from the context, some forget that this remark has a very informative continuation: “Those who are plotting impossible coups among us are either young and do not know our people, or they are hard-hearted people, for whom someone else’s head is half a piece, and their own neck is a penny.” “.

Negative qualities, of course, can also be noted. This is carelessness, laziness and Oblomov’s daydreaming. And, alas, drunkenness. To a certain extent this is due to climate. When there is no sun for six months, you want to warm up and don’t want to do anything. Under certain conditions, Russians know how to gather themselves, concentrate and ignore the climate in the name of an idea. Many feats of arms are confirmation. Carelessness is associated with serfdom, which almost every Russian will have to overcome. The Russian relies on “maybe” for two reasons: hope for the master, the Tsar-Father and the “zone of risky farming,” that is, the uncertainty and unevenness of climatic conditions.

Russians are characterized by a certain gloominess. And on the streets you rarely meet people with cheerful faces. This is due to the legacy of the socialist past, which had its difficulties, with the current state of affairs and, one must assume, with the harsh climate, where there is no sun for almost half the year. But in the office the situation is changing: Russians willingly communicate with people they know.

Insufficient ability to unite and self-organize suggests that a leader, ruler, etc. is definitely needed. At the same time, a man is often appointed as a leader, based on patriarchal stereotypes - a man is the best leader. However, the situation is changing, and today we can see many women in top positions.

Perhaps due to the fact that in last decades values ​​that are not characteristic of Russian peoples have been introduced - acquisitiveness, worship of the Golden Calf, Russian people, despite all the existing benefits, modern technologies, the absence of an “Iron Curtain” and opportunities, are often (and representatives of the middle class) in a state of increased anxiety and pessimism. Wherever Russians gather, at a festively and sumptuously laid table, there will certainly be a couple of people who will argue that “everything is bad” and “we are all going to die.”

Evidence of this is the active discussion on the forums about the Opening of the Olympics, which was excellent. At the same time, many did not see this beauty because they were discussing corruption and how much money was spent on preparation Olympic Games.

Russians cannot live without ideas and faith. So, in 1917, faith in God was taken away, faith in the CPSU appeared, in the 90s faith in the CPSU and the communist future was taken away, bandits, outcasts, Ivans-of-kinship-not-remembering appeared, because It became unclear what and who to believe in.

Now the situation is slowly but leveling out. Despite the eternal criticism of everyone and everything (and of the Orthodox Church and its ministers), people turn to God and practice mercy.

Two faces of modern business society

Today the business community is divided roughly into two parts. These parts are presented like this. Directors are middle-aged and elderly, more often representatives of regions, former Komsomol members and party leaders. And young managers, with an MBA education, sometimes obtained abroad. The former are more closed in communication, the latter are more open. The former are more often endowed with instrumental intelligence and tend to view their subordinates as cogs in a single mechanism. The latter are more characteristic emotional intellect, and they still try to delve into the problems of their employees, of course, not always.

The first category was not taught how to negotiate. At the same time, in the process of communication, some of them acquired good communication skills and were able to come to an agreement “with whoever needed” and had great connections in their environment. Some representatives of this group, on the contrary, communicated “from top to bottom,” in the usual authoritarian style, often with elements of verbal aggression.

Modern top managers have been trained in negotiation skills and continue their training after completing the basic course. But at the same time, “...Rarely do foreigners who get into top positions in Russian companies last more than a year” (SmartMoney Weekly No. 30 (120) August 18, 2008).

What is the reason? The fact is that, despite their European education, young top managers are carriers of the domestic mentality.

The authoritarian management style is “imbibed with mother’s milk”; profanity may be heard at meetings and on the sidelines. This type was demonstrated by Nikita Kozlovsky in the film “DUHLESS”. His hero has all the characteristics.

By the way, both the first and second are introverted. The latter may be completely immersed in the world of gadgets and prefer communication through communication devices.

Knowing these features, you can draw conclusions on how to adapt to communicating with Russians.

So, you have to understand that ambitious “red directors” need to be treated with great respect, like a gentleman during the times of serfdom, and young top managers - too, but at the same time understand that they are more democratic in communication. And yet they will prefer communications via the Internet.

Russian etiquette - sometimes meaningless and merciless

Despite all the kindness, generosity, and tolerance, the manners of Russians leave much to be desired, because... Russians are the successors of the Soviet people, who have long been taught that “bourgeois” is bad. It's ingrained into my subconscious. Therefore, sometimes you can observe the manifestation of not very correct behavior.

So, for example, at the Closing Ceremony of the 22nd Olympic Games, when the champion was awarded a medal on a ribbon and had to be hung around his neck, the athlete did not think to take off his hat, although he put it on during the anthem right hand to the heart. On special occasions, men need to remove their hats.

Once the author observed a situation also related to hats in another city. After a seminar on business etiquette and a conversation about what to do and what not to do, two participants stood up without warning, put on large caps right in the training room and left the room.

According to the rules of European and Russian etiquette, indoors and, especially, at the table, he takes off his headdress. Exceptions: artists who claim a certain image, and representatives of faiths where it is customary to always wear a turban or turban.

If a foreigner leans back in his chair, this may mean that he expects to relax and/or end the conversation. Russians have a way of sitting, leaning back on a chair - basic state. Only sports and/or educated people in Russia they sit without leaning against the back of the chair (if the chair is traditional and not ergonomic), while the rest sit as they please, demonstrating many of their complexes and basic attitudes.

Russians are not used to standing elegantly; they may try to take a closed pose and/or shuffle in place.

The view of a Russian person depends on the situation. If this is a leader, then he can look, literally without blinking, with a prickly gaze into the face of his interlocutor, especially a subordinate, or quite benevolently if in front of him is his acquaintance or relative. Of course, intelligent and well-mannered people “wear” a friendly facial expression.

Anxiety and tension are indicated by a transverse vertical fold between the eyebrows, which gives a stern, unattainable appearance, which can somewhat interfere with contact. It’s interesting that in our country such a fold can be seen even in very young girls.

When a lady approaches a colleague sitting on a chair, he does not always think to sit up, but at the same time he can, with an elegant gesture, invite her to enter the elevator, which is wrong, because Either the man or the one standing closest enters the elevator first.

Features of communication in Russia

Communication in our country has its own specifics:

- ungraciousness, poor manners, projective thinking (projection - the tendency to consider others similar to oneself); stiffness or looseness instead of free communication; gloomy facial expression; inability/unwillingness to give an answer and feedback, conflict, inability to have a “small conversation” and listen.

