Does Olga smoke the wind? Olga Zhemchugova: photo before surgery. Plastic surgery by Olga Veter

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The history of relations on the Dom-2 project is one of the most tragic.

An example of how what was once such a strong and friendly family can collapse before the eyes of all participants in a reality show and all television viewers.

Where there seemed to be love and care... And most importantly, where there was a long-awaited child loved by both parents.

Gleb Zhemchugov and Olga Veter met in China. The young man at that time worked there in one of the popular nightclubs as an art director, responsible for all entertainment and entertainment programs establishments.

Things were going well, the club was in demand, partly thanks to the incredible charisma and energy simple guy Gleb Zhemchugova.

And indeed, the future participant in the reality show “Dom-2”, famous for his drinking and spree, was born and raised in a small, little-known village under the colorful and a telling name Kavalerovo, which is located near Vladivostok.

That's it, huh Gleb was a gentleman, admirer and connoisseur of female charms almost from birth. He grew up to be a moderately talented, moderately charming guy. And, perhaps, he would have become the first guy in the village in his small homeland, if not for his constant, unjustified ambitions for his own reasons! They brought the guy to China, where he began his solo, so to speak, activity in a nightclub.

It was there, as a backup dancer, that Olenka Veter also worked. girl with cat eyes and habits. Naturally, the young man immediately singled her out from the general crowd of dancers and, without thinking twice and without bothering too much, began to court her.

Everything, as always, is in his “gentleman’s set”: flowers, sweets, inflatable balloons V best case scenario. They felt good and happy with each other there, in distant China.

Gleb Zhemchugov and Olga Veter rented a small apartment on the outskirts of the town, where they often gathered fun companies. More than once, the fighting Olga Veter had to literally, physically fight off dashing girls from her boyfriend, who had their eyes on a big troublemaker during another drinking binge.

There were cases when a girl, returning home, found there unauthorized persons female. She even once had to lower two delayed “friends” down the stairs, taking all available measures to get them down from the third floor as quickly as possible.

The girl fought for her happiness as best she could. She saved Gleb when he sank to the bottom called “alcohol addiction.”

Doctors warned that a return was almost impossible. The young man was too carried away by strong drinks. This disease feels too confident in his body, in his consciousness, altered under the influence of alcohol! Even the parents did not know what their son went through and who was nearby during all these terrible days of rehabilitation!

But the decisive, turning point in their chaotic life was the news that they would soon become parents.

After that, Gleb, while there in China, never touched alcohol. Olga Veter couldn’t be happier with her future dad. Gleb Zhemchugov and Olga Veter returned to Russia and got married in Siberia on October 10, 2014. In 2015, they had a son, Mikhail, adored by both mom and dad, directly in the image and likeness of Gleb. One to one!

In the same year, Gleb decides to return to the reality show, from which he was repeatedly kicked out, mainly due to drunkenness and sloppiness.

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He just decided to come as the head of the family, a worthy husband and father. Oh, how all the TV viewers and participants wanted to believe that the “black dog” could still be “washed white!” That the careless, but so talented and charming Gleb Zhemchugov, aka Strawberry, has finally come to his senses!

How touched everyone was when he, so big and strong, treats his baby so carefully: he feeds him with a spoon, changes him, changes his diapers, bathes him, walks with Mishenka around the perimeter. First with a stroller, then in my arms. Misha even started walking on the famous TV set.

Looking at this funny baby, I really wanted to believe that Gleb Zhemchugov and Olga Veter would always be together! But the miracle did not happen.

Gleb Klubnichka’s constant infidelities (both moral and physical), discussions with reality show participants about their intimate lives, and existence under the constant gaze of cameras have done their job. As soon as the young mother did not struggle: she changed herself, lost weight, and transformed her hair and makeup. It's all useless.

And then she realized that it was not herself that needed to be changed, but the man! Olga Veter, realizing that she would never cheat on her husband, decided to divorce and leave the television project with her child. In 2016, Olga Veter won the “Person of the Year” competition.

A little later in once again was expelled from the project for inappropriate behavior. The girl found herself a worthy man and lives with him in her hometown. Everyone loves Misha as before, and dad Gleb is allowed not only to see him, but also to babysit him and take him away for the weekend.

Despite the fact that Olya and Gleb divorced, they managed to maintain a warm and trusting relationship. For several weeks now, my son has been vacationing with his dad with his grandparents in the Primorsky Territory.

Gleb generously shares photos with his son with his subscribers, from which it is clear that everything is fine with the boy. Olga is very pleased that she can long time give the child to dad and go about your business or just relax.

The ex-wife is confident in dad and knows that Gleb fully copes with his father’s responsibilities. Zhemchugov is also satisfied that he can be with Misha and devote all his time to him. “I am very glad that Olya and I have complete mutual understanding about the child and that we are not strangers. We have our son, whom I love very much... I may not ideal person, but as a dad I was 100% successful…” shared Gleb.

