Famous writers and storytellers. Famous storytellers List of storytellers and their works

The review includes collections from different price categories with the largest number fairy tales with classical translations. All books have high ratings and positive reviews from readers both about the translations of fairy tale texts and about the illustrations in these collections.

Hans Christian Andersen

1) Fairy tales

Little Klaus and Big Klaus
The Princess and the Pea
Little Mermaid
The king's new dress
Persistent tin soldier
Wild swans
Ugly duckling
Darning needle
Red shoes
Girl with matches
old house
Dung beetle
Snow Queen. Adventures in Seven Tales
The first tale, which talks about a mirror and
its fragments
The second tale. Boy and girl
The third tale. Flower garden of a woman who knew how
The fourth tale. Prince and princess
The fifth tale. Little robber
Tale six. Lapland and Finnish
The seventh tale. What happened in the palaces of Snezhnaya
queens and what happened then
About the illustrator

Labyrinth (click on the picture!)

2) Fairy tales and stories (in a case)

An expensive collector's edition that will adorn any home library. Complete collection of fairy tales and stories by H.-K. Andersen, prepared according to the principles of the “Monuments of World Culture” series. Large format, fabric binding, book in dust jacket and gift box, coated paper, 864 pages, about 2000 color and black and white illustrations, high-quality European printing (Italy). The book is illustrated with works of world art, illustrations from the best publications of the 19th-20th centuries in Russian and European languages.

Labyrinth (click on the picture!)

3) Fairy tales

An inexpensive collection of Andersen's fairy tales in a classic design: a classic translation by Anna Vasilievna Ganzen and classic illustrations by the artist Vladimir Petrovich Panov. Recommended for elementary and middle school students.
- A5 format;
- hard cover smooth;
- the pages in the book are white, thin, offset, slightly translucent, but this does not interfere with reading;
- medium font
- illustrations are black and white, clear, drawn, 1-2 pictures for a fairy tale;
A. Sharov. Life in a fairy tale
Ugly duckling
The Princess and the Pea
Little Mermaid
The king's new dress
Steadfast Tin Soldier
Wild swans
Ole Lukoje
Shepherdess and chimney sweep
Old street lamp
Darning needle
Girl with matches
Elderberry mother
Hans Churban
Snow Queen

Labyrinth (click on the picture!)

4) The most famous fairy tales

Of all the inexpensive Andersen collections, this is the most complete. In the classic translation by Anna Hansen and, most importantly, without abbreviations. There are no pictures either. Recommended for junior intermediate school age.

E.V. Shukshina Money for Mr. Andersen
In a thousand years. Translation by A. Ganzen
Galoshes of happiness. Translation by A. Ganzen
The Princess and the Pea. Translation by A. Ganzen
Hans Churban. An old story retold
again. Translation by A. Ganzen
Girl with matches. Translation by Yu. Yakhnina
And sometimes happiness hides in a sliver Translation A
Buckwheat. Translation by A. Ganzen
Nightingale. Translation by A. Ganzen
Twelve passengers. Translation by A. Ganzen
Flax. Translation by A. Ganzen
The fate of the burdock. Translation by A. Ganzen
Darning needle. Translation by A. Ganzen
Aunt Toothache. Translation by A. Ganzen
Heartbreak. Translation by A. Ganzen
Steadfast Tin Soldier
Translation by A. Ganzen
Thumbelina. Translation by A. Ganzen
Spruce. Translation by A. Ganzen
Wild swans. Translation by A. Ganzen
Anne Lisbeth. Translation by A. Ganzen
The real truth. Translation by A. Ganzen
Garden of Eden. Translation by A. Ganzen
Snow Queen. A fairy tale in seven stories
Translation by A. Ganzen
Pen and inkwell. Translation by A. Ganzen
The last pearl. Translation by A. Ganzen
Little Mermaid. Translation by A. Ganzen
Bird folk song. Translation by A. Ganzen
Snail and rose bush. Translation by A. Ganzen
Fast walkers. Translation by A. Ganzen
Shadow. Translation by A. Ganzen
Old street lamp. Translation by A. Ganzen
Green crumbs. Translation by A. Ganzen
Swineherd. Translation by A. Ganzen
Girl stepping on bread
Translation by A. Ganzen
Angel. Translation by A. Ganzen
Ib and Christinochka. Translation by A. Ganzen
Ugly duckling. Translation by A. Ganzen
Grandmother. Translation by A. Ganzen
Shepherdess and chimney sweep. Translation by A. Ganzen
What can you think of? Translation by A. Ganzen
Dream. Translation by A. Ganzen
Yard rooster and weathervane
Translation by A. Ganzen
Road comrade. Translation by A. Ganzen
Flint. Translation by A. Ganzen
Red shoes. Translation by A. Ganzen
Bell whirlpool. Translation by A. Ganzen
Elderberry mother. Translation by A. Ganzen
Chamomile. Translation by A. Ganzen
Silver coin. Translation by A. Ganzen
The king's new dress. Translation by A. Ganzen
Ole-Lukoje. Translation by A. Ganzen
Airplane chest. Translation by A. Ganzen

Labyrinth (click on the picture!)

Brothers Grimm

1) Fairy tales

Inexpensive collection with luxurious illustrations. The collection includes some of the most famous fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm: “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, “Hansel and Gretel”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, “The Pied Piper of Hamelin”. John Patience's wonderful illustrations make them even more magical and interesting!
John Patience - English writer and an artist who has illustrated more than 150 works.

2) Fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm (deluxe edition)

Expensive gift edition with a lot of fairy tales. The fairy tales are given not in a retelling for children, but in a literal translation, so all their original “bloodthirstiness” is preserved. That is, this book is not for reading by children, but for adult lovers of literature and folklore, who, in turn, can retell these fairy tales to children.

