June 22nd is what a day in nature. When is the summer solstice?

June 21-22 is the peak of the year, marks the turn of the Sun for winter and is called the Kupala holiday. Since ancient times, this rotation of the Sun, dividing the year into two halves, has been accompanied by a special celebration.

The history of Kupala goes back thousands of years. The union of fire, water, earth and sky - this is what the day is called summer solstice The main sacrament of the Kupala holidays begins on the night of June 21-22. During the day they collect and weave wreaths, and at night they make offerings to fire and water, earth and sky, dance around the fire and sing songs. Fire cleansing is carried out by jumping over the fire and dancing on the coals. During this period, water is filled with miraculous power, capable of healing, protecting, attracting, giving health, beauty and peace. Astronomically, on July 2, the Earth passes perihelion. Perihelion is the point of the Earth's orbit farthest from the Sun. At noon the height of the Sun above the horizon is greatest. The sun is on a short time becomes in a special position, symbolizing unity with God. Three days later - from July 5 to July 7 - all the waters of the Earth are charged with a special, miraculous power. The Sun, as the face of God, sends its divine mercy through the element of Water. A person can receive spiritual insight given directly by God.

Summer Solstice Traditions

According to ancient beliefs, on the night of Kupala, Perun went into battle with the wither demon, who stopped the chariot of the Sun at a heavenly height, revealed hidden treasures in the cloudy rocks and tempered the oppressive heat with rainy showers. Perun's weapon was an oak tree, with which he struck down evil spirits, turning it upside down. Oak - in the reading “upside down” it sounds - be (b)! The image of the oak as a family tree, the tree of life, carries the concept of strength of spirit and strength of body, calling for physical perfection and procreation. Therefore, one of the oldest methods of sorcery (magic) at the summer solstice was actions around an oak tree, in oak groves, with acorns and oak bark. For example, add a decoction of oak leaves and branches to the water for bathing children - for body strength, for amulet. Acorns serve as an ancient amulet: put them in a bag and hang them near your child’s bed. It is no coincidence that people have a custom of blessing love unions, arising during the summer solstice, and children conceived at this time are considered to be under the special protection of the Rod. This holiday is dedicated to caring for the physical body, the purity and integrity of the body’s energy shell. Therefore, they collect herbs, make amulets against evil forces, remove damage, the evil eye, in other words, level the energy cocoon. Human astral body governing emotions and psyche, during this period it becomes, on the one hand, very vulnerable and pliable, on the other hand, ready to perceive new things, reveal the finest spiritual qualities, gain new strength and qualitative transformation. A week after Trinity (in June), Peter's Fast begins, which ends on July 12. For correct implementation Peter's Fast is recommended not only to observe food restrictions, but to focus on the spiritual side of fasting - directing your thoughts to God, confessing and receiving communion. As you can see, both in pagan and Christian tradition During the period when the Earth passes perihelion and solstice, they call for spiritual and physical purification, for the aspiration of the soul towards the light and God.

What does the summer solstice day bring to people?

Whoever turns out to be worthy of honor, treasures are revealed to him - the secrets of the Earth. Dreaming prophetic dreams and dreams from the future. This is one of the most magical periods of time. Wishes are made, the future is corrected - through direct contact of a person with the elemental forces of the Earth. Now this interaction is the most accessible, easiest and most tangible. You can enlist the support of the invisible forces of nature - if you are pure in soul and open to the light. This is why all kinds of Kupala rituals were invented - jumping over fire, bathing in the river at sunrise, putting wreaths of flowers and herbal amulets on the head. Wreaths drive away sadness, anxiety, evil thoughts, unpleasant memories that poison the soul, i.e. enlighten the mind, thoughts and clear the memory. If you can’t spend the summer solstice in nature, visit the city park in the evening at sunset or in the morning at sunrise. Find a beautiful oak or birch tree. Talk to the tree, ask for its participation in your destiny as a talisman, pick a few leaves - this will be your talisman for a year. Dry leaves can be placed in a bag (made of fabric) and placed in a pillow.

The mood now is summer

Slavic god of the Sun - luminary, he was also known among other Aryan peoples.
Khors (Khoros)-in East Slavic mythology, the God of the Sun, God of the solar disk.

