How I save water drawing. In the “Story Composition” category

How to draw a picture on the topic “Save water” in 3rd grade about the world around us? A question that arises in children and their parents when studying the topic of water pollution and its protection.

We have put together a selection of drawings and pictures for those who need to come up with and draw a poster on this topic themselves.

Children's drawings on the theme "Save water"

Don't throw trash into the river
Protect water bodies.
We can't live without water
And we will help take care of her!

Don't throw trash into the river!
Fish live in the river there!
Oil refineries, don't drain!
Seagulls won't sing songs.

Take care, People, of water!

Marina Entelis

Save water people!
After all, everyone needs water
What if all of nature perishes?
Water brings life!

Don't throw trash into the river!
Fish live in the river there!
Oil refineries, don't drain!
Seagulls won't sing songs.

Do not pour water from the tap in vain!
Think about all living things
Without drinking a little water
We will live in the world

How about I go out early in the morning?
There is dew on the grass
It's the ocean baby
And a stream runs behind it!

Save water
Anna Ignatova

It is impossible to live without water,
Be careful with water:
Do not pour clean water in vain.
Water is best part from nature:

Rivers, ponds, seas and lakes,
Streams, oceans and iceberg mountains...
Without clean water you can't cook food...
All living things in the world,
On our planet
Mainly consists of water.

If the water suddenly runs out,
Then we will disappear forever.


Vladimir Ponomarev

Water, the basis of life.
Water is a source of strength.
Water planetary mind
And just H2O.
And ice, and steam, and rain
Cycle in nature.
After all, he cannot live without water,
no one exists.
Seas, lakes, rivers
Huge quantity
Living earthly creatures
Plants, animals
Enjoying the water
And it only ruins the water
A thoughtless person.
He poisons her with chemicals,
Infectious waste.
Huge dams
Her path is blocked.
Without realizing the priceless,
Creations of the Creator,
He kills with water.
Everything is alive around

Save water!

How priceless and necessary we need water!
Great value she has.
Animals, people, and birds need it,
In general, everything that is born in the world.

Save water, take care
Rivers, springs and springs.
Look for the source of life in them,
And you really, really appreciate them.

The water must be clean
Like a mirror to shine.
After drinking this water,
Everyone wants to grow and sing!

But look around, my friend:
The water in the river is so big,
Oiled circle.
And the fish don't live here,
And the bird, without drinking water,
Quickly takes flight.
The trees have left the muddy banks,
Swan flying by
He shouted to us: “Trouble, trouble!”
And if not, friend, clean water,
A sad fate awaits you too...

Don't pollute the water
Let the underwater inhabitants live.
After all, water brings life to everyone,
Gives strength and vigor.

Don't throw trash into the river
Protect water bodies.
We can't live without water
And we will help take care of her!

Excerpt from children's essay on the topic "Save water" 4th grade on the subject of the world around us.

It turns out that the lack of fresh water on our planet is one of the most important problems at present. Its reserves are depleting, fresh water is becoming less and less.

On our planet there are already settlements, countries and even entire parts of continents where people suffer from lack of water. And there they don’t spend it so thoughtlessly, they save every drop and very accurately calculate how much and when to spend it. So that all humanity on Earth does not soon have to count every drop of water, it is extremely necessary to conserve water. Turn off the taps as soon as you stop using water, and use it sparingly for any needs. And, of course, try not to pollute any of the reservoirs.

The threat of pollution looms over the water. Plants and factories, power plants consume large number water and at the same time pollute it with various wastes. Co wastewater enterprises release various toxic substances into rivers and lakes. And polluted water bodies are very dangerous. All living things die in them - plants, fish, crayfish and birds. And when the water from such a reservoir evaporates and clouds form, acid rain falls on the ground. Such rains are dangerous for all living things.

Therefore, it is very important to conserve water, use it sparingly and not pollute it.

People, save water! Water is our main wealth; it cannot be replaced by anything, not even by all the treasures of the world. If we save water, we will save life on our wonderful and warm planet.