The Frog King, or Iron Henry
Friendship between cat and mouse
Child of Mary
Wolf and seven little kids
Faithful Johann
Successful exchange
Eccentric musician
twelve brothers
A rabble of ragamuffins
Brother and sister
Three men in the forest
Three spinners
Hansel and Gretel
Three snake leaves
White snake
Straw, coal and bean
About a fisherman and his wife
Brave Little Tailor
About the mouse, the bird and fried sausage
Mrs. Metelitsa
Seven Ravens
Little Red Riding Hood
Bremen street musicians
Singing bone
The devil with three golden hairs
Louse and flea
Girl without arms
Hans the simpleton
Three languages
Smart Elsa
Tailor in Paradise
Set the table yourself, a golden donkey and a club made of
Thumb Boy
Wedding of Mrs. Fox
Robber Groom
Mr. Corbs
Mister godfather
Mrs. Trude
Death of godfather
Thumb Boy's Journey
strange bird
About the enchanted tree
old dog
Six swans
King Thrushbeard
Snow White
Satchel, hat and horn
Dear Roland
golden bird
The Dog and the Sparrow
Frieder and Katerlischen
Two brothers
Poor guy
Queen Bee
Three feathers
golden goose
Speckled Pelt
Bunny's Bride
Twelve Hunters
The thief and his teacher
Jorinda and Joringel
Three lucky ones
Six of us will go around the world
Wolves man
Wolf and fox
The Fox and the Lady Kuma
Fox and cat
Resourceful Gretel
Old grandfather and grandson
About the death of a chicken
Brother Veselchak
Gansl player
Lucky Hans
Hans is getting married
Golden children
Fox and geese
Poor man and rich man
Singing and jumping lion lark
Young Giant
Underground man
King of the Golden Mountain
The Clever Daughter of a Peasant
Hildebrand, his young wife and pastor
Three birds
Living water
Doctor Know-It-All
Spirit in a bottle
The devil's grimy brother
Kinglet and bear
Sweet porridge
Smart people
Tales of already
Two wanderers
Hans the Hedgehog
Flail from Paradise
Royal children
About the resourceful little tailor
Nothing can hide from the clear sun!
Blue candle
Naughty child
Three paramedics
Seven Swabians
Three journeymen
The king's son who feared nothing
Donkey Werewolf
Three brothers
The devil and his grandmother
Iron stove
Lazy spinner
Four skilled brothers
Fairy tale-mystery
Snow White and Rosette
Gusyatnitsa at the well
The Giant and the Tailor
Hare and hedgehog
Chronology of the life and work of Jacob and Wilhelm


3) Fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm. Retold by A. Vvedensky

The fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm as retold by the Russian poet A. Vvedensky have never been published together. In 1936, the DETGIZ publishing house published a book with 18 fairy tales; this publication has long become a rarity.
This edition contains all 48 fairy tales that were retold and reinterpreted by an outstanding Russian writer for our children.
The reader will not only get acquainted with famous fairy tales brothers Grimm, but also learns what a fairy tale is, when it appeared and how it has changed. Finds out about the lives of the brothers Jacob and Wilhelm and about their difficult work on fairy tales. The book also tells about Alexander Ivanovich Vvedensky, a poet and writer, who retold these fairy tales from German and processed them for the Russian reader. And the editor of the fairy tales was Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak himself!
Be careful when opening a book to a random page! The fairy tales inside are arranged in such a way that the book “grows up”: first there are fairy tales for kids, then for older children, and at the end of the collection there are horror tales for the adults.
B. Letov. "The Brothers Grimm".
Fox and geese.
Cat and mouse.
Hare and hedgehog.
Straw, coal and bean.
A wolf and seven kids.
The king and the bear.
Bunny house.
A pot of porridge.
Three brothers.
Little people.
Little Red Riding Hood.
Seven brave men.
Bremen Town Musicians.
Mrs. Blizzard.
All sorts of rabble.
It's a profitable business.
The doctor is a know-it-all.
Stupid Hans.
Three lucky ones.
Golden goose.
Worn down shoes.
Brave tailor.
The six of us will cover the whole earth.
Young giant.
Smart Elsa.
Three little men in the forest.
Hans is happy.
Thumb Boy.
Jorinda and Joringel.
Seven Ravens.
Brother and sister.
Blue candle.
Snow Maiden.
“Table, cover yourself,” a golden donkey and a club from a bag.
Three spinners.
Clever Gretel.
Damn dirty brother.
One-Eyed, Two-Eyed and Three-Eyed.
Hansel and Gretel.
Knapsack, hat and horn.
The devil with three golden hairs.
Two wanderers about a man who knew no fear.
Ya Kavin. "For the benefit and education of everyone."

Labyrinth (click on the picture!)

4) The best fairy tales

Frog King
Fisherman and his wife
Queen Bee
Glass coffin
Magic pot of porridge
Forest hut
Lark - warbler and jumper
Crystal ball
Little Red Riding Hood
golden bird
Twelve Hunters
Belyanochka and Rosette
Three spinners
Living water
Bunny Bride
Thumb Boy
Iron stove
Twelve Dancing Princesses
Young Giant
Elves and the shoemaker
Mother Metelitsa
Spirit from a bottle
Little People Gifts
Mermaid in the pond
golden goose
Gusyatnitsa at the well
Lamb and fish
Six swans
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Jorinda and Joringel
Golden children
Forest old lady
Hansel and Gretel
Bremen Town Musicians
King Thrushbeard
Brave Little Tailor
Spindle, shuttle and needle
Wolf and seven kids
Bird Princess
Iron John
Poor farmhand at the mill and the cat
Star money

Labyrinth (click on the picture!)

7) Fairy tales

In addition to fairy tales, the book includes children's legends that last time published in Russian in 1905.
Noble gift edition! Contains 202 Fairy Tales and 9 Children's Legends. Gold embossing, three-sided mirror gold edge, silk ribbon, exclusive coated paper. Gorgeous silk binding. Content not suitable for young children. Recommended for middle and high school age.

Frog King
Cat and mouse together
Reception of Our Lady
The Robber and his sons
The tale of someone who went to learn about fear
Wolf and seven kids
Faithful Johannes
Successful trading
Eccentric musician
twelve brothers
All sorts of rabble
Brother and sister
Three little woodsmen
Three spinners
Hansel and Gretel
Three snake leaves
White snake
Straw, coal and bean
The Tale of a Fisherman and His Wife
Brave Little Tailor
About the mouse, the bird and the sausage
Mrs. Metelitsa
Seven Ravens
Little Red Riding Hood
Bremen street musicians
Singing bone
The devil with three golden hairs
Louse and flea
Handless girl
Clever Hans
Three languages
Smart Elsa
Tailor in the Sky
Table - cover yourself
Tom Thumb
Wedding of Mrs. Fox
Robber Groom
Mr. Corbes
Frau Truda
Snow Maiden
Wonder bird
The Tale of Juniper
Old Sultan
Death in godfathers
The wanderings of a boy with a thumb
Six swans
Foundling bird
King Thrush
Satchel, cap and horn
Dear Roland
golden bird
Dog and sparrow
Frieder and Katerlischen
Two brothers
Little guy
Queen bee
Three feathers
golden goose
Savage girl
hare bride
Twelve Hunters
The thief and his teacher
Jorinda and Joringel
Three lucky people
Six will go around the world
Wolf and man
Wolf and fox
Fox and godfather
Fox and cat
Smart Gretel
About the death of a chicken
Old grandfather and grandson
Clever peasant daughter
Old Hildebrand
Hans in happiness
Hans is getting married
Golden children
Fox and geese
Poor man and rich man
Warbler's Lark
Young giant
Underground man
King of the Golden Mountain
Tory birds
Living water
Doctor Know-It-All
Spirit in a bottle
Damn dirty brother
Kinglet and bear
Sweet porridge
Smart people
Tales about the fire toad
Poor mill worker and kitty
Two wanderers
Hans my Hedgehog
Monk in the thorn bush
Scientist Hunter
Royal children
Flail from the sky
About the smart little tailor
The clear sun will reveal the whole truth
Blue candle
Three paramedics
Seven Swabians
Three apprentices
The prince who was not afraid of anything
Salad donkey
Old woman of the forest
Three brothers
The devil and his grandmother
Ferenand the Faithful and Ferenand the Unfaithful
Iron stove
Lazy spinner
Four skilled brothers
One-Eyed, Two-Eyed and Three-Eyed
Beauty Catrinelle
Worn out shoes
Fox and horse
Six servants
White and black bride
Iron Hans
Three black princesses
Knoist and his three sons
Girl from Brakel
House servants
Lamb and fish
Zimeli Mountain
How to wander around the world
Ungrateful son
Reforged Man
God's beasts and devil's beasts
About the blessed land of unprecedented
Old beggar woman
Cock log
Three lazy people
Twelve lazy workers
Star thalers
Stolen penny
Sparrow and his four children
Fairy tale-mystery
Fairy tale
Snow White and Alotsvetik
Smart worker
Glass coffin
Lazy Heinz
Vulture bird
Mighty Hans
Little guy in the sky
Skinny Lisa
Forest hut
Equal parts love and grief
Flounder fish
Owl Bittern and Hoopoe
Messengers of Death
Master Pfrim
Gusyatnitsa at the well
Evin's unequal children
Mermaid in the pond
Gifts of the Little People
The Giant and the Tailor
Poor shepherd in the grave
Real bride
Hare and hedgehog
Spindle, shuttle and needle
The man and the devil
Bread crumbs on the table
sea ​​fish
Artful thief
Drummer Ear of Bread
Grave Hill
Old Rinkrank
Crystal ball
Maid of Malaine
Hansl the Player
Buff Boot
Golden key
Loyal Beasts
Poverty and humility lead to salvation
old lady
God nourished
Old Man in the Forest
Three green branches
Boy in Paradise
hazel branch