Son ROD and brother Veles.

It turned out that in Rus' there simultaneously existed, at least , four sun gods: Yarilo, Dazhdbog, Svetovit and Khors. What was their difference?
The first sun is Yarilo, the morning dawn. It is associated with the beginning
creation, the beginning of a new day. Svarog created it first. This is where the year begins in the spring, when the snow melts and greenery blooms. Our life, our youth begins with him.

The next sun is Dazhdbog, the summer Sun that bears fruit. That's why it's called Dazhbog, the giving God. It illuminates the earth and sky. It is associated with a day in our life. This is her zenith, this is maturity.

The Third Sun is shining, setting. Associated with autumn, evening, old age in our lives, and reaping fruits.

And the fourth Sun is Horse. Night, Winter sun, illuminating the world of the dead, located underground - the world in which our ancestors live. At night, this sun appears in the form of a month, a moon, to illuminate the earth with its dim light. Therefore the night is the time dark forces the underworld, because when we have night, day begins there.

Horse was considered a caring assistant to farmers. In Rus' they sang a song about him:

A peasant plowman is walking through the field,

The Good Witch Doctor walks above him,

Why is the man timid in the field?

That’s why the Witch Doctor in the Sky splits!

This meant that everything that happens on our earth is in the world of reality,
is repeated in the heavenly world - Rule. A man is plowing a field, and above him
Horse follows, plowing Blue Svarga. So Horse was heavenly
He was a hard worker and for that he received recognition from people. " Good god, hard worker,” - with
they spoke of him with respect.
At the same time, Horse never appeared alone, but always in company with
other gods. For example, the sun cannot exist without daylight,
that's why Dazhdbog and Khors are always nearby. But only light and sunlight
warmth is not enough for a good harvest, you also need rain, and that
a direct matter of other gods. Stribog will blow, Perun’s clouds will catch up, he
it will thunder, lightning will flash and heavenly moisture will spill onto the field. And then
there will be a good harvest.
The name Khorsa is probably associated with the following words in Russian: good, khoruv, choir, associated with the true order of things (rule) and joint work. Khors is the god of world order associated with the course of the sun. Khors and Dazhdbog are related like the Greek Helios and Apollo. God Navi could be called, in contrast, Black Khoros, i.e. the same solar disk, but located on the night side of the world. The image goes back to ancient times and the snake-fighting myth. Perhaps among the Skolots this is Koloksai (Sun King) - the son of Targitai (the blacksmith Svarog), and then the god Khors is Svarozhich. The roots “horo” and “colo” are semantically associated with the concept of round. Round dance - a circle of people holding hands walking in a circle, mansions - circular
building, banner - something uniting the military circle. With the root "colo"
round objects such as a bell, kolobok (round side), stake,
rotation The last concept is directly related to changes in solar
cycles. The main part of the festivities dedicated to Khorsu are mass dances,
after which they bring him a sacrifice - specially prepared food.
By the way, this is apparently where the word “round dance” came from, as well as “horoshul” -
round ritual pie - kurnik. Horse Day - resurrection, like
Dazhdbog, the metal is red gold.

Khorsa days coincide with any solstice, for example,

autumn - September 21 - 23 (Maly Ovsen, Tausen, Autumn Khoros).
An indispensable attribute of the veneration of Khors is round dances.

On June 21 we will experience the longest (16 hours!) day, and the shortest and
brightest night of the year. And beyond the Arctic Circle the sun does not set at all. Summer
solstice! Naturally, such an amazing day could not remain
unnoticed by our ancestors. Highest value summer and winter
The Druids gave importance to the solstice, spring and summer equinoxes.
In the Slavic tradition, on June 21, the god Svarog and Mother Sva - Lada give birth
God Perun - the most formidable god, the thunderer of the Slavic pantheon.
Perun is subject to the elements of nature; he is, first of all, the god of thunder and thunder.
Perun is considered the ancestor of heavenly fire, which descended on
earth, gives life. Also, naive ancestors often “assigned” Perun
to be the god of wood, stone, water. And really, why bother?.. With
with the onset of spring warmth, it fertilizes the earth with rain and brings out
the sun is clear from behind the clouds. Perun was married to the goddess Mokoshi. But not
confuse Perun's birthday and Perun's day, which the Slavs celebrated on
a month later - July 21, when, according to tradition, all evil spirits suffer from
Perun's arrows, and under their blows turns into animals.
Perun's day was celebrated magnificently and dedicated to military pleasures and battles. A
Perun’s birthday was not celebrated in any special way.

