Admitting your mistakes is a strength or weakness. Is generosity a strength or a weakness? What action can be called dishonorable?

An essay about:

"Katerina's strength or weakness is revealed in her suicide
in Ostrovsky's work "The Thunderstorm"?

Reading Ostrovsky's play "The Thunderstorm", you involuntarily ask yourself the question: strength or weakness
Does Katerina manifest herself in her suicide at the end of the play? Did she do the right thing or
No? There was a lot of controversy about this between literary critics 40s, 50s of the 19th century. Thus, Dobrolyubov noted “strong, rebellious
motives" in the character of Katerina and connected them with the atmosphere of crisis in which everything was
Russian society. According to him, Ostrovsky’s drama shows a complex, tragic
the process of liberation of the reviving soul.

Katerina’s first meeting with her beloved, Boris, is deeply tragic. The scene is riddled
anxiety. The motive sounds folk song- the motive of imminent death ("You kill, ruin me
since midnight..."). "Why did you come? Why have you come, my destroyer?" - he has a presentiment
trouble Katerina. How strong must her feeling be if she goes to great lengths in the name of love?
certain death! "Don't be sorry, destroy me!" - she exclaims, surrendering to this feeling. So
Not everyone can love, and we are convinced of the heroine’s extraordinary strength.

And what are the words of Katerina, uttered in justification to her husband and herself, in front of
Kabanihoy. Let’s listen to them carefully: “For me, Mama, everything is the same as my dear
mother, what are you, and Tikhon loves you too." Unlike his wife, Tikhon pronounces his
the excuses are pitiful, and at the same time very respectful, addressing the mother as “you.”
Katerina says the same thing as Tikhon, objecting to the reproaches. But with what dignity, how
she says simply and sincerely. This address to “you” (as an equal) is also typical. She
strives for clear, friendly human relationships.

In the first appearance we imagine Katerina as a submissive victim, a person with
broken will and trampled soul. “Mama eats her, but she’s like a shadow
walks around, unresponsive. She just cries and melts like wax,” Tikhon says about his wife. And here she is
in front of us. No, she's not a victim. She is a person with a strong, decisive character, with a lively,
freedom-loving heart. She does not feel like a slave, on the contrary, she is free, at least
because she has lost everything, that she has nothing more to value, not even her life: “Why should I
Now live, well, for what?”

The thirst for liberation also triumphs over her religious ideas. “It’s all the same that death will come, that it itself..., but you can’t live.” she contemplates suicide. And then she questions this idea: “It’s a sin! They won’t pray? He who loves will pray.”
Katerina’s dying words are not addressed to God and do not express repentance for what she has done.
sins, they are addressed to the beloved; "My friend! My joy! Farewell!" So free from
prejudices, a living and strong feeling prevailed in Katerina’s soul

On the other hand, it can be shown that Katerina showed weakness. Such a point
view exists in Pisarev, when in the article “Motives of Russian Drama” he assessed
"Thunderstorm." The article was directed polemically against Dobrolyubov. Pisarev named
Katerina “a crazy dreamer” and a “visionary”: “Katerina’s whole life, according to him
opinion, - consists of constant internal contradictions; she rushes out every minute
one extreme to another; today she repents of what she did yesterday, and meanwhile,
she herself does not know what she will do tomorrow; finally, having mixed up everything she had under
with her hands, she cuts through the lingering knots with the most stupid means, suicide.”

In fact, suicide is not stupid, but the last resort of the desperate
person. From the point of view of an atheist, there is strength in Katerina’s action. But from the point of view
Orthodoxy, there is no forgiveness for suicide, no matter what motives it is justified. This
one of the most serious sins. It is believed that people should endure what is sent to them
fate. Katerina had to bear her cross. An interesting fact is that in the old days suicides were buried not in the cemetery, but nearby. And the people passing by knew about fate
deceased. But Katerina dreamed, freed from worldly life, about how: “Under
grave like a tree... The sun warms it... Birds will fly to the tree, they will sing, children
will be taken out. "Her soul could not exist peacefully without the beauties of nature and love.

Thus, we see that if protest awakens, even in such passive
forms, even in this way weak creature, what a woman was considered to be in that era, then this is
growing protest among the people, a signal that was a harbinger of the death of the old
way of life, based on the system of feudal-serf despotism, and
gaining momentum of new progressive aspirations for equality, for freedom
human life.

Final essay 2016/17.

Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tula, Voronezh, Krasnodar, Rostov, Nizhny Novgorod, Kirov, Ufa, Crimea and others.

When does conflict arise between feelings and reason?

Everyone can explain the term “happiness” in their own way. But, excluding all subjective details and details, we can safely generalize and say that happiness is that same harmony between feelings and mind, which is so little in our lives. The conflict of these two sides, thoughts and emotions, contributes to disharmony, anxiety, apathy and even attacks of depression, because a person has to make a choice, give up some part of himself, especially if his feelings ultimately do not have a response in the heart of that very object of sympathy . All this, of course, complicates and aggravates our already complex existence, but at the same time adds color to it, preventing a person from catching that very Onegin “blues”. It is no coincidence that so many writers and poets touch upon in their works precisely the problem of human passions and how often they come into conflict with our very essence, with what constitutes human existence.

When does conflict arise between feelings and reason? Exactly at the moment when one thing becomes counterbalanced to the other, when harmony disappears, when that same pleasant combination and “cooperation” develop into competition, and the outcome of this is determined by the person behind whom this confrontation is located.

For example, in I.S. Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons” we get acquainted with a shining example such a conflict. The main character, Evgeny Bazarov, lived a considerable part of his life in complete confidence: any feelings and human values, in particular love, art, faith, are just “tinsel” with which a person decorates his existence, simple entertainment and a game that is not worth the candle . In his reasoning, it would seem, there was no room for doubt: nihilism eventually became one with the hero’s personality, but only until the moment when the smart and proud Anna Sergeevna Odintsova appeared in his life, a woman who shook Eugene’s entire philosophy. Previously unknown feelings and emotions began to worry Bazarov at the time when he began to communicate closely with Anna Sergeevna, and it was from that moment that the mind ceased to have complete control over the fate of the hero and began to enter into confrontation with feelings, which could not but play a role in fate Evgenia. The conflict between feelings and reason arose when complete confidence in the absence of love collided with sharply emerging emotions and created a strong dissonance, the result of which was a broken fate. Evgeny was able to fight this love and extinguish it for some time, even tried to establish his previous way of life, but this conflict was not destined to subside completely, just as the relationship between Bazarov and Odintsova was not destined to happen.

The heroine of N.S. Leskova’s story “Lady Macbeth” turned out to be less resistant to the conflict of reason and feelings Mtsensk district" Katerina Lvovna completely submitted to the wave of emotions that covered her after meeting Sergei, at that moment when her husband was not around, and the heroine was left “alone.” At that time, that same conflict arose, almost instantly and irrevocably flowing to the side of feelings, and a woman, having a marriage with a wealthy merchant, for the sake of new love commits many murders, the most significant of which is the murder of her husband. Even while in custody, the woman tries to spend as much time as possible with her lover, and he, in turn, throughout the entire work only takes advantage of her feelings. Could the “merchant’s wife” not have let things come to this? tragic outcome, could she have cut off all ties with Sergei from the very beginning in order to save her marriage and not ruin her previous way of life? No, she did not have the rigidity of reasoning that Evgeny Bazarov possessed, and therefore completely obeyed the dictates of her feelings. However, this is just one example of a vivid conflict between emotions and reason, in which the former have such a strong influence on a person that they become the meaning of his life.

The confrontation between thoughts and feelings arises, as a rule, at the most inopportune moment, and is a kind of point of no return for a person, because at the moment when emotions come into conflict with the brain, a person’s life changes irrevocably. And, no matter which side of the conflict ends up in a winning position, the outcome will be painful in any case.

What action can be called dishonorable?

Is every person guided in his actions by his own internal beliefs, often closely related to generally accepted moral standards, and by his personal moral limiter, which allows him to distinguish between good and evil, good and bad, honesty and deception? Unfortunately, no, and we know a sufficient number of individuals who forget about upbringing, about dignity and honor, and allow themselves to commit low, insidious, disgusting, in other words, dishonorable acts.

But what kind of act can be called dishonorable? First of all, these are actions that violate the laws of honor, these are shameless, immoral, wrong actions, the obligatory consequence of which is the gradual decomposition of the individual. In addition to this, those actions that obviously involve destructive activity for another person can also be called dishonest; this includes slander, betrayal, and vile insults - in general, everything that cannot in any way be correlated with the image of a decent person, an individual, having respect for both herself and others.

