Simple drawings for April 1st. April Fool's Day: ideas for jokes and practical jokes. Funny jokes and practical jokes

Nice prank for school. During class, write a note with the words “There is a mop on the ceiling” and pass it to your desk neighbor. Tell him to pass the note on after reading it. The effect will be amazing when everyone who reads the note looks up, and so does the teacher!

You can also play a funny prank on your favorite guy by replacing his glove with your own (smaller in size, of course).

You need to ask a friend to stand in the middle of the room with his arms extended forward. Next, insert two matches into your hands (between your index finger and thumb), with their heads facing down. Place the next two matches under the shoes of the friend being played, barely pushing them in. At the end, ask him a question about what month it is. Of course, you will hear in response: “April.” And then the trick: “Why are you skiing then?” We guarantee laughter in the room!

The raffle is suitable for people who are not very well versed in astronomy. It consists of telling the person that today the news reported that a piece of the Sun, during the next flare, came off and is flying towards the Earth. It will reach our planet by the end of this day. And they say that it is not yet known what damage it can cause, but most likely it will be colossal. So far the details are unknown, so short term Scientists are unlikely to be able to do anything.

For such a prank, you need to find out when a person is away and then returns home. Throw a decorated box under the door with the inscription “Your surprise from the company” with a note inside - “Your bonus for hard work.” Place your choice of a turtle, lizard, snail or something else inside the box; of course, you need to make sure that the animal has access to air. Also include a business card with the “company” phone number. If you like the surprise, it will also be a gift. If not, he will return to the “company”.

Call at 6 am to a friend - dear, help, robbed at night, beaten, woke up in the morning outside the city - there’s not even a way to get there, no money, I asked the mushroom picker for the phone number (it’s better for a stranger like a mushroom picker to start the conversation - here’s your friend supposedly - all beaten up, etc.). He says where to go... along such and such a highway, bring money. A friend brings money and ends up at a holiday where the table is set for all his friends.

A wonderful joke to play in an institution with a huge amount visitors. Place a sign indicating the toilet on the door of one of the offices. It will be better if his employees leave the office infrequently. This will give time for jokes until the sign is removed. It's a lot of fun to imagine office workers watching the following scene. “The door to the office quickly opens, another visitor almost runs in and quickly exits with a surprised look.”

On April 1st, you can make such a prank at work to prank your colleagues. Take home glass bottle with a capacity of 250 grams of vodka. Pour water there. Place a bottle of water in your bag. At work, you can first start a conversation about healthy way life, while taking out this bottle and drinking water from it. You could also offer one of your colleagues a drink from this bottle. It will be especially funny if a person drinks who has never drunk before.

The method is hopelessly shabby, but surprisingly effective. If you have good company friends and you need to play “the most gloomy one” - then there is a good way to cheer up. At ordinary gatherings, you offer to smoke new cigarettes, donated by some distant mutual acquaintance. In a few minutes you can do whatever you want: throw 10 chickens into the room, get dirty with paint, or even quietly turn on some kind of melody. The main thing is to pretend that no one notices anything. The look of confusion on your friend's face will lift your spirits for a long time.

April 1 is April Fool's Day, which means that on this day it is not only possible to joke, but also necessary. What pranks and jokes can be organized on April 1 at home, at work and in the company of friends - read the material.

The only advice is to make sure that your pranks and jokes are kind, do not damage other people’s property and do not cause discomfort to other people. We are only for positive emotions on this day!

April 1st draws for friends

Who doesn't love sweets? And free ones even more so! This is exactly what you can do to catch your gullible friends. For example, you can grease sandwich cookies not with cream, but with toothpaste. The main thing is to use white paste without a strong smell, otherwise you will be found out!

Or offer your friends your own chocolate candies...with cotton wool! To do this, pour chocolate over small balls of cotton wool and place them in the refrigerator for several hours. Insidious sweets are ready!

April 1st draw for friends - cotton candy

You can also treat everyone ice cream! Of course it's not real. Vanilla ice cream is very similar in color to mashed potatoes. To do this, boil the puree, add more cream or milk to get the desired color. For best results, leave the puree in the freezer overnight. Place the balls into glasses or cups and pour over chocolate or any other topping. And don't forget to wish you bon appetit.