Top of Summer

According to
experts, the summer solstice greatly affects everything
alive. As an illustration, they cite the world of flora: until this day, most
plants try to reach their maximum growth, and then only
use their accumulated strength. If you sow seeds after 21
June - the plants will not sprout, or the seedlings will turn out weak, frail,
the plants will not bloom or bear fruit, even if they are moved to
warm indoor space and artificially lengthen daylight hours. But
green friends cannot be deceived; they know that winter time is approaching
sleep, and after September 23, the day of the autumnal equinox, dark time
day will prevail over the light...


Based on the fact that already on June 22 the day will be several seconds shorter and the night longer (“darkness wins!”), many theories have been built that on the night of the summer solstice evil spirits gain special power, and one must be extremely vigilant in order to don't fall into her clutches.
But still, the summer solstice saturates the space with powerful, solar energy, and on this day you can feel like a magician. June 21 is suitable for programming the future - for the positive, for realizing your wildest dreams. Especially strong will be people born in the “fiery” periods of the Zodiac - Leo, Aries and Sagittarius. People with Earth and Air signs are less powerful, but people with water signs should refrain from having affairs with the sun and spend the solstice more calmly. Dream, but don’t dictate your terms to the cosmos.
"Mermen" more susceptible to mental confusion and
unkind influences, so they need to be careful
using a bag of salt. Carry it with you all day and throw it away at night
salt and throw away the bag itself.

Litha Day

June 21st is known as the day of Lithuania, which since time immemorial
celebrated in the British Isles. The main rites and rituals are similar to
those practiced in honor of the winter solstice - 21
On the summer solstice people
collected medicinal herbs and roots, as it was believed that during this period
The healing power of plants increases several times. And in
on the night of June 21-22, they made fires, danced around them, and jumped
through the fire. Livestock was also passed through the fire, according to
ancient, gave it fertility to animals and protected them from damage.
Connected with the cult of the sun, there was a common custom among the Scots to roll wheels wrapped in straw and lit from mountains or steep river cliffs. Sometimes they wondered: if the wheel was on fire the entire time it was rolling, then the harvest would be good.
According to the Celts, the mysterious magical meaning during this period of full flowering of all nature had and fern:

at midnight it seemed to bloom for a short moment. Daredevils went into the forest at midnight to see the fern flower and collect its seeds. Such trips were considered very dangerous, since this plant was vigilantly guarded by fairies and various evil spirits. Anyone who managed to get the seeds could become invisible and watch the dances and games of fairies on this magical night.
From evil spirits Elderberries collected that night and birch branches nailed above the doors and gates helped. Birch played significant role in the rituals of the summer solstice among all Celtic peoples. On the night of 21
June was a lot of guessing.
In Scotland, on this night, lovers gave each other
oath of allegiance to a friend near a separate huge stone, or about
sacred spring. And these days in many places in Britain
islands, June is considered the most suitable month for confinement
marriages. Isn’t it true that many things about the Litah holiday resemble ours?
Ivan Kupala? This is no coincidence: Ivan Kupala Day is also associated with the summer
solstice, but due to the interweaving of Christian and pagan
traditions, and also because of the struggle between the Julian and Gregorian calendars, he
“shifted” to a couple of weeks later. Maybe it’s for the better - to Kupala
It is customary to rinse in natural bodies of water, which become
a little warmer...
Create mascot
If you are not lazy and get up with the astronomical sunrise, you can create an amazing “solar” talisman for yourself. For such an action
any gold jewelry, a large amber pendant or... just
a shiny, bright round button, but not with holes, but on a leg.
A couple of minutes before sunrise ( On June 21 it will rise at 4:53) wake up,
take the things you have chosen, put them in a glass vessel with water and
place the vessel on the windowsill. When the sun illuminates the vessel, say:

“The power will not go away, will not be lost, but will come to me.” Then you can safely add more sleep.

