Flag of Kalmykia. Flag of the Republic of Kalmykia. Symbolism and color scheme

Modern flag The Republic of Kalmykia was created according to a sketch by the artist B.B. Erdneeva. In July 1993, the flag was approved and since then has been official symbol independent republic.

Flag description

The flag of Kalmykia is a yellow rectangle with an image of a white lotus placed in a circle the color of the sky. The color of the sun or the color of gold is a Buddhist symbol of faith. Blue color is a symbol of sky and freedom. In the generally accepted interpretation, blue color is a symbol of eternity and constancy. The lotus flower is one of the most ancient symbols in Buddhism. It symbolizes the purity of the soul, the desire for happiness and prosperity.

The emblem with a flower is located in the center of the panel. In the picture, a lotus flower is depicted with nine snow-white petals, five of which reach towards the sky, and four look down. Each of the upper petals of the flower symbolizes one of the five continents of the world. The personification of the four cardinal directions is a row of lower petals. The emblem of the Republic of Kalmykia was conceived as a symbol of friendship and cooperation of all countries and peoples of the world.

The pole to which the flag is attached ends with a tip similar to the tongues of a red fire. The symbol of the union is also depicted on the shaft ancient people Kalmyks in the form of four crossed circles.

Coat of arms of the Republic of Kalmykia

4 facts from the history of creation

Today this is the fourth version of the state symbol of the Republic of Kalmykia.

The first flag of Kalmykia was approved in 1937. On the red cloth in the left corner in gold letters and in two languages: Russian and Kalmyk it was written - “R.S.F.S.R. R.S.F.S.R. Kalmytskaya A.S.S.R. HALMG A.S.S.R.”

On the second flag, a pentagonal star was drawn on top, and below it was the symbol of the USSR - a hammer and sickle. Also, a blue stripe was added to the left edge of the rectangle across the entire width of the flag. Such changes occurred in 1978.

In 1992, after the independence of the republic was recognized (1991), the name of the state changed to the Republic of Kalmykia - Khalmg Tangch. In the same year, the symbol of the republic was changed and the third flag of the Republic of Kalmykia appeared.

The large panel now had three different horizontal stripes: the top stripe was bright blue, the bottom was scarlet, and the middle stripe was bright yellow. On the yellow stripe the ancient word “Kalmyk” was written in red letters.

Now we have a fourth flag, which we called “Ulan Zalata Khalmg”.

Flag sizes

The ratio of the flag's length to width is 2:1, and the ratio of the radius of the circle to the width of the flag to the radius of the circle is 7:2.

Capital: Elista

Total area: 76,100 km²

Date of formation: 9. 1. 1957

Population: 278,855

Currency: Russian ruble (RUB)

