UAE - interesting facts about the country

The United Emirates is one of the richest countries in the world. An indicator of this is the statistical fact: for every 5,000,000 UAE citizens there are 59,000 dollar millionaires.

Just half a century ago, in what is now the UAE there was nothing but desert.

The Emirates are distinguished by high-quality social support. The salary of civil servants (from among the local population) is $10,000. For a wedding, citizens are allocated $9,000 and a villa, and for the birth of a son, the family is given $50,000.

As in most Muslim countries, there are many strict prohibitions in the Emirates: you cannot throw garbage on the street, hitchhike, photograph local women, government buildings, as well as some types of attractions. The consumption and transportation of alcohol is strictly prohibited.

Freedom of speech is limited, which automatically means no yellow press. In means mass media Coverage of details and facts from the private life of sheikhs, as well as other fairly wealthy citizens, is prohibited. Tellingly, the UAE has also imposed a ban on leaving social networks, since the Telecommunications Oversight Committee considers them a source of harmful information for citizens.

The Emirates have not adopted a moratorium on the death penalty, which is applied in various forms, according to tradition, from stoning (for example, for a prescribed act of adultery, as in biblical times) to beheading. For drugs, the prison sentence is up to 10 years, but for a drug addict who expresses a willingness to undergo treatment, the clinic will be paid for by the state treasury. Perhaps due to the harsh and radical approach to punishment and generous social support, there is practically no crime in the state: there are not even petty pickpockets or car thieves - cars are even left unlocked.

Violation of traffic rules entails a fine of $800.

Bus stops in the Emirates are air-conditioned.

Climate in United Arab Emirates very hot with high humidity. Winter, in its European sense, is simply unknown here: January and December daytime temperatures are about + 28, night temperatures are within +18, while summer allows the air to heat up to + 50 degrees Celsius.

In the Emirates, due to natural and climatic conditions, there are serious difficulties in providing water (which has to be desalinated) and electricity. There is nothing surprising in the fact that public utilities they are extremely expensive here.

Instead of exciting horse racing, the UAE hosts camel racing (the animals are controlled by robots). Also, jeep safaris in the desert are popular as entertainment.

It is customary here for all segments of society to purchase gold in huge quantities: every year, 1 resident accounts for 38 grams of purchased precious metal. When proposing marriage, as a wedding gift, the groom is obliged to give his bride at least 5 kilograms of gold. However, not everything is so rosy with weddings in the Muslim world, since the choice of the future half for the girl is carried out by her parents. And for extramarital affairs, a fine or 3 months in prison is imposed (for women the punishment is more severe, so it can reach stoning to death). Polygamy is allowed, but it is quite expensive, for this reason it is forced to gradually become obsolete in society.

In transport (as in India), separate travel for men and women has been adopted. They are provided with different carriages, if the trip is on the subway or train; there are separate sections in the interiors of buses, even in taxis, for these purposes.

For the streets, there is also a rule of feigned severity, which is reflected in the dress code requirements. The contrast in society is that next to local Muslim women in burqas you can see openly dressed ladies. However, the latter almost always turn out to be tourists. Although it is customary to treat the latter with tolerance, a fine may be imposed for a very frank appearance. Especially if a lady in this form is walking alone, without a companion.

Ramadan is a major Muslim holiday during which believers abstain from food and drink daytime. For this reason, foreign tourists During the festival, it is forbidden to drink and eat on the street, so as not to be seen by those fasting. In those few public establishments where eating is allowed, windows are sealed. For violation of these rules, a fine is imposed. However, you can make up for the lost joys of life (during this Muslim fast) at night, since at night the ban on eating does not apply.

Shopping is available both in stores and at the bazaar. According to Eastern tradition, it is necessary to bargain in the market, this allows you to reduce the price several times.

There are no drivers in the Emirates metro; trains are controlled automatically. Payment for all transport is possible using a single card. For these purposes, special sensors are located in transport units that read information and also calculate the cost by kilometer.

