Sonya Marmeladova and purulent one person. Purulent: personal life and biography of the famous rapper. Gnoyny is a veteran of the domestic underground

Slava Karelin- the character about whom we will discuss further calls himself on the Internet. His last name according to his passport is not Karelin, but Mashnov. " Purulent" is one of the many aliases he uses depending on the situation.


Slava was born in the Khabarovsk Territory in the 90s. It is known that he studied at the Khabarovsk Institute of Infocommunications, and in his youth he became interested in punk and drawing cartoons to order. I tried to sell psychological tests on CDs, worked in a water park, and in cellular companies. The already well-known “Purulent” is quite recognizable in this old and small photo. He was born on May 9, 1990, now he is 27 years old.

Gnoyny became interested in rap relatively recently. Based on records from the Internet, one can trace the beginning of his activity in 2012, as well as draw parallels with the group “Buchenwald Flava”, which inspired him with their songs, style and position in rap. The leader of the already disbanded group “Buchenwald Flava”, Sasha Skull, recorded several songs with Slava CPSU.

In 2013, Slava applied to participate in a rap battle in the project SlovoSPB and wins it, defeating the organizer, Dan Cheney, in the final. Then Gnoyny begins to play an aggressive game, hitting every second one - from popular to not so popular rappers. The tactic of “hurting everyone” who does not fit his belief system quickly makes Gnoinny popular, albeit in the narrow circles of the hip-hop underground. At the same time, he met rapper Zamai with whom they later walked side by side and got into the movement “ Antihype", which exists in conjunction with another rap association " Renaissance"led by veteran battle rapper Viktor SD Geviksman.

It is worth noting that Slava is impressed by the St. Petersburg battle platform #SlovoSPB; he directs his main oppression at their neighbors, competitors - Versus. He justifies his attempts by the fact that Versus is an overly commercial project that puts money in the foreground, not battle rap.

The style of the rapper Gnoyny originated from the underground direction, where at the origins is such an anonymous Obninsk rapper as Babangida, who partly inspired Slava. He also doesn't like the rest of Russian rap, especially the part that takes on a commercially convenient position. Actively dissing Oxxxymiron, Rickey F, etc., and on Versus against Erensto Shut Up, he ends his round by quoting Babangida’s lines from the battle against Noise MC.

Under the pseudonym Slava CPSU, he takes part in the song “Bad Whites,” which features Viktor SD, Sasha Skull and also the rap group “Lenina Packet” from Obninsk. At the first battles of SlovoSpb, Slava wears a T-shirt with the logo of the same Obninsk group LP, which indicates his sympathy for the art produced by The LP. He also wore this T-shirt on Versus with Ernesto Shut Up.

You can’t say for sure where Slava gets his inspiration for his songs, but what we can say for sure is that he is impressed by the Yekaterinburg group “4 Positions of Bruno” and the leader of the “Auktsyona” group Leodin Fedorova, where he quotes him in his songs.

The direction of enlightened nihilism, as one of Gnoyny’s techniques. As if on Babangida’s instructions, he collectively places all the elements of world culture into one large garbage bag - and with a tasty kick sends it off on an entertaining and long journey of three cheerful letters. The main engine of his creativity is the emotional background - ardent hatred in bright colors to what we are talking about. This doesn’t always work for the lyrics in songs, but it’s absolutely effective in the context of hip-hop battles, where the main point is to hit the opponent (and everything that implies, including immediate family) as accurately as possible. Gnoy’s rivals fly apart like pins in a bowling alley, and it’s fascinating to watch, to say the least.


Karelin has many pseudonyms, which does not tie him to any one image, but makes him versatile, creative performer. Let's look at the main ones.


Slava’s regular pseudonym under which he performs in battles, writes songs and even appears on Twitter.

