Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about wine? Why drink or see wine in a dream?

Wine is an intoxicating drink, which, according to the dream book, brings good luck, wealth, promises a long and bright life. Love, friendship, improvement in financial situation, good acquaintances - this is all what a sunny drink means in dreams.

If you see a corked bottle in a dream, you are hiding your potential. An open one speaks of a fun time ahead, friendly party, anniversary.

If in a dream you watch red or white liquid flowing from a neck, you will soon learn other people’s secrets. If it pours into a glass, you can keep them secret. When alcohol spreads across the floor, it’s impossible to hide other people’s secrets.

The red color of wine tells about you as a... passionate nature. You are full of life and energetic.

If you dream of a white drink, you have a romantic nature. A dream with rose wine speaks of deception: be more careful about making new acquaintances.

In a dream you have a narrow glass of wine - expect a promotion, monetary income. Alcohol in a low and wide glass - new acquaintances, friends. If you dream that you are drinking a drink from an iron mug, you are simple and open.

You see wine in a flask - the planned trip will take place. You will have a fun time with friends on a picnic, or go fishing.

  • The bottle is on the top shelf - career growth.
  • Wine in a store window means buying an expensive item or an expensive gift.
  • Chatting with a drunk man holding a bottle is a conversation with a person who envies you.
  • A big bottle means a big feast, a celebration in the house.
  • A drop of wine - you will find an opportunity to save money when buying an expensive item.

Dreaming festive table with wine - wedding, banquet. If there is bread nearby, you are about to meet a rich man.

A bottle of drunk wine portends an unplanned waste of money. Half filled - making the right decisions.

Wine color

  1. Ruby - marriage for a young girl, long, happy life family people, the appearance of children. If you are pregnant and drink wine in a dream, the baby will be born strong and healthy. The businessman's negotiations will be successful. A sweet drink is a harbinger of monetary profit, a sour drink is a harbinger of saving on yourself. Tart wine promises a luxurious holiday in an exotic country, bitter wine - surround your loved ones with care and attention. A broken glass symbolizes victory over all enemies.
  2. White - good mood. Hold full bottle- enjoy it, glass - great mood. Drinking in a company in a dream means sharing secrets with a friend in reality; drinking alone means trying to become more liberated.

Women's dream book

A woman who drinks wine in a dream will soon marry successfully. Barrels of wine dream of luxury. A full cellar of wine means unheard of wealth, a luxurious life. If you go down to such a basement, expect a pleasant experience.

Pleasure is foreshadowed by pouring wine from bottle to bottle in a dream. You can also go on a trip from which you will bring unforgettable experience. Breaking a bottle of wine is a great passion that knows no boundaries.

Summer dream book

Drinking an alcoholic drink in a dream large quantities and don’t get drunk - you are self-confident, you consider yourself better than everyone else, while others have a completely different opinion.

Aesop's Dream Book

If you dream of a wine cellar, you will have to work hard, there will be a lot of things to do that cannot be put off. If you buy very expensive wine in a dream, in reality get ready for a trip in which you will meet a wealthy person.

There will be a fight, a showdown if you see yourself drunk with a bottle in your hand. If you drink at someone else’s expense, remember your debts; creditors may appear.

You make wine yourself - you won’t be afraid of painstaking work, long work, after which a good reward awaits you.

Ancient Russian dream book

Wine in a dream means a fight, shedding of blood. Drink undiluted wine - health, mixed with water - illness. Drinking white wine is fun, cloudy wine is sadness, bad news. Seeing yourself drunk in a dream means you will meet new people and make friends.

Dream Interpretation by E. Tsvetkova

Drinking wine in a dream means having fun, treating your friends with it means a funeral. A drink spilled on the floor means misfortune. If you drink alone, you will receive bad news. If you sell wine to someone, you will quarrel with friends, relatives, and acquaintances.

Erotic dream book

Drinking wine in a dream means that in reality you will have fun, make new acquaintances, and meet your soulmate. For a young girl, this will be a successful marriage. If you break a bottle, crazy passion awaits you.

Freud's Dream Book

The famous psychologist Sigmund Freud deciphers a dream with a lot of wine drunk by making love while intoxicated.

Ukrainian dream book

Drinking wine in dreams means worrying real life about your affairs. White wine is joy, red wine is cheerfulness, good mood, apple wine is modesty.

