A very simple story by Maria Lado. Comparative analysis of two simple stories. Well it's a very simple story

“A Very Simple Story” is a parable about the current Everyday life two village families.
Briefly the plot is this. The daughter of a wealthy peasant discovers that she is pregnant by a neighbor's boy, a poor man and the son of a drunkard. The girl's father insists on an abortion, but then animals from the barnyard (they are portrayed by disguised actors) intervene - Horse, Rooster, Dog, Cow and Pig. They save the girl from a moral crime.
The phenomenon of the play lies in the unusual lightness and sentimentality of everyday history.
At the same time, the action takes place in a barn, where domestic animals act along with people, who see their surroundings in their own way, reflect on the events taking place in their own way, and become witnesses to strange human relationships. “A Very Simple Story” shows our life without embellishment, without varnish.
The story told by Maria Lado is even too simple. They love in it, play the harmonica, talk about life, think about death. People, horses, pigs - all together.
A simple, almost biblical story about the spiritual bitterness of people and the pure, righteous world of nature. About the fact that animals are closer to the commandments of Christ than people. This story, in which, in addition to people, animals and even angels surprisingly become characters, is a hymn to the highest and brightest human feelings: love, fidelity, kindness, mercy.
“Beasts are ready to die for people who themselves have become beasts,” is the moral of a simple Ukrainian theatrical fable.
... Yesterday I watched this performance again. This time we went with the children, which I am incredibly happy about! Words of one young lady: “I never thought that theater was so great!!! I even wondered where to go next time, to the cinema or to the theater? Most likely I'll go to the theater! Cinema is not even close!!!”
Amazing acting! I especially want to mention Sergei Borodinov, who played the neighbor and the owner, Valery Kondratyev.

Maria Lado (real name – Mishurina Maria Alekseevna) is a Ukrainian actress and playwright.

Born on October 14, 1965 in Kyiv, in the family of film director Alexei Mishurin.

Graduated from the acting department of the Kyiv State Institute theatrical arts them. I. Karpenko-Kary (1986) and the screenwriting department of VGIK (1994).

She acted in films under the name Mishurina.

Known under the pseudonym Maria Lado as a playwright. She has written about 500 plays. Maria Lado's plays are staged in Russia and the former CIS countries. Basically, “A Very Simple Story” and “Maestro” are staged on theater stages. Less often - “Woman of the Year”, “Red, White, a Little Dirt”, “Teska”, as well as the historical “Ukrainian Play”. “A Very Simple Story” alone went through 12 productions. “When I was thinking about the play, I wanted to mention the protection of animals and people’s attitude towards them. Initially, there was an idea that animals understand everything. Anyone who has any kind of pet knows that they have feelings. And then people appeared. This is exactly the play that developed on its own,” notes the playwright.

Since 1993, she has been a member of the Screen Actors Guild of Ukraine.

M. Lado. A very simple story. Play.

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Cow Zorka (pregnant).

Horse Sister (old).

Dog Krepysh.

Dasha, daughter of the owner and mistress.

Alexey, the neighbor's son.

Act one.

Scene 1

Morning. Large barn. The sun breaks through the cracks between the boards. A makeshift staircase leads up to the hayloft. In the corner there is a tool and a wooden box. There is a Horse in the stall, next to a Cow in the other corner behind the fence there is a Pig. The Dog runs in. Out of breath. Runs around the entire barn. He spins around in one place, sits down, scratches behind his ear.

Dog: - Hello!

Cow: - Good morning, (chews all the time)

Horse: - Uh-huh.

Pig: - What, did you run around?

Dog: - Wow! Great! I was in the valley. (Smells his paw with his teeth)

Pig: - Some people are lucky... they run...

Dog: - Where should you run? Look how fat you are.

Pig: - You will be fat here when you eat and lie all day long. And I could bring so much benefit... I also want to go to the valley, I want to run, jump, I... I want... I want to fly!

Horse: - Hello.

Dog: - But I don’t want to fly, I’m fine as is. Let the birds fly.

Pig: - Why do you need to fly, you run, (sighs.) (To the dog) Listen, Strong, open the door, I’ll at least look at the light of God. Open up.

(The tough guy opens the door with his paw.)

Pig: - Oh, okay...!

Dog: - The owner is coming! Master! (runs out the door)

Pig: - really, he’s coming, bringing me food.

(Everyone turns to the door. The Owner appears with a large bucket, followed by the Dog. The Dog wags its tail and squeals. Everyone shows their love for the owner as best they can. The Owner, without looking at anyone, approaches the Pig and pours food out of the bucket for Her , goes to the door.)

Owner: - (To the dog) Go, go, Sturdy, why are you getting under your feet...

(The owner leaves.)

Dog: - See, he called me by name!

Cow: - We have the most beautiful owner.

Pig: - And the kindest one, (eats, grunts and smacks)

Cow: - And the mistress is the best.

Pig: - True. Good hostess.

Dog: - (To the pig) How can you fly if you eat so much?

Pig: - (stops eating, in a tragic tone) I want it.

Dog: - You have to choose one thing. Either fly or eat.

Pig: - What should I do?

Horse: - Eat.

Pig: - Why?

Horse: - Why choose what is impossible?

Pig: - Okay, I'll listen. You are old, you have life experience, (eats)

(The Rooster enters the barn with a sense of dignity. He stops and is silent. Everyone stares at him.)

Rooster: - Now I will sing.

Pig: - Sing, Rooster, sing!

(The rooster clears his throat and takes a long time to prepare.)

Rooster: - (sings)

Who can

Compare with my Matildo!

A flight attendant named Zhanna!

Reve ta stogne Dnipro wide!

(The dog growled.)

Rooster: - ... Along the street-i-i-itsa

Blizzards-i-i-itsa snow-e-e-et!

Everything about her is intoxicated!

Everything about her is intoxicating!!

And it burns like wine-o-o-o!

Everything about her is intoxicating!!

(The Horse shook its head, the Dog barked. The Rooster fell silent.)

Pig: - Okay!

Rooster: - By the way, recently... a specialist... he lives in the city... a relative of hers came to see the owner, and so, he called me a parrot. So he said to the hostess: “He is not a rooster, but a parrot.”

Pig: - What is this?

Rooster: - (disdainfully) It’s none of your business. A parrot is not a rooster. It's clear!

Pig: - I see. (Naively) This is probably the word frightening.

Cow: - (without anger) Or a scarecrow standing in the garden.

(The dog scratches behind the ear.)

Rooster: - I'm going. Fleas fly here

Rooster: - Fools. Chumichki. Decks.

(The dog stops scratching behind the ear. The rooster leaves.)

Pig: - Even fleas. And they fly...

(The dog runs after the Rooster and immediately returns.)

Dog: - Leshka is sneaking through the gardens, he’ll be here now. (Runs out the door)

Horse: - Everyone turned away.

(Everyone turns away, only their tails are visible. After a while, a young man, about 23 years old, appears at the door. He crawls into the barn, jumps up, presses himself against the wall, looks into the yard with one eye, makes sure that no one has seen him, and in one jump finds himself behind box and hides there. You can only hear the fly buzzing, the Pig grunts. A girl appears, carries old felt boots, closes the door tightly behind her.)

Dasha: - Alyosha, Alyoshenka...

(Alexey jumps out from behind the box, grabs Dasha in his arms, kisses.)

Alexey: - Dasha! My Dasha!

Dasha: - Alyoshenka...

(They kiss.)

Dasha: - Wait, wait. I want to tell you something.

Alexey: - Speak... (kisses)

Dasha: - Wait a minute... this is serious... wait, wait... I'm pregnant.

Alexey: - Very good... very good... (kisses)

Dasha: - Do you understand what I’m telling you? I am pregnant.

Cow: - Mooo...

Alyosha: - What?

Dasha: - Yes, then. Either a girl or a boy.

Alyosha: - What are you... is it true, you... boy...

Dasha: - Of course, it’s true.

Alyosha: - That's... good. It's even very wonderful! (raises Dasha) Mom! Ha ha ha!

Dasha: - Why are you pushing me?

Alexey: - Oh-oh... (lowers her carefully to the ground) Boy, look... boy...

Dasha: - Maybe a girl.

Alexey: - Girl... that’s good too... she’ll be a beauty. Did you tell your parents?

Dasha: - No.

Alexey: - (after a pause) Well, we'll see... we'll see. (Hugs Dasha) How is it that you are a mother and I am a father? Funny.

(They kiss, fall on the hay. Barking is heard behind the door. Dasha and Alexey jump up.)

Dasha: - Someone is coming, Sturdy is barking.

Dasha: - Mom.

Alexey: - Let's go upstairs, quickly.

(Alexey gives Dasha a lift, they climb up the stairs and hide there. The owner comes in and the Dog runs after her.)

Mistress: - Why are you barking, stupid dog, I’ve been saying for a long time that you’re an empty nester.

(The hostess puts a bucket of water near the Horse and takes the empty one. The second bucket is near the Cow, stroking her.)

Hostess: - Zorka, Zorka, you are my little doll... Do you have any milk? I'll milk it in the evening.

(The hostess goes to the door and stumbles upon felt boots.)

Hostess: - From, Dasha, the damn girl, you can’t entrust anything, she threw her felt boots in the middle and ran away somewhere, wait, when you come back, I’ll ask you.

(Takes felt boots, goes to the stairs, climbs up. Throws the felt boots, notices Dasha and Alexei, almost falls out of fear, the young people hold her.)

Hostess: - Fathers! Scared you devils... What are you doing here?

Dasha: - Mom...

Hostess: - What, mom? Do you think I don't know? Come on, get down. (Dasha and Alexey come down after her)

Hostess: - And you, Alyoshka, look, if you fall under the hot hand of our father, then don’t punish him.

Alexey: - Yes, I want to get married.

Hostess: - It’s too early to get married. The groom has been found. Well, run away from here before your father sees.

Alexey: - What is my father to me, what is your father to me! I myself... am a man! I have the right!

Hostess: - Look, you've got your license. First, find a job and grow a mustache, and then you will talk about rights. Get out of here.

(Alexey tries to say something else, but waves his hand and leaves. Dasha)

And you will gallop through the haylofts.

Dasha: - I like him.

Mistress. - What is there to like? Look at his yard. Yes to his parent. The yard is empty, yes dad. That's all his wealth. Your father will find someone else for you.

Dasha: - Uh-huh.

Hostess: - Say thank you that your father doesn’t know anything. Guys. They are stupid, until you poke your nose, they won’t notice the fire bell tower. Let's go do the laundry. There was a lot of laundry.

(They leave. The Cow, Pig and Horse turn to the viewer.)

Pig: - Did you hear?

Cow: - Yes-ah... When I told my friend that I was pregnant, he was not at all happy. He does not care.