So, for example, the hero of the story A.S. Pushkin " Captain's daughter", Alexey Shvabrin, a weak and to some extent unhappy man, throughout the entire work was not honest either with those around him or with himself: the hero tried to earn the love of the girl who attracted his attention by force. Shvabrin literally begged Maria for reciprocal feelings, using either crude flattery and hypocrisy, or threats, and tired of fighting closed door, splashed out his accumulated anger and slander on her, which, of course, did not paint him at all either as a person or as a man. It was not difficult for this hero to take an oath to the impostor who killed a large number of people, among whom were personalities close to Shvabrin himself. But, following only his own “selfish” interests, this hero first goes over to the side of the enemy, and then, when the trial of the traitors takes place, he blames the innocent for all his sins young man, Pyotr Grinev, who knows firsthand the concepts of honor and dignity. What specific actions of the hero could be called dishonorable? Those actions that were aimed at deception, at the empty defense of only one’s own interests, at a user-friendly attitude towards people, at lies and hypocrisy.

Honor is strength and fortitude of character; it is that inner judge that allows a person to maintain self-respect and sobriety of his own intentions in any circumstances. In terrible times of war challenging task for the fighters it was to remain human and retain all worthy qualities of character even in the most terrible and inhumane situations. The hero of the story M.A. Sholokhov’s “The Fate of a Man,” Andrei Sokolov, was the embodiment of a man with a real Russian character, a staunch fighter and patriot, boldly going to death to preserve his self-esteem. When Andrei Sokolov was offered to drink to the victory of fascist weapons, he refused to do so, knowing full well that such disobedience could cause cruel torture and death. In contrast to this episode is the episode with the murder of the traitor, who for the sake of his own well-being conveyed to the Germans the information they needed. Such an act was so base, so dishonest that Andrei Sokolov, having strangled the traitor with his own hands, did not feel pangs of conscience - there was a feeling that he had killed an insect. This persistent fighter endured all the hardships of war with his head held high and did not commit a single dishonorable act, because the most important thing for him was human dignity, because this is the most main value person. In this story, only actions committed by traitors helping the enemy were dishonorable.

“True honor is the decision to do in all circumstances what is useful to the most people.” Franklin B. Dishonorable Deeds– this is deliberate evil and inhumanity, this is selfishness and hypocrisy, this is the desire to save oneself by harming one’s neighbor.

Do you agree with the statement of E.M. Remark: “You need to be able to lose”?

What is a loss? Perhaps this is another opportunity to analyze your actions, your actions and thoughts, an analysis of your life. Or maybe losing is a test of fate, through which you can find grace on Earth. In any case, no one likes to suffer defeat, because any fiasco is a certain step back, an insignificant, but still a fall, and not everyone can find the strength to return to their previous state, step over themselves and try to win again. However, it is always worth remembering that any loss, no matter what it may be, is followed by the same life, slightly changed, but life, and therefore the loss should be treated as a certain stage in it. In other words, you should not react to any failure in such a way that you later regret it, because “honor can only be lost once.”

To be able to lose means to be able to, under any circumstances, no matter how stalemate they may be, to maintain inner calm, honor and dignity, to remain oneself, even if there is absolutely no strength or desire for this, to be able to smile at victory even worst enemy, because for him there is nothing more pleasant than the tears of a loser. Is there any point in making his victory even more enjoyable?

Truly knew how to accept any defeat main character stories by A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter". Pyotr Grinev, while still very young, received his father’s order: “Take care of your honor from a young age,” and from then on he made it his own life credo, because honor for this hero at that moment became above all else in the world. That is why, having lost at cards to Zurin, who, not without pleasure, took advantage of his naivety young guy, Peter, ignoring all Savelich’s excuses, gives back the lost amount, leaving the situation with dignity. He could have done whatever he wanted: start a scandal or run away altogether, but the hero retained his dignity, as after the duel with Shvabrin. Then, even being wounded by a dishonest and vile slanderer, Peter showed neither malice, nor despair, nor anger - there was only pity and mercy in him kind person, the ardor of a young man and the dignity of a nobleman, which allowed him to “lose correctly.”

