How to draw a paper boat. Step-by-step lesson for children: how to draw a boat with a pencil. The concept of horizontal projection

The article tells you how to draw a ship. The master classes presented here are step by step instructions drawing with a pencil.

Master class for the youngest artists

Children love to draw. But not everyone knows how to do this. Adult help is often necessary. Although you can offer kids such a master class. He will tell you how to draw a ship step by step. However, if an adult is nearby, explains, and directs the child’s actions, the benefits from the lesson will be much greater.

Now the child, and even the adult who is teaching the child, understands how to draw a ship with a pencil step by step. You can color the picture with watercolors, colored pencils or gouache.

Drawing is a way of understanding the world

When teaching fine arts, showing how to draw a ship, an adult should accompany the actions with explanations. In this case, the child will not only gain certain skills, but also learn something new.

For example, in step three, you should explain to the kids that the load waterline shows the place where calm water comes into contact with the floating vessel after it is loaded. This is an important mark for sailors, captain, boatswain and even cabin boy. The waterline must not be allowed to go deep into the water!

In step four, the adult explains that cabins on ships are the rooms where the sailors themselves, their management and passengers rest.

The sixth step should also be commented. “We will draw circles on board, since it is impossible to draw a ship without portholes in the hold. The hold is the location of the cargo compartment. There is fuel necessary for the movement of the ship and heating the premises, food, transported items, for example, goods,” the teacher or parent will say during the lesson.

The concept of horizontal projection

Older children should be offered images of objects in a horizontal isometric projection. Try to explain in as much detail as possible how to draw a ship. It is very important for children that the depicted object resembles the real one. How to achieve this? Beginner artists should pay attention to the fact that in the drawings - for greater similarity - the corners of the objects are slightly distorted. That is, a right angle is depicted as acute. This must be done because our vision perceives visual images in precisely this distorted form.

As a clear example, we can offer a comparison of two drawings. One was made without the use of projection, and in the second, the rectangles turned into parallelograms. And since it is impossible to draw a ship more similar to the real one without using horizontal projection, then everyone involved fine arts the person must be able to apply these skills.

Master class “How to draw a ship step by step in horizontal projection”

How to draw a sailboat

Many children, especially boys, simply love to pretend to be sailboats. After all, they are all raving about sea adventures and reading books about filibusters. And even if not everyone likes to read, then almost every teenager has seen the film about Jack Sparrow. Yes, and many computer games The plots are based on pirate stories.

This master class will tell you how to draw a ship with a pencil step by step.

The connection between drawing and other sciences

It is very important for an artist not only to know how to draw a ship with a pencil, defining its contour outline, but a skilled creator of images on paper using a stylus must be able to apply shading and indicate shadows in the drawing so that the object looks three-dimensional, just “like the real thing.”

Therefore, an artist needs not only visual talent, but also knowledge of many sciences. For example, geometry and stereometry will tell you how to apply various types projections while drawing. Knowledge of history will help you create a truly ancient sailboat. And so that real experts in shipbuilding do not ridicule young artist, he is obliged to study this area of ​​science thoroughly. Even such a moment as the imposition of shadows on the depicted object is based on one of the directions of physics.

Shadows should be applied very thinly when drawing using the graphic technique. But when designing a drawing in color, it turns out that this skill is also important. Only small children color the entire detail with one pencil, pressing it equally. A skilled artist will use many methods to ensure that the drawing matches the natural object as closely as possible.

This article contains instructions step by step drawing warships for decorating a thematic postcard or preparing a school wall newspaper for the holiday. The finished drawing can also become an independent gift for dad and grandfather.

Here you will find step-by-step description drawing a warship with pencils, paints, and learn how to draw a festive parade of warships.

Since it is not easy to draw military equipment, and our instructions are intended for schoolchildren, some details are depicted schematically. This does not make the picture lose its picturesqueness, but it is easier to depict it.

We choose a drawing that we like best, prepare a simple pencil, paper, eraser, paints and brushes, colored pencils - if desired, and get involved in the creative process.

How to draw a warship with a pencil for a child step by step?

Before we get started, let’s remember some of the subtleties of making pencil drawings:

  • the initial strokes are applied to the paper with light touches, without pressure
  • It is more convenient to draw the first lines starting from the upper left corner
  • start drawing from the body.

Large warships from the Second World War look more impressive: they are equipped with large gun turrets and chimneys.