Sonya Marmeladova

The name he uses for battles to the beat and also for tracks that are performed in the grime genre: high-speed cleaning to a hard cue ball. As an example, we can take Gnoyny’s challenge to a battle directed towards Riki F, where the following text is heard with the aim of hurting the opponent:

I don't see a battle, I see a sucker
Crow on Twitter that I'm not worthy of disses, but!
You turn on the gadget, but! You will see God
Know this missed call for a battle rapper.

Diss challenge by Sonya Marmeladova to Ricky F

Buter Brodsky

Slava’s serious project: a gloomy rap about the existentiality of Russian life.

Glory to the CPSU

A name that Karelin, as a rule, does not use in the battle kitchen, however, nevertheless, it seeps there too . Accordingly, the Glory of the CPSU appears more in creativity aimed at writing songs. For example, in 2016 the mixtype “HypeTrain” was released. Translated, it turns out to be a hype train, this mixtape features 30 songs and many guest appearances. For example, today’s popular Monetochka or Oleg LSP are present there.

Valentin Dyadka

An image in which Slava parodies other rap artists and others. There is a whole parody EP album “To My Jews” dedicated to specific rappers Oksimiron and Jubilee. Also, after Oksimiron lost the battle with Slava, the latter recorded a new diss track - “Come and cool my ardor”, parodying the former’s tweet.

Battles of Purulent

Undoubtedly, Slava is known for being like a duck to water in the battle arena. Let's go through the list of his main achievements in this field.

  • Slovo Spb

in 2014, Gnoyny became a regular at the Slovo site. Slava performed at other Slovo branches, and of course he didn’t miss SlofoFest. It was there that the battle between Gnoyny and the rapper Nongratta took place, which subsequently outraged Karelin’s Chechen listeners because of his harsh words towards the culture of Chechnya. Subsequently, they even intended to organize a meeting with Slava.

  • 140 BPM

in 2016, the #SlovoSpb platform launches beat battles, which are called “140 BPM” (where the participants rhyme to fast music). One of the first participants, of course, was Gnoyny, but in the image of Sonya Maremeladova. For example, he destroys his opponent Edik'a Kingsta.

Gnoyny is the pseudonym of Vyacheslav Mashnov, one of the strongest domestic battle rappers, the leader of the Antihype Renaissance movement of St. Petersburg rap artists, a permanent judge of the SlovoSPB tournament, the winner of the first season of Slovo in the Northern capital. He also performs under the nicknames Valentin Dyadka, Slava Karelin, Sonya Marmeladova, Buter Brodsky, Slava CPSU and others.

The rapper is known for his juicy punchlines (witty punch lines in the text), cavalier attitude towards opponents and immoral statements.

The public's attention to him increased sharply after, in response to his disses (demonstration of disrespect), he was challenged to a duel by the “king” of the genre with a diploma from Oxford University, Oxxxymiron (Miron Fedorov), whose rap battles consistently receive millions of views on YouTube. Their verbal duel took place in August 2017.


The future bright rap musician was born in Khabarovsk on May 9, 1990. In addition to him, his sister Daria grew up in their family. IN school years he was a supporter of the punk culture, known for its critical attitude towards society and politics. As Ernesto Shut Up (Dmitry Romashchenko) later read about him - “At 15, when you were initiated into punks, you drank urine from a sneaker,” and Vyacheslav clarified that in fact these were not sneakers, but “patrols” (footwear from the Patrol company , which is often worn by informals).

In high school, he and a classmate went into business. Young entrepreneurs created custom greeting cartoons, offering them for purchase as creative gifts. Then they started selling CDs with psychological tests, which they compiled and recorded independently. He spent the first money he earned on all sorts of goodies.


After graduating from school in 2007, the young man entered the Khabarovsk Institute of Infocommunications. He was not distinguished by impeccable behavior - he was repeatedly detained by the police for drunken brawls. But still he received a higher education and became a specialist in the IT field.

At the age of 22, he became acquainted with the work of rapper Sasha Skul, frontman of the group Buchenwald Flava, and became interested in hip-hop music. He listened to all his albums and began to develop his own musical gift. Improving his technique and performance style, he recorded tracks replete with profanity.

