Theatrical entertainment for younger schoolchildren in the police department. Scenario for the performance “In the Land of Unread Books” based on the story by V. Geraskina “In the Land of Unlearned Lessons”


(Based on the fairy tale by L. Geraskina.)

Script for children's theater where the children themselves will play.




(Music. The curtain opens. On the stage is Vitya Perestukin’s room. In the room are Vitya, Kuzya the Cat and the Radio (on the child who is playing the Radio, you can hang a painted radio like a poster, you can also make an inscription). Vitya plays a ball with Kuzya the Cat.)

VITYA: Kuzya, catch it! Oh, I didn’t catch it, I didn’t catch it!

RADIO: Ay-ay-ay! Instead of doing homework...

VITYA: Leave me alone! Otherwise I'll turn it off!

RADIO: Okay, okay!

(Vitya sits down at the table and picks up a diary.)

VITYA: (reads) Diary of 4th grade student “A” Viti Perestukin. (opens)

RADIO: Guys who only have two grades in their diary...

VITYA: I'll turn it off!
Just think, deuces...
Okay, let's see what they asked for in arithmetic...

(Kuzya the cat looks into the diary.)

VITYA: Come on! Better bring me the ball!

RADIO: The guys who are given homework assignments...

VITYA: I'll turn it off!
Okay, okay! I will solve the problem! (Opens the textbook, reads the problem) Three diggers dug a trench of 36 linear meters in 2 days...
Well, well, well! I see... How many diggers are required?...
Simple task! Let's multiply the diggers... or not, we'd better divide them into days!
Three diggers divided by two equals one and a half diggers. What nonsense!
But now you can rest! Problem solved! Hooray!

One and a half diggers
Now it's time to rest!

RADIO: Ay-ay-ay!

VITYA: What is it?

RADIO: The boy has no character!

VITYA: Oh! Where can I get it if not?

RADIO: Character must be developed!
A real boy must have the will, perseverance, despise danger, and fight difficulties!

VITYA: I would despise! I would fight! But where can we find difficulties?

RADIO: Where can I get them?
But first, do your homework, put your textbooks in order!

VITYA: Textbooks! Yes, I hate all these textbooks, to hell with them!

(Vitya throws the textbooks on the floor. There is a crash, the light flashes. Living textbooks appear - Mathematics, Geography and Russian (on the children who play the textbooks, you can hang the painted textbooks as a poster).)

VITYA: Oh! Mommy! Who is this?

MATHEMATICS TEXTBOOK: (indignantly) He doesn't even recognize us!

RUSSIAN LANGUAGE TEXTBOOK: (indignantly) He's drawing devils on us!

GEOGRAPHY TEXTBOOK: (indignantly) Bad student!

VITYA: It's clear! You are my textbooks! Hello!
What do you want from me?
Just today I prepared my homework!

TEXTBOOKS: (indignantly) Have you prepared it?

RUSSIAN LANGUAGE TEXTBOOK: Didn’t repeat unstressed vowels!

MATHEMATICS TEXTBOOK: I solved the problem incorrectly!

VITYA: Just think!
I can live without unstressed vowels and I have no need to solve problems!
I'll be a traveler! I'll go to hot countries!

RUSSIAN LANGUAGE TEXTBOOK: The boy must be saved!

MATHEMATICS TEXTBOOK: Yes, we need to do something urgently!

GEOGRAPHY TEXTBOOK: Shouldn't we send him to the Country unlearned lessons?

VITYA: What kind of country is this? Are there any difficulties there?


VITYA: What about the dangers?

GEOGRAPHY TEXTBOOK: As many as you like!

VITYA: Then I agree!

MATHEMATICS TEXTBOOK: Well then! Then listen to the statement of the problem: from the Blue Lake to the Palace of Grammar 12 km. You will walk at a speed of 3 km per hour. There you will encounter difficulties and dangers!
Calculate how many hours you will need to travel. If you fail to cope with difficulties, you will be late, you will forever remain in the Land of Unlearned Lessons!

VITYA: It's okay, I can handle it!

CAT: And I’m with you, Vitya!

VITYA: Kuzya, you spoke in human language!

CAT: Yes!

VITYA: Ha ha! That's great!


Here's a map of the Land of Unlearned Lessons! It will come in handy!



(Music. The curtain opens. There are two trees on the stage - on one side there is a watermelon tree (on the branches of which watermelons hang), on the other side there is a bread tree (on the branches of which buns hang) and a lake. (The trees and the lake can be drawn.) Vitya and the Cat appear Kuzya.)

VITYA: I wonder where we ended up?

(Vitya and Kuzya the Cat look around.)

VITYA: Ha ha! Watermelons? Well, I told you watermelons grow on trees! And everyone laughed!
(opens the map) So, first of all, let’s get our bearings on the area!
Here is the lake, and here is the Palace of Grammar. It's clear…
Now let’s solve the problem: so... only 12 km, speed 3 km...

CAT: Add 12 and 3!

VITYA: What do you mean fold?! We need to think about this!!

CAT: Do you really think when you solve problems?

VITYA: Come on, shoot! Did you hear what Geography said?
If we don’t make it to the Palace of Grammar on time, we’ll forever remain in the Land of Unlearned Lessons!
(thinks) Decided!
We must reach the Palace of Grammar in 4 hours!
(looked at his watch) It's one o'clock in the afternoon!