In informal (and sometimes formal) communication, the wrong thematic choice of conversation is often preferred (about politics, problems, illnesses, private affairs, etc.). At the same time, we have to admit that women more often talk about “everyday life” and their personal lives (relationships with parents, husbands, children, while men talk about politics and the future, and more often in gloomy tones.

In Russia, there is a wide range in the nature of communication - from a gloomy style to a feigned positive style, which came back in the 90s and was “copied” from communication models in the United States.

Along with other factors, the inability to communicate in general lowers the personal image of many compatriots, the level corporate culture and the image of the company as a whole.

Errors and main misconceptions in communication in Russia

The main mistakes and misconceptions in Russia include the opinion of the average employee, which still exists in some cases, that the guest owes him something and is obliged to do something: leave a lot of money, purchase an expensive tourist product, order luxurious dishes to the room, etc.

This is based on an irrational psychological attitude called “obligation” (a person believes that everyone owes him something, and when this does not happen, he is very offended) and affects communication in the most direct way. If hopes that a colleague, partner, or customer are not justified, and the interlocutor behaves as he does, then the Russian clerk may experience disappointment and even express his irritation.

A common misconception is also an unkind attitude and, accordingly, communication with a guest who is untenable, from the point of view of an employee.

What influences communication style. Past and modern.

Modern communication style is influenced by:

- a huge flow of information that modern people encounter;

— multiple contacts, open borders of countries and the associated willingness to travel, tourism of all types;

— new technologies, primarily online communication, which sets a certain communication style, fragmented perception of the world, “clip” thinking”;

— enormous speeds and rhythms of life;

- globalization, and the associated processes of interpenetration of languages, speech and communication styles.

Reasons for developing communication skills in Russia.

Historical past, serfdom, political regime, climate and distances, mental duality (duality) - “black” and “white” in one person, geographical borders of Russia, paternalistic (that is, when the ruler is like a father) management culture.

As a result, the formed national character encourages communication that is not associated with courtesy, openness, etc.

This manifests itself, for example, in an internal reluctance to say one’s name on the phone. Although after training they learn this.

Why is it so difficult to say your name on the phone in Russia?

An example of insufficient communicative competence is the low willingness of compatriots to give their name on the phone. This is due to the historical mentality and habits of Russians. And this may happen because

— previously the staff were not trained in business communication, courtesy, etc.

- it has been proven that the lower a person’s social status, the more difficult it is to introduce himself.

- it is more difficult for a person from more distant from the centers to introduce himself by name to a stranger.

— For many decades, Soviet people have been accustomed not to demonstrate themselves, to be secretive. It's connected with political regime, which existed for a long time in the USSR.

— The archetypal memory, the collective unconscious, “works.”

- Some mystical ideas (for example, in pre-Christian Rus' there were ideas that one could jinx one by name and therefore amulets were hung around the neck - a bear's claw, etc.)

Centers and regions

Speaking about modern Russian society, one cannot help but mention the constant confrontation between central cities (Moscow, St. Petersburg...) and regions, which is due to the fact that Moscow was always replenished in Soviet times with products that were not available in all regions of the Russian Federation. During the period of stagnation, there were so-called “sausage trains”. People came from other cities of Russia and from the Moscow region to buy scarce products, including sausage

The first consider the inhabitants of the provinces to be not very well-mannered, sometimes cheeky, and that “they walk over corpses,” without taking anything into account.

There is even such a thing as “life outside the Moscow Ring Road,” that is, outside of Moscow. Starting from the nearest regional cities and places, life really seems to freeze and remains unchanged for a long time. Innovations come here with some delay.

At the same time, the regionals consider Muscovites, on the one hand, arrogant and rich, despite the fact that the true native residents of the capital in this generation are quite calm and friendly people, on the other hand, as “suckers” and “blunderers” who can easily be outpaced in in many directions.

And if Muscovites can look condescendingly but tolerantly at newcomers, then regional residents, even having settled in the capital, cannot always accept the lifestyle and mentality of a Muscovite, and, sometimes, they may even experience residual complexes, saying in a conversation with a native resident something like : “Is it okay that I’m not a Muscovite?” or: “Here you are, Muscovites!” The latter have to prove the “presumption of innocence” in the inadequate distribution system that took place during the years of the USSR.

Now the appearance, the face of the city is changing, and the style and morals of the inhabitants of the metropolis are also changing.

Bulat Okudzhava

Ch. Amirejibi

I was evicted from Arbat, an Arbat emigrant.

In Bezbozhny Lane my talent is withering away.

There are strange faces and hostile places all around.

Although the sauna is opposite, the fauna is not the same.

I was evicted from Arbat and deprived of my past,

and my face is not scary to strangers, but funny.

I am expelled, lost among other people's destinies,

and my sweet, my emigrant bread is bitter to me.

Without a passport or visa, just with a rose in hand

I wander along the invisible border on the castle,

and to those lands I once inhabited,

I keep looking, looking, looking.

There are the same sidewalks, trees and courtyards,

but the speeches are unhearted and the feasts are cold.

The thick colors of winter also blaze there,

but the invaders come to my pet store.

A master's gait, arrogant lips...

Ah, the flora there is still the same, but the fauna is not the same...

I am an emigrant from Arbat. I live, bearing my cross...

The rose froze and flew all over.

And, despite some opposition - open or secret - in difficult historical moment Russians unite and become a united people.

Men and women

Russian men who serve in companies and do not work on construction sites are distinguished by their gallant behavior: they will open the door for a lady, let them go ahead, and pay the bill in a restaurant. Sometimes even regardless of official chain of command. Should you hold the door for a lady? Should I give her a coat?

Until now, expert opinions are contradictory, and in each case it helps to understand the moment and intuition. According to the rules of American business etiquette: under no circumstances should you hold the door and hand a coat to a lady colleague. But we live in Russia.

Women in Russia have a combination of femininity and homeliness, they are well-groomed, businesslike and very active. In Moscow, every second or third lady drives. Modesty in its traditional meaning seems to be a thing of the past.

At the same time, women continue to love it when office men look after them: hand them coats, etc. So foreigners who advocate emancipation, having arrived in Russia, will have to wait with their advice.

On the one hand, gallantry is pleasant, on the other, in Russia, as in many countries, there is a glass ceiling for women. And they prefer to hire men for leadership positions. Both men and women.