The objects in the vessel may not be in direct sun all day, but it is very important that the first morning rays hit them.
Closer to sunset time, return to the vessel, and as soon as the astronomical sunset occurs (22:09), immediately take the vessel, pour out the water, take out the objects, wrap them in a dark cloth, and... put them away until the winter solstice! Yes, yes, for a whole six months. Do you think you should do it?
really strong talisman easy?
From the day of the winter solstice until the next solstice, that is, from December 21, 2009 to June 21, 2010, “kept” in darkness for
for six months, objects will generously give you energy - and most importantly
way exactly when it is most needed, in the dark winter
months and early spring! It can be used for healing -
for example, a button can be sewn on the wrong side opposite your favorite one
“sore spot” to outer clothing. Gold jewelry will be
attract, attract good luck in finance. Note that the most
The talisman will be strong if you bought a gold one specifically for this purpose.
item, and have never worn it once, and after December 21 you will become
wear almost constantly. This talisman can be charged per day
solstice regularly, but do not forget about the semiannual
exposure in the dark!
An amber talisman can activate your gift
healer, magician, clairvoyant. He is very strong, but only fits
representatives of the solar signs of the Zodiac. Scorpio or Cancer with amber
nothing good will come of a pendant...

According to "Book of Kolyada": "Hors was the son of the Sun god-Ra5 and the brother of Veles
Surevich. Ra was born from the face of the ROD, he ruled the solar for many thousands of years
chariot and carried the Sun to the vault of heaven. But then he got tired and turned into Surya, the sunny honey drink and the river Ra4. After Ra
His son Khors turned into a river and began to rule the chariot of the Sun. Before
In the very morning, Horse rests on the sunny islands of Joy (on the island of Rhodes and others). According to
“Book of Veles” (Rod III, 1:3), when Matinee gallops to these islands on a white horse, he says: “Go, Sun, to your blue meadows.” You must climb into your chariot and look from the east! And in the evening, when the Sun leans toward the horizon, Vechernik gallops up on a black horse. He says: - The sun has set
for their mountains and left the golden chariot! And then the sorcerers unbridle the horses of the Sun, and the Sun goes to bed, and his cart is drawn by oxen across the blue steppe, along the Milky Way towards dawn, to the islands of Joy.

And from here again in the morning the Sun rises on a golden chariot.
Once Horse, driving through firmament, looked down at the ground. And he saw that they were swimming near Buyan Island Zarya-Zarenitsa with the sisters - Poludennitsa, Vecherka and Night-Kupalnitsa. Khors fell in love with the star Zarya-Zarenitsa and decided to marry her. All the Yasuni celestials gathered for the wedding of Khors and Zari-Zarenitsa. Daughters arrived on a flying ship Frets- goddesses of life, death and love: green-eyed, golden-haired Alive, dark-haired Madder And
blond, blue-eyed Lelya. They gave Zara a golden scarf:
“unfold it early in the morning and illuminate the whole sky with it.” And Khors was presented with a bowl of living water: “whoever drinks water from this bowl will never die.”

It follows that Horse is the hypostasis of the Sun (Ra).

God of the Sun who went from winter to spring. Young Sun,
Its time after the winter solstice (longest
night, shortest day) December 21-22 before the spring equinox
(length of day and night are equal) March 20-21.

The name Khorsa is believed to date back to
Scythian-Sarmatian language (cf. "horz" - good in modern Ossetian,
"choir" - the Sun) and is probably the same root and is associated in Russian with
in these words: "choir Osho", "choir uh," "choir" "choir wat", connected
with the true order of things (Right) and a joint venture. Horse
- the god of world order associated with the course of the Sun.
Welcoming Choir sa,
the Slavs drove choir gadflies and built shrines for him - choir omins, choir ohms.
Note that the roots “horo” and “colo” are semantically associated with the concept
round, circle. Choir gadfly (in ancient times the name of the sun dance was kolo) -
a circle of people holding hands and walking in a circle; choir ohms - circular
development, choir ugv - something that unites the military circle. The root “colo” is associated with such round objects as a bell, a kolobok (round side), a stake, a brace. The last concept is directly related to change solar cycles. Island name "Khortitsa" also associated with Khors. According to
According to ancient legend, there was a sacred oak on the island Perun,
where the Russians sacrificed roosters.