Labyrinth (click on the picture!)

Charles Perrault

If the child is impressionable and fairy tales with bloody scenes like the Brothers Grimm in Petnikov’s translation frighten him, then it is better to choose Perrault in the retellings of Gabbe and Bulatov.

1) Cinderella. The Complete Fairy Tales of Charles Perrault

This is a truly gorgeous gift edition, on excellent paper with good illustrations. Collected illustrations from various publications, both modern and “pre-revolutionary” (at least the beginning of the last century), in different styles and not only Russian
In general, the book is for fairly old children (when they become interested in horror films or at least they are ready to take a “philosophical” approach to them). It seems that the book contains original texts by Charles Perrault, with which most of us are little familiar (for example, do you know that Cinderella’s sisters cut off parts of their feet with an ax in order to put on the glass slipper? And are your children ready for such a plot twist?)
So far I’ve only met Sleeping Beauty and was very surprised to learn that nothing ends with the Prince’s kiss (it didn’t actually happen). The second part of the tale metaphorically describes the “beautiful” relationship between the cannibal mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. The fairy tale made me scour the Internet for variations in plots. Makes an impression.
But children of a certain age, 7-9 years old, when there is an interest in all kinds of scary stories, should like it.
Cinderella, or the story of the glass slipper
Little Red Riding Hood
Puss in Boots
sleeping Beauty
The sorceress and her gift
Tom Thumb
Rike Hoholok
Donkey Skin
Faithful Griselda
Fulfilled and unfulfilled desires
List of illustrations

Labyrinth (click on the picture!)

2) Fairy tales
Inexpensive edition. The collection includes 9 fairy tales, including the most famous: Cinderella, Puss in Boots, Little Red Riding Hood, Bluebeard, Sleeping Beauty.
The tales are not abbreviated, but are easy to read. Little Red Riding Hood will remain alive, but the wolf will still have to be killed.
The font is large enough and easy to read. White coated paper with bright and beautiful illustrations. Located on every spread.

Labyrinth (click on the picture!)

3)Fairy tales

A magnificent new edition of Charles Perrault's fairy tales, reprinted from a rare 1867 edition.
Large format, 120 coated pages the color of baked milk, full-page illustrations on almost every spread, and what! Dore painted them in black and white, but we and our children can admire them in color, very delicately painted!
Turgenev's retelling is wonderful, but not for the smallest children: the wolf simply eats Little Red Riding Hood. We see the fairy tales in this retelling as somewhat creepy, just as they are in the original.
The publication includes 9 fairy tales: Little Red Riding Hood, Little Thumb, Sleeping Beauty, Dirty, Puss in Boots, Khokhlik, Donkey Skin, The Sorceress, Bluebeard.


Hoffmann Ernst Theodor Amadeus

1) Tales of Hoffmann
An excellent gift edition by Hoffman E.T.A., the book includes well-known and famous fairy tales:
1. Royal bride. Translation by L. Sokolovsky
2. The Nutcracker and the Mouse King. Translation by L. Sokolovsky
3. Golden pot. Translation by V. Solovyov
4. Little Tsakhes, nicknamed Zinnober. Translation by A. Morozov
5. Sandman. Translation by M. Beketova.

The book is designed with high quality and style - a pleasant small font, interesting red design of titles and the beginning of the text, ornate patterns in the author’s era.
Good artistic illustrations - paintings and landscapes by artists H. Dahl, G. Dou, M. Gabriel, D. Velasquez and many others, all in what is, in my opinion, a successful format, 26*20, on coated, partially glossy paper.
Labyrinth (click on the picture!)

2) The Nutcracker and other fairy tales

The whimsical narration of Hoffmann's fairy tales, which are presented in this edition in a wonderful arrangement for children by Leonid Yakhnin, is surprisingly harmoniously intertwined with the illustrations of Nika Golts, an honored artist of Russia.
For the creation of unique images in children's literature, she was awarded a diploma from the International Prize named after H.K. Andersen. Many works by Nika Golts are in museums in Russia and abroad, including the Tretyakov Gallery.
The Nutcracker and the Mouse King.
Beautiful child.
Royal bride.
Little Tsakhes, nicknamed Zinnober.

Wilhelm Hauff

1) Tales of Wilhelm Hauff

There are five fairy tales in this collection: “Little Mook”, “Dwarf Nose” - this is common, but “A Monkey as a Man”, “The Tale of a Ghost Ship”, “Frozen” - are very rare. There are many words in fairy tales that require explanation. They are in the fields.
Labyrinth (click on the picture!)

2) Dwarf Nose. The story of little Muk

A very beautiful book that would be a luxurious gift. You can do it yourself. I set the age to 7-10 years, but I think that this version of the translation will be easier for children aged 10 and older to understand. For younger children, the version in M. Salye’s retelling of Little Muk is preferable)

Labyrinth (click on the picture!)

3) Fairy tales

A colorfully designed, inexpensive collection of fairy tales retold by Leonid Yakhnin.
Wilhelm Hauff lived only 24 years, but left a considerable legacy: three collections of fairy tales, several novels and poems. “Little Muk”, “Dwarf Nose” and “Caliph the Stork” - these Tales are known all over the world. They are included in the collection “Fairy Tales” by the publishing house “Dragonfly”. With the fairy tale “Little Muk” you can begin your child’s acquaintance with the work of the German writer.
The collection “Fairy Tales” by V. Gauf is suitable for reading to children aged five years and older.