Traditional stereotypes are that a woman cannot think logically, is a weak leader, and will be disturbed by her family.

Moreover, if a woman occupies a leadership position, then she is a “real bitch”, “a man in a skirt” and walks over corpses...

In a mixed team, where both men and women work, office romances happen. Traditionally, the public takes the man’s side, so in some cases it is better not to take risks and not start an unnecessary relationship.

Women's groups have their own specifics. While some employee is doing well, others may sometimes feel envy. Therefore, it is better to try not to excite her by dressing, say, too brightly or stylishly. Moreover, if a misfortune befalls an employee, everyone unites and begins to provide her with all possible assistance: financial, organizational, etc.

According to the rules of etiquette, it is not pleasant to talk about illnesses and family matters at work. However, this rule is violated, especially in the women's team. And woe to the secretary who, in response to her boss’s confidential stories, began to share her problems. It can come back to haunt you harshly.

Men and women in Russia look different.

Clothing, dress code

In order to climb the career ladder, some men try to dress elegantly, and even purchase suits from famous brands. These are mainly top managers and ambitious yuppies.

Another part of men is socially lower and has a lower educational level. This probably has something to do with the way I wear a black top and jeans on any day. The subway can be dark because of such clothes. Black jackets, black pullovers, sometimes black shirts (for negotiations, for which it is customary to wear light shirts) in combination with a black tie.

It is interesting that, as soon as the slightest opportunity is given not to wear a good, stylish suit, like the Italians or the French, Russian men immediately put on the “black style”. This is usually explained by the fact that it is “non-marking”. In fact, the desire to “hide” behind the color black would say a lot to social psychologists...

There is a special demographic situation in Russia: there are significantly more women than men. And, if earlier you had to be wary of harassment directed at a woman, now in Russia, due to natural competition, there is a “hunt” for accomplished men. Therefore, women resort to various tricks just to get a successful husband: neckline, mini, false nails, which does not meet corporate standards, but at the same time “promotes” the lady on the local “marriage market”. This comes as no surprise.

Both of them violate the dress code, which at the same time today has become softer and more democratic. And employers do not require ladies to wear a strict “sheath” suit, which was previously necessary.

Negotiations and reception of delegations

About the rules of conduct business negotiations A lot has been written on the pages of our magazine.

Russian negotiators: perceive the interlocutor as an adversary, treat him with suspicion and some hostility, consider it necessary to hide certain data (opacity allows many things to be done).

Local “princelings” have ambitions. Russian negotiators think that their city or region is the best. And, what’s worse, they try to “knock out” all sorts of preferences for themselves during negotiations, which most often go not for the development of territories, but into their own pockets. At the same time, local federal authorities often pose the most serious obstacle to the innovative development of the territory.

At the same time, there are very positive examples of territorial development. Thus, Alexander Vasilyevich Filipenko, the former head of the Administration of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, is considered the pride of Siberia, who glorified the region with innovations and amazing projects aimed at the improvement and development of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. The International Biathlon Center is named in his honor.
Specifics of negotiations

Speaking loudly without considering the other party's mannerisms can also derail negotiations.

Rigidity, i.e. hardness, inactivity, inadaptability in negotiations. No concessions.

Overt manipulation, when they try to “drive the interlocutor into a corner”

Inappropriate appearance (either jeans with a black pullover, or a very smart suit.

Reluctance to take responsibility, attempts to avoid a serious conversation.

Ignorance and not a strong desire to learn the national characteristics of representatives of the other side and the rules of good manners (they may take off their jacket at the wrong time, at the beginning of negotiations, or slap them on the shoulder)

Unfulfilled promises and careless paperwork complete the list.

Unpleasant hints of bribes (in the case of compatriots), so-called kickbacks.

Pleasing trends. Some Russian local leaders are building roads and hospitals at their own expense. Isn't this Russian?.. After all, generosity and charity have always been on Russian soil.

When a delegation is expected in an organization or company, everyone strives to prepare in the best possible way.


But if in modern companies young managers, with all their democracy, can even reach the point of some familiarity in communication (this is expressed in carelessness of address, the truncated name “Tatyan” instead of “Tatyana”, in ignoring the senior-junior positions, some even carelessness in communication, strange Business Cards), then in organizations with a traditional culture, ceremony, sedateness, and adherence to the rules of behavior adopted when receiving delegations are more honored. There is a protocol department that organizes receptions, delegations, meetings, and events.


In Russia it is accompanied by abundant eating and drinking wine. Only in diplomatic circles can only two snacks be served for Breakfast or Lunch. If you don’t serve too many treats at a corporate party, this may be perceived with surprise, if not offense. Russians at corporate parties eat generously, drink a lot and sometimes dance, but more often they prefer to break into groups and have a heart-to-heart talk.

Etiquette is not always observed, because why observe it if everyone has become friends and almost relatives at that moment?..

It is very important to control yourself at such moments, because office romances that begin at events quickly pass, and the words spoken about a leader under the influence of strong drinks are, “Not a sparrow. If it flies out, you won’t catch it.”

Greetings, address

After the October Revolution, the boundaries of communication between the sexes were erased and the address “comrade” and “comrade” appeared in everyday life, addressed to both men and women.

After Perestroika, when capitalism began to enter Russia, experts in the field of the Russian language tried to introduce into speech the addresses “master”, “madam”, “sir”, “madam”. Sometimes at pretentious corporate events you can hear “Mr. Ivanov”, “Mrs. Petrova”, but more often at the moment when they are spoken about in the third person.

When contacting directly, you have to find an option that is acceptable and convenient for both. So, in Russia an older person is addressed by his first name and patronymic, of course, with “you”; a younger person is addressed by his first name. At the same time, the practice of addressing even older people by name has become a practice (depending on the corporate style). This style came from the USA.

Particularly important today is the issue of switching to “You”. The initiator of such an appeal Maybe Only a superior person, only a client, only an older person, and with equals, only a woman, can speak. Everything else is a violation of the rules of etiquette.

At the same time, in Russia “you” is heard quite often, especially on highways, where it seems that drivers completely forget about the existence of the pronoun “you”.

Nowadays, as an initial address, you can hear “respected” in relation to a man or “lady” said to a woman. Or impersonal: “Please?”, “Can you tell me?”


It should be noted that the traditional unsmiling and gloomy facial expression by which Russians are recognized all over the world are associated with a sincere desire to appear serious.