However, not everyone is able to accept defeat with dignity. Grushnitsky, hero of the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov's "Hero of Our Time", perceived courting Princess Mary as a kind of game - he even invented a role for himself, which he constantly tried to adhere to. He considered his rivals those who also tried to win the attention of the princess, and, having given in to the smarter and interesting Pechorin, he, having shown all his baseness, all his envy and hysteria, trampled himself in the eyes of the whole society. Of course, Grushnitsky understood this very well, and therefore, in the duel he arranged, he strongly recommended that Pechorin not miss, because, no matter what the outcome, he would definitely kill him afterwards. All this behavior of the hero was a kind of release of despair and pain, because Grushnitsky himself created this game and lost it himself, unable to maintain his role and get out of the situation with dignity. Did he know how to lose? No, Grushnitsky was too stupid and weak in character for this, unlike his “rival”.

Dignity is necessary and important to maintain in any situation, because honor is the most important thing we have, and no defeat is worth a damaged reputation.

Does a person's strength or weakness manifest itself in admitting his mistakes?

A person is designed in such a way that the most difficult thing in the world is, perhaps, for him to admit his own wrongness and his own stupidity; it even happens that sometimes this difficult step takes years and decades. Everyone interprets such an action differently: some consider admitting their mistakes a sign of weakness, while others, due to their self-confidence, in principle cannot question their own point of view and their own actions.

And yet: is a person’s strength or weakness manifested in his recognition of his mistakes? It seems to me that the opportunity, or rather, the desire to see and admit one’s own mistakes, analyze the past and present and draw some conclusions comes with age. Therefore, I believe that in this case, a person’s “strength” is his wisdom, which begins to form at a very young age. She, going with us through youthful maximalism, naivety, through denial and knowledge, leads us to the truth. And this cannot be called weakness - only a stupid person will defend his absolute rightness, realizing his complete inexperience and ignorance. Weakness can lead to humility - but not to recognition. I am sure that a person, realizing his mistakes, does a tremendous amount of work on himself, because at such a moment something in his head is sure to turn over and change - he becomes wiser, he reassesses his values ​​and changes his guidelines, in the end, in a different way begins to look at everything that he may not have even thought about before - could this be somehow connected with weakness?

For example, the hero of the novel A.S. Pushkin’s “Eugene Onegin”, for a long time seemed to himself and those around him a self-confident young man: he did not consider it necessary to reconsider his own behavior, because he simply did not have the habit of thinking about whether he was treating people correctly, whether he was living this way and whether he was moving in the right direction , or maybe he thought about it, but was too weak for self-criticism. Even at a very young age, this hero lost his taste for life. Evgeniy was bored with everything at the moment when, it would seem, interest in his own existence should have only gained momentum - however, he was in no hurry to conduct introspection, but simply changed his location, hoping that this might change something. But this was a delusion: the whole problem was in Eugene, in his very behavior and attitude to life. Perhaps he himself realized this after the duel, during his absence, but we can know one thing: after a long time, this hero returned as a completely different person and, in complete repentance, fell at the feet of the woman whose love he had once neglected. Apparently, during this time, Evgeniy analyzed everything he had once done and admitted that he was wrong in relation to at least Tatyana. Of course, this was not easy for him, it is no coincidence that so much time has passed, it is no coincidence that we see the hero at the end of the novel in such despair. It seems to me that during his rather long absence, Evgeniy became wiser and reconsidered his attitude towards life and love, and, therefore, became even stronger, because weak person could only run - and only the strong could understand and return.

It was with the same difficulty that Bazarov, the hero of the novel by I.S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons”, awareness of the failure of nihilism as a philosophy of existence. This hero for a long time was confident that “nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and man is a worker in it,” he also believed that there is no meaning in art, that religion has long lost its relevance, that there is no love and that everything that belongs to the past must be reduced to ruins. However, having met Anna Odintsov and feeling for her the whole gamut of emotions that is commonly called love, Bazarov was literally thrown off track: his worldview was collapsing before his eyes, and he understood that something had to be done about it. Evgeny Bazarov was a strong, revolutionary personality, but the realization that everything he followed was a delusion was very difficult for him. This hero’s world began to turn upside down with the same force with which he believed in his beliefs, and it seems to me that he gradually began to cope with this, although it cost him great effort.

It is not difficult to understand that you were mistaken and, perhaps, lied to yourself for some time, it is much more difficult to accept it, and only fortitude and human wisdom can help with this. Because only a strong personality, having analyzed his actions and actions, can begin to change his life, while a weak one will most likely adapt to circumstances.

Can people be friends if they don't see eye to eye?

To see eye to eye means to have a similar position with someone else on philosophical and ideological issues, to have beliefs, principles and rules that are similar to each other. Often, friendship is based precisely on a commonality of interests, however, no relationship can be limited only to this, and after similarity in views, trust, mutual understanding and affection must necessarily come, which may depend on completely different factors.