CAT: Let's go then?

VITYA: Wait! I need to take a swim! Can you feel how hot it is here?

CAT: Aren't we going to be late?

VITYA: We'll still have time!

(The Polar Bear appears.)

CAT: (Vita) Look!

VITYA: Oh, let's hide!

(Vitya and Kuzya the Cat are trying to hide behind a watermelon tree.)

POLAR BEAR: Oh, what a blast!
This slacker Vitya Perestukin blurted out that polar bears live in the south!
Hey boy, tell me where the polar bears are!

VITYA: (scared) There, probably!... (waves his hand) Where the sun rises!

POLAR BEAR: Well, look if you deceived me!

VITYA: (scared) Oh wait, I’ll think about it now!
Polar bears are found where it is cold!... That means in the north!

POLAR BEAR: This is more like the truth!
I need to go where it’s cold, otherwise I’m completely baked in this fur coat!

(The polar bear leaves, Vitya and Kuzya the Cat come out from behind the tree.)

CAT: Ugh, I scared you!
There are no mice to be seen here, but there are bears! This is very dangerous!

VITYA: Did you notice how we overcame the first danger?

CAT: In my opinion, with great difficulty!

VITYA: Nonsense! (waved his hand) The main thing is that we overcame it!
Well, I'll go take a swim!

CAT: Aren't we going to be late?

VITYA: Well, what have you done: we’ll be late, we’ll be late!
Okay, let's go!

(Vitya and Kuzya the Cat walk and sing (or talk).)

VITYA: We walk merrily
CAT: It's not scary for the two of us!
VITYA: We despise danger
CAT: We don’t care about difficulties!

VITYA: Eh, it’s boring to cram lessons at your desk!
CAT: It's fun to walk around the world with a map!

(Vitya and Kuzya the Cat approach the breadfruit tree.)

VITYA: Kuzya, look! Breadfruit!
And when I said in class that buns grow on breadfruit trees, everyone laughed!
They even gave me a two!

CAT: They always suffer for the truth!

(A Cow appears. She is aggressive.)

COW: Who are they?

VITYA: (scared) Ahh... we are travelers... What are you going to do?

COW: Nothing special! I'll just eat you! First you, then the cat!

(Vitya and Kuzya the Cat are trying to hide behind a tree.)

VITYA: Oh, what are you, what are you? Cows don't eat children!

COW: Ha ha!

VITYA: Yes, yes! Everyone knows this!

COW: No, not all! For example, Vitya Perestukin said that a cow is a carnivore!
And everyone knows that carnivores are predators!
That's why I ate all the small animals here! It's clear?
Wow! I wish I could catch this Perestukin!

(The cow butts the tree.)

VITYA: Cow! You should eat grass!

COW: But no! I'm a carnivore! Predator!

VITYA: No no! (crawls away with the Cat.)
You are... a frugivore, no... a hay-eater!
No no! You are poisonous! (speaks in syllables)

COW: (joyfully) Of course, a herbivore!
(sings) Grass, little green ant...

VITYA: (looks out from behind a tree) So you won't eat us?

COW: Now I won't!
You corrected Vitya Perestukin’s mistake!

VITYA and CAT: Hooray!!

(The cow leaves.)

VITYA: (sighs with relief) Phew, we barely escaped!

CAT: Yes, we suffered a lot of fear from this cow!

(A clock can be heard striking.)

VITYA: Wow, two hours! Let's go quickly!

(Music. The curtain closes.)


(Music. The curtain opens. On the stage are Plus and Minus (on them you can hang painted images of “+” and “–” or the inscriptions “plus” and “minus” like posters). Plus and Minus are selling sparkling water. Vitya appears on the other side of the stage Perestukin and Kuzya the Cat.)

CAT: I'm tired! I'm thirsty!

VITYA: Be patient! We must cultivate willpower!

(Approach Plus and Minus).

CAT: Hooray! Soda! (wants to take a glass of water)

VITYA: Kuzya! I have no money!

PLUS AND MINUS: We sell water not for money, but for correct answers!
Four times nine?

VITYA: (uncertain) It seems 46!...

MINUS: The answer is no!

CAT: Oh, ask something easier!
Something that even poor students know!

VITYA: (Kotu Kuza) Well, you! Don't call me names!

PLUS: Twice two?

CAT:(joyfully) Four! Even cats know this!

PLUS: The answer is yes!

(Plus or Minus give Kuza the Cat a glass of water. The Cat drinks half and gives half to Vita.
Two diggers appear on the scene. On one of them you can put a bag up to the waist (as if it was only half of it).)

CAT: (scared) Ah-ah-ah! Legs!

VITYA: (also scared) Where is everything else?
Did the tram run over him?

DIGGER: (angrily) He was run over by a poor student! Perestukin!
He solved the problem in such a way that he got one and a half diggers!
Here! Admire it!

(The excavator hands Vita a notebook.)

CAT: (Vita) Yes, this is your notebook!

VITYA: (Kotu Kuza) Shut up!
(addresses the Digger) Let me try to solve it correctly!
(takes notebook) So! First question: how much...

CAT: We'll be late!

VITYA: Come on!
So... Three diggers dug a trench... (further reads to himself and begins to think)

(Digger approaches Plus and Minus to drink water.)