  • Numerous details will bring the drawing to life.
  • the drawing must fit into a sheet of paper, which means it should not be too small or too large (a rectangle is first drawn on a sheet of paper, inside which the image will be drawn)
  • in a drawing, the direction of the lines and their relative position, therefore the first strokes are applied with particular precision (the final result can be affected by any mistake made at the beginning of the process

Draw new lines also without pressure. If any stroke turns out to be too dark or bold, go over it without pressing with an eraser, without completely erasing it.

  • Even if it seems to you that it is very difficult to depict a certain element of a warship, then by giving it a simple geometric shape (cone, ball, pyramid, cube, parallelepiped, cylinder), you can easily move on to the next stage.
  • The drawn ship needs to fit organically into the surrounding landscape. Elements of the landscape, even if slightly outlined, will improve the impression of the picture, enlivening and enriching it.
  • After all the elements have been applied to the paper in accordance with desired sample, they can be traced with confident movements of the pencil, pressing it if necessary.
  • Finishing with a ballpoint pen or felt-tip pen will enhance the contrast.
  • Unnecessary pencil marks are removed during the process or at the final stage.

If the first strokes do not lead to desired result, then you shouldn’t quit your job. The main thing is not to lose perseverance and keep trying. Then your patience and enthusiasm will be crowned with success and you will be pleasantly surprised by the results achieved.

How to draw a rocket ship?

Drawing a warship with a pencil

  • We draw the elongated hull of the ship, located at an angle. Let's draw a center line.

Drawing the elongated hull of the ship

Draw a straight line in the center and clarify the shape of the body
  • Let's draw a straight line from which we'll start drawing the ship's superstructure.
  • Let's continue drawing the lower part of the body, drawing a line along the one already drawn.
  • Let's draw the bow of the ship with a curved line.
  • Let's work on the superstructures on the deck: draw two rectangles and draw 4 perpendicular lines: 2 on the back of the ship's hull, and 2 on the front.

Drawing rectangular superstructures on the deck
  • We draw the superstructures of the ship, giving them the appearance of parallelepipeds, cones and cylinders.
  • We draw 3 more straight lines on the center line of the ship's hull.

Specifying the form of the add-ons
  • We are working on the guns on the deck and clarifying additional small details.

Finishing the cylindrical superstructures
  • Add waves on the water, draw contours and erase auxiliary lines.

Adding guns and missing parts

Finished drawing

The second version of the drawing of a warship -battleship "Sevastopol"

  • Using light lines we outline the hull of the ship. At the bottom of the body we draw 9 curved lines to indicate the volume of the body.

  • We depict the superstructure on the body with a few strokes. We clarify the contours of the body by continuing the drawn 9 lines upward.

  • We draw the guns on the deck and shade some areas.

  • We wipe away any excess pencil marks and continue shading.

  • Adding the missing elements. Draw the reflection of the ship in the water.

Drawing an aircraft carrier

  • Let's draw the outline of the vessel with light dashed lines, trying to maintain all proportions.

Drawing the initial contours
  • We draw small details: railings and beams, electronics in the upper part of the ship. Accuracy is not so important here, so you can draw some elements schematically.

Drawing the top of the ship
  • We draw in more detail the lower part of the ship's tower. The stages of drawing an aircraft carrier are shown in the photo.
    Let's pay attention to the ship's hull, drawing all the small details. On both sides of the deck we will draw parking areas for aircraft.

Draw the lower part of the superstructures on the deck

Refine the image of the deck
  • Draw the bow of the ship. Add an anchor.

Finishing the bow of the ship

The aircraft carrier drawing is ready

Video: Learning to draw ships How to draw a combat warship with a pencil step by step

How to draw a warship with paints for a child step by step?

  • Let's start drawing a warship by dividing the sheet with a vertical line into two halves: the right and lower parts. This will help to correctly draw the contours of the ship.

Draw a modified triangle
  • Let's draw a slightly modified triangle in the left half. From two points of the triangle we draw straight lines to right side: lower - straight, upper - with a downward slope.

We draw two straight lines
  • The back of the ship's hull is hidden from the viewer, so we do not connect the straight lines, leaving a small gap between them.

Designating the captain's bridge
  • Let's draw the captain's bridge. To do this, we will depict all the elements in the form of rectangles, checking the lines with the drawing in the photo.

