The best early cabbage salad recipes. Cabbage salad for the winter: delicious recipes

There is a great variety of pickling and salting recipes alone, but you can also make salads, fillings for pies, stuff peppers with it, or even freeze it fresh.

On the Internet you can find any recipe for canned and sauerkraut for the winter, but we have selected the best and offer them to you.

A simple recipe for crispy sauerkraut

When to ferment cabbage. By lunar calendar start fermenting cabbage on the new moon, and even better on those days where P is present in the name, for example, on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Sunday. There is a belief that these days produce the most delicious and crispy cabbage. For fermentation, take dense, healthy, medium-sized heads of cabbage, late or mid-late varieties, preferably white. To obtain 10 kg of sauerkraut, take 12-13 kg of fresh vegetables.


  • 10 kg cabbage;
  • 200-250 g salt.

Remove the outer leaves from the cabbage heads and cut off the stump. Cut the prepared cabbage with a sharp knife or shredder. The correct raw material has a width of 3-5 mm.

Mix cabbage noodles with salt. There is no need to knead or grind the resulting mixture. It is enough to hold the cabbage-salt mixture in the container for no more than half an hour and the cabbage juice will be released in the required quantity.

Cover the bottom of the barrel with a layer of whole leaves, on top of which lay cabbage mixed with salt. If you put a small piece under a layer of leaves rye bread, then the fermentation process will begin faster. Each laid layer is compacted until the juice appears.

Place washed whole leaves as the last layer, then place an enamel lid or ceramic plate on them and apply pressure. This could be a cleanly washed cobblestone, a weight, or a container of water. In any case, there should be a layer of cabbage juice over the cabbage.

The container with cabbage is stored at 18 - 22 degrees Celsius. During the fermentation period, it is necessary to remove the foam that forms on the surface daily and pierce the cabbage twice a day with a clean splinter, releasing the resulting gas.

A sign of the end of fermentation is the clarification of the brine. The cabbage settles, becomes slightly sour and salty, but remains crispy.

To prevent further fermentation, the finished sauerkraut is stored at a positive temperature, no higher than two degrees Celsius.

During storage, it is necessary to constantly monitor the brine level - it should always cover the cabbage and promptly remove any mold that appears.

All other recipes appeared by adding certain components to the main recipe in certain proportions.

Preparing cabbage for borscht for the winter

In winter, you don’t always have fresh cabbage on hand to make delicious homemade borscht. This is where canned cabbage for borscht comes in handy. It is prepared quite simply:

  • Three and a half kilos of red tomatoes
  • Three kilos of late cabbage
  • Ten fleshy sweet peppers
  • A random bunch of parsley with dill
  • Two level tablespoons of table salt
  • Vinegar 9% - forty milliliters

Tomatoes will be needed for cooking tomato juice. Cut the tomatoes into slices and pass either through a meat grinder or through a juicer - whichever is more convenient. Bring the resulting juice to a boil and add salt.

Cut the cabbage and pepper into strips. The greens must be chopped.

Add cabbage and pepper to the boiling juice and bring to a boil. Don't forget to stir! After boiling, let it simmer for ten minutes, then add chopped herbs and carefully pour in vinegar. All the ingredients together need to simmer for about five more minutes.

Place the finished product hot in jars and roll it up for the winter.

Cabbage for the winter without sterilization

This cabbage is prepared easily and quickly.


  • White cabbage – medium size
  • Carrots – Six hundred grams
  • Bell pepper – four hundred grams
  • Onions - two large onions
  • Sugar – thirty grams
  • Salt - twenty grams
  • Allspice peas - five to six pieces
  • Bay leaf - two leaves
  • Water - two liters
  • Vinegar 9% - eighty milliliters

Peel the cabbage, rinse under cold water and cut into strips. Grate the peeled carrots using a regular grater. Also cut the bell peppers into strips. Peel the onion and cut into feathers or half rings. Mix all the resulting cuttings and place them in ready-made jars.

For the marinade, heat the water, and as soon as it boils, pour it over the cabbage. Let the cabbage stand in the water for ten to fifteen minutes. Then drain the water from the jars back to where everything was boiled and again bring to a vigorous boil, and again give the cabbage a hot bath.

Drain the water from the cabbage for the third time, add salt, sugar and lastly vinegar. Before pouring this boiling mixture into jars, first add bay leaf and allspice.

Well, now screw the yummy food under the lids and leave it to cool under a warm blanket. When the jars have cooled down, take them to the cellar for winter storage.

Sauerkraut with beets for the winter

  • Cabbage 10 kg
  • Beetroot 400g
  • Carrot 300g
  • Garlic 100g
  • Hot pepper 50g
  • Greens 300 – 500g

After removing the outer green leaves, the cabbage is cut into pieces of the required size. Placed in jars in layers, they are sprinkled with chopped carrots, beets, herbs, garlic and hot pepper.