PLUS: Seven seven?

DIGGER: Forty nine! (gets a glass of water)

VITYA: (solves the problem) Well, well, well!... It will take two diggers!

(Half the Digger turns into normal person– you can quickly remove the bag.)

DIGGER: Glory to the great mathematician!

2ND DIGGER: Shame on Viktor Perestukin!

(The diggers leave, the clock strikes.)

CAT: Four o'clock! Let's go quickly!

VITYA: Yes, we need to get to the Grammar Palace by five o'clock!

(Vitya and Kuzya the Cat walk across the stage.)

VITYA: Did you notice that I solved the problem myself?
I thought and decided!

(Music. The curtain closes.)


(Music. The curtain opens. On the stage we see a painted Castle, on which is written: Castle of Grammar. At the closed gates of the Castle there are Question mark and Exclamation Mark (they can be hung as posters with drawn question marks and exclamation marks). Vitya and Kuzya the Cat approach the gates of the Grammar Castle.)



VITYA: We are in a hurry!

EXCLAMATION MARK: (hands Vita the key) Take the key!
Open it if you can!

(Vitya tries to open the gate with the key.)

VITYA: Doesn't turn!

(The stage assistants bring a board on which is written: LOCK...K

EXCLAMATION MARK: Insert the letters correctly and the key will turn itself!

VITYA: So... Let me remember the rule!
« Declension of nouns in the plural! " No! Doesn't fit!
"Spelling "o" and "e" after sibilants." No! Doesn't fit!
“Spelling of the suffixes “ek” and “ok.” Maybe this will do?
So, now let’s remember!... “We must write the suffix “ek” if the vowel sound is dropped during declination and “ik” if it is not.” This seems to fit!
So it is! Nominative– zamochIk (writes the letter “I”) Genitive – no what?
Lock. Oh no! The vowel is dropped, which means the suffix “ek” is written. (erases “I”, writes “E”).
So, further! The nominative case is klyuchika (writes the letter I), the genitive case is klyuchika. If the vowel is not dropped, the suffix “ik” is written. So it's written correctly!

EXCLAMATION MARK: Wonderful! Lovely! Hooray!
Now open the gate!

(Music. Vitya inserts the key and pushes back the gate. The curtain closes.)


(Music. The curtain opens.. On the stage we see the Imperative Verb. He sits on a throne (he should have a regal appearance). Next to him are a Dot and a Comma (on them you can hang images of the dot and comma signs like posters or write the words “ period" and "comma") Vitya and Kuzya the Cat appear.)

CAT: Who is this? Santa Claus or what?

COMMA: What are you doing? Yes, this is His Majesty the Imperative Verb!

Victor Perestukin?


IMPERATIVE VERB: What are your grades?

VITYA: (waves hand) Yes different...

(The Imperative Verb is ringing the phone.)

IMPERATIVE VERB: Submit Viktor Perestukin's documents!

(Two assistants of the Verb of the Imperative Mood (they can also be stage assistants) bring in a large notebook on the Russian language. There are faces, blots and a lot of mistakes, blacked out in red pencil, and solid deuces.)

(looks) Turn it over! (turn the page)
Turn it over! (all pages are turned this way)
So! Clear!...

(Helpers of the Imperative Verb close the notebook and take it away.)

So, Victor Perestukin discovered terrible ignorance!
Announce the verdict!

(The assistants of the Imperative Verb bring in a board on which is written: The verdict in the case of Viktor Perestukin: “Execution cannot be pardoned.”)

VITYA: (reads aloud) Sentence…
Execute? Me? And for what?

IMPERATIVE VERB: For ignorance and laziness, and for ignorance of the native language!

VITYA: Oh, mommy!

But if you put the comma correctly, you will be saved!

COMMA: He won't deliver!
He has never put me in my place yet in my life!

VITYA: A comma?
Now, now...
(To the cat, quietly) Hey, where should I put it?

IMPERATIVE VERB: Don't give any hints!

VITYA: What should I do?

COMMA: Think! Reason!

VITYA: Ooh!... We must try!...
(reasons) If I put a comma after the word “execute”, it will turn out: execute, cannot be pardoned! (scared) Oh-oh-oh!

COMMA: Think, think!

VITYA: And if you put a comma after the words “cannot be executed”, then it turns out...
(screams joyfully)“You can’t execute, you can have mercy!” "

CAT: Hooray! Have mercy!

(Vitya puts a comma.)

COMMA: Now I understand what role a comma can play?

VITYA: Now I understand!

(The clock strikes five times.)

VITYA: Oh, five o'clock!

(The phone rings.)

IMPERATIVE VERB: I'm listening to you!

Yes, yes! Overcame everything!
(turns to Vita) These are Textbooks! They are worried about you!
And you throw them away, draw devils on them!

VITYA: I won't do it again!

That's it! (paused for a moment)
Well, Victor Perestukin, now you can go home!

VITYA: Hooray!!

CAT: Hooray!!

IMPERATIVE VERB: One, two, three!

(Music. Lights flash. Curtain closes.)


(Music. The curtain opens. Vitya and Kuzya the Cat are at home. There is also a radio in the room.)

VITYA: Oh, but home is still better! (picks up textbooks from the floor) Really, Kuzya?

CAT: Meow!