April 1st draw for friends - ice cream made from mashed potatoes

In order not to harm the car, but to use it for April Fools' jokes, use cling film . You can either simply wrap it around the car, or tie it to a pole. Do you remember that you can’t tear cling film so easily with your hands?

Draw on April 1st for friends with a car

April 1st draws for lovers

Here you need to be careful - it is very easy to offend your beloved half, and on April 1 such quarrels are definitely useless. Keep your jokes as neutral as possible. For example, " living refrigerator". In the evening (even when no one opens the refrigerator) “eyes” on all products - they can be purchased in craft stores. The more such “live” products, the better the effect.

April 1st draw for lovers - a living refrigerator

April 1st draw for lovers - experiment
with other products!

Another interesting joke from upside down glass which is filled with water. To do this, fill a glass with ice and put any light object in it. For example, something from cosmetics (only hermetically sealed). And turn the glass over. The very next morning you will receive a glass of water, the object from which will not be so easy to get :)

April 1st draw for lovers: finally physics lessons came in handy!

You can also " invite guests" favorite actors or superheroes. Just print out a small image and stick it on the door peephole. Simulate a doorbell (for example, by recording the sound on your phone) and ask your loved one to open the door.

April 1st draw for lovers: no one will be waiting for such a guest

And very delicious prank(and very good) for breakfast. Fried eggs can be imitated using yogurt and peach. You can't tell the difference by looking at it! And the taste definitely won’t disappoint!

April 1st draw for lovers: “scrambled eggs” made from yogurt and peach, as well as “french fries” made from apple

Draws on April 1 for colleagues

Jokes for colleagues should also be selected as carefully as possible. Firstly, you still have to work with these people, and secondly, no one wants to pay for damaged corporate property. Therefore, you can experiment with humorous "harm" for the computer. You can use regular glue to make a blot that you place on your laptop keyboard. And before you tell your colleague that there are problems with his technology, pick up a carton of milk. He'll love it!

April 1st draw for colleagues: damaged computer

Add a little color to this day stickers. This joke was created specifically for perfectionists. Cover everything you can with them - a computer, table, chair, etc. Such a prank looks at least very bright!

Giveaways for April 1st for colleagues with stickers

You can add not only colors to this day, but also volume! To do this, attach the horn to your work chair with tape. Every time someone sits there, the whole office will know about it.

Draw on April 1st for colleagues

Smile more often and give joy to everyone around you! Let every day be bright and cheerful!

In terms of the number of draws, April Fool's Day, or as it is affectionately called, April Fool's Day, is the record holder of the year. By the way, being offended by April Fools' pranks is considered bad manners.

Sputnik has prepared a selection of jokes for those who want to prank their household, friends, colleagues, classmates on April Fool's Day and cheer up those around them - relatives, friends or just passers-by.

How to prank your household

When you wake up early, add children's clothes to the adults and parents' clothes to the children, replace the slippers with a larger or smaller size. You can add slippers different sizes, hide one sock from different pairs and so on.

If you have the opportunity to spend a little time preparing the prank, you can sew up the sleeves or trouser legs of your household members’ clothes with a thin, easily torn thread late the night before. You can also sew on a sleeve or sew up the neckline. Such innocent jokes will turn the process of dressing into a game and put all family members in a positive mood.

You can remember the jokes that we did more than once in childhood - to paint the face of a sleeping person with toothpaste, ketchup or another quickly washed off mixture, and to cover the soap with colorless varnish so that it does not foam.

You can carry out various manipulations with cosmetics. For example, replace face cream or deodorant with butter.

In the kitchen, according to tradition, you can replace sugar with salt, add pepper to coffee - this drink is very invigorating in the morning, especially on April 1st. But it would be funnier to make a fried egg from sour cream and half a canned peach and serve jelly instead of juice.

The list of various jokes can be endless, but you need to know when to stop everything. Most importantly, remember that this is a great opportunity to have fun with the whole family.