Pig: - (sincerely, as always) Every day they tell him that someone is pregnant from him, why should he be happy?

Cow: - (sad) Mooooo...

Horse: - There will be a little man.

Pig: - Have you seen little people?

Horse: - I saw it.

Pig: - Oh, how interesting! Everything in life is interesting! But they don’t take me out anywhere, I can’t even turn around here properly... (Grunts) I would like to eat something...

(The owner comes in. He rummages around in the corner where the tools are, takes a rake, and inspects.)

Owner: - They're loose... we need to tighten them up... (takes the rake and leaves)

Pig: - (dreamy) Our owner is handsome...

(The Cow and the Horse begin to drink water. The Pig is all in dreams. The door opens, Dasha runs into the barn with a wet shirt in her hands, followed by the Mistress. It can be seen that they walked slowly around the yard, held back, and only in the barn gave themselves free rein. The hostess has a wet pillowcase in her hands and runs after Dasha, intending to whip her daughter, but she dodges.)

Hostess: - Oh, you’re a scoundrel... You’re such a fool, you’re such a fool... I’ll ask you now... wait...! (hits Dasha with a pillowcase)

Dasha: - It hurts!

Hostess: - Scoundrel...! (stops, catching his breath)... Oh, Lord... (grabs his heart)... What a misfortune... Or maybe it’s not true?

Dasha: - True. It's been a month and a half already.

Hostess: - Oh, you fool, you've finished your game! What will happen now!

Dasha: - (moving to a safe distance) There will be a baby.

Hostess: - Oh, Lord... (Sits on the box. Pause) What shall we say to Father?

Dasha: - Let's say so.

Hostess: - You can tell it yourself.

Dasha: - No. I can't.

Hostess: - So I can.

Dasha: - Mom...

Hostess: - Ay-yay-yay-ayy... but he won’t let Leshka on your threshold, on the threshold! He always said that he had a direct road to prison! And on you!

Dasha: - Why to prison? He is good, kind... And if his dad drinks, then what does he have to do with it?

Hostess: - Don’t tell your father about his father. Otherwise you know what will happen. Actually, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. But nothing, a month and a half is not a long time. Everything can be worked out and the father won't find out anything.

Dasha: - What should we settle?

Hostess: - Don’t you understand? An abortion needs to be done and that’s it.

Dasha: - Uh-huh... I ran away...

Hostess: - Talk again. Let's tell my father that we need to go to town to do some shopping... I'll call and arrange it.

Dasha: - Alexey won’t allow...

Hostess: - Viburnum infusion should be taken in the bathhouse... True, this is necessary right away. And a month and a half... And where can I get viburnum now, August...

Dasha: - I don’t want any infusions... And if it’s a child, then we can get married.

Hostess: - Shut up, fool, if you tell your father... it’s terrible what will happen. Fear.

(The owner comes in. There is a large knife in his hand. The women fall silent. The owner again rummages through the tools)

Owner: - What are you cackling about, hens? Let's go do the laundry, there are basins in the yard, the water is boiling, we need to save gas, but they are here cooling off. (Finds a knife sharpener and tries to sharpen the knife. Satisfied.)

(The women follow him. The hostess shakes her finger at her daughter and indicates to “keep your mouth shut.”)

Pig: - I didn’t understand something, what were they talking about?

Cow: - They need to do something in the city... go there...

Pig: - What is this - a city? Horse, what is a city?

Horse: - This is the place where everything is.

Pig: - Were you there?

Horse: - It was.

Pig: - (sighs) Happy... So what do they want there. In the city?

Horse: - It’s not clear. Pig: - How can you find out?

Cow: - No way. The owner takes them in a car, but it doesn’t talk, it just stinks... and makes noise. She is like a bucket or trough. Without soul.

Pig: - Okay. We'll find out when they arrive.

(The Rooster runs in screaming. Convinced that the danger has passed, he shakes himself off with dignity.)

Rooster: - Me too, corn is a big deal. Yes, for a rooster like me, I need to plant special corn so that I can eat it. And he kicked me down the drain.

Cow: - He is the owner.

Rooster: - We've seen such owners. To me. By the way, you need corn for your voice. It secretes vegetable oils.

Pig: - What?

Rooster: - Chumichka. (Sings) Viva la viva! Viva Vikto-o-o-ria! Cleopatra-ah-ah!

(One of the boards of the back wall of the barn moves away and first a mug appears, and then the whole neighbor, Alexei’s father. A typical rural drunkard, barefoot, lousily dressed. An accordion hangs from a belt behind his back, he is tipsy. Seeing the rooster, “drunkenly” begins to run with him. The rooster runs out the door.)

Neighbor: - Wow, it’s so hot... The neighbor has a good rooster... soup, soup... and some pepper there, some pepper...

(The neighbor climbed up the stairs. He fell. He sat down on the floor and looked around.)

Neighbor: - (Addressing the Horse, Cow and Pig) Hello! Let me kiss you... (Walks up to the horse and kisses it) I want to tell you that a horse is the most noble creature. Do you understand?... You understand everything, I know... I had a case... I served in the army in the cavalry... I saw Moscow, the mother capital! Prospects. Department store. We had a mare, her name was Swallow, she was black, a bitch, with a raven’s wing, but here... here... she was white, that’s why she was Swallow. So you hear, I fell in love with our junior sergeant Peresypkin. As he walks, she laughs and makes eyes at him. By God. He was a handsome man, what can I say, only he was covered in pockmarks, but he was so good! (shows with his hands what kind of guy Peresypkin was) So, that means he was transferred to another regiment,

somewhere in Kazakhstan, so she, the bitch, committed suicide, look how! She threw herself at the fence with her chest, and there were stakes there... well, it’s a fence, then. And she tore open her stomach and chest, everything... (Pause) She cut off the reins, ran away and galloped, galloped, and we look, where is she going? Nobody even understood anything... and you know. It took off so beautifully! High!... and once... Bitch... (Crying) As it happens, your brother also has a destiny. But of course! All God's people... Well, I came for a present... (Points finger up). Only you - shhhhh to no one. (Puts finger to lips). Listen, Zorka, shhhh.

(Climbs up, something is scurrying around there, appears with a bottle of moonshine. Descends.)

Neighbor: - I have a good neighbor, God bless him... (To the cow) Was my Leshka here?

Cow: -Moooo...

Neighbor: - Yeah. That means he ran to Dashka. Bitch. Son of a bitch. Well, I’ll... ask him... What about you, will you have a calf? (gently) Calf... Child. Good, oh, how good... (Disappears the same way he appeared.)

Pig: - Our owner is smarter. Is it true?

Horse: - True.

Pig: - (stretching) Eh! Fine! Life is good! Why don't they bring me food? They began to provide corn cobs and bread. Tasty! And why don't pigs fly?!

Horse: - Because pigs don’t have wings.

Pig: - That’s in vain. And that's bad. Not fair.

Cow: - Sorry for the Swallow.

Pig: - Yes, poor thing. But die for love! As he said - “She took off...”! This is happiness.

Horse: - If you tell this story to people, they will laugh.

Cow: - But the neighbor doesn’t laugh.

Horse: - He is alone. Probably like this.

Pig: - He is a drunkard. That's what the landlady always says, he always stinks of something pungent, and it hits your nose. And our host smells good... food and something else metallic. I, too, would die because of our owner!

Cow: - Have you fallen in love, or what?

Pig: - It's none of your business.

Cow: - What are you going to throw yourself at, out of love?

Pig: - I’ll find something for it.

Horse: - (pessimistic) On the rake.

Pig: - Yes, you... you are evil... (Horses) And you are old... you... you are already fifteen years old... you didn’t love anyone, you didn’t even have children! Itself... barren flower, on a rake!...

Cow: - Hush. Quiet, why did they disperse? Elders must be respected.

Pig: - Why is she... on a rake...

(The Dog runs in. He is out of breath, his tongue hangs by his side. He is covered in shreds of some kind of fur. He rushes to the bucket, drinks, almost chokes, splashes fly in different directions. The horse turns away. The Dog falls to the floor, breathing heavily.)

Dog: - It's hot...

Pig: - Sturdy, where have you been?

Dog: - On the river. There the boys were fishing, and the cats were sitting on the willow tree. There was a pirate, Red, Vaska, Neptune and all sorts of small fry. I'm from behind the bushes on them. He pinched one with his paw, another by the withers, and a third by the tail! He fucked me up like that, he'll remember it for the rest of his life! (shakes himself off and drinks water again).

Pig: - Wow. Great! You gave it to them. Yes? Gave!

Dog: - Uh-huh... Gave. They will remember me, Sturdy.

Pig: - It's a pity, I wasn't there. I would also...! I want to go to the river! What is a river, Krepysh?

Dog: - River? Well... it's water.

Pig: - (disappointed) Water? (looks at the bucket of water)

Dog: - Well, yes. Just not like this (points to the bucket), but a lot, and it flows... And on the shore there is grass, sand, trees... there are boats and all that.

Pig: - What are boats?

Dog: - Again you pester me with questions.

Pig: - Well, please, tell me, what are boats?

Dog: - Boats are... boats. Well, they are like that... and they float.

Pig: (helplessly) What is it that floats?

Dog: - They swim.... I don’t know that. They're all swimming here. How to explain this? Boats, you know. They swim, cars drive, planes fly.

Pig: - (quietly) Even some planes are flying...

Dog: - Yes. And the boats float. It's clear?!

Pig: - I see. (sighs)

(The board of the back wall moves aside and Alexey appears. The dog begins to bark, but recognizes him and wags his tail. Alexey pets Krepysh.)

Alexey: - Well, why are you lying, didn’t you find out?

(Alexey listens and hides. Dasha appears. Alexey comes out.)

Alexey: - Why did you call? I leave the house, I see a red scarf hanging, well, I’ll come here quickly.

Dasha: - I hung it up. The thing is... well, in general, I told my mother everything.

Alexey: - (after a pause) What about her?

Dasha: - Abortion, she says, needs to be done.

(Alexey is silent.)

Dasha: - Dad won’t let us get married.

Alexey: - (not confident) But we won’t even ask.

Dasha: - He will kill me. He wanted to send me to study, but I had a stomach...! And he hates your old one, he’s really mad at him, he scolds and scolds him, almost every day, but I think to myself - well, what does he care about anyone else, he may be a drunkard, he may be a slacker, but he doesn’t do harm to anyone, he lives and lives for himself... As soon as it’s evening, he sits down in front of the TV, only to say something about the government, about the president, he immediately remembers your father, and vilifies what the world stands on.

Alexey: - What does my dad have to do with the government?

Alexey: - I don’t understand anything.... So why should I suffer because of some kind of oil? What do I have to do with it? I want to marry you.

Dasha. - I don’t know, Alyosha, maybe it’s too early for us... (points to his stomach) Maybe we really should have an abortion...

