Exposition on the painting the first snow. Essay-description of Plastov’s painting “First Snow. Peasant Village Singer

Theme description:
      A touching feeling that arises in the soul of every person is the falling of the first snow. Even in the city, a suddenly changed picture of a street covered with the first snow can distract you from the hustle and bustle. The first snow always brings fleeting joy to the long wait for winter throughout the entire fall. Description of the first snow in Plastov’s painting “The First Snow”.

In the picture we see a small fragment of peasant life. In front of us is the threshold of a wooden house, behind it is a birch tree. In the distance you can still see the hut. Snow is falling. Apparently, it began to fall a long time ago, because the entire ground is covered with snow, and there are already quite large snowdrifts. A crow landed on one of the snowdrifts in the background.

As always in Plastov’s landscape works, their center is human figures. This time there are a couple of children - a boy of about six and a girl a little older. Most likely, they looked out the window belatedly, saw that it was snowing, and began to quickly get dressed. The girl’s bright yellow scarf, thrown hastily and covering almost her entire figure, brings a spark of unexpected joy into the picture.

The children were probably in a hurry to play, throw themselves into the snow, throw snowballs, but when they jumped out onto the threshold, they stopped, mesmerized by the snowfall. Snow flakes smoothly fall in front of them. Freezing on the threshold, the children look around in delight and do not dare to move on just yet.

The artist’s stinginess with colors and details in this picture is explained by the fact that it was painted in 1946, in the harsh, joyless, hungry, post-war period. But even then, children believed in fairy tales and miracles. The artist compared the untouched child’s soul to the pure first snow. For him, a miracle includes children who have not forgotten how to rejoice and admire, and the first snow, fluffy, dazzling white.

Essay: description of Levitan's painting "Winter in the Forest"

Levitan "Winter in the forest"

Theme description:
      Cold and gives you goosebumps beautiful picture winter forest and a lonely wandering wolf. Artistic description Levitan's painting "Winter in the Forest".

In winter in the forest.

The great painter Isaac Levitan was still a student art school proved himself to be a talented landscape painter: at the age of 16 he was already noted at the exhibition along with the then famous artists. Each of his landscapes excited the viewer. The secret lay in the artist’s talent and his immense love for Russian nature. But the artist himself was unhappy during these years: he was orphaned early, he was haunted by poverty and lack of rights, he had to fight for existence and this, of course, affected his mood, the mood of the paintings he painted. His state of mind corresponds to the painting “Winter in the Forest. Wolf” (there is also another painting by Levitan called “Winter in the Forest”).

This painting was painted by the artist at the age of 25. By that time, he already mastered the technique of landscape, understood its “soul,” could convey lyrics and express his feelings through the landscape, was quite famous, but still continued to be in great need and suffer.

In the picture we see winter forest, black, naked, transparent, cold. White snow, black trees, gray low sky, thin branches of bushes sticking out from under the snow - everything looks joyless, sad, dull. In the distance the forest is denser, standing like a solid dark wall. In the foreground there is a forest edge, sparse trees, their powerful black trunks make a depressing impression. The landscape reeks of loneliness, melancholy, sadness, and endless cold. And with love - they are so sad and sad about something they love that it does not leave you indifferent.

Levitan was friends with another landscape artist, Alexei Stepanov. At that time, the two of them traveled a lot, looked for material for their paintings, and even lived together. There are many similarities and differences in their paintings. For example, Levitan loved “pure landscape” more - without the presence of living beings or people in it. And Stepanov really loved to express the mood through the figures of animals or people present in the picture. This artist was also an outstanding animal painter - he knew how to not only accurately draw an animal, but also give it character. He was especially good at wolves. He liked the wild and slightly scary beauty of these animals. Once while hunting - and Stepanov was also a good hunter - he was aiming at a wolf and was about to shoot, but he lowered his gun, struck by the beauty of the beast.

When Levitan finished his landscape "Winter in the Forest", he showed it to a friend. They both saw that the picture was a success and yet it lacked one more accent to emphasize the theme of loneliness, despair, and melancholy. And then the master animal painter Stepanov, with a firm hand, brought into Levitan’s landscape the figure of a lone wolf - a strong, seasoned animal, which is also powerless in the face of cold and hunger, like the rest. And the painting became known as “Winter in the Forest. Wolf.”


