Elton John biography personal life. Elton John - biography, information, personal life

1947 in north London in the town of Pinner. This event was as ordinary in scale as the birth of a child in the most ordinary family can be. And only many years later we can talk about the significance of this event not only for the parents of our miracle, but also for the whole world...

Musical prodigy

Reginald Kenneth Dwight, as Stanley and Sheila Dwight christened their child when he was born. From early childhood, Reggie showed an interest in music. This was facilitated by the mother, who often practiced the piano with the child. My father was a military musician and played trumpet in the Royal Air Force band. But he didn’t want Reggie to follow in his footsteps, so his son’s hobbies did not please dad.

However, Reginald's interest in music only grew. Already at the age of four he could play by ear; which was facilitated by frequent listening to records with popular performers at that time.

When the talented Reginald was 12 years old, the Royal Academy of Music offered free training. He regularly attended classes on Saturdays. A year later, his parents divorced, which made the young man very worried. At the same age, Reggie began wearing glasses, copying famous artist Buddy Holly. As one might expect, Reggie became nearsighted and could no longer cope without glasses.

Future Elton John chose music

Reginald's stepfather supported the child's musical endeavors. He first appeared in public at the age of 16. He sang and played the piano every weekend. And his mother always sat in the corner. Reg received a pound per evening for his performance and was able to save up for an electric piano.

At that time, the young man was busy with three jobs at once. In the morning he acted as a courier at a music publishing house. During the day he played the piano in a restaurant. Finally, in the evening I performed and rehearsed with the Bluesology group, which he organized with his school friends. They managed to release two singles, but both of them were unsuccessful.

Reggie never finished school. He left her for a job at music publishing company Mills. However, they had to leave the job when the group went on tour around Britain with one singer accompanying them.

In 1967 - touring again. At this time, Reggie fell in love with a girl named Linda and sought her attention for a long time. But she forced him to make a choice: “Either me or music.” The guy wanted to commit suicide out of despair. But, fortunately, he changed his mind and chose music.

Failed first step

Having learned about the competition for young talents, which was held by the Liberty Music company, Reggie hurried to audition. He performed a couple of other people's songs... and failed. But fate turned out to be favorable to him: the organizer of the competition, Ray Williams, gave the “unfortunate musician” poems of one poet. Without knowing it, Ray formed creative union Elton John and Bernie Taupin for more than three decades.

The same Ray Williams introduced Reginald to Dick James. He once published songs. Now, at Rhea's request, he must record Reggie's first song. Dick James signed a publishing contract with Reginald. And Bernie Taupin moved to London.

At first, Reggie and Bernie had to work on social security. But later Dick James agreed to record and release Reginald's own record. Now it's time to change his name. And became Reginald Dwight Elton John.

Failure, success and Elton's tour in the USA

First plastic surgery Elton"I've Been Loving You" was released in March 1968, but was not a success. And not by chance. The point is that Elton wrote a song in a popular style at the time just to become famous. Moreover, he wrote the words himself, and gave the right to be considered the author of these poems to Topin. As a result, I had to return to my previous job.

The head of one of the departments of the publishing house began to persuade the director to give free rein co-authors in their work. Dick James agreed. This allowed Elton make your name in the world of music.

And that's real luck. The aspiring English musician was noticed in America and invited to tour. In September 1970 Elton went to the USA. He was given a good reception. At the same time, Elton and his team, which included drummer Nigel Olson and bassist Dee Murray (a little later they were joined by guitarist Davey Johnston), recorded the music for the film “Friends”. By the end of 1971, Reginald Kenneth Dwight had officially changed his name and became Elton Hercules John.

Try yourself

Davey Johnston once said that he would like to release his solo album. Elton and his manager John Reed began to help their friend. But all negotiations with the studios were in vain. Then it was decided to open my own company, which would help young talents make their way to fame.

In 1974 career Elton failure awaited. His next album was received poorly. Moving a little away from this blow switched to other areas of activity. He bought the Watford football team and later became the club's president.