Filled jars are filled with brine prepared in the proportion of 1 liter of water to 30 grams of salt.

When fermentation stops (the brine becomes clear), the containers are put in a cool place.

Sauerkraut in a jar

Ingredients for a 3 liter jar:

  • Cabbage 3 kg;
  • Carrots 2 pcs;
  • Salt 70 grams;
  • Bay leaf 10 pcs;
  • Black peppercorns 10 pcs.

Chop the washed vegetables. The cabbage is chopped, the carrots are chopped with a grater. Mix vegetables and add salt. The mixture should taste a little saltier than needed in the salad. Add pepper and bay leaf. Mix everything again.

Place the mixture tightly in a jar. It should be filled with the mixture to the very top, after which it should be placed in a deep plate. Juice will drain into it during fermentation. The jar should be kept warm for three to four days (+20 +21°C). During this time, the cabbage is pierced daily with a wooden stick (it is convenient to use wooden kebab skewers or Chinese wooden sticks) to the bottom so that the gas from fermentation comes out. At the end of fermentation, close the jar with a nylon lid and put it in the refrigerator for storage.

Winter preparation of cabbage with aspirin


  • White cabbage of late varieties - six kilograms
  • Carrots – one and a half kilos
  • Water – four and a half liters
  • Bay leaf - five to six pieces
  • Allspice – ten to fifteen peas
  • Sugar – four hundred grams
  • Salt - two hundred grams
  • Vinegar 9% - forty-five milliliters

There is nothing complicated in cooking. Cut the cabbage into thin strips, chop the carrots on a grater. Pour one into the other and mix, just be careful, don’t crush it! There is no need for extra juice in this version.

Now you need to prepare the brine. Boil water and add spices. After boiling, add vinegar and leave to cool.

Place the cabbage and carrots in pre-sterilized three-liter jars and fill with cooled brine. Place two regular aspirin tablets in each jar. Next, you need to roll up the jars under the lids and send them to the cellar for winter storage.

Recipe for cabbage, pepper and tomato salad for the winter

We will need:

  • Cabbage - one and a half kilograms
  • Bell pepper – seven hundred grams
  • Tomatoes – two kilos
  • Onions - half a kilogram
  • Paprika – half a teaspoon
  • Sunflower oil – three hundred milliliters
  • Table vinegar, 9% - one hundred milliliters
  • Salt – ninety to one hundred grams
  • Black peppercorns - ten to fifteen peas

Cut the cabbage into strips and grind with salt. Cut the tomatoes and peppers into medium cubes, cut the onion into half rings.

Mix the vegetables together and heat in a saucepan until boiling. As soon as the mixture boils, pour in the vinegar and remove from the heat, stir well but gently.

Now you need to put the hot vegetables into jars and sterilize for about twenty minutes. Then roll it under the lids and let it cool upside down under something warm.

Canned cabbage with carrots and peppers

Will need:

  • White cabbage – five kilos
  • A kilo of fleshy sweet peppers
  • A kilo of onion
  • A kilo of carrots
  • Vegetable oil – half a liter
  • Vinegar 9% - two hundred milliliters
  • Sugar – three hundred and fifty grams
  • Four full tablespoons of table salt

Peel the cabbage from bad leaves and remove the stalk. Chop into strips. Grate the carrots. Cut the onion and pepper into medium-sized cubes.

Add salt, sugar, as well as vinegar and oil. Mix carefully; it is simply forbidden to squeeze the cabbage in this salad. Now shift this delicious salad into the jar and close the lid.

Korean cabbage for the winter, video

Cabbage is perhaps the most Russian vegetable. How can you imagine our winter without a plate of sour cabbage soup or aromatic sauerkraut with butter and sugar (yes, some people like it that way!). Since ancient times, cabbage has been salted and fermented in huge barrels. With the advent glass jars with glass and then metal lids, the most different ways cabbage preparations. This is not only pickled cabbage, but also various salads with cauliflower and white cabbage, cabbage rolls with vegetables and many others. interesting recipes. Let's get started!

Gurian style salted cabbage. This is a method of salting in a bulk container. Cut small heads of cabbage into 8 pieces, crossing the stalk. Cut the peeled beets into slices 0.5 cm thick, chop the garlic coarsely, and chop the celery root (to taste) as well. in large pieces. Place a layer of beets on the bottom of the dish, then a layer of cabbage, sprinkle thickly with garlic and celery, then another layer of beets and fill the dish to the top. Prepare the brine: for 1 liter - 1 tbsp. salt, pour boiling brine over the vegetables so that the brine covers them. This cabbage should be stored in a cool place.

