Why do you dream about white lilacs? Lilac interpretation of the dream book

In reality, lilac symbolizes the arrival of spring and the rebirth of nature. How pleasant it is to walk along the alley, the sides of which are “strewn” with these flowering shrubs.

And if a flower visited us in a dream, what to expect? To answer this question, you should refer to dream books. Based on the smallest details, they will tell you exactly why you dream about blooming white or lilac lilacs in your dreams.

Plant characteristics

If a blooming and fragrant lilac appears in your dreams, dream books assure you that in reality you will receive a gift. It will not be possible to avoid joyful emotions and news.

A wilting bush reflects the beginning of the “coldness” in a relationship. Discord or even dissolution of a love affair cannot be avoided.

In a dream, did you encounter only leaves and branches with no flowers? Soon the dreamer will meet a new person, but romantic relationship It's not worth counting on. A new acquaintance will take a place in your heart as a kind and devoted friend.

And if, by the will of Morpheus, the lilac turned out to be odorless, then problems and troubles are coming that will affect exclusively the dreamer’s personal life.

Color variety

A shrub with white flowers is a symbol of devotion, sincerity and purity. There is no place for hypocrisy, meanness and deceit in your life.

Lilac inflorescences on a bush represent reciprocity of feelings. The object of sympathy experiences the same sensations and experiences as the sleeping person.

Did you see a blue lilac in your night vision? In reality, the dreamer is a truly lucky person, because he is surrounded only by those people whom he can trust.

Love experiences will overtake someone who encounters purple flowers in a dream. You can’t order your heart, so it’s important to survive this period with dignity.

The dreamer's actions

Soon the sleeper will be exhausted from attraction to the person. These sensations will follow dreams in which he watched the lilac bushes from the side. The object of desire may be a stranger with whom he has no relationship. It is important to overcome this obsession, otherwise adversity will not be avoided.

Why do you dream if in a dream you happened to pick lilacs? In reality you will be lucky enough to achieve what you crave so much.

Buying such a bouquet promises devastation that will overtake your inner world. Relationships with others will also deteriorate.

Have you ever given someone lilac flowers as a gift? Remember who you gave them to. In reality, it is this person who causes warmth in your heart and an involuntary smile on your face. Don't be afraid to take the first step towards happiness.

A If the dreamer received a bouquet of such flowers as a gift, he will soon be consumed by a romantic passion.

Cutting down bushes in a dream is a sign of success that will crown a long-term business.

You should treat your family more carefully and learn to appreciate them. Otherwise, everyone will turn their backs on you. A night vision warns about this, in which the dreamer had to throw away the lilac.

You are fully involved in plans for the future and sincerely hope that it will be cloudless and prosperous. This is how books of omens interpret the dream in which you planted these shrubs.

Flower varieties

Interpretations for women and men

Lilac will not bring love at first sight to a lonely young lady, but it will give her a meeting with interesting guy. Sympathy will immediately begin, and then develop into a great and sincere feeling.

People in a relationship will soon be happy. Positive emotions will bring news from a loved one.

A happy family life is the result of a vision of this nature for a married lady.

For a man who is in legal or splendid isolation, a dream of a lilac will bring advancement in business. Personal life will also be balanced.

A pregnant girl is doomed to have a fun time. She will not only have a good rest, but also learn a lot of interesting news.

Lilac on the pages of dream books

According to Miller: a lilac bush is a sign of renewed feelings that will flare up with renewed vigor. And the one who is single will find his soul mate. Did you trample the lilacs in your dreams? Prepare to break up with the person you truly love.

According to Freud, smelling lilacs means making a new acquaintance. The relationship will begin quickly, but will not last long. If you happen to see a bouquet of lilacs in a dream, then in reality you are exhausted from the need to talk frankly with your partner. The conversation will be successful, and you will learn the hidden secrets of your chosen one.

Vanga believed that a wilted plant was a sign of everyday routine and fading love. Indecision in relationships is symbolized by buying lilac in dreams: decide to break off the relationship or crown it with marriage.

Seeing white lilacs blooming in a dream, according to the dream book, is a symbol of regularity that will burst into your life. Blue colors predict short-term love. The dark color scheme of the petals promises the emergence of deep and strong feelings.