Successful Elton John to also be an actor on stage. In 1975, Ken Russell prepared the rock opera "Tommy". The director wanted the main roles to be played by musicians. Here we go Elton got a role, albeit a very small one, only 4 minutes of presence on stage. In the same year Elton invited me to record his album. Elton in turn proposed Lennon play on his record. He agreed. When the song took first place, Lennon spoke with Elton at Maddison Square Garden.

Elton John's family life

By 1976, the world was experiencing turbulent times, such as the punk revolution in England. Music Elton turned out to be alien and unnecessary. His union with Bernie. During an interview with the magazine Rolling Stone"The singer announced his bisexuality. Fame Elton due to his long absence from music, the musician was drifting away, so he decided to tour in countries where he had never performed: France, Spain, Israel, the USSR.

In 1980 Elton, appreciating old friendship and affection, returns Dee Murray and Nigel Olson to his team. And with his songwriter Elton resumed permanent cooperation in 1984. Then Elton started a family: married Renata Blauer. She was a sound engineer and collaborated with him in Germany. he really wanted to have children, but time passed, and his marriage with Renata remained fruitless and broke up after four years.

A little later a statement appeared Elton John that he is more likely to be homosexual than bisexual. He was tormented by constant depression. began abusing alcohol and drugs and underwent drug addiction treatment several times.

with David Furnish

In 1993 he met David Furnish, who helped him get rid of bad habits, and 2005 John and Furnish entered into a prenuptial agreement. Only close friends and relatives were invited to the wedding ceremony.

December 25 2010 Elton and David became fathers: their son was born from a surrogate mother from California, and January 11 In 2013, the second one was born. Exactly nine years after entering into a civil partnership, on December 21, 2014, David Furnish officially got married. The wedding ceremony took place at the Windsor estate near London. According to already established tradition, only the closest people were invited to the wedding. There were 50 of them. Among the guests were also John and Furnish's sons, three-year-old Zachary and two-year-old Elijah.


with David Furnish and sons

After death, vocalist the most popular group , Elton created his own foundation to fight AIDS. Since then, he has often given charity concerts to benefit the foundation.

In 1995, he received an Oscar for his performance of the song “Can You Feel the Love Tonight” from the soundtrack to the animated film “The Lion King.” And two years later, during the funeral of Princess Diana, he performed his old song “Candle in the Wind,” which he and Bernie rewrote. After this event, Queen Elizabeth dedicated Elton John knighted.

Now he is one of the most popular and richest performers in the world. He has more than 30 albums and 500 songs. He can boast that for 30 years there has not been a time when his songs were not present in the charts. And it’s not surprising, because he is.


Child prodigy Reginald Kenneth Dwight won a scholarship to the Royal Academy of Music at age 11, where he then studied for six years.

Throughout his career, he sold more albums in the US and Britain than any other British solo artist.

The singer's personal fortune is estimated at $265 million, and he donated about $1 billion to charity.

Updated: November 21, 2017 by: Elena

WITHer Elton John, real namewhomReginald Kenneth Dwight, was born in the British city of Pinner in the family of a military pilot. His parents divorced in 1962, then his mother remarried when Reginald was 15.

At the age of four the boy began to play the piano. At eleven, the young man won a scholarship to the Royal Academy of Music, where he then studied for six years.

At 13years he organizedBluesology group with friends. By the mid-1960s, they were touring the United States with famous rhythm and blues musicians.

After the breakupBluesologyin 1967, the musician recorded his first composition based on the poems of Bernie Taupin Scarecrow. That same year, he adopted the pseudonym Elton John, in honor of musicians Elton Dean and Long John. In 1970, the singer’s first album was released under this name (“Elton John”). The single Your Song became a hit on both sides of the Atlantic.

In 1973, the musician released the album Don"t Shoot Me, I"m Only the Piano Player, which went gold. The same year, his double album Goodbye Yellow Brick Road was released, which reached number one on the Billboard album chart.

In 1974, the Caribou record and collection were released greatest hits Greatest Hits.

In the mid-1970s, 16 of Elton John's consecutive singles entered the Top 20 in Britain, and 12 of them entered the Top 5.

In 1976, the singer presented the album Blue Moves with the single Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word.

