How to make delicious oyster mushroom soup? Several recipes for oyster mushroom soup

Good afternoon and Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates it today!

Let's take a break from original recipes Shefmarket and we’ll do something more traditional. For example, very tasty mushroom soup, which will fill the house with summer aromas and warm us on this winter day).

There are quite a few recipes for mushroom soup made from champignons on the Internet, but this mushroom, in my opinion, is rather bland. In order for the soup from them to acquire at least some taste, people go to all sorts of tricks such as frying or using flavors and seasonings. We will add oyster mushrooms, which have a more pronounced aroma and, in addition to their “volume-forming” role, will give the soup a distinct mushroom taste, even without any frying. Please note that the recipe contains coriander. He also actively participates in the orchestra, giving delicate aroma ready-made dish.

Product set:

  • Champignons 300 gr
  • Oyster mushrooms 300 gr
  • Carrot
  • Potato
  • Coriander
  • Allspice
  • Butter
  • Lavrushka

Finely chop the mushrooms. The whole champignons, but with oyster mushrooms only the cap is used - this is important.

Pour two liters of cold water into the pan and load our forest gifts into it. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and cook exactly as long as our next manipulations take:

Cut the onion into small pieces:

Three carrots on a coarse grater:

Fry the carrots and onions in butter and high heat for two minutes:

Peel the potatoes and cut them into cubes:

All these movements take about ten minutes. Meanwhile, the water in the pan took on the characteristics of a mushroom broth and a light mushroom aroma spread throughout the kitchen:

Add all the ingredients to the broth, add salt and cook until the potatoes are ready, i.e. about half an hour:

We set the table, sprinkle our mushroom soup with chopped dill and call the eaters:

Bon appetit!

One day my mother-in-law treated me to mushroom soup. It seems that there was nothing surprising in the composition of the products: mushrooms, potatoes, carrots and greens. But it tasted excellent. In any case, mushroom soups have never worked out so well for me. The broth was aromatic and rich, and the mushrooms themselves in the soup did not spread, but were elastic, almost crispy, and very tasty. In general, my mother-in-law had to share the secret of her mushroom soup. But I don’t feel sorry – I tell everyone :)

Oyster mushroom soup

Total cooking time – 40 minutes
Active cooking time – 20 minutes
Calorie content per 100 g – 20 kcal
Number of servings – 2 liter saucepan

How to cook oyster mushrooms


Oyster mushrooms – 1 kg.
Carrots – 1 pc.
Potatoes – 3 pcs.
Garlic – 4 cloves
Parsley – 1 bunch


Wash the oyster mushrooms and remove dirt with a knife.

For mushroom soup, not all parts of oyster mushrooms are used, but only the legs.

Place the legs in boiling water and cook for 15 minutes.

Then remove the mushrooms themselves and fry on vegetable oil another 15 minutes. It is thanks to this double cooking method (boil first, then fry) that the mushrooms become much tastier and do not spread in the soup. At the end of frying, add finely chopped herbs and garlic.

Fry the mushrooms along with herbs and garlic for 5 minutes.

While the mushrooms are frying, peel and cut the potatoes into small cubes. Peel the carrots and cut into slices. Add to the mushroom broth and cook for 15 minutes, after which you can add the mushrooms fried with herbs, salt and cook everything together for another 5 minutes. That’s it, the oyster mushroom soup is ready. Bon appetit! By the way: we don’t throw away cut umbrellas. Without boiling them, you can fry them in a frying pan with butter on all sides until golden brown.

Add spices and herbs to taste - a bonus to the mushroom soup will also be a second course.

Just a couple of decades ago, soup made from fresh oyster mushrooms was available only during mushroom season, which upset mushroom menu lovers and forced housewives to stock up on mushrooms for the winter: freeze them, can them fried, dry them, etc.

But now artificially grown mushrooms are sold all year round, which cannot but rejoice. However, such mushrooms require a special approach to preparation.

How to prepare and how long to cook oyster mushrooms for soup

One of the most popular off-season mushrooms is oyster mushrooms. You can use them to prepare any mushroom dishes, such as soup. To do this they need to be prepared.

Oyster mushrooms do not grow in the ground, so there is no dirt or sand on them, that is, there is no need to specially wash them, just rinse them under running cold water. But they have a peculiarity: they grow in a “bush,” that is, several mushrooms branch out from one root at once.