Dream book of the 21st century

According to the 21st century dream book, wine in a dream means prosperity and wealth. If you spill a drink, you will receive a wonderful reward for your work.

Drink champagne, open a bottle - expect to receive good news, a surprise. If you pour yourself over with wine, your cherished wishes will come true. Drinking Cahors means experiencing remorse in reality.

New wine is a warning - restrain your feelings.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Red wine means joy, success, love, fulfillment of desires. White - misfortune.

French dream book

Wine in French dream book denotes a fight, bloodshed. If the wine is pure, success, a profitable business, and health await. Bad wine is a deception, a lie.

Miller's Dream Book

You see how you drink wine in a dream, which means joy and strong friendship await you in the future. Lots of wine - travel and entertainment. If a young woman dreams of wine, she will soon get married.

"A large universal dream book for the whole family by O. Smurov"

Seeing wine in a dream is a sign of guilt. Drinking it in a dream foretells that you should take care of your health and not overload your body. Seeing a glass of wine in a dream and drinking from it means a joyful meeting. If you drink a little wine from a small glass, then prosperity awaits you, but if you drink a lot, then expect failure or an accident. Drink a little wine in a dream, but big company- to quarrels and troubles. Drinking wine on some special occasion is good only for the rich, but for the poor, the dream predicts failures and troubles. Drinking cloudy wine in a dream means disappointment and bad news. Getting drunk on red sweet wine in a dream means that some influential patron will love you and achieve honors and wealth for you. Drinking wine alone is bad news. See drinks, drunk.

Selling wine in a dream means a quarrel. Meeting a wine merchant is a warning that you may fall into bad company and your reputation may suffer. If you are treated to wine in a dream, then soon you will hear accusations against you. Pouring wine into one container means reconciliation and pleasure. Pouring wine from one vessel to another means wasting time on empty entertainment. Spilling wine in a dream is an annoyance, misfortune, and sometimes means that you yourself will harm your happiness. Sometimes for women such a dream predicts an arranged marriage that will be unsuccessful. Breaking a bottle of wine is a sign of getting rid of worries. For lovers, such a dream predicts unbridled passion. See bottle, glass, glass.

Dousing yourself with wine and dipping something in wine is a sign of guilt. See clothing.

Pouring white wine means joy, red wine means discord, and cloudy wine means sadness. Wash your face with wine or take a bath - to losses and damages. Treating yourself to wine means sad events, funerals. Apple wine to see in a dream - to chagrin. Seeing how wine is made in a dream means success in business.

Why do you dream about wine according to the dream book - "Vanga's Dream Book"

If you dreamed of wine, it is a symbol of well-being, prosperity, and fun.

Drinking wine with friends in a dream:
If you dreamed that you were drinking wine in a friendly company, it means that a successful deal awaits you, which will bring big profits.

Bottled wine in a dream:
Seeing wine in bottles in a dream is a sign of a productive, economically prosperous year.

Pouring wine into glasses in a dream:
If you pour wine into glasses, then expect an inheritance or an unexpected increase in the budget.

Spilling wine on a tablecloth in a dream:
Spilling wine on the tablecloth is a bad sign, foreshadowing disaster due to excessive wastefulness and improvidence.

Breaking a bottle of wine in a dream:
If in a dream you break a bottle of wine, then expect major trouble, lack of money and poverty.

Why do you dream about wine according to the dream book -
"True dreams - the most complete dream book"

Drinking wine in a dream means you will be overcome by anxiety. Drinking cloudy wine is sadness. Drinking wine diluted with water is a liver disease. Apple wine - modest joys. White wine - entertainment. Red wine is a fun ride. Apple cider- happiness may smile on you. Barrels of wine - living at someone else's expense. Straining wine from a barrel into bottles - love adventures and entertainment. Pouring wine into glasses means new acquaintances. Spill wine - miss your chance, become a victim of an accident.

The color red in a dream means that you will be honored by being invited to a large and elegant celebration.

A rich, bright red color, called purple, means that your lofty plans will not come true.

Red color of moderate, calm or pale tones portends happiness in love.

Red paints are a sign of good luck and fortune, red pencils are a sign of spending money and purchasing real estate.

Seeing a blood-red moon in a dream is a harbinger of family discord and quarrels with a loved one.