We complete the captain's bridge by drawing strokes between the rectangles
  • To complete the bridge, you need to draw straight lines down from each rectangular figure. As you can see, the hard part A warship can be depicted using simple strokes drawn in the desired direction.

Drawing guns
  • There is a gun on the deck of a warship, which is drawn like this: we draw two lines at a distance from each other on the front of the ship, and under them we draw parallel lines. Now we draw a semi-oval to which the trunks are attached, and add another small semicircle at the back of the ship (at the stern).
  • We detail the drawing, depicting all the missing elements.

Applying the finishing touches
  • At the final stage of creating a sketch of the ship, you can draw a flag, portholes on the ship's hull and an anchor at the bottom of it. Let's draw a straight line along the entire body.
  • A ship cannot exist on its own or simply hang in the air. Therefore, let's draw waves under it.

Draw portholes and an anchor on the bow of the ship
  • We erase everything rough lines, trying not to touch the main contour. Let's start painting: use gray paint for the ship, make the sea deep blue.

Drawing waves

Coloring the drawing

How to draw a festive Parade of warships at the Victory Parade?

Well, now let's try to draw a festive Parade of warships. Or rather, one of the moments of the parade.

Let's prepare everything you need for the drawing:

  • sheet of watercolor paper
  • simple pencil and eraser
  • available paints (gouache or watercolor)
  • brushes
  • two containers of water (one for rinsing brushes, the other for wetting paints and adding water to the palette)
  • clean cloth
  • palette or what will be used instead (white plate, sheet of paper)

Let's get started:

  • Place the sheet horizontally. In order for the child to cope with some elements of the ship, we will explain to him that it is much easier to depict complex figure, if you give it the usual geometric shape (triangle, rectangle, square).
  • We retreat from the bottom edge of the sheet by 4-5 cm and draw a rectangle with an elongated corner, which will become the “nose” of the ship.

  • If the student is already familiar with the names geometric shapes, then we say that you need to draw a horizontally elongated trapezoid, one corner of which is higher than the rest.
  • Since at a military parade the ship is surrounded by another military equipment, then we will depict the contours of an airplane in the sky, reminiscent of the body of a dolphin or fish. To do this, you need to retreat 3 cm from the top edge of the sheet.

  • A cannon is usually mounted on the deck of a warship. Let's draw it in the form of a semicircle with a protruding barrel. Let's draw an airplane cockpit with a pilot and a navigator in it.

  • We draw the wings of the airplane. Let's depict the middle one in the form of an elongated rectangle, and give the back one the shape of a triangle. Let's draw a small triangle on the tail of the plane (in its lower part).

  • We draw the superstructures on the ship in the form of rectangular steps, in which there are cabins and service annexes.

  • We draw the locators, giving them a triangular shape, with circles-portholes under them. We equip the ship with another small cannon. We detail the picture by drawing doors and windows.

  • Let's draw an identification flag that flutters beautifully in the wind.

  • Adding porthole windows in the lower decks and an anchor. We draw the horizon line.

  • Let's start applying paint. We will cover the ship and plane with silver-gray color. To obtain the desired shade, mix on the palette blue with white, and combine with a small amount of black.

  • Too much dark color dilute with white paint. Initially, you need to outline the outline of the ship and only then paint it completely.

  • We will decorate the plane with the same paint composition, adding a little more blue to it.

  • We paint the sea with a mixture of emerald green or azure blue. We start drawing waves from the bottom of the sheet, continuing them to the base of the ship.
  • We put more water on the brush and paint over the area of ​​​​water up to the horizon line.

  • We draw waves in the lower half of the sheet with a mixture of black, purple and blue paints. Draw a shadow at the edge of the ship with the same color.

  • Let's draw blue a few circles to the left. It will be festive fireworks. We use the same color for the sky and the airplane cabin.

  • We wait until the drawing dries and with a thin brush we begin to outline the contours of military equipment, portholes, and guns. For this we use a mixture of black and purple paints.

  • We put red paint on a brush and draw a stripe on the flag. After this, we paint the bottom of the ship and the fireworks red. Add white paint on the flag.

    Draw the foamy crest of the wave and paint over the areas in the drawing with red paint

    Video: how to draw a warship?

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How to draw a sailboat with a simple pencil step by step

Video: how to draw a sailboat with a pencil on paper

How to draw a large sailing ship with a pen

  • Step 1

    To begin, draw the basic outline of the ship. For the future body, draw something like this simple markup from squares and draw the outline of the ship's hull.