It allows the viewer to come up with interesting stories themselves. Looking at the action that the artist depicted, I want to at least mentally be transported to this village, talk with the children - the main characters of the picture.


To understand why the picture depicts a village and in what years this happened, you need to know a little about the author.

Arkady Aleksandrovich Plastov himself comes from a village; he was born in a small place called Prislonikha. This happened at the end of the 19th century - 01/19/1983. The boy was born into a peasant family, so it is not at all surprising that he further creativity dedicated to ordinary Russian people.

It was as if the child was destined to become an artist, because his grandfather was an icon painter. Arkady Aleksandrovich received his specialized education in the city of Simbirsk. Here he studied at the theological school, and then at the theological seminary.

Peasant Village Singer

After receiving his specialty, Plastov did not stay in the city, but returned to his small homeland, to the beloved village of Prislonikha. People and nature gave him inspiration, which was embodied in amazing paintings. Whatever season the author depicts on his canvases, it is clear that he does it with great love.

Looking at the “summer” canvases, you feel that they are soaked sunlight, you can feel the heat of a hot day. Winter landscapes are also beautiful. There are no bright colors on them, but this does not interfere with perception. On the contrary, with the help of pastel colors the author was able to show the harmony of nature and its majestic calm when, for example, the first snow falls. Plastov is interested not only in nature, but also in the people living in such a picturesque place. He captured their relaxation after work and showed how joyfully common holidays were celebrated. It is interesting to watch how the guys bathe the horses, the girl pours spring water, and the peasant family mows the grass.

Who is depicted on the canvas

Plastov’s painting “First Snow” is dedicated to children; it depicts a girl about eight years old and a boy 2-3 years younger than her. Most likely, these are brother and sister, since the children ran out of the same house in which they lived. What made them quickly leave the warm room and go outside?

Plastov’s painting “First Snow” gives the answer to this question. After summer, autumn came - slushy, with rain. The sky and earth were gray and nondescript. And finally, a small miracle happened - the first snow began to fall. It fell in thick snow-white flakes and soon covered the ground with a light fluffy blanket.

Everything around quickly changed and began to look like a fairy tale. The children ran out to see this miracle. The girl helped her little brother get dressed, and she only managed to put on felt boots and a down scarf. After all, she couldn’t wait to run out into the street and see this miracle with her own eyes.

Plastov "First Snow"

The girl raised her head and watched how beautifully the snowflakes were falling and swirling. She warms her hands under the scarf, holding it at the same time. If this had not been necessary, the girl would probably have raised her palms up and caught snowflakes in them that looked like light downy feathers.

The boy saw in his life fewer winters than his sister. Therefore, he looks at everything that happens broadly with open eyes, he froze, unable to move and tear himself away from the mesmerizing spectacle.

Meanwhile, the snow transformed everything in its path. He covered the roofs of the houses with a white tent, they instantly dressed up and began to look festive. He even decorated the dilapidated roof of the house where the children lived in a special way. Plastov’s painting “First Snow” conveys this, as well as the fact that the structure is no longer new, since the logs have become very dark over time. These are understandable. The canvas was painted in 1946, the Great War had just ended. Patriotic War. It is unknown whether the men returned to this family from the front or remained only in memory. If children have a father, grandfather, over time they will patch up old house or build a new one. They will also repair the fence that surrounds the lonely birch tree.

Silence, silence all around

The painting “First Snow” cannot boast bright colors. It is made in white-gray, sometimes greenish tones. Such pastel colors do not irritate the eye, but allow the viewer to be in an atmosphere of calm and tranquility.

Watching the snowflakes fall slowly and quietly, everything freezes. The children stand motionless, watching the mesmerizing natural phenomenon. The old birch tree has fluffed up its branches, which also do not move.

A person can be seen in the background. He was going about his business, but also stopped to visually capture how the first snow was falling.

Essay for schoolchildren based on a painting

Plastov A.A. painted the painting “First Snow” in 1946. Looking at the canvas, the viewer sees that two children ran out of the house onto the porch - an older sister and a younger brother. They watch with fascination and joy as snowflakes fall and cover the ground. light white May you rest in peace.

3.Houses and trees

4. Painting colors

The painting “First Snow” was painted by Arkady Plastov.