Despite the monstrous heat, the Emirates has its own ski resort (with slides and snow parks). It's called SkiDubai, and it's located in the Arabian Desert. Thanks to him, to a large extent, in 2011, the Emirates managed to become the first Arab country to enter the International Ice Hockey Federation.

The tallest skyscraper in the world, the Burj Khalifa (828 meters high), was built in the UAE.

The Emirates Palas is the most luxurious of all hotels in the UAE (although all are held to high standards). For New Year's festivities, a Christmas tree worth $11.4 million and 13 m high is installed here. It is typical that instead of ordinary toys, it is replaced by genuine jewelry with large stones. - Hotels in the Emirates truly know how to surprise, so the tree of jewels is not the only exotic innovation that can be found on vacation. - For example, a cake made by culinary specialists from 28 large hotels for the country's Independence Day holiday was even able to get into the Guinness Book of Records, thanks to its gigantic size (the length of the product was 2530.8 m).

amazing country, full of oriental exoticism and ultra-modern attractions. Having visited at least one of its cities, you will learn a lot of new things, because life there is very different from our everyday life. But just reading about how they live on the shores of the Persian Gulf will be of interest to everyone.

United Arab Emirates - the most interesting facts

So, we bring to your attention 20 of the most interesting facts about the country of the UAE:

  1. The first and main thing that a potential tourist should learn is how striking the contrast is between the standard of living in the Gulf countries and our native CIS. Thanks to its impressive oil and gas deposits, as well as its favorable location on the route between Europe and the countries of the East, the United Arab Emirates ranks 5th in terms of GDP per capita.
  2. The main religion of the state is Islam. For this reason, there are quite strict rules regarding and appearance. In some emirates (for example, in) they treat this more loyally, in others (such as) - on the contrary, with the utmost severity. These requirements apply not only to local residents, but also to tourists.
  3. During Ramadan out of respect for the local religion, no one, including foreign guests, is allowed to eat food during the day - with the exception of only a few tourist restaurants with tightly curtained windows. And those people who live on top of the tallest skyscraper (it is located in the city of Dubai) have to wait 2 minutes longer before they see that the sun has disappeared below the horizon and they can start their meal.
  4. Hydrocarbon production and export form the backbone of the UAE's economy, and even so, the country invests heavily in the development and use of solar energy.
  5. The most tall building in the world is located right here. It is 828 m high. It has 163 floors. In addition to it, it was built here huge amount others - most of them are in Dubai, along.

  6. Retinal scan awaits everyone who enters the country as tourists. The country's state-of-the-art equipment allows this procedure to be carried out, and thanks to it, security in the country is at an all-time high. high level. There are practically no illegal immigrants here.
  7. Entry denied awaits those who have an Israeli visa in their passport, confirming that they have previously visited this country.
  8. Climate in the UAE characterized by high temperature and humidity. In the summer, 50-degree heat and 90% humidity make being outside almost unbearable. Because of this, absolutely all premises, including bus stops, are equipped with air conditioning.
  9. For lovers beach holiday It will be interesting to know this interesting fact about the UAE: in every emirate there is sand on the coast different colors. For example, in it it is snow-white, but in Dubai it has an orange tint.
  10. Indigenous people UAE- privileged class. Only 13% of Arabs live here (the rest of the UAE residents are Indians, Pakistanis, etc.). Many of the natives do not work: they simply do not need it, since they receive an allowance from the state in the amount of about $2 thousand. Arabs can study at the expense of the state at any university in the world, they have many social guarantees. For example, young families from indigenous people receive 70 thousand dirhams ( wedding gift from the state) and a luxurious villa to boot. And for the birth of their first child, each family receives $50 thousand. Wealthy Arabs can afford to keep the most unusual pets - for example, leopards.