The color red in a letter foretells separation due to suspicion and jealousy, but your reasonable behavior can save the situation.

Seeing red-hot iron in a dream means that you are dearly loved in your own family and valued by your friends for your cheerful and cheerful character.

Dealing with red pepper in a dream is a harbinger that fate will send you a thrifty and economic companion in your married life.

Red caviar in your dream is a sign of future misfortunes and sorrows.

Buying, picking and eating red grapes in a dream means that in reality you will receive reproaches from your family and reprimands from your superiors.

Drinking red wine - such a dream speaks of a fun walk coming soon. Making jam and compotes from red berries is a sign of health.

Interpretation of dreams from

Since ancient times, our ancestors tried to guess the finger of fate in dreams and attached enormous significance to dreams, endowing every object or event they saw with symbolic meaning. Red wine in folk dream books enjoys a special reputation.

Many sources agree that this drink symbolizes:

  • well-being;
  • fulfillment of desires;
  • love and luck.

But you shouldn't fall into euphoria. Drunk from success in life, people are often inclined to commit rash acts. Therefore, in any situation you need to be extremely careful.

But first things first.

Sweet red wine

A dream in which I happened to drink sweet red wine has auspicious meaning– fulfillment of desires and pleasant changes at work and in your personal life await you ahead. If the dreamer, you will meet an important person, which will develop into friendship and have a positive impact on career growth sleeping.

To people creative professions such a vision will bring inspiration, which will serve as the beginning of a new successful project. The efforts made will definitely be crowned with success. The main thing is not to miss your chance!

Delicious red wine

Very a dream is considered successful, in which the red wine you drink will seem unusually tasty.

For a young girl, such a vision promises a meeting with a decent, handsome and wealthy young man who. A marriage with such a guy will be strong and happy, so you should take a closer look at the men from your immediate circle. For everyone else, the vision will become a symbol of upcoming joy and good luck, which means you can tune in for the best.

To people who are already in lately have achieved great success in life, the dream suggests that you should take a break at work and a little relax.

Particularly active and purposeful people can switch their attention to other areas of life or simply take a vacation and engage in active sports.

What to drink from?

From a glass

Sipping red wine from a glass in a dream means that in reality the dreamer will have pleasant communication with friends. Perhaps there will be a joint entertainment or a noisy weekend in a large company of friends.

IN business sphere fantastic changes are coming. A successful development of events will have a positive impact on the dreamer’s reputation and will serve to quickly take off in career ladder. However, success, like wine, often causes dizziness. Therefore, you should not “get drunk” from positive changes in fate. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting involved in a dangerous adventure, and a dizzying rise may turn into a rapid fall.

From the bottle

True gourmets drink red wine from tall transparent glasses. But dreams do not always comply with the rules of etiquette, so in dreams you sometimes have to drink this noble drink straight from the neck of the bottle. Such a dream has a positive meaning. The vision speaks of good health and equally strong relationships with friends and loved ones.

But there is another version. Some dream books say that such a dream makes a person think about his well-being.

Since red wine has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, perhaps in reality it needs close attention, and you should devote more time to your health.

From a glass

When interpreting the meaning of this dream, it is worth paying attention to the details.

Drink red wine from a small, neat glass - to new positive prospects in life. Improving living conditions, establishing positive contacts with loved ones or new interesting work– you should expect only pleasant changes.

But if a person in a dream lost his measure, and the portion of wine he drank turned out to be too large, in real life you need to become extremely careful. Such the dream foretells failure. A major one in the family or a fiasco in official affairs is possible. In addition, there is a risk of an accident, so you need to think about every step and not give in to emotions.

Drinking wine with someone

With a man

Drink wine with by a stranger who takes the initiative and pours the drink into a glass himself means that someone from the close circle is showing increased interest in the dreamer.

If the counterpart with whom you had to drink red wine in a dream is a man you know, it is likely that he is a secret admirer who will soon take the first step and reveal his feelings.

With a dead man

There is no need to be scared in a dream. Vision Serves, quicker, warning. In your personal life and business, you should be as careful as possible. Excessive persistence and impatience can result in undermining the dreamer’s authority among colleagues and deteriorating relationships with family.

In the process of communication, there is no need to insist on your own - the interlocutors also have the right to speak out. And if you can’t agree, it’s enough to just listen to their opinion. It is also necessary to control the financial sphere and try to avoid thoughtless spending.

