Scenario for the last bell holiday "land of unlearned lessons." Graduation script “In the Land of Unlearned Lessons” in the preparatory group of a kindergarten

Based on the work by L.B. Geraskina

Nazarenko I. I., leading librarian
Noskova N. A., librarian
TsMDB im. M. Gorky.


  • Presenter
  • Victor Perestukin
  • Lyuska Karandashkina
  • Kuzya the cat
  • Cow
  • Comma
  • Verb Imperative Mood

Presenter: Once upon a time there lived an ordinary boy, Viktor Perestukin. And one day an adventure happened to him, but not an ordinary one, but a magical one! Here, guys, take a look and see for yourself!

The presenter goes behind the screen. Viktor Perestukin is sitting at the table, next to him is Kuzya the Cat.

Victor: My parents have a strong character and strong will, but I do not. Result - 5 deuces! It is impossible to hide them. Mom said a long time ago that she reads in my eyes everything that I want to hide from her. What's the point of lying?

Kuzya the cat: Meow, meow!

Victor: Kuzya (stroking the cat), you don’t care about my grades, you love me anyway! (opens the diary). How ugly they are, these deuces, it’s just disgusting to look at. Well, let's try to open the textbook and prepare our homework. So what do we have here? Five diggers dug a trench of one hundred linear meters in four days.

Lyuska Karandashkina enters the room.

Lyuska: Hello! What are you doing? (looks at the problem book). Ah, the problem about diggers, don’t even bother! It's so difficult, my grandmother couldn't solve it.

Victor: Grandma couldn't, but I can. So, what do we have here?.. Five diggers dug a trench of one hundred linear meters. Shoulder straps? Why are meters called linear meters? Who is driving them? You can say in a tongue twister: “The driver in uniform drove with a running meter.” It turned out to be a good tongue twister. Would it be nice to call the driver Paganel? What about the diggers? How to take off? Maybe we can multiply them by meters?

Lyuska: No need to multiply.

Victor: But I’ll multiply it anyway, I wonder what will happen. Okay, now I'll divide the meters into diggers.

Lyuska: No need to divide. I've already divided it, but it doesn't work.

Victor: I will still share on my own responsibility. Yes, it turns out that the work needs to be done by one and a half diggers.

Lyuska: Why one and a half?

Victor: How do I know! After all, what do I care how many diggers dug that same trench? Who even digs with diggers these days? They could take an excavator and finish the trench right away. And the work would be done faster, and the schoolchildren would not be fooled.

Lyuska: They also assigned us poems.

Victor: What other poems?

Lyuska: Pushkin. Friend of my harsh days, my decrepit dove. Pushkin dedicated this to his nanny.

Victor: Lyuska, you really take me for a fool! So I will believe that adults have nannies.

Lyuska: That's what my grandmother told me, I think anything can happen in life. And look here, the letters are missing in “girlfriend” and “dove.” Which ones should we insert? Letters Y?

Victor: What are you talking about, Lyuska! What letters are Y? What will happen? Friend of my harsh days, my decrepit little girl?

Lyuska: Well, what then?

Victor: Of course, the letter A. PA, friend of my harsh days, my decrepit little pebble. Sounds good?

Lyuska: (doubtfully) In my opinion, something is not very good.

Victor: Oh, let it all go to waste! Tired of it!

There is a roar, everything goes dark. A dim light comes on. Two mysterious figures emerge from the darkness.

Victor: Wow, this was such a shock that it even hurt my ears. Hey, is anyone alive?

Kuzya the cat: Meow, just some kind of meostrophy, a terrible thing!

Victor: Kuzya, you are with me, I am so glad!

Kuzya the cat: Me too!

Victor: Kuzya, you're talking!

(Suddenly there is a sneeze

Victor: Wait, Kuzya! It seems we are not alone!

Kuzya the cat: Oh, myaostropha, myaostropha!

Victor: Not a myastrophy, but a catastrophe!

Kuzya the cat: Meow, the essence is the same!

Victor: Kuzya, can you even reason?

Kuzya the cat: Meow, I’ve always been able to do everything, I just couldn’t speak, but now meow, I can!

Victor: (Addressing the mysterious figure) Who are you?

Verb: Take a closer look, maybe you'll find out!

Comma: (angrily) Never! He’s not used to looking at us carefully; he’s never put me in my place even once in my life! I am the Comma, and this is the Imperative Verb itself!

Verb: (indignantly) No one, anywhere on the globe, in any degree of latitude or longitude, handles textbooks the way you do!

Comma: Five deuces! I solved the problem incorrectly!

Victor: (casually waves his hand) Just think!

Comma: That's why you ended up in the Land of Unlearned Lessons. If you come to your senses, you'll come back.

Verb: And if not, then you will forever remain in the Land of Unlearned Lessons! Tell me, what are your grades?

Cat Kuzya: (whispers) Say they are good!

Victor: Well, different marks, all sorts of things, in general.

Comma: All sorts of things? Yes, there are generally only solid deuces here. Here, Your Majesty, is the diary of Viktor Perestukin! (shows diary)

Verb: How did you, boy, say that your grades are different?

Kuzya the cat: May I meow? I'm sorry, but it's not my master's fault. After all, in the notebook there are not only twos, but also a one. This means that the marks are still different.

Verb: OK then! Now we will arrange a unified state exam for you. If you cope, you’ll return home, but if you don’t, it’s your own fault!

Victor: What kind of exam? You have no right, you have no right!

Kuzya the cat: There is no need to anger the powerful. One of my cat friends named Kisa had a habit of angering the chain dog. What nasty things she said to him! And then one day the dog broke free from the chain and weaned her off this habit forever...

Victor: Well, okay, but first we need to eat a little!

Comma: You will get everything you want if you spell it right.

Victor: So, sir, what should I eat? A sandwich with sausage would be nice, right, Kuzya?

We write “H-l-e-p”, “Kal-ba-sa”. Here you are! (gives the piece of paper to Comma).

Comma: (angrily) Wrong!

Victor: (scared) What's wrong?

Comma: The words are spelled incorrectly!

Kuzya the Cat: (disappointed) So we ate... I wonder why boys and girls go to school? Didn't they teach you to write at least one correct word there?

Victor: You've taught me, Kuzya!

Victor writes the word "onion". Comma leaves and returns with a tray in his hands, on which lies an onion. A tree appears from behind the screen with bagels hanging on it.

Kuzya the cat: Meow! What is it? Ugh, cats don't eat onions!

Victor: Kuzya, look: Breadfruit! And when I said in class that buns and bagels grow on Breadfruit, everyone laughed. Eat, Kuzya!

They pick bagels from the tree and chew them. A Cow comes out from behind the screen

Cow: Mooo!

Kuzya the cat: Hello, dear Cow, can you give me some milk?

Cow: (went towards Kuzya the Cat, putting her horns forward) Mooo!

Victor: Hey, what are you going to do, Cow?

Cow: Nothing special, I'll just eat you. First you, then Cat.

Victor: Cow, are you stunned or something?

Cow: During the lesson, Viktor Perestukin said that a cow is a carnivore, a predator!

Victor: Cow, you must eat grass!

Cow: Figurines!

Victor: Cow, wait, you are, you know what a herbivore you are!