The main characters are children. They ran out onto the porch to look at the first snow. The guys put on felt boots. The girl has a large scarf on her head, apparently thrown on hastily. The children look with delight at the falling snowflakes and rejoice in winter. Snow has already covered the ground and roofs of houses.

There is a large birch tree near the house, surrounded by a small fence. And a crow sits nearby. Houses can be seen in the distance. You can also consider a man riding in a sleigh, driving a horse.

The most white color here is due to a lot of snow falling. And the gray, dull autumn was transformed. The artist wanted to show how beautiful the first snow is, how joyful it makes you feel. In my opinion, the time of the first snow is one of the most beautiful of the year.

Essay on the painting First Snow by Plastov, grade 4

2.Houses and birch

3.Painting colors

4.My opinion

The painting "First Snow" was painted by famous artist Plastov Arkady Alexandrovich. In the foreground we can see little children coming out of their house to see the first snow. Children rejoice watching small, light snowflakes.

Wooden hut, growing near it white birch, surrounded by a small fence. There is a crow nearby, it is bright against the background of white snow. In the background there are houses whose roofs are already covered with snow. A man rides along the road on a sleigh, holding the reins. The snow covered almost everything, covering the ground from the frosts that would soon come.

Most of the painting has white and brown tones. The colors are not very bright. Somewhere you can still see the black earth. Perhaps the snow will not melt and winter will soon come into its own.

The artist showed the beauty of the arrival of winter, how it becomes the joy of every child. In my opinion, the first snow is very beautiful and the author of the picture managed to convey this.

Essay on the painting “The First Snow” by Plastov, grade 7

2. Main characters

3. Secondary plan

4. Color scheme of the painting

5.My opinion

The painting The First Snow was painted by the famous artist Arkady Alexandrovich Plastov.

Shown in the foreground little boy with the girl who came out of the hut to look at the first breaths of winter and enjoy the fresh, frosty air. They have felt boots on their feet, the boy is in a coat, and the girl is wearing a large scarf. Apparently she dressed her brother, and she just threw on a shawl - she had such a great desire to go outside. Children rejoice looking at falling snowflakes. The girl smiles, raising her head up, one feels delight and admiration.

The hut is small, wooden. Near it, almost throwing its branches onto the roof, grows a white birch tree, which fits so beautifully into the overall color. And next to it is a small bush, which is already covered with snow. A crow sits on the ground and stands out against a white background. She, apparently, also likes to walk in the first snow. In the background of the picture you can see houses, their roofs covered with snow. A coachman rides along the road, holding the reins tightly and standing on a sleigh drawn by a horse.

The weather is very pleasant and quiet. The color of the picture is saturated with the white glow of snow. Brown and faded colors. Looking at the picture, it is not difficult to guess what the author of this creation wanted to convey. Namely, all that unique beauty the coming of winter. That snow-white color of nature that makes viewers feel the beauty of the white decoration of winter.

Essay on the painting The First Snow by Plastov, grade 9

1. Main characters

2. Secondary plan

3. Color scheme of the painting

4.My opinion

The author of the painting The First Snow is the famous Russian painter Arkady Aleksandrovich Plastov. In the foreground are small children, namely a boy and a girl, who came out of the hut to look at the first snow. Snowflakes covered everything around with a white blanket. Children enjoy the frosty air, they look at the falling snow and there is delight on their faces. The kids are dressed differently. The boy is wearing a coat, hat and felt boots. His sister was also wearing felt boots, but she ran out in a dress, throwing a large light yellow scarf over her head.

Near the house, with widely spread branches, a birch tree grows, fitting so well into the overall color scheme of light colors. Near the fence you can see a small bird - a crow. In the background village houses, their roofs are already covered with snow. Behind a birch tree there is a picture of a man riding a sleigh. The weather is calm and calm everywhere.

Primary colors of the painting - white and brown tones. The shades are not too bright, even slightly muted, but this does not spoil the atmosphere of joy. Vice versa, white snow causes joy and mood. After a dull autumn, our nature is so beautiful under a white blanket. And it seems that the full reign of winter will soon come.

Looking at this creation, it is not difficult to guess what the author wanted to convey to us. Namely, all the beauty and ideal atmosphere of happiness that the first arrival of winter brings. Undoubtedly, such a snow-white appearance of nature makes viewers excitedly rejoice and sincerely enjoy the landscapes of winter time. In my opinion, it’s time for the first snow and the arrival of winter, a wonderful time. Even if it’s cold, it still warms the soul. And the author completely and completely managed to depict this in his painting.