According to the beliefs of Pythagoras: finding a lilac with 5 or more petals is a sign of readiness to improve your existence.

Hasse promises close love to everyone who comes across this bush in their dreams. The bouquet promises a period of happiness. Reliability is represented by a dream in which you encounter a flowering bush.

It is important to note at the end that you do not need to take to heart the interpretation of the dream that you have dreamed. This is a kind of warning about the future. you have amazing opportunity take charge of your own destiny, so feel free to make changes so that the prophecy does not come true.

In most cases, dreams are dreamed for a reason - it is the subconscious in the form of symbols and images that is trying to convey, help or warn something. Dreams in which such a thing is vividly present extraordinary flower, like lilacs, speak of various love experiences. Let's try to understand this in more detail.

Why do you dream about lilacs - Miller’s dream book

If you dreamed beautiful bush lilac, which means that the couple’s feelings will flare up with renewed vigor, and their duration life together doesn't matter. For those who are still single, such a dream promises the imminent appearance of a soulmate. Trampling lilacs means losing the person you love forever.

Lilac in a dream - Vanga’s dream book

Fading lilacs indicate the fading of the ardor of love and the arrival of routine and everyday life in a relationship. Buying lilacs in a dream speaks of indecision: you need to either completely break off the relationship or get married.

The darker the color of the lilac, the deeper and more romantic the relationship will be. Light blue shades of lilac are a symbol of short love. Testifies to a measured life white lilac.

What does it mean if you dreamed of lilacs according to Freud’s dream book

An armful of lilacs large sizes symbolizes a frank conversation with a sexual partner, from which you will learn about his infidelities or other personal things.

Feeling the aroma of lilac in a dream means you will be overtaken by unearthly and exciting sensations in sex with a new partner, which will be remembered for a lifetime.

Just observing lilacs from the side means comfortable, without strong impressions, family life. Experiencing the experience of violent love promises a dream where you break lilacs.

Why do you dream about lilacs according to Pythagoras’ dream book?

A favorable sign is to find a lilac with more than four petals: you have already mentally prepared to change your personal life, and expect positive events this week.

Seeing someone looking for such a flower in a dream indicates an experience of jealousy or envy - depending on whether it is a man or a woman.

Why do you dream of lilacs according to the dream book of the medium Hasse

Lilacs in a dream indicate quick love, and a bouquet of lilacs promises happy moments. In a dream, lilacs bloom - you inspire people’s trust.

Interpretation of lilac according to the Noble Dream Book by N. Grishina

Lilac promises both a quick erotic experience and health problems related to the genitals.

What does it mean if you dreamed of lilacs - the latest dream book

A lilac seen in a dream speaks of an exciting, touching love and favorable news from a loved one.

Why do you dream about lilacs in a dream book for a bitch?

Lilac in a dream promises a fun and active holiday with relatives or close friends.

Why do you dream of lilac - dream book of love relationships

The smell of lilac in a dream indicates an imminent meeting with interesting person, the connection with which may be close, but short-lived.

Dream Book of the Wanderer - what does it mean to see lilacs in a dream

Dreams about lilacs foreshadow a short-term romance that brings sadness and melancholy.

Why do you dream about blooming lilacs?

The lilac that blooms testifies to the awakening of love. Its reciprocity should be judged by other images in the dream. Also, blooming lilacs promise intrigue, excitement in business and endeavors, and the opportunity to try your luck.

Why do you dream of white, lilac lilac?

Dreams about white lilacs promise complete mutual understanding and harmony in the family, everything bad will be forgotten and an idyll will come to the relationship.

Lilac lilac speaks of deep and lasting love experiences.

Why dream of picking, buying, giving lilacs?

Picking lilacs in a dream means achieving love thanks to your determination. It may also mean a meeting with an ill-wisher or a cunning person who wants to deceive you.

Dreams about buying lilacs symbolize a quick rethinking of your relationship with your partner. Bringing lilacs as a gift means that you will fall in love very soon; if you were given a bouquet, an ardent admirer will appear.