Labyrinth (click on the picture!)

1) Golden tales of great storytellers

1. “Cinderella” - translation by Tamara Gabbe, artist - Michele.
2. "Snow White" - translation by Pyotr Polevoy, artist - Pikka.
3. "Sleeping Beauty" - translation by Tamara Gabbe, artist - Ferry.
4. “Beauty and the Beast” - translation by Alexander Etoev, artist - Pikka.
5. "Rapunzel" - translation by Pyotr Polevoy, artist - Sergio.
6. “Thumbelina” - translation by Anna and Peter Ganzen, artist - Sani.
7. “Donkey Skin” - translation by Ivan Turgenev, artist - Ferry.
8. “The Kidnapped Princess” - translation by Alexander Etoev, artist - Ferry.
9. “The King’s New Dress” - translation by Anna and Peter Hansen, artist - Pikka.

10. “The Frog King or Iron Henry” - translation by Tamara Gabbe, artist - Una.
Labyrinth (click on the picture!)

2) Fairy tales, fairy tales, fairy tales... Tales of foreign writers

C. Perrault. Translation by T. Gabbe. FAIRY GIFTS
J. and V. Grimm. Translation by L. Kon. WHITE AND ROSE
J. and V. Grimm. Translation by O. Stepanova. MESS METELITSKA
H.K. Andersen. Translation by A. Hansen. STABLE TIN SOLDIER
C. Perrault. Translation by T. Gabbe. SLEEPING BEAUTY
H.K. Andersen. Translation by A. Hansen. THE PRINCESS AND THE PEA
J. and V. Grimm. Translation from German and processing by V. Waldman. Little Red Riding Hood
J. and V. Grimm. Translation by T. Gabbe. GNOME-QUIET GROWER
H.K. Andersen. Translation by A. Hansen. FLINT
J. and V. Grimm. Translation by T. Gabbe. THE FROG QUEEN, OR IRON HENRY
H.K. Andersen. Translation by A. Hansen. Thumbelina
J. and V. Grimm. Translation by L. Kon. BREMEN MUSICIANS
C. Perrault. Translation by T. Gabbe. PUSS IN BOOTS
J. and V. Grimm. Translation from German and processing by V. Waldman. GOLDEN GOOSE
C. Perrault. Translation by T. Gabbe. CINDERELLA OR THE GLASS Slipper
H.K. Andersen. Translation by A. Hansen. WILD SWANS
J. and V. Grimm. Translation by O. Stepanova. POT OF PORridge

Labyrinth (click on the picture!)
The book is good quality, the paper is thick and tinted. Each fairy tale has an illustration. Very elegant frames make the book joyful and elegant. The font is large, suitable for children to read independently. There are 17 fairy tales in total - 4 by C. Perrault, 8 by the Brothers Grimm, 5 by H.K. Andersen. However, some have been processed and shortened. For example, the fairy tale “A Pot of Porridge” fits on half a sheet of paper.

3)C. Perrault, E. T. A. Hoffmann, J. and W. Grimm, W. Gauff, H. C. Andersen. Fairy tales

C. Perrault:
Little Red Riding Hood
Puss in Boots
Tom Thumb
sleeping Beauty
Fairy gifts
Donkey Skin
E. T. A. Hoffman:
The Nutcracker and the Mouse King
J. and V. Grimm:
Bremen Town Musicians
Hansel and Gretel
The Frog King, or Iron Heinrich
Brave Little Tailor
Snow Maiden
Worn out shoes
Smart Elsa
Three spinners
V. Gauf:
The story of the Caliph Stork
The Story of the Ghost Ship
The Story of Little Flour
Dwarf Nose
H. K. Andersen:
Ugly duckling
The Princess and the Pea
Snow Queen
Steadfast Tin Soldier
Darning needle
The king's new dress
Ole Lukoje
Little Mermaid
Wild swans

The collection includes 35 of the most famous tales of European writers. The tales are given without abbreviations. The paper is white, the font is very easy to read for both children and adults (large and clear). The downside is that there are no illustrations. The book is aimed at younger schoolchildren.

Labyrinth (click on the picture!)

4) The Rose of Christ and Other Christmas Tales

This book contains fairy tales from Christian writers from different countries about the Nativity of Christ - a holiday full of joy and love. Everyone's favorite fairy tale "The Snow Queen" is published without the cuts that were made in Soviet years, full text imbued with the Christian meaning of sacrificial love. Book about mercy and good deeds will be useful and joyful reading in anticipation of Christmas and on the holy days of Christmas
For primary and secondary school age. The font is very large, clearly designed for the young reader to get acquainted with the book on his own. There are few illustrations, they are quite small, they are given at the beginning and at the end of each work. The book is pleasant to hold and read, the paper is thick, of good quality, the printing is clear.
But the main thing in this book is its content. Here are the most beloved and familiar stories from childhood. These are 5 Christmas stories from a Swedish writer Selma Lagerlöf, the first woman to receive the Nobel Prize in Literature. One of these stories gave the title to the entire collection. Below are two of the most famous children's works with a Christmas theme, “The Nutcracker and Mouse King"E. T. A. Goffman and "The Snow Queen" by H. H. Andersen.
Labyrinth (click on the picture!)

Bookshelves by age from 0 to 12+ can be viewed here

“Here a fairy tale began, a pampering began from the siwka and from the burka, and from the wine-wort hen, from the rough-legged rough-legged piglet.”

It began with a beginning, was accompanied by sayings and jokes, fantastic and magical, followed the formulas of “fairytale rituals” or, on the contrary, neglected the canon, without a beginning or ending, became close to reality, the everyday environment, depending on whose lips it sounded from, how told by the storyteller...

Abram Kuzmich Novopoltsev

The storyteller-joker, storyteller-entertainer Abram Novopoltsev is a typical representative of the heritage of buffoons. His repertoire is surprising in its diversity: there are fantastic fairy tales, everyday novels, and tales about animals, as well as anecdotes, edifying tales, and historical legends. However, even the classic traditional fairy tale in Novopoltsev’s transmission, with all its formal fidelity to the canon, is rethought and reworked due to the unique style of the storyteller. The main feature of this style is rhyming, which subjugates any fairy tale told by Novopoltsev, makes it funny, light, carefree and cannot but amuse and entertain the listener. “Here is the end of the fairy tale,” the fellow said to us, well done, a glass of beer, for the end of the fairy tale a glass of wine.