Calling code: 847

Colors: yellow, blue, white

Shapes: lotus, circle

Continent: ,

Flag of the Republic of Kalmykia approved by Parliament Resolution No. 65-IX of July 30, 1993. The flag of "Ulan Zalata Khalmg" consists of a golden-yellow panel, in the center of which there is a blue circle with a white lotus flower consisting of 9 petals. The length of the flag is twice its width, the ratio of the radius of the circle to the width of the flag is 2:7. The author of the flag (and coat of arms) is B.B. Erdniev.
It is a rectangular panel of golden yellow color, in the middle of which there is a blue circle with a white lotus flower consisting of nine petals.
The upper five petals of the lotus represent the five continents of the globe, the four lower petals represent the four cardinal directions, symbolizing the desire of the peoples of the republic for friendship and cooperation with all peoples of the world.
State flag of the Republic of Kalmykia- Halmg Tangchin is tightly attached to a shaft topped with a red tip in the shape of a “tongue of flame” with the contour outlines on it of the ancient symbol of the Derben Oirats - four circles fastened together, at the base of which is the “lancer of the hall”.
The Republic of Kalmykia (Khalmg Tangch) was formed on November 4, 1920 - as the Kalmyk Autonomous Region; On October 20, 1935, it was transformed into the Kalmyk Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. In 1943, autonomy was eliminated and restored in 1957. Since October 1990 - Kalmyk SSR, since 1991 - Republic of Kalmykia. The capital is the city of Elista (distance to Moscow - 1836 km). The republic occupies an area of ​​75.9 thousand square meters. km. Population - 292.4 thousand people, urban - 44.3%. The national composition is Kalmyks, Russians, Kazakhs, Dargins, Ukrainians and others.
Legislative power - People's Khural (parliament), executive branch- government of the republic.
Administrative division - 13 districts, including cities and rural areas. Most major cities- Elista, Gorodovikovsk, Lagan.
The republic is located in the extreme southeast of the European part Russian Federation. It borders with the Astrakhan, Volgograd, Rostov regions, Stavropol Territory, and Dagestan. In the southeast it is washed by the Caspian Sea.
In the UI centuries before new era The territory of modern Kalmykia was occupied by the Scythians. Alans and Sarmatians lived here from the 4th century. In the 7th century AD, the territory of the country entered Khazar Khaganate. Since the 11th century - under the rule of the Polovtsians. Since the 13th century, Kalmykia has been included in the Golden Horde, and since the 15th century - the Astrakhan Khanate. In 1556, the entire territory of Kalmykia was annexed to Russia.
At the beginning of the 17th century, Kalmyks came to these lands - immigrants from Central Asia who were engaged in nomadic cattle breeding and professed Lamaism. By 1610, Kalmyks voluntarily accepted Russian citizenship.
In 1920, the Kalmyk Autonomous Region was created with its center in Astrakhan. In 1927, Elista became the capital of Kalmykia. In 1935, Kalmykia was transformed into the Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. In the period from 1933 to 1937, most Kalmyks switched to a sedentary lifestyle.
From October 1942 to January 1943, a significant part of the country was occupied by Nazi troops. In December 1943, the Kalmyks were deported to the eastern regions of the USSR and were given the opportunity to return only in 1957.
Leading place in the economy of Kalmykia belongs agriculture, in particular fine-wool sheep breeding and beef cattle breeding. There is a small number of pigs, and horse breeding is developed. Arable land occupies about 20% of agricultural land. Wheat and fodder crops are grown. They fish in the Caspian Sea.
Main industries: mechanical engineering (repair of agricultural machinery, automobile and tractor engines, production of mobile benches and road trains), light industry (underwear and outerwear, fabrics, footwear, clothing), food (meat, dairy, fish), manufacturing building materials(brick, reinforced concrete products).
The Republic has significant mineral resources. Mineral resources - oil, gas, table salt, various building materials.
The south of Kalmykia is crossed by the Astrakhan - Kizlyar railway line; Elista is connected by railway to Stavropol. Highways connect Kalmykia with Astrakhan, Volgograd and Kuban. However, most of the country is devoid of modern transport.
On the territory of the republic there are: the State Natural Biosphere Reserve "Black Lands", two national natural parks in the Volga-Akhtuba interfluve and "Bamb Tseng", 13 state natural reserves (including three federal significance) and 23 natural monuments, which form the natural reserve fund of the republic.

On the instructions of President K. Ilyumzhinov, the development of a new flag began in April 1993. On the 100th anniversary of his reign, the flag was designed and adopted.

The new flag of the republic was approved by Parliament Resolution No. 65-IX of July 30, 1993. The flag of "Ulan Zalata Khalmg" consists of a golden-yellow panel, in the center of which there is a blue circle with a white lotus flower consisting of 9 petals. The length of the flag is twice its width, the ratio of the radius of the circle to the width of the flag is 2:7. The author of the flag (and coat of arms) is B.B. Erdniev.

The golden color symbolizes Buddhism, the sun; blue is the color of the sky, eternity and constancy, lotus is a traditional symbol of purity, happiness, spiritual rebirth.

Five lotus petals directed upward symbolize the five continents, 4 directed downwards symbolize the four cardinal directions. That is, in in this case the lotus can be interpreted as a symbol of friendship between people all over the world.

The flag received the name "Ulan Zalata Halmg", and the coat of arms - the name "Schulde". Unfortunately, I am not an expert in the Kalmyk language. But nevertheless, I will make one hypothesis. It is quite possible that the Kalmyk names of the flag and coat of arms are confused in the Russian translation. Judge for yourself: “ulan zala” is the name of the red tassel on the headdress, which in the 15th century all Oirats (Kalmyks) were required to wear. And it is this tassel that is the main element of the coat of arms. The flag depicts a lotus, which is in no way connected with the tassel of the headdress. Agree that the term “Ulan Zala” has much more in common with the term “Ulan Zalata Halmg” than with “Schulde”. I repeat that this is just my hypothesis. Only experts in the Kalmyk language can confirm or refute it.