After graduating from university, he worked in one of the companies providing services cellular communication, and after a while he went to work at a water park, where wages was higher.

Career development

In 2013, the aspiring musician released the album Pih-poh under the pseudonym Slava CPSU, which included four compositions: “Pih-poh”, “Kaplya”, “I love you” and “Old Image”. During the same period, an EP by Gnoyny and Smesharique was released called “The Jar of Indigestion,” which united six of their joint works.

At the same time, he submitted an application and then took part in the first season of the Slovo battle project in St. Petersburg, taking stage name Purulent. This choice was explained by the fact that his rap readings were full of immoral phrases and harsh attacks, and he himself recognized the purulence of his own nature. During the competition, he easily dealt with all his rivals, including the organizer of the battle, Dan Cheney, with whom he fought in the final, demonstrating an excellent sense of rhythm, ability to improvise and, in general, his viability as an MC.

After winning the tournament, he performed at Slovofest in Anapa. His opponent was Nongratta, a freestyler and MC from Kharkov, organizer and winner of the first season of the Moscow “Slovo”. But the most difficult battle for Gnoyny was the battle with Krasnodar MC S"One, which he eventually lost.

Purulent VS Nongratta (Slovo)

In 2014, Gnoyny attracted the attention of the audience with his new album “Foliage in an Empty Pool.” It included nine songs, three of which he recorded together with other performers: “In the Yards” ft. Sebastian Kadar, Corroded by Decay ft. Bifidogostok and "Na" bus stop» ft. Smesharik.

In 2015, fans of the genre could get acquainted with the video for the song “Sit Out,” written in the style of “thieves’ grime romance.”

Purulent - Sit it out

During the same period, the track “#SLOVOSPB” appeared, created by Slava CPSU and CHEYN. The composition became the anthem of the project of the same name. You can also note the rapper’s interesting remix called “BLACK STALIN” to Pharaoh’s popular song “BLACK SIEMENS”, the video of which has received more than 10 million views on the Internet. In his unique style of rhyming, Gnoyny adequately played up the original composition, changing the text:

“I’m almost Ulyanov, I fucked tsarism in the mouth,
Communism was built on the fragments of lives,
Morsik flies from the canteen in the dark,
A black armored car is galloping along the avenue.”

In 2015, a parody EP by Slava CPSU “To My Jews” was released, the tracklist of which included the compositions “My friend reads Russian grime”, “Yeti and animals”, “Oxy knows everything”. At the same time, the rapper appeared in several battles with unique energy, for example, against JasseJames, in a 2x2 team competition.

In 2016, together with his longtime idol Sasha Skul, he released joint track"In the courtroom." At the same time, he presented a new release, “It’s Hard to Be with God,” which included eight works. The most popular song from it was “Dead Stars”. During the same period, the rapper pleased fans with the composition “In a Babangida T-shirt,” the mixtape “Hype Train,” and the track “Mackerel Love.”

Under another pseudonym - Sonya Marmeladova - the rap artist usually releases grime tracks, for example, a diss on Rickey F, under the pseudonym Valentin Dyadka - humorous remixes, for example, a cover of "Panelka" by Husky or "Well, you're Dud", dedicated to Yuri Dud .

Rickey F VS Sonya Marmeladova (Versus)

In fairness, it is worth noting that the rap artist’s work initially showed a critical attitude towards popular culture, rejection of the pursuit of basic standards in the form of owning fashionable gadgets and branded items instead of improving social and spiritual qualities. In the future this is his life position resulted in the concept of “anti-hype”, which became a favorite theme of his recitatives. Therefore, according to some connoisseurs, the texts of the musician, who is often perceived only from the “immoral side,” contain a lot of common sense and even sincere lyricism.