Therefore, the stem at the base can be quite thick, but the mushrooms on it can be both large and very small. The caps of oyster mushrooms, especially young ones, are thin and not very dense. Hence the first feature - their cutting.

You should first separate all the caps and chop them not very finely. And the leg will have to be cut into very small cubes or strips, so that the thickness is approximately different parts mushroom was the same.

But you shouldn’t cook oyster mushrooms for a long time. Their meat is dense, almost does not deform during the cooking process, but if overheated it can become rubbery. Therefore, for soup, do not boil mushrooms separately and do not put them in the pan first.

Oyster mushroom soup with noodles

Place a pot of water on the stove, wait until it boils, add salt and bay leaves. Then cut the potatoes into small cubes and pour into boiling water. While the potatoes are cooking, prepare the mushrooms.

Pour finely chopped onion into a frying pan with vegetable oil and fry until transparent. Then add finely grated carrots and fry more so that the carrots give their color to the fat.

Only now add finely chopped oyster mushrooms to the frying, fry just a little, literally one minute. And send the contents of the frying pan into the pan with almost finished potatoes.

Here's a little trick. For lovers of neutral tastes, it is better to fry in refined oil. But if you do the same on sunflower oil with a smell, it will turn out as if the soup was made from forest mushrooms.

The smell of sunflower will not remain in the soup; it will be neutralized by onions and carrots. But it can give tasteless oyster mushrooms a real natural aroma.

Immediately after adding the mushrooms to the pan, pour the vermicelli. Let the soup boil, then reduce the heat so that the broth does not boil. Otherwise, the thin vermicelli will boil into porridge and the broth will become cloudy.

Simmer like this for 3-5 minutes, no longer necessary. It will be better if after a couple of minutes you simply turn off the heat and leave the soup under a tightly closed lid. Everything in the soup has already been cooked by this point, and the noodles will be ready without boiling.

When prepared this way, oyster mushroom soup will be aromatic, golden, and transparent.

When serving, place a longitudinal half of a hard-boiled egg on a plate, a spoonful of sour cream and sprinkle with herbs.

Mushroom soup with processed cheese

It’s great to cook oyster mushroom soup with cheese; it will look a little like julienne. Prepare products:

  • oyster mushrooms - 300 grams;
  • potatoes - 2 medium tubers;
  • rice - a quarter cup;
  • onions, carrots - one small piece each;
  • processed cheese ok - 2 pieces;
  • vegetable oil - a tablespoon;
  • salt, spices.

Calorie content - 47 kcal.

Bring 2 liters of water to a boil, add salt and bay leaves. Pour rice into boiling water. It is better to take steamed rice; it hardly deforms when cooked. If round or long regular rice is used, then it must first be washed very well in several waters until the latter becomes completely clean and transparent.

As soon as the broth with rice boils, add the potatoes cut into strips. Leave on the lowest heat under a loosely covered lid, otherwise the soup will “run away”.

Now you should fry onions, carrots and oyster mushrooms in a well-known way. Send it to the soup too.

Now for the cheese dressing. You definitely need to prepare processed cheese, and not a cheese product - this is important! But at the same time, you will need not soft cheeses. That is, those intended for making sandwiches are definitely not suitable.

The best option is the good old cheesecakes “Druzhba”, “Orbita”, “Kostromskoy”, “Gollandsky”. You can also use smoked processed cheese; it will give the finished soup a smoked aroma.

Processed cheeses with the addition of herbs and bacon are also good. In a word, it's a matter of taste.

So, grate the cheese curds on a fine grater and pour them very slowly and carefully into the hot soup, constantly stirring the contents. If you don’t do this, the cheese will boil into a single lump and you won’t get the cheese soup effect.

As soon as all the cheese has completely dissolved in the broth, turn off the heat, close the lid and leave to steep for 10 minutes. Then sprinkle with herbs.

Potato soup

This soup is best prepared in pots. For it you need:

  • oyster mushrooms - 300 grams;
  • potatoes - 4 medium-sized tubers;
  • carrots - 1 medium;
  • green peas - 1 can;
  • tomato - 1 piece;
  • meat or chicken broth - 2 liters.

Cooking time - 60 minutes.