Why do you dream about a tree, a branch, a bouquet, a bush, lilac flowers?

A blooming lilac tree can symbolize the beginning of a new, better existence. The branch of this flower speaks of deep loneliness. Lilac bushes promise an exciting romantic adventure.

A bouquet with lilac flowers foreshadows an unforgettable time with your soul mate or a happy revolution on the personal front. Lilac flowers will bring you fullness of life with happiness and love.

Beautiful blooming lilac in a dream always means pleasant emotions associated with new feelings, acquaintances or relationships. And vice versa - faded - speaks of unpleasant events in the love sphere of your life. The dream book about lilacs will tell you more about warning symbols during sleep.

Dream Interpretation Ailancy

  • Lush blooming lilac - dreams of mutual love.
  • Withered flowers indicate that your strong feelings will soon cool down.
  • Being in the shade of a lilac bush means there is a possibility of frivolous behavior on your part.
  • Cutting off means a fan will appear very soon.

What Freud's dream book prophesies

  • A bouquet of lilac flowers in a dream indicates a quick, frank conversation with your sexual partner, which will open your eyes to unexpected features of your relationship.
  • Smelling them while you sleep means that a quick romantic acquaintance awaits you, which will be very pleasant, but will not last long.

Modern interpretation

  • Why do you dream about wildly blooming lilacs? It symbolizes a meeting with a very interesting person with whom a new relationship will begin.
  • Breaking means that you will have success in love, which will be very happy.
  • Seeing it bloom means that others love and respect you; you have great authority in their eyes.

Dream Interpretation of Pythagoras

  • Looking for lilac flowers with five petals means that you are ready for transformations in your life and within 5 days you should expect the first changes in the area of ​​feelings. If the flower is found, then change will come positive character and will bring you joy. If the search is not successful, then they do not promise anything pleasant.

Transcript from Vanga

  • Observe fading - strong feelings will fade away, and there will be a feeling of boredom in relationships.
  • Flowers of light shades dream of a state of slight love.
  • Dark - to a serious connection and the emergence of deep feelings.
  • If lilac white, then this refers to the routine, the regularity of everyday life.
  • Buying it signals the need to rethink the values ​​in life and decide on important steps: permanently sever or legitimize your relationship with your partner.

Miller's Dream Book

  • Why do lilacs dream for a family man? It symbolizes the blossoming of feelings between him and his half with renewed vigor. For a lonely person, it means the appearance of bright love in his life.
  • Trampling on her in your dream means losing love irrevocably in reality.
Stories from our readers

Lilac in a dream is considered a harbinger of future changes on the personal front, the expectation of great sensations and enticing romantic intrigue. To understand why you dream of lilacs, you should remember as best as possible all the nuances of the dreamed plot and the emotions felt. Then you need to combine everything into one semantic image and find its interpretation in the dream book.

The explanation of the dream - lilac, presents various interpretations, depending on the palette, surface appearance and health of the flower, as well as the actions performed at that moment. Due to the fact that such a plant blooms at the beginning of spring at the moment of awakening of all nature from hibernation, the picture is explained mostly from the perspective of the personal changes of the dreamer himself, his state of health and relationships with strangers.

According to the dream book, to see a lilac bursting with color in a dream is a sign of favorable emotions, acceptance of good news or a gift. When explaining a dream vision, the dreamer should summarize the considered actions in relation to himself, and interpret the essence according to his own feelings and events in reality.

Being under a lilac bush in a dream, according to the dream book, predicts for the dreamer a light intimate adventure that will not last long, and love feelings will go away without leading to something more.

Miller's dream book denotes lilac as a positive sign, predicting romantic excitement, love, and an explosion of emotions. A blooming lilac bush reflects the positive and sincere attitude of strangers towards a sleeping person, mercy and location. Picking a branch of a bush indicates a high chance of getting what you want.

Blooming lilacs, according to many dream interpreters, have many meanings. Some of which are love, unfulfilled dreams, a long-awaited date, changes in your personal life. It’s not so difficult to figure out why you dream about blooming lilacs - it’s enough to remember your dream down to the smallest detail, analyze even minor details and figure it out slowly.