In the “Image” category

1 place:

Drawing “The basis of life.” Chernykh Daria, MAOU secondary school No. 16, grade 9E. Head: Telepova Irina Anatolyevna, biology teacher;

2 place:

Drawing "Water Girl". Shitova Maria, MAOU Secondary School No. 16, 9E grade. Head: Telepova Irina Anatolyevna, biology teacher;

3 place:

Drawing "Goddess of Water". Gonyukov Alexander, MAOU Secondary School No. 106, 3G class. Head: Svetlana Aleksandrovna Startseva, primary school teacher.

The jury also noted:

Drawing "Underwater city". Vika Poimtseva, MAOU Secondary School No. 16, 5B class. Head: Polina Vladimirovna Ushenina, biology teacher.

In the category " Subject composition»

1st place:

Drawing without title. Elizaveta Shcherbakova, MAOU Secondary School No. 10, 7B grade. Head: Tatyana Anatolyevna Plotnikova, biology teacher;

2nd place:

Drawing without title. Denisov Vladislav. MAOU secondary school No. 10, class 8A. Head: Tatyana Anatolyevna Plotnikova, biology teacher;

3rd place:

Drawing without title. Velma Sofya, MAOU Secondary School No. 4, 6G grade. Leaders: Nina Ivanovna Zobova, biology teacher and Olga Vladimirovna Eliseeva, chemistry teacher.

The jury also noted the drawings:

Drawing without title. Orlova Maria, MAOUSOSH No. 10, grade 8B. Supervisor: Plotnikova Tatyana Anatolyevna, biology teacher;

Drawing “Everything is in your hands” by Evgeniya Tetyutskaya, MAOU secondary school No. 4, grade 11A. Supervisors: Nina Ivanovna Zobova, biology teacher and Olga Vladimirovna Eliseeva, chemistry teacher;

Untitled drawing by Maxima Khromtsova, MAOUSOSH No. 10, 8B grade. Supervisor: Tatyana Anatolyevna Plotnikova, biology teacher. Also awarded with competition diplomas;

Drawing “Aquarium” Sergey Lazunov, MAOU Secondary School No. 106, 3G class. Supervisor: Svetlana Aleksandrovna Startseva;

Drawing "Forest". Maria Kobeleva, MAOU Secondary School No. 106, 3G class. Supervisor: Svetlana Aleksandrovna Startseva;

Drawing without title. Chernykh Fedor, MAOU Secondary School No. 106, 3G class. Supervisor: Svetlana Aleksandrovna Startseva.


In the category "Landscape"

1st place:

Drawing "Water". Parkhomenko Irina, MAOU secondary school No. 4, class 11A. Leaders: Nina Ivanovna Zobova, biology teacher and Olga Vladimirovna Eliseeva, chemistry teacher;

2nd place:

Drawing without title. Barkova Anna, MAOU Secondary School No. 4, 5B class. Leaders: Nina Ivanovna Zobova, biology teacher and Olga Vladimirovna Eliseeva, chemistry teacher;

3 place:

Drawing “Take care of the rivers.” Kudryavtseva Marina, MAOU Secondary School No. 16, 7D class. Head: Telepova Irina Anatolyevna, biology teacher.

The jury also noted the drawings:

Drawing without title. Kristina Gurova, MAOU secondary school No. 4, grade 11A. Leaders: Nina Ivanovna Zobova, biology teacher and Olga Vladimirovna Eliseeva, chemistry teacher;

Drawing “Heron on the Lake” by Daria Stenina, MAOU Secondary School No. 4, grade 11A. Supervisors: Nina Ivanovna Zobova, biology teacher and Olga Vladimirovna Eliseeva, chemistry teacher;

Drawing “Ekaterinburg Embankment”. Akulova Alena, MAOU secondary school No. 16, grade 7E. Supervisor: Telepova Irina Anatolyevna, biology teacher;