Cow: (joyfully) Of course, a herbivore! Green grass ant! (leaves)

Verb: I command you to read out the verdict in the case of the ignorant Viktor Perestukin!

Comma:(unfolds the scroll and reads) “EXECUTE CANNOT BE PARTY.”

Kuzya: (scared) For what?!

Comma: For ignorance! But, if Viktor Perestukin puts the comma correctly, he will be able to change his own sentence.

Victor: What, what?

Kuzya: Shut up, better use your brains!

Victor: Well, Kuzya, you’ve completely agreed! How can you use your brain?

Comma: You can, if you have the brains, of course!

Victor: So, if you put a comma after “EXECUTE”, it will be “EXECUTE, YOU CANNOT HAVE PARTY.” Oh, mommies!

Kuzya: Think, think...

Victor: And if you put a comma after the word “IMPOSSIBLE”, then it will turn out: “YOU CANNOT BE EXECUTED, PLEASE HAVE MERCY!” Hooray! Saved!

Kuzya: Hooray!

There is a knock and thunder. The comma and verb disappear. Lights up big light. In the room are Vitya Perestukin, Kuzya the Cat and Lyuska Karandashkina.

Victor: Oh, I think I'm home, definitely home! Kuzya, let's go, I'll give you a sandwich with sausage!

Kuzya: Meow! Meow!

Victor: Now you will no longer talk to me like a human being? Well, let's go. Although, no, I’ll do my homework first! So, what do we have there? (opens textbook).

Lyuska: Can you imagine, the ball flew right into Sidor Sidorich’s window, and he locked it in a closet and wouldn’t give it to anyone, saying he’ll go tomorrow and report, and then again...

Victor: Wait, Lyuska, don’t rattle, you see, I’m doing my homework!

Lyuska: You made them.

Victor: But he did something wrong!

Lyuska: So what?

Victor: I will redo it.

Lyuska: (worried) Are you healthy? Something pale!

Victor: Go, Lyuska, I’m healthy, very healthy! Really, Kuzya?

Kuzya the cat: Meow!

Lyuska looks at Victor in surprise. The presenter comes out.

Presenter: This is how the story about a country that doesn’t exist on any other country ended geographical map, but which any of you can get into. Be careful!

Literature used:

  1. Geraskina, L. B. In the Land of Unlearned Lessons / Geraskina L. B.; artist V. Chizhikov. – M.: Samovar, 2003. – 135 p. – (School library)

"In the country unlearned lessons».

Musically - literary composition for older children preschool age. 2007

Children enter the hall in pairs and stand on stage in two rows.

Congratulations to the head of the kindergarten.

1 presenter: It’s light and elegant in our hall now,

Everyone has a lively, excited look.

Today we celebrate a big holiday:

We accompany our children to school.

Presenter 2: So beautiful and huge

All life will open up for you,

And the first modest step

You will be in your first school year.

1st child: We were happy to go to kindergarten,

It was cozy and light,

The teachers, like mothers, loved us

And they gave affection and warmth.

Child 2: Every day we learned something,

It was difficult to write the first words

In printed letters in a notebook.

Child 3: Adults were taught to help in the garden,

Songs to sing, sculpt and dance.

We enjoyed going for walks

And they all loved to play together.

Child 4: Why are we so cheerful?

Why is everyone so happy?

We're going to school!

All: Goodbye, kindergarten!

The song “We are now students” - music. G. Struve.

Child 5: The kindergarten is left behind,

Carefree days

First ratings coming soon

We'll get into the diaries.

Child 7: We used to play school,

But the game is over

We are envied today

Preschool children from the yard.

Child 8: Even if it’s difficult

We promise to learn

On "four" and "five"!

Child 9: We will be assiduous,

Diligent and diligent

And then school will begin

Simply wonderful!

Song "Cheerful Call" - music. L. Guseva.

Presenter: So preschool childhood flew by,

You are on the threshold of a different life.

Let the Blue Bird remain in your memory

Your first prom.

Dance "Waltz" - music. P.I. Tchaikovsky.

Children sit on chairs.

Presenter: Dear children! You'll be going to school soon. There will be bright ones

classes, you will be greeted with joy by the bell. You will have many new ones

friends. And here in kindergarten there are kids who need

grow up some more. Today they want to congratulate you.

Children enter middle group. They have big A's in their hands.

Congratulations to the children of the middle group.

1 child: You were the kids.

When they arrived at kindergarten.

We've grown wiser, grown up,

It's time for you to go to school.

Child 2: Your teachers

We spent a lot of effort

Every day and every hour

Everyone took care of you.

Child 3: They taught you to try,

Take on any task,

Don't hurt kids

Well, respect your elders!

4 child: But the time has come to say goodbye,

School is waiting, it's time to study,

We would like to wish you...

All together: Only get A's!

Children give high fives to the presenter.

Dance “Button” - Sat. Burenina.

During the dance, the Hooligan sneaks up, steals the fives and leaves an envelope with a note on the easel.

After the dance the kids leave.

Presenter: Future first-graders! I would like to hope that in your diary there will always be only the A's that the kids gave you.

The presenter approaches the easel with ratings and notices their absence.

Presenter: Oh, guys, where are the grades? There's a note here. (Takes it out of the envelope

note and reads it. Oh, and the note was written with errors.

“If you want to get your mark, go to the Country

unlearned lessons. To do this you need to turn around 3 times

Presenter: Children, are you ready to go in search of your A's?

Children turn around themselves three times. The Hooligan appears to the music.

Hooligan: Welcome to the Land of Unlearned Lessons.

Presenter: What is your name, dear?

Hooligan: I'm a hooligan.

In the valley of Lodyryaniya,

In the village of Hooligans

My birthplace lies!

It's not hard to find me -

We are almost deserted:

To the right - no one, to the left - me!

Presenter: Dear Hooligan, have you by any chance seen our ratings?

Hooligan: I saw how not to see! I hid them myself. Now I give you ratings

I'll give it back. (Takes out deuces and colas.)

Presenter: We don’t need such marks! Guys, what grades do we need?

(Children answer).

Hooligan: Why do you need A's and B's? Here I am when I go to school for the first time

the class came, the teacher asked me: “What kind of student do you want

become a poor student or an excellent student? I ask him: “Who are they?

such? And the teacher says: An excellent student at school only gets

“A”, always studying lessons, reading, counting. And a loser is often

skips classes and only gets D's at school.

I thought and decided: I’d rather be a poor student, then I’ll have

there will be a lot of free time for games.

So I kept getting lazy and lazy and ended up in the Land of Unlearned Lessons.

Presenter: Hooligan, in my opinion, school is still better than here.

“Ditties” - music. Lomovoy.

Hooligan: Even though I studied at school (I sat in each class for three years), but

I still can’t remember the letters.

Presenter: And our children, although they don’t go to school yet, already know the letters.

Hooligan: I'll check now. (Make riddles and show cards with


1. Look who he is

Blocking the road

Stands with outstretched hand

Bend your leg like a steering wheel? (Letter "B".)

2. Look at this letter -

She's just like the number three. (Letter "Z").

3. This letter is wide

and looks like a beetle. (Letter "F").

Game "Make a word".

Presenter: But look, hooligan, how our children can form words

Children are divided into groups of two or three people and put the words “School”, “desk”, “Book”, “Pen”, “Letter” from letters. The team that completes the task first wins.