If you dream of blooming lilacs in the form of a bouquet, this means that soon happy moments in life will lead to a revolution in your personal life. If a person gives a bouquet of lilacs in a dream, a serious conversation is near, which will bring a lot of amazing news and details, and if it also exudes an aroma, this is a sign of a new pleasant acquaintance, which can turn into mad love, but, unfortunately, short-lived. In a dream, plucking bushes on which lilacs are blooming means that your long-awaited loved one will finally reciprocate and this can lead to a serious relationship.

When considering your dream as a clue, it is important to pay attention to some details. Of course, blooming lilacs bring positive emotions, but you need to interpret such a dream taking into account your status, age and related surrounding factors.

If a blooming lilac is dreamed of by a person who is in a stable marital status Of course, there is no need to immediately interpret such a dream as an opportunity to make a frivolous acquaintance with all the ensuing consequences. After all, this could be a cherished dream - about buying something, about relationships with family and friends, about changing relationships with enemies. In a dream, plucking bushes on which lilacs are blooming can in this case mean a certain positive reaction to a project that was proposed long ago and seemingly forgotten forever.

In any case, if you analyze why you dream about blooming lilacs, you can see that it portends extremely pleasant emotions - achieving results, pleasant acquaintances, as well as fulfillment cherished dream. More this symbol in a dream indicates serious trust for a person in reality. If a lilac is white in a dream, then this means for the sleeper the trust of serious people, which can be a brilliant start to a career. Blue or lilac blooming lilacs foretell trust from those closest to you.

After waking up, it is important to remember every small and seemingly insignificant detail of your dream. After all, dreams are complex images. And only by connecting them with each other can you get a clear picture that the dormant consciousness painted in a dream.

Be that as it may, you should not blindly believe in dreams. If you see blooming lilacs in a dream and sit by the window to wait for your prince on a white horse, there will be no effect. A dream does not predict life, it simply directs a person’s consciousness in a certain direction, helps to make decisions and move on.

Why did you see lilacs in a dream?

According to the dream book, lilac is a symbol of change in love relationships.

Will these changes be for the better or vice versa - specific details of the dream will show. To do this, try to remember your dream in as much detail as possible.

Why do you dream about a bouquet of lilacs?

Why do you dream about lilacs that you received as a gift in the form of a bouquet? Usually such a dream foreshadows a new romantic interest, and the darker and more saturated the shade of the flowers, the deeper and more intense feelings you will experience.

  • White flowers thus symbolize tenderness, calm and harmonious relationships.
  • And the dark purple bouquet is a stormy and passionate, albeit short-lived, romance.

However, if everything is going well for you on the love front, it is not necessary to interpret what lilacs are dreaming of in exactly this vein. If you dreamed similar dream, this may mean the fulfillment of a long-cherished desire or a long-awaited acquisition.

If a girl dreams that her lover gave her a bouquet of lilacs, she should be prepared for a frank conversation, from which she will learn something new about her chosen one. But, alas, not necessarily pleasant.

A dream in which you yourself give someone a lilac bouquet indicates that you feel deep sympathy for this person and hope for a closer relationship with him.

But buying such a bouquet is a bad sign; this dreams of inner devastation and troubles in relationships with other people.

Why do you dream about wilted and drooping lilacs? It is too bad sign: such a dream warns that you will experience cooling and tension in your love relationship, up to a complete break.

Other interpretations of dreams about lilacs

1. In a dream, feeling the strong pleasant aroma that a blooming lilac exudes means a pleasant acquaintance with an interesting person.

2. You dream of lushly blooming lilacs as a sign that you win people over and inspire their trust.

3. In addition, flowering lilac bushes mean that you are a gambling, enthusiastic person, prone to adventure and expression. Be careful: your sense of adventure can lead to unpredictable consequences.

4. A very favorable dream is in which you look for and find a lilac flower with five petals. As in reality, such a find promises great luck and the fulfillment of a cherished desire.

But if you see that someone else has found such a flower, get ready for the fact that in reality you will have to experience envy, jealousy, disappointment and resentment.

5. Breaking in a dream flowering branches lilacs are a sign that soon your idea, which has been long forgotten, will finally bear fruit and be appreciated.