Alexey: - This is bad...

Dasha: - So in defiance... He will kick me out of the house, what are we going to do? You have nothing, nowhere to go... And we have a car. And farming. And cattle. All. It would be necessary to agree and bless.

Dasha: - Oh, dad is calling, I’ll run.

Alexey: - If something happens, hang out the scarf. Dasha: - (runs to the door, returns) Give me a kiss.


Dasha: - Sweet. (runs away)

(Alexey moves the board in the wall and disappears.)

Pig: - I can’t understand what they’re all talking about.

Dog: - People have a lot of unknown words, that’s why they are people. I recently heard... now... no, I don’t remember. You need to ask the rooster, he knows a lot of words. The radio listens and repeats.

(The dog runs out.)

Cow: - They thought of something bad... Everyone says, they say...

Horse: - (philosophically) People.

(The Dog appears and pulls the Rooster’s tail.)

Rooster: - Let me go. Well, what did you want?

Dog: - Say these words that you said yesterday.

Rooster: - Why is this?

Dog: - Well, tell me. Beautiful.

Pig: - Please!

(The rooster strikes a pose and crows.)

Rooster: - Priority in investment policy issues was given to the Congress of Developing Countries.

Pig: - Amazing...

Dog: - Heard! We heard! Well, something else!

Rooster: -Morratory, embargo, territorial integrity, impeachment, sequestration, dealer, Prime Minister of Nigeria!

Dog: - Great! More!

Rooster: - Monica Liwinski! Boris Berezovsky! The President is once again throwing the country into the abyss of economic lawlessness! Oligarchs! Anti-pornography law! I failed! Philip Kirkorov! Accident in the city sewer! Presidential Press Secretary Yakushkin!

Pig: - (squeaks) E-e-e-e! Rooster, you are a genius!

Rooster: - I know!

Pig: - I want to get out of here! I want to listen to the radio too!!

Dog: - I told you so!

Cow: - (admiringly) Yes-ah...

(The rooster, with a sense of self-esteem and one hundred percent superiority, walks towards the door, but stops and looks through the crack. Screams are heard from the yard.)

Rooster: - Oh-oh-oh... Now, it seems, there will be priority! Beware!

(The rooster jumps to the side. The owner bursts into the barn, dragging Alexei by the scruff of his neck, Dasha and the owner run after them.)

Owner: - Well, where is the passage!?

Alexey: - There... there... (points with his hand) Let go... strangle...

(The owner approaches the wall, but then the board moves away and the neighbor’s head appears. The owner stops rooted to the spot, the neighbor cannot move out of fear. Pause. The owner throws Alexei away, grabs the Neighbor by the chest and pulls him out into the light of God.)

Owner: - (growls) What are you doing here, your drunk face!

Neighbor: - Unconsciously... without memory...

Owner: - What are you doing in my barn!? I'll put you on trial!

Neighbor: - That's right, give me... there, the old fool...

Mistress: - Let him go, Pasha.

Owner: - You're still here. (let go of the Neighbor, he falls to the floor, an empty bottle of moonshine falls out of his pocket)

Owner: - Yes, I understand. . .

Neighbor: - I have such a good neighbor...

Owner: - So, everyone is grazing here, idle people.

Neighbor: - We're grazing, neighbor, we're grazing...

Owner: - If he doesn’t shut up, I’m not responsible for myself.

Alexey: - Shut up. Dad.

Neighbor: - I’m silent, I’m silent. (shows how he locks his mouth)

Owner: - The dung beetle, I suppose, has been resting all its sides while others are bending their backs. All my life... everything I have was obtained with these hands, but this one just lies in the meadow and eats. Not bad at all. Well, the woman died, what can you do, take another one, live, work, but no! It’s better to drink vodka and play an accordion from morning to evening: “Living without love may be simple, but how in the world can you live without love! Live without love. Maybe it’s just...” Ugh. Do you know, ghoul, that in order to catch up with this moonshine, you need to work hard? Because every product of labor costs. And you, the last scoundrel, come here as if you were in your own barn, drinking my moonshine, and not scratching it. Bastard.

(The neighbor nods affirmatively, sincerely sympathizing with the Owner’s indignation.)

Owner: - You are a thief. Put you on trial and go to prison. My chicken recently went missing. Where are you gone?

(The neighbor shakes his head, saying he didn’t take the sign of the cross.)

Owner: - She lives like this... she just clogs the air. Who needs you? What use are you? Hang you. So sorry for the ropes.

(The neighbor completely agrees with the speaker.)

Owner: - (points to Alexey) And he taught this.

Alexey: - (gloomily) I didn’t take anything from you.

Owner: - Chir-what? Is there something I can’t hear well? (changes tone) How do I know? Did you take it or not? I told you, if I see Dasha again, I’ll kill him, and the sea is knee-deep for you. At least henna. Have you done a mischief already?

Alexey: - We have already decided everything. What is there?

Owner: - Why are you muttering under your breath, you’re not in kindergarten anymore. Who is “we” and what has “you” decided?

Alexey: - We decided. We will not go against our parents. We will have an abortion.

Hostess: - Oh! (throws up his hands)

(Pause. Dead silence. The neighbor rises and stands next to the Owner. Both stared at Alexei.)

Neighbor: - What kind of abortion?

Owner: - What...

Hostess: - None, Pashenka. Fool... boy...

Alexey: - (backing away) It’s me... I was joking...

Owner: - Abortion, then?

Alexey: - Yeah...

Neighbor: - (shakes his finger) I'll... show you!...

Owner: - Oh, you. Scoundrel!!

(The Owner and the Neighbor rush at Alexey, he dodges. The Owner and the Neighbor run after Alexey throughout the barn. The women scream. The dog barks. The rooster flaps its wings.)

Owner: - (To the neighbor) Go around to the left!

Neighbor: - Now... And you yourself! Block the rear!

(The Owner and the Neighbor. Finally, they catch Alexei and begin to beat him.)

Neighbor: - I'll show you an abortion! Scoundrel...

Owner: - He dissolved his farm... all he knows how to do is knock up a girl...

Alexey: - Ah-ah-ah! Hurt! Dad! Ooo!!

(Alexey finally breaks free, “flies up” into the hayloft and drags the ladder up.)

Alexey: - (wiping the blood on his lip) The tooth was knocked out... why the tooth was knocked out! For what!...

Owner: - I’ll beat you out of it! I'll only get to you, scoundrel. You can’t sit there all your life, you go down.

Mistress: - The cattle were scared. Zorka is pregnant.

Owner: - Why are all these pregnant women here! The cow is pregnant, the daughter is pregnant, and you, by chance, are not pregnant!

Hostess: - Think about what you say. Completely crazy...

Neighbor: - (To Alexey) Is it possible! Is this possible... You idiot, you idiot...!

Alexey: - What an idiot. What? I honestly want to.

Owner: - Look at him. What an honest one he turned out to be!

Alexey: - Yes. Honest. I want to get married. Let him have an abortion. I don't mind

Neighbor: - What are you talking about, is it possible! It's a sin! It is forbidden!

Owner: - (staring at the Neighbor) Uh-uh... Yes, I see. You're not as simple as you seem, what are you up to, you bastards... So, there's no need for an abortion?

Neighbor: - No need. Certainly...

Owner: - No need? So, will I have to become related to you, the scoundrels?

Neighbor: - That's God willing.

Owner: - I remembered God! Do you hear, wife, I started talking about God! God will give it to me, and to you...(twists the fig, slips it under the Neighbor’s nose) ON! Have you seen it? How to carry moonshine - where is God?

Neighbor: - Is it possible to equalize... There is no way to equalize...

Owner: - The commandments say - do not steal! A!!!

Neighbor: - It’s said... I’m a sinner... forgive me, neighbor, I’m the last thief, the hanged man, send me to prison, to Kalyma. Just don’t be angry, don’t be angry, it also says, don’t kill.

Owner: - Oh, you nit. Your degenerate did a mischief, and they also make me guilty. I'm killing, you see! So what?!

Neighbor: - No, no! That's not what he said, you old fool. not like that... (takes the harmonica, plays, sings) Not in the front is Stenka Razin, hugging the princess! It's you, neighbor... it's not that... it's not that... (singing)

From behind the island to the core. To the expanse of the river wave!

Owner: - Ugh. (after a pause) Tomorrow morning we will go to the city. Dasha, get ready.

Dasha: - They asked me! Maybe I'm afraid, maybe I'm scared!

Owner: - You should have been afraid before

(Dasha cries and hugs her mother.)

Owner: - (To the owner) And you, old fool, where were you looking?

Neighbor: - It’s a child! Little child!

Owner: - I don’t need children from you, the fencers.

Neighbor: - (to his son) Leshka, you idiot, a child...

Alexey: - Just wait, dad...

Neighbor: - (approaches the women) A child, a neighbor, and a neighbor... Dasha...

Dasha: - (roars) What have you started - a child, a child. Dad doesn't allow it. I'm scared...

Hostess: - Go away, neighbor, I have no time for you.

Neighbor: - What are you doing, good people, what are you... this is the very thing...

Owner: - (to Alexey) And you. dirty trick, maybe you’ll also say that I’m killing who?

Alexey: - What are you talking about, not at all. Now it’s normal, everyone does it, if it’s not on time... And there’s no point in whining, Dash, listen, stop, it’ll work out.

Dasha: - You should go there... to the hospital...

Alexey: - I'm ready, wherever you want...

Hostess: - Who needs your readiness. Where were the brains? A? Got lost in your pants?

Alexey: - (To the owner) Believe me, Pavel Petrovich, Daria and I agree. You do. What do you think is correct?

Neighbor: - What is right here!

Alexey: - Don’t interfere, dad. You'll ruin everything.

Neighbor: - What's all this?

Alexey: - Come on!

Owner: - Did you see it? He agrees. Hm. OK then,. At least I agree. Otherwise... Well, get out of there, you need to be sent to the army. They will make a man out of you.

Neighbor: - Correct! I'm in a cavalry regiment...!

Hostess: - What an army it is now! Wars are all around.

(Dasha roars even more.)

Owner: - Come on, chick!

The women fall silent. Alexey goes down the stairs. The dog approaches him, wagging his tail.)

Owner: - (to Alexey) Come here.

(Alexey is afraid to approach.)

Owner: - Come here. I said.

(Alexey slowly approaches.)

Owner: - (looking at Alexey) The milk on his lips hasn’t dried, he can suck a tit, but he’s signed up to be a daddy... And what’s so special about you. Look how many men live on earth, but I chose this one... a bib... and even in the hem there is a gift for my parents, here, dad, mom, get a present.

Neighbor: - My boyfriend is good... handsome, not afraid of work...