  11. Arab sheikhs- the richest people in the world. They buy gold laptops and Jacuzzis, keep huge fleets of cars and have up to 4 wives. The title of sheikh is given for life.
  12. Founder of the UAE State- Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, who raised 19 sons. His fortune was estimated at $20 billion.
  13. For women There are special conditions in the Emirates. They are provided with a separate carriage, a special “female” section on the bus, and even a special taxi.
  14. Bribery in the UAE- taboo. If you have any problems with the local police, you should not even try to offer a bribe - this will only increase your problems.
  15. Police cars here these are the same Bentleys, Ferraris and Lamborghinis that local residents, most of them very wealthy, drive. It is believed that such cars help the police in the fight against criminals driving the same expensive cars.

  16. Metro in Dubai– automatic, there is no driver. This is the first such experience in the history of the metro in the world.
  17. Address system differs in many ways from what we are used to. Each house here has not a number, but its own name.
  18. Some free economic zones located in Dubai, Jebel Ali. There is no need to pay taxes. For this reason, many global companies do business here.
  19. Unusual ATMs can be seen on the streets and in shops of the UAE - they give out not only paper bills, but also gold bars.
  20. Festival. In the 21st century, UAE residents prefer to ride not on camels, as before, but on modern, expensive cars. To ensure that traditions are not forgotten, the President of the country established the Camel Festival, which is held in the emirate
  • United Arab Emirates- a unique country, for some 40 years there was only desert on this territory;
  • The UAE is truly a rich country. There are 59 thousand dollar millionaires per 5 million population;
  • The UAE has excellent social security. Thus, for the birth of a boy, the state makes a gift to the family in the amount of $50 thousand;
  • Every young family in UAE receives from the government a comfortable villa and 70 thousand dirhams (about $19 thousand) for a wedding;
  • The average monthly salary of a civil servant is about $10,000;
  • All these benefits apply only to local residents. 70% of the UAE population are workers from South and Southeast Asia who earn $200-300 per month;
  • The UAE is a Muslim country, and there are a lot of prohibitions, especially related to alcohol. Thus, in the emirate of Sharjah there is a complete ban on alcohol, the consumption and transportation of which is considered a criminal offense;
  • In the UAE, it is prohibited to photograph government buildings, military installations, mansions, palaces, flags, and local women. Men are allowed only with their permission;
  • Emirates is hell for hitchhiker, this is an administrative violation;
  • The government restricts freedom of speech. There is no yellow press in the UAE; they do not write about the personal lives of sheikhs;
  • Many websites are blocked in the UAE. According to the Telecommunications Oversight Committee, which controls access to the Internet, it may contain information that is harmful, from the point of view of the Koran;

