Famous people about Michael Jackson. Interesting facts about Michael Jackson. Metamorphoses with appearance

This year it has been nine years since the legendary King of Pop, a magnificent singer, songwriter, talented dancer and very a kind person. And even if you are not a fan of his, then, for sure, there are at least a couple of his songs that you are delighted with. On this day, we would like to recall some very interesting and impressive facts from the life of the world's most famous performer.


Facts from the life of Michael Jackson

1. Did you know that Michael Jackson's favorite cartoon character is Pinocchio?

3. The Caribbean island of St. Vincent once issued stamps featuring Michael Jackson.


4. Once upon a time, Michael had a boa constrictor named Muscles.

5. In the 1978 musical film adaptation of The Wizard of Oz, Michael Jackson played the Scarecrow and was even nominated for a Golden Saturn Award for his supporting role.

6. Michael has two stars on the Walk of Fame. One is for the merits of a solo artist, the second is for participation in the boy band Jackson Five.


7. Jackson said that on the early Jackson Five records his voice resembled that of Mickey Mouse.

8. The singer was a big fan of the comedy group The Three Stooges.

9. Michael was a fan of Exeter City Football Club.

10. Jackson had two llamas named Lola and Louie.

11. For the album Thriller in 1984, Jackson received seven Grammy Awards, including the most prestigious award - Album of the Year.


12. That same year, Michael received eight American Music Awards, a special award from Merit and three MTV Video Music Awards.

13. Michael's first public performance happened at the age of five, when the boy performed the song Climb Every Mountain.

14. Michael Jackson has eight brothers and sisters.

15. Them with Lisa Marie Presley ( only daughter legendary Elvis Presley) the marriage lasted only 19 months.

16. Michael Jackson's middle name is Joseph.

17. The performer was very fond of Mexican food.

18. In 1993, doctors gave Jackson a terrible diagnosis of vitiligo (loss of skin pigmentation).

19. The Thriller album is the best-selling album in the world, with a total of 50 million copies sold.

20. Among the best-selling albums there are two others: Bad and Dangerous.

21. It was thanks to Michael that people learned about such dance moves like moonwalk and robotic movements.


22. The performer was twice inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

23. Jackson received 13 Grammy awards.

24. The Billie Jean video was the first video by a black artist to be played on the MTV music channel.

25. Jackson owns the rights to the South Carolina anthem.

26. Five Madame Tussauds museums display wax figures of the American pop singer. And only Madonna and Elvis Presley have more of them.


27. In total, more than 300 million Michael Jackson albums have been sold worldwide.

28. Jackson has a favorite superhero, Morph from the X-Men.

29. During his lifetime, the singer earned approximately $500 million from his musical projects.

30. The video for the song Scream is the most expensive in the world.

31. In 1992, in Côte d'Ivoire, the performer was awarded a royal title.

32. In 1994, Michael won an MTV statuette for best soundtrack for the film Free Willy.

33. Before concerts, Jackson drank Ricola candies dissolved in hot water. By the way, this company is over 80 years old.

34. In 2014, it was reported that Lady Gaga was going to open a Michael Jackson museum.

35. Martin Scorsese himself once directed one of Jackson's videos.

36. The pop artist was recognized as the most famous person in the whole world.

37. To buy an Oscar for best movie « gone With the Wind", Michael paid $1.5 million.

38. Michael once described Elizabeth Taylor as “the coziest, warmest blanket he loves to snuggle up to.”


40. The godfather of Jackson's two children is home-alone Macaulay Culkin.

41. Michael Jackson is the godfather of Nicole Richie, famous socialite And ex-girlfriend Paris Hilton.

42. Jackson wrote the song "We are the World" with Nicole's father Lionel Richie.

43. MC Hammer once challenged Michael Jackson to a dance challenge.

44. During an interview with Oprah Winfrey in 1993, Michael admitted that he suffered greatly from loneliness as a child.

45. During his Bad tour, he sang to 4.4 million people.

46. It took Michael four years to write his first autobiographical book, Moonwalk.

47. In 1988, the performer paid $17 million for land in California, which later became the famous Neverland Ranch.


48. Michael and Deborah Rowe are the parents of two children: son Prince and daughter Paris. Although in Lately Rumors are increasingly appearing in the media that Michael is not the biological father of Paris and Prince.

49. Jackson donated all the profits from the single Man in the mirror to charity.

50. Before his death, Michael Jackson was just in rehearsals for his grand comeback, which was to include 50 shows in London.

This is how rich, bright and incredibly interesting life was famous musician in the world. But even after himself, Michael left a huge legacy for all his fans, which will be enjoyed by more than one generation.

Today, August 29, would have been the 55th birthday of the King of Pop, Michael Jackson. All of him short life was filled with bright events, and on this day we remember the most interesting facts from the singer’s biography.

1. The fact that Michael was a great man during his lifetime is an indisputable fact. In 2008, a large-scale flash mob took place, which brought together more than 4 thousand people, who, at a signal, put on white gloves. The flash mob was dedicated to the anniversary of the hit Thriller. The event took place in ten countries around the world. The participants sent the funds they earned to a charity foundation.