Drawing by Ekaterina Kalikina. MAOU Secondary School No. 4, class 11A. Leaders: Nina Ivanovna Zobova, biology teacher and Olga Vladimirovna Eliseeva, chemistry teacher;

Drawing of Ekaterina Ryakhovsky. MAOU secondary school No. 10, grade 8B. Head: Tatyana Anatolyevna Plotnikova, biology teacher;

Drawing by Anna Agadzhanova “City Beach”. MAOU secondary school No. 16, grade 7B. Head: Telepova Irina Anatolyevna, biology teacher;

Drawing by Shulyak Diana. MAOU secondary school No. 4, grade 7B. Leaders: Nina Ivanovna Zobova, biology teacher and Olga Vladimirovna Eliseeva, chemistry teacher;

Drawing “Beauty!” Antropov Roman. MAOU Secondary School No. 4, 5A class. Leaders: Nina Ivanovna Zobova, biology teacher and Olga Vladimirovna Eliseeva, chemistry teacher.


In the "Poster" category:

1st place:

Drawing "A Drop of Life". Sotina Maria. MAOU secondary school No. 106, 3G class. Head: Startseva Svetlana Aleksandrovna.

2nd place:

Drawing “Water - life (death).” Popov Semyon. MAOU secondary school No. 10, grade 7B. Head: Tatyana Anatolyevna Plotnikova, biology teacher.

3rd place:

Drawing without title. Gorelova Ksenia. MAOU Secondary School No. 10, 11A class. Head: Tatyana Anatolyevna Plotnikova, biology teacher.

The jury also noted:

Drawing “Water is life”. Elena Antropova, MAOU Secondary School No. 4, class 11A. Supervisors: Nina Ivanovna Zobova, biology teacher and Olga Vladimirovna Eliseeva, chemistry teacher;

Drawing without title. Dmitrieva Victoria. MAOU Secondary School No. 4, class 7A. Leaders: Nina Ivanovna Zobova, biology teacher and Olga Vladimirovna Eliseeva, chemistry teacher;

Drawing “Everyone needs water.” Shishkina Sophia. MAOU secondary school No. 10, grade 7A. Head: Tatyana Anatolyevna Plotnikova, biology teacher;

Drawing “Dirt cannot be washed away with dirt.” Dronina Maria. MAOU secondary school No. 10, grade 6B. Head: Tatyana Anatolyevna Plotnikova, biology teacher.

The organizers thank the participants, their teachers and parents of the participants!

Children who took prizes(1st, 2nd, 3rd) diplomas and letters of commendation will be issued.

Children whose works are also awarded by the jury receive diplomas.

The winners' managers receive letters of gratitude.

All participating schools receive diplomas.

Each MAOU secondary school determines the issuance procedure (day, place, event) individually, in accordance with its regulations. The organizers have prepared copies of diplomas and letters of thanks send to parents of participants upon written request received by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it. .

Olga Zavalishina

Photo report of the drawings "Water is the basis of life"

Zavalishina Olga

Human- part of a huge and amazing world that surrounds him, the natural world. For many thousands of years, people have been exploring, exploring this world, revealing its secrets, unraveling its riddles.

Water- one of the most widespread and at the same time one of the most extraordinary substances on earth. The same water that fills the seas, lakes, rivers, falls to the ground as rain, and covers it with snow covers. The very water without which the existence of not only humans, but all living things is unthinkable. According to scientists, life on our planet originated in water.

If there were no water, there would be no life! Only a kind, merciful, responsible person can become a friend of the earth! Save water! Look how beautiful our Earth is and we have the power to make it even more beautiful!

Chepiga Roma, middle group

Volgina Alisa, middle group

Tsarkova Taisiya, middle group

Egorov Maxim, middle group

Jafarov Artemy, middle group

Jafarova Ksenia, middle group

Publications on the topic:

“Traffic rules are the basis for the safety of preschoolers.” The task of all parents and teachers is to ensure the safety of children. We, adults, are an example.