Religious symbols of God

KHORS is a Slavic religious symbol of the god Khors. HoRS in Russian means “X” - “Move”, “R” - “Ra (Sun)”, “S” - “Son, Power”.

HORSE ancient Slavic god of the solar disk, directly solar
rotation, i.e. is the carrier of the sun.

Horse (Kolo)
Khors is the sun god. Horse, goodness, brushwood,
chrest, cross, cross, spark, round dance, horo, kolo, wheel, bracelet, stake, carols, circle, blood, red - all these words are related to each other and denote concepts associated with fire, circle, red. If we merge them into one, an image of the sun will appear before us, described allegorically.

natural talents of a person and helps them to reveal themselves. symbol
Spiritual Strength and Prosperity of the Family. Used as a body amulet
protecting the one who wears it

YARILA(or MASONIC FIVE-POINTED STAR) Five pointed star, five intersection points, five angles, five lines. Five is a symbol
overcoming the inert materiality of the four, as well as the first visible
the manifestation of spirit in matter, in other words, its revival. That is, in other words, the five symbolizes the transition of the spiritual into the material. In addition, it is believed that this is a stripped-down version of the Star of David


YAROVIK It was used to preserve the harvested crop and avoid the death of livestock. Often depicted on barns, sheepfolds, etc.

YAROVRAT Symbol of the protective power of Yarila the Sun. Protects soil fertility (19 characters in total).


YAROVRAT Symbol of the protective power of Yarila the Sun. Protects soil fertility.

YAROVRAT Symbol of the protective power of Yarila the Sun. Protects soil fertility.

YAROVRAT Symbol of the protective power of Yarila the Sun. Protects soil fertility.

YAROVRAT Symbol of the protective power of Yarila the Sun. Protects soil fertility.

YAROVRAT Symbol of the protective power of Yarila the Sun. Protects soil fertility.

YAROVRAT Symbol of the protective power of Yarila the Sun. Protects soil fertility.

YAROVRAT Symbol of the protective power of Yarila the Sun. Protects soil fertility.

YAROVRAT Symbol of the protective power of Yarila the Sun. Protects soil fertility.

YAROVRAT Symbol of the protective power of Yarila the Sun. Protects soil fertility.

YAROVRAT Symbol of the protective power of Yarila the Sun. Protects soil fertility.

YAROVRAT Symbol of the protective power of Yarila the Sun. Protects soil fertility.

YAROVRAT Symbol of the protective power of Yarila the Sun. Protects soil fertility.

Having looked at the wall calendar, we can make a small conclusion that there are quite a lot of holidays in the year. They are different in their purpose, but are equally important to a certain category of people. In this article I would like to talk about the summer solstice: what kind of day it is, how to celebrate it correctly and what you need to remember.

What it is?

Solstice is the moment in time in the annual rotation of the Earth around the Sun when the shortest day or the shortest day is observed. short night. There are two solstices in the year - winter and summer. In the northern hemisphere, the winter solstice occurs on December 21 or 22 and then the shortest day (and the longest) is observed. long night), and summer - June 20 or 21 and then the shortest night (and the longest day) is observed. In the southern hemisphere, these dates fall on the summer and winter solstices, respectively.

reverse movement. Then every day it rises lower and lower and finally, at the moment of the winter solstice, it again reverses its movement and begins to rise. In mid-latitudes, throughout the year in spring and early summer, the Sun rises higher and higher above the horizon every day, and at the moment of the summer solstice it stops and changes its position.

At the moments of the solstices, the Sun, in its apparent movement along the ecliptic, moves farthest away from the celestial equator and reaches its greatest declination, northern or southern.