Hooligan: Just think, they know how to form words! But in our country

Besides the losers, there live the greediest greedies.

There are probably greedy people in your group too?

I'm finding out now. (Addresses the children.)

Raise your hands!

...greedy girls,

Greedy boys...

At least raise your fingers! Children don't raise their hands.

... How many are greedy?

Let's look carefully.

Are there no greedy people?!

Presenter: Wonderful! But we have athletes.

Children athletes come out.

Girl: Let's tell you definitely:

To become strong, tempered,

Make friends with physical education -

Your figure will become slender.

Boy: Well, come on, all the guys together

Get ready to exercise!

Movement is good for everyone

Your illnesses will go away.

"Sports Dance"

Presenter: And we also have mathematicians. Bully, look how our children

learned to solve problems. Can you do it? Now we will check it!

Hooligan: What a mess!!!

Problem 1: Once a Hedgehog was walking through the forest,

I found mushrooms for lunch:

Two - under the birch tree,

Two - under the aspen.

How many will there be in a wicker basket? (4) is it...10!!!

Presenter: Wrong! Guys, help.

Task 2: Under the bushes by the river

May beetles lived:

Daughter, son, father and mother.

Task 3: Six funny bear cubs

They rush into the forest for raspberries.

But one kid is tired,

I fell behind my comrades.

Now find the answer:

How many bears are there ahead? (5)

The bully always answers incorrectly, the children correct him.

Presenter: To make addition easier

Need a multiplication table.

She is always right about everything:

Whatever happens in the world,

But still it will be twice two

Still four.

Dance “Twice two is four” - music. Shainsky.

Hooligan: Just think, they know math and can dance!

But I didn't see it. How they draw.

Presenter: Yes, we will show you now. Here we have two easels, markers...

Hooligan: And most importantly, bandages. Now attention, look at me

carefully, don't miss the slightest detail, because I

I want the children to draw me with their eyes closed.

Attraction “Draw Blindfolded”.

Hooligan: (looking at the drawings). My God! And is it me?! You did this on purpose!

Okay, okay! I'll call my girlfriend now. She too

poor student, but not because he is lazy, but because all the time

chatting. And we will arrange it for you, we will show you! Uh, watch out

nerds! (Calls.) Chatterbox, come here!

Chatterbox comes in to the music.

Chatterbox: What chatterbox Lida, they say,

This is a lazy person's idea.

When should I chat?

I have no time to chat.

Tara - bars, tara - bars,

Taras - bars. Tu-ra-ra!

I'm starting to chatter

Right from early morning.

Your quarrels, your disputes -

This is a joy for me.

I'm starting to chatter

Right from early morning.

I’ll teach your guys how to chat now. (Claps his hands.)

One, two! Don't yawn

Start chatting!

The children, sitting on chairs, begin to chat.

Presenter: What is happening? We need to help the guys out.

Bully, Chatterbox! We invite you to play a game with us,

which will teach you to be silent.

“The sun is laughing again - English nar chalk.

Chatterbox's punishment is to stand on a chair and crow. Etc.

Chatterbox: Okay, okay! Congratulations, you did it!

As a sign of reconciliation, let me give you gifts. Do you want it?

Now! (runs out the door, takes out “gifts” from there).

For such good kids

I don't feel sorry for anything!

I brought you gifts -

No one has these!

Here's a slingshot for you guys (shows)

To shoot birds!

Here's a noisy pistol for you (shows)

To scare each other!

With this heavy stone (shows)

We need to break out the windows!

This stick is a lifesaver (shows)

Wave in all directions! Like this!

Are my gifts good?

Presenter: And not at all good. Take them back! These are not gifts,

and very bad things that are not needed at school at all. Better than them

throw it away! Really, guys?

Hooligan: Oh - oh - oh! Throw it away! Me too. You understand a lot! Yes

These things have no price!

We are now organizing a “Sharp Shooter” competition (takes a slingshot).

The task will be like this. You need to shoot from a slingshot and hit here

through this window.

Chatterbox: No, it’s better to hit this boy on the cheek, or better, better...

Presenter: Stop this disgrace immediately! (Takes away the slingshot).

Chatterbox: That's it! It's decided! In the great and mighty land of unlearned lessons,

I’m opening a school of “Harmful Sciences.” I invite everyone!!!

Presenter: What will you teach at your school?

Chatterbox: 1- smear the chairs with glue.

2- give buttons to your friend.

Bully: Fighting, biting, calling names.

Presenter: Isn’t it glue, it won’t stick anything. And you don't have a button


Hooligan: How is this not real? The most real one.

Chatterbox: Will our glue not stick? Look!

The chatterbox wants to show that the glue is real, she smears the chair and sits on it, sticking it.

Chatterbox: Oh, oh, oh!!! Help! Save!

The bully tries to help Chatterbox get unstuck from the chair, but as a result he sits on the button that he himself placed on the chair.

Bully: Aw! Ay! Ay! Good people! Save!

Presenter: That's it! It's your own fault. Don’t dig a hole for someone else, you will fall into it yourself.

Hooligan: What should we do now! We are poor, we are unfortunate!!!

Presenter: I have a MIRACLE - a REMEDY that can peel off

Stool chatter, but I will only use it if you

give us back our A's!

Chatterbox: (addresses the Hooligan). Come on, come on! Bring them here quickly.

The bully gives 5, uses a MIRACLE CURE, the Chatterbox comes unstuck.

The chatterbox and the bully say thank you and promise to improve, say goodbye and leave.

Children take cards with letters and stand in the center of the hall.

1 presenter: Remember, little friend,

Your own kindergarten.

Here you took the first step

To a new and big world.

Presenter 2: Study, work and win,

Don't get tired of dreaming.

Don't forget your kindergarten

At least the years will fly by.

1st child: Graduation is over,

And the time has come

Say goodbye, let us part,

Even though it's not easy.

Child 2: Our kindergarten is like a home

We have been all these years.

But we're leaving, and here

Other children will come.

Child 3: I want just one word

Fold from capital letters.

And only him today for you

Speak with love.

Child 4: It is written for everyone:

For nannies and cooks.

For our dear nurses

And good doctors.

5 child: For everyone who protected us

And he taught good things

Who always washed our clothes

And I washed the floor diligently.

Child 6: Who bought us toys?

Who sang songs with us?

We know what's in everyone's garden

There are many different things to do.

Child 7: We say him with a bow

We are our educators.

Problems are difficult to solve.

And we are writing now

Like those who go to first grade.

8th child: From all the children with love

We will say this word

Of course, without a doubt

Our manager!

Children together: THANK YOU!

(Raise letters).

Song “Farewell, our kindergarten!” - music S. G. Nasaulenko.

Children give flowers to the employees of the preschool educational institution.

Congratulations to the head of the kindergarten and parents.

Presentation of diplomas.


(Based on the fairy tale by L. Geraskina.)

Script for children's theater where the children themselves will play.




(Music. The curtain opens. On the stage is Vitya Perestukin’s room. In the room are Vitya, Kuzya the Cat and the Radio (on the child who is playing the Radio, you can hang a painted radio like a poster, you can also make an inscription). Vitya plays a ball with Kuzya the Cat.)

VITYA: Kuzya, catch it! Oh, I didn’t catch it, I didn’t catch it!

RADIO: Ay-ay-ay! Instead of doing homework...