Egor Ivanovich Sorokovikov-Magai

A fairy tale eased the hard work of a peasant, lifted his spirit, gave him strength to live on; storytellers were always known and appreciated among the people. Often storytellers enjoyed privileges, for example, in fishing cooperatives on Lake Baikal, the storyteller was given an extra share and exempted from a number of difficult jobs. Or, for example, as Sorokovikov, an outstanding Russian storyteller, recalls, most of the tales had to be told at the mill, when it was time to grind bread. “When you come to the mill, they even accept bags to help me. "He will tell fairy tales!" And they let us through the line. “We dare you, just tell us fairy tales!” This is the way we had to tell a lot of fairy tales.” Sorokovikov is distinguished from many storytellers by his knowledge of literacy and passion for books, hence the peculiarity of the tales he tells: they bear the imprint of book influences and urban culture. The cultural elements introduced by Yegor Ivanovich into the fairy tale, such as the special book style of speech of the heroes or household accessories (telephone in the princess’s mansion, clubs and theaters, notebook, which is taken out by a peasant peasant, and many others), transform the fairy tale and permeate it with a new worldview.

Anna Kupriyanova Baryshnikova

Poor, illiterate peasant woman Anna Baryshnikova, better known by her nickname “Kupriyanikha” or “Aunt Anyuta,” inherited most of her fairy tales from her father, who loved to insert a catchy word and make the audience laugh. In the same way, Kuprianikha’s fairy tales - perky, often poetic - like Novopoltsev’s fairy tales, inherited the tradition of buffoons and specialist amusing bahari. Baryshnikova's fairy tales are replete with colorful beginnings, endings, sayings, jokes and rhymes. Rhyming determines the entire tale or its individual episodes, introduces new words, names, and creates new provisions. And some of the storyteller’s beginnings are independent sayings that migrate from one fairy tale to another: “The bread was not good, it was lying around the counter, on the stove? They put me in the corner, they put me in boxes, not in the town. No one can buy bread, no one can take it for nothing. The pig Ustinya came up and stained her entire snout. She was ill for three weeks, in the fourth week the pig writhed, and in the fifth week she was completely dead.”

Fedor Ivanovich Aksamentov

A fairy tale, like a piece of plasticine in your hands, is remade and changed under the influence various factors(individual characteristics of the storyteller, place of existence of the tale, social environment, to which the performer belongs). Thus, a fairy tale told among soldiers absorbs the realities of camp and military life, the barracks, and appears before us in a completely different way, a new fairy tale. A soldier's tale is characterized by its own special repertoire, a special range of themes and selection of episodes. Aksamentov, the Lena storyteller, one of the best representatives of the soldier’s fairy tale, carefully treats the fairy-tale tradition, but at the same time his fairy tale is modernized, subordinated to the realities of soldier’s life (sentries, guards, dismissal notes, guardhouses, etc.). In a soldier’s tale you won’t find the fantastic “in a certain kingdom” or “far away lands”; the action is confined to a specific place and even time, it takes place in Moscow or St. Petersburg, and the characters are often given the names of historical figures; the hero’s exploits are now also confined to the geographical areas. For Aksamentov, this is most often France and Paris. The main character of his fairy tales is a Russian soldier. The narrator also introduces drunkards into the story, card games, hotels, parties, sometimes these pictures of drunkenness even turn into some kind of apotheosis of a drunkard, which gives a specific shade to fairy-tale fiction.

Natalia Osipovna Vinokurova

For the storyteller Vinokurova, a poor peasant woman who has struggled with poverty all her life, the main interest in a fairy tale is the everyday details and psychological situation; in her fairy tales you will not find beginnings, endings, sayings and other attributes classic fairy tale. Often her story is a purely enumeration of facts, and rather crumpled and confused, so, jumping from one episode to another, Vinokurova uses the formula “in short.” But at the same time, the storyteller may suddenly stop at detailed description the simplest everyday scene, which in principle is not typical of a fairy tale. Vinokurova strives to bring the fairy-tale environment closer to reality, hence her attempts to analyze psychological state characters, describe their gestures, facial expressions, sometimes the storyteller even gives descriptions of the appearance of the characters in her fairy tales (“suddenly a boy comes running to him, in a short frock coat and a Chornen cap”).

Dmitry Savelievich Aslamov

An important role in the perception of a fairy tale is played by the way the storyteller narrates it: emotionally and accompanying the story with gestures, comments, addresses to the listeners, or, conversely, quietly, smoothly, without flashes. For example, Vinokurova is one of the calm storytellers, like Sorokovikov, whose speech is sedate, somewhat solemn and in an upbeat tone. Their complete opposite is the master storyteller Aslamov. He is all in motion, constantly gesticulating, raising and lowering his voice, pausing, playing, laughing, using his hands to indicate dimensions if, for example, he has to talk about the size, height, or general size of something or someone. And the more listeners, the more he appears in all his glory. Aslamov notes individual exploits and adventures of fairy-tale heroes with exclamations and questions: “Aha!”, “Good!”, “Clever!”, “That’s how!”, “Cleverly done!” etc. or, on the contrary, with remarks: “What a fool!”, “Well, what, I don’t have enough ingenuity!”, or he interrupts his story with remarks: “Are my fairy tales interesting?!”, “My fairy tales are very interesting.”

Matvey Mikhailovich Korguev

“In which kingdom, in which state, namely in the one in which you and I live, there lived a peasant,” - this is how Korguev begins his fairy tale “About Chapai”, in which the White Sea storyteller manages to embody historical material and events Civil War, in the images of folk art. Playfully, Korguev combines fabulous traditional motifs with contemporary reality, brings into them life with all its everyday details, humanizes fairy tale characters, individualizes them. Thus, the heroes and heroines of the fairy tales they tell are called Tanechka, Lenochka, Elechka, Sanechka, Andreyushko. Elechka took out a “golden bristle pig” for Andrei, “stuck it in a drawer and went to bed. I slept a little, got up at six o’clock, warmed up the samovar and began to wake up Andrei.” Due to such details, fairy tales become realistic and entertaining, which certainly sets Korguev’s fairy tales apart from others.

Danish prose writer and poet - author of world-famous fairy tales for children and adults. He is the author of “The Ugly Duckling”, “The King’s New Clothes”, “The Steadfast Tin Soldier”, “The Princess and the Pea”, “Ole Lukoye”, “The Snow Queen” and many other works.

The storyteller was constantly afraid for his life: Andersen was frightened by the possibility of robbery, dogs, and the possibility of losing his passport.

Most of all the writer feared fire. Because of this, the author " The ugly duckling“I always carried a rope with me, with which in case of fire I could get out through the window into the street.

Andersen was also tormented by the fear of poisoning all his life. There is a legend according to which children who loved the work of the Danish storyteller bought a gift for their idol. Ironically, the guys sent Andersen a box chocolates. The storyteller was horrified when he saw the children's gift and sent it to his relatives.

Hans Christian Andersen. (nacion.ru)

In Denmark there is a legend about Andersen's royal origin. This is due to the fact that in his early autobiography the author himself wrote about how as a child he played with Prince Frits, later King Frederick VII, and he had no friends among the street boys. Only the prince. Andersen’s friendship with Frits, according to the storyteller’s fantasy, continued into adulthood, until the latter’s death, and, according to the writer himself, he was the only one, with the exception of relatives, who was allowed to visit the coffin of the deceased.