Russians smile willingly. But only when meeting friends. Therefore, foreigners could be philosophical about the fact that on the streets they will meet many people who walk with the most negative expression on their faces, with furrowed eyebrows. Obviously, the climate influenced this style. This is also due to the fact that Russians are characterized by a certain closedness, despite the fact that there is a proverb “Death is fair in the world!” Some actors are very reserved in life. But Russians will smile widely and sincerely at their acquaintances and friends. It’s just that in the minds of a Russian person, smiling and laughter are close in meaning, and “Laughter for no reason is a sign of a fool.”

Guests can come not only from abroad, but also from other regions

Forewarned is forearmed. To be well prepared for contact with representatives of a particular national culture, V in this case modern Russians, it is important to study their customs and traditions, features and possible differences. If you know what certain traditions are associated with, this will make it possible to adapt in relation to partners and visitors, establish the correct style and intonation in communication with them, which will ultimately allow you to establish long-term business relationships. Knowledge of morals, characteristics, traditions will ultimately give a tolerant approach, which in turn will give understanding and create spiritual comfort and loyalty towards, in this case, the Russian people and their mysterious soul.


  1. Paternalism ( lat. paternus - paternal, fatherly) - a system of relations based on patronage,guardianship and control by the elders of the younger ones (wards), as well as the subordination of the younger ones to the elders.


Irina Denisova, member of the Council, coordinator of the “Personal Marketing” club, “Communications” workshop of the Guild of Marketers

This article was published in the paper business publication “Directory of the Secretary and Office Manager”, No. 4 2014. Please respect copyright and refer to the author and publication when reprinting. Published in the author's edition. - I.D.

Stereotypes of Russian behavior, of course, depend on which generation someone belongs to. The younger generation and managers, better educated in Western Europe, behave differently than their fathers' generation. However, some stereotypes are transferred from generation to generation and can be considered “Russian archetypes”.

How I became Russian (series trailer)

The most important factor that still determines the behavior of a Russian person (and his attitude to housing, clothing, food, cleanliness, order, property) is long-term residence in a totalitarian state.
In particular, the psyche of the population was greatly influenced by both the post-perestroika crisis and the “shock therapy” of transformations in society in the 90s.
The rules of everyday life change often and quickly, and no one knows by what laws and no one explains anything to anyone. In Russia there is a lack of confidence, there is nothing to rely on.

An anecdote from the times after the collapse of the USSR
The state comes to the people and says: “I have two news for you: good and bad. Which one should I start with?” – “With the good one.” – “You are free!” – “And now the bad one.” – “You are free...”

National character

Basic stereotypes about the traits of Russian national character

  • “the mystery of the Russian soul” - the mentality of the Russian people is a mysterious mystery that cannot be solved
  • “nationality” - patriotism, service to the fatherland, love for the homeland, loyalty to traditions
  • “hope for a bright future” - the search for truth, justice, freedom, hope for an ideal state, expectation of a “just ruler”
  • “Messianicism” - Russia, as an example to other nations, is ready to sacrifice itself for the sake of others (“They save others, they destroy themselves.”)
  • “Fatalism” is resignation to the fact that much will happen regardless of a person’s will and desire, the belief that nothing happens by chance in life. This character trait of Russians sometimes leads to passive behavior, the habit of relying not on oneself, but on God’s will, “good uncle” (sayings: “We’ll wait and see,” “We’re used to...”; “nothing” is the most common reaction to fail)
  • “sentimentality”, “openness of emotions”, “pathos” (phraseologisms: “pour out your soul” “open your soul” “have a heart-to-heart talk”)
  • “polarization” – dividing the entire diversity of the world into good and evil, truth and falsehood, “us” and “strangers”
  • “maximalism”, “fanaticism”, “extremism”
  • attitude towards observance of rituals, traditions, customs

Opposites of the Russian national character

Russians themselves believe that Russian character consists of extremes and opposites. The guiding slogan of the Russian people is: “Either everything, or nothing.” According to Russian and foreign observers, Russia is “a country of systematic paradoxes.”

They contradict each other:

  • gullibility, hope for a true ruler - and dreams of freedom
  • generosity, hospitality, openness in private life - and formalism, severity, unsmiling in official communication
  • great culture (literature, music, theater), the development of science, the ability to achieve better results (perfection) in many areas, the presence of modern technologies - and incompleteness, the inability to see the consequences of one’s actions in advance and plan for them, half-heartedness, inability and unwillingness to complete what was started matter - everything is decided on the fly, most institutions work at the edge of their capabilities (post office, public transport) (the ensuing consequences of this positive features character - “resourcefulness”, “adaptability”, “ability to create something out of nothing”).
  • fear of superiors - and persistent non-compliance with prescribed and established rules

Foreigners' opinions about Russians

Russians are a very proud, self-confident people. But on the other hand, Russians deceive, pretend, hide in the face of problems (When German troops entered Kyiv, Stalin claimed that not a single German soldier crossed Russian borders.). When exposed as a lie, they will only shrug their shoulders.
The problem with bureaucracy is that any business takes a very long time and is complicated to process, the rules often change, and people are endlessly sent from one window to another.

Social behavior

Russian collectivism

Russians do not tolerate loneliness well; they are sociable people.
They can even start talking to strangers (communication on the train), they like to communicate frequently on the phone (in cities, the time-based principle of paying for telephone calls has not yet been introduced, and people “hang on the phone”).
Relationships with neighbors are still important in the lives of Russians - neighborly ties play an almost familial role.
Russians are characterized by such character traits as compassion, warmth, and pity (deafness, unfortunately for another person, is unusual for Russians).
On the other hand, many of them have adopted this way of life: to live like everyone else, to keep a low profile.
Collectivism includes love for mass holidays, company, and the tradition of hospitality. In the village there is a habit of meeting with neighbors in the same hut - “get-togethers”. Russians value the principle of “conciliarity” – the internal unity of people based on a community of spirit.

„Ruský kolektivismus se v Rusku projevuje sklony k masovosti, Občané se tlačí, vytvářejí fronty a z těch front se vyčleňují přirození vůdci, kteří buď organizují dav nebo sepisují po řadníky. To bývá na úřadech. Kdyby tam nebyla fronta, určitě by lidé odešli, že mají zavřeno. Fronta bývá jedna ústřední, pořadníků více.”
Elizabeth Roberts: Xenofobův národnostní průvodce: Rusové

However, recently, Russians have also been characterized by a desire for individualization (with the fall of the USSR, every Russian was finally left to his own devices).