With the boss

Conquering career heights - this is how this dream can be interpreted. By devoting enough time to work, showing patience and professionalism, you will be able to achieve great success. The main thing is to fairly assess your capabilities, and luck will not keep you waiting long! If in a dream there was “too much”, in reality the dreamer will have to victory over enemies and strengthening your own authority.

If a woman drinks red wine

This dream for young girls promises a successful marriage And . The spouse will be a rich man, and the family will live in abundance. At the same time, the man will be able to surround his wife with warmth and affection for many years.

Married ladies have such a vision won't bring anything good. Possible family conflicts not without participation unauthorized persons. It is possible that one of the women he knows has designs on him. A serious test of loyalty awaits. Their future family life directly depends on how wise and balanced the decisions of both spouses are.

Dream Interpretation of Juno

How many people, so many opinions - this old proverb is confirmed by the well-known site on love and human relationships in Runet, junona.org. "Juno" generously shares with readers educational information about the interpretation of dreams, and her collection contains several meanings of dreams about red wine, collected from 75 folk and author’s dream books from different years.

  • Drinking red wine in a dream - to quarrels and big troubles, which can escalate into conflicts and even massacres.
  • Thick red wine - passionate love awaits, which will visit the dreamer in real life very soon.
  • well-being and good mood.

These interpretations are somewhat contradictory, but nevertheless very interesting.

By paying attention to dreams, people have the opportunity to comprehend upcoming events and even have time to prepare by properly tuning in, especially when it comes to negative changes.

Of course, you shouldn’t believe dreams one hundred percent. However, the information obtained can be the key to solving many life problems. The main thing is to be able to read not only dreams, but also your heart, respect the opinions of others and independently build your own bright future. Isn't it true?

Why do you dream about red wine?

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

You dreamed of Red wine - you see in a dream that you are drinking Red wine - the sweeter the wine was in the dream, the bitterer your disappointment will be in reality.

It’s as if you spilled Red wine - trouble will happen to one of your relatives; Most likely, he will be struck down by a serious illness, but death is not excluded. A young woman dreams that she spilled Red wine - the dream warns this woman of a possible unwanted pregnancy.

Why do you dream about red wine?

Dream book of healer Akulina

What does Red wine mean in a dream? Drinking means pleasure; spilling means being guilty. If you spilled Red wine in a dream, imagine that it turned into water or instantly evaporated without leaving any traces.

Why do you dream about red wine?

Big dream book

Red wine - If you dreamed that you were drinking Red wine, then you will soon find yourself in the company of people whose level is much higher than those with whom you usually communicate.

Why do you dream about red wine?

Dream Interpretation of O. Adaskina

Drinking Red wine means being in the company of people whose cultural and material level is very high.

Why do you dream about red wine?

Dream interpretation book by S. Karatov

Red wine - If you dreamed that you were drinking Red wine, this is a harbinger that in the near future you will find yourself in society, material and cultural level which is much higher than where you usually spend time.

See also: why do you dream about wine, why do you dream about champagne, why do you dream about a bottle.

Why do you dream about red wine?

Dream Interpretation of E. Avadyaeva

Red wine - If you dreamed that you were drinking Red wine, then you will experience the joy of communicating with true friends.

Pouring Red wine into crystal goblets from a steamed decanter in a dream is a harbinger good mood and health and a sign that you will be warmly received in any society and your optimism and cheerfulness will attract the hearts of others to you.

If you dreamed that you were drinking Red wine straight from a bottle, this means contentment in the house and a successful trip. Breaking a bottle of Red wine in a dream is yours love passion will reach its highest limit.

If you dreamed that you were buying a whole box of excellent Red wine, then you are in for a profitable enterprise that will bring unprecedented income.

The reality and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Friday to Saturday

The dream contains encrypted advice, a hint on how to act in the future for the sleeper or his loved ones. A bright and pleasant dream foretells good luck in current affairs and endeavors. Pictures that contain barriers or restrictions have reciprocal value. Dreams for this day of the week are prophetic.

26 lunar day

The picture seen does not contain secret codes and hidden meaning: she directly points the sleeping person to important points from his life. The qualities that you will have in your dream indicate those advantages or disadvantages that you need to develop or, conversely, overcome.