In 1986, Elton John lost his voice while touring Australia and shortly thereafter underwent throat surgery that changed the sound of his voice. Despite this, the performer continued his musical career.

The 1989 album Sleeping With The Past and the 1992 album The One went platinum.

In 1990, Elton underwent rehabilitation to combat drug addiction, alcoholism and bulimia.

During his career, Elton John recorded over 30 albums, sold more than 250 million records, and had 54 singles in the British Top 40. In 2007, the singer's single Candle in the Wind entered the Guinness Book of Records as the best-selling single in the history of music.

Elton was nominated for a Grammy Award 11 times and won five times. In 2001, the musician received an honorary Grammy Award.

Personal life

In 1976, the singer spoke in an interview with Rolling Stone magazine about his bisexuality.

In 1984, he married sound engineer Rinata Blauel. Four years later they divorced. After this, Elton John declared that he was more homosexual than bisexual.

Since 1993, film director David Furnish has become John's companion. In 2005, they legalized their relationship after same-sex marriage was legalized in the UK. The couple has two sons who were born to surrogate mothers: V 2010 Zechariah was born in 2013, and Elijah was born in 2013.


The musician collects original eyeglass frames.


In 1993, Elton John was awarded the degree of officer of the French Order of Arts and Letters, in 1996 he became a Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire, and in 1998 he received a knighthood.

Every summer, Elton John, his husband David Furnish and their sons, 6-year-old Zachary and 4-year-old Elijah, vacation in the resort of Saint-Tropez in France. Now the family is vacationing there. On Sunday, celebrities with children were caught by the paparazzi while walking on a yacht. As usual, Elton John and his team traveled along the Cote d'Azur to be able to stop at best beaches, and then stop by your favorite restaurant, Club 55, located on Pampelonne beach. Judging by the photographs, Elton John with her husband and children were in in a great mood.

Elton John, David Furnish with children

Elton John and David Furnish met in 1993 and began living together a year later. In 2005, after same-sex marriage was legalized in the UK, Elton and David decided to get married. They became one of the first in the country who decided to take advantage of the new law. More than 700 guests were invited to the celebration, which took place at the Town Hall of the Windsor Estate, including Madonna, Sting, and Mick Jagger.

At the end of 2010, Elton John and David Furnish became parents; a surrogate mother gave birth to their son Zachary. A couple of years later, in January 2013, their second child, Elijah, was born in the same way.

Children have completely changed my life. “I realized that the simplest things in life, like spending a minute with them, are more valuable than any paintings, houses or even a hit record,” Elton said in an interview with the Mirror.

However, in one of his interviews with the Guardian newspaper, John admitted that he was strictly raising his sons.

They receive three pounds each as pocket money, with one pound to give to charity, one pound to put in their piggy bank, and only one to spend as they please. They receive three coins and put them in three different piggy banks. To get money, they must earn it - help in the kitchen or in the garden. They must learn to understand the value of working and making money on their own, said Elton John.

Elton John is Britain's most successful rock musician. His fortune is estimated at $260 million, and he donated another $1 billion to charity. Thanks to amazing voice, with enchanting piano music and piercing, catchy lyrics, Elton managed to win the hearts of listeners and win an entire army of fans. Selling more than 250 million records during his career, Elton John had a huge influence on the development of soft rock.

Early years

Elton John (real name Reginald Dwight) was born in the English town of Pinner on March 25, 1947. His father was an Air Force squadron commander, so he was almost never home. When the parents divorced in 1962, the mother took over raising her son. However, his stepfather, whom Elton treated with great love, also took part in this process.

Reginald showed his talent for music in early childhood. At the age of 4 he began learning to play the piano. A few years later, Dwight could already play any classical melody, for which he was nicknamed a child prodigy. At the age of 11 he became a scholarship student at the Royal Conservatory, where he then studied for 6 years.

Music career the famous rocker began too early. In 1960, together with his comrades, he organized the blues band "The Corvettes", which a year later became known as "Bluesology". During the day, Reginald worked part-time in a music publishing house, and at night he played in taverns and bars. Things were going so well that in the second half of the 1960s, Elton's group was already touring the USA and England. The music they played was somewhere between soft rock and roll and rhythm and blues.