How to prank your friends

There are many jokes related to the phone. For example, call a friend from an unknown phone number and say something like this: “Hello, is this Durov’s corner? Do you need a talking horse? Just don’t hang up, you know how hard it is to dial with your hoof!”

For the next draw you need to mobile phone enable forwarding to any number - for example, a government agency, hairdresser, bathhouse or rest home. The surprise of people calling you will know no bounds when, instead of your greeting, they hear an unfamiliar voice pronouncing the name of the organization.

You can also prank your girlfriend in the following way, which is called a “secret admirer.” Should be ordered gorgeous bouquet and enclose an anonymous note indicating the place and time of the meeting, and a request to bring this very bouquet with you. You need to send a man unknown to her to meet your girlfriend, but he must come with his companion. Approaching your friend, he must take the bouquet from her and solemnly present it to his companion. But, in order not to bring loved one to the handle, you need to immediately appear and hand over the flowers intended specifically for her.

If you work with a friend in the same office or get to his workplace without interference, you can cover it with stickers on which you first write declarations of love, good wishes and so on. Or just throw it away workplace toys, for example, frogs, various rattlers, and so on.

By the way, you can throw a party with friends and ask each of them to prepare several comic competitions, and before the end of the holiday, sum up the results and award a prize for the most successful draw.

How to prank your colleagues

The easiest prank to perform is to cover the mouse with tape and watch your perplexed colleague or colleagues. You can draw or write something cool on the tape: “I’ll be there after lunch, your little mouse.” Or hide the mouse altogether by placing a note with drawn footprints and the words: “Don’t look for me, I found a more caring daddy.” You can also tape everything on it to your colleague’s desk with double-sided tape - pens, pencils, keyboard, notepad, mouse, phone, and so on.

Want to prank all your employees at the same time? Bring to work a box of delicious cakes or sweets with the inscription April 1st. At the same time, just in passing, say that you don’t want something. I guarantee that no one will touch these goodies, as everyone will wonder what you did with them.

You can also bring a box of sweet pillows to the office, for example, “Taste the Crunch”, after replacing the contents with Whiskas pillows, and observe the reaction of your colleagues to the “sweet” pillows.

You can print out your boss’s order to change the vacation schedule and post it on the notice board. Or say that half of each employee’s salary will be transferred to the organization’s fund.

If your boss has a sufficient sense of humor, you can prank him or her, or maybe them. For example, the whole team should write resignation letters at will and bring it for signature at the same time. True, there is a danger that the boss will actually sign these statements.

How to prank teachers and classmates

For teachers, April 1 has always been a difficult day, as young pranksters await pranks at every step, for whom this day brings indescribable joy.

Schoolchildren are more inventive than adults. The range of their jokes and pranks is quite extensive, and one can only envy their imagination. Here are some examples of pranks:

Among the most common school pranks is sticking stickers to the backs of classmates with inscriptions of various contents, such as “I’ll ride with the breeze” or “whoever doesn’t have a horse, sit on me.” The old joke, “where did you get so dirty” always works. You can also offer someone a soda, shaking the bottle well beforehand.

A simple prank that always works. On a piece of paper write “there is a broom on the ceiling” and pass it around the class. One of the classmates who reads it will definitely raise his head up, then the next one, and so on. And along with them, the teacher begins to look at the ceiling, trying to understand what is happening.

If you're not afraid of the teacher's righteous anger, you can use the old trick and rub the chalkboard with dry soap. In this case, you won’t be able to write on the blackboard with chalk. But keep in mind that you will have to wash the board yourself later.

You can prank the teacher by saying that the director is calling him to his office. But we need to have time to hang a poster on the door of the director’s office with the inscription: “Don’t trust anyone on the first of April!”

Nowadays, almost every schoolchild has a mobile phone, so you can come up with different jokes related to the phone. Or use those that have already been written above.

April Fools' Day pranks will give you a lot of vivid impressions, positive emotions and will be remembered for a long time. So use your imagination, have fun and amuse the people around you.

Just remember that pranks must be adequate to the sense of humor of the person for whom you have prepared jokes for April 1, and observe a sense of proportion in everything, so as not to inadvertently offend someone.