New ones were released in 2017 musical works an extraordinary performer - the invigorating and motivating album “Tea for Two” and “Parisian Mosquito”, filled with profanity. The first of them, where he positions himself as an “anti-hyper”, includes nine compositions, the second – six. One of the tracks on the latest disc, “New Rothschild,” is not recommended on the Internet for believers and vulnerable people to listen to, since Gnoyny compares himself to God in it.

Purulent vs Ernesto Shut up

In 2017, he was challenged to a duel by one of the main characters in Russian rap, Oksimiron. This happened after Vyacheslav’s battle with Ernesto Shut Up, the finalist of the first season of Versus Fresh Blood, which took place as part of the project “#SLOVOSPB against Versus”, during which he allowed himself daring attacks against Oksimiron, gained 2.7 million in a month on YouTube views.

The battle with the participation of Oksimiron and Gnoyny took place in August 2017. And even before the video from “Versus” appeared on the Internet, it became known that Gnoyny won with a score of 5:0. The event was discussed everywhere - Expert magazine put a photo from the battle on the cover, about huge amount views of this video on YouTube were broadcast on federal channels, and a number of online media outlets were fined for publishing the full, uncensored version of the verbal duel between Oksimiron and Gnoyny.

Versus X SlovoSPB. Oksimiron VS Purulent (Glory to the CPSU)

A week after the battle, Gnoyny gave an interview to Yuri Dudu, in which he talked about how his life had changed after the battle. He was forced to quit his job (he worked as a system administrator in shopping center), because they began to recognize him. The rapper also spoke about his most romantic act - he put soap on the toilet floor the year he started dating Sasha Disco.

Personal life of Slava CPSU

For about three years, the rapper dated photographer Sasha Disco, but broke up with her because, in his own words, they “teased each other.”

In 2016, Gnoyny had a serious conflict with Caucasians. A certain Khalid Gelayev found his remark about the availability of Chechen girls, made during the battle against Nongratta back in 2014, offensive, and recorded a video message calling for a hunt for the rapper. Information leaked to all thematic public pages dedicated to Chechen culture. After numerous threats, Gnoiny had to delete his VKontakte page and make a public apology to the girls of Ichkeria.

Slava is also known for quarrels with fellow rappers. In particular, he made angry jokes during the Jubilee rap battles and performed parodies of his songs in concerts. As a result, the St. Petersburg resident wrote the song “Clown” about him, and Gnoyny, in turn, wrote the track “Pi**r”.

Purulent now

Gnoyny mocks the participants of the show “Success”

The rapper, whose real name is Slava Karelin, has several other nicknames: Buter Brodsky, Sonya Marmeladova and Slava KPSS. But in the world of rap battles, he is known as Purulent. And the nasty nickname quite accurately characterizes the nature of his couplets. First, Gnoyny became the champion of the Slovo SPB battle league, which some consider second in level after Versus. Then he held several more performances - the most revealing was the battle against one of the top representatives of the Versus series, Ernesto Shut Up.

The battle between Gnoyny and Ernesto Shut Up that took place this summer collected 3.5 million views and became the reason why Oksimiron called him to “Versus”. In addition, this fight is notable as the first case of self-censorship on the Russian battle scene: jokes about Patriarch Kirill and Kadyrov were censored in the Internet version of the battle.

But real fame overtook Slava suddenly and with a minimum of effort on his part. The hype around Gnoyny was raised by the owners of VKontakte accounts from Caucasian surnames grouping around the public of Chechen youth. Some of them dug up two years ago from Gnoyny’s speech at the “Slovo” battle - he informed his opponent that he had sex with Chinese, Armenian, and Chechen women and did not discriminate.

Grozny residents felt that it was worth making distinctions, and published a call to find the rapper so that he would “answer for his festering mouth” (the post has now been deleted). In the comments there were ideas to come to the St. Petersburg bar “1703”, where those same “Versus” battles take place. Gnoyny deleted his VKontakte account with a farewell note: “Forgive me, dear girls of Ichkeria.” Nevertheless, screenshots of VK correspondence with him surfaced online, where he allegedly apologized.