Calorie content - 47 kcal.

Boil meat or chicken broth. Place potatoes cut into thin rings into pots, place chopped raw oyster mushrooms, diced tomatoes, thin carrots and a little green peas on it.

Pour the contents of the pots with broth. Spices do not need to be added if they were used in preparing the broth. Place the pots in a well-heated oven, tightly closed with lids.

As soon as the oyster mushroom soup with potatoes boils, reduce the heat to 160 degrees and leave to simmer for 30 minutes. Then turn off the heat and do not remove the pots for another 10 minutes.

Serve in portions with sour cream and herbs.

Mushroom soup in a slow cooker

A multicooker is a wonderful helper in the kitchen. There is no need to stir the dish being prepared in it or keep an eye on it. But still, she doesn’t do everything herself. For oyster mushroom soup in a slow cooker you will need:

  • oyster mushrooms - 300 grams;
  • potatoes - 3 pieces;
  • carrots, onions - one at a time;
  • rice - a quarter cup;
  • vegetable oil - a tablespoon;
  • salt, spices.

Calorie content - 43 kcal.

Set the multicooker to “frying” or “baking”. Pour oil into the bottom of the bowl and heat it up. Place the onions, carrots and oyster mushrooms there and fry everything a little until the onions become transparent and the carrots color the fat brightly.

Then pour the rice in there and fry a little too. You want the rice to soak in the fat and carrot color.

Now turn off the mode, fill the contents with two liters of water or broth, add salt, add Bay leaf. Next, add the potatoes into strips. Mix everything well. Close the lid and turn on the “soup” mode.

If there is no such mode, you can select “quenching” or “multi-mode” by setting the timer to 30 minutes. If the multicooker has a pressure cooker function, then you should install the valve “tightly” and leave the time for 15 minutes.

If you plan to cook mushroom soup with a delayed start, then the cooking time needs to be reduced further. Because the rice will have been well-prepared in the broth before cooking and can then be overcooked.

Therefore, it is not recommended to use a delayed start for mushroom soup in a slow cooker.

Oyster mushroom soup with cream

Very tender, airy soup. To prepare it you will need:

  • oyster mushrooms - 200 grams;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • potatoes - 2 tubers;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • flour - 2 teaspoons;
  • cream 10% - glass;
  • salt, bay leaf, herbs.

Cooking time - 50 minutes.

Calorie content - 54 kcal.

Boil potatoes in a saucepan in large pieces. Remove with a slotted spoon, place in a blender and puree.

Fry the chopped onion in a frying pan with butter until golden brown, then add the oyster mushrooms chopped in a blender and fry everything together. Chop only the largest mushrooms or just not all of them.

Leave the small ones whole or cut medium-sized pieces into large ones. Place them in the water where the potatoes were boiled, add salt and a bay leaf. Leave to simmer over very low heat.

Pour flour into the pan and fry, stirring continuously. Pour the cream into the pan in a thin stream, stirring continuously until thickened.

Pour the contents of the frying pan and the potato mixture into boiling water or broth. Be sure to stir all the time and spread gradually and slowly.

As soon as the oyster mushroom soup reaches the consistency of puree, turn off the heat, close the lid and leave to steep for 10 minutes.

Then sprinkle generously with coarsely chopped herbs and serve.

Diet chicken soup recipe

Mushroom soup is generally a low-calorie dish, but you can make an even more dietary soup from oyster mushrooms. For it you will need:

Cooking time - 40 minutes.

Calorie content - 27 kcal.

Boil chicken breast in two liters of water. When the broth boils, add salt, bay leaves and a whole, unpeeled, washed onion. This is necessary to give the soup a golden color, since there will be no frying in it.

Remove the meat and cut into thin strips. Remove the onion and throw it away; it will no longer be useful. Instead, put some not very finely chopped mushrooms there.

Place the chicken back into the broth. Chop the carrots into very thin strips or grate them on a Korean grater. Also add to the broth.

Bring to a boil and, reducing heat to low, leave to simmer for 15 minutes.

When serving soup with oyster mushrooms and chicken, garnish with herbs. You shouldn’t serve sour cream with diet soup, but you can put a hard-boiled egg on a plate.