VITYA: Leave me alone! Otherwise I'll turn it off!

RADIO: Okay, okay!

(Vitya sits down at the table and picks up a diary.)

VITYA: (reading) Diary of 4th grade student “A” Perestukin Vitya. (opens)

RADIO: Guys who only have D in their diary...

VITYA: I’ll turn it off!
Just think, deuces...
Okay, let's see what they asked for in arithmetic...

(Kuzya the cat looks into the diary.)

VITYA: Come on! Better bring me the ball!

RADIO: Guys who are given homework assignments...

VITYA: I’ll turn it off!
Okay, okay! I will solve the problem! (Opens the textbook, reads the problem)
Three diggers dug a trench of 36 linear meters in 2 days...
Well, well, well! I see... How many diggers are required?...
Simple task! Let's multiply the diggers... or not, we'd better divide them into days!
Three diggers divided by two equals one and a half diggers. What nonsense!
But now you can rest! Problem solved! Hooray!

One and a half diggers
Now it's time to rest!

RADIO: Ay-ay-ay!

VITYA: What ay-ay-ay?

RADIO: The boy has no character!

VITYA: Oh! Where can I get it if not?

RADIO: Character must be cultivated!
A real boy must have the will, perseverance, despise danger,
fight difficulties!

VITYA: I would despise! I would fight! But where can we find difficulties?

RADIO: Where can I get them?
But first, do your homework, put your textbooks in order!

VITYA: Textbooks! Yes, I hate all these textbooks, to hell with them!

(Vitya throws the textbooks on the floor. There is a crash, the light flashes. Living textbooks appear - Mathematics, Geography and Russian (on the children who play the textbooks, you can hang the painted textbooks as a poster).)

VITYA: Oh! Mommy! Who is this?

MATHEMATICS TEXTBOOK: (indignantly) He doesn't even recognize us!

RUSSIAN LANGUAGE TEXTBOOK: (indignantly) He’s drawing devils on us!

GEOGRAPHY TEXTBOOK: (indignantly) He’s a bad student!

VITYA: I see! You are my textbooks! Hello!
What do you want from me?
Just today I prepared my homework!

TEXTBOOKS: (indignantly) Prepared?

RUSSIAN LANGUAGE TEXTBOOK: Didn’t repeat unstressed vowels!

MATHEMATICS TEXTBOOK: I solved the problem incorrectly!

VITYA: Just think!
I can live without unstressed vowels and I have no need to solve problems!
I'll be a traveler! I'll go to hot countries!

RUSSIAN LANGUAGE TEXTBOOK: The boy must be saved!

MATHEMATICS TEXTBOOK: Yes, we need to do something urgently!

GEOGRAPHY TEXTBOOK: Shouldn't we send it to the Land of Unlearned Lessons?

VITYA: What kind of country is this? Are there any difficulties there?


VITYA: What about the dangers?

GEOGRAPHY TEXTBOOK: As many as you like!

VITYA: Then I agree!

MATHEMATICS TEXTBOOK: Well, well! Then listen to the statement of the problem: from Blue Lake to
Palace of Grammar 12 km. You will walk at a speed of 3 km per hour. There
you will encounter difficulties and dangers!
Calculate how many hours you will need to travel. You can't cope with
difficulties, you will be late, you will forever remain in the Land of the Unlearned

VITYA: It’s okay, I can handle it!

CAT: And I’m with you, Vitya!

VITYA: Kuzya, you spoke in human language!

VITYA: Ha ha! That's great!


Here's a map of the Land of Unlearned Lessons! It will come in handy!


(Music. The curtain opens. There are two trees on the stage - on one side there is a watermelon tree (on the branches of which watermelons hang), on the other side there is a bread tree (on the branches of which buns hang) and a lake. (The trees and the lake can be drawn.) Vitya and the Cat appear Kuzya.)

VITYA: I wonder where we ended up?

(Vitya and Kuzya the Cat look around.)

VITYA: Ha ha! Watermelons? Well, I told you watermelons grow on trees! And everyone laughed!
(opens the map) So, first of all, let’s get our bearings on the area!
Here is the lake, and here is the Palace of Grammar. It's clear…
Now let’s solve the problem: so... only 12 km, speed 3 km...

CAT: Add 12 and 3!

VITYA: What do you mean fold?! We need to think about this!!

CAT: Do you really think when you solve problems?

VITYA: Well, shoot! Did you hear what Geography said?
If we don’t make it to the Palace of Grammar on time, we’ll forever remain in the Land of Unlearned
new lessons!
(thinks) I've decided!
We must reach the Palace of Grammar in 4 hours!
(looked at his watch) It's one o'clock in the afternoon!

CAT: Then let's go?

VITYA: Wait! I need to take a swim! Can you feel how hot it is here?

CAT: Aren't we going to be late?

VITYA: We’ll still have time!

(The Polar Bear appears.)

CAT: (Vita) Look!

VITYA: Oh, let's hide!

(Vitya and Kuzya the Cat are trying to hide behind a watermelon tree.)

POLAR BEAR: Oh, what a heat!
This slacker Vitya Perestukin blurted out that polar bears live in the south!
Hey boy, tell me where the polar bears are!

VITYA: (scared) There, probably!... (waves his hand) Where the sun rises!

POLAR BEAR: Well, look if you deceived me!

VITYA: (scared) Oh, wait, I’ll think about it now!
Polar bears are found where it is cold!... That means in the north!

POLAR BEAR: This is more like the truth!
I need to go where it’s cold, otherwise I’m completely baked in this fur coat!

(The polar bear leaves, Vitya and Kuzya the Cat come out from behind the tree.)

CAT: Ugh, I scared you!
There are no mice to be seen here, but there are bears! This is very dangerous!

VITYA: Did you notice how we overcame the first danger?

CAT: In my opinion, with great difficulty!

VITYA: Nonsense! (waved his hand) The main thing is that we overcame it!
Well, I'll go take a swim!

CAT: Aren't we going to be late?

VITYA: Well, what have you done: we’ll be late, we’ll be late!
Okay, let's go!

(Vitya and Kuzya the Cat walk and sing (or talk).)

VITYA: We walk merrily,
CAT: It’s not scary for the two of us!
VITYA: We despise danger,
CAT: We don’t care about difficulties!

VITYA: Eh, it’s boring cramming lessons at your desk!
CAT: It's fun to walk around the world with a map!

(Vitya and Kuzya the Cat approach the breadfruit tree.)

VITYA: Kuzya, look! Breadfruit!
And when I said in class that buns grow on breadfruit trees, everyone laughed!
They even gave me a two!

CAT: They always suffer for the truth!

(A Cow appears. She is aggressive.)

COW: Who are they?

VITYA: (scared) Ahh... we are travelers... What are you going to do?

COW: Nothing special! I'll just eat you! First you, then the cat!

(Vitya and Kuzya the Cat are trying to hide behind a tree.)

VITYA: Oh, what are you, what are you? Cows don't eat children!

COW: Ha ha!

VITYA: Yes, yes! Everyone knows this!

COW: No, not all! For example, Vitya Perestukin said that a cow is a carnivore!
And everyone knows that carnivores are predators!
That's why I ate all the small animals here! It's clear?
Wow! I wish I could catch this Perestukin!

(The cow butts the tree.)

VITYA: Cow! You should eat grass!