The flag of Kalmykia is included in the State Heraldic Register of the Russian Federation under No. 151.

In 1994, a new Constitution was approved - the Steppe Code. In accordance with it, on June 11, 1996, Law No. 44-I-3 “On State Symbols of the Republic of Kalmykia” was adopted (laws of January 3, 1999 No. 7-II-3 and March 12, 1999 No. 14-II-3 in it amendments were made that did not relate to the essence of the issue).

The coat of arms and flag are confirmed by this law. Official description the flag sounds like this:

Article 2.
The state flag of the Republic of Kalmykia - Khalmg Tangchin Tug is a rectangular panel of golden yellow color, in the middle of which there is a blue circle with a white lotus flower consisting of nine petals. The upper five petals of the lotus represent the five continents of the globe, the four lower petals represent the four cardinal directions, symbolizing the desire of the peoples of the republic for friendship and cooperation with all peoples of the world.
The state flag of the Republic of Kalmykia - Khalmg Tangchin is tightly attached to a pole topped with a red tip in the shape of a “tongue of flame” with the contour outlines on it of the ancient symbol of the Derben Oiratov - four circles fastened together, at the base of which is the “lancer of the hall”.
The ratio of the width of the flag to its length is 1: 2. The ratio of the radius of the circle to the width of the flag is 1: 3.5. The ratio of the length of the tip to the width of the flag is 1: 4.5

Municipal organization of Kalmykia:
-municipal areas:
Gorodovikovsky (Gorodovikovsk city), Iki-Burulsky (Iki-Burul village), Lagansky (Lagan city), Maloderbetovsky (Malye Derbety village), Oktyabrsky municipal district, Ketchenerovsky (Ketchenery village), Priyutnensky (Priyutnoye village) , Sarpinsky (Sadovoye village), Tselinny (Troitskoye village), Chernozemelsky (Komsomolsky village), Yustinsky (Tsagan-Aman village), Yashaltinsky (Yashalta village), Yashkulsky (Yashkul village);
-urban district "city of Elista" (until 2006 - Elista municipality).

The municipal districts include rural settlements and urban settlements "city of Lagan", "city of Gorodovikovsk".

The coat of arms of the Republic of Kalmykia is “Sulde”. In the center of the coat of arms is an image of an element of the national headdress - “ulan zala” (red tassel) and “khadak” (white scarf) in a circle of golden yellow color framed by the national ornament “zeg” on a blue background, at the base of which are the petals of a white flower lotus At the top of the coat of arms is the image of “dorvn toolg”, an ancient symbol of the union of the four Oirat tribes: four circles fastened together. These are the origins of the Kalmyk people. The most ancient sign also means life in peace and harmony with all peoples inhabiting the four corners of the world.

The basis of the coat of arms is white lotus- a symbol of spiritual purity, revival and prosperity. The coat of arms has blue, yellow and white colors. Blue color means eternity, freedom and constancy. This is the favorite color of the steppe nomads. Yellow- this is the color of the people’s religion, this is the color of their skin and, finally, this is the personification of the fact that Kalmykia will always be sunny.

The Ulan hall is crowned with a white khadak. White means our peaceful views, friendly relations with all peoples living both in Kalmykia and beyond its borders.

History of the origin of the Ulan Hall

In 1437, the Oirat leader Gogon-taisha signed a special decree on the obligatory wearing by the Oirat of the uhlan zala on their headdresses, as a distinctive sign from other peoples of the East.

In 1750, Dondeok Daishi issued a law confirming the above decree.

And finally, in 1822, at the Zenzelinsky meeting of Kalmyk noyons, zaisangs, lamas and gelungs, a decision was made: “Everyone should have a lancer on their cap and every man should wear a braid”...

Ulan Hall contains a symbolic meaning. When Buddhists pray and meditate, according to the teachings of Buddha, a thousand-leaved white lotus opens at the back of the head. When they pray, they fold the palms of both hands and raise them above their heads. At this moment, by Buddhist teachings, the door of consciousness opens. Then the worshipers touch their hands to the chin, mouth and chest, thereby opening the doors of speech and soul. This ritual carries with it the purification of the mind, consciousness, speech and soul, as well as the knowledge of the truth. This ritual also implied that a person’s consciousness was always open. Therefore, the wearing of a lancer hall (on the highest place - the head), symbolizing the sacred white lotus, was introduced.