Pickled white cabbage. It is prepared in a similar way, in bulk containers. Heads of cabbage are cut into sections into 8 parts, placed in an enamel or glassware layers, layered with coarsely chopped beets and chopped garlic, and poured with hot marinade. Marinade: for 2.5 liters of water - 3 tbsp. salt, 10-11 tbsp. sugar, 4-5 tbsp. 70% vinegar. Boil water with spices, salt and sugar, pour in vinegar and pour over cabbage. The cabbage is ready in 2 days.

Winter salad

1.5 kg cabbage,
500 g sweet pepper,
500 g carrots,
500 g onions,
50 g parsley,
50 g celery greens,
50 g parsley root.

Pour 2 tbsp into each sterilized half-liter jar. calcined vegetable oil, lay in layers of chopped chopped vegetables, compacting well. Add ½ tsp. salt, 1 tsp. sugar, 2 tbsp. 6% vinegar, 2 peas each of black and allspice, cover with lids, let stand for 1 hour. Then sterilize for an hour, not allowing the oil to spill out, for which the contents of the jars are pressed with a clean spoon. Roll up, put upside down, cool, store in the cold.

5 medium sized cabbages
1 kg sweet pepper,
1 zucchini,
5-6 large carrots,
2 heads of garlic,
a lot of parsley, dill, cilantro (optional),
half a pod of hot pepper.

Cut each head of cabbage into 4-8 pieces along with the stalk and place in boiling water for 5 minutes. Peel the peppers and blanch them in boiling water for 5 minutes. Cut the zucchini with peel, tomatoes, carrots into slices, coarsely chop the garlic, and coarsely chop the greens. Lay in layers, sprinkle with herbs, carrots and garlic, pour in cooled brine (2 tablespoons of salt per 1 liter of water). Keep the cabbage for 3 days at room temperature, then put it in the cold.

Finely chop the red cabbage, calculating the amount for several liter cans. Blanch the shredded cabbage for 2 minutes in boiling water, then drain the water. Chop large, strong plums and blanch in boiling water for 1 minute. Place cabbage and plums in layers in jars (in a ratio of 5:1), add 5 black peppercorns, 5 cloves, cinnamon on the tip of a knife to each jar and pour marinade. Marinade: for 1 liter of water - 200 g of sugar, 80 g of salt, 200 g of 9% vinegar. Boil water, add sugar and salt, after boiling add vinegar and pour over cabbage.

Cabbage with tomatoes and sweet peppers

10 kg cabbage,
3 kg sweet pepper,
2 kg carrots,
3 kg tomatoes,
300 g salt.

Finely chop cabbage, peppers, carrots, mix with salt. Cut the tomatoes in half. Lay the cabbage and tomatoes in layers, put pressure on them and put them in the cold.

10 kg cabbage,
2 kg sweet pepper,
180 g salt,
1 pod of hot pepper,
200 g honey.

Chop the cabbage coarsely, and also chop the pepper coarsely. Mix, add salt, whole hot pepper, place in a large bowl. Dilute honey in 1 liter of water and pour cabbage with this solution. Put pressure on it and put it in the cold.

Cabbage in beet juice

10 kg cabbage,
3 kg plums,
200 g salt,
15 black peppercorns,
15 cloves,
1.5-2 liters of beet juice.

Cut the cabbage into large pieces, cut the plums crosswise so that the skin does not curl, mix with the cabbage. Add salt and spices, place tightly in a container and pour in beet juice. Press down with a weight and take it out into the cold.

5 kg cabbage,
1 kg carrots,
1 kg of onion,
1 g sweet pepper,
2 cups sugar
4 tbsp. salt,
500 ml vegetable oil,
50 ml 70% vinegar.


Chop the cabbage, cut the onion into half rings, the pepper into strips, grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Mix everything, add salt, sugar, oil, vinegar, simmer over low heat for 30 minutes, stirring. Place hot into sterilized jars and seal.

Ingredients for a 3-liter jar:
2.5 kg cabbage,
1 carrot,
3 bay leaves,
15 black peppercorns,
cinnamon on the tip of a knife,
3 tsp 70% vinegar,
1.2 liters of brine (for 1 liter of water - 50 g of salt, 50 g of sugar).

Chop the cabbage, cut the carrots into thin long strips, mix, place loosely in jars, pour boiling water over them and leave to cool. Meanwhile, prepare the brine: boil water with spices, let simmer for 1 minute. Drain the water from the jars of cabbage, pour in the marinade, add vinegar, and roll up. Turn over several times so that the vinegar is evenly distributed throughout the jar.