This situation immediately ignited a fire in Russian rap. After all, battle rap with its constant jokes about mothers has not only become boring, but the previous reaction “Oh, outrageous!” no longer calls. Suddenly an audience was found that was not ready to put up with the existence of this kind of art. In, organized by the website The Flow, hopes were expressed that one day humanity will learn to resolve disputes without assault, but for now that’s it; the question was raised about what the value of such freedom of speech was in general with the conclusion: “They didn’t want to set moral boundaries for themselves, so they’ll set them for you”; they even recalled Raikin’s speech about censorship, but with the caveats that permissiveness is also not very good and an internal censor is needed.

And right before the weekend, when the conflict began to fizzle out, I made comments for the first time and most importantly character Purulent. He released a minute and a half video in which he actually apologized. But as if wholesale - to Chinese, Armenian, and Chechen women at once, as if trying not to lose face.

Gnoyny's only reaction to the events unfolding around him is a minute and a half video

But this does not necessarily mean that the conflict is over. So the organizers of the “Versus” battle, where Gnoyny had a fight scheduled for last Sunday with another local headliner Rickey F, played it safe and moved it to an unknown date. Instead of them, other people were making noise at the 1703 club over the weekend - including Dima Malikov.

As for Gnoyny, without making almost any effort (and finding himself in an extremely uncomfortable situation), he caught completely unimaginable hype. And since he is far from an untalented rapper, one should not be surprised if in the foreseeable future the Internet hype around him materializes into a sold-out in a large Moscow club. Especially if Slava avoids meeting with Chechen listeners before the battle with Oksimiron planned for 2017.

  • Gnoyny is known for nihilism, a satirical and provocative dirty style, immorality and harsh statements, including towards almost all other rappers.
  • Gnoyny is considered one of the strongest Russian-speaking battle rappers.
  • During his school years, Vyacheslav drew cartoons to order, later sold psychological tests on CDs, worked in cellular companies and in a water park. Studied at the Khabarovsk Institute of Infocommunications.
  • Vyacheslav’s career as a battle rapper began in 2013, when Slava Karelin sent an application to participate in the Slovo SPB battle league, where he was accepted, and in 2014 he made it to the finals, in which he became the winner of the first season.
  • Attention to Gnoyny grew sharply after participating in the Versus Battle against Ernesto Shut Up in July 2016, where he dispatched Versus and devoted almost the entire second round to accusing him of hypocrisy and calling him a “hype-hungry pig.” At the same battle, censorship was used for the first time due to the use of offensive lines. The next day, Miron “Oxxxymiron” Fedorov challenged Gnoyny to a battle in 2017.
  • In 2016, based on #SlovoSPB, a new format of battles with a musical beat appeared - 140 BPM. The first episode was a battle with the participation of Sonya Marmeladova. On November 4, a similar format appeared on Versus, where Sonya Marmeladova also became a pioneer in the fight with Rickey F. As of August 2017, the video has more than 21 million views.
  • The battle with Oxxxymiron, which became the most anticipated in 2017, took place as part of the 2nd season of Versus x #SlovoSPB on August 6. For some time there were rumors that Gnoyny won the competition. The day before the publication of the video, Vyacheslav, on behalf of Valentin Dyadka, published a mocking track “Cool my ardor,” which is dedicated to Oksimiron, and also mocked him on Twitter. After the publication of the issue on August 14, the rumors were confirmed: Slava CPSU defeated the enemy with a score of 5:0. The video became a hit and received more than 10 million views in the first 24 hours after its publication.
  • October 29, 2016 in the “Fortress Grozny” community social network“VKontakte” published a recording with an excerpt from Gnoyny’s battle against Nongratta at SlovoFest, released on October 4, 2014, where he read lines declaring having sex with girls of Chechen, Armenian, Chinese and other Asian nationalities. The Chechen diaspora considered the statement offensive and declared a hunt for Vyacheslav so that he would “answer for his festering mouth” and began making threats on the Internet. On October 31, he had to leave VKontakte due to the inaction of the site’s support, asking forgiveness from the girls of Ichkeria, and start hiding. On November 3, Gnoyny made a public apology in a video message, and the persecution of the rapper stopped.
  • Vyacheslav, according to his own statement, likes to come up with various pseudonyms for himself:
    • Purulent- used for battles.
    • Sonya Marmeladova- used for beat battles and grime tracks. Sonya Marmeladova is the name of a character in Dostoevsky's novel Crime and Punishment.
    • Glory to the CPSU- used for the majority of released music.
    • Valentin Dyadka- used for cover parodies of compositions by other artists.
    • Buter Brodsky- used in existential gloomy and sad works about Russian hopelessness to the beats of balalaikas and wind instruments. Previously used for battle performances. In addition to these, Slava’s work can be found under several dozen other pseudonyms.
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Biography, life story of Gnoyny (Glory to the CPSU)