Can people who don't see eye to eye be friends? The answer to this question is ambiguous: two properly educated individuals who are in harmony with themselves and with the world, who have some kind of mutual sympathy, may well be friends, even if they have disputes on most issues. Conflict always leads to truth, and perhaps in this case there is inconsistency ideological positions can play into the hands of such friendships, adding interest to any conversation. And vice versa: if one person’s self-esteem suffers, he has a hostile attitude towards the world and towards people, if he is selfish and rude, the second such person will not be able to become his friend, no matter how similar they are to him in their views: both of them will simply never will not learn to be friends, because, as often happens, both do not love and cannot become attached to someone, or, in general, do not want to have a close relationship with anyone. There are many variations, and this only confirms the magic of true friendship: it does not have one format, it does not have truths and rules - friendship is diverse and can connect a variety of personalities.

For example, the main character of the novel A.S. Pushkin's "Eugene Onegin", always easily got along with people, but at the same time was permanently lonely. He was disgusted secular society, however, the hero himself was drawn to him. Evgeny quickly cooled down to everything and could not meet a person capable of awakening a fire in him, a desire to live and act; he could not find a person capable of defeating his blues. And, it would seem, having moved to the village, our hero found such a “friend”: an ardent and passionate young man, romanticizing everything around him, capable of “awakening” even the most desperate loner. This was Vladimir Lensky, he and Evgeny Onegin were completely different in opinions, like “ice and fire” - however, constant disputes and philosophical conversations, as it turned out, could well pass for friendship. Evgeny even began to become attached to Vladimir, although, as the author of the novel notes, it was still “out of boredom.” But the trouble lay precisely in Evgeniy’s contradictory personality, his selfishness and inability to make friends. Bored again, he brought Lensky, who was deeply in love, to emotions, playing with his feelings, provoked him into a duel, and then, frightened by the opinion of the crowd, killed the young Lensky, who had just begun to live, with a well-aimed shot in the chest. What prevented this friendship from further developing and strengthening over time? Not a difference of views, but the contradictory, strange and, most importantly, nature of Evgeny Onegin, incapable of friendship.

A completely different situation is shown to us in the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". At the very beginning of the work, Evgeny Bazarov and Arkady Kirsanov are shown to us as friends: they have many common interests, among which was a passion for science and, of course, nihilism, a philosophical movement of which both heroes were followers. Spending time together, they were never bored: Arkady and Evgeny had something to talk about, something to think about, something to analyze. They had no arguments, because both of them, as it seemed at first, had the same attitude towards life, however, still, this could not be called friendship in the full sense of the word. Arkady was only a follower of Eugene: he was looking for himself, and, having met a strong personality, adopted her attitude to life, becoming a “friend,” however, as he matured, he began to understand the inconsistency of nihilism. Bazarov was true to his convictions, and therefore quickly realized that Arkady could not be his friend or a nihilist in principle: he was simply different, kind and family-oriented, like his father. Bazarov, in his mentality and character, is more similar to Evgeny Onegin, which confirms the deliberate failure of his friendship with Arkady.

Friendship is not only a commonality of views, it is also a unity of souls and characters. It happens that two good friends can constantly argue and never come to a conclusion unanimous opinion, and two scientists doing the same thing can never be friends. Aristotle said it most succinctly: “A friend is one soul living in two bodies.”

Only weak people, constantly in need of compensation for their insufficiency, usually weave intrigues, build intrigues, and secretly strike. Great power is always generous.


Human personality is multifaceted, and, of course, limiting people to two categories is difficult and strange, but sometimes such a limitation justifies itself and introduces a motive for some kind of confrontation. In this text B.M. Bim-Bad invites us to think about the question: “What is the manifestation of a person’s strength and weakness?”

Turning to the topic, the author brings us to the idea of ​​what qualities a strong man, and which ones are weak - and gives the example of a “super strongman”, a person who is strong not only physically, but also morally and spiritually. He never harmed anyone in his entire life, although he had the opportunity to do so. This “hero” impresses B.M. Bim-Badu, because it is precisely such individuals who are capable of selflessly doing good and helping people, using their power with honor and dignity. And in contrast to him, the author cites collective image a person against whom education and culture as such are aimed. Weak people, due to their “narrow-mindedness,” selfishness, cruelty, and “mental defectiveness,” would never think of committing noble deeds- but it is precisely on nobility that strength of spirit is based, and vice versa. The author emphasizes that this is why weak people rarely achieve success - to create something, different moral guidelines are needed, it is easier for strong people to stay afloat - “nobility of spirit” helps them in this - “in intelligence and honor.”