Lapbook on the topic " Water source life" - the final result collaboration with children on the project “We can’t live without water” Lapbook (LAPBOOK, p.

Lapbook “Water is the source of life” Lapbook is educational material, which will help children consolidate and systematize knowledge, better understand and remember.

Summary of GCD in the preparatory group “Vitamins” Water is the source of life! Goal: To develop application experience about the properties of water and its role in life.

Problem: Watching children in sensitive moments senior group, I noted that the children, after washing their hands, do not completely turn off the tap. Paying attention.

Project “Water in our lives” MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 25 of a combined type" 2 junior group No. 9 Project "WATER IN OUR LIFE" Kamensk-Uralsky, 2015.

(Victor Schouberger)

Much has been said about water, but so little has been said yet. Think about it, what do you know about water? Surprisingly, water still remains the most poorly understood substance in nature. Obviously, this happened because it is omnipresent: it is around us, above us, below us and in us. Just like life, water has many faces and its characteristics are endless.

Water is the basis of life on Earth

Water is, at first glance, just a simple chemical compound of hydrogen and oxygen, but it is water - the basis of life on Earth. Water itself has no nutritional value, but it is an essential part of all living things. In plants - up to 90% water, and in the body of an adult - about 65%, and this circumstance allowed the science fiction writer V. Savchenko to declare that a person “has much more reason to consider himself a liquid than, say, a forty percent solution of caustic sodium” .

Defined and constant water content

- one of the necessary conditions for the existence of a living organism. When the amount of water consumed and its salt composition changes, the processes of digestion and absorption of food and hematopoiesis are disrupted. Without water, it is impossible to regulate the body’s heat exchange with environment and maintaining a constant body temperature. A person is extremely sensitive to changes in water content and can live without it for only a few days. With a loss of water up to 2% of body weight (1-1.5 liters), thirst appears, with a loss of 6-8%, a semi-fainting state occurs, with a lack of 10%, hallucinations appear and swallowing is impaired. If there is a shortage of more than 12% of water, death occurs.

A person drinks water containing from 0.02 to 2 grams of minerals per liter. Substances that are present in small doses but play an important role in many physiological processes of the body are of great importance. If water is so important component structure and functioning of the body, it is logical to assume that the influence of external water is no less great. Water, even without entering the body, can have a huge impact even in external contact with the human body. Water can cause serious illnesses, or it can heal many ailments and improve health, but it turns out that it’s all about making the right choice water for drinking.

Inna Vasilievna Savatkova

Learn to make logical conclusions. Cultivate a desire to convey your emotional state using artistic and aesthetic means of expression.

To develop social skills (the ability to work in a group, negotiate, take into account the opinion of a partner, prove one’s rightness, cultivate a moral and aesthetic attitude towards the world around us.

Through the efforts of parents, children and teachers, a poster was made on topic: « Save water» .

The children drew pictures on a given topic.

Learned poems about water. And with this material we went to visit other groups.

Expected result: Develop a habit, rationally and carefully treat and use water resources.

Publications on the topic:

On the eve of a wonderful holiday New Year V kindergarten“Fairy Tale” in the village of Novostroika an environmental campaign “Take care of the Christmas tree” took place. Purpose.

"Save water." Summary of the conversation with children (senior group) GOAL: Teach children to save tap water. It is clear to explain to children that people have to expend a lot of effort to get clean water.

Summary of the direct educational activity “Save water” Target. Learn to use water with care. Tasks. Educational: - expand children's knowledge about the importance of water in human life; -give a concept.

Ecological leisure “Take care of the forest” Scenario for environmental leisure on the topic: “Take care of the forest!” Educational objectives: - Clarify and expand children’s existing ideas about.

Ecological holiday “Save water” in senior and preparatory groups Ecological holiday “Save water!” in senior and preparatory groups. Target. Create a joyful, cheerful mood in children. Pin.

Environmental project “Take care of birds” Ecological project “Take care of birds”. Project type: educational, short-term Goal: Formation of responsibility and caring attitude.