  • Step 2

    Now you need to draw the base of the masts of an old wooden sailing ship. To do this, first draw two long vertical lines. The first one on the right will be the largest and the one on the far right the smallest. In some places on the masts you need to draw crossbars for the sails. Next we will draw a long keel in front of the stern of the ship.

  • Step 3

    At this stage you need to draw the outlines of the sails for the ship. Draw them in an almost rectangular shape. On the far right mast there will be three of them (triangular in shape). On the middle one there are five and on the last mast of the ship there are also five, only smaller.

  • Step 4

    Now we will need to draw the stern of our ship in detail. To do this, we will round the side line of the stern, and also keep in mind that the front part of the stern should be located higher than the back and middle. After this, draw another corrugated strip on it, it will trim the upper part of the stern. Next we will make a railing at the top of the stern. In the next step, add several round windows to the ship drawing.

  • Step 5

    At this stage we draw the masts of our sailboat. Use an eraser to erase the previous outlines of the base of the ship and draw the final lines of the masts. Shade them with a simple pencil. The same will need to be done with the keel.

  • Step 6

    Now let's take care of the ship's sails. Let's start with the first tilting mast first. The sails will be in the form of triangles. Let's give these sails a slight bend. Let's draw the rest of the ship's sails with an inward bend.

  • Step 7

    If you draw the ship only with a simple pencil, then use a soft pencil to apply shadows. First, shade the lower part of the stern, making it as dark as possible. Upper part just darken it a little. Darker, you will only have to make a horizontal strip in the middle of the sailboat's hull. Let's also give the sails a little tint. Let's paint over the windows and add flags to the top of each mast.

Video: how to draw the Cutty Sark ship with a pencil

In this video you will see how to draw a sailboat with a pencil on paper.

How to draw the sailing ship Brigantine with a pencil step by step

  • Step 1

    We draw the base of the ship, its deck and three masts.

  • Step 2

    We depict the water level, which reaches approximately half the side of the brigantine. On the left side of the ship we draw a bowsprit - an element that protrudes from the bow of the ship. On the masts we draw yards, four perpendicular on the first two and two inclined on the third.

  • Step 3

    We depict the rigging of the brigantine, the cables that hold the masts, four on the first two and one on the last. At the rear of the side we draw a rise in the form of a rectangle.

  • Step 4

    On the first mast we depict a sail.

  • Step 5

    Now we are finalizing its shape, emphasizing each of the four canvases with an arc from below. We also depict the outlines of the sail on the second and third masts.

  • Step 6

    From the bowsprit on the bow of the brigantine we draw three cables holding the front mast of the ship. On the central mast we emphasize the shape of the sails, as in the fifth

  • Step 7

    We finish drawing three sails on the cables in the front of the ship shown in the last step. And another one at the rear of the ship, which is attached with one end to the mast and two to the deck of the brigantine.

  • Step 8

    A more detailed drawing of the sails, showing the folds on them. Adding a pair of cables to emphasize the shape of the ship, drawing rope ladders, the sides of the ship, emphasizing its texture and the waves on which the ship floats.

  • Step 9

    At this stage the lesson is completed. You can leave pencil sketch or add color to the drawing. We wish you creative success!

One of the popular questions that mothers ask on forums dedicated to the development and upbringing of a child is at what age will a child be interested in drawing and coloring outline drawings . According to experts, already at 3 years old a child can quickly learn how to hold a drawing instrument in his hand correctly and color simple pictures . Coloring books not only contribute to the development of fine motor skills and creative abilities, but also influence the development of correct speech, prepare the hand for writing.

During coloring sessions pay attention to posture and how the baby holds the pencil. The hand should be completely on the desktop, and not hang over a sheet of paper. Make sure that the hand with the pencil is not very tense, and that the palm is not noticeably wet. At the age of three, a child should not draw or color pictures more than ten minutes at a time. Ask him to put the pencil aside and do finger exercises with him.

So that your child shows a keen interest in coloring outline drawings , choose options on topics that interest him. On our website there is also one for boys. Among girls aged 3-6 years, coloring books depicting dresses, cats, dolls, flowers, butterflies . For older girls (7-10 years old), we have pictures for coloring depicting their favorite cartoon characters - winx fairies, little pony, monster high, princesses . There are number coloring books that help your child better remember the names of colors and shades. For boys, you can download and print pictures for coloring, which depict popular cars, cars from the cartoon "Cars", tanks, robots, planes.