Dad will spend almost the whole of September with his son, and then he will return home to his mother. Former spouse Olga still regrets that he could not save his family.

The name of one of the most charismatic and scandalous participants Many people know Gleb Zhemchugov’s television productions. A man whose behavior in front of cameras was never exemplary, and after leaving the project he continues to shock the public on television and radio.

He did not know his biological father. Zhemchugov was raised by his mother and stepfather, who, despite financial difficulties, were able to raise Gleb to his feet. From the very youth the future participant in the television project was attracted to music and everything connected with it. As a teenager, he studied hip-hop and dancing, and in his free time from studies and classes, he worked as a promoter.

From the biography of the reality show star it is known that, in addition to the average, Zhemchugov has also higher education. The man graduated from Vladivostok state university economy and service in 2010 (at that time he was already a full participant in “House-2”). The provincial rapper understood perfectly well that he would not find thunderous fame in his native land. When representatives of the TNT channel arrived in Vladivostok, Gleb immediately filled out the form and began to wait for the call. Zhemchugov did not doubt for a second that he would become a participant in the scandalous project.

Show "Dom-2"

Zhemchugov’s debut appearance on the project took place in March 2009. Then the young man showed sympathy for the most obstinate participant in the television set -. Everyone liked the cheerful, open guy, except for the object of their affection. The charming brunette immediately made it clear that Gleb was not the hero of her novel. After a series of outings and one-on-one conversations, the young man realized that the singer of the song “Black Panther” sees him exclusively as a friend and there is no talk of a relationship.

The first appearance of Gleb Zhemchugov in the show "Dom-2"

Despite the fact that the would-be gentleman was courted by the spectacular, buxom brunette Rimma Pendzhieva, and his heart and soul were still suffering from unrequited love, Strawberry (Zhemchugov’s nickname) decided to try his luck in a relationship with his girlfriend Bushina -.

This union showed the world the true essence of Zhemchugov. Endless quarrels and scandals often ended in brawls, and constant drinking sprees and an addiction to alcohol that became a habit resulted in betrayals outside the project. It is worth noting that Strawberry fought not only with his girlfriend. During Gleb's stay on the show, he managed to engage in hand-to-hand combat with, and with, and even with.

Sometimes the young man’s actions were so ridiculous and absurd that even the team could not find an excuse for them. So, one day, after a three-day absence, Zhemchugov returned to the perimeter with a tattoo of Elena Bushina’s portrait on his arm. While members of the household condemned Gleb for his recklessness, Nadya, blinded by love, defended her chosen one and often reminded the participants of their sins. The young people came together and then diverged. It is unknown how much longer this love affair would have lasted if in November 2011 Gleb had not been kicked out of “House-2” for another drunken fight.

Gleb Zhemchugov at “Telestroyka”

Strawberry's next return took place in October 2012. Then he tried to woo Oksana Ryaska and Varvara Tretyakova, but the girls did not reciprocate his feelings. Attempts to win the heart of the Ukrainian beauty were also unsuccessful. After a series of love failures, Zhemchugov left the television set, finding himself out of reach of television cameras.

Personal life

Gleb hoped that after leaving Dom-2 there would be an abundance of job offers, but this did not happen. Zhemchugov’s disastrous performance in “ Comedy Battle“finally and irrevocably closed the doors to TNT channel projects for him. Not used to giving up, the man decided to try himself in a new role and applied to participate in the First Channel program “Let's Get Married!” In the presentation video, Zhemchugov did not hesitate to declare that he would officially tie the knot only with the girl who would be expecting a child from him. Then Strawberry did not yet know how prophetic his words would be.

Having gone to China to work in 2013, he met a native of the city of Bratsk, who performed in dance show night club, where Gleb also worked. Their relationship developed rapidly, and a couple of months after they met, the young lady said young man about your pregnancy. This news shocked the rapper. For several weeks he did not leave the bars. Olga had to look for the would-be gentleman through the hot spots of the night Celestial Empire and drag him home.

Olga understood that it would not be possible to reason with her chosen one by talking. Veter silently packed her things and left for her homeland. Less than a week had passed before Zhemchugov realized that marriage was the only way to put an end to a dissolute lifestyle and bad company once and for all. On October 10, 2014, Olga and Gleb got married, and in March 2015, Veter gave birth to her husband’s son, who was named Mikhail.

In July 2015, Klubnichka returned to the television project with his wife and heir. The young family was moved into a VIP house, where they had previously lived. While on the show, Gleb thoroughly took up his appearance. On the advice of his friend, the rapper decided to have liposuction and in September 2016 went to a cosmetology clinic, where he had his liposuction removed. excess fat from the sides and abdomen.