Purulent (aka Buter Brodsky, Valentin Dyadka, Slava Karelin, Slava CPSU, Sonya Marmeladova and others) - Vyacheslav Mashnov, shocking Russian performer songs in the rap genre. He gained wide fame thanks to his witty, but at the same time defiant, borderline foul, statements and intolerance towards opponents.

Childhood and youth

Vyacheslav Mashnov comes from Far East. In the northern city of Khabarovsk he was born on May 9, 1990. Slava’s parents raised, in addition to him, their daughter Dasha.

Slava joined the punk subculture professing a critical attitude towards the state and civil society in school age. This hobby did not become an obstacle to starting a business. Together with a classmate, Mashnov began creating cartoons, which he offered to clients as creative congratulatory gifts. The proceeds were enough for him to treat himself to something tasty and not depend on his parents’ pocket money.

After graduating from school, the future rapper became a student at the Institute of Information Communications, which was in his hometown. At that time, his commitment to punk culture was clearly demonstrated: Slava was detained by law enforcement officers, more than once. The reason for this was the inappropriate actions of the drunken student Mashnova.

Despite frequent reports to the police, Vyacheslav managed to graduate from university and receive a diploma higher education. After that, he began to be considered a specialist in the IT field. True, this status was formal: the graduate had to work in a company providing mobile communication services, as well as in a water park.

Passion for hip-hop music

Mashnov felt a passion for cool melodies after listening to the recordings of Sasha Skul, the leading soloist of the Buchenwald Flava group. Slava began creating his own albums. However, he did not blindly imitate his idol, but recorded his own tracks. Most of them were accompanied by profanity.


Start of a musical career

The path to success began in 2013, when Vyacheslav Mashnov (under the pseudonym Slava CPSU) presented the album Pih-poh to the public. A specific category of listeners reacted favorably to him. Inspired by success, the aspiring musician armed himself with the pseudonym Gnoyny and became a participant in the first season of the St. Petersburg battle project Slovo.

Being a very extraordinary person, Gnoyny turned out to be the winner of the tournament. After that, he arrived at Slovofest in Anapa, where he was unable to beat other bright rappers.

However, in a duel with (an equally prominent rapper like himself), Gnoiny won. The event, which took place in St. Petersburg in August 2017, caused great excitement among battle fans.

Personal life

Oddly enough, oh behind the scenes life Little is known about the talented rapper, known for his aggressive performance style and penchant for controversial actions. One might even say almost nothing.

According to the information available to journalists, Gnoyny was not seen in contact with girls. At the same time, he once publicly spoke unflatteringly about representatives of the opposite sex from Chechnya, calling them easily accessible. This bold statement didn't like the guys from Caucasus region, one of whom, through a video, called on his compatriots to deal with the offender like men.

Purulent took the threat seriously enough and considered it necessary to apologize to the girls of Ichkeria. In addition, he had to delete his page on the social network, which was the reason for the showdown.