VITYA: (with regret) You won't talk to me anymore!

(Vitya sits down at the table, opens his notebook, takes a pen.)

RADIO: Are you solving the problem?


RADIO: And how much did you get?

VITYA: Two diggers! Two! Now I know!

RADIO: You know? What is seven seven?

VITYA: Seven seven? Seems… (sadly) seventy eight…

RADIO: Ay-ay-ay!

VITYA: I'll learn! (turns to the hall) Honestly, I’ll learn!

(Music. The curtain closes.)


Theatrical entertainment for students in grades 1-4 in the GPA "Adventures in the Land of Unlearned Lessons."

Lapatina Svetlana Vasilievna, teacher of the GPD MOU Tumskaya secondary school No. 46 Branch "Oskinskaya secondary school", Klepikovsky district, Oskino village.
Description: I work as an after-school teacher and try to pay attention to developing interest in learning among younger schoolchildren. For this purpose I will organize and conduct various events V game form, for example: “Hour of riddles”, “Hour happy math", "Tournament of Russian language experts."
But today I bring to your attention theatrical entertainment for younger schoolchildren “In the Land of Unlearned Lessons”, where schoolchildren are not only spectators, but also direct participants in the theatrical action on stage.
This material will be of interest to GPD educators and teachers primary classes when organizing extracurricular activities in the Russian language, mathematics, and the surrounding world for students in grades 1–4.
During the event, 7th grade students are involved in the role of artists, younger schoolchildren learn poetry and a song; stories are prepared - messages about animals, scenery and costumes are made.
Target: In a playful way, consolidate and expand students’ knowledge of the Russian language, mathematics, and the world around them.
1. To create motivation in students to study school subjects.
2.Improve the literacy of schoolchildren, develop speech, attention, thinking and memory.
3. To help students acquire the skills of correct mathematical calculations.
5.Development of creative and intellectual abilities of students.

Progress of entertainment:

A frightened boy runs onto the stage with a cat in his hands. This is a 4th grade student, Vitya Perestukin, from the story by Liya Geraskina “In the Land of Unlearned Lessons.”

Oh guys, you will save me,
Oh guys, can you help me?
Close the doors quickly
Evil animals are chasing me!

Who are you -
Can you explain it to us?
What's happened -
Tell me in order?

My friends call me Vitya,
Student of 4th grade, I,
Too lazy to do it
In the land of unlearned lessons
Today I found myself!

Comma and Verb
They want to execute me
For laziness and ignorance
Mathematics and Russian language.

Of course, we don’t abandon friends, much less guests, in trouble and could help you, Vitya.
But we simply don’t know how to get to this Land of Unlearned Lessons.
Vitya Perestukin.
I’ll explain everything to you now, first you need to find a round object, for example, do you have a soccer ball?
We have a lot of balls: there are volleyballs, footballs, and for playing tennis, choose which one
will suit you.
Vitya Perestukin.
Let's take this football one, now we'll spin it and say the magic words, repeat after me guys:
You fly, soccer ball,
Don't skip or gallop,
Don't go astray
Fly straight to the country
Where do Vitya's mistakes live?
So that we are among the events
Various and discoveries
We could help Vita!

The guys barely have time to utter the magic words when the curtain opens in front of them and a castle with high gates and a stone fence appears. The gate is closed with a large padlock. The castle is guarded by two guards.
Dear guards, could you please give us the key to the castle.
Complete our task and get the key. How to write these two words correctly?

Guys, tell me what rule can be applied here?
The word “lock” must be declined.
Nominative case - (what) - lock.
Genitive- (no what?) - padlock
If in the genitive case of a word a vowel is missing in the suffix, then we write “check”, and if a vowel is missing, then we write “chick”.
Nominative case - (what) – key
Genitive case – (no what?) – key
You have completed the task correctly, the passage is open!

The guys go further and find themselves in a hall where an old man with white hair and a white beard sits on a high throne, and an angry, hunched old woman walks around him. This is a Comma and a Verb Imperative.

Viktor Perestukin, a 4th grade student who arrived to us, revealed a rare, ugly ignorance: he showed contempt and dislike for his native language. For this he will be severely punished.

Dear Comma and Imperative Verb, allow me today, together with the guys, to correct all my mistakes and correctly put the emphasis in the words.
You are given five minutes to complete the task. Look carefully at this word,
what letter is missing here?

To find out how to spell a word with an unverifiable consonant at the root of the word, you need to select a cognate word for this word in which this consonant is clearly heard, for example: sun - sun, sunny.
Well, well, things are already getting better. Now explain how to write the word "bread"?
A word with a paired consonant must be changed so that after the consonant there is a vowel sound, for example, bread - bread, bread.

How do you write the word "Dog"
The word “dog” has an untestable unstressed vowel, this word must be remembered.
Now you need to put the punctuation marks correctly in this sentence.

Here you need to apply the rule of punctuation: place punctuation marks according to their meaning:
You cannot execute, you can have mercy.

Imperative verb.
4th grade student Viktor Perestukin, today your friends helped you, you did everything right, and therefore you deserve forgiveness.
And now, Vitya, the 1st grade students will read you a poem.

"Native language"

Our language is beautiful -
Rich and sonorous

That powerful and passionate
It’s tenderly melodious.