Charles Perrault

However, it was not serious books that brought him worldwide fame and recognition from his descendants, but wonderful tales“Cinderella”, “Puss in Boots”, “Bluebeard”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, “Sleeping Beauty”.

Source: twi.ua

Perrault published his fairy tales not under his own name, but under the name of his 19-year-old son Perrault d'Armancourt. The fact is that in the culture of the 15th century throughout Europe, and especially in France, classicism dominated. This direction provided for a strict division into “high” and “low” genres. It can be assumed that the writer hid his own name in order to protect his already established literary reputation from accusations of working with the “low” genre of fairy tales.

Because of this fact, after Perrault’s death, Mikhail Sholokhov also suffered the same fate: literary scholars began to dispute his authorship. But the version about Perrault’s independent authorship is still generally accepted.

Brothers Grimm

Jacob and Wilhelm, researchers of the German folk culture and storytellers. They were born in the city of Hanau. For a long time they lived in the city of Kassel. We studied the grammar of Germanic languages, the history of law and mythology.

Such tales of the Brothers Grimm as “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” and “Rapunzel” are known throughout the world.

Brothers Grimm. (history-doc.ru)

For the Germans, this duet is the personification of their original folk culture. The writers collected folklore and published several collections called "Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm", which became very popular. The Brothers Grimm also created a book about the German Middle Ages, “German Legends.”

It is the brothers Grimm who are considered the founders of German philology. At the end of their lives, they began creating the first dictionary of the German language.

Pavel Petrovich Bazhov

The writer was born in the city of Sysert, Yekaterinburg district, Perm province. He graduated from the Ekaterinburg Theological School, and later from the Perm Theological Seminary.

He worked as a teacher, political worker, journalist and editor of Ural newspapers.

Pavel Petrovich Bazhov. (zen.yandex.com)

In 1939, a collection of Bazhov’s fairy tales, “The Malachite Box,” was published. In 1944, “The Malachite Box” was published in London and New York, then in Prague, and in 1947 in Paris. The work has been translated into German, Hungarian, Romanian, Chinese, Japanese languages. In total, according to the library. Lenin, - into 100 languages ​​of the world.

In Yekaterinburg there is the Bazhov house-museum, dedicated to the life and creative path of the writer. It was in this room that the author of “The Malachite Box” wrote all his works.

Astrid Lindgren

Fairy tales are close to folk art, in them there is a tangible connection between fantasy and the truth of life. Astrid is the author of a number of international famous books for children, including “Baby and Carlson, who lives on the roof” and “Pippi Long stocking" In Russian, her books became known thanks to the translation of Lilianna Lungina.

Astrid Lindgren. (wbkids.ru)

Lindgren dedicated almost all of her books to children. “I have not written books for adults and I think that I will never do so,” Astrid stated decisively. She, along with the heroes of the books, taught children that “If you live not according to habit, your whole life will be a day!”

The writer herself always called her childhood happy (there were many games and adventures in it, interspersed with work on the farm and in its environs) and pointed out that it served as a source of inspiration for her work.

In 1958, Lindgren received the Hans Christian Andersen Medal, which is equivalent to the Nobel Prize in children's literature.

Lindgren lived a long life, 94 years, of which she continued to be creative for 48 years until her death.

Rudyard Kipling

Famous writer, poet and reformer, born in Bombay (India). At the age of 6 he was brought to England; he later called those years “years of suffering.” When the writer was 42 years old, he was awarded the Nobel Prize. To this day, he remains the youngest writer laureate in his category. He also became the first Englishman to receive the Nobel Prize for Literature.

Fairy tales accompany our lives from the cradle. Children do not yet know how to talk, but mothers and fathers, grandparents, are already beginning to communicate with them through fairy tales. The child does not yet understand a word, but listens to the intonation of his native voice and smiles. There is so much kindness, love, and sincerity in fairy tales that it is understandable without any words.

Storytellers have been revered in Rus' since ancient times. After all, thanks to them, life, often gray and miserable, was painted in bright colors. The fairy tale gave hope and faith in miracles and made children happy.

I would like to know who these wizards are who can cure melancholy and boredom with words, and ward off grief and misfortune. Let's meet some of them?

Creator of Flower City

Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov first wrote works by hand, then typed them. He had no assistants or secretaries; he did everything himself.

Who has not at least once in their life heard of such a bright and controversial character as Dunno? Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov is the creator of this interesting and cute little guy.

The author of the wonderful Flower City, where every street was named after a flower, was born in 1908 in Kyiv. The father of the future writer was a pop singer, and little boy I enthusiastically went to the concerts of my beloved dad. Everyone around predicted a singing future for little Kolya.

But all the boy’s interest faded after they bought him the long-awaited violin that he had been asking for for so long. Soon the violin was abandoned. But Kolya was always interested in something and was interested in something. He was equally passionate about music, chess, photography, chemistry, and electrical engineering. Everything in this world was interesting to him, which was later reflected in his work.

The first fairy tales he composed were exclusively for his little son. He composed for his son Petya and his friends, and saw a response in their children's hearts. He realized that this was his destiny.

The creation of our favorite character Dunno Nosov was inspired by the writer Anna Khvolson. It is among her little forest people that the name Dunno is found. But only the name was borrowed from Khvolson. Otherwise, Dunno Nosova is unique. There is something of Nosov himself in him, namely, a love of wide-brimmed hats and brightness of thinking.

“Chebureks... Cheboksary... But there is no Cheburashka!...

Eduard Uspensky, photo: daily.afisha.ru

The author of the unknown animal Cheburashka, so beloved throughout the world, Uspensky Eduard Nikolaevich, was born on December 22, 1937 in the city of Yegoryevsk, Moscow region. His love for writing manifested itself already in student years. His first book, Uncle Fyodor, Dog and Cat, was published in 1974. The idea for this fairy tale came to him while working as a librarian at a children's camp.

Initially, in the book, Uncle Fyodor was supposed to be an adult forester. He had to live with a dog and a cat in the forest. But no less famous writer Boris Zakhoder suggested that Eduard Uspensky make his character a little boy. The book was rewritten, but many adult traits in the character of Uncle Fyodor remained.

An interesting moment is observed in chapter 8 of the book about Uncle Fyodor, where Pechkin signs: “Goodbye. Postman of the village of Prostokvashino, Mozhaisk district, Pechkin.” This refers, most likely, to the Mozhaisky district of the Moscow region. In fact, a settlement with the name “Prostokvashino” exists only in the Nizhny Novgorod region.

The cartoon about the cat Matroskin, the dog Sharik, their owner Uncle Fyodor and the harmful postman Pechkin also became very popular. Another interesting thing about the cartoon is that the image of Matroskin was drawn after the animator Marina Voskanyants heard the voice of Oleg Tabakov.

Another cute and cute character of Eduard Uspensky, who became loved all over the world thanks to his charm, is Cheburashka.