Ingredients for 1 kg of cabbage:
120 g beets,
3-4 cloves of garlic,
½ cup 9% vinegar,
bay leaf, coriander to taste.
Brine per 1 liter of water:
2 tbsp. salt,
½ tsp. ground red pepper,
½ cup sugar
½ cup vegetable oil,
bay leaf, cumin.

Prepare the brine: boil water with spices, cool, add vinegar and garlic. Cut the cabbage heads into 4-6 pieces, without removing the stalk, place beet slices between the leaves. Place the cabbage in a stainless steel bowl, fill it with brine, and put it under pressure. Keep warm for 3 days, then put in the cold.

Ingredients for slightly acidic marinade:
900 ml water,
¾ cup 5% vinegar (or fruit vinegar),
50 g sugar,
40 g salt,
cinnamon, cloves, allspice, bay leaf.
Ingredients for sour marinade:
800-850 ml water,
1 cup 5% vinegar (or fruit vinegar),
50 g sugar,
40 g salt.
Ingredients for spicy marinade:
500-700 ml water,
2 cups 5% vinegar (or fruit vinegar),
50 sugar,
40 g salt,
hot pepper to taste.

Divide cabbage with dense heads into separate inflorescences, leaving no rough parts, wash and blanch for 2-3 minutes in salted and acidified boiling water (for 5 liters of water - 50 g of salt, 3 g of citric acid). Sprinkle quickly ice water, put in jars, pour marinade with spices. Cover with sterilized lids, sterilize half-liter jars for 5 minutes, liter jars for 7 minutes, 2-liter jars for 15 minutes, 3-liter jars for 20 minutes. Roll up.

10 kg cabbage,
1/2-1 kg salt,
200-300 g garlic,
hot red pepper to taste.

Cut white (or Chinese) cabbage into 4-6 pieces and pour in strong warm brine and leave for 3-4 days. Then grind the garlic and hot pepper in a meat grinder. Remove the cabbage from the brine, rinse in running water and coat the cabbage leaves with the resulting spicy mixture (this must be done with gloves!), Place in the prepared container under pressure for souring. If the cabbage produces little juice, you can add water. The cabbage is ready when it ferments, like regular sauerkraut. Keep refrigerated.

2.5 kg cabbage,
200-250 g ground red pepper,
60-80 g garlic,
2 heads of lettuce,
50 g salt,
1 tsp Sahara.

Prepare the spicy paste - ground pepper dilute with a small amount of warm water, add salt and sugar, chop the herbs (you can use a blender), squeeze the garlic through a press, mix everything thoroughly. Cut the cabbage into 4-6 pieces, coat each leaf thoroughly, put the cabbage in tight bags, tie it and put it in the refrigerator for a week. Make sure that the bags are tightly tied so that the released juice covers the entire cabbage, and the smell does not penetrate into the refrigerator (it does not disappear for a long time!). After a week, put the cabbage in a bowl, cover with a lid and let stand for 2-3 days. This cabbage can be stored for no more than a month.

Ingredients for a 3 liter jar:
2 kg cabbage,
2-3 carrots,
1-2 beets,
1 liter of water,
2 tbsp. salt,
1 tbsp. Sahara,
½ tbsp. vegetable oil,
1 cup 9% vinegar,
2-3 cloves of garlic.

Cut the cabbage into large squares to create stacks of cabbage leaves. Place the “stacks” in jars, sprinkle with sticks of carrots, beets, and cloves of garlic, press down well. Pour in vegetable oil, a glass of vinegar, and cooled brine. Leave for 3 days at room temperature, then refrigerate.
Pickled cabbage rolls. Prepare vegetable cabbage rolls: grate fresh carrots to Korean carrots, add chopped garlic, salt to taste. You can add hot red pepper. Boil the cabbage leaves in salted water, making sure they are not too soft. Wrap carrots in leaves, place in a bowl and pour in brine prepared from equal parts of 9% vinegar and vegetable oil, and put under pressure. After 2 days, the cabbage rolls are ready.

2 kg cauliflower,
1.2 kg tomatoes,
1-2 heads of garlic,
200 g sweet pepper,
200 g parsley,
2 tbsp. salt,
100 g sugar,
100 ml 9% vinegar,
100 ml vegetable oil.

Divide the cabbage into inflorescences and blanch in boiling salted and acidified water. Grind the tomatoes, peppers and garlic, pour the resulting mixture into a saucepan, add salt, sugar, butter and heat to a boil. When the mixture boils, add cabbage inflorescences and herbs into it and simmer over low heat for 10-15 minutes. At the end of cooking, add vinegar and remove from heat. Place hot in sterilized jars and roll up.

5 kg cabbage,
1 kg sweet pepper,
1 kg of onion,
1 kg carrots,
4 tbsp. salt,
350 g sugar,
500 ml vegetable oil,
500 ml 9% vinegar.