Gleb Zhemchugov undergoing liposuction surgery

After the operation, Zhemchugov seemed to have been replaced: loving husband and the caring father again began to go out and indulge in excess when communicating with the fairer sex. Olga could not calmly watch how her husband was sliding to the bottom, turning into an alcoholic, a rowdy and a cheater. Veter left the television set in October 2016, and Gleb, instead of trying to save his family, flew to Love Island, where he tried to build a relationship with his ex-girlfriend at that time. The young lady turned the rapper away, and at the beginning of January 2017, Zhemchugov left the reality show, and at the end of the same month, Olga and Gleb officially divorced.

In June 2017, news spread across the Internet that Zhemchugov had fallen in love with a current participant in a television project. Over the course of a couple of months, Strawberry attacked social media a charming brunette: he commented on her photographs, left entries on microblogs and periodically wrote to the young lady in direct messages. Also on your page

October 10 former member“At Home 2” Gleb Zhemchugov, aka Strawberry, got married. More than a year ago, the rowdy rapper was taken into circulation by a young lady named Olga. After leaving the television production, fate brought Gleb to work in China; he was offered the position of art director in one of the entertainment establishments in the city of Manchuria, and it was there that the restless big man met his future wife.

Olga Veter performed as part of dance group, she attracted Zhemchugov’s attention during one of the rehearsals. According to Gleb, he very quickly realized that he felt for a sexy, thrifty and patient girl. true love. The couple decided to legalize their relationship several months ago. Rumors have surfaced online that Gleb Klubnichka’s fiancée is pregnant, but Zhemchugov himself this information refuted.

The wedding of Gleb Zhemchugov (Klubnichka) and Olga Veter took place in Siberia, the first photos from the ceremony have already appeared on the Internet. After taking a day off honeymoon, the newlyweds are planning to return to China. Gleb does not give up hope of moving to Moscow. Zhemchugov dreams that one day they will call him from TNT and offer him interesting job on your favorite channel.

Olya Veter met Gleb in China. The young man worked in Manchuria, holding the position of creative director in one of the clubs. It was in this entertainment establishment that he met Olya, who worked there as a dancer.

The young people fell in love with each other, submitted an application to the registry office and soon got married.

In March 2015, a son was born into the Zhemchugov family, who was named Misha.

Before meeting Olya, Gleb had already come and left the Dom-2 project several times. After the wedding, he again decided to return to the television set, but this time not in search of love, but to completely devote himself to his family and prove to his wife that he was forever done with a riotous lifestyle.

But it seems that the couple’s plans included not only life on the project as proof of the sincerity of their relationship, but also plastic surgery, which Olga Zhemchugova had long dreamed of.

Olga Zhemchugova before and after breast lift

Before the operation, Olga Zhemchugova felt insecure because of her changed figure after giving birth. After pregnancy and lactation, her breasts sagged, and she also developed severe asymmetry. It began to seem to her that her husband began to pay less attention to her and began to flirt with other heroines of the project. Having assessed the before and after results of the girls who successfully had breast surgery on the Dom-2 project (among them are presenter Ksenia Borodina and ex-participant of the show Vika Romanets), Olga Zhemchugova went for the operation herself.

Zhemchugova’s problem was solved in three stages. First, she underwent a mastopexy (breast lift), after which teardrop-shaped implants were installed, and then an asymmetric breast lift was performed.

Before plastic surgery, Olya Zhemchugova had a small bust and did not want to significantly enlarge it. As a result, the TV star received a second breast size.

By comparing what Olga Zhemchugova looked like before and after plastic surgery (photos below), you can make sure that Olga’s breasts now have a symmetrical, natural and beautiful shape.

Olga Zhemchugova boldly told her story, posting photos before and after the operation. She also talked about how difficult the rehabilitation period was: her breasts hurt and she constantly violated the doctor’s ban, who did not allow her to raise the baby in the first months after plastic surgery. But Olga’s frankness was rewarded: hundreds of subscribers thanked her for letting them believe that giving birth and feeding a baby is not a reason to give up beauty.

In addition to her new breasts, Zhemchugova decided to work on her body.

For a month proper nutrition Zhemchugova said goodbye to 5 kilos and told fans that now she is not going to quit healthy image life. Let's hope that all these sacrifices were not in vain, and the husband fairly appreciated the efforts of his chosen one!

Olga Zhemchugova before and after lip augmentation

Fans have always called Olga Veter one of the most natural participants in the project. While other girls had rhinoplasty and enlarged their breasts to incredible sizes, she remained faithful to the beauty given to her by nature. Olga Zhemchugova even performed a bust lift without a strong increase in order to match her image before the operation. Therefore, when at the beginning of 2016 the star went to a cosmetologist to give her lips volume, fans were unpleasantly surprised.

Photos of Olga Zhemchugova before and after the operation did not please them either: they no longer recognized their former favorite in Olga Veter.

However, not only fillers are to blame for the beauty’s transformation, but also eyebrow correction and a new, fiery hair color, which the girl came to after being tired of being a brunette.