Essay based on the painting by A. A. Plastov “First Snow”

Brushes of Alexander Arkadyevich Plastov - an outstanding Russian painter late XIX- early 20th century, winner of several awards - belongs to many genre paintings, landscapes and portraits: “Collective farm holiday”, “Harvest”, “Haymaking”, “Vitya the shepherd”, “Tractor drivers’ dinner”, “Summer” and others. Each of his paintings is imbued with love for native land, nature, people and the homeland in general. Alexander Arkadyevich loved to depict village children in his paintings. They became the heroes of most of his paintings, in which the plot is inextricably linked with the landscape, giving the paintings lyricism and poetry.

The painting “First Snow” by A. A. Plastov depicts one of the first days of the coming winter. She is just beginning to come into her own. Finally, the long, lingering rains have stopped, there is no dirt and slush, and the sad mood that they cause. The first snow is falling. The earth is transforming. The first snow for children is extraordinary happiness, delight, joy and pleasure. Snow is long-awaited after a rainy autumn winter fun: playing snowballs, making a snowman, sledding or skiing downhill, skating on ice. And you can simply fall into the snow and stretch out in it like on a soft feather bed, until your mother scolds you and tells you to get up quickly so as not to catch a cold. A. A. Plastov painted the painting The First Snow in 1946. Before us are children of war, who have endured many difficult trials. But fortunately, they did not stop rejoicing and laughing. The first snow delights children; they are excited about the coming winter and the upcoming winter fun.

The artist captured in his painting the moment of childhood admiration, happiness and joy from the first snow. The girl and boy, seeing the snow through the window, quickly ran out into the street to admire what was happening. They stopped on the porch of a log house and froze in delight, looking at the first snow. The girl was in such a hurry to go outside that she forgot to put on her coat. She threw a large light scarf over her head, put on boots that didn’t fit her size, and quickly ran out into the street. The girl is standing in only a white dress or nightgown, but she is not cold - she is captivated by the snow-white snowflakes falling from the gray sky. Her face is raised up, mischievous joyful eyes look at the white fluff circling everywhere. The girl smiles. Next to her is a boy, probably her little brother. He's wearing black coat, on his head - a dark hat with earflaps, on his feet - felt boots with galoshes. The boy hid his hands in his pockets. He follows what is happening with a serious expression on his face and calmly watches the falling snowflakes.

White snow covered everything around: the porch, onto which the village children ran out, the ground, the roofs of houses, branches of trees and bushes. But severe frost not felt. Near the front garden, in a small puddle, the snow melts, and the black spot is clearly visible on the snow-white winter carpet.

To the left of the children near the house there is a front garden in which a birch tree and a small bush grow. The trunk of the Russian beauty has grown higher than the roof of the house, branches with the remains of brown leaves and catkins sway under the gusts of the winter wind. On the branches

located on the left, sits a magpie. She raised her tail up and turned her head, watching the snowfall. A small bush located near a birch tree is already covered in white flakes.

Behind the front garden you can see hoodie. She walks busily along the snow-white carpet. It seems that the bird is also happy about the first snow and is watching what is happening with interest.

In the background of the picture is a wide village street with houses and courtyards covered with a new white blanket. Children are not alone in their curiosity. In the distance you can see a boy with a sled, who is watching the snowy waltz of white flakes with no less interest.

To depict a new period in the life of nature, A. A. Plastov in the painting “First Snow” creates a light background and uses warm colors and light shades: light pink, lilac, light brown, gray, pale blue.

When viewing the painting “First Snow” by A. A. Plastov, one gets the impression of the unity of nature - living and inanimate, and man. Everything around admires, rejoices, rejoices at the renewal, forgetting about past adversities. Dark streets and old houses are transformed, becoming white, festively elegant, solemn. The picture awakens sincere feelings joy and delight from the first snow, evokes in the viewer his own memories of admiration for the first snow. After all, such an ordinary and at the same time bright and joyful moment has happened more than once in the life of every person. I would like to admire and have fun with the heroes of A. A. Plastov’s painting “The First Snow” - bright, memorable, close and understandable to everyone.

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  • essay on Plastov's painting the first snow
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