Chop the cabbage, grate the carrots, cut the onion into half rings, and the pepper into strips. Mix vinegar, oil, sugar and salt, pour the resulting marinade over the mixture of vegetables, mix gently, and pack tightly into jars. Store in a cool place.


3 kg cabbage,
1 kg carrots,
1 kg of onion,
500 g sweet pepper,
1.5 cups vegetable oil,
1 cup 6% vinegar,
½ cup sugar
1/3 cup salt.

Chop the cabbage, cut the carrots into slices, onions and peppers into rings. Mix vegetable oil, vinegar, salt and sugar. Place the vegetables in a saucepan, pour in the marinade, and simmer over medium heat for 10 minutes. Place hot in sterilized jars and roll up.

Cabbage preparations can be very different, but if you prefer good old sauerkraut to all culinary delights, you can find the most different recipes fermentation and pickling of cabbage on our website. But this is material for a separate article. Happy preparations!

Larisa Shuftaykina

People's diets change dramatically during the winter. Canned preparations appear on the menu, with which zealous housewives filled their basements in the autumn. For example, canned cabbage salads add variety to the table. Prepare cabbage salad for the winter in jars with different types vegetables: with carrots, mushrooms, peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants, onions and many others. Spices give the preparations a piquant taste. And each salad turns out different from the others. But not all of them are equally tasty. Therefore, we offer a selection best salads from cabbage, which are easily preserved directly in jars.

White cabbage does not have a lot of calories. At the same time, everything necessary for a person nutrients are present in it. Surprisingly, but true: canned cabbage is even healthier than fresh cabbage. Prepare this cabbage salad for the winter and see for yourself.


  • white cabbage – 1 kg;
  • pepper different colors– 400 g;
  • onion – 100 g;
  • granulated sugar - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil – 100 g;
  • vinegar, 9% table vinegar – 250 ml;
  • rock salt – 50 g;
  • seasonings: salt, ground pepper, coriander - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the cabbage and cut into thin strips.
  2. Peel, wash and cut the pepper into strips.
  3. Chop the onion into half rings.
  4. Mix vegetables, add butter, sugar, salt, spices and vinegar.
  5. Cover with a lid and leave to marinate for 2 hours.
  6. Transfer to jars and sterilize them for 25 minutes (liter containers).
  7. Seal with tin lids and wrap until completely cool.

When the cabbage salad in jars has cooled, it can be eaten, but it is better to save it for the winter. The longer the pickle sits, the more aromatic and tasty it becomes.

You may also like the delicious and simple cabbage salad in jars for the winter presented in the video. Here, in addition to cabbage, peppers, onions and carrots, you will also need ripe tomatoes.

With carrots, sweet peppers and raisins

This recipe for cabbage salad for the winter is just as distinguished by its simplicity as the previous one. But the pickle turns out completely different. Raisins and carrots give the preparation a special sweetness and aroma. By the way, when choosing raisins, make sure that they are naturally dried and not sprinkled with any chemicals for extra flavor. If you don’t trust the seller, before cooking, soak the raisins in hot water for 20 minutes, and then drain the darkened water. Repeat the procedure several times until the water becomes completely clear.


  • white cabbage – 3 kg;
  • carrots – 0.5 kg;
  • red Bell pepper- 1 kg;
  • raisins – 250 g;
  • table vinegar, 9% – 200 ml;
  • sugar – 200 g;
  • rock salt – 3 tbsp;
  • vegetable oil – 4 tbsp. l.

Cooking technology:

  1. Cabbage, carrots and peppers are cut into random pieces. The straw looks more beautiful.
  2. The vegetables are mixed, raisins, vinegar, salt and sugar are added. If desired, you can add herbs.
  3. When the mixture is ready, it is left for 1-1.5 hours under the lid at room temperature.
  4. Then vegetable preparation transferred to jars and filled with the released juice.
  5. This cabbage salad is sterilized in jars (volume 1 liter) for 25-30 minutes.
  6. After this, the containers are rolled up with iron lids and wrapped for gradual cooling.

You can store the salad at room temperature, for example, under the bed. But all cabbage salads prepared in jars for the winter feel best in cool cellars, unheated pantries and in cabinets on glazed loggias and balconies.

Simple salad without vinegar

This cabbage salad for the winter is also prepared in jars. But it takes a little longer. But the result is amazing. Bright colors vegetables look great on both everyday and holiday tables. The taste of the pickles is simply amazing. Some even say that you need to wear iron gloves to eat it, otherwise your fingers can be bitten off. Another advantage of this salad is the absence of vinegar. The preservative here is tomato juice.