Any holiday requires serious preparation, including the first of April. Many people try to come up with as many jokes and interesting pranks as possible in advance in order to laugh at their closest people and acquaintances. As practice shows, parents, teachers at a university or a boss at work turn out to be more gullible, so they can fall for the simplest joke. But with peers and friends it’s more and more difficult; to prank them, you need to come up with something special.
People who are interested in how to prank a friend on April 1st should not be afraid and arrange the most fun surprises, because real friends will always understand and forgive if something goes wrong. And you can be sure that your friend will also come up with something to play in response, so it’s better to be on your guard.

If a friend is a roommate

When a friend lives in the next room, you can start making fun of him in the morning. If he is fast asleep, you can carefully sew the duvet cover together with the sheet around the perimeter, go out, and then after a while run into the room and shout that he overslept. Getting out of such a “cocoon” will not be easy, and a sleepy friend will not immediately understand what’s going on.
If earlier in the camps everyone smeared toothpaste on each other, now another weapon is used - nail polish. While your friend is dreaming, you need to paint his nails. It is better to choose a bright color varnish. Any man will panic when he sees such a manicure. To make the prank less cruel, you need to buy nail polish remover in advance and give it to a friend when he comes to terms with the fact that he will have to leave the house.

Also interesting prank on April 1, you can do it with a regular spool of thread. For example, before a friend wants to have breakfast, you need to close the door to the kitchen and attach a regular thread to the handle. Then you will need to wrap threads around some objects that will not break if dropped. This could be a closed box of cereal, a plastic mug, a spoon, a towel, or a chocolate bar. When a friend comes into the kitchen and opens the door, all these objects will fly out of their places. At first, your friend will most likely think that he is in a science fiction film. After such a prank, it is better to feed the victim a delicious breakfast.

If a friend is a work colleague
In the case where a friend works in the same office, or even sits at the next table, you can experiment with different objects.
If it is customary to change shoes in the office, then you can glue your friend’s replacement shoes to the floor using double-sided tape. In the morning it is very difficult to understand why the foot cannot lift the shoe from the floor. If your friend's shoes or sneakers are in the closet, you can stuff the shoes with newspaper or paper. A person will be very surprised that overnight his shoes have become several sizes smaller.

If you are a workaholic, then for sure, you are almost always the first to come to work. In this case, you can put a gift box in some closet on the top shelf and write his name on it. This box should not be simple - with a lid, but without a bottom. You need to put confetti or plastic bugs in it, or something else interesting. When a friend takes a gift to see what is in it, he will be caught in a small rain of objects. It’s good that if his reaction is filmed, the video can then be reviewed before the next April 1st.

When a friend is a classmate

Many students smoke, and if a friend is among them, then you can play an interesting prank on him. To do this, you need to go to a tobacco shop and buy some cigarettes that are not sold in a regular store. At the institute, during a smoke break, you can offer these cigarettes to a friend and say that they were sent from abroad. After the cigarettes are smoked, you can fantasize and tell your friend that inexplicable and fantastic things have begun to happen around you. Perhaps your friend will believe that cigarettes are magical and will also start playing along, or maybe he will get very scared and start hitting the organizer of the prank on the cheeks. If the draw takes place indoors, you can organize various special effects and ask friends to help. For example, for some music to suddenly start playing, or for someone to monotonously knock with iron objects, or for the lights to suddenly turn off. Most likely, after such a prank, your friend will smoke less.

Every student values ​​​​his phone, because the gadget is not so cheap, and you cannot buy it with a scholarship. Therefore, you can prank your friend by using his phone. True, in order for the joke to succeed, you will need a very similar non-working phone, or at least a panel from it. You need to ask a friend for a phone number to call your girlfriend, parents, or someone else. It is better to do this in the corridor, where there is plenty of space and good review. Then you need to move away from your friend and at this time pick up the non-working phone and put the real gadget in your pocket. Then you need to pretend that there is a call, and then, phone conversation turned into a quarrel. At some point you need to shout something and throw the phone on the floor. A friend will probably jump up and come running. When he gets upset, you can hand him a working and intact phone.