Invented almost half a century ago by Uspensky, Cheburashka still does not lose its relevance - for example, recently the Federation Council proposed naming the Russian Internet, closed from outside world

Such an awkward name appeared thanks to the author’s friends, who called their clumsy daughter, who was just starting to walk, that way. The story of the box with oranges in which Cheburashka was found is also taken from life. Once Eduard Nikolaevich in the Odessa port saw a huge chameleon in a box with bananas.

The writer is a national hero of Japan, thanks to Cheburashka, who is very loved in this country. The interesting thing is that in different countries differently relate to the author's characters, but without a doubt they are loved by everyone. For example, the Finns are very sympathetic to Uncle Fyodor, in America they adore the old woman Shapoklyak, but the Japanese are completely in love with Cheburashka. There are no people in the world who are indifferent to the storyteller Uspensky.

Schwartz as an ordinary miracle

Generations grew up on Schwartz's fairy tales - “The Tale of Lost Time”, “Cinderella”, “ An ordinary miracle" And Don Quixote, directed by Kozintsev and based on Schwartz’s script, is still considered an unrivaled adaptation of the great Spanish novel.

Evgeny Schwartz

Evgeny Schwartz was born into an intelligent and wealthy family of an Orthodox Jewish doctor and midwife. From early childhood, Zhenya constantly moved with his parents from one city to another. And finally, they settled in the city of Maykop. These moves were a kind of exile revolutionary activity father of Evgeny Schwartz.

In 1914, Evgeniy entered the law faculty of Moscow University, but after 2 years he realized that this was not his path. He was always attracted by literature and art.

In 1917, he was drafted into the army, where he received a shell shock, which is why his hands trembled all his life.

After demobilization from the army, Evgeny Schwartz devoted himself entirely to creativity. In 1925, he published his first book of fairy tales, which was called “Stories of the Old Balalaika.” Despite great censorship oversight, the book was a great success. This circumstance inspired the author.

Inspired, he wrote a fairy-tale play “Underwood”, which was staged at the Leningrad Youth Theater. His subsequent plays, “Islands 5K” and “Treasure,” were also staged there. And in 1934, Schwartz became a member of the USSR Writers' Union.

But in Stalin’s times, his plays were no longer performed; they were seen as having political overtones and satire. The writer was very worried about this.

Two years before the writer’s death, his work “An Ordinary Miracle” premiered. The author worked on this masterpiece for 10 long years. “An Ordinary Miracle” is a great love story, a fairy tale for adults, in which there is much more hidden than it seems at first glance.

Evgeny Schwartz died at the age of 61 from a heart attack and was buried at the Bogoslovskoye cemetery in Leningrad.

To be continued…

Guardians of Russian antiquity, bearers historical memory The people were Russian storytellers (performers of epics) and storytellers. They conveyed to the listeners the originality of folk poetry, they were the soul, the source of bright, cheerful moods of the person listening to them. Each of them had his own performing style. Each of them had their own individual characteristics. Among the storytellers there are richly gifted poetic natures with enormous creative imagination. Some folk storytellers were prone to fantastic images, others to everyday images, and still others to jokes and buffoonery. We provide brief information about individual performers of oral folk art.

Krivopolenova Marya Dmitrievna(1843-1924) - known as a performer of epics and fairy tales. Folklorists note “her hot temperament,” childlike gaiety, “wit, passion for everything she is now dreaming about, amazing command of language.” A.D. first met her in 1900. Grigoriev, wrote down 13 epics and 5 spiritual poems from her, and a year later another epic. However, the texts recorded from her in the scholarly collection did not change her beggarly fate, but in 1915 she was “discovered” by O.E. Ozarovskaya 1, brings her to Moscow, to Petrograd... Numerous performances begin, which are a great success, now she is expected in her homeland as a celebrity. Artists and sculptors meet with the storyteller. S.T. Konenkov creates the sculpture “Prophetic Old Woman”. Later, trips followed from Ozarovskaya to Ukraine and the Caucasus. Many recruit songs and fairy tales were recorded from Marya Dmitrievna. The famous folklorist B.M. Sokolov recalled her performance: “She sings a “fable”... and so imperiously orders everyone to pull up that the crowd of a thousand, forgetting their age and position, at that moment is full of one desire: to please the old woman from the forest. The charm of her personality, firm, bright and joyful, forged by the marvelous north, is reflected in her performance, and the cry of the crowd, the same in all cities, is clear: “Thank you, grandmother!” So understandable is the desire of thousands of people to shake an old, wrinkled hand, which has been sadly stretched out for alms all their lives, to shake it with a feeling of love and respect for their grandmother, as for the image of our people.”

Vinokurova Natalya Osipovna(1860-1930) - first met and recorded her fairy tales M.K. Azadovsky, who subsequently thoroughly studied creative manner Siberian storyteller (image of the Verkhnelensky region, rafting, carts, hunting, hiring scenes, etc.). Her tales are consistent, complete, and do not contain unnecessary details. She brings to the fore the characters’ experiences, which determine their actions. The episodes are designed truthfully and convincingly. The psychologism of fairy tales is also characteristic, manifested in fast-paced, intense dialogues, which are accompanied by a description of the characters’ gestures and facial expressions; songs and landscape play a significant role in fairy tales. All fairy tales show gentleness, gentleness, and delicacy. Her tales are known here and abroad.

Sorokovnikov Egor Ivanovich(Magai) (1868-1948). Tales of E.I. Sorokovnikov was recorded, studied by many folklorists, and “Tales of Magai” with an article by Azadovsky were repeatedly published. His tales are permeated with features of Siberian life. In them, a lot of space is given to pictures of nature: harsh taiga, majestic snowy loaches, enchanting snowy valleys, in a word, everything that his homeland - the Tunkinskaya Valley - is so generous and rich in. And in the appearance of the main characters of Sorokovnikov’s fairy tales, the outlines of his fellow countrymen clearly appear. Sorokovnikov's ancestors are Buryats, hence the family name Magai, added to his Russian surname. Yegor Ivanovich's father was a famous hunter and storyteller, an expert on Russian and Buryat fairy tales. It is no coincidence that Sorokovnikov began telling fairy tales from childhood: at work, at the mill, at home and with neighbors. In fairy tales, he usually preserved fairy-tale ritual: his works are richly decorated with beginnings, endings, transitional formulas, such as: “soon the fairy tale is told, but not soon the deed is done,” they contain many fairy-tale details and everyday details.