B.M. Bim-Bad believes that human weakness is manifested in aggression, in the desire for destruction, and strength is in generosity and nobility.

I completely agree with the author’s opinion and also believe that it is much more difficult to create something good, help people, maintain honor and dignity under any circumstances - this, undoubtedly, is the privilege of strong individuals. Everything else aimed at destruction and negativity is a sign of spiritually inferior, weak people.

Roman F.M. Dostoevsky's “Crime and Punishment” clearly and accurately shows how strength and weakness are reflected in the human condition. Sonya Marmeladova is truly strong - she was ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of her family, to follow the “ yellow ticket“- and even after this the girl retained her nobility of spirit. The heroine was able to sacrifice herself for the sake of others and instill in people strength, faith and hope - it was she who saved Rodion Raskolnikov from complete spiritual death and led him to enlightenment. In contrast to the girl, Svidrigailov is presented: he mocks morality, proudly admits his sins and, in general, is a low, vile, selfish and cynical person. This hero is truly weak: he is incapable of virtue and even rejects it; in Svidrigailov’s interests there is only constant idleness and complacency.

The problem of human strength and weakness is also presented in M. Gorky’s story “The Old Woman Izergil”. Danko is a strong and courageous altruist, whose goal and purpose is selfless, sincere help to people. He killed himself, tearing out a flaming heart from his chest in order to light the way for other people through the entire forest. Unfortunately, the crowd of people themselves mostly consisted of weak, insignificant individuals. Due to their cowardice and spiritual poverty, they were not capable of banal gratitude - at first these people accused Danko of not being able to lead them out of the forest, and later, having got out with his help to freedom, they trampled on the hero’s heart, being afraid of him power and nobility.

Thus, we can conclude that a person’s strength is manifested in the wealth of his soul, and weakness - in his moral poverty. Of course, throughout your life it is important to strive to be a strong personality - otherwise life turns into an insignificant existence.

Theme formulations for 2018

1. What is more important for children: parents’ advice or their example?

2. Is every dream worthy of a person?

3. Why does generosity indicate inner strength person?

4. How does art help to understand reality?

5. What life experiences help you believe in goodness?

Theme formulations for 2017

1. When can betrayal be forgiven?

2. What actions of a person indicate his responsiveness?

3. Is it possible to have happiness built on the misfortune of others?

4. How is courage different from recklessness?

5. Does it happen? public opinion wrong?

Themes for 2016

1. When does conflict arise between feelings and reason?
2. What action can be called dishonest?
3. Do you agree with the statement of E.M. Remark: “You need to be able to lose”?
4. Is a person’s strength or weakness manifested in his recognition of his mistakes?
5. Can people be friends if they don't see eye to eye?


An essay for admission to the Unified State Exam is a discussion on the proposed topic. The composition of the work is the same:

1. Thesis;

2. First argument;

3. Second argument;

4. Conclusion.

I paragraph- thesis - includes a commentary on the topic within which you are going to work. Here you can explain the concepts that are in the topic, formulate a problem, ask questions and first give an answer to them (as long as it does not contradict the main ideas of the literature). The highest task is to formulate main idea your essay.

Example 1.(Topic: What does the absence of a goal in life lead to?) Life is a movement towards your goals. Someone clearly sets a task for themselves and, making mistakes, completes it. And someone lives carelessly, aimlessly, without thinking about the meaning of their actions. The lack of a goal in life can lead a person to moral and physical death: either the person wastes his strength or becomes only a spectator of this “picture”.

Example 2.(Topic: What life lessons help develop a sense of compassion )What is compassion? Compassion is feeling or feeling for another person. Is there a need for compassion in our world? Yes, of course it is necessary, because every person needs moral support, no matter what problem they have.

Example 3.(Topic: Is a person’s strength or weakness manifested in his recognition of his mistakes?) Life is the path of human development from birth to death, an individual history of a person, a series of trials, joys, losses. Not all life difficulties are within a person’s control, but everyone’s task is to do right choice V difficult situation while maintaining his dignity. And only experience (your own, loved ones, heroes of the world) can help in this fiction). Only awareness of mistakes made once helps a person to avoid them in the future.