He also has a smile,
Both accuracy and affection.
Written by him
And stories and fairy tales.

Magic pages
Exciting books!
Love and keep
Our great language!

Well, let's move on, I wonder who else we'll meet?

Sellers in white coats and caps appear on the stage. One seller has a plus on his cap, the other has a minus.
1 Seller.
Attention, attention,
Who knows the multiplication table?
Get strawberry compote!

2 Seller.
5 * 6 =30
7 * 8 =56
9 * 8 =72
6* 6 =36

1 Seller.
Well done guys, you know the multiplication tables well!
The sellers treat the guys to compote.
1 Seller.
In work, in life and work
We wish you good luck.
2 Seller.
Learn always, learn everywhere,
And solve problems correctly.

The Tailor appears on the scene, he measures out a piece of fabric and sighs sadly:
Oh, woe, woe is me, I’m an unfortunate tailor, I was accused of stealing fabric, and all because 4th grade student Viktor Perestukin solved the problem incorrectly. He calculated that out of 28 meters of fabric I should sew 27 suits, with one more meter left.
Oh, I’m so ashamed, guys, tell me how to solve the problem correctly?
So, we know that the head of the workshop received 28 meters of fabric. We need to find out how many suits can be sewn if 3 meters of fabric are used to sew one suit?
28: 3 =9 (k).
Answer: You can sew 9 suits and have 1 meter left.
Hooray! Justice has been restored, and now I can peace of mind and continue your work with a clear conscience.
An old woman in a pioneer tie barely comes onto the stage, groaning.
- Oh, how my legs hurt! I have walked many thousands of kilometers and finally today I will meet my brother: he is coming to meet me.
Why are you taking so long?

Old lady.
Oh! It's a long and sad story! One boy named Vitya solved the problem that from two villages, the distance between which is 12 kilometers, a brother and sister came out to meet each other. He decided that we should meet in 60 years, and we had to obey this stupid, wrong decision. And so we go and go.
To solve this problem, you need to find out how fast you were moving. If you covered 6 kilometers in one hour, then that means you had to walk 12 kilometers in two hours.
12: 6 =2 (h)
Answer: Sister and brother will meet in 2 hours.
The old woman and the old man immediately turned into children, held hands and began to dance.

A digger appears on the scene with a shovel.

Today I dug a deep trench,
And because of the boy, I lost a friend.
Vitya solved the problem incorrectly,
I received only 1.5 diggers.
According to the conditions of the problem, it is known that the diggers dug a trench 100 meters long. We need to find out how many diggers worked if each of them dug 20 meters?
100: 20 = 5 (h)
Answer: there were 5 diggers.

And now, Vitya, the 2nd grade students will read you a poem.
Twice two equals four
Three times nine is twenty seven.
Everyone in the world knows this
And everyone has known it for a long time.
Six eight - forty eight,
Five nine is forty five.
This is where we ask anyone,
Everyone knows and will know.

Well, what if someone
He will suddenly say that this is dregs,
He won't launch a rocket
Will not build a plane.

And I bet on candy -
To a magical planet
No way it will hit!

falls onto the stage polar bear.

You guys will help me soon,
Where is north - determine exactly
Tell us all about us, polar bears?
Polar bears are predators and live in the ice near the North Pole. These animals are very curious and intelligent. They swim, dive, and fish well.
Polar bears hunt seals. They usually lie near a hole in the ice and wait for prey to appear in the hole. White the skins make the hunter less noticeable against the background of ice.
While tracking a seal, the polar bear covers its black nose with its paw, blocks the prey's escape route, or even pretends to be an ice floe floating by.
Fur helps them keep warm - even the soles of their paws are fur, so bears never frostbite them.
Polar bears, like all other bears, can also eat plant foods: berries, mushrooms, mosses, herbs.
There are not very many polar bears left on earth and hunting for them is limited.
Guys, look what interesting tree, rolls, bagels and pretzels grow on it.

Vitya lowers his head down.
Yes, this is my mistake again, in class I said that all this grows on the breadfruit tree.
Rye bread, loaves, rolls
You won't get it while walking,
People cherish bread in the fields,
They spare no effort for bread.
A. Akim.

At first he grew up in freedom in the field,
In the summer it bloomed and spiked,
And when they threshed,
He suddenly turned into grain.
From grain to flour and dough.
I took a place in the store.
He grew up under the blue sky,
And he came to our table with bread.

A cow is jumping and galloping across the stage.

Yeah, gotcha, now I’ll eat you all, and I’ll probably start with this cute cat.
Cows don't eat cats, they eat grass, everyone knows that!
Not everything, Viktor Perestukin doesn’t know, for example! He said that the cow is a carnivorous animal.
I was walking in the summer meadow,
I chewed delicious grass.
The boy appeared
He was wrong in the story
The carnivore
I had to apply.
A cow is a domestic animal. It can be found almost anywhere in the world. There are many breeds of cows, they all have different colors and their own shape of horns. In Russia, white-brown and black-white cows are predominantly widespread.
Cows, like many other ruminants, eat plant-based, grass-based foods.
Cows provide milk, which is the most valuable food product. Cottage cheese, sour cream, cream, and yogurt are made from it.
Cows moo, they make a long, loud “moo” sound. As a rule, they don’t do this in vain: either the cows are hungry, or the baby is calling, or it’s time for milking. With the first rays of the sun, milkmaids rush to their pets - Dawns, Maruskas, Princesses.