Owner: - Yes, worker... (to Alexey) Now listen carefully and remember. So that you are not close here. I’ll see a double-barreled shotgun, I have it hidden in a safe place. And if something happened, I’ll say, I thought I was a thief. They will acquit. Understood?

Alexey: - Got it.

Neighbor: - What about the child? What does this have to do with the child?

Owner: - (To neighbor) This concerns you too. You are a thief. I have enough cartridges for all of you. (Dasha) And you, go into the house. Fast.

(Dasha runs away in tears.)

Host: - (To the hostess) So that they are ready by tomorrow morning. I’ll take you where you need to go, and I’ll go to the market myself.

Hostess: - Okay, Pashenka. (leaves)

Neighbor: - Oh, Lord... (The Dog approaches the Neighbor, caresses him)

Owner: - What kind of dog are you? Instead of guarding the house, he... (kicks Krepysh with his foot, he jumps back) (To the neighbor and Alexey) I warned. (leaves)

Neighbor: - And in childhood we played Chapaya together. I am Chapai, And he is Petka and they chopped up the hare... what...

Alexey: - (confused) Eh, dad...

Neighbor: - It’s okay, we’ll be alive. We won’t die, Lyokha... (singing) After all, you are a sailor, Lyokha

And this means that you are not afraid

Neither sorrow nor misfortune!

After all, you are a sailor, Leshka - a sailor does not cry

And he never loses his good spirits!

Alexey: - (turns sharply to his father) Do you know, dad, that I’m ashamed to stand next to you?

Neighbor: - I don’t understand...

Alexey: - What about you and your mother, weren’t you able to save anything? A! Why have I been wearing patches all my life? And you're a drunkard, damn you, you drunk! And this is what they’ve brought us to... I hate you... All of you! Damned! If I had any kind of weapon, I would shoot them all down with a hairdryer!!

Neighbor: - (frightened) What are you, Leshka... what are you... we saved, saved,... then this reform, all the money in the savings bank disappeared... then my mother got sick, the money... and died. .. that's.,.

Alexey: - And you took up the bottle! Bastard! You need to beat people like you! And I would strangle Dashka’s father with my own hands... You bastards! Bastards!!... bastards... I'm fighting. Like a fish on ice, and nothing! Because nothing will come from nothing. You have to go to the city - you need money, you need to get a job at a sawmill - you need money, there’s nothing in the house, daddy drank his last shirt away! They don’t even let us love Baba, we squeeze into the corners! I have no right to have a child! Who am I? Nobody! Nothing! I am not in the world, I don’t exist... thank God, at least I still have my passport. And I want to eat all the time, I just can’t get enough. And I’m already twenty-three soon! Other twenty-three institutes of all sorts, family... I want to work! Work! (to father) It’s all your fault...your mother!

Neighbor: - (scared) Is it really possible to swear... at your father...

Alexey: - Fuck you!...

(Alexey moves the board on the back wall and closes it behind him with a roar. The neighbor sits down on the ground, hugs the accordion. The Dog approaches him.)

Neighbor: - (To the strong guy) You see, brother, what does it matter... it’s all money, money... Yes, if someone paid for my insignificant life, I would die, and I would give the money to Alyosha... I have more, old fool, there is nothing. Money is everything... But on the other hand, it is correct, whoever works has money, when a person works and when he steals, too. It's just not good to steal. For example, I stole moonshine! A! And send me, the hanged man, to prison for this. To jail! It is necessary to punish so that others will be disgraced, (pauses) And little child. The unborn are given to slaughter for money...

(The neighbor goes to the board and moves it aside)

(Dog accompanies Neighbor)

Pig: - What is “money”?

Dog: - This is... well... you can buy everything for them.

Pig: - What does “buy” mean?

Dog: - Well... to have.

Pig: - And wings? To fly?

Dog: - (in difficulty) Uh...

Horse: - No, you can’t buy this.

Pig: - Then why do they need this money?

Horse: - People are very strange. They need many different things. What always surprises me most is that they buy what they already have.

Pig: - How is that?

Horse: - For example, clothes. After all, it already exists. Why else? I don't understand.

Cow: - I am of the same opinion. For example, a neighbor never changes his clothes, and that’s fine.

Pig: - Where does this money come from?

Dog: - I know that!

Pig: - Where?

Dog: - From his pockets. From a dresser drawer. From the wallet. That's for sure. They are always there. Always.

Pig: - Why doesn’t Alyoshka have his dad? What can't they take in their pocket?

(General deep pause. It is clear that the Pig has puzzled the interlocutors.)

Cow: - Yes. Unclear.

Horse: - Strange...

The dog began to scratch behind his ear with his hind paw. The Rooster enters.

Rooster: - What happened here? The owner is scary, angry, sitting sharpening knives, sparks flying in all directions. The hostess is silent, and Dasha is crying in her room. And the radio was turned off.

Cow - They were quarreling with Alyoshka and a neighbor about some kind of abortion, whether to do it or not. And in order to do it, you need to go to the city. Apparently this is a big abortion, you can’t just do it in the village... Then they were arguing about money, and the owner also said that he would shoot with a double-barreled gun.

Dog: - He shoots well, I saw.

Rooster: - Very interesting. What does radio have to do with it? “Europe Plus” had just started, where DJ Maksimov was talking about the group “Queen”... (singing) Show must go-o-o-on!! Show must go-o-o-o-on 1

(The Owner enters, a rope in his hand. He goes to the Pig, approaches its fence, opens the door.)

Pig: - Oh, what is this... you see... Sturdy... Rooster! Zorka! Horse! Horse! The owner came to see me!

Owner: - Why did you squeal? Can you hear it, I guess?...

(The owner puts a rope around the Pig’s neck like a leash and leads him out of the enclosure.)

Pig: - God! God! You heard my prayers! They're taking me for a walk! Finally I will see the river and the meadow! And the road!

Cow: - We are very happy for you, Pig.

Pig: - (Strong) And you said that I would never go out anywhere, that I was a pig, that I was fat, so and so, and maybe I still... maybe I'll still run! The Master himself is leading me! How proud I am! My God! How happy I am!

Owner: - Look. She grunted and simply sang songs.

Pig: - He's talking to me!! You heard! This is the happiest day of my life! What a joy. I will tell my piglets about this day... (The owner opens the door) What sunshine!! (go out) What a sky! This is a valley! There are houses there! And there's the river!! Oh, it shines... Yes, she is alive!

Dog: - It’s crazy, the owner himself went for a walk with our pig! Actually, he only goes with me. . . anyway.

Cow: - Okay.

(The dog jumps out into the yard.)

Rooster: - Great happiness. Dunka was taken to Europe. It would be better to turn on the radio.

(The Rooster heads towards the door. Suddenly a wild squeal is heard from the yard. The Rooster crouches in surprise. The Cow and Horse move in their places. The Pig squeals wildly, then the squealing abruptly stops. Silence. A frightened dog runs in.)

Dog: - Master... master...

Cow: - What's wrong with the owner?

Dog: - Pig... our pig...

Rooster: - I feel bad...

Dog: - With a knife...

Cow: What with a knife?

(The dog is silent.)

Horse: - Killed?

Dog: - Y-yes.

(The rooster begins to rush around the barn out of fear.)


Act two.

Picture 2.

(Night. Moonlight breaks through the cracks. A cricket is heard. Quiet. The Cow and Horse are sleeping in their stalls. The dog stretched out on the floor. Suddenly he wakes up, listens, growls. Calmed down. Lay down. He woke up again and growled. He got up, started barking, then whining. The Horse woke up, then the Cow.)

Horse: - What happened?

(The dog huddles in the corner, whines, cannot find a place for himself.)

Cow: - Something doesn’t feel right... Something is scary...

Dog: - (whines) Mom... mommy...

(Suddenly the Dog calmed down and became cheerful.)

Dog: - Phew, let go.

Cow: - Yes, it has become easier. What was it?

Dog: - It was horror. My hair stood on end.

Horse: - True. My mane began to move... or what was left of it.

Dog: - And now it’s somehow good, warm... I love you so much, girls!

Cow: - (fatherly with love) You are our good one.

(Suddenly a pig appears above the ceiling. It has wings. It flies and sits in the hayloft, legs dangling. The dog notices the legs, runs up, sees the pig.)

Dog: - (after a pause) Christmas trees... pig...

Pig: - Yes, it's me.

Cow - Where? Where?

Dog - But you’re the owner... I saw it myself!

Pig: - Yes, it’s true, I’m no longer on earth.

Dog: - Where are you?

Pig: - I'm in heaven.

Horse: - This can’t be.

Dog: - Oh, Pig, how glad I am to see you!

Cow: - We are very happy, really!

Pig: - I'm glad to see you too.

Dog: - What is that behind your back?

Pig: - This? These are wings.

Horse: - What?

Pig: - Wings. I'm an angel now.

(Pause. Everyone looks at the Pig.)

Cow: - What is this?

Pig: - I used to ask you everything... now it’s the other way around. So here it is. When living beings die, God finds out. Whether his soul is pure or not. If she is pure, it means she is an angel.

Cow: - What if it’s dirty?

Pig: - If it’s dirty, it’s a sin.

Dog: - What does “sin” mean?

Pig: - (lists as a lesson) Sin is: greed, gluttony, adultery, pride, anger, envy, idleness. Just seven.

Dog: - Pre-lu-bo-de-ya-ni-e - what is this?

Cow: - And envy?

Horse: - Anger. What kind of anger is this?

Pig: - I don’t know. It's only my first day.

Dog: - You need to ask the rooster. They talk about everything on the radio. Well. Fine. You're in heaven. Where are these sins?

Pig: - They are sent to another place... there the soul suffers... I was told that it is very bad there...

Dog: - How do you know if your soul is pure or dirty?

Pig: - You don’t need to find out. After death, all animals become angels. Even crocodiles. But not all people. There are very few people among us. Basically, children are little people.

Horse: - Pig, have you seen God?

Pig: - I saw it. He stroked my head.

Dog: - Why is this?

Pig: - I regret it.

Dog: - I see.

Horse: - What is he like? God?

Pig: - I don’t remember. It seemed to me that I was in an apiary... remember. Grandfather came from the apiary to the owner... it seemed to me... the smell is the same...

(The Rooster appears.)

Cow: - No, we’re not sleeping.

Rooster: - I decided to come in and check how you are here and what.

Dog: - Why did you decide to check us at night?

Rooster: - Yes, that’s all I decided.

Horse: - He's lying. It became scary.

Rooster: - How do you know? (notices the Pig) Oh... Pig... but the Master stabbed you last night... you were screaming so much, it’s terrible, but are you alive?

Pig: - No. I'm an angel now.

Rooster: - What other angel?... And what is that sticking out there?

Pig: - Wings.

Rooster: - What? Ho-ho-ho! Wings? Maybe you can still fly?