COW: But no! I'm a carnivore! Predator!

VITYA: No, no! (crawls away with the Cat.)
You are... a frugivore, no... a hay-eater!
No no! You are poisonous! (speaks in syllables)

COW: (joyfully) Of course, a herbivore!
(sings) Little grass, little green ant...

VITYA: (peeks out from behind a tree) So you won’t eat us?

COW: Now I won’t!
You corrected Vitya Perestukin’s mistake!

VITYA and CAT: Hurray!!

(The cow leaves.)

VITYA: (sighs with relief) Phew, we barely escaped!

CAT: Yes, we suffered a lot of fear from this cow!

(A clock can be heard striking.)

VITYA: Wow, two hours! Let's go quickly!

(Music. The curtain closes.)

(Music. The curtain opens. On the stage are Plus and Minus (on them you can hang painted images of “+” and “–” or the inscriptions “plus” and “minus” like posters). Plus and Minus are selling sparkling water. Vitya appears on the other side of the stage Perestukin and Kuzya the Cat.)

CAT: I'm tired! I'm thirsty!

VITYA: Be patient! We must cultivate willpower!

(Approach Plus and Minus).

CAT: Hurray! Soda! (wants to take a glass of water)

VITYA: Kuzya! I have no money!

PLUS AND MINUS: We sell water not for money, but for correct answers!
Four times nine?

VITYA: (uncertain) It seems 46!...

MINUS: The answer is negative!

CAT: Oh, ask something easier!
Something that even poor students know!

VITYA: (To Kuza the cat) Well, you! Don't call me names!

PLUS: Twice two?

CAT: (joyfully) Four! Even cats know this!

PLUS: The answer is yes!

(Plus or Minus give Kuza the Cat a glass of water. The Cat drinks half and gives half to Vita.
Two diggers appear on the scene. On one of them you can put a bag up to the waist (as if it was only half of it).)

CAT: (scared) A-ah-ah! Legs!

VITYA: (also scared) Where is everything else?
Did the tram run over him?

DIGGER: (angrily) He was run over by a poor student! Perestukin!
He solved the problem in such a way that he got one and a half diggers!
Here! Admire it!

(The excavator hands Vita a notebook.)

CAT: (To Vitya) Yes, this is your notebook!

VITYA: (To Kuza the cat) Shut up!
(addresses the Digger) Let me try to solve it correctly!
(takes a notebook) Yes! First question: how much...

CAT: We'll be late!

VITYA: Come on!
So... Three diggers dug a trench... (he continues reading to himself and begins to think)

(Digger approaches Plus and Minus to drink water.)

PLUS: Seven seven?

DIGGER: Forty-nine! (gets a glass of water)

VITYA: (solves the problem) Well, well, well!... It will take two diggers!

(Half the Digger turns into normal person– you can quickly remove the bag.)

DIGGER: Glory to the great mathematician!

2nd DIGDER: Shame on Viktor Perestukin!

(The diggers leave, the clock strikes.)

CAT: Four hours! Let's go quickly!

VITYA: Yes, we need to get to the Grammar Palace by five o’clock!

(Vitya and Kuzya the Cat walk across the stage.)

VITYA: Did you notice that I solved the problem myself?
I thought and decided!

(Music. The curtain closes.)

(Music. The curtain opens. On the stage we see a painted Castle, on which is written: Castle of Grammar. At the closed gates of the Castle there are Question mark and Exclamation Mark (they can be hung as posters with drawn question marks and exclamation marks). Vitya and Kuzya the Cat approach the gates of the Grammar Castle.)



VITYA: We are in a hurry!

EXCLAMATION POINT: (hands the key to Vita) Take the key!
Open it if you can!

(Vitya tries to open the gate with the key.)

VITYA: It doesn’t turn!

(The stage assistants bring a board on which is written: LOCK...K

EXCLAMATION POINT: Insert the letters correctly and the key will turn itself!

VITYA: So... Let me remember the rule!
« Declension of nouns in the plural! " No! Doesn't fit!
"Spelling "o" and "e" after sibilants." No! Doesn't fit!
“Spelling of the suffixes “ek” and “ok.” Maybe this will do?
So, now let’s remember!... “You need to write the suffix “ek” if, when declining, the vowel sound is pronounced
falls and "hic" if it doesn't fall out." This seems to fit!
So it is! Nominative– zamochIk (writes the letter “I”) Genitive – no what?
Lock. Oh, no! The vowel is dropped, which means the suffix “ek” is written. (erases “I”, writes
So, further! The nominative case is klyuchika (writes the letter I), the genitive case is klyuchika. EU-
If the vowel is missing, the suffix “ik” is written. So it's written correctly!

EXCLAMATION MARK: Wonderful! Lovely! Hooray!
Now open the gate!

(Music. Vitya inserts the key and pushes back the gate. The curtain closes.)

(Music. The curtain opens.. On the stage we see the Imperative Verb. He sits on a throne (he should have a regal appearance). Next to him are a Dot and a Comma (on them you can hang images of the dot and comma signs like posters or write the words “ period" and "comma") Vitya and Kuzya the Cat appear.)

CAT: Who is this? Santa Claus or what?

COMMA: What are you doing? Yes, this is His Majesty the Imperative Verb!

IMPERATIVE VERB: Viktor Perestukin?


IMPERATIVE VERB: What are your marks?

VITYA: (waves his hand) Yes, different...

(The Imperative Verb is ringing the phone.)

IMPERATIVE VERB: Bring in the documents of Viktor Perestukin!

(Two assistants of the Verb of the Imperative Mood (they can also be stage assistants) bring in a large notebook on the Russian language. There are faces, blots and a lot of mistakes, blacked out in red pencil, and solid deuces.)

INCLINATIONS: (looks) Turn over! (turn the page)
Turn it over! (all pages are turned this way)
So! Clear!...

(Helpers of the Imperative Verb close the notebook and take it away.)

INCENTIVES: So, Victor Perestukin has revealed terrible ignorance!
Announce the verdict!

(The assistants of the Imperative Verb bring in a board on which is written: The verdict in the case of Viktor Perestukin: “Execution cannot be pardoned.”)

VITYA: (reads aloud) The verdict...
Execute? Me? And for what?

IMPERATIVE VERB: For ignorance and laziness, and for ignorance of the native language!

VITYA: Oh, mommy!

INCENTIVES: But if you put the comma correctly, you will be saved!

COMMA: Won't put it!
He has never put me in my place yet in my life!

VITYA: A comma?
Now, now...
(To the cat, quietly) Hey, where should I put it?

IMPERATIVE VERB: Do not suggest!

VITYA: What should I do?

COMMA: Think! Reason!

VITYA: Oh-oh!... We must try!...
(reasons) If I put a comma after the word “execute”, it will turn out: execute, you can’t
have mercy! (scared) Oh-oh-oh!

COMMA: Think, think!

VITYA: And if you put a comma after the words “cannot be executed,” then it turns out...
(shouts joyfully) “You can’t execute, you can have mercy!” "

CAT: Hurray! Have mercy!

(Vitya puts a comma.)

COMMA: Now do you understand what role a comma can play?

VITYA: Now I understand!

(The clock strikes five times.)

VITYA: Oh, five o’clock!

(The phone rings.)

IMPERATIVE VERB: I’m listening to you!