The first of April is a holiday that children love very much, because if they are usually punished for pranks, then on April Fool's Day they are forgiven for almost any prank. Therefore, children are happy to make fun of their friends, parents, classmates and even teachers in schools.
In all educational institutions, fun always reigns on this day, and every year the jokes become more interesting, and the pranks more complex and inventive, because in stores you can now find special props for organizing various surprises and many other fun little things.
However, you shouldn’t get too carried away: April 1st pranks at school should, first of all, be kind. This is what will cause general laughter, and evil jokes will only lead to resentment and tears. You should be careful when making fun of teachers; if the teacher does not have a very developed sense of humor, you can get a bad mark for behavior, and even go to the director’s office for a conversation. Here are some ideas for harmless and simple pranks that you can play in educational institution on a day when everything could be the other way around.

Pranks on classmates
A student who is going to pull a prank on his classmates must understand that he will have to answer for his joke, and perhaps someone in their hearts can even answer the April Fool's surprise with a textbook. Therefore, it is better to play it safe and find companions who also want to prank someone. It will be more fun this way, and if anything happens, you will be able to fight off the victims of the prank.
Every schoolchild now carries a phone with him. And it is with these gadgets that you can play an interesting joke. When some classmates go to the cafeteria during recess, you can stay in class and apply regular bright-colored lipstick to the sides of the phones left behind by students. When everyone returns and class begins, someone will probably want to see if there have been any new messages. This person’s fingers will immediately be stained with lipstick, and if the student does not notice right away, he will probably leave beautiful fingerprints in the notebook.

You can also play another prank with your phone. You need to ask your classmate for a phone number to call and go out into the hallway with him. From there you need to send a message to other classmates, for example, with the following text: “Ready to do for everyone today homework” or “I’ll treat everyone to sweets at the next break.” Of course, classmates will rush to the person from whose number the messages came and begin to demand what was promised. When the victim of the prank reacts, you need to confess everything and apologize.
You can also organize various drawings with money at school. You can put fake five hundred rubles right in front of the class and watch the reaction of your classmates from around the corner. Or you can tie real money to a thread and, as soon as your classmates bend down to pick it up, sharply pull the thread towards you. Students' reactions can be filmed on their phones so that everyone can laugh at each other later.

Pranks on teachers
It’s better to prank the teacher with the whole class at once, otherwise someone might ask an extra question and the joke won’t work. The most harmless way is to run up to the teacher in the corridor during recess and say that he urgently needs to run to the director’s office, that almost all the teachers have gathered there and an important meeting is planned. When the teacher runs to the door of the director's office in horror, he should see his students with a poster, dedicated to the Day Laughter.

And a teacher who has a good sense of humor and can laugh at himself will probably enjoy the prank with his double. For such a joke you will have to make a little man who looks like a teacher. To do this, you can use newspapers, tape and clothes that are as similar as possible to what the teacher wears. At recess, before the teacher comes, you need to sit the little man at the teacher's table and cover his face with a newspaper or textbook. Then all the students must sit down and as soon as the teacher enters, they must pretend that they are writing under the dictation of the teacher's double. This joke will probably be remembered for a long time.

April 1 is a holiday of humor and laughter, so you need to try to make a funny joke, prank one of your loved ones, friends, acquaintances, colleagues and classmates. After all, it is on this day that one is allowed to carry out petty mischief, to abuse others on completely “legal” grounds.
Moreover, you can do this with almost impunity, because such a holiday is April Fool's Day - why be offended!

The main rule is that all the jokes that you manage to pull off must be harmless, so that afterwards you and the “victim” can have a good laugh about what happened.

So, what is so funny that you can come up with for good April Fool's Day Prank, funny joke?

Homemade jokes

The first targets for divorce, as a rule, are family members or close friends with whom you share a common living space.
Therefore, there will be no difficulty in getting their personal item or shared items.
So we offer the best ideas!

Place crumpled newspaper in shoes

From this she actual size will shrink and putting on shoes will be extremely difficult. In this way, you can make fun of your family who are getting ready for work in the morning or your friends who have dropped by to visit you.

By the way, instead of paper, you can put in a slightly inflated balloon. And then enjoy the expression on the face of your “victim” when she feels her foot sink into something soft and shapeless.