  • Non-Muslim tourists in the UAE are not allowed to visit mosques;
  • Shoes should be removed when entering mosques and houses. Prayers should not be walked around in front;
  • Littering on the streets is strictly prohibited. The fine for throwing garbage on the street is 500 dirhams, even if you just missed the trash can;
  • Fines for violating traffic rules are enormous. Running a red light costs $800;
  • There are no traffic police in the United Arab Emirates. All violations are recorded by cameras, and at the end of the year, when passing a technical inspection, the driver is billed;
  • All bus stops in the same Dubai equipped with air conditioning;
  • The coldest months in the UAE are December and January. At this time, the air temperature during the day is on average +28, at night +18. The question of where it’s warm in winter disappears by itself.
  • One of the favorite sports in the UAE is camel racing. Moreover, now camels are controlled by miniature robots;
  • The UAE loves gold very much. According to statistics, each resident of the United Arab Emirates buys 38 grams of gold per year;
  • An Arab man must give 5 kilograms of gold jewelry in case of matchmaking with an Arab woman;
  • Arab men are increasingly marrying foreign women - there is no need to pay relatives for a bride;
  • In the UAE, people often marry not for love, but at the will of their parents - conservatism and religious customs leave no chance for young people to choose their life partner on their own;
  • The UAE has big problems with water. 30% comes from natural sources, the rest of the water is so-called desalinated;
  • Very soon, most emirates will run out of oil reserves. The only exception is the state of Abu Dhabi;
  • In the UAE, only 30 percent of fresh water comes from natural springs or artesian wells. 70 percent of the water is desalinated water. Desalination is a very energy-intensive and expensive process; 1 liter of such water costs four times more than natural water. Tap water in the UAE is quite clean, but drinking it without boiling is still not recommended;
  • Many states in the UAE will run out of oil reserves by 2010. The only exception is the state of Abu Dhabi, in which 95 percent of the country's oil reserves are concentrated. The states of Dubai and Sharjah are preparing in advance for the fact that the petrodollar fuel for their economies will soon cease. Trade (free economic zones), tourism, industry, and even agriculture are successfully developing here. Thus, in 2000, revenues from oil production amounted to only 12 percent of the GDP of the emirate of Dubai;
  • In the mid-1980s, the ruler of the UAE, Sheikh Zayed, set the goal of reducing the country's dependence on foreign agricultural products. Large investments were attracted to agriculture: agricultural farms and poultry farms were built. In air-conditioned greenhouses, 2-3 crops of tomatoes, cucumbers and potatoes are harvested here per year. Fruits grown include mangoes, apples, and strawberries. The UAE is famous for its dates. The most fertile areas of the UAE are the Al Ain oasis;
  • The Internet has become widespread in the UAE. Some UAE hotels provide access to the World Wide Web directly from your room. For example, hotels JUMEHARAH BEACH HOTEL, HILTON DUBAI JUMEIRAH, LE MERIDIEN MINA SEYAHI in Dubai. However, a department specially created by the UAE authorities blocks access to sites with content or photographs reprehensible from the point of view of the Koran;

  • Capital UAEAbu Dhabi- is rightly called a “park city”. The imperative “Walk on the lawns!” applies here, exotic trees brought from all over the world grow, and luxurious shady gardens grow green. As scientists have established, it is precisely because of the abundance of green spaces in the city that the average air temperature is usually 1-1.5 degrees lower than in the surrounding desert;
  • The coldest months in the UAE are December and January. At this time, the air temperature during the day averages +28, at night +18;
  • Religious customs leave Arab youth almost no opportunity to choose their life partner on their own - parents decide everything. This is probably why the divorce rate is very high here - (30 percent of marriages);
  • IN recent years Emirates faced big problems in the family matter: more and more Arab women remain single. Arab men increasingly prefer to marry foreign women: there is no need to pay relatives for a bride;
  • In the mosque UAE Gentiles are usually not allowed. The only mosque in the confederation that deviates from this rule is the mosque in the city of Dubai, in the Jumeirah area. The mosque houses the “Center for Cultural and Religious Understanding,” which was created by Sheikh Maktoum of the emirate in 1998. Organized visits to the mosque by tourists are held once a week, on Thursdays, from 10:00 am. During Ramadan, the same center organizes for those wishing to visit the homes of local residents and participate in a festive meal (by appointment).

The United Arab Emirates is a very unusual state. In the middle of the endless desert and soils practically unsuitable for agriculture lie luxurious oases and flourishing cities. The UAE includes 7 separate emirates, which are separate state entities. The capital is Dubai. It is also one of the seven emirates.

Read our guide to learn how to plan your own trip to Dubai.

Our short review contains the most interesting and unusual facts about this eastern country, which was able to reach considerable heights in its development and technology thanks to only one natural wealth - huge oil deposits.

History and geography

Anyone who comes to these parts for the first time will find it hard to believe that just a few decades ago the UAE was an endless desert, in which it was incredibly difficult to survive. Today the country is included in the list of the richest states. Just imagine, out of a population of 5 million, 59 thousand millionaires live here!