Culinary results

All oyster mushroom soups are light, low-calorie, almost all of them are lean, as befits mushroom dishes. Although, of course, the possibility of cooking with meat or chicken is not excluded. Mushroom soup always goes well with sour cream, cheese and a boiled egg; they will never be superfluous.

It should be remembered that oyster mushrooms have a dense body, so they need to be cut finely. It is enough to fry the mushrooms for a couple of minutes and add them to the soup five to ten minutes before they are ready.

You also need to take into account that oyster mushrooms hardly evaporate and do not lose their mass when boiling or frying. Therefore, you should not put a lot of them. Almost the entire volume of raw mushrooms will remain unchanged in boiled form. This is especially true for the legs.

It’s great that these mushrooms can be consumed at any time of the year and you can not deny yourself the pleasure of enjoying mushroom dishes in winter and summer.

Oyster mushroom soup is a popular and tasty dish. You can cook them with anything: poultry, vegetables or noodles. And in the end, any food will be eaten in no time!

Oyster mushroom soup is a popular and tasty dish

Before you start cooking, mushrooms must be processed under certain conditions. This way you will not only neutralize the product, but will also be able to preserve most of the beneficial substances contained in oyster mushrooms.

The product is practically not collected; it is grown everywhere in greenhouse conditions, and then sold in markets and stores. This greatly simplifies the extraction process (no need to go to the forest and spend a day collecting), but increases the likelihood of purchasing low-quality mushrooms, so You shouldn’t relax even when choosing from a trusted supplier.

  1. Oyster mushrooms should not have an unpleasant or strong smell. If such an aroma is present, it means that the “forest bread” was stored in unfavorable conditions.
  2. The presence of yellow spots and cracks indicates that the mushroom is a bit old. This is also indicated by a too long leg.
  3. Remember that mushrooms should not be left in the open air for more than 4-6 hours, and in the refrigerator the shelf life increases to 5 days. It is better to prepare the product faster, so the food will come out tastier and of better quality.

Availability great content chitin requires mandatory heat treatment, so a dish made from raw oyster mushrooms is not eaten. They should not be used by people with kidney problems, cardiovascular diseases and those under twelve years of age.

How to cook vegetable soup with oyster mushrooms (video)

A simple recipe for oyster mushroom soup with potatoes

This first course consists of almost only vegetables, so it will appeal to those who are on a diet or do not eat food of animal origin. You can exclude some ingredients or add to your taste.

What do you need:

  • Oyster mushrooms – 350-400 gr.;
  • potatoes - 4 small tubers;
  • bell pepper – 1 piece;
  • onion – 1 piece;
  • soft cheese – 50-100 gr.;
  • vegetable oil – 1-2 tbsp.
  • boiling water – 1.5 – 2 l.;
  • salt, bay leaf, spices - to taste.

Soup recipe

  1. The onion is cut into small cubes. Mushrooms are also chopped into any shape.
  2. They are fried in a hot frying pan with vegetable oil. Do not keep the products for a long time, 5-7 minutes will be enough. Leave them to cool in the open air.
  3. Peel the potatoes, chop them into cubes about 1 cm long. Rinse the vegetable and throw it into the pan.
  4. Add boiling water prepared in advance to the bowl. Turn on the fire. This method will help you to reveal your best self. taste qualities vegetables and cook faster to the desired consistency.
  5. Taste the potatoes for doneness. Frying mushrooms and onions should be turned on when the product is almost cooked. Then add the diced bell pepper.
  6. Grate the cheese and add to boiling water. Stir the food vigorously for the first five minutes.
  7. Salt the dish and add spices. Reduce heat to low, the soup will be ready in 10 minutes.

Sour cream will give a more delicate taste, but the soup is wonderful even without it.

Oyster mushroom mushroom soup with potatoes

How to make delicious oyster mushroom soup with noodles

Mushrooms and noodles are a pretty typical combination, but it's still a winner. A particularly good dish is made with homemade noodles, but you can also use store-bought ones.

What do you need:

  • Chicken broth – 1 l.;
  • mushrooms – 300 gr.;
  • 100 gr. noodles;
  • butter – 1 tbsp;
  • onions, carrots - 1 piece each;
  • parsley – 30 gr.;
  • salt, spices - to taste.