Sew up the sleeves

For such a joke, you can use a shirt, sweater, jacket or even a jacket.
It is better to do this with large stitches so that after such a joke the item does not end up being damaged.
It will also be funny if you sew up the legs of your trousers or the pockets of your clothes.
You can develop the idea even further and sew the duvet cover to the sheet. It is better to do this by stepping back approximately 10–20 cm from the edge of the bed.

Paint your nails

Of course, you won’t surprise a girl in this way, so the man should be the object of the joke. Early in the morning, while he is still sleeping, give him a bright manicure. Don't forget to buy nail polish remover in advance!

Seal the doorway

It is recommended to use cling film for this. When stretched, it is almost completely transparent. The main thing is to straighten it so that there is not a single wrinkle. It will be very funny when someone runs into an invisible obstacle while running.

Jelly with a straw

The essence of the scam is that you offer to drink juice through a straw, but instead make jelly in a glass.

Freeze draw

It's best to use car or office keys for this joke. They need to be put in a cup the night before, filled with water and placed in the freezer.
In the morning, when it’s time to rush to work, your “victim” will be in for a surprise. She will have to quickly warm up the cup or take it with her to work so that the ice melts along the way.

Head in a jar

Of course, we are not talking about a real head! You need to print any face from the Internet on A4 photo paper. Then roll up the photo into a tube and insert it into three liter jar and pour water there. You will get the effect of a voluminous head.
All that remains is to put the jar in the refrigerator and enjoy the wild screams of the one who opens it.

Tasty breakfast

Option #1

Make some tricky eggs. Instead of protein, pour thick yogurt white, instead of yolk - half a peach. Serve and watch the reaction.

Option No. 2

Prepare milk porridge the night before and put it in the freezer. In the morning, as if nothing had happened, offer to have breakfast with healthy porridge. After the drawing, don’t forget to warm up breakfast and feed your family without any jokes.

Option #3

Add gelatin to milk. The milk will hold tightly in the glass so that it is impossible to drink it.

Fun in the shower

There are many options for such jokes:

Lubricate your toothbrush spicy ketchup, and then wash it off (the point is that after this, a bitterness will remain on the brush, which will be immediately felt by the one who starts brushing his teeth);

Pour mayonnaise or milk into a jar of shampoo;

Unscrew the shower diffuser, put a chicken broth cube inside and screw it into place;

Pour flour into the hairdryer;

Cover the soap with clear nail polish;

Choose a shaving cream similar to paste and put it in your bath accessories instead of toothpaste.

The coolest prank in the shower is writing soap on the mirror. This could be a phrase like “You’re next” or “I’ll come for you.” When the inscription dries, it will become invisible. But as soon as the bathroom is filled with steam after taking a shower, all the letters will appear.

Various jokes for colleagues or friends

How can you ignore your friends and colleagues on April Fool's Day?! For them, so dear and beloved, it’s worth coming up with something more serious than glued pens (pencils, sheets of paper, etc.)!

Office jokes

1. Make a box without a bottom, fill it with confetti (snacks, paper clips, etc.), write on it in large letters “Gift” (“To the most beautiful,” “Prize,” etc.) and place it in a visible place . As soon as someone picks up the box, its contents will spill out and everyone around will have fun.

2. Give your colleagues a pen with ink that disappears after half an hour.

3. Pour nail polish onto wax paper and let it dry. Then carefully remove the resulting blot and transfer it to some document. Now take the open bottle of nail polish in your hand, put a look of horror on your face and start apologizing loudly.

4. Place counterfeit money in a visible place in the office. On the reverse side, sign “From April 1st!” Anyone who reaches out for “other people’s” money will appreciate this joke.

5. Using tape, attach the balloon to the wall towards which the door opens. And glue the button opposite the ball onto the door itself. Now, as soon as someone opens the door, the button will stick into the ball and a loud bang will sound.

6. Cut a wide strip from orange peels, use a black marker to draw a few thick vertical lines on it and insert it in front of your teeth. With such a charming smile you can approach anyone and congratulate them on the holiday.