INCENTIVES: Yes, yes! Overcame everything!
(turns to Vita) These are Textbooks! They are worried about you!
And you throw them away, draw devils on them!

VITYA: I won’t do it again!

INCLINATIONS: That's it! (paused for a moment)
Well, Victor Perestukin, now you can go home!

VITYA: Hurray!!

CAT: Hurray!!

IMPERATIVE VERB: One, two, three!

(Music. Lights flash. Curtain closes.)


(Music. The curtain opens. Vitya and Kuzya the Cat are at home. There is also a radio in the room.)

VITYA: Oh, but at home it’s still better! (picks up textbooks from the floor)
Really, Kuzya?

CAT: Meow!

VITYA: (with regret) You won’t talk to me anymore!

(Vitya sits down at the table, opens his notebook, takes a pen.)

RADIO: Are you solving the problem?


RADIO: And how much did you get?

VITYA: Two diggers! Two! Now I know!

RADIO: You know? What is seven seven?

VITYA: Seven seven? It seems... (sadly) seventy...eight...

RADIO: Ay-ay-ay!

VITYA: I'll learn! (turns to the audience) Honestly, I’ll learn!

(Music. The curtain closes.)


To the music, 11th graders enter the hall in pairs.

Word from the school principal.

Scene No. 1 Introduction.

The bell rings. 3 boys come out for “recess”: “too smart and well-read”, “too quiet” and “too smart”.

Sh: Well, guys, freedom is coming soon! Just a little bit and a free life! Eh, let's relax, take a walk, have a blast!!!

T: Wait with your freedom. Exams are just around the corner. Oh, I'm so scared!!!

U: Yeees! It seems to me that the majority of potential applicants are in a downright, let’s say, threatening panic mood!

Sh: Come on! Normal mood! What exams! The teachers won't eat us!!

T: They won't eat ours. And the Unified State Exam!? Do you remember everything from the school curriculum?

Sh: Actually, I’m not sure... What should I do?

U: Teach, repeat, in one word differentiate cognitive activity.

Sh: (dreamy): It would be nice to become a first-grader again during the exams. That's who has no problems. Just imagine: lessons are easy, little homework is assigned, teachers are patronizing...

T: We imagined... And now you imagine...

Scene No. 2 " Primary school»

The song “What they teach at school” plays. First graders enter.

Performance by first graders. Gift exchange.

T: Well, how? Do you understand what it’s like for these little ones? They still have to learn and learn...

U: And, despite any difficulties...

Sh: I understand, I understand... But still, how great it was in first grade! (children come out to congratulate elementary school teachers) Remember how we were: small, helpless...

U: not yet as highly intelligent as they are now...

T: not yet as brave as they are now...

All together: And this is what has grown out of us!

1: Primary school is the basis of all school life!

2: It was then that the basics of all sciences were laid in us...

3: First learning skills...

4: And all the positive features!

5: For all this we thank our first teachers:

6: Lidiya Yurievna Grachikova is our brave class teacher right up to 7th grade!

7: Shcherbakova Elena Yuryevna is our kind and smiling teacher!

8: Elena Valerievna Prikhodko is our witty and cheerful mentor!

9: Kolpakova Lyudmila Nikolaevna is our understanding and responsive teacher!

All: You taught us to learn!!!

Song to the tune of “Old Maple”

Scene #3 Library

U: Gentlemen, gentlemen. Wake up from the memories. Childhood is, of course, a sensitive age in learning science. However, we, especially you (looks expressively at the two), are faced with the problem of passing exams.

T: What to do... What to do... just goosebumps!

Sh: Stop! Got it! I know where to look for help! (whispers something to them) Tatyana Zakharovna! We know you have everything we need to prepare for the exams.

T: Only we can’t read so many textbooks!

U: (goes to T.Z.) Precious Tatyana Zakharovna! Do you have something short, accessible, but at the same time meaningful for these not so diligent students?

Sh: With pictures!!!

U: And the font is big!

T.Z.: I have a magic book for you. You need to get into it. And there you will find everything you want! (hands them the book)

Scene No. 4 “Land of Unlearned Lessons”

Sh: Let's see what kind of book it is! (reads) Fairy tales! Wow!

T: (tearful) Are we really little?

U: Well, don't tell me! Oral folk art is a storehouse of wisdom!

Sh: Stop talking! Tatyana Zakharovna knows what she is doing. Let's open and implement!

T: Oh, maybe it’s not necessary!

U: It is necessary, my friend, it is necessary! The one who walks will master the road.

They get into magical land. On the stage there are signs “Land of Lessons Learned” and “Land of Unlearned Lessons.” Disturbing music sounds. While the three of them are discussing the “further path,” the “twos” fly out and quietly change hands. That. three end up in the “land of unlearned lessons”

U: Well, gentlemen, this is where they will definitely help you!

Sh: Look, something is darkening on the horizon!

T: Oh! Some cloud is moving! Right at us!

Sounds very disturbing music. “Ones” and “Twos” swoop down on them, “captivate” them and lead them to the throne on which the “Troika” sits.

3: Yeah!!! New ones were delivered. Wonderful!

Three: Who are you!?

3: I am the most important and the most important. The mistress of the diaries is the “troika”!

U: Sorry, I didn't understand. Where are we?

3: You, my golden ones, are in the land of “unlearned lessons”! I am its ruler. And these (points to 1 and 2) are my faithful servants. After all, it is they who turn the hated 4 and 5 into me!

Sh: Why do you need us?

T: How why? Now they will have a 3-course lunch!

3: And you, my dear little ones, will help increase the number of my servants. Travel around the country. My order is to turn 4 and 5 into 1 and 2. I think you can do it... Is the task clear? Then don’t talk ahead, otherwise...

3, 2 and 1 go to the same disturbing music, but it gradually becomes quieter.

Sh: Why did we hire them as servants?

T: And I'm afraid...

U: Calmly! We'll go the other way. To defeat enemies, you must, on the contrary, turn 1 and 2 into good marks.

Sh: Then let's see who wins!

Scene No. 5 Russian and literature"

They will be greeted by the sad “KAROVA”, “SABAKA”...

Sh: Why are you so sad and not like yourself?

K and S: I think it was your fault! We are spelled incorrectly!

T: Poor things, forgive us! What to do?

U: Like what? Correct!

Sh and T are corrected.

Sh: Nina Ivanovna! Did we fix it correctly?

T: Let's never make mistakes again!

U: Dear Nina Ivanovna! I think my comrades have now earned good grades, which we simply need at the moment!

Scene No. 6 Mathematics

2.5 horses run out. They laugh:

L: This is what you did to us! Admire it! Fix it urgently! And to Svetlana Viktorovna for A's!

U: Whose business is this?

Sh: Well, mine, so what?

L: Otherwise! That I haven’t been able to eat for three days. Nothing. I walk like Munchausen's horse!

Sh: That's it! I'm deciding. Well, well... that means the logarithm of 6 to base 2... sooo... We take the integral from the discriminant... sooo... that's a total of 1.5 horses..

Only the hind parts of the horses remain!

L: No, what are you doing? Are you kidding me?

Sh: I can't do it any other way.

T: Let me try, although I’m afraid... I decide. Well, well... that means the logarithm of 9 to base 3... sooo... We take the integral from the discriminant... sooo... that's a total of 3 horses. Right?