  • white cabbage – 1 kg;
  • multi-colored sweet pepper – 600 g;
  • red (optional) onion – 200 g;
  • juicy tomatoes – 600-700 g;
  • carrots – 300 g;
  • vegetable oil – 150 g;
  • garlic – 1 medium head;
  • rock salt – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • granulated sugar – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Paprika and hot red pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Heat in a saucepan sunflower oil and put in it the garlic chopped with a knife and the onion cut into half rings. Fry for 2-3 minutes.
  2. Add carrots cut into thin slices (2-3mm). Fry for 2-3 minutes.
  3. Add shredded cabbage and simmer for 5-7 minutes.
  4. Add pepper, cut into 1.5 x 1.5 cm squares. Keep on fire for 2-3 minutes.
  5. Pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder or juicer and add to the vegetables. Add salt, sugar and spices. Simmer for 5-7 minutes
  6. Place in sterilized jars and secure with iron lids.
  7. Wrap up for 2-3 days. Then move it to a permanent storage location.

See also the video recipe for cabbage salad in jars for the winter, which also does not include the use of vinegar

With cucumbers and brown tomatoes

For the winter, cabbage salad with cucumbers and brown tomatoes in jars is usually prepared at the end of summer. It is best to use medium cabbage varieties for these purposes. But you can get by early, if it is dense enough, with fleshy leaves. Leaves that are too thin, like those of June cabbage, turn into mush. But Gloria is ideal for preparing this salad.


  • cabbage – 1 kg;
  • firm brown tomatoes – 1 kg;
  • cucumbers (you can use “overgrown” ones) – 1 kg;
  • bell pepper- 1 kg;
  • carrots – 1 kg;
  • onion- 1 kg;
  • 9% table vinegar – 150 ml;
  • granulated sugar – 200 g;
  • vegetable oil – 2 cups;
  • table salt – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • seasonings - to your taste.

Work order:

  1. Cut all vegetables into strips, with the exception of cucumbers and onions. Grind them into half rings.
  2. Mix the vegetables and add the rest of the recipe ingredients.
  3. Leave to infuse for 2 hours.
  4. Fill the prepared jars and sterilize for 20-25 minutes (1 liter container).
  5. After the time has passed, take it out and roll it up. Wrap in a warm blanket until completely cool.

With eggplants and peppers

It is impossible to imagine a winter diet without canned vegetables. And it takes an important place at the dinner table cabbage salad, prepared for the winter from cabbage and other vegetables. It can be served both as an independent dish and as an appetizing addition to the main meal.


  • white cabbage – 4 kg;
  • ripe eggplants – 2 kg;
  • bell peppers – 1.5 kg;
  • carrots – 1.5 kg;
  • hot pepper – 3 pods;
  • garlic – 150 g;
  • vegetable oil – 1 cup;
  • sugar – 100 g;
  • table vinegar, 9% - 1 glass;
  • salt – 4 tbsp. l.

Cooking technology:

  1. Chop cabbage and peppers into thin strips
  2. Wash and boil the eggplants. Cut them into 1x2 cm cubes.
  3. Cut the carrots into slices.
  4. Mix the vegetables, add garlic to them and add all the other ingredients according to the recipe.
  5. Let the salad brew for 1.5 hours.
  6. Place in jars, cover with tin lids and sterilize for 15–20 minutes (0.7 l jars).
  7. After sterilization is complete, twist and wrap the pickle until it cools completely.

Another original cabbage salad for the winter is presented in this video recipe. The only addition required is tomatoes.

With celery root

In winter, this delicious cabbage salad in a jar will provide the whole family with vitamins. The highlight of the pickle is celery root. Despite the fact that little root vegetables are used in preparation, the taste of the dish is amazing. The salad is easy to prepare and does not take much time.


  • cabbage – 2 kg;
  • bell peppers – 0.5 kg;
  • onion – 200 g;
  • carrots – 200 g;
  • celery root – 150 g;
  • parsley - a large bunch;
  • vegetable oil – 200 ml;
  • rock salt – 30 g;
  • granulated sugar – 50 g;
  • 9% vinegar – 150 ml;
  • hot pepper – 2 pods.


  1. Cut cabbage, celery root, carrots and sweet pepper into strips.
  2. Cut the onion into half rings.
  3. Chop the greens and hot red pepper as finely as possible.
  4. Mix assorted vegetables. Add remaining ingredients.
  5. Leave the mixed mixed vegetables for 1.5 hours under the lid until the juice appears. You should stir periodically so that the juice is released more actively.
  6. Place into jars and sterilize for 25-30 minutes (1 liter container).
  7. Remove and close with sterile lids.
  8. Wrap until completely cool.