Surely your boy will be interested in a coloring book that depicts a ship - with masts, sails, and a steering wheel. Below you will find outline drawings depicting different ships. You can print all pictures with ships on paper for coloring with colored pencils, crayons, paints or felt-tip pens.

During boat coloring classes, be sure to praise your child for any, even the most insignificant, achievements. Explain to him how to hold a pencil correctly, how to paint individual parts of the ship without going beyond the contours. If the boy is already 5 years old, then you can try to teach him to paint over pictures with horizontal and vertical strokes, tightly adjacent to each other. Each coloring page Every ship your son draws is a priceless child’s creation. Be sure to select a separate folder for your drawings little artist, which he will put all his work!

How to draw a ship step by step with a pencil.

Method #1:

Method #2:

Stage 1:

To form the hull of the ship, draw an elongated quadrangle with a concave top line;

Stage 2:

Now on top of this line we will draw 2 vertical thin rectangular shapes. These will be the masts of the ship for coloring.

Stage 3:

On the side of one of the masts we will draw 3 triangular figures connected by a straight line at the bottom. Around the masts we draw trapezoids in the form of sails as shown in the photo;

Stage 4:

Now we carefully draw lines connecting the sails - these are the ropes of the boat;

Stage 5:

All that remains is to finish drawing the moisture on the masts, the observation basket (MARS), and elements on the ship’s hull.


Click on the link from the list (below) and expand the picture for coloring.

Right-click and select from the list: Copy or Print.

Hello again everyone!
Call your children to the monitors, because today we will learn how to easily draw a minion step by step. For those who don’t know, minions are such cute and funny characters from the animated trilogy “Despicable Me”. All of them yellow, look like a package from a chocolate egg toy, speak their own own language and always end up in interesting situations led by his master, a gangly man with a big nose named Gru. Although I think that every adult, and even more so a child, can imagine what these restless pets look like.
I will draw with a felt-tip pen, you can follow my example or use a simple pencil to correct the drawing if necessary. Take a sheet of paper, preferably a landscape one.
If you want to draw a large minion, then it is better to place the sheet vertically; if you plan to draw several pieces next to each other, then you can horizontally. All minions are very similar to each other, but there is one thing significant difference- some are luckier and have two eyes, while others are content with only one. I will draw a more developed yellow belly, which sees twice as well.

I'll start drawing from the eyes. First, we draw two identical circles, around which we make an edging. The edging will serve as glasses in the future. The result is an eight.

To make the eyes real, add pupils to them. I draw two pieces, whoever decides to draw a one-eyed Cyclops can do it twice as fast!

At the next stage, we will draw a body for our minion. Here you can dream up. Depending on the size of the torso, it will be tall, short or normal, like mine.

Are there bald minions? Certainly! But I decided to make mine handsome and gave him these rare curls. You can depict the hair on your head in a different way, for example, draw a thick bunch from one point, similar to how a palm tree grows. And at this stage, don’t forget to draw the glasses strap. It turned out like this.

The yellow men are mostly dressed in the same denim overalls, in other words just pants with straps. My friend is no exception. Now I’ll draw the very straps that hold the pants on. The dots on the straps are buttons or buttons.

Almost left our yellow hero without the opportunity to discuss latest news with brothers. Let's go back and draw his mouth. I love to smile, so of course I decorated my face with a smiling grin.

What's next, you ask? Next we will draw the hands, one raised up, the other down. Yours may be different, both up, both down, you can even portray a one-armed bandit. In fact, these are just blanks; a little later we will turn them into real hands.

Let's return to the torso and clothes, let's complete the overalls with the obligatory pocket in the middle.

In the next step, let's finish the arms and draw the hands, in my drawing it turned out like this.

There is a head, there are hands. What's missing? Correctly draw the minion's legs. This is also easy and simple to do. That's it, the drawing is ready!

Of course, children love colorful and bright drawings more. Therefore, to ensure that the impressions from today’s lesson remain in your memory for a long time, take pencils or markers and color the picture, as I did. Our minion itself is yellow, the clothes are blue, the eyes are brown, and the glasses can be shaded with a silver felt-tip pen or a simple pencil. I think it turned out great, write your opinion in the comments.