1. Sun (Rotator).
2. All that universe that lives according to the law of a given time (Solstice is turned to the east) and space (Solstice, that is, Nature).
3. Cult Sign of the Slovenian Family (song “Wolf Solstice”).
4. A medical symbol, it encrypts the movement of biological time, the process of growth and aging. The circle of metabolism of the circulatory system, the respiratory cycle and the activity of the lymphatic system, etc.
5. The holiday was famous among the ancients, dividing the year into a period of life and a period of death.

Solstice - that is, Nature,
He is the highest meaning of our life.
Solstice is the seed of the Family,
rotation creates Life in the world.
No one remembers where he came from,
he is also eternal, just as we are immortal.
The solstice not only rules the Sun,
he also rules the time of the moon...
He is the middle of the world and its knowledge,
he spread the bright rays of the stars.
When the Wolf people go out at night, they remember:
The Ancestor learned the truth in the night.
Solstice Yarg Trizna is controlled,
in everything great you will see a lever,
Otherwise, the world will melt like ice in the heat,
everything will melt, our hearth will go out...
All people have the meaning of the Solstice,
every stone bears his seal.
Nature is our Mother, but you yourself are Nature,
The Wolf is able to control the solstice.
You don't have to actually be a Wolf,
The wolf-man is first a man,
But watch the Wolf carefully,
This proud Beast honors Nature from century to century.
He rules the wild forest firmly,
A harsh winter breeds sick animals.
The wolf kills the seed of Chernobog,
The wolf is the healer of the Forest, and it’s the same with people.
It’s true, everything around is similar,
Being proud of our intelligence is too much for us.
There is only one way for us - to learn from Nature,
And the Wolf People will return the human race to the Gods.

Solstice amulet

Solstice amulet - your path will be happy!

Home protection ritual

The summer solstice is a great time to perform a ritual to protect your home. Protective spells made on this day will be especially strong. It is also good to carry out a ritual to protect the home on the days of the full moon and on the day of the autumn equinox.

you will need a piece of rowan wood, red cloth and red threads. You can use stones that have protective properties, such as agate or turquoise, and protective herbs of your choice, for example, St. John's wort, honeysuckle, anise. home protection ritual For

How to clean a room from negative energy? Each time you say these words, add one knot to the red thread. Place your protective amulet to any safe place at home or near the house. Just as a rowan tree is tied in red, so protection surrounds my home.” Place it all together in a red cloth, roll it up and tie it with a red thread, saying seven times: “

The same ritual can be done to protect your car. In this case, a protective amulet must be placed in the car.

for yourself a talisman of the Sun. Solar magic rituals are greatly enhanced. For example, on this day you can do

For thousands of years, the summer solstice was of great importance to our ancient ancestors, who obeyed the cycles of nature. In the times of the pagans, the sun had divine power over all living things, and the summer solstice meant the highest flowering of all the forces of nature. It was believed that those born on this day have great power.

In the old days, even before the advent of Christianity, the holiday of Kupala, dedicated to the ancient pagan god Kupala.

The Finns and Ingrians call the holiday Juhannus.(Finnish Juhannus), on behalf of John the Baptist.

Since 1934, it has been celebrated as an official national holiday in Finland when the flag is raised (Finnish: Suomen lipun päivä). Also an official church holiday, the day of John the Baptist. Traditionally celebrated on June 24, but since 1955 it has been celebrated on the first Saturday after June 19, and falls on the 20th - 26th. This change was made in Sweden even earlier, but not in Norway, Estonia and Latvia. It is customary to decorate a house, boat, raft and other places where people gather with birch branches, go to the sauna and light a big fire (Finnish kokko). There is a tradition among Finnish Swedes to erect a “promise pole.”

Since 1953 In Sweden it's a "midsummer festival" is celebrated on the Saturday closest to June 19th. The main celebrations among the Swedes, such as the installation of a promise pole decorated with flowers and foliage, take place the day before, on the eve of the holiday.

This day is very good for starting healing work, because the Sun is an esoteric healer.

The Scots also considered fern seeds to be the most effective against evil spirits. Elderberries collected that night and birch branches nailed above the doors and gates helped against evil spirits. Birch played a significant role in the rites of the summer solstice among all Celtic peoples.