7. Coat the pencil lead with clear nail polish. Nobody can write anything to them.

8. Tie it discreetly to your bag by a thread a plastic cup, which stands on the table and will fall off it when the hostess takes the bag. You can pour water into a glass, but this will no longer be a completely harmless joke.

Orders for salary increases

On the information board in the morning you should place a nice announcement in the form of a fake order, where you can announce a day off for employees for something, or an order for a promotion wages etc.

How do you feel?!

Agree in advance with your colleagues that they will ask the same thing from the “object” chosen for jokes. When the object appears, you need to pretend that it looks very bad and ask leading questions.
For example:
Did you stay out all night last night, buddy?
This is “Your face is Sharapov!”
Go to the toilet, clean yourself up, otherwise the boss won’t understand!

Such different desires

Invisibly stick a sticker with various inscriptions on your back.
For example:
1. I'm looking for a husband. Telephone (specify).
2. I’m losing weight - offer only buns with cottage cheese!
3. Ask me out on a date!
4. Call me today “My bunny!” Angela."

There's something wrong with you

The most common joke. On April 1, when you see your friend, you need to say with confidence that something is wrong with him (her).
For example, white back, torn knee, torn elbow, dirty face, etc. You need to speak with a serious face, insisting on what you “saw”, so that the addressee will not be able to realize for a long time that they are joking with him.

April Fool's jokes for your wife, beloved

And, of course, the most important draw on April 1 should be organized for your “other half”.

Surprise in a box

Prepare a gift for her using the famous multi-wrapping trick. Only this time, put a note in the gift box with the text “Happy April Fool’s Day.”
Try to wrap the box with paper as many times as possible, put the package in other boxes and seal them with tape. The longer you have to fiddle around to get a gift, the cooler the prank will be.
By the way, don’t forget to buy a real gift to give after you laugh at the prank together.

Gift with delivery

Continuing the theme of gifts, we offer an even larger raffle. Buy your loved one a large soft toy, a box of chocolates or something else of your choice. The main thing is that the gift is wrapped in special wrapping paper!

In this prank, you will need the help of a friend whom your girlfriend does not know personally. He will have to play the role of a courier and bring these gifts to her home.
After delivery, you need to wait about 30 minutes so that the girl has time to remove the wrappers and eat a few candies.
Then the courier returns and says that he has the wrong address and needs to pick up the gifts. He should try to express his maximum dissatisfaction with the fact that the packaging is damaged and the box of chocolates is open. It is important that he does not overdo it and does not make your wife cry.
At the most critical moment, you appear in the apartment, announce that it was a prank, return all the gifts and, in addition, present a large bouquet of flowers.

Fake offer

If your loved one has a good sense of humor, then here’s another prank for her. Buy a small cup with a rounded gold-plated handle and a box similar to those used to package jewelry. Place the cup in it so that the handle sticks up, cover it with tinsel. Place a cardboard partition on top with a slot through which the rounded part of the handle will look out, and also sprinkle with a thin layer of tinsel. Everything should look as if there is a ring in the box.
On April 1, organize an appropriate romantic atmosphere and give the girl a box. Then watch her reaction and be ready to dodge the cup flying at you.
It should be noted that this is a very tough prank for a girl who really dreams of getting a marriage proposal from you! Therefore, you can arrange such a “surprise” only if you are sure that she will understand everything correctly and appreciate your sense of humor.

Fake Lover

Girls can also really “tickle the nerves” of their boyfriend on the occasion of the holiday of laughter. Ask friends you know for items of men's clothing and shoes. Then, while he is at work, do some work in the apartment front door to your bedroom there is a “path” of scattered things (your clothes and underwear mixed with men’s). Make a mess on the bed and create a semblance of a human figure under the blanket so that from the outside it appears that someone is lying there.
For greater effect, arrange with one of your boyfriend’s friends to tell him how he saw you with an unfamiliar young man entering the entrance of the house. You can wait for your boyfriend in bed or pretend that you just got out of the shower. Just try to predict his reaction in advance in order to avoid a serious quarrel and bring the prank to its conclusion.

To my beloved husband

What's wrong with your car?!