Pig: - Of course. Now I can fly everywhere. And over the river, and over the meadows, even beyond the forest, and into the city and much further!

Rooster: - Not true. You're lying.

Pig: - I'm not lying.

Rooster: - Ho-ho! Prove it. Bring physical evidence!

Pig: - Please.

(The pig flies under the ceiling, sits on the floor. The rooster is speechless. Everyone is amazed.)

Horse: - It can’t be.

Cow: - Pig! Your dream has come true - you are flying!

Pig: - (without much joy) I myself couldn’t believe it at first. It's so wonderful to fly. You weigh nothing and soar like an eagle over the mountains... I, too, will soar over the mountains...

Rooster: - Over what other mountains, you freak.

Pig: - (naively) By the way, I haven’t seen a single rooster among the angels.

Rooster: - We'll manage. We have our own wings, natural ones, and not some kind acquired illegally.

Cow: - Shut up, rooster. I wouldn't want to acquire wings this way.

Pig: - Yes... (sniffed) Flying, of course, is pleasant, but living is better. Much better, even in this barn.

Rooster: - Why is this?

Pig: - Because I'm... empty.

Rooster: - I don’t understand.

Pig: - (smiles) I'm not interested. I'm not interested in anything... It seems. That I know everything. One could even be scared, but I don’t feel fear... I don’t feel anything... and I don’t want anything. Everything in me has died - I am empty. And then. It doesn’t make me happy that I’m flying, I don’t feel flying... But before I dreamed, remember... My dreams - they were as beautiful as the sun... They were real!

Cow: - Poor thing.

Horse: - We'll all be there.

Pig: - And now I feel very calm... I'm not afraid of anything...

Horse: - So, dying is not scary.

Pig: - (closes eyes) If only you knew. Horse, HOW scary! If only you knew...

Rooster: - But then it’s good?

Pig: - Then yes... then good...

Rooster: - What is this, I just can’t wrap my head around it - they killed her, cut her into pieces, look, the Master has it wrapped in burlap in the car, and here she is telling fairy tales!

Pig: - Yes. Tomorrow they will take me to the market to sell, and Dasha to the hospital for an abortion.

Cow: - So you already know what it is?

Pig: - I know. This is called artificial termination of pregnancy.

Cow: - How is this?

Pig: - That's it. They take you, Cow, to the hospital and terminate your pregnancy using medical instruments.

Cow: - Why?

Dog: - Why is this?

Rooster: - It’s not clear.

Pig: - Well... why... (sighs) I don’t know why. But only people do that.

Cow: - And then where does it go, the calf?

Pig: - That's the point. Which is going nowhere. They take life.

Dog: - Why?

Pig: - I don’t know!!

Rooster: - I also saw how kittens were drowned.

Pig: - Who drowned, cats?

Rooster: - No. People.

Pig: - That's it. That is why they are not in the angels.

Horse: - Of course.

Dog: - (sniffs, runs to the door) Pig, hide. The owner is coming.

Pig: - I don’t need to hide, people don’t see me.

(The owner comes in with a lantern, he is in shorts and a T-shirt. He yawns. The dog greets him, wagging his tail. The owner goes to the corner, puts the lantern on the ground, rummages through the tools. The pig comes up to him, looks into his eyes.)

Pig: - Eh, Master, Master... I loved you so much, and you killed me without even blinking an eye.

Owner: - (yawns, mutters under his breath) There is no rest for my bad head and legs... head, I forgot about the castle...

(takes some tools and goes to the door)

Pig: - At least I would have entrusted it to someone, otherwise he... himself... an awl... right in the heart.

Owner: - (To the dog) Sturdy, what are you doing here? I went to the yard to guard the house.

(The owner and Strongman come out. Pause.)

Pig: - On the other hand, people need something to eat, so they eat us. They will make clothes and shoes out of us. You should even feel sorry for them, they are weaker.

Cow: - Yes, it's true.

Rooster: - What a nightmare...

Horse: - Life.

Rooster: - (yells) But this is unfair! Where is democracy! I like my feathers too! Why are they eating us? What if I want to eat them!! I am an equal member of society! Let the Mistress give me her skin for shoes, and let me cut off Dashka’s braid and use it for a hairpiece!! I want to live! Let us rise, brothers! Against tyranny and totalitarianism! Help! Help! Help!!

(Everyone looks at the rooster. He falls silent.)

Horse: - Okay. So what are we going to do with the foal?

Cow: - With which foal?

Horse: - With Dashkin.

Cow: - A-a-, with a calf.

Pig: - With a pig...

Horse: - What do you suggest, pig?

Pig: - Nothing, I don’t know what to offer.

(The Dog appears.)

Dog: - I can’t be there alone. What do you have here?

Cow: - Yes, we’re talking about the calf.

Dog: - Oh, about the puppy... There's nothing you can do about it. If people decide.

Rooster: - What a nightmare...

Dog: - Maybe steal it somehow..

Cow: - Nooo, you can’t steal it... it’s in Dashka’s stomach.

(The dog scratched behind his ear with his hind paw.)

Rooster: - So, if they decide, they will take me, slaughter me and put me in the soup. And my education! My voice! My radio! My life, after all! A!

Cow: - Shut up. that you are all about yourself. We need to save here.

Rooster: - Yes. We need to save ourselves. Before it's too late... Save yourself...

(The rooster is running around the barn! The board on the back wall opens and the Neighbor appears. He immediately climbs into the hayloft, pulls out another bottle, uncorks it, drinks.)

Neighbor: - Respected the old man, son, respected... his granddaughters... (laughs) the boy, he would run around... pants with a button... (goes downstairs) Better girl. Girls. They are always... with bows... (cries, drinks) I would say - Marusya! Marusya! And she would be my grandfather! Grandfather... My Vera did not live long... The snub-nosed singer... And there were always freckles, only before death they disappeared... she was white, like a sheet and kept repeating: “Alyosha, how will it be? Alyosha, how will it be?” (drinks) My mother’s father... Well, that’s nothing. I will forgive because... because. As he deserves. (drinks) Vera... (takes the harmonica, plays and sings)

Ding, ding, ding,

Ding, ding, ding,

The bell is ringing

This ringing. This ringing

Talks about love...

(The neighbor notices the Pig, who is not going to hide, confident that people cannot see her.)

Neighbor: - Pig. (pause) With wings.

Pig: - Neighbor, can you see me?

Neighbor: - I see and hear.

Pig: - It can’t be!

Neighbor: - Exactly. This can't be true. But. Come to think of it. Scatter your brain, then better uh-uh uh... a talking pig with wings, than these... uh... green swearing devils.

Pig: - Listen! He sees me! But people can't see me, only children and animals.

Neighbor: - (crying) Damn potion, brought me to the last line...

Cow: - I feel sorry for him.

Neighbor: - (stops crying) Who said?

Cow: - I.

Neighbor: - Who am I?

Cow: - I, cow.

Neighbor: - (doomedly. Without surprise) Talking. Just like a pig.

(The rooster runs up to the neighbor and crows right in his face.)

Rooster: - Killer! Flayer!

Neighbor: - Fathers! And chicken!

Rooster: - I'm not a chicken! I'm a rooster! I can also... rip out all your feathers and eat you! You'll love this! A!!

(The neighbor crawls into the corner and falls to the bottle.)

Pig: - (To the Rooster) Wait, he was scared.

Rooster: - What did he think? I was scared too! Killers... what killers...

(The pig flies up to the neighbor.)

Neighbor: - Flying bitch...

Pig: - Wait. Neighbor, let me explain to you. I'm a pig. The owner stabbed me yesterday, tomorrow they will take me to the market to sell...

Neighbor: - Lord, forgive me my sins, what is this...

Pig: - That's why I fly. That I'm an angel now.

Neighbor: - What...

Rooster: - She is an angel!

Neighbor: - There’s none of this... I’m at school... atheism and all that... This doesn’t happen... (shakes his finger)

Dog: - It happens.

Horse: - It happens.

Cow: - It happens.

Rooster: - It happens.

Neighbor: - (singing) Clouds are gloomy on the border

The harsh land is enveloped in silence.

On the high banks of the Amur,

The sentries of the Motherland stand...!

(The pig takes the bottle from him) Did you... take my bottle?

Pig: - Took it.

Neighbor: - (affirmative) So you are not a vision.

Pig: - No. Not a vision.

(The neighbor reaches out to the bottle. The pig pours the contents of the bottle onto the floor.)

Neighbor: - Not a vision. Why is this being done... Comrades... So you are from the other world?

Pig: - Exactly.

Neighbor: - (after a pause) Well, how is it?

Pig: - It’s just my first day.

Neighbor: - I see. Listen, pig, haven’t you seen my Swallow there? Beautiful mare... Raven's wing and here... white... Eh?

Pig: - No. I haven't had time yet.

Neighbor: - (upset) Well, well...

Pig: - When I see you, I’ll say hi.

Neighbor: - And Vera, my wife. Just don’t tell me... that I love this... this business (snaps himself on the chin) and that there is no money, too... don’t... tell me. That’s it, they say, and so, he’s alive. Healthy, housekeeping... and all that. A?

Pig: - Don't worry. I'll tell you.

Neighbor: - And about the churchyard... that I don’t go there. Say that... I will forgive her, for Christ's sake.

Pig: - I'll tell you.

Neighbor: - Thank you. (mumbling) Look, an angel, and... an angel... (laughs)

Pig: - We are thinking about how to save Dasha’s cub.

Neighbor: - Yes! Yes! Holy cause! Only... they will harass you (waves his hand)... they will harass you...

Rooster: - Killers!!

Dog: - I don’t think so.

Cow: - We don’t know what to do...

Pig: - I have an idea... We need to call his Guardian Angel.

Dog: - Come on. Call!

Pig: - I don’t know who he is.

Cow: - So where can I get it?

Pig: - When someone dies, someone is born. This is the law of life. And if that one. Whoever died falls into the angels, then he is the Guardian Angel of the one who was born.

Rooster: - What if he doesn’t get into the angels?

Pig: - The one who was born. He lives without a Guardian Angel and his life is not sweet.

Dog: - So you, Pig. Just that... she died.

Pig: - But I am the Guardian Angel of a completely different human cub. He was born very far away and is all black.

Cow: - Father, what a disaster!

Pig: - Nothing. But he has me.

Dog: - And for ours, who died? Who is his Angel?

Horse: - He doesn’t have any Angel.

Dog: - Why is this?

Horse: - Yes, because he was not born yet.

Cow: - So what to do?

Horse: - In order for him to be born, someone needs to die.

Dog: - Well, you are a Horse... well, you are smart...