Mushroom salad with cabbage for the winter

Mushrooms, like vegetables, go well with cabbage. This combination looks especially good if you prepare cabbage salad for the winter with mushrooms. This pickle will not leave your guests indifferent. It is appropriate to serve the preparation with meat dishes.


  • cabbage – 2 kg;
  • fresh mushrooms (champignons, oyster mushrooms) – 2 kg;
  • onions – 1 kg;
  • carrots – 1 kg;
  • vegetable oil – 0.5 l;
  • sugar – 200 g;
  • salt – 200 g;
  • vinegar, 9% - 2 cups.

Cooking method:

  1. Chop the cabbage not very finely.
  2. Boil mushrooms in salted water.
  3. Grate the carrots on a medium grater.
  4. Cut the onion into thin half rings;
  5. Stew all ingredients briefly (for 10 minutes) in vegetable oil with the lid of the saucepan closed. Add sugar, salt and bite at the very end. Let the vegetables soften slightly first and release their juice.
  6. Place in half-liter jars and cover with iron lids.
  7. Sterilize for 10–15 minutes. Then take it out and seal it. Cover with a blanket until it cools down.

Guests will also like the cabbage and mushroom salad presented for the winter in this video recipe. Look and cook. Delicious!

Bright vegetable assortment

You can make a very unusual and wonderful cabbage salad in jars for the winter if you use the suggested recipe. In one jar you will find vegetables that harmoniously complement each other in taste. This pickle will be a great addition to your lunch diet. By the way, this recipe can only serve as a basis for you. You can subsequently change it to your liking. Product standards are given for one three-liter jar.


  • cabbage – 0.5 kg;
  • young zucchini – 300 g;
  • bell peppers – 4-5 pieces;
  • cucumbers – 300 g;
  • onions – 200g;
  • sugar – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • table salt – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • vinegar, 9% – 50 ml;
  • 1 dill umbrella;
  • bay leaf – 3 pcs.;
  • allspice – 4-5 pcs.;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • horseradish leaf – 1 pc.;
  • parsley – 7-10 sprigs.

Cooking technology:

  1. Place an umbrella of dill, chopped garlic, horseradish leaf, pepper, and bay leaf on the bottom of a three-liter jar.
  2. Cut the zucchini into circles and place in the next layer.
  3. Then place the parsley for decoration so that it stands out well against the background of the zucchini.
  4. The next layer is onion, cut into rings and again parsley.
  5. After this comes the pepper, cut into 4-6 parts and again greens.
  6. Then come the cucumbers. Place the gherkins and pickles whole, and if they are large, divide them into several slices. Garnish with parsley.
  7. We finish filling the jar with cabbage, cut into large squares. If there is still parsley left, add that too.
  8. To pour 1.5 liters of boiled warm water, dilute sugar, salt and vinegar according to the recipe and pour over the future salad.
  9. Cover iron lid and sterilize for 40 minutes.
  10. Carefully remove the jar and screw on the lid. Turn over and wrap for several days.

When serving, mix the vegetables and pour over the vegetable oil. If eaters don’t like salads, you can serve them assorted, like pickled cucumbers or tomatoes, that is, just put them on a plate.

Classic cabbage salad for the winter (video)

Winter salad with cabbage and rice in jars

Of the cabbage preparations in jars for the winter, salad with rice is considered the most satisfying. But this is not the only advantage. Despite the fact that it contains rice cereal, the salad does not spoil all winter, even if the air temperature in the apartment is elevated. Make this preparation, and you will have both a side dish and a delicious salad addition to your main dishes all winter.


  • white cabbage – 500 g;
  • rice – 200 g;
  • juicy tomatoes – 1.5 kg
  • leguminous hot peppers– 50 g;
  • bell pepper – 500 g;
  • salad onion – 500 g;
  • carrots – 500 g;
  • vegetable oil – 250 ml;
  • salt – 50 g;
  • sugar – 100 g;
  • vinegar, 9% - 1 glass.


  1. Soak the rice in cold water for 60-90 minutes.
  2. Cut cabbage, carrots and sweet peppers into strips, and hot peppers and onions into thin rings.
  3. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes, place them in ice water and remove the skins. After this, grind with a blender or through a meat grinder.
  4. Pour vegetable oil and tomato into a deep saucepan, add vegetables and simmer for 30 minutes.
  5. Add salt, granulated sugar and rice. Simmer for 10-15 minutes. Willingness to determine by rice. As soon as it swells completely, everything is ready.
  6. Remove the saucepan from the heat, pour in the vinegar, stir and put into jars.
  7. Sterilize for 20 minutes (liter container), seal and wrap for several days.

Salad “Riot of Vegetables”

According to many housewives, this is a quick cabbage salad in jars that is prepared for the winter. After all, to prepare it you just need to chop the vegetables and fill the jars. You will be able to eat the preparation in just a few hours. You don’t even have to roll it up, but use it right away, as you like.