Public role

Russians take on their social role more expressively, observe the rules of formal behavior, always try to preserve their “good name,” and they are characterized by constant consideration of “what other people will say or think about us.”
There is a huge difference in human behavior in the public (professional) sphere and in private life.
“Servile psychology” in relation to superiors is characteristic (one and the same person can show disdain for a person dependent on him and in a minute become slavish, obsequious in the face of the boss), a popular proverb: “You are the boss - I am a fool.” I’m the boss – you’re a fool.” Democratic principles do not always work in society in relation to the terms of holding certain positions (university rector, for example). If a person has already taken a high position, then, as a rule, he “sits” firmly in it.

Essential Values

Russians highly value: courage, strength, good social position, “good name,” reputation in the eyes of friends and neighbors, sentimental and emotional actions.
Especially Russians highly respect smart people. Cleverness, in the eyes of Russians, is not rational ability, but rather spirituality, delicacy, social responsibility, and high moral qualities.
It has long been customary to measure the level of culture by the number of books read.
Oddly enough, a smile is sometimes considered an indicator of stupidity (popular proverb: “Laughter for no reason is a sign of a fool.”).

Money is not considered a particularly great value; Russian people are convinced that wealth cannot be acquired through honest work.

Russian attitude towards...


Back in the 19th century, in all likelihood, there was no xenophobia in Russia. The Russians were ready to quickly come to terms with the presence of foreigners. They treated those who came without malicious intent as friendly, but those who came with malicious intent, - cruel.
In the Soviet era, other (better) restaurants and hotels were reserved for visiting foreigners; they were given first places in queues, but were not allowed into restricted areas.
Currently, everything depends on the nationality of the foreigner. Russians love Chekhov, and Serbs are also close to them. But their relations with the Poles, Ukrainians, and Germans are already a little more complicated.
Some museums have introduced double prices for foreigners (in the Hermitage, a ticket for them is 3 times more expensive than for a Russian).


They take pity on the poor in Russia and give them money.


Russians, of course, love children very much and are ready to spend their last funds on their education and improving their future.


Russians greatly respect their ancestors and old parents and surround them with care. In families, as a rule, more often than ours, several generations live together. Placing the elderly in a nursing home is considered a sin.


The Russian archetype is characterized by fear of the state.
The state almost constantly interfered in the lives of its subjects (with violence, ideology) - Russian people could rarely concentrate on their private life.
The embodiment of evil power, which puts pressure on the people and cynically robs them, for a Russian person is bureaucracy, a terrible and irresistible force.
An “Orthodox type of person” has emerged who is patient, passive, conservative, sometimes even indifferent, capable of surviving in the most incredible conditions, immersed in the past and absorbed in the eternal search for ideals, refraining from arbitrary interference in anything.
Related to this is the inability of Russians to accept personal responsibility (“My house is on the edge, I don’t know anything.”)
The paradox of the attitude towards power: on the one hand, Russian people are genetically trained not to expect goodness, help, or support from the authorities; at the same time, he hopes for a miracle, for a “good king,” a reformer-savior (illusions, euphoria are constantly replaced by disappointment, condemnation of the authorities).
In the history of Russia, the deification of power and charismatic leaders is repeated - an indicator of the sacredness of Russian consciousness.

Attitudes between men and women


Men (already boys) should not show their weakness (sometimes rudeness helps them in this). They don't compliment women as often as they would like. When they like a woman, they will tell her about it directly, they show their love with gifts and attentiveness. (This means that it is not so difficult for women to find out whether she loves or does not love?)

„Mladý muž univerzál - nosí černé džíny, černou koženou bundu, černou koženou čepici s nápletem. Tváří se nepřístupně (žvýkačka narozdíl od cigarety není podmínkou), mluví úsečně záměrně hlubokým hlasem. Mladíci se shlukují kolem stánků u výstupu z metra, usrkávají z lahve pivo domácí výroby, kouří, pojídají buráky, plivou (i slupky slunečnicových semínek) a dokáží kolem sebe ělat slušný svinčík.”

Russian woman

A Russian woman loves to feel like the weaker sex. She is able to spend her last money on clothes and cosmetics. Previously, women had to work in male professions, they were used to taking care of everything, and immediately became adults.

„Ruská žena je často buď puťka, která se bojí překročit stín svého muže, nechá se bít manželem, tyranizovat synem a vydírat tchýní, nebo je to emancipovaná energetická bytost s v ěčně doutnající cigaretou na rtech a stejně razantním stylem za volantem i bez něj.
D.Šťáhlavský: Rusko mezi řádky

It is considered a sign of bad taste in society...

  • blow your nose
  • use a toothpick
  • have dirty shoes
  • come visit without a gift
  • show your bad mood
  • speak in “intricate turns of phrase” (Russians are also irritated by “empty chatter”; spatial reasoning about something that can be expressed in a nutshell)
  • “throw around words” (Russians take what is said too seriously and literally; you can’t just joke).
  • Russians do not understand the European manner of “not noticing” something unpleasant that does not correspond to the norms of behavior. They will actively intervene, comment, and correct the situation. (If, for example, someone is in no hurry in line and delays others, his behavior can cause noisy indignation and even a scandal.)
  • When sorting out relations with Russians, it is recommended to be more careful in words and intonation - a Russian often intuitively thinks out the situation and prefers to act (sometimes it even comes to rude bodily reactions and fights).
  • Talking about money is uncomfortable for Russians; it is also not customary to talk about intimate relationships, or to ridicule the national traits and virtues of Russians.
  • It is better not to ask your interlocutor questions about his place of birth. Due to the complex history of Russia (including forced migration of the population), very complex things may be touched upon.
  • Russians value heart-to-heart conversations – this is a long, leisurely, frank conversation with a good acquaintance, with a close friend. “High topics” are preferred - for example, about the meaning of life, the future of Russia, politics, literature, theater, cinema. You can also talk about family matters.


  • flicking the throat with the index or middle finger: means “drink vodka” or “he’s drunk”
  • knock index finger on the temple: “not a very smart person”
  • put your hands on your heart: emphasize your sincerity in a conversation
  • insert the thumb between the middle and index fingers with a clenched fist: fig (fig with butter), a vulgar gesture expressing a categorical denial
  • Russians count in such a way that they bend their fingers, gradually collecting them into a fist, starting with the little finger


Life is a way of life, everyday life, material and cultural development of society.