  1. Chopped onions and grated carrots are boiled for 10 minutes in chicken broth.
  2. Washed chopped mushrooms are added to the vegetables and cooked for another 15 minutes.
  3. The noodles are cooked separately. Be sure to salt it during cooking, then place it on a sieve.
  4. The noodles are added to the broth, then the heat is immediately turned off. The soup is salted, peppered and decorated with herbs.

This is a light first dish, perfect for a summer lunch, as there is no heaviness in the stomach after it.

Oyster mushroom soup with noodles

Delicious dietary soup with oyster mushrooms and chicken

This dish is very popular in France. Therefore, it is advisable to acquire special seasonings consisting of herbs, which are often used by chefs in Parisian restaurants.

But this is not a necessary condition. If you have such an opportunity, be sure to take advantage of it. But even without unusual seasonings, the food will be very tasty!

You will need:

  • Potatoes – 300 gr.;
  • oyster mushrooms – 200 gr.;
  • chicken fillet – 200 gr.;
  • vegetable oil – 1 tbsp;
  • onions and carrots - 1 piece each;
  • Provençal herbs – 2 tbsp;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. The meat is washed and boiled in cool water for 5-7 minutes to boil away dirt and harmful substances.
  2. Cut it into large pieces in the form of straws. place in a saucepan and add 2 liters of water.
  3. While the water is boiling, peel the potatoes. Grind it (any shape will do). Immediately throw it into the pan with the meat.
  4. Remove any dirty foam that forms during cooking with a slotted spoon.
  5. Prepare the vegetables. Grate (carrots) and chop (onions) vegetables.
  6. Fry the food together with the mushrooms. Before frying, chop the oyster mushrooms into small pieces. Use oil.
  7. If the potatoes have become almost completely soft, then it is time to fry. Add it to the pan.
  8. Salt and pepper the broth.

The dish turns out to be light, but very satisfying.

How to make oyster mushroom soup in a hurry (video)

How to cook chicken soup with oyster mushrooms in a slow cooker

Almost every housewife has a multicooker. This device makes life much easier by doing most of the cooking yourself. With it, you don’t have to constantly watch the dish, but simply turn on the timer and go about your business.

This recipe is quite simple and common. But the way of cooking and one ingredient makes it unusual!

What do you need:

  • Water – 1 l.;
  • cream – 800 ml;
  • mushrooms – 250 gr.;
  • potatoes, carrots, onions - 1 pc.;
  • olive oil – 1-3 tbsp;
  • flour – 1 tbsp;
  • salt, pepper, herbs - to taste.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Olive oil is poured into the multicooker bowl to fry chopped vegetables.
  2. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, cut the onions and potatoes into cubes.
  3. Cook the food in the “Baking” mode for 20 minutes.
  4. Soak chopped and washed mushrooms for 20 minutes in cold water.
  5. Dry them lightly with a towel.
  6. Add oyster mushrooms to vegetables. In the same mode, fry the food for another 15 minutes.
  7. Pour in cream and milk, pepper and salt the food. Another 25 minutes of “Steaming” - and the dish is ready.
  8. Sprinkle the soup with herbs.

Try this recipe, you will definitely love the delicate creamy taste and aroma.

Chicken soup with oyster mushrooms in a slow cooker

Recipe for a hearty oyster mushroom soup with melted cheese

How many people love mushrooms with cheese? A lot, so your whole family will love this dish.


  • Mushrooms – 300-350 gr.;
  • processed cheese – 200 gr.;
  • potatoes – 100-120 gr.;
  • carrots and onions - 1 piece each;
  • vegetable oil – 2-3 tbsp;
  • salt and fresh dill - to taste.

How to do:

  1. Chopped onions and carrots are fried for 5-7 minutes in vegetable oil.
  2. Then chopped oyster mushrooms are added to them.
  3. Sliced ​​potatoes are lowered to boil in 2 liters. water. Lightly salt the vegetable.
  4. When it becomes soft, add fried mushrooms and vegetables. The soup is salted again.
  5. Processed cheese is grated on a coarse grater. It is immersed in water 10 minutes before it is ready.
  6. The dish is stirred for 3-4 minutes so that the cheese does not stick together into a giant lump.
  7. Then sprinkle with dill and leave for the remaining 6-7 minutes.

Be careful with salt! By adding cheese at the end, you may end up going overboard.