Abram Novopoltsev(1820-1885). In the 1870s, D.N. Sadovnikov recorded 72 fairy tales. They formed the main content of D.N.’s collection. Sadovnikov "Tales and legends of the Samara region." Abram Novopoltsev, according to the memoirs of his contemporaries, was a tall old man with broad shoulders. He was a shepherd, lived poorly, had four sons, loved to drink, joke around and “tell tales.” He masterfully told fairy tales, witty everyday stories, children's tales about animals, historical legends, and funny anecdotes. Fairy tales (25 texts) predominated in Novopoltsev’s repertoire. The storyteller perfectly mastered all the techniques of a classic fairy tale, using commonplaces, repetitions, fairy-tale formulas, and constant epithets. No matter what Novopoltsev told, he always tried to amuse and make his audience laugh. What he has in common with buffoons is a penchant for satire, irony, and a wide knowledge of various folklore genres. The storyteller repeatedly introduced songs, numerous proverbs and jokes into fairy tales. Significant place His repertoire included satirical anti-pop and anti-lord tales. Novopoltsev's mastery lies in the richness of the vocabulary of his language, and the emphasized vernacular increases the dynamism of the narrative and gives his tales an unusually intense pace.

Gospodarev Philipp Pavlovich(1865-1938) - originally from the Mogilev province, where in the poor village of Zababie he spent his childhood and teenage years. As a child, I loved listening to the men who gathered in the evening on the rubble of Grandfather Shevtsov’s house, their wonderful fairy tales, especially the “story books” that he told. “For the first time,” he recalled, “I heard “Soldier’s Sons” from Shevtsov on a holiday, on logs. The sun did not set - he began to talk, and it became dark - the old man did not finish speaking. The next day in the morning I deliberately came to him: “Grandfather, tell me the story!” And grandfather finished the story.”

Due to the poverty of his parents, the boy could not attend school. Songs and fairy tales were the only light in a dark, hungry and painful life. At the age of fifteen, Philip went into public life, later worked for a merchant, took part in the uprising, and was imprisoned (in 1903). Since 1917, he has worked at a plant in Petrozavodsk as a blacksmith, driver, welder, stamper, and watchman. To the question of folklorist N.V. Novikov in 1937, asking how many fairy tales he knows, answered: “I know so much that you can’t carry it in a bag. And if you write down three fairy tales per evening, you’ll sit for a month, or even more.” 106 fairy tales were recorded from Gospodarev.

He successfully performed his fairy tales in Leningrad. All the tales of his repertoire by F.P. Gospodarev divided them into four groups: fairy tales “where everything is done by magic”, fairy tales “where everything is done with the head”, fairy tales “with animals”, fairy tales “tricky”. The first place in his repertoire is occupied by unusually long fairy tales, in which he combines several plots. In these tales, he zealously observes traditional fairy tale beginnings, endings, formulas, triple repetitions, constant epithets, etc.

Korguev Matvey Mikhailovich(1883-1943) was born into the family of a poor Pomor in the village of Keret, Arkhangelsk province, was orphaned early, wandered around the world, and at the age of nine began working: he was a shepherd, sawed wood, served as a cook on a local merchant’s ship, then became a fisherman.

In 1936, he met with folklore collector A.N. Nechaev. Korguev’s gift of speech came by inheritance: his mother and her brother knew many fairy tales and sang Karelian runes (songs). 115 texts were recorded from Korguev; in 1939, a two-volume book of his fairy tales was published, which included 78 fairy tales. He tells tales of all kinds, even anecdotes; he was especially good at fairy tales and magically heroic ones. While telling the story, Korguev skillfully conveyed the characters’ experiences with his voice, gestures, and facial expressions. His tales are distinguished by an abundance of details, convincingness, descriptions of the working and living conditions of Pomors, and depictions of sea storms.

Kovalev Ivan Fedorovich(1885-1966) - lived almost his entire life in the village of Shadrina, Gorky Region, not far from Lake Svetloyar, into which, according to legend, the city of Kitezh sank. As a child, he listened to the tales of his grandmother and mother - wonderful storytellers. There were no girls in the family, and the boy had to spin with his mother - for fairy tales he spun extra bundles of flax. Trading simple goods, he went to many places and listened and told stories everywhere. During the imperialist war, in captivity in Germany, I listened to German fairy tales and told Russian ones. In his village he entertained collective farmers with fairy tales during lunch breaks and young people in the reading hut.

In 1931, he met folklorists, began to come to Moscow to record, and was accepted into the Writers' Union. His largest collection was published in Moscow in 1941. Kovalev draws detailed portraits of his heroes and the landscape. Love is a favorite theme of his fairy tales. His tales contain an abundance of epithets and fairy-tale formulas; the characters are characterized by caring for the poor and disadvantaged.

Skazkin Mikhail Ananyevich(1883-1967) - lived in the Gorky region in the village of Klimovo, born in the village of Temta in the family of a farm laborer Anania Lebedev. As a ten-year-old boy, he went to work in a mill. In my free time from work I listened to fairy tales. The miller cruelly ridiculed the boy's passion for fairy tales. One day a boy invited the miller to listen to a fairy tale and received the answer: “Look, how you are attracted to fairy tales; What are you like after this Lebedev? You are a fairy tale - be a fairy tale.” Subsequently, this nickname took root for Mikhail Ananyevich and replaced his previous surname.

As a child, he not only listened to the tales of his fellow villagers, but also read them avidly. His repertoire includes magical, adventurous, everyday, satirical, and fairy tales about animals.

Baryshnikova-Kuprianikha Anna Kupriyanovna(1868-1954) - Voronezh storyteller, occupying one of the first places among Russian storytellers. She lived almost her entire life in the village of Vereika, Zemlyansky district. Voronezh region. As a child, she tended cattle, got married early and, having become a widow, was left with four children. I had to work backbreakingly and even beg. Her tales have been recorded since 1925. Kuprianikha also visited Moscow, where she performed her fairy tales. She was accepted into the Writers' Union. Her tales use beginnings, endings, repetitions, details, satirical characteristics, sometimes there is a rhythm, a rhyme. Every time she creates a fairy tale.

Korolkova Anna Nikolaevna- native of the village of Staraya Toida, Voronezh region. Her homeland is rich in songs and fairy tales. She lived a long and difficult life. Her grandfather, orphaned at the age of six, became the guide of a blind singer, from whom he learned many songs and poems. Grandmother was famous as a storyteller and an outstanding singer. From the age of nine, Anyuta became a social worker - she nursed and rocked her daughter-in-law’s children, then she became a servant, rocked other people’s children, and recalled nursery rhymes and stories that she heard from her grandmother and mother. I remembered many fairy tales from the beekeeper Stepan Ivanovich Rastrygin, who lived to be 116 years old. At twenty, she was married off as the “tenth daughter-in-law” into a large family. Life was difficult, her husband worked as a groom, Anna Nikolaevna worked as a cook for a merchant. In 1930 they moved to Voronezh, where Anna Nikolaevna quickly gained fame thanks to her fairy tales, songs, and ditties. V. Tonkov wrote down 32 fairy tales from her, many of which were included in the book “Fairy Tales of A.N. Korolkova”, and the collection “Songs and Tales of the Voronezh Region”. Her repertoire includes fairy tales about heroes, about Eruslan Lazarevich, etc. There are a variety of types of fairy tales, told by her with humor. ( book “Russian storytellers”, comp. E.V. Pomerantseva.)