However, do not forget that dreams do not predict the future exactly, but only warn about its possible options. Without your active actions, nothing will come true by itself.

I dreamed about Lilac, what is it for, what does Lilac mean in a dream

Jewish dream book What does Lilac mean in a dream:

You dreamed of Lilac, what is it for - For a little fun Smelling lilac A dream you had in the spring - for good news; in the summer - to an unexpected joyful meeting; in the fall - to an incident that will cause sadness and sad memories; in winter - to sensual pleasures. Breaking off a lilac branch A dream in spring denotes a short-lived infatuation with someone or something; in the summer - to a funny incident; in the fall - to separation; in winter - to receive a small but pleasant gift.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina What does Lilac mean in a dream:

What does Lilac mean in a dream - a pleasant acquaintance awaits you. Imagine that you are walking near lush bushes of blooming lilacs and inhaling its aroma.

Dream Interpretation by A. Mindell What Lilac means:

You dreamed of Lilac, what is it for - you hear the delicate smell of lilac - in the near future, love affairs will become a way of your life; you will be far from thinking that you are wasting your time. A girl dreams that she received a bouquet of lilacs as a gift - her lover will soon leave this girl; her wedding preparations are a waste of time; unkind people will still slander these preparations.

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife I had a dream about Lilac.

Magic dream book In a dream, why do you dream of Lilac?

What does it mean to see Lilac in a dream? What does it mean - diligence and determination.

Phoebe's Big Dream Book Interpretation of the dream Lilac:

What does Lilac mean in a dream - to new pleasant acquaintances. Imagine a huge garden of blooming lilacs. There are different varieties and shades here: from light lilac to deep purple, as well as white lilac. Lilac blooms very lushly and abundantly. You walk among the lilacs, admiring their lush clusters and inhaling the aroma.

Dream interpretation Lilac bush

Why do you dream about the Lilac bush in a dream according to the dream book?

The dream book interprets a lilac bush as a harbinger of your imminent falling in love; take a close look at the context of the vision.

Seeing it blooming means that in the very near future your personal life will be transformed in the most wonderful way, you will be in the clouds with happiness.

Why do you dream of white lilac?



White lilac represents purity, sincerity, sensuality, the birth of affection. Dreams about white lilacs promise complete mutual understanding and harmony in the family, everything bad will be forgotten and an idyll will come to the relationship. In a dream, smelling lilacs means a pleasant acquaintance. Seeing white lilacs means reconciliation and calm relationships, a peaceful atmosphere in the house. If a lilac is white in a dream, then this means for the sleeper the trust of serious people, which can be a brilliant start to a career.

Tatiana Danilyuk

If you dreamed of a beautiful lilac bush, it means that the couple’s feelings will flare up with renewed vigor, and the length of their life together does not matter. For those who are still single, such a dream promises the imminent appearance of a soulmate. Trampling on lilacs means losing the person you love forever.


To tears...

Sailor's daughter

Sadness and longing..

Why do you dream about a pink lilac bush?



LILAC IN A DREAM is a symbol of love and happiness. If you dream that LILAC BLOOMS, then you will soon fall in love. A bouquet of lilacs in a dream symbolizes a pleasant time with your lover and family happiness. A wilted lilac in a dream foreshadows disappointment and sadness about passing love. [link blocked by decision of the project administration] _________________________ Fragrant BUSH OF FLOWERING LILAC - a love adventure awaits you. A bouquet of lilacs - happy moments await you. Breaking lilac branches - you will achieve love. http://www.krasotana5.ru/dreams/rastenija/siren.html ___________________________ If you have a dream in which you enjoy the smell of lilacs, then most likely you will feel such bliss that you will not want to open your eyes and see real world. But even if you had to wake up from such a sweet dream, do not be upset - after all, a dream about lilacs portends a very good event for you: you will finally find yourself in the grip of a strong love feeling that will captivate you for a long time. If in a dream an unknown person presents you with a bouquet of flowers, this means that you have hopes that will never come true. If you dream that you are admiring lilacs, this foreshadows a calm family life and a rejection of everything new and extravagant. Seeing a LILAC BUSH in a dream means a pleasant acquaintance or interesting conversation. Picking lilacs - such a dream foreshadows a meeting with a cunning person or an ill-wisher who wants to deceive you. Giving someone a bouquet of lilacs is love. Buying lilac branches - you will soon have to rethink your relationship with your wife or husband. Seeing white lilacs means reconciliation and calm relationships, a peaceful atmosphere in the house. Lilac of bluish (violet, lilac shades) foreshadows thoughts about long trip and unexpected conversations. Seeing withered lilacs in a dream means disappointment, boredom and melancholy. On Wednesdays and Thursdays, lilac symbolizes broken hopes and sad thoughts. http://sonnic.ru/son/ciren.html ______________________________ On my own behalf, I’ll add: pink lilac is especially beautiful and delicate. I think that a very romantic and beautiful acquaintance, love and joy awaits you :)