Thank you, guys, for the truthful story, finally I can eat juicy grass and hay, otherwise I’m so tired of gophers and mice, they spoil my stomach.
And now, Vitya, the 3rd grade students will read you a poem.

"The world around us"

There is an interesting subject,
I will know the whole world with him.
About animals, about nature,
About water and sky.

We are exploring the deserts
The steppes and forests are dense,
Who lives in a deep hole,
Who is in the nest in the tall pine tree.
I like to know everything
Who will spend the winter where?
The natural world is so big
Well, I'm just a student.

I'm tangled in the trees
Where is the aspen, and where is the maple?
And a camel, for some reason,
I took him into the dense forest.

And the bear lives now,
Where it's summer all year round.
Now he doesn't sleep in the den,
He warms his feet on the sand.

Bullfinches fly south
Ducks suffer from winter.
Seagulls build a nest in the steppes,
Foxes are hiding in the bushes.

I'm interested in nature
I will find my place in it,
To live in harmony with nature,
I will learn everything as needed.
A. Bylinkina.

Pupils of the 4th grade perform the song “You need to study cheerfully in order to study well” - words by K. Ibryaev, music by S. Sosnin.

On the road, girls, on the road, boys,
Walk the ladder of knowledge boldly.
Wonderful meetings and good books
There will be steps on it.
Both the song and the song will come in handy on the road,
Learning should be fun, learning should be fun
Let's study cheerfully so that we can study well.

Along the ladder of knowledge you can soon
Reach inaccessible sea depths,
Go underground, climb mountains
And even reach the moon.

There will be steep steps on the stairs,
But the treasured route has been precisely verified,
To make you friends with amazing miracle,
Which is called “knowledge”.

Vitya Perestukin.
Guys, thank you very much for your help, I learned and understood a lot today.
What is a school without students?
No noisy changes and no judgments.
No classes, no portfolios, no calls,
Without everything we value at school.
Game hour in elementary school on the topic: Fairy tales

Davydova Irina Stanislavovna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 300"
Locality: Nizhny Novgorod
Name of material: methodological development
Subject: Prom script "In the land of unlearned lessons"
Publication date: 05.11.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Graduation “In the land of unlearned lessons.”

Ved. : We invite everyone to the holiday

Kind, bright, mischievous.

Holiday sad and happy

Our preschool graduation.

Exit "Big Round Dance"

1st child : Kindergarten dressed up

You won't know right away!

Both the girls and boys were dressed up by their mothers.

2nd child : Here are the ironed trousers,

Cleanly washed hands

And the excitement is just us

They escort you to first class.

3rd child : To be honest

How can we not worry?

How many years have we lived here?

We had fun and were naughty.

4th child : We will never forget

Our preschool island

Kindergarten our cozy

Warm, bright little mansion.

Song “The years are running, they are in a hurry”

5th child:

Birds are chirping outside the window, lilacs are scattering stars,

Let's say goodbye to kindergarten on this warm summer day.

6 child:

Goodbye, our kindergarten, teachers, friends!

Everyone is happy for us today, but mothers’ eyes are sparkling.

7th child:

Don't worry our moms! We won't let you down.

In the warm autumn, we will have fun going to school ourselves!

8th child:

The teacher will meet us, we will find friends!

Every year your children will become better and more mature.

9th child: The years have flown by like an arrow, and school is waiting for the children.

Only a quiet round dance will glimpse the kindergarten in the distance.

10 reb: Let us part, they won’t forget us here,

We will give this preschool waltz to everyone as a souvenir.

Dance "Waltz". They take their seats.

Queen Five and Scientist Cat enter.

Queen Five: Hello, my dear boys and girls! I am the Queen

Knowledge-Five, and with me the Scientist Cat. I'm so glad to see you! What are you like today

elegant! I didn’t recognize you right away! Today is your holiday! Do you know which one?

Children's answers.

Cat Scientist: Meow! What smart and well-read guys. We need these.

Queen Five: Today we have a celebration of initiation into first graders! After all

You are all grown up now! Many of you can write, read, solve

examples! This means it's time to say goodbye to kindergarten.

and head off to a new, no less exciting world - school! Do you want to go

Children's answers.

Queen Five: You're ready to hit the road, right? Well, let's go.

The deuces run out.

First Two: Look at them! They're going to school!

Second Deuce: Ha! To school! And what to do there, in this school? Why go there? You

you don’t even know what you can do there and what you can’t.

Children: We know.

First deuce: Well, then, fun company, double your attention!

1. You will sleep during lessons -

For your answer you will receive... (not five, but two)

2. Your head cooks great:

Five plus one turns out... (not two, but six)

3.I have a black cat,

He has as many tails... (not six, but one)

4. Alphabetical family

Headed by the letter... (not Y, but A)

5. Round shaped head,

The same shape of the letter... (not A, but O)

Queen Five. Well, Deuces, do you understand that our guys are great? At school

they will behave well, listen to the teacher and only get 5's and 4's!

Second Deuce: Fives and fours? Guys, just look at us,

for two! How beautiful and brave we are, we do nothing but be lazy! Beauty!