  • Cabbage, carrots, cucumber, onion, bell pepper – 250 g each;
  • ripe red tomatoes – 500 g;
  • salt – 40 g;
  • sugar – 50 g;
  • vegetable oil – 100 ml;
  • table vinegar, 9%; — 100 ml;
  • laurel leaf – 4 pcs.;
  • allspice – 6-7 peas.

Cooking process:

  1. Cut cabbage and pepper into small strips.
  2. Cut the carrots, onions and cucumbers into circles and add to the cabbage.
  3. Chop the tomatoes into slices, as if for a fresh salad.
  4. Place all remaining recipe ingredients on top;.
  5. Mix and distribute into jars. Cover with tin lids.
  6. Place to sterilize for 25-30 minutes (1 liter container).
  7. Twist and wrap for several hours.

To prepare cabbage salads for the winter in jars, it is best to use fruit vinegar: apple or grape. It fits more harmoniously into diversity taste qualities vegetables

When sterilizing salads, do not forget to place a soft linen napkin on the bottom of the pan. Otherwise, during the sterilization process, the jars may break due to constant “bouncing” in boiling water.

TOP 10 recipes for cabbage and sweet pepper salads

If you have full pantry bell pepper and white cabbage, which means it’s time to prepare delicious salads for the winter.

To sterilize jars, fill them with hot water (or boiling water). In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the water does not rise above the “hangers”. Otherwise, water will get under the lid and the taste of the salad will spoil.

Cabbage for salads in jars for the winter should be taken of late or mid-season varieties. Be sure to try the fresh cabbage. It shouldn't be bitter.

That's all you need to know before you start preparing cabbage salad in jars for the winter. If you have other recipes or have improved the recipe for any of the pickles presented above, be sure to share with us in the comments.

In the world culinary traditions Cabbage has always been treated with special respect. After all, this vegetable is simply a treasure trove of vitamins, and everyone knows how delicious cabbage dishes turn out. The white cabbage beauty, as well as her relatives: cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and kohlrabi are wonderful in any preparation. Pickled, salted and pickled cabbage preparations are very popular in Slavic feasts. Reserves from it, prepared for the winter at home, are consumed as separate snacks, seasoned with soups, salads and other dishes. Collection step by step recipes of cabbage preparations will share the intricacies of preparing it for future use and help diversify the menu with a nutritious and healthy vegetable.


The best recipes with photos

The last notes

kerescan - Aug 25th, 2015

Georgian cabbage is made simply, and the final product is tasty, piquant - spicy and externally - very impressive. There are many recipes for preparing such pickled cabbage with beets, and each has its own nuance and zest. Therefore, even if you cook differently, I recommend preparing this recipe. This will give you the opportunity to find out which option is better. Moreover, the set of products needed to prepare the product is accessible and simple.

If you think that preparing cabbage for the winter is boring and ordinary, then you are mistaken. Modern recipes for preparations can surprise even the most demanding gourmets; the main thing is to choose the right products, and reasonable proportions, and then cabbage preparations for the winter will certainly please you.

You probably know that there are a great many varieties of cabbage, but when I manage to buy juicy, crispy and soft white cabbage, I always make preparations from such cabbage.

Dear friends, I bring to your attention my favorite and proven recipes for preparations from our beloved cabbage. I would be very grateful if you share your recipes for cabbage preparations in the comments.

Wish you delicious preparations from cabbage for the winter!

Sauerkraut for the winter in jars according to my grandmother’s recipe

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Cabbage with beets for the winter

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Cabbage salad with beets for the winter

In my family, cabbage preparations for the winter are very popular. And we're not just talking about everyone's favorite sauerkraut. For example, I always close the cabbage salad with beets for the winter - despite its simplicity, it turns out to be both tasty and very beautiful. Perhaps this is one of those canned foods that, although budget-friendly, are suitable both for everyday family lunches or dinners, and as a snack for festive table. How to cook, see.

Salad with cabbage and apples for the winter

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Winter vegetable salad “Beware, vodka!”

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Cabbage salad for the winter “Ryzhik”

A simple and tasty winter salad from Ryzhik cabbage (without sterilization) will appeal to all fans of winter preparations. You can see the recipe with step-by-step photos.

Peppers stuffed with cabbage for the winter

Delicious, tasty and delicious again! Fragrant bell peppers, crispy cabbage with parsley in a sweet and sour marinade - an excellent preparation for a lid! Recipe with photo.

Cabbage salad for the winter “Ogorodnik”

You like simple blanks from cabbage for the winter? Pay attention to this salad! Recipe for cabbage salad for the winter “Gardener” (with step-by-step photos), you can see .