II, III paragraphs- two arguments from fiction.

You must prove the thesis you formulated. This part of the essay is the main one, therefore it should be larger in volume than the introduction and conclusion. Under no circumstances should you deviate from the topic and thesis that you formulated in the first paragraph, otherwise your essay will not be accepted. Please note important point: In the second and third paragraph you should rely on the material work of art and provide evidence using a specific example from the test, that is, any of your arguments must be supplemented with an example from the work, but under no circumstances retell the text, this also entails a “failure.”

For example, topic: Why does a person need courage?

Courage is a psychological attitude, human behavior based on determination, fearlessness, self-sacrifice for the good of loved ones. Brave people are courageous and responsive, they are not capable of becoming despondent, their task is to change the situation for the better. Strength and self-confidence gives inner freedom to the brave. After all, a coward, because of his complexes, subconsciously limits himself in his aspirations. This is his defect and vulnerability. Examples of courage and cowardice can be found in fiction.

In M. Gorky’s work “The Old Woman Izergil”, in the final part there is a story about the brave and courageous Danko, who helped the lost find their way out of the impenetrable forest. People were afraid of the unknown, so they could not take the initiative and help themselves and their loved ones; they accused the hero of choosing the wrong road. Such actions speak of weakness and cowardice. IN climax works, the decisive Danko tore his heart out of his chest and illuminated the way for them. At the cost of his life, the hero brought people to freedom. The character showed courage and proved that only such human behavior can lead to a positive result in a difficult situation.

(Please note: in the above example, the thesis does not disagree with the evidence; in the second paragraph there is no retelling, but there is specific example(a separate fragment) from the text, as well as its analysis within the framework of the topic).

IV paragraph- conclusion. When you start working on the conclusion, re-read the topic and introduction again, in conclusion you need to summarize what you thought about.

For example,

Thus, a person needs courage in order to overcome difficulties, help people and change his destiny for the better. Without courage there is also no freedom, because fear creates invisible restrictions that bind people and prevent them from making life the way a person wants to see it.

(421 words) Unfortunately, not all people understand the essence of generosity. Some of them believe that this property of the soul is a sign of weakness of character, because, according to their logic, a person should inspire awe, not respect, in a person. Their authority rests only on fear. But I don’t think so, because generosity is a force that can change the world for the better. To be convinced of this, just look at suitable literary examples.

Thus, in M. Gorky’s story “The Old Woman Izergil,” Danko, by the power of his generosity, saved his fellow tribesmen who had been wandering for a long time in the forest thickets and could not find a way out. The tribe was forced to go on a journey to hide from enemies. But people got lost in the forests, where there were swampy soils and impassable darkness due to the abundance of tree crowns. There they could not live or get food for themselves. The heroes were already despairing, but among them there was one person who led everyone with him. Danko took responsibility for the life of the entire tribe, without demanding anything in return. Tired people showered him with reproaches and complaints, but he continued to go and believe in success. To convince the people to follow him, he tore the heart out of his chest and illuminated the path to freedom for them. He managed to save his tribe at the cost of his life. I think everyone will agree that this feat is a demonstration of phenomenal strength. Where did Danko get it from? Out of generosity towards people, because his goal was the prosperity of the entire tribe.

M. Gorky's story "Chelkash" depicts antipodean heroes: an experienced thief and a young peasant. Gavrila came to the city to work and met a middle-aged man who offered him a part-time job. The young man agreed, and at night they went to work. It turns out that it was about smuggling. The young man was very frightened and almost ruined all plans and agreements. But Chelkash, a seasoned executor of illegal requests, forgave the newcomer and decided to divide the money as agreed. But the greedy partner was not satisfied with this division and, after humiliating requests, switched to a vile attack from behind. He almost killed the thief, but did not repent of his actions, because he believed that no one would feel sorry for Chelkash, no one needed him. However, looking at the revived victim, Gavrila was again very frightened. Then the dangerous and marginal tramp threw all the money on the ground and left, leaving the crying peasant alone. He didn't touch it. So which one has the power? It was the generous and brave Chelkash who spared the weak young man who could not resist the temptation of sin.

Thus, generosity is strength, because it is very easy to give in to anger, cruelty and revenge, but incredibly difficult to abstain from them and show humility and virtue. It is generosity that gives people the incentive and will to do a feat that will save someone’s life. It is what changes the world for the better every day.

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