2. Jackson suffered one of the most rare world diseases - Alpha 1 trepsin deficiency. In the world, one person in twenty thousand suffers from this disease. However, the singer had the most severe form of the disease, in which skin diseases develop and the person loses weight.

3. At the peak of his popularity, in the mid-eighties, the King of Pop paid for the treatment of a monkey with cancer. When the treatment ended in one of the clinics in Texas, Jackson took the monkey for himself, and the chimpanzee visited many of Michael's tours. During his lifetime, Jackson gave the chimpanzee to a shelter because the monkey became very angry. However, during the singer’s visits, the chimpanzee’s mood immediately changed, and he recognized his owner.

4. Jackson patented unique shoes that created the illusion that their owner could change the force of gravity by leaning forward. Jackson first used this movement in the “Smooth Criminal” video.

5. The singer had a unique oxygen bed. Jackson believed that he would live to be a hundred years old and used all kinds of methods to improve his health and prolong his youth. This did not help him... Now the bed is in a center for emergency care for burn patients located in California.

6. Although Michael was the King of Pop during his lifetime, Madame Tussauds has only five wax figures singer He is inferior in the number of figures to Elvis Presley and Madonna. These celebrities have six copies each.

7. Michael is the King of West Africa. This title is real, and the singer received it from the state of the Ivory Coast in 1992.

8. Like all performers, Jackson had his own way of maintaining his voice. Before each performance, the king of the pop scene drank hot water with ricol caramel.

9. Macaulay Culkin was one of the singer's best friends. He is godfather to Jackson's two children. In addition, Macaulay, together with the singer, designed his amusement park in Neverland.

10. In 1997, Michael was named the most famous person in the world.

11. For a long time, Michael was the advertising face of Pepsi. However, in 1984, while filming a commercial, pyrotechnics exploded and Jackson suffered second-degree burns to his face. Pepsi paid one and a half million dollars as compensation, but the singer's close friends claim that after this incident, Jackson began to be very careful about his appearance.

12. Michael's star on the Walk of Fame appeared in 1984, when he was only 27 years old.

13. For each show, Jackson lost at least 10 pounds of body water.

14. In 2006, Jackson appeared in public after several months of imprisonment. This happened at the World Music Awards in the British capital. After this, he also appeared at the Guinness Book of Records awards. He was included in the book in eight categories at once.

15. That same year, Michael was in financial crisis. He had to part with the Neverland estate. They say he made an unusual deal with Sony's company, and only this helped him avoid going bankrupt. Even after the death of the king of the pop scene, no one found out the details of the agreement.

16. In 2003, the King of Pop's reputation deteriorated significantly due to legal proceedings regarding the molestation of young boys. That same year, Michael insisted that video cameras be installed in his house for filming a documentary. Jackson wanted to attract public attention and prove his innocence. In addition, he gave an interview to Martin Bashir, where he talked about all his antics and relationships with underage boys.

17. In 2001, Michael celebrated his thirtieth anniversary creative activity. He performed a show at Madison Square Garden with his brothers, with whom he had not appeared on stage for more than seventeen years.

18. Jackson married nurse Deborah Rowe when they had two sons together. The marriage lasted only three years, and after the divorce the boys remained with their father.

19. In 1995, the singer’s mental problems worsened. During rehearsal, Jackson had an attack: he suffered from attacks of persecutory mania. After this incident, Jackson spent some time in the clinic.

20. The first scandal involving the seduction of little boys happened twenty years ago. Then the case did not go to court, and the singer reached an agreement with the parents of 13-year-old Jordan. Many journalists then wrote that Michael went unpunished because he paid the boy’s family for silence a large sum.

21. In 1991, Michael became the first performer to sign a contract with Sony for a record amount for that time - 65 million.

First a little boy performed on stage at the age of 5. Then he was not at all handsome; his face was strewn with pimples and ulcers.

But hard work, patience and time did their job. Introducing interesting facts about Michael Jackson

During his life, Michael received 13 Grammy awards. The first African American who was able to earn such prestige among the public and achieve "bird's eye view." In addition, he was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the most successful artist of all times.

As befits an African American, Michael was born with dark skin. However, he was diagnosed with a skin pigmentation disorder - vitiligo, which directly affected the color of his body. It was for this reason that Jackson did plastic surgery so often.

During his life, Jackson managed to create unusual shoes, as well as patent the brand. Thus, thanks to his developments, shoes were created that, when used, could allow a person to lean far forward, which goes against the law of gravity.

The main character of the film "Home Alone" - Macaulay Culkin is a close relative of Jackson.

It was Kalkin who became godfather for his kids.

For the first time, Jackson's star on the Walk of Stars in Hollywood appeared when he was only 26 years old.

Did you know that Jackson's image adorns several Madame Tussauds museums? More precisely 5.

All the years spent on stage, Michael's calling card was his gait. Now everyone recites it as best they can. And for the first time the king himself demonstrated it in 1983 in one of the show programs on TV.