First Two: You need this school! It's not interesting at all! But here we have

in the Land of Unlearned Lessons, you can lie on the couch all day, eat cakes

and ice cream, drink Coca-Cola... Mmm-mm!

Second Deuce: Let's better come to us! To the Land of Unlearned Lessons! Well,

Children: No!

First Two: And we will take your Queen Five. If you don't save her,

then she will forever remain in the Land of Unlearned Lessons, which means that

and you will never get to school!

They grab the Queen and run away.

Scientist cat. Oh, guys, we have to save the queen! Well, let's go to the Country

unlearned lessons? We're not afraid of twos, are we? We can both write and read,

Children: Yes!

Scientist cat: The guys and I are going to save our Queen Five!

We are not afraid of trials in the Land of Unlearned Lessons! Who else is coming here?

Vitya Perestukin comes out, dragging a briefcase behind him. Song "Deuce"

Vitya: Oh, someone help me... you see, the child is struggling... well

help...(turns attention to the children) Wow! Where did I end up!?

Cat: Boy, who are you? Are you perhaps lost?

Vitya: No! I'm skipping classes. I am Vitya Perestukin. ! Why are you all doing this?

dressed up? (children's answer) Yes, I know, I know, I myself was a graduate last year,

just like you! Well, okay, that's already in the past. This is what I - you know, and the students

They only assign homework and put bad grades in the diary. We were given so many lessons! Here

Now I’ll show you my diary, everything is written down there!

He opens the diary and twos and ones pour out.

Cat: Oh, guys, what is this?... Yes, these are Vita’s grades! Twos, ones.

Vitya, embarrassed, collects his grades back into his diary.

Cat: What a student!

Vitya: Screw this study, I’m tired of these lessons. And in general, when I grow up,

I will become a traveler. Different countries there are all kinds!

Cat: A traveler must be able to both read and write, and you learn only one

deuces. You have neither willpower nor character!

Vitya: Oh! Where can I get them?

Cat: Character must be developed! A real boy must have will

perseverance, despise danger, fight difficulties!

Vitya: I would despise! I would fight! But where can we find difficulties?

Cat: Where can I get them? Come with us to the land of unlearned lessons, help us

free Queen Five, and at the same time strengthen your character.

Vitya. With pleasure.

Song "On the road to goodness"

The Cow appears. She's aggressive

Cow: Who are they?

Vitya: (scared) Ahh... we are travelers... What are you going to do?

Cow: Nothing special! I'll just eat you! First I'll eat you, and then everyone

Vitya tries to hide behind a tree.

Vitya: Oh, what are you, what are you? Cows don't eat children!

Cow: Ha ha!

Vitya: Yes, yes! Everyone knows this!

Cow: No, not all! For example, Vitya Perestukin said that a cow is

carnivore! And everyone knows that carnivores are predators! That’s why

I ate all the small animals here! Got it? Wow! I wish I could catch this Perestukin!

Cow butts tree

Vitya: Cow! You should eat grass!

COW: Figurines! I'm a carnivore! Predator!

Vitya: No, no! (crawls away) You are... a frugivore, no... a hay-eater! No no!

Presenter: Guys, help!... You are poisonous!

Cow: (joyfully) Of course, a herbivore! (sings) Grass,

green ant...

Vitya: (peeks out from behind a tree) So you won’t eat us?

Cow: Now I won’t! You corrected Vitya Perestukin’s mistake!

Vitya: Hurray!!

The cow leaves

Cat. So, we found ourselves in a distant country. Let's see what we find here.

Dramatization "Three Friends"

Three girls are sitting at a table, a boy stands behind them and blows soap bubbles,

as if depicting the “dreams” of girls.


Three friends on a spring day

Were in a nice mood

They cooed on the bench

And they dreamed about the future.

1 girl: When I grow up, I’ll get married right away,

I’ll choose a husband, like dad, to meet me at the gangway.

Oh, I forgot to say: I will fly in the sky,

I want to become a flight attendant, I’ll fly on an airplane.

2 girl: Don't get distracted, Mila.

1 girl: And then I will become a mother

And I'll tell you straight,

What about your children, Natasha,

I won't stuff myself with porridge.

I will take them to the zoo every day

And feed him ice cream.

2 girl: I wish I could become your daughter!

1 girl: You can only dream!

2 girl: I want to become an artist,

To perform on stage,

So that flowers are always given,

They only talked about me

The main roles were given,

They didn't forget about me.

I received a lot of money

I bought everything I wanted.

Why are you silent? (to the 3rd friend)

Are you saying anything?

3 girl: I will study at school,

I promise not to be lazy.

Because as I grow up-

I want to become a scientist

And study the computer.

Be friends with mathematics

Master geography (points to the globe)

To see the whole world.

Biology and Russian,

Geometry, French,

At school you need to study -

To be the smartest!

Presenter: These are your children

They want to know everything in the world.

Let's wish them good luck

So that all problems are solved.

Song "Three Girlfriends"

The deuces run out.

Two: Well, well, well! So you have come to the first state. Let's see how you are

complete our first task (Takes out a note with the task from his briefcase.) O-

oh, how can you cope with such a task! You can't!

Scientist cat: You, Deuce, before you rejoice, better tell us what we need

do it, and the guys and I will think about whether we can complete the task or not!