Option #1
Tie ropes with metal cans at the other ends to the bumper of the car. Hide the entire structure under the car and wait for it to move.

Option No. 2
Place dry peas in a plastic or plastic box. Tape it to the bottom of the machine. Noise while driving is guaranteed and panic too!

Option #3
On Windshield stick a message: “Today I hit (hit, scratched) your car. I apologize, call me, we’ll come to an agreement!” Write phone number. If the call takes place, congratulate you on April Fools' Day. Another version of the letter: “You hit my car. Video recording is available. Call us and we’ll make an agreement!”

Option No. 4
You can “inject” a small amount of powdered sulfur into your car’s muffler. When the car is started and the muffler begins to warm up, blue smoke will pour out from unpleasant smell, which will lead anyone into confusion, do not forget to immediately congratulate your husband on the holiday and reassure him.


Option #1
If the shoes are very dirty, you should put one in order and leave the other in its original form. Insert a sticker or postcard into a dirty shoe with the inscription “Happy April 1, dear!”

Option No. 2
Tie the shoe laces tightly together. A greeting card for April 1 can be signed “Together and forever!”

Pranks that are suitable for any occasion

With food

1. Pour crackers or snacks into a cat food bag, then sit in front of your colleagues and devour the contents with gusto. Similarly, you can put it in a pack from washing powder pour powdered milk or insert Mamba chewing candies into a glue stick case.

2. Treat your friend to a sandwich with a rubber cockroach placed under a piece of sausage.

3. Order a cocktail to a friend and, as soon as your companion turns away for a minute, make a hole in the straw with a needle. Then have fun watching him try in vain to finish his cocktail.

4. Treat your friend to a cola with ice. The point of the prank is that the ice must be unusual - you must first freeze a Mentos candy inside it. When the ice around the candy melts, a violent reaction will occur from the interaction of cola and mentos - a fountain will begin to flow from the glass!

5. Lubricate the neck of a soda bottle with a head of garlic and treat it to a friend.

Pranks using your phone

1. Download the “Scare a Friend” application or animated horror pictures to your phone and send such a surprise to your friend in a message.

2. Change the signatures in your contacts on your friend’s phone and call him on behalf of his boss, his girlfriend, parents, etc.

3. Install the “Add ghost to photo” application on your phone. Then take a photo of your friend, quickly edit the photo and immediately show it to him. He must believe that this is a real photo that was just taken.

4. Download the Dude Your Car program. Then take a photo of your friend's car and edit the picture so that it looks like the car has been in an accident. All you have to do is wait until your friend leaves the car in the parking lot and you can send him a message.

5. One of the most fun pranks you can play using your phone is to download the Smart TV Remote app. After this, you will be able to control any TV: switch channels, adjust the volume. Put on this “show” at home while someone else is watching TV, in the office, or go with a friend to an electrical store and have a lot of fun.

6. There is another similar program that allows you to control a computer mouse or connect to a keyboard via your phone. Play a prank on a colleague or friend by starting to type various nonsense on his computer and open all the folders in a row.

Computer jokes

1. Set an alarm clock on your computer with a cool sound and turn up the volume to maximum. Let it work at the most inopportune moment: during a meeting, during a computer science lesson, when mom is watching her favorite TV series, etc.

2. Download a picture of a cracked monitor screen from the Internet and install it on your computer as a screensaver. Be sure to discreetly disconnect the cords from your mouse and keyboard. Your friend will be shocked, thinking that his PC is corrupted.

3. If you don’t want to bother too much, you can cover the hole for the LED sensor with tape on your computer mouse. To make it more fun, place a picture with a picture under the tape. cool inscription. When your friend fiddles with a non-functional mouse for about five minutes, he will think of turning it over and understand the gist of the joke.

Finally, one more useful hint . To draw on April 1, you don’t have to think and prepare for a long time. You can look into a joke store on the eve of the holiday. There will definitely be one there interesting thing that will help make this day unforgettable: a fart pillow, a sippy cup, sweets with pepper, deodorant with an unpleasant odor - this is far from full list gizmos that can be found in such establishments.
And then - from April 1st! And it all depends on your imagination!