Oyster mushroom mushroom soup with melted cheese

Creamy oyster mushroom soup with cream

This recipe is interesting because you decide how many components to add. But be guided by the basic data.


  • Mushrooms – 500 gr.;
  • cream (15-20%) – 250 ml;
  • potatoes – 100-150 gr.;
  • butter – 50 gr.;
  • onion – 1 piece;
  • salt, herbs - to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Boiled mushrooms (do not throw away the water!) are fried with onions in butter.
  2. The potatoes are boiled until tender in mushroom broth and mashed.
  3. Oyster mushrooms with vegetables are added to the puree.
  4. The mixture is crushed with a blender.
  5. Cream is poured in.
  6. The products are mixed with a blender.
  7. If the soup comes out thick, add more broth as needed.
  8. Salt and herbs are added.

Oyster mushroom soup with smoked meat (video)

Despite the similarity, the dishes turn out different. Try them. Enjoy your meal!

Post Views: 285

I recently discovered oyster mushrooms. It turns out that the soup made from them is in no way inferior in taste to the soup made from champignons. In terms of the amount of vitamins, oyster mushroom is similar to meat, and in terms of the content of amino acids and proteins, it is similar to vegetables. Despite low calorie content, this mushroom, even in small quantities, can satisfy hunger.

The recipe for making mushroom soup with oyster mushrooms is extremely simple and definitely deserves your attention.

Kitchen appliances and supplies: saucepan, frying pan, spoon, board, knife.


How to choose the right products

The legs of oyster mushrooms are tough and not as tasty as the caps; they contain fewer nutrients. Therefore, for soup, choose mushrooms with short stems. Young mushrooms have juicy, soft, white. If the cap is hard and fibrous, the mushroom is overgrown and when finished it will be tasteless, “rubbery.”

Did you know? Oyster mushrooms are stored in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days, at room temperature for a maximum of 6 hours.

Step-by-step preparation

  1. Wash a kilogram of oyster mushrooms and cut off the stems where they grow together. We will not add these parts of the mushrooms to the soup, as they are tougher. But if you don’t have enough mushrooms, you can also chop them finely and use them.
  2. Finely chop the cut off caps with part of the stems and place them in a saucepan with water (2-2.5 l).

  3. Bring to a boil, be sure to skim off the foam.

  4. Add 2 potatoes, cut into medium cubes. Salt to taste and cook for 15 minutes.

  5. Onion, carrot and pickle finely chop (carrots can be grated) and fry in oil. This is necessary so that the vegetables give up all their fat-soluble vitamins and essential oils. And the sourness of the cucumber perfectly complements the taste of mushrooms.

  6. Transfer vegetables to soup.

  7. Add homemade noodles (100 g) to the soup and stir.

  8. Add pepper, bay leaf, chopped garlic and cook for another 5-7 minutes.

  9. The soup is ready!

Serving the dish

Mushroom soup can be served at both the Lenten and regular dinner table. The soup with sour cream, sprinkled with herbs, is especially good. You can serve it with bread, croutons, crackers, pies with savory filling.

Video recipe for making oyster mushroom soup

In this video you will learn how to prepare oyster mushroom soup and also see many useful tips.

Secrets of delicious soup

  • You can use not only oyster mushrooms, but also other mushrooms - frozen, fresh, dried. These can be champignons and wild mushrooms. If you have frozen champignons already chopped, add them to the soup without defrosting. will cook even faster.
  • Dried mushrooms must first be soaked in cold water for several hours and then added to the soup along with the same water. It turns out very fragrant.
  • If you have a small amount of dried porcini mushrooms, but this is not enough for soup, grind them into powder. Add a tablespoon of the resulting powder to the soup as a mushroom seasoning. The taste will be amazing.
  • Homemade noodles can be replaced with store-bought ones. It will be great if you buy noodles made from durum wheat - they don’t get overcooked and contain many useful substances.

Other cooking options

If you don't have any noodles at home, prepare -mushroom soup with barley-. For this, the cereal must first be boiled separately until half cooked. Thanks to its delicate taste and homogeneous consistency, everyone will like it, even children. I cook it often – it’s incredibly tasty!

I will be glad if you liked the recipe for my oyster mushroom soup. Write in the comments which mushrooms you think are ideal for soup. It will be interesting to know your opinion. Thank you for your attention, good luck and culinary victories!