Horses become normal.

L: Right!!! We are yours forever! Svetlana Viktorovna, give them an A, please!

Scene #7 Physics, IIT and Astronomy

They ride horses to the crossroads. Instead of a stone there is a computer.

Sh: ABOUT! Cool stuff! Now let's play!

T: What are you doing? You can't do it without asking!

U: No, as I understand it, the computer was installed here for a reason. Vyacheslav Mikhailovich must be somewhere nearby...

T: He teaches computer science, astronomy and physics. And physics is, this is...

Sh: Queen of the fields!

U: The queen of the fields is the infantry, and also corn. And physics is the Queen of Sciences!

Sh: Exactly! So it turns out that all the great people were physicists: Archimedes - once, Lomonosov - twice, and also this one, what’s his name, who is talking about relativity... Tsiolkovsky!

U: Regarding relativity - this is Einstein! And Tsiolkovsky is talking about space. So we are in the kingdom of physics.

Sh: Where are the king and queen?

T: Yes, there they are (points to the audience).

They will be crowned. They get straight A's.

They end up in the kingdom of Koshcheevo. Koschey comes out and cries, all his bones are mixed up.

U: Citizen Koschey, what’s wrong with you?

TO: Yes, I don’t know. Some “smart guys” are not friendly with anatomy.

Sh (to the side): Wow, this is the first time they called me a smart guy!

T: Don't worry, we'll fix everything now.

Sh: Yes, we'll work as chiropractors. This means this: this is the tibia - here, this is the rib - here, and the skull - up. Well, what a handsome guy he turned out to be.

TO: Phew, I’m finally okay, I’ll live another era or two. Just one more problem. Few people read our fairy tales now. (embarrassed) So it turns out that I'm kind of unemployed. Do you have any vacancies at your school? At least half-time. I have no complaints...

U: Rafia Anvyarovna! So, take it to your office as a beloved aid. And you don’t have to say anything about the skeleton, he will tell and show everything himself! Agreed?

T: We know you still have a little skeleton like that.

Sh: So Koschey will take patronage over him as the eldest!!!

They bring Koshchei to R.A. She gives them 5.

Scene No. 9 Geography

T: It turns out it’s so pleasant, and most importantly, not very difficult, as I previously thought!

U: We move, we move... And where next? You need to check the map.

Sh: (takes out contour map) Just not according to me. I did such a thing to her that Elena Vladimirovna can’t figure it out!

T: Let's fix everything while there is time, but how to move forward!

They “correct” the card, hand it over to Elena Vladimirovna and receive 5.

Scene #10 Chemistry

Come to " chemical laboratory" On the table are signed “flasks” and one large bottle.

U: Well, where else did you screw up?

T and Sh: In chemistry...

Sh: In the laboratory I came up with such a “composite”... it was a blast!

T: Yep, I'm still hiccupping with fear. Hic!

U: Here are my silver ones! There is a chance to be rehabilitated in the eyes of Olga Alexandrovna. You, my young Mendeleevs, will have to use your brains. Chemistry is no joke. This is not an experimental testing ground.

Sh: Let’s experiment now, we’re still in a fairy tale.

T: Really, please.

U: Only for the good of the matter! Clear?

Sh: I want to invent a substance that will make Olga Alexandrovna very happy! (whispers something to them)

While talking, they pour, pour, and blow salt, water, and air into the bottle through a funnel.

U: Olga Alexandrovna! We want to give you something universal, a kind of elixir of success.

Sh: (iron) This is for patience. Such nerves!

T: (phosphorus) May you always glow with joy!

U: (pumps up hydrogen) To always be easy to climb to the 3rd floor!

Sh: (gold) To always be beautiful and rich!

T: (titanium) To always be persistent and unbending!

U: (alcohol) To always be unpredictable!

Sh: (manganese) To always be healthy!

They hand her a canister. They get 5.

Scene #11 History

There is a board on the stage. There is a question on it - a test: “Match the dates with historical events:

  1. Primitive "reasonable man" -
  2. Rise of Spartacus –
  3. Battle of Waterloo –
  4. Army reform under Minister Ivanov -

The dates are entered incorrectly and the mark is “1”

4 warriors from different eras“they fight”, but nothing works out for them, because the weapons are different, they are extremely surprised that they met at all. Finally, they wave their hand tiredly and look at each other's weapons with interest.

IF: Brothers, what is this! With my club I can knock down a mammoth in one fell swoop. But I can’t cope with what’s in your hands. (To Spartak) What kind of thing is this?

Spartacus: And I don’t even understand where I am and who you all are. (To the Primordial) Why don't you like my sword? (To the Frenchman) How do flies fly out of your stick whistling?

Frenchman: Someone played a nasty joke on us! (To Spartak) This is not a stick, this is a 19th century gun! (To the modern) And what kind of tra-ta-ta is this!

Modern: Yes, we've made history! (to the Frenchman) This tra-ta-ta is a machine gun!

Everyone looks at the board and reads. At this time three people appear.

Sh: Oops, our test is on the board!

U: And what kind of strange people have gathered here!

U: Look what you've done! You got all the dates mixed up!

The warriors notice the three, point their weapons at them and begin to slowly advance!

Sh: Guys, stop! We are not out of malice. We'll fix everything now.

Warriors: Fix it quickly and send us home!

Sh and T are corrected.

U: (commands) Be equal! Attention! All around! According to your eras, march step by step! Ilya Viktorovich, can you correct the mark? (gets 5 from him)

Scene No. 12 Foreign language

Music is playing. Sh. Holmes and Watson take the stage. Holmes has a magnifying glass, through which he looks at the floor on the stage.

Sh.H. Well, doctor, do you see these marks now?

D.V. Yes, Sherlock, they lead there (points towards the three)

Sh.H. And what do you think these marks are?

D.V. (“sniffs”, “tastes”) Oatmeal, sir! Is it really the Hound of the Baskervilles?!

Sh.H. No, apparently the enemy rode here recently on a horse, and on three at once! Do you have a weapon?

D.V. As always! And here they are! Hands up!

(They point guns at the three)

Sh.H. You have been exposed, the traces lead to you, Mariarti, that is, ugh, to you three Mariarti!

Sh: (out of fright, he begins to speak fluent English and a few phrases in German)

Hello! I'm not Mariarty. My name is Shustrik. I am 16 years old.. I study at school No. 258. I live in Moscow. Moscow is the capital of Russia. Moscow scientific and cultural center countries. There are many theaters, museums, institutes located here... Do you understand me?

(While he says this, U and T look at him with increasing surprise)

T: I saw it! How did he speak out of fear?

U: Eh, I feel sorry for him. Irina Evgenievna and Antonina Aleksandrovna and Nina Vasilievna don’t hear!

Sh.H. (in Russian) How! You said I.E., A.A. and N.V.?

Three. Yes, we learn from them!

Sh.H. Watson, it's okay. These are not intruders. These are the students. Sorry! Goodbye!

D.V. This is what deduction means! (Leave)

Sh: (wipes his forehead) This is what it means to know foreign languages!

U: I.E, A.A. and N.V! Really, he deserved 5? (gets 5)

Scene No. 13 Life Safety

Thunder rumbles.

T: Oh, mommies, there’s a thunderstorm (rushes around the stage).

Sh: Why are you rushing about, let's run under that lonely tree.