During this time, Dwight met Long John Baldry, who became the band's concert organizer, and poet Bernie Taupin. They still collaborate with Bernie to this day. Their first song "Scarecrow" appeared in 1967, and a year later the single "I"ve Been Loving You" was released. By this time, Reginald was already performing under the pseudonym Elton John. In 1969, the rock musician's first solo record, "Empty Sky", was released ", which received good reviews, but was not commercially successful.

At the peak of popularity

In 1970, the album " Elton John", containing a formula for success. It included both hard rock songs and soulful, sensual ballads. Elton John first gave solo concert in Los Angeles and captivated everyone. His manner of performance created a real sensation and delighted the audience and music critics. After this, the rock singer took part in writing the anthem for the English football team, and in 1971 he released the album “Madman Across the Water”. This dark record with stunning orchestrations by Paul Buckmaster became a huge hit in the United States and brought Elton John international fame.

Commercial success latest works allowed Elton to create the Rocket Records label, under whose auspices the record “Don”t Shoot Me I”m Only the Piano Player” (1973) was released. Most critics consider this album the best of the musician's career. His next work, "Caribou" (1974), was also a great success, reaching number one in the United States. However, this album did not entirely satisfy critics, who felt that it was "designed for external effect."

Elton achieved his greatest commercial success in 1976, performing the song "Don"t Go Breaking My Heart in a duet with Kiki Dee. The single topped the British and American charts, becoming one of the most famous in the work of a rock musician.

At the peak of his popularity, Elton John unexpectedly surprised everyone by announcing his bisexuality. The singer later admitted that he did not want to talk about being gay so as not to upset his fans. From that time on, the public began to become more interested in the artist’s personal relationships, and it was this side of his life that began to attract the attention of the press.

In 1979, Elton visited the USSR, where he gave 4 concerts. He was one of the first rock musicians to come to Soviet Union with tours. In 1980, the singer released the successful album "21 at 33", which was working together with Bernie Taupin.

In the 1980s, Elton faced deep turmoil and problems. In 1984, he unexpectedly married Renata Blauel, who worked as a sound engineer. After 4 years, this marriage broke up. Experiences and problems in his personal life greatly undermined the musician’s mental health. In 1986, John lost his voice. As a result of the operation to remove polyps, his voice changed slightly.

Fall and Rebirth

The second half of the 1980s became the most hard time for Elton John. Problems in his personal life, loss of his voice, accusations of pedophilia and the subsequent trial led the musician to a dead end and led to depression. He became addicted to alcohol and drugs, almost never gave concerts or wrote songs. In 1990, John was admitted to a Chicago hospital, where he underwent rehabilitation. David Furnish, whom he met in 1993, helped him cope with his problems and regain his taste for life.

After Elton was discharged from the clinic, he began to lead an active musical and social activities. The singer released a new disc, "The One" (1992), and created an organization that finances programs to combat AIDS. In 1995, together with Tim Rice, he received an Oscar for the song for the cartoon “The Lion King”, and was also awarded the title of Knight Bachelor by the British Queen. Now he could add the prefix “sir” to his name.

In 2001, Elton announced that he would no longer release albums and would instead focus on concert activities. However, he did not keep his word. Since then, he has recorded four more albums, the latest of which, “The Diving Board,” was released in 2013. In total, the rock musician’s work includes 128 singles and 29 albums. He is also the author of music for a number of cartoons and films.

Elton John was one of the first to legalize homosexual relationships. In 2004, same-sex marriage was allowed in the UK, and already in 2005, David Furnish and Elton John entered into marriage contract. In 2010, they became fathers - a surrogate mother gave birth to a son, Zachary Jackson. Three years later, their second child was born, Elijah Joseph Daniel. Finally, after many years uncertainty and worries, Elton John found happiness in his personal life.

Reginald Kenneth Dwight, now known as Elton John, was born in the English town of Pinner, Middlesex County on March 25, 1947. I rarely saw my own father, who worked as an aviation squadron commander, because his mother was mainly involved in raising him.