Friends called with a request to pay attention to the play of the Soviet Tilsit Theater called “A Very Simple Story.” In this performance, they say, the suicide becomes a guardian angel. Another guardian angel becomes... a slaughtered pig. And the stupid spectators applaud this “natural Satanism”.

This call puzzled me. I tried to figure it out. “Tilsit Theater” is an unofficial name. The official name of this center of Soviet (located in a city called Sovetsk) culture: State budgetary cultural institution Kaliningrad Regional Theater for Young Spectators “Molodezhny”. This is a government issue state-financed organization to the Ministry of Culture of the Kaliningrad Region. Attributing “natural Satanism” to the Ministry of Culture is a rather bold idea. Could this be possible? Although, who knows? The Ministry of Culture of the Kaliningrad Region allocated money for the installation of a monument to Russia’s enemy Mitskevich, who died while trying to take Crimea from her. Minister (now former) Svetlana Kondratyeva personally opened this monument to the enemy of Russia in Zelenogradsk. A spit, so to speak, in the direction of President Putin, who reunited Crimea with Russia. Spit aside State Duma, towards Russia and the Russian people as a whole seeking to reunite. But, this is politics. Not everyone in Russia agrees with President Putin’s policies, so sometimes they do harm on the sly. And “Satanism” is a more religious term than a political one. To use it in relation to any phenomenon, you need to have certain grounds, and these grounds are religious.

I tried to find out the opinions of other spectators of this performance. Indeed, most viewers were quite pleased with what they saw. Firstly, the performance turned out to be fun, despite the suicide of one of the characters. Some kind of “cool” rooster amused everyone. And the play supposedly preaches goodness, love, and even teaches not to have abortions. The fight against abortion, of course, should dispel all suspicions of Satanism, since previously this was exclusively dealt with Orthodox Church. Now, it turns out, the Tilsit Theater has joined the fight against abortion. A new ally for the Church, so to speak. Some viewers compared the play “A Very Simple Story” with a biblical parable and called it a Christmas tale.

There is a discrepancy. Some say: “natural Satanism”! Others: “a sermon of goodness, love and the fight against abortion, a biblical parable”! How can this be combined? And what does the suicidal angel do in the play? Let's try to understand the complex “Very Simple Story”.

What can you find out right away? The play “A Very Simple Story” is based on the play by Kyiv playwright Maria Lado (Maria Alekseevna Mishurina). There is an article about it on Wikipedia. From the article you can find out that the author of the play was born in 1965 in Kyiv in the family of film director Alexei Mishurin. Lado is a pseudonym. He is the author of not one, but eight plays and five more film scripts. In Russia and the CIS, the countries of the European Union and the USA, for many years, performances based on her works, such as “A Very Simple Story”, “Maestro”, “Woman of the Year”, “Red, White, a Little Dirt”, “ Namesake". The play in Ukrainian “Shablya, mace and kititsya” has not yet been staged. In 2010 she was awarded the prize of the Russian Authors' Society "For contribution to the development of science, literature and culture of Russia." He is a member of the Investigative Committee of Russia and the Investigative Committee of Ukraine. Performances based on her plays have received more than 50 prizes at Russian and international theater festivals. Impressive? Of course, it’s impressive, but we must take into account that articles on Wikipedia can be compiled by very interested people who can post custom material there, where everything will be only positive. Advertising, so to speak.

The text of the play “A Very Simple Story” can be found on the Internet. I found it easily and will use it for further work. Performances based on this play were actually staged by a number of Russian theaters and their videos can be found and watched on the Internet. I found and looked at a few. It turned out that this performance is being performed in more than thirty Russian theaters. It is clear that depending on the taste of a particular director, the scenery and even song repertoire heroes. The actress playing the pig may or may not have a cross on her pectoral, but the wings of the pig, who has become a guardian angel for some black child, are present in all performances. A pectoral cross and wings are usually attributes of a suicide angel. These details, naturally, cannot leave the believing Orthodox spectators indifferent, for whom a cross on a pig is blasphemy.

Talking animals in the play can no longer surprise anyone. But the people in this performance turn out to be much worse than this talking redneck. Of course, the animals in A Very Simple Story are rightly horrified by the people's intention to abort Daria. But the second-class status of people is not limited to this. All dead animals, if you believe the text of Mishurina-Lado’s play, become angels, “even crocodiles.” But very few of the dead people become angels. IN this issue Maria Lado-Mishurina, of course, radically diverges from the Bible. According to the Bible, neither dead people, nor, especially, dead animals become angels. Animals generally do not have an immortal soul, and they have no future after death. The souls of dead people will wait for the Resurrection of the Dead and the Last Judgment, and only then will they go to heaven or hell. Moreover, it is people who will go (their bodies will be recreated), and not just souls. For now, of all the dead people, God allows only saints to act on earth. But saints do not become angels. Angels exist on their own. Man, according to the Bible, is the crown of creation. He was created in the icon and likeness of God, and only through his sins does he distort his original essence. And according to God’s original plan, man is higher than the angels. I wonder how Maria Mishurina-Lado got to her anti-biblical theology?

I found a video on the Internet that explains a lot. Maria Lado after the premiere of the play “A Very Simple Story” based on her play, staged by the Russian-language troupe of the Haifa Theater directed by Asya Nayfeld. 05/16/2015 told some rather interesting things about her play and herself. Here are her words: “It all started when I simply decided to protect animals in some way. I like animals a lot. Any. I don't eat meat, as you understand. Well, here... I... Well, well, at least say a word in defense of animals... Because I adore them. Everyone...I really love pigs, and elephants, and dolphins, and cows. I love cows. It sounds strange, but I am the one who really loves cows. I look at them and start... I look at the horse and instantly start crying. Why? I don't know. But when I see horses, my tears immediately flow, and I can’t help myself. I like animals a lot. Not to mention the dogs... I have two such wonderful puppies at home, big, red mongrels, wonderful... Well, I adore them... And it all started from this. But then, when everything fell on this abortion... And it taxied itself. I didn't even... I didn't think about it. I didn't think there would be a play about this at all. That... Here is the result, in short... Yes.”

Maria Lado-Mishurina also talks about her personal life in this interview. But somehow in passing. There is no husband, and it seems that there never was. There was something, but it was unclear what. No children are observed. But he loves animals. The word, by the way, is iconic: “I adore”! It shows new stage degradation of humanity, which has forgotten God. Initially, people professed theocentrism. God was understood as the absolute, perfect, highest being, the source of all life and all good. Worship and service to God served as the basis of morality, and imitation and likeness to Him was considered supreme goal human life. The Renaissance figures placed man at the center of the Universe, taking the place of God. Theocentrism began to be replaced by a new view - anthropocentrism. Now you can observe an even newer view - some kind of zoocentrism.

The situation turns out to be very interesting. The author of the play honestly and frankly said in an interview that she just wanted to protect animals, and some force unknown to her inspired her with a completely unexpected plot with an abortion and a suicide angel. IN in this case she can be trusted. Someone's noisy table-type conversations can be heard behind the scenes. This is understandable: the interview was taken during the celebration of the premiere of the play. Perhaps those involved have already managed to celebrate their success with alcoholic drinks. A drunk person is usually quite sincere. Therefore, in this case, I believe Lado-Mishurina. The only question for me is from whom did the idea for the play, which was unexpected for the author himself, come from? There can be only two options: from God or from His enemy, Satan. Either from the servant of God, the guardian angel, or from the servant of Satan, the tempting demon. How to solve this issue? Let's call on the Holy Spirit for help and read the text of the play in the light of the Gospel!

Let me first remind you that Satan is the monkey of God. He is deprived of the ability to create, therefore any of his “creativity” is a sophisticated distortion of everything created by God. By this sign one can determine the participation of Satan in a particular phenomenon.

Photo of the Astrakhansky performance drama theater"A very simple story." Pig-Angel (Violetta Vlasenko) with a cross

So, the events of the play take place in a barn where the “pregnant” (as in the text of the play) cow Zorka, the horse Sister and the pig live. From time to time the dog Krepysh and the rooster run into the barn. Hardworking Owner Pavel Petrovich and Mistress come in to feed the animals. A parasite and a drunkard, the Neighbor periodically climbs into the barn and steals the moonshine stored there from the Owner, who immediately drinks it. The Neighbor's twenty-three-year-old son Alexey, who does not work anywhere, is fornicating in the barn with the daughter of the Master and Mistress Daria. The result of this sin of fornication is Daria's pregnancy. This is the plot of the events of the play. Now let's see how biblical texts relate to the text of Mishurina-Lado's (M.-L.) play.


Bible. The barn is the place of the Nativity of Christ. The Savior of the human race, Jesus Christ, was born in a stable and His Mother, the Virgin Mary, “laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn” (Luke 2:7). A manger is a feeding trough for livestock. The stable where Christ was born is the Cave of the Nativity in Bethlehem, the greatest Christian shrine, an object of pilgrimage.

M.-L. The barn is the place where Alexey and Daria fornicated. The result of fornication was the birth of a girl who was named Mary. At the end of the play, the stable also becomes an “object of pilgrimage”:

“Alexey: - Why did you call here? It's cold here, wrap her up better.

Dasha: - (wraps up the child) You know, Lesh. I think... I think we're here for her... well...

Alexey: - What's here?

Dasha: - Well... we did it. Her. (shows the baby) Do you remember that night when your late father did not let us into the house. We came here... and then slept upstairs, in the hayloft.

Alexey: - What, women, you are strange people. Maybe it was like that, I don’t really remember.

Dasha: - I remember. Right then. I thought so.”

Fornication and chastity.

Bible. Immaculate Virgin Mary gave birth to the Savior of the world, Jesus Christ. The Gospels report Mary's virginity before the birth of Christ. “Her husband Joseph, being righteous and not wanting to make Her public, wanted to secretly let Her go. But when he thought this, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said: Joseph, son of David! Do not be afraid to accept Mary your wife, for what is born in Her is from the Holy Spirit; and she will give birth to a Son, and you will call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins” (Matthew 1:19-21). After the Nativity of Christ, Mary remained a virgin. Believers especially revere the Virgin Mary. She was able to give birth to the God-man Christ (God was able to inhabit Her womb) because Her ordinary human nature was most cleansed from sin by many generations of righteous ancestors and Her personal purity and holiness from early childhood.