As a child, Jackson was not a very caring brother. So, having a sister, he always put his spiders in her bed. After which the poor girl screamed throughout the house.

Taylor was one of those “close to the king.” She was the first to call Michael the “King of Pop.” Years of unrestrained work passed and Michael was recognized as such by the entire society.

In 2009, the King of Pop died from a possible drug overdose. Whether it was a natural death or whether someone had a hand in it has remained a sealed secret for 5 years now. Although the results of recent studies do not exclude the possibility that Michael took the pills and washed them down with grapefruit juice, which gives a multiple effect of sharply enhancing the effect of the drugs taken on the human body with extremely negative consequences for the patient.

However, this artist will forever remain in the hearts of many of his fans, because he is one of those who was able to turn the history of music upside down.

Michael Jackson is the King of Pop.

He was a controversial personality, with his own oddities and fears, but his influence on the entire show business simply cannot be denied.

It was he who brought pop music to the standards that are still used today, it was he who first began to gather audiences of thousands and organize shows, and not just concerts, it was his albums that sold the largest copies.

Photo: https://www.flickr.com/photos/zillaphoto/

In the format of interesting facts, you will learn about Michael Jackson.

The first few facts are quite standard, well-known and even boring, but then...

Biography of Michael Jackson

Michael Joseph Jackson was born on August 29, 1958 in large family Joseph and Katherine Jackson in Gary (Indiana, USA).

In addition to Michael, there were 9 more children in the family, and all of them suffered from abuse from their father. Joseph was a cruel person and had rather unusual views on raising children, so Michael got a lot of trouble from his father, as did his brothers and sisters.

Having already become popular, Michael repeatedly spoke about abuse from his father, about his childhood fears due to bullying and nightmares at night. The father himself later admitted to journalists that he was cruel to his children.

2. King

Jackson received the title of "King of Pop" with light hand his friend, actress Elizabeth Taylor. She first called him “the king of pop” in 1989 at the Soul Train Music Award, and since then the title has stuck with him.

In 1992, during his visit to Africa, Michael was also crowned "King of Sani".

3. Pre-show ritual

4. Achievements

Jackson's career was full of ups and downs, and he himself was a controversial personality. But few would argue that he not only influenced the world of show business, he made it completely different.

He became the most successful pop music performer, received 15 Grammys, more than 100 other awards, and was included in the Guinness Book of Records 25 times.

In total, more than 1 billion artist albums have been sold worldwide.

Has two stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, as solo artist, and as a member of The Jackson 5.

Yesterday, at the age of 89, Joe Jackson, musician, father of Michael Jackson and producer of the Jackson 5, died in Los Angeles. But fans of the star family are in no hurry to get upset. Why?

Jackson beat his children

The Jackson 5

Joe's wife Catherine (88) bore him 10 children (one of them died during childbirth). Main star family - of course, the king of pop Michael Jackson. After he fired Joe as his manager in 1979, Joe's other children also slowly began to drift away from their father. The reason is simple - they were afraid of him.

Michael and Janet Jackson

In the book of memoirs “The Michael Jackson Tapes,” which was published by his friend Shmuley Boteach, the singer openly talks about domestic violence in his family. “I have always craved fame and success for one reason only - I wanted to be loved! I'm with early years I missed this feeling. I never knew what it was like to be loved... As a child, I dreamed of one thing with all my soul. I wanted my father to smile at me one evening and ask, “Michael, today is our day off. What do we do?" And I would answer him: “Great, Dad. Let's go to the movies!" It would mean an incredible amount to me... And what did my brothers and sisters and I get in return? First, Joe made us strip naked. Oh, it was a whole ritual! Then he smeared us in oil. And after that I picked up the cord from the electric iron. It was a nightmare. When I felt the end of the cord touching my body, I felt like I was going to die. I knew well what would follow. He started flogging us with this cord. He hit me in the face, on the back, everywhere. And I knew that my mother was always behind him. I heard her voice: “No, Joe! No, you will kill them! You will kill..." Poor mom! She couldn't help it. And so do we. All we had to do was resign ourselves and submit. What could we do? Just hate. I hated him, Shmuley..."

Michael's sister La Toya (62) confirmed Jackson's words. Moreover, she said that the abuse continued into adulthood. “You see Michael at awards shows, he wins awards. And in the evenings he runs around the house from his father in horror.” And, by the way, according to her, Michael talked about how he saw Joe beating Katherine too. “But I didn’t see it myself.” Moreover, La Toya said that Joe raped her and her sister Ribi (68).

Joseph himself denied to the last that he used any violence against members of his family. He told Larry King that he had never hit children and believed that he had made no mistakes in raising them. “Michael didn’t roam the streets like other kids in our neighborhood. He had his own brothers and sisters to play with. He was raised right." And only in an interview with Oprah Winfrey did he finally admit: he beat children with a belt. “I don’t regret it,” said the head of the Jackson clan. “It kept them out of jail.” And at the same time he hastened to reproach his wife for being too soft, saying that that’s why she had to resort to extreme measures.