When Dwight was 15 years old, his parents separated. The mother soon had a new lover, Fred Fairbrother, whom she married for the second time. The guy got it together good relationship with his stepfather, whom he lovingly called Derf.

Elton John's musical talent

Reginald's love for music manifested itself since childhood. At the age of four, he began learning to play the piano, and soon he was able to perform absolutely any composition given. At the age of eleven he received a grant to study at the Royal Academy of Music, successfully graduating six years later.

In 1960, Reginald and his friends created musical group, which was initially called The Corvettes, and a year later was renamed Bluesology. The first performances took place in the Northwood Hills Hotel bar. A few years later the group toured the USA with famous performers, among which The group Isley Brothers, LaBelle and others. In 1966, an acquaintance with Long John Baldrey led to further collaboration, and a tour of England took place.

One day Dwight came across an advertisement in music magazine, posted by Liberty Records. He responded to it, and in return received a collection of texts sent by someone else who wanted to collaborate with the label, Bernie Taupin. Although neither of them was selected, this event played an important role in the lives of both. Reginald wrote music to Bernie's works, and then sent the result to him by mail. So gradually they began to create music together, and currently continue to work with each other. Their debut joint composition was “Scarecrow”.

It was at that time that Dwight decided to take a pseudonym for himself. He chose the name Elton in honor of his jazz idol Elton Dean, and for the surname John he borrowed a piece of the name from Long John Baldrey. Then the middle name Herculis appeared.

The duo of Elton John and Bernie Taupin joined the DJM label and composed compositions for others musical performers. First, the single “I’ve Been Loving You” was released, followed by “Lady Samantha”, and at the same time the debut album “Empty Sky” was released. Commercially, the work was not successful, but it provided aspiring musicians with positive reviews.

Real success came with the release of the second album, “Elton John,” filled with rock songs and ballads. His style of performance was quite unusual at that time, and this just won the hearts of listeners. From then on, his career developed rapidly, and every new album added more and more fans.

In 1973, the singer founded his own record label, Rocket Records, which produced not only his own albums, but also gave the opportunity to record singles by artists such as Kiki Dee and Neil Sedaki.

Critics consider "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road" best album throughout the singer's entire career, as it reveals not only musical talent, but also shows Elton as a person.

John also wrote soundtracks for films:

  • "Friends" (1971);
  • "The Lion King" (1994);
  • "Aida" (1998);
  • "Muse" (1999);
  • "Road to Eldorado" (2000);
  • "Billy Elliot" (2005);
  • "Lestat" (2005);
  • "Gnomeo and Juliet" (2011).

The musician won an Oscar for the song “Can You Feel the Love Tonight.”

Elton's discography includes 32 studio albums, so it is not surprising that he is the winner of many music awards.

Elton John's personal life

In 1976, Elton John admitted to being bisexual in an interview with a Rolling Stone journalist.

In 1984, the rock singer’s wedding took place with German studio sound engineer Renata Blauel. However, the couple lived in marriage for only four years, and then separated peacefully. After this, Elton said that he was more inclined towards homosexuality, but did not want to say this before, so as not to upset his fans.

Afterwards, John constantly fell into depression, the way out of which he saw in alcoholic beverages and drugs. Later, he had to undergo treatment more than once for emerging addictions. During a course of therapy, the singer came up with the idea of ​​​​creating a foundation that would allocate money to fight AIDS, as well as finance research in this area.

In 1993, he met David Furnish, who helped the artist completely get rid of alcohol and drug addictions. And as soon as same-sex relationships were allowed by law, Elton entered into a marriage contract with him. Later, the couple wanted to adopt an HIV-infected child from Ukraine, but were refused because such relationships are not recognized in the country. Then Elton and David used the services of a surrogate mother and became the fathers of two sons: Zachary Jackson Levon and Elijah Joseph Daniel.

Elton John admitted that he is still seduced by women. But when asked whether he would sleep with any of the women, he answered in the negative, since he was happy with his husband.

Even during his first marriage, the singer had to undergo throat surgery, after which his timbre changed slightly.

It is also known that Elton is an ardent fan of the Watford football team, and, moreover, is the owner and chairman of the board.