In Russia there is a strong spiritual orientation to the East, that is, a focus on spiritual life (serving a higher goal). Russians have always reproached the West for being extremely consumer-oriented (money, things, personal success).
Therefore, Russians are often observed to be indifferent to money and, in general, to the material side of life, and lack of concern for the comfort of life; on the contrary, they attach importance to values ​​such as education, literature and culture, and respect in society.
The unpredictability and severity of Russian nature and climate and many historical cataclysms made it difficult to develop European pragmatism, the ability to organize time and save space.

„Bolševismus naučil lidi skromnosti, nenáročnosti, ale také rozmařilosti a plýtvání. Naučil je žít s pocitem, že to dnes může být naposledy.”
D. Šťáhlavský: Rusko mezi řádky


Recently, in many large cities of Russia, a huge amount of improved housing and comfortable apartments have appeared, but, all the same, only very wealthy people can afford new housing. For Russians, the “housing issue” is still a huge problem. There are still families where several generations live together in one apartment.
Most residential buildings in Russia are huge, multi-story, with multiple entrances. Typical for them are windows protected by bars, heavy armored doors in entrances and apartments, dirt in entrances, on stairs and in elevators.
People have not learned to take care of the house and its surroundings as if they were their own.
Unlike other nationalities, it is not customary for Russians to show guests their home or apartment.

The fashion of wealthy people is to build comfortable country houses, mansions, the so-called. "cottages".

During Soviet times (especially Stalin's), many people had to live in communal apartments, that is, in apartments that are state property, in which several families (not related family relationships people belonging to different social strata). Life in communal apartments has actually crippled the mental health and interpersonal relationships of one generation of Russians.

Cleanliness is a mess

Everywhere in Russia there are many uncleaned places, abandoned wastelands. The strange smell of Russia consists of gasoline, buckwheat and vodka. However, Russians carefully wash their hands, clean their shoes, and wear perfume.
In the toilets you can see the inscription “Big request!” Don't throw paper in the toilet!“.
Some toilets are missing a door or top part walls In restaurants they often do not differentiate between men's and women's.


Russians have a very frivolous attitude towards their health, including an addiction to alcohol.
Russians usually tolerate alcohol well, they can drink a lot of vodka and remain “sane,” but they quickly become dependent on alcohol.
The causes of alcoholism are harsh climate, difficult living conditions (for centuries Russians have been looking for oblivion of problems in a glass).

The Russian authorities continue to fight alcoholism. Since 2014, drinking alcoholic beverages in public places is prohibited. You can drink at home, in a cafe or in a restaurant.



The bathhouse has been known in Rus' since the 10th century. In the village, this is a separate log hut next to the house. It consists of a dressing room and a steam room. There is a stove in the steam room. When it is drowned, the stones become hot. In order for the bathhouse to be filled with hot steam, the stones are watered with hot water. In the bathhouse they pat themselves with a birch or oak broom.

The role of the bathhouse in the life of a Russian person, its functions: cleansing the body, strengthening physical health, treating runny noses, colds, aches, losing excess weight, prevention, pleasure, relaxation. (The bathhouse “clears the mind and dries the tears.”)
The social function of the bathhouse is making acquaintances, making friendships, a place for negotiations and establishing trade connections.

  • Bath day: Saturday
  • to those leaving the bathhouse they say: Enjoy your steam!

Family rituals


A traditional Russian wedding lasted several days and was preceded by matchmaking and wedding. The wedding was like a theatrical play (theft and ransom of the bride) with sad and funny moments. Most often, a wedding was held between Christmas and Lent to have fun and survive the long winter; there was less work during this period.
In a modern wedding, everything depends on money. The groom must “break through” to the bride by performing various tasks (for example, he must write out the bride’s name in banknotes).
There is also a custom of covering apples with paper money of the same color - the apple turns out to be green, red... A big and rich wedding is a matter of honor.


Funerals are traditionally held on the third day after the person's death. The believers are buried in the church. Throughout the year, a wake is held, a ceremony in memory of a deceased relative, conducted by members of his family - 3, 9 and 40 days after death.
The funeral ritual includes home prayers, a visit to the temple and the grave of the deceased, and lunch at which vodka, pancakes, kutya (sweet porridge made from millet or rice with raisins) and a funeral dish - white jelly - are served.
Russians come to the graves of their relatives on Easter; In this case, a glass of vodka, covered with a slice of bread, or other treats are usually left on the grave.
Previously, the ritual of mourning was widespread in Russia. Good professional mourners who sobbed at the grave were highly valued.
Expression of condolences: Please accept my deepest condolences. We share your deep grief.


Moving to a new apartment or new house - an important event for the family, has long been accompanied by rituals (in modern times a feast is obligatory).

Recent events such as the overthrow of the government in Ukraine, the annexation of Crimea and its decision to join the Russian Federation, the subsequent military campaign against civilians in Eastern Ukraine, Western sanctions against Russia, and most recently the attack on the ruble - all this caused a certain phase shift in Russian society, which in the West is very misunderstood, if understood at all. This misunderstanding puts Europe at a serious disadvantage in terms of its ability to negotiate an end to the crisis.

And if before these events they tended to perceive Russia as “another European country,” now they remembered that Russia is another civilization with other civilizational roots (more likely Byzantine than Roman), which once or twice a century became the object of an organized Western attempt to destroy it, because it was attacked by Sweden, Poland, France, Germany or alliances of these countries. This has had a special impact on the Russian character, which, if misunderstood, could lead the whole of Europe and even the whole world to disaster.

If you think that Byzantium had little cultural influence on Russia, then you are mistaken: its influence was actually decisive. It began with the advent of Christianity - first through Crimea (the birthplace of Christianity in Russia), and then through the Russian capital Kyiv (the same Kyiv, which is today the capital of Ukraine) - and allowed Russia to “skip” an entire millennium cultural development. This influence also determined the opaque and clumsy bureaucracy of the Russian state apparatus, which, along with many other things, irritates the West, which so loves transparency, especially among others. Russians often like to call Moscow the Third Rome, after the real Rome and Constantinople, and this is not entirely unfounded. But this does not mean that Russian civilization is something derivative. Yes, she managed to absorb the entire classical heritage, which was looked at primarily through the “eastern prism”, but the vast northern expanses turned this heritage into something radically different.