M.-L. The parents of Alexei and Daria are not distinguished by their holiness of life. From fornication with Alexei, Daria became pregnant. Her parents demand an abortion. There is no talk of any purity or holiness in the play at all. Fornication, as such, is not even condemned. The owner simply does not want to become related to the parasite and drunkard Neighbor, so he demands an abortion. After Neighbor's suicide, the reason for having an abortion disappeared. Let us note in passing that an “unknown force” inspired Mishurina-Lado to give the young people the names of Alexei and Daria, and not any others. A person in baptism receives the name of a saint, who becomes his heavenly patron. Among thousands of saints, there are comparatively few who have renounced family life for the sake of serving God alone, maintaining virginity and chastity and overcoming all kinds of obstacles. Precisely such saints are the Monk Alexy, the man of God (March 17, Old Style), and the holy martyr Daria of Rome (March 19, Old Style). From his youth, Saint Alexy wanted to leave the world and serve God, but his parents stubbornly wanted to marry him. After the engagement, left alone with his bride, Alexy took the ring off his finger, gave it to her and secretly left the house. Alexy lived his entire life in fasting and prayer. It is impossible to describe the meaning of the feat of his life in a few phrases. In Rus', the Life of St. Alexy, the man of God, was one of the most beloved. Everyone should read it. The Holy Martyr Daria was originally a priestess of Pallas Athena. The parents of the young man Chrysanthus, wanting to turn him away from Christianity, married him to the beautiful Daria. However, Chrysanthus converted his wife from paganism to Christ. The young couple, by mutual consent, decided to lead a virgin life and even settled in separate houses. Saint Chrysanthus gathered a community of young men who believed in Christ, and pious women striving for monastic life gathered around Daria. During the next persecution of Christians, Chrysanthus and Daria were arrested. The tormentors wanted to desecrate Daria by sending her to a fornication, but there she was guarded by a lion sent by God. The lion threw everyone who tried to desecrate the saint to the ground, but left them alive. Daria preached Christ to them and convinced many to take the path of salvation. Saints Daria and Chrysanthus were later executed by order of Emperor Numerian. It is obvious that the names of Alexei and Daria were given to the fornicating heroes of Mishurina-Lado’s play not by chance, but with the purpose of mocking the Christian ideals of holiness, chastity, and monasticism.

Alexy, a man of God - a virgin and a faster, prayed for his parents. Alexey from the play is obsessed with the passions of sin and overeating: “I want to get married... And I want to eat all the time, I just can’t get enough.” Attitude towards parents: “I hate you... All of you! Damned! If I had some kind of weapon, I would shoot them all down with a hairdryer!!.. And I would strangle Dashka’s father with my own hands... You bastards! Bastards!!... bastards...”

Moral teachings.

M.-L. Mishurina-Lado gave another significant name to the Owner: Pavel Petrovich. I hope everyone knows about the holy supreme apostles Peter and Paul? Pavel Petrovich's brother, who died in the war, bore the name Andrei. Many people have also heard about the Apostle Andrew the First-Called. The example of Blok’s vile poem “The Twelve” turns out to be infectious for some writers.

Bible. The New Testament consists of 27 books. Of these, fourteen are the epistles of the Apostle Paul, and two are the epistles of the Apostle Peter. The Apostle Paul in his epistles explains the teachings of Jesus Christ in relation to specific cases. There is a lot of moral and instructive content in his messages. Thus, in his second letter to the Thessalonians, the Apostle Paul wrote: “If anyone does not want to work, neither should he eat” (2 Thess. 3:10). In his letter to the Ephesians he urges: “Do not get drunk with wine” (Eph. 5:18). In his first letter to the Corinthians, the Apostle Paul calls not to associate with sinners: “Do not be deceived: evil associations corrupt good morals” (1 Cor 15:33).

M.-L. During the course of the play, Pavel Petrovich constantly reproaches the Neighbor for parasitism, for drunkenness, and demands from his daughter that she not communicate with the Neighbor’s son, since (here the wife gets involved) “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.” All this, by the way, is true. All this could be taken from the letters of the Apostle Paul. However, in the play the image of the Owner Pavel Petrovich in comparison with the Neighbor is by no means depicted positive hero. And this devalues ​​the entire moral and instructive component of the Bible. Obviously, this was the goal of the “unknown force” influencing Mishurina-Lado.


Bible. Orthodox Christianity considers suicide one of the most serious sins for the reason that a person commits a double sin - murder and despair, for which it is no longer possible to repent. Those who commit suicide are deprived of a funeral service before burial. The only suicide mentioned in the New Testament is the traitor Judas.

M.-L. In her play, Mishurina-Lado romanticizes suicide. At his first appearance, the Neighbor sings praises in honor of the mare Swallow, who fell in love with junior sergeant Peresypkin, and after his transfer to Kazakhstan, committed suicide. Following him, the pig sang his praises: “Yes, poor thing. But die for love! As he said - “She took off...”! This is happiness!” Next, the animals discuss methods of suicide. After the pig, who became an angel, unveiled his version of soteriology (from the Greek soteria (salvation), the doctrine of salvation), those who wanted to be killed lined up: a dog, a horse... In the end, the drunkard and parasite Neighbor committed suicide. Thanks to his suicide, the Neighbor became the SAVIOR of Daria's child from abortion. I repeat: Mishurina-Lado’s play romanticizes suicide. "Tilsit Theater" - theater for YOUNG SPECTATORS. The suicide rate in Russia is one of the highest in the world. The rate of teenage suicides in Russia is three times higher than the world average. The prosecutor's office must draw conclusions in this situation.

Salvation and Savior. Self-sacrifice.

Bible. Salvation, according to the Bible, means the salvation of a person from sin and its consequences - death and hell, and the acquisition by the saved person of the Kingdom of Heaven - union with God. People, created sinless by God, were deceived by Satan, violated God's will and fell into sin and, as a result, became mortal. God, continuing to love His creation, wants to give people forgiveness of sins, eternal life and salvation from punishment in hell. To do this, He sent His Son Jesus Christ to earth, Who took upon Himself the sins of people, died for them, and then rose from the dead. Jesus Christ, according to the New Testament, is the atoning sacrifice for sin, and people, believing in His death and resurrection from the dead and turning to Him with repentance for their sins, receive forgiveness of sins and eternal life. We call Christ born of the Virgin Mary Savior.

M.-L. In the course of the play, the pig slaughtered by the Master becomes an angel with wings, appears in the barn and expounds to the other animals the secrets of the universe. Along the way, he talks about how Daria will be taken to the city in the morning to have an abortion, but it is impossible to SAVE the child, since he does not have a guardian angel. For some reason the pig itself became a “guardian angel” for another child, black and living far away. Swine soteriology is amazing in its absurdity:

“Pig: - I have a thought... We need to call his Guardian Angel.

Dog: - Come on. Call!

Pig: - I don’t know who he is.

Cow: - So where can I get it?

Pig: - When someone dies, someone is born. This is the law of life. And if the one who died falls into the angels, then he is the Guardian Angel of the one who was born.

Rooster: - What if he doesn’t get into the angels?

Pig: - The one who was born lives without a Guardian Angel and his life is not sweet.

Dog: - So you, Pig. Just that... she died.

Pig: - But I am the Guardian Angel of a completely different human cub. He was born very far away and is all black.

Cow: - Fathers, what grief!

Pig: - Nothing. But he has me.

Dog: - And for ours, who died? Who is his Angel?

Horse: - He doesn’t have any Angel.

Dog: - Why is this?

Horse: - Yes, because he was not born yet.

Cow: - So what to do?

Horse: - In order for him to be born, someone needs to die.

Dog: “Well, you’re a Horse... well, you’re smart...”

For salvation not born child First the dog wished to die, then the horse. It makes no sense to find out why they hoped to become a guardian angel specifically for Daria’s child, who, moreover, was supposed to be born only in seven and a half months. Animals appointed themselves as a guardian angel for a specific person. According to the view of zoocentrism, God will be obliged to fulfill the will of the animals and make the suicide a guardian angel for the unborn child they have chosen. All that's left is to die. A gun is stolen, the Horse demands the Neighbor to shoot it immediately:

“Horse: - Think about Dashka’s child, because there is no way out. After all, if a person dies, he may not become an angel. The Pig said that few people are angels

Pig: - Not enough.

Horse: “And I will definitely be among the angels.”

The neighbor was unable to shoot at the Horse, smiled mysteriously and left, bawling a song about Stenka Razin, who drowned the princess. He left and shot himself. Considering that it was explained to him that people practically do not become angels, the Neighbor’s suicide can be considered rather an act of despair. But his strange smile before leaving the barn suggests that the Neighbor deliberately took his own life in order to purposefully become a Guardian Angel for the child Daria. And, if a person who deliberately takes his own life has as his goal to save another person or a group of people, then such an act can no longer be classified as suicide, but as self-sacrifice. It turns out to be some kind of blasphemous parody of the death on the Cross of our Savior Jesus Christ. And in the person of the parasite and drunkard Neighbor - a blasphemous parody of our Savior Jesus Christ Himself.


M.-L. Jesus Christ had a Forerunner. In the blasphemous structure of Mishurina-Lado’s play, the role of the Forerunner was played by the Pig. She was killed first and prepared the inhabitants of the barn for the need for someone's death to save Daria's child. Paved the way, so to speak. Let us remember that with Satan everything is the other way around, and compare the images of St. John the Baptist and the Pig.

Bible. During his lifetime, Saint John the Baptist was an angel in the flesh, a faster and an ascetic (he ate only dried locusts and honey from wild bees). The prophet Isaiah called it “The voice of one crying in the wilderness.” That is, there was practically no person of flesh and blood, only a voice remained calling people to repent and turn to Jesus Christ. Saint John the Baptist denounced King Herod, who had fallen into the sin of adultery. For this he was executed.

M.-L. The pig in Mishurina-Lado's play eats, eats and eats again. She loves her owner madly and sees no sins in him. Ready to die for him. The owner kills her to sell her meat at the market. At the same time, the Pig squeals wildly. As it should be with Satan, everything is the other way around.

Naming a newborn baby.

Bible. The angel of the Lord appeared to the priest Zechariah and predicted: “Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you will call his name John; and you will have joy and gladness, and many will rejoice at his birth, for he will be great before the Lord; He will not drink wine or strong drink, and will be filled with the Holy Spirit from his mother’s womb” (Luke 1:13-15). For distrusting the messenger of God, Zechariah was punished by muteness. When his son was born, his family found it difficult to name him. The mute father had to overcome certain difficulties in order to give his born son the name John, named by the angel.

M.-L. The difficulty of naming a newborn child also arose in the play. While still alive, the drunken Neighbor dreams aloud of a granddaughter named Marusya. After suicide, having become an angel, the Neighbor inspires Alexei and Daria's parents to name the born child Marusya, i.e. Maria.

Praise of Angels.

Bible. After the Nativity of Christ, an angel appeared to the shepherds, saying that “a Savior was born to you in the city of David, who is Christ the Lord; and here is a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly a large army of heaven appeared with the Angel, glorifying God and crying: Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men!” (Luke 2:11,14).

M.-L. After the birth of Marusya-Maria, she was brought to the barn for some reason. Significant moment: when everyone leaves, the Mistress drops the diaper, which remains in the stable. The suicidal angel plays the harmonica and then sings “If only I had mountains of gold and rivers full of wine.”