U: You should have picked up the antenna, you unfortunate lightning rod! (looks into the distance from under his palm, checks the direction of the wind with his finger) A thunderstorm is passing by.

T: (twists his leg, yells in a heart-rending voice): Oh, my leg, save me, everyone!

Sh: It screams like a siren. So-so, but when the siren is on you need to turn on the third button... But where can I get it?

U: (mockingly) Will the phone work, sir? Well, click on it.

Sh: (presses the 3rd button on the phone, Alla Romanovna’s voice is heard from there: “Good afternoon, school!”): I pressed it! And I immediately found Alla Romanovna!

U: Give me the device, it won't help you, I'm just collecting teachers' voices. Take out your “smart” life safety notebook and read what to do with your leg.

Sh: So, I read: first, don’t panic! Listen, Quiet, calm down.

U: (mockingly) It seems like everywhere.

Sh: Then – protect your respiratory organs!

He puts a bandage on Tikhoni's face.

U: It seems to me that you put the bandage on him in the wrong place. Let's bandage your leg!

Sh: So, what are we going to do next? So, take the temperature... (puts on a thermometer), so, so (turns through the pages, searches carefully). And, so, what do we have here... “The sentry at the post reports only to the guard and the chief of the guard”...

T: (offended) They put me in the fresh air - they put me there, they shut my mouth, and now what, it’s time for me to go to the army? There is no need to do anything else to me, the leg is already gone!

U: (looks at Shustrik’s notebook). You have everything written correctly, just learn to read in order, otherwise you’ll send poor Quiet to the landslide zone!

T: A.R.! He set my thermometer correctly! Can I get a five for this? (get 5)

Scene No. 14 Physical education

Sh: Yes, now for sure - oh okay! What time is it?

T: Class bells in a minute!

U: It's time to go back! Otherwise we won’t have time to change clothes for physical education!

Sh: You know, after all the adventures I feel differently. Somehow my soul felt lighter! So, I’ll pass the jumping standard!

T: And I have become bolder! So, now it won’t be scary to stand at the gate!

U: Everyone, light and brave, let's run! Otherwise, Evgeny Emilievich won’t wait and put “enka” in the magazine!

Scene No. 15 Return

Not very disturbing music. Troika and its servants are on stage.

3: Well, did you complete my task? Let's get our twos here!

The guys hand her a “5”: Here you go, get it!

3 gasps and seems to disappear along with the servants. Solemn music sounds.

Scene No. 16 Director

T: Well, guys, I think this adventure did us good!

U: It’s not for nothing that they say “There’s a lie in a fairy tale, but there’s a hint in it...”

Sh: Now you can appear before Galina Igorevna and Marina Anatolyevna in a truly reborn form!

U: So let's show up!

  1. We also want to thank those who have carried a seemingly invisible, but very important load all these years:
  2. our health
  3. our food
  4. our documents
  5. and school cleanliness and order!

Scene No. 19 Dining room

Song to the tune of “Migratory Birds Are Flying”

Scene No. 20 Caretaker, technical staff

Scene No. 21 Teachers' speech

Scene No. 22 10th grade

Song "Parent's House"

Scene No. 24 Class teachers and a response

Scene No. 25 Final.

The last bell is ringing.

Final song.


(Based on the fairy tale by L. Geraskina.)

A script for a children's theater where the children themselves will act.



(Music. The curtain opens. On the stage is Vitya Perestukin’s room. In the room are Vitya, Kuzya the Cat and the Radio (on the child who is playing the Radio, you can hang a painted radio like a poster, you can also make an inscription). Vitya plays a ball with Kuzya the Cat.)

VITYA: Kuzya, catch it! Oh, I didn’t catch it, I didn’t catch it!

RADIO: Ay-ay-ay! Instead of doing homework...

VITYA: Leave me alone! Otherwise I'll turn it off!

RADIO: Okay, okay!

(Vitya sits down at the table and picks up a diary.)

VITYA: (reading) Diary of 4th grade student “A” Perestukin Vitya. (opens)

RADIO: Guys who only have D in their diary...

VITYA: I’ll turn it off!
Just think, deuces...
Okay, let's see what they asked for in arithmetic...

(Kuzya the cat looks into the diary.)

VITYA: Come on! Better bring me the ball!

RADIO: Guys who are given homework assignments...

VITYA: I’ll turn it off!
Okay, okay! I will solve the problem! (Opens the textbook, reads the problem) Three diggers dug a trench of 36 linear meters in 2 days...
Well, well, well! I see... How many diggers are required?...
Simple task! Let's multiply the diggers... or not, we'd better divide them into days!
Three diggers divided by two equals one and a half diggers. What nonsense!
But now you can rest! Problem solved! Hooray!

One and a half diggers
Now it's time to rest!

RADIO: Ay-ay-ay!

VITYA: What ay-ay-ay?

RADIO: The boy has no character!

VITYA: Oh! Where can I get it if not?

RADIO: Character must be cultivated!
A real boy must have the will, perseverance, despise danger, and fight difficulties!

VITYA: I would despise! I would fight! But where can we find difficulties?

RADIO: Where can I get them?
But first, do your homework, put your textbooks in order!

VITYA: Textbooks! Yes, I hate all these textbooks, to hell with them!

(Vitya throws the textbooks on the floor. There is a crash, the light flashes. Living textbooks appear - Mathematics, Geography and Russian (on the children who play the textbooks, you can hang the painted textbooks as a poster).)

VITYA: Oh! Mommy! Who is this?

MATHEMATICS TEXTBOOK: (indignantly) He doesn't even recognize us!

RUSSIAN LANGUAGE TEXTBOOK: (indignantly) He’s drawing devils on us!

GEOGRAPHY TEXTBOOK: (indignantly) He’s a bad student!

VITYA: I see! You are my textbooks! Hello!
What do you want from me?
Just today I prepared my homework!

TEXTBOOKS: (indignantly) Prepared?

RUSSIAN LANGUAGE TEXTBOOK: Didn’t repeat unstressed vowels!

MATHEMATICS TEXTBOOK: I solved the problem incorrectly!

VITYA: Just think!
I can live without unstressed vowels and I have no need to solve problems!
I'll be a traveler! I'll go to hot countries!

RUSSIAN LANGUAGE TEXTBOOK: The boy must be saved!

MATHEMATICS TEXTBOOK: Yes, we need to do something urgently!

GEOGRAPHY TEXTBOOK: Shouldn't we send it to the Land of Unlearned Lessons?

VITYA: What kind of country is this? Are there any difficulties there?


VITYA: What about the dangers?

GEOGRAPHY TEXTBOOK: As many as you like!

VITYA: Then I agree!

MATHEMATICS TEXTBOOK: Well, well! Then listen to the statement of the problem: from the Blue Lake to the Palace of Grammar 12 km. You will walk at a speed of 3 km per hour. There you will encounter difficulties and dangers!
Calculate how many hours you will need to travel. If you fail to cope with difficulties, you will be late, you will forever remain in the Land of Unlearned Lessons!

VITYA: It’s okay, I can handle it!

CAT: And I’m with you, Vitya!

VITYA: Kuzya, you spoke in human language!

VITYA: Ha ha! That's great!


Here's a map of the Land of Unlearned Lessons! It will come in handy!


(Music. The curtain closes.