Local punishments have long been famous for their severity. For certain crimes you can even expect death penalty. As before, this type of punishment is carried out by cutting off the head or stoning to death. This is why the UAE is included in the list of countries with the least number of crimes.

Social life

Every native resident of the UAE receives impressive support from the state. Almost every special event in the country entails financial assistance. For example, when a son is born into a family of citizens, they receive 50 thousand dollars. Each marriage brings the newlyweds 19 thousand dollars and a personal villa. The size of the salaries of government officials is also impressive. They receive up to 10 thousand dollars monthly.

Since the country belongs to the Muslim world, there are a lot of prohibitions here. For example, drinking alcohol is strictly prohibited, as is its transportation. There is also a taboo against photographing government agencies and even women.

You will never see people hitchhiking on the streets of the UAE. This is also strictly prohibited.

In addition, the ban on the “yellow press” should be considered a local quirk, since the personal life of citizens, especially sheikhs, is taboo. And access to social networks is also prohibited, since in the UAE it is generally accepted that such Internet resources contain a lot of negative information.

The fines in the country are also amazing. Just imagine, for violating the rules on the road you will face a fine of up to $800.

Entertainment and Features

Since the UAE is a desert country, camel racing is a very popular activity here. But the riders are not people at all, but real robots. The locals also love to go on desert safaris and use fancy jeeps for this.

Each bus stop is equipped with air conditioning. And this is not surprising, because in summer the average air temperature during the day does not fall below 50 degrees. And winter here is perhaps the warmest. The air temperature ranges from 18 to 28 degrees in different times days.

Gold is one of the most popular commodities in the UAE. According to statistics, every citizen annually buys at least 38 grams of this metal. According to local tradition, during a marriage proposal, the groom is obliged to give the bride 5 kg of gold at once.

By the way, the future of the newlyweds is determined by the parents. More from early childhood Every boy and girl pairs up, and when they reach a certain age, they get married. But for affairs outside of marriage you can even get a real prison sentence.

There is also the right to polygamy. But this is an expensive whim, even for citizens of such a rich country. Therefore in lately The vast majority of marriages are monogamous.

The UAE is considered one of the most expensive countries in terms of paying for utilities and purchasing fresh water.

There is a clear distribution of the roles of men and women in the country. Representatives of different sexes even move separately on public transport in separate carriages. Even the taxi interior is fenced off with a special partition.

It will take a lot of time to tell about such a country in colors. What is worth knowing is that the most luxurious hotels were built in the UAE, for example, famous all over the world

What comes to your mind when you first mention UAE? Surely, oil, sheikhs and fantastic skyscrapers, right? That's right. But we want to expand your knowledge, and we invite you to learn something more interesting about the state, which just a few decades ago was just a desert. So, some interesting facts about the UAE.

About people

The UAE is a very rich country. A little more than 5 million people live in it, including 59 thousand dollar millionaires. The sheikh rules the state, and power is inherited. The country takes care of its newborns and at birth each child receives a huge social package. Boys are especially lucky: at birth, the family receives 50 thousand dollars. Until they reach adulthood, each child receives $150 per month. The state also takes care of young families. The government allocates from 18 to 30 thousand dollars for a wedding, and the young family receives a comfortable villa as a gift. In general, the local population receives free education, free medicine and has the right to free housing. The indigenous population in the UAE is small, less than 13%. The rest of the country's inhabitants are from South Asia and the Philippines. They mostly work (the cheapest labor). The average Arab earns about $15,000 a year in the UAE and has a $2,000 benefit. And a government employee earns about $10,000 a month. By the way, women can serve in the UAE army and police.