Pilgrimage and Communion.

A temple was built over the site of the Nativity of Christ in Bethlehem, which became a place of pilgrimage for believers. The Cave of the Nativity is located under the pulpit of this temple. Naturally, divine services are held there regularly. At the end of the Liturgy, believers partake of the Body and Blood of Christ. In Greek, the sacrament of Communion is Eucharist (thanksgiving, gratitude). The Sacrament of Communion was established by the Savior Himself, Who at the Last Supper bequeathed: “Do this in remembrance of me” (Luke 22:19).

You can continue to analyze the play by Ukrainian playwright Maria Mishurina-Lado, but does this make sense? And it is so obvious that the play “A Very Simple Story” and the performance based on it are blasphemous parodies of Gospel events, a mockery of the Orthodox faith, blasphemy. And, if some theater critics saw in this performance a biblical parable and a Christmas tale, this shows their complete spiritual savagery. The director and actors are in special demand. Don't they understand what they are doing? Don't they understand the consequences of their actions? You will have to answer for sacrilege and blasphemy. It is in the swinish theology of the Kyiv author that there are only seven sins, to which the actors may not be involved. According to swine theology, God will not send them to “another place.” Let's take another look at the text of the play:

“Pig: - So. When living beings die, God finds out. Whether his soul is pure or not. If she is pure, it means she is an angel.

Cow: - What if it’s dirty?

Pig: - If it’s dirty, it’s a sin.

Dog: - What does “sin” mean?

Pig: - (lists as a lesson) Sin is: greed, gluttony, adultery, pride, anger, envy, idleness. Just seven.

Dog: - Pre-lu-bo-de-ya-ni-e - what is this?

Cow: - And envy?

Horse: - Anger. What kind of anger is this?

Pig: - I don’t know. It's only my first day.

Dog: - You need to ask the rooster. They talk about everything on the radio. Well. Fine. You're in heaven. Where are these sins?

Pig: “They send them to another place... there the soul suffers... I was told that it’s really bad there...”

Maria Mishurina-Lado's Angel-Pig turns out to be very advanced. It lists the seven major (only major!) sins according to the Catholic tradition introduced by Pope Gregory the Great, who listed them in the treatise “Commentary on the Book of Job, or Moral Interpretations,” and then included them in the Catechism of the Western Church. But Pope Gregory did not himself come up with the concept of major sins. Long before him, in the Orthodox East, in the monastic environment, the doctrine of the eight main sinful passions was formed. Pope Gregory took the Orthodox eight-fold scheme, and in it he combined into one sin sadness with despondency (the result was idleness), vanity with pride, and added envy. This is how the seven main sins appeared. The Angel-Pig in Mishurina-Lado’s play, it turns out, preaches Catholicism to other animals. But, I repeat, the doctrine of the main sins arose in the ancient monastic environment, i.e. among people who have devoted their entire lives to serving God. Blasphemy or blasphemy, for example, practically did not occur among these people, and the mention of these sins among the eight (or seven in the Catholic tradition) main sinful passions was then absolutely irrelevant. And in today's Russia?

Russia is considered a secular state. Of course, the influence of Orthodoxy and historically established customs and traditions bring to ethical standards modern man some prohibitions not reflected in the Criminal Code. A secular person may consider a violation of moral norms that are not enshrined in legislation to be a sin. But, as a rule, only violations of relationships between people are considered a sin. Mishurina-Lado’s “pig-Catholic” theology demonstrates this perfectly. But violations of the Biblical Commandments relating to man’s relationship with God (unbelief, religious worship of idols, taking the name of God in vain, blasphemy, blasphemy, mockery of sacred things, etc.) are not sinful from the point of view of secular ethics. Mishurina-Lado’s play demonstrates this too. This is demonstrated by theater audiences who applaud the blasphemy and blasphemy of the Tilsit Theater and thirty-five other theaters in Russia in which this play is performed. God will be their judge! What are they applauding? Reducing man to an animal level? Romanticizing suicide? Drunkenness and fornication?



  • A simple story in 2 acts based on the play by M. Lado
  • Director: Igor Cherkashin
  • Scenographer - Vladimir Korolev
  • Costume designer - Zhanna Verizhnikova
  • Duration – 2 hours 20 minutes. with intermission

The performance is a parable that tells about the thin line between good and evil, about the dangerous proximity of love and death. About the fact that people are sometimes more cruel to each other than animals. Animals, on the contrary, are capable of self-sacrifice for the sake of those who are dear to them. Even if it's unborn child the owner's daughter...

Viewer reviews

  • Thank you, Elena.
    I hope this is exactly the case.
    Because the page about the performance on the theater’s website is the essence of the program. Failure to indicate the directors in the program is, at a minimum, a violation of copyright.
    Best regards, Vladimir./Vladimir/
  • Good afternoon, colleagues!
    Congratulations, the site is good!!!
    But why are the directors not indicated in the annotations for the performance? I hope it's just forgetfulness.
    Stage designer of the play "A Simple Story" M. Lado
    Vladimir Korolev./ Vladimir /
  • Good afternoon
    It's not really forgetfulness. The site is still under construction. More materials are being added...

    P.S. Photo galleries for performances are now being prepared / Elena /

  • We just returned home from the theater. Emotions are overwhelming. We still can’t leave with our daughter. It so happened that this story is very close to us (In the sense that before the birth of our baby, we lost two grandfathers), and we watched the actions taking place on stage with special feelings and experiences. Thank you very much to everyone who contributed to the production of this performance./ Lyudmila /
  • We were at the show yesterday!! thanks a lot actors!! This game is just great! wonderful production!!! :o) / Julia /
  • I watched the premiere of the play in March 2006. The old soldier, no knowledgeable of words love" tears blurred my eyes! An amazing story, it still excites me with memories! / nsg /
  • I really liked the real acting at 5+. Some would say, I believe it. And the site is really better and more convenient than that of other theaters (that’s why it’s for youth). / Sergey /
  • It was wonderful! Thank you Ivan /
  • this is the only performance for recent years 10 in all the theaters of the city, when I cried during the action.
    wonderful production and work!/ Stella /
  • Amazing performance. I saw a lot of photographs from similar productions in other theaters - not the same. In the Rostov interpretation, everything is much more allegorical and closer to a parable, and it tears at the soul much more naturally. Separately, I would like to note the amazing performance of Khanzharov (owner), Vorobyov (rooster), Volobuev (Krepysh). But what impressed everyone most with his performance was Mateshov, who brilliantly played the neighbor. Well, Melentyeva is traditionally good: one of the most most promising actresses theater But the respected Lobanova, Merinov and especially Blinova play mechanically, hauntedly, without giving their roles due strength. But this in no way detracts from the merits of the production: it is perfectly understood by teenagers of 13-14 years old, mature and elderly. And most importantly: the play will teach young people something, and will once again give older people a reason to think about the frailty of existence. One of best performances ROAMT, along with "Squat" and "Little Imp". Bravo! / Alexey /
  • The performance is one of the favorites in Molodezhny! I’ve been there 5 times. I took all my friends and relatives to see it, and I enjoyed going myself. It’s a shame that performances of this quality are no longer staged in your theater. I really don’t like Lelyanova’s productions: wayward interpretation classical works. The performances are only sustained by the amazing acting. I go to the Youth Theater less and less often, because I’m tired of seeing the same thing on stage. I want real classic productions! / Anastasia /
  • This is the fourth time I have attended the play “A Very Simple Story.” Again I'm in awe... This is something incredible, really! You can watch it dozens of times! The acting is amazing! And along with the plot..mmm..tears cannot be avoided. And everything that they talk about, that they discuss... everything is so vital and seemingly simple, but at the same time incredibly complex, and you understand that we think so little about some important things...
    It's really better to see once than to hear a hundred times. Although in this case you can see it a hundred times...
    Something incredible.../ Polina /
  • Five years later, I couldn’t deny myself the pleasure of watching the performance again. The plot is still exciting, and also in the second act there is a lump in the throat... Bravo, Molodezhny! You are the best!/nsg/
  • Guys, I'm our colleague, I'm an artist from Estonia, I also play youth theater Impromptu, the theater is located in Jõhvi, come to us with a performance. A very simple story. / Ivan /
  • yesterday -11/17/12 I watched the play with my son, for the second time. I was overwhelmed with emotions, a wonderful performance, the actors were all just smart!!! Thank you. If there were more performances like this, maybe the world would become kinder. My son repeated several times today, “I felt sorry for the pig.”/ OLGURA /
  • The most extraordinary production I have ever seen. And, perhaps, the best! / Alexander /
  • Thanks to all the actors and a deep bow/ I saw the play in June, I’ll definitely go again./ olgura /
  • This is the first performance at which I could not contain myself, tears flowed naturally, the theme was right on point. BRAVO! I admire you./ Tatyana /
  • Incredible! A truly wonderful production. The acting (of all the actors, without exception) is amazing. It seems like these roles were made for them. Realistic. You become completely immersed in the plot and worry about everything that happens. Not an ounce of boredom. Everything is so exciting that time flies by. I think it’s wonderful that at this performance you can laugh and cry at moments. THANK YOU! =)/ Katyusha /
  • Tell me, can you attend this performance with a child of 6 years old (the poster says that he is 16+), are there any scenes “for adults”?
    I watched “Toys” with my child (it’s not for children either), I understood it in my own way, but I liked it, I read the reviews here, I also wanted to go)) / Masha /
  • On September 26, 2013, the actors worked on location in the village of Peschanokopsky. I accompanied the students of Razvilensky school No. 10 (grades 11, 10, 9, 8) and was really looking forward to the children’s responses. There was no one who remained indifferent. Immediately after the performance they called their family and friends, wanting to share what they had seen. Everyone was delighted. “This is a must see!” - they said. And I jumped out like a bullet, ashamed that they would see my tears. Then the morning of the next day came and the first thought about what he saw. Then meetings with colleagues and the desire to share a vivid impression. Sometimes at performances in other theaters I caught myself thinking that unnecessary shouting and unnecessary pretense irritated me. But here you don’t even notice the acting, they talk to you, they sincerely tell you a “very simple story,” forcing you to look at yourself and yourself with different eyes. on those who are nearby... / Olga Aleksandrovna Sokolova /
  • Once upon a time I did not miss a single premiere of the Youth Theater and took my son to all the performances. My son grew up, the theater became known as the Youth Theater, and I moved away from my favorite theater. But today, many years later... This piercing performance! He makes you cry and laugh. And wonderful actors, they still work in their theater: Vorobyov, Khanzharov, Filatov, Lobanova, Lysenkova...
    What ALL the creators of this simple and heartbreaking story did, everything that happened on stage is real high art. Thank you! I'm proud of Youth... / Elena /