This topic is generally very complex, so I will focus on four factors that I consider fundamental to understanding the transformations we are witnessing today.

1. Reaction to attack

Western states were born under conditions of limited resources and unrelenting population pressure, which largely determines how these states react when targeted. For quite some time, when central government was weak, conflicts were resolved bloodily, and even the most insignificant prick from a former friend immediately turned him into a rival with whom they fought with swords. The reason was that in these conditions, protecting the territory was the key to survival.

On the contrary, Russia extends over an almost endless territory over which resources are dispersed. In addition, Russia skillfully took advantage of the bounty of the trade route that led from the Varangians to the Greeks, and was so active that Arab geographers were confident in the existence of a strait that connected the Black and Baltic seas. In these conditions, it was important to avoid conflicts, and people who grabbed weapons at every side glance would have had a hard time living in such an environment.

Therefore, a very different conflict resolution strategy was formed, which has survived to this day. If you offend or harm a Russian in any way, it is unlikely that a fight will break out (although this is exactly what happens during demonstrative confrontations in public or during the expected settling of scores through violence). More often than not, the Russian will simply send you to hell and will want nothing to do with you. If the situation is complicated by physical proximity, then the Russian will think about moving - in any direction, but most importantly, away from you. In ordinary conversation, all this is formulated with the one-syllable statement “Pshel,” a form of the verb “to send.” With an almost endless amount of free land on which to settle, this strategy works great. Russians live sedentary lives, but when they need to move, they behave like nomads, among whom the main way to resolve conflicts is voluntary movement.

This reaction to insult is something of a permanent aspect of Russian culture, and therefore the West, which does not understand this, can hardly achieve the results it desires. For people from the West, an offense can be redeemed with an apology, something like “I am sorry!” But for a Russian, to a certain extent, this is nothing, especially in the case when the apology was made by the one who was sent to hell. A verbal apology, which is not accompanied by anything tangible, is one of the rules of good manners, which for Russians is a kind of luxury. Just a few decades ago, the usual apology sounded like “I’m sorry.” Today Russia is much more polite, but the basic cultural patterns are preserved.

And while a purely verbal apology is priceless, tangible restitution is not. “Getting things right” could mean parting with a rare possession, proposing a new and significant commitment, or announcing a fundamental change in direction. The main thing is to do everything, and not only in words, because at a certain stage words can only aggravate the situation, and the call to “go to hell” can be supplemented by the less pleasant phrase “let me show you the way there.”

2. Tactics against invaders

Russia has a long history of invasions from all sides, but primarily from the West, thanks to which Russian culture I came to a certain type of thinking that is difficult to understand from the outside. First of all, we must realize that when the Russians repel invasions (and the fact that the CIA, along with the US State Department, is ruling Ukraine through Ukrainian Nazis is considered an invasion), they are not fighting for territory, at least not directly. They are rather fighting for Russia as a concept. And the concept is that Russia has been attacked many times, but no one has ever conquered it. In the Russian consciousness, conquering Russia means killing almost all Russians, and as they like to say, “You can’t kill us all.” The population can be restored over time (22 million were killed at the end of World War II), but once the concept is lost, Russia will be lost forever. To people in the West, the words of Russians about Russia as “a land of princes, poets and saints” may seem nonsense, but this is precisely the line of thought we are talking about. Russia has no history, it itself is history.

And since the Russians are fighting over a concept rather than a specific piece of Russian territory, they are always willing to retreat first. When Napoleon invaded Russia, he saw the land scorched by the retreating Russians. Finally he reached Moscow, but it also died in the flames. He stopped there for a while, but in the end he realized that he could not do more (did he really have to go to Siberia?), so he finally left his retreating, hungry and frozen army, leaving it to the mercy of fate. As he retreated, another aspect of the Russian cultural heritage became increasingly clear: every peasant in every village burned during the Russian retreat had participated in the Russian resistance, which created many problems for the French army.

The German invasion during World War II also moved very quickly at first: a large territory was occupied, and the Russians continued to retreat, evacuating the population, entire factories and other institutions to Siberia, families moved inland. But then the German march stopped, turned around and eventually turned into a complete defeat. The standard model was repeated when the Russian army broke the will of the invaders, and most of the local residents who found themselves under occupation refused to cooperate, self-organized into partisan detachments and inflicted the maximum possible damage on the retreating aggressors.

Another Russian method in the fight against an invader is to rely on the Russian climate, which will do its job. In the countryside, people usually get rid of all unnecessary living creatures in the house by simply stopping heating: in a few days at minus 40, all the cockroaches, fleas, lice, nits, as well as mice and rats will die out. This also works with occupiers. Russia is the northernmost country in the world. And although Canada is further north, most of its population lives along the southern border, and no major cities are located above the Arctic Circle. And in Russia there are two such cities at once. Life in Russia in some respects resembles life in space or on the high seas: you cannot live without mutual assistance. The Russian winter simply will not allow one to survive without cooperation with the local residents, so to destroy the aggressor it is enough to simply refuse cooperation. And if you are sure that the occupier can force cooperation by shooting several locals in order to scare the rest, see point 1.

3. Tactics in relations with foreign powers

Russia owns almost the entire northern part of the Eurasian continent, which is almost a sixth of the land. On the scale of planet Earth, this is enough. This is not some kind of exception or historical accident: throughout their history, Russians have sought to ensure their collective security by developing as much territory as possible. If you're wondering what prompted them to do this, go back to Tactics Against Invaders.

And if you think that foreign powers have repeatedly tried to attack and conquer Russia in order to gain access to vast natural resources, then you are mistaken: access has always been there - all you have to do is ask. Typically, Russians do not refuse to sell their natural resources - even to potential enemies. But the enemies, as a rule, wanted to “suck in” to Russian sources for free. For them, the existence of Russia is a nuisance, which they tried to get rid of through violence.

But they only achieved that after their failure the price for themselves increased. This is a simple principle: foreigners want Russian resources, and to protect them, Russia needs a strong, centralized state with a large and strong army, so foreigners must pay and thereby support the Russian state and army. As a result, most of the Russian state's finances come from export tariffs, primarily oil and gas exports, rather than from taxation of the Russian population. In the end, Russian population paid dearly fighting constant invaders, so why burden it with even more taxes? This means that the Russian state is a customs state, which uses duties and tariffs to obtain funds from enemies who could destroy it, and also uses these funds for its own defense. Due to the fact that there is no replacement for Russian resources, the principle works: the more hostile the outside world behaves towards Russia, the more more money he will pay for Russia's national defense.