About oil, money and gold

Thanks to oil revenues and the skillful investment of capital in the development of industry and agriculture, the country has become one of the most successful in the world. Tourism has begun to develop rapidly in the UAE, which is an integral part of the country's economy. And oil in the UAE is much cleaner than in Russia. The country has the most large number ATMs per capita in the world. There is even an ATM that dispenses gold bars (at the Emirates Palace Hotel). In the UAE, everyone loves gold. Can you imagine that every resident of the Emirates buys 38 grams of gold annually. If an Arab wants to marry an Arab woman, then on the day of matchmaking he is obliged to give at least 5 kg of gold jewelry. Dubai - the center of trade jewelry in the Middle East. The country's jewelers constantly surprise with their products. So, in 1999, a gold chain was made, 4 kilometers long and 22 carats. Confectioners are not far behind. In the UAE, cupcakes sell for $1,000 each. This is the Golden Phoenix. All the decorations on it are made of edible gold and chocolate, and the cupcake is sprinkled with gold dust on top. Same thing confectionery served on a 24k gold cake stand.

About buildings

The most phantasmagoric buildings in the world were first built in Dubai. For example, the World skyscraper shopping mall in 1979, which remained the highest in the world until 1991. What can we say about the Burj Khalifa tower, which soars 828 meters into the air. And the fountain, which is located near the tower, shoots jets of water at 130 meters, and the illumination of the fountain is visible at 35 meters in height. It also has its own “leaning tower” - Capital Gate in Abu Dhabi, with the largest slope in the world. The tallest residential building in the world was also built in Dubai - the Princes Tower residence (height 414 meters). The list of the largest mosques in the world includes the Sheikh Zayed Mosque in Abu Dhabi, which can accommodate up to 41 thousand believers, has the largest chandelier in the world (15 m high, 10 m in diameter and weighs more than 9 tons) and a carpet , listed in the Guinness Book of Records (its length is 133 m, width 48 m, weight 48 tons). And the artificial island of Palm Jumeirah is even visible from space. In the near future, it is planned to open its own Disneyland - Dubailand, which will be twice the size of its brother.

About prohibitions and laws

Since the UAE is a Muslim country, prohibitions are strictly observed here and people live according to the laws of the Koran. The sale and consumption of alcohol is prohibited in three emirates. The country does not allow photography of government institutions, military installations, private buildings or women. If you decide to hitchhike around the country, this may be fraught with an administrative violation. Freedom of speech is difficult in the UAE. You will not find anything about the personal lives of sheikhs in any publication. Also, on the Internet, many people are blocked social networks, including Facebook. From the Qur'anic point of view, the Internet may contain harmful information. If you are not a Muslim, you are not allowed to enter the mosque (except in those that are public places). When entering the mosque, you must take off your shoes. In the UAE you will pay fines for any reason - for throwing garbage on the street the fine is almost $136, for running a red light - $800, etc. But punishment is not limited to fines. Punishment in the form of public beatings or stoning is quite possible. For adultery, you can generally lose your head.

About entertainment

Since the United Arab Emirates is located in the desert, one of the most popular entertainments here is the racing of “ships of the desert” - camels. In the past, the races involved riders. Now the camels are controlled by robots. As an alternative to camel racing, desert jeep safaris are offered. A popular entertainment in the UAE is falconry - an elite entertainment and a privilege of the nobility. This is because the cost of birds is affordable only for rich people in the UAE. Arabs love cinema. So, for example, on the island of Sir Bani Yas, you can watch films simply under open air, sitting comfortably in a sun lounger. If you want to plunge into winter, go to Ski Dubai Park. All conditions for a ski holiday have been created here: slopes, ski lifts, areas for snowboarders, for playing snowballs, snow slides and equipment rentals for winter species sports The Emirati authorities are trying to turn any deserted piece of land into an oasis. But besides bushes, little grows in the desert. That's why palm trees are planted. Pleasure is not cheap. One palm tree costs about 10 thousand dollars. Since the climate in the country is hot all year round, the government has ensured that bus stops in the country are closed and air-conditioned.

And this is just part interesting facts about the United Arab Emirates. Going on vacation to the country of green oases and majestic dunes, you will get the most indelible impressions and an unforgettable adventure. The state took care of this. We wish you good luck!

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