Zinaida Kotlyarenko

You want spring and summer!

White lilac is given as a gift

Dream Interpretation White lilac is given as a gift dreamed of why in a dream they give white lilacs? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a white lilac in a dream as a gift by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Lilac

Lilac in a dream is a symbol of love and happiness. If you dream that the lilac has bloomed, then you will soon fall in love. A bouquet of lilacs in a dream symbolizes a pleasant time with your lover and family happiness. A wilted lilac in a dream foreshadows disappointment and sadness about passing love.

Dream Interpretation - Lilac

Lilac - In a dream, smelling lilac means a pleasant acquaintance. But you need to be prepared for the fact that even if you start some kind of relationship with a new acquaintance, it will not last long. A dream about a bouquet of lilacs suggests that in real life you will have a frank conversation with your sexual partner, during which you will find out some amazing details that you didn’t even suspect.

Dream Interpretation - Lilac

A bouquet of lilacs in a dream means happy moments await you. Giving lilacs is a sign that you are loved and proud of you. Receiving lilacs as a gift is a sign that you are loved and proud of you.

Dream Interpretation - Lilac

If in a dream you smelled lilac, then a pleasant acquaintance awaits you. However, be prepared for the fact that the new relationship will not last long. A dream about a bouquet of lilacs foreshadows a frank conversation with a loved one. You have to find out details that you didn’t even suspect.

Dream Interpretation - Lilac

To be among the flowering lilac bushes, to break lilacs for a bouquet, is to violently experience a short-term hobby.

Dream Interpretation - Lilac

A dream in which you smell lilac foretells meeting a pleasant person. Perhaps you will like him, and you will unconsciously strive to establish a closer relationship with him. However, don't expect a long-term relationship. A bouquet of lilacs means that you will have a frank conversation with your loved one. You will learn a lot of new things about your partner that you never thought about before.

Dream Interpretation - Lilac

Dreaming of lilacs means there will be a little fun. If you pick lilacs, you will be praised.

Dream Interpretation - Lilac

Intimate love; a bouquet of lilacs - happy moments await; pick flowers - you will achieve love; blooming - people believe you

Dream Interpretation - Lilac

Lilac - erotic adventure / diseases associated with sexual life.

Dream Interpretation - Lilac and the number five

If in a dream you are holding a bouquet of lilacs in your hands and looking for a flower with five petals, then this good sign: in reality you are already ready for changes in your personal life, and in 5 days the first of them will finally happen. Whether it will be pleasant or not depends on whether you find the flower you are looking for. If yes, then you will be happy and satisfied, but if not, then don’t expect anything good for yourself. If you see in a dream how someone else is looking for a flower with 5 petals, then in reality you will experience pangs of envy if the person in your dream is of the same gender as you, and suffer from jealousy if the person is of the opposite sex.

Why do you dream about lilacs?


Oleg Shishkin

Dream Interpretation, dream about lilacs. In general, lilac in a dream is a sign of accessible love. Receive a bouquet as a gift - in real life you will be declared in love. Standing under a lilac bush means frivolous love adventure. Tearing lilac branches - you will find an admirer or admirer with romantic inclinations. If you see the lilac withering, you will be sobered up after a love affair.


Unexpected good news, some kind of joy.