But this policy is used in relations with foreign powers, not with foreign peoples. Over the centuries, Russia has “absorbed” a mass of immigrants, say from Germany, during the Thirty Years’ War, and France, after the revolution there. Later people migrated from Vietnam, Korea, China and Central Asia. Last year, Russia accepted more migrants than any other country except the United States. In addition, Russia accepted almost a million people from war-torn Ukraine without much difficulty. Russians are a displaced people more than many others, and Russia is a bigger melting pot than the United States.
4. Thank you, but we have our own

Another interesting cultural trait is that Russians always see the need to be the best in everything - from ballet and figure skating, hockey and football to space flights and microchip production. You may think that “Champagne” is a protected French brand, but recently on New Year’s I was convinced that “Soviet Champagne” is still selling out at the speed of light, and not only in Russia, but also in Russian stores in the USA, because, understand, French things may be good, but they don’t taste Russian enough. For almost everything you can think of, there is a Russian version, which the Russians consider the best, and sometimes they directly say that it is their invention (for example, Popov, not Marconi, invented the radio). Of course, there are exceptions (say, tropical fruits), which are acceptable provided that they are from a “brotherly people,” which, for example, is Cuba. This model has already worked in Soviet times, and it seems that to some extent it has survived to this day.
During the ensuing “stagnation” of the era of Brezhnev, Andropov and Gorbachev, when Russian ingenuity truly declined along with everything else, technologically (but not culturally) Russia lost ground in relation to the West. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russians craved Western imports, which was understandable, since Russia itself produced practically nothing at that time. In the 90s, the time came for Western managers who flooded Russia with cheap imports, setting themselves the long-term goal of destroying local industry and Russian production, turning Russia into a simple exporter of raw materials, which would be defenseless against the embargo, and which could easily be forced to lose sovereignty. It would all end in a military invasion, against which Russia would be defenseless.

This process got quite far before it hit a few snags. First, Russian production and non-hydrocarbon exports have recovered and increased several times over the course of one decade. The growth also affected the export of grain, weapons and high-tech products. Secondly, Russia has found quite a few friendlier and more profitable trading partners in the world, however, this in no way diminishes the importance of its trade with the West, or more precisely with the EU. Thirdly, the Russian defense industry was able to maintain its standards and independence from imports. (The same can hardly be said about defense companies in the West that depend on Russian titanium exports).

And today, a “perfect storm” has broken out for Western managers: the ruble has partially depreciated due to low oil prices, which displaces imports and helps local producers. Sanctions have undermined Russia's faith in the West's reliability as a supplier, and the conflict in Crimea strengthens Russians' self-confidence. The Russian government has taken the opportunity to support companies that can immediately replace imports from the West with other products. The Russian Central Bank was entrusted with financing them at a lending rate that makes import substitution even more attractive.

Some compare the current period with when in last time the price of oil fell to $10 per barrel, which to a certain extent brought the collapse of the USSR closer. But this analogy is wrong. At that time, the USSR stagnated economically and depended on Western grain supplies, without which it would not have been able to feed the people. The collapse was led by the helpless and controlled Gorbachev - a peacemaker, capitulator and phrase-monger on a global scale, whose wife loved to go shopping in London. Russian people despised him. Today, Russia is once again one of the world's largest grain exporters, led by an exemplary President Putin, who enjoys the support of more than 80% of the population. By comparing the USSR before the collapse with today's Russia, commentators and analysts are only demonstrating their ignorance.

This passage literally writes itself. This is a recipe for disaster, so I’ll write everything down, point by point, as in a recipe.

1. Take the people who respond to attacks by sending you to hell, turning away from you and not wanting anything to do with you - instead of fighting with you. Realize that these are the people whose Natural resources necessary to keep your homes light and warm so you can produce transport planes, military fighter jets, and much more. Remember that a quarter of the light bulbs in the United States come on from Russian nuclear fuel, and cutting off Europe from Russian gas would mean a real disaster.

2. Introduce economic and financial sanctions against Russia. Watch in horror as your exporters lose profits and the Russian response blocks agricultural exports. Remember, this is a country that has suffered a long chain of attacks and traditionally relies on unfriendly countries to fund Russian defenses aimed precisely at those enemies. Or Russia turns to methods such as the already mentioned winter. “No gas for NATO countries” sounds like a great slogan. Hope and pray that Moscow doesn't like him.

3. Organize an attack on their national currency, which will lose part of its value, and do the same with oil prices. Imagine how Russian officials chuckle as they go to the Central Bank when the low ruble exchange rate means filling the state budget despite the low oil price. Watch in horror as your exporters go bankrupt because they can no longer take a place in the Russian market. Remember that Russia has no national debt worth discussing, that it is run with a miniscule budget deficit, and that it has large gold and foreign exchange reserves. Remember your banks, which “lent” hundreds of billions of dollars to Russian companies - those companies to which, by imposing sanctions, you cut off access to your banking system. Hope and pray that Russia doesn't freeze debt payments on the West Bank when they impose new sanctions, because that will blow your banks out of business.

4. Watch in horror as Russia rewrites gas export agreements that now involve everyone except you. And when they start working, will there be enough gas left for you? But it seems that this is no longer Russia’s concern, because you offended it, because the Russians, so and so, sent you to hell (and don’t forget to take Galich there). Now they will trade with countries that are more friendly to them.

5. Watch with horror as Russia actively seeks ways to exit its trade relationship with you, seeks suppliers in other parts of the world, and sets up production to replace imports.

And then a surprise appears, by the way, underestimated by everyone, euphemistically speaking. Russia recently proposed a deal to the EU. If the EU refuses to sign the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) with the US, it could join a customs union with Russia. Why freeze yourself when Washington can freeze? This would be reparation for the EU's previous aggressive behavior, which Russia would accept. And this is an extremely generous offer. And if the EU accepts it, it will prove a lot: that the EU does not pose any military or economic threat to Russia, that European countries are very nice and small, produce delicious cheeses and sausages, that the current crop of politicians are worthless, dependent on Washington, and that it is necessary to create a big pressure to understand where the interests of their peoples actually lie... So will the EU accept such a proposal or will it accept Galic as a new member and “freeze”?