In the circle framing the ulan hall and the dorvn toolg, a “zeg” ornament is depicted, testifying to the nomadic way of life in the past and the bright path of prosperity.

The state flag of the Republic of Kalmykia is a rectangular panel of golden yellow color, in the middle of which there is a blue circle with a white lotus flower consisting of nine petals. The upper five petals of the lotus represent the five continents of the globe, the four lower petals represent the four cardinal directions, symbolizing the desire of the peoples of the republic for friendship and cooperation with all peoples of the world.

The state flag of the Republic of Kalmykia is attached to a pole topped with a red tip in the shape of a “tongue of flame.”

20.07.2010 23:14

In 1917 after February Revolution The Steppe region of the Kalmyk people was created. In this regard, V. Saprynov notes: “On March 26, representatives of the Volga Kalmyk uluses who gathered in Astrakhan accepted the banner of the Kalmyk steppe zemstvo administration - a red velvet banner with images of the sun, Buddha, and the inscriptions: Freedom, Equality, Brotherhood.” The author of the flag is the architect V. Valdovsky-Varganik.

In 1920, the Kalmyk Autonomous Region was formed. The official seals of those years depicted various symbols labor: rake, scythe, sheaf of wheat.

When the Kalmyk Autonomous Region was renamed the Kalmyk Autonomous Region in 1935, it did not have a coat of arms or flag. Their descriptions were given in the Constitution adopted two years later. The basis was the coat of arms and flag of the RSFSR. The inscriptions, including the name of the republic, were duplicated in Russian and Kalmyk languages.

With the adoption of the new Constitution in 1978, the coat of arms of the republic underwent the same changes as the coat of arms of the RSFSR - in top part a red star has been added. The flag remained unchanged.

In October 1991, the Supreme Council of the KASSR adopted the Declaration of State Sovereignty, according to which the ASSR was transformed into the Kalmyk SSR. However, in February 1992, the KSSR was renamed the Republic of Kalmykia - Khalmg Tangch and a competition was announced to create new state symbols. At the end of October of the same year, the flag and anthem were approved, and the competition for the coat of arms was extended.

The flag was a rectangular panel of three horizontal stripes: the top one was azure, the middle one was golden yellow and the bottom one was red. In the center middle zone, in a circle with a diameter of one quarter the width of the flag, there was a sign in the form of a flame of fire above two wavy lines. The scarlet sign and circle meant life, light, rebirth, prosperity and hearth.

The musical and poetic work “Halmg Tangchin Chastr” (music by Arkady Mandzhiev, lyrics by Vera Shugraeva) was recognized as the national anthem.


In April 1993, on behalf of the President of the Republic Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, work on creating a new flag and coat of arms intensified. The reason for replacing the flag was that the old one was a tricolor and practically did not stand out among the others. A bright, non-standard image was needed. This is how new state symbols were born.

The current coat of arms of the republic is an image of “ulan zala” and “khadyg” in a golden-yellow circle framed by the national “zeg” ornament on a blue background, at the base of which are lotus petals. At the top of it is depicted ancient symbol Derben-Oirats - four circles fastened together. The flag consists of a golden-yellow panel, in the center of which there is a blue circle with a white lotus flower of nine petals. The golden color symbolizes Buddhism, the sun, blue - the color of the sky, eternity and constancy. Lotus is a traditional symbol of purity, happiness, spiritual rebirth. Its five upward-pointing petals symbolize the five continents, the lower four - the cardinal directions.

The description of the flag says that it is “a rectangular panel of golden yellow color, in the middle of which there is a blue circle with a white lotus flower consisting of nine petals.” The flag is attached to a staff topped with a red tip in the shape of a “tongue of flame” with the contour outlines of the Derben-Oirat symbol on it, at the base of which is the “lancer of the hall”.

On July 5, 1993, a new Constitution was adopted - the Steppe Code. Modern name- Republic of Kalmykia - included in the Constitution of the Russian Federation in February 1996. In the same year, the Law “On State Symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan” was adopted, establishing their descriptions and the procedure for official use. The coat of arms of Kalmykia is included in the State Heraldic Register under No. 150, the flag - under No. 151.

The symbols of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation have a very specific purpose. State symbols, as a rule, reflect cultural, historical, and national characteristics.