Two: You guys need to pack your briefcase! But you need to put it in your briefcase

only those items that will be useful to you at school. Tell Vitya, everything is in the briefcase

Do you have anything that could be useful at school?

Vitya: Of course, see for yourself:

(gun) - this is so that no one pesters.

(brick)- so that no one offends!

(car) - so I can play!

(pillow) - and, of course, sleep.

Two: Well, are there any brave and skillful among the future first-graders?

Children: Yes!

The “Build a Briefcase” competition is being held.

Scientist cat: Well, check it out!

The twos check whether the briefcases are assembled correctly.

Scientist cat: Are you sure that our kids are great and ready to go to school? They

they know what will be useful at school and what will not. Even Vitya coped with the task

Two: Yes... You completed our task! But we have an even more difficult task

We’ll come up with something so that you will certainly remain forever in the Land of Unlearned Lessons!

In the meantime, for a correctly completed task, we give you 1. card with the letter “O”.

Two: In each country you will receive such a card with a letter if,

Of course, you will cope with the task! When you have collected all five cards and put them together

Word, find out where we are hiding Queen Five!

Vitya: Cat, I really enjoyed completing the tasks, let’s move on.

Song "If there were no schools"

Cat: And now we are in the country of great mathematicians. It's probably waiting for us here

some kind of test.

Second deuce: Of course, what did you think?

Second Deuce: Okay, here is the second task. My sister and I have twins

daisies. My daisy has mathematical examples written on its petals,

and my sister has the answers. You must pick one petal at a time and decide

example, and then tear off a petal with the correct answer from another daisy.

Are you ready? Let's begin!

Mathematical competition "Chamomile"

Second Deuce: Did you manage? What horror! Did you really know all the answers? Such

We were able to solve complex examples! But you won’t be able to cope with the tasks exactly. Yes and

your assistant is a poor student! Is it true? Vitya Perestukin?

Vitya: Not true! I will try not to let the guys down, and the guys will help me!

Two makes problems.

1. The mother duck hatched 10 little ducklings.

3 ducklings dived into the pond while walking. The rest were sunbathing on the green shore!

So how many ducklings sunbathed on the shore?

2. Ten little gray mice

They are in a hurry to divide the crust.

Ran away alone, what should I do?

All mice left (9)

3.. Three green frogs

They sunbathe with their belly up.

Three decided to eat a fly,

A total of frogs (6)

4. We inflated three balloons,

Two flew into the sky.

And now we sit and feel sad

After all, there is a ball left (1)

5. Seven bananas in a backpack

I hold three in my hand.

I wonder how much they weigh

All bananas. There are 10 of them here

Two: So be it, get a second card! (Gives a card with 2. the letter “M”).

Cat: Our guys are great! But now you can make a change! And during recess

you can play.

Vitya: Hooray! change!

Relay game “Move the ball”

Cat: Have you rested, guys? Then let's move on.

Vitya: Where are we now?

Cat: And now we are in the country of Musicland! I wonder what awaits us here?

Another couple runs in.

Deuce: What? Musical task!

This is a very difficult task - you need to perform music on a musical instrument.

instrument. You can't do this!

Let's see!

Orchestra and “Hands Choir” “Adeline’s Lullaby”


But you don’t know how to behave at school.

Scientist cat:

Guys, now there will be riddles!

We answer “no” or “yes” -

Just think first!

Can you sing songs at school?

Can you make some noise at school?

How about drawing on the desk?

Can I run in the hallway?

Write with chalk on the fence?

Solving equations?

Do you have to answer everything at the board?

Will we get deuces?

Attend physical education?

Do you speak English?

Is it late to come to school?


You will have to give away 3 cards with the letter “Z”. And why do you need to go to school, why are you there?

Song "What They Teach at School"

Next stop – the country of “Physical Education”!

1 deuce:

Guys, now you have to show how friendly and athletic you are! We

We have prepared music for you to dance to without getting confused.

But not just dance, but show us a flash mob (a series of movements performed

large number of people at the same time)

Music sounds, children get up and start dancing. Twos during performance

They also repeat the movements, only incorrectly.

Dance "Flashmob" is performed

2 deuces:

Not only can you solve examples, you are also so sporty and friendly!

All movements were completed without errors! Come on, sister, give them a card, they

deserve it!

1 Deuce gives the children 4. a card with the letter “A”.

2 deuces:

The next country is “Pishichitainiya”.

1 deuce:

And here is the task! A letter fell out of the alphabet

Well, guys, try to make a word out of these letters! I think you have nothing

it won't work!

Scientist cat:

It will work out very well! The guys and I, unlike you, know all the letters of the alphabet.

Let's, guys, prove to these deuces that we know everything and are not afraid of us

no assignments.

Sounds funny music, children assemble a word from letters. (each has one letter,

you need to stand so that you get the word)

2 deuces:

We did it again! Well, you have to! When do you first have time to study? When will you

be lazy!

1 deuce:

Sister, they will find their Queen Five very soon!

2 deuces: Yes, you're right, but I have one more task in store, and that's exactly what they're doing.

they won't be able to fulfill it!

1 deuce: And they will forever remain in the land of unlearned lessons!

Scientist cat:

We won't stay. Really, guys!

This is what our children are like -

Everyone wants to know the world!

Let's wish them good luck

So that all problems are solved!

You don’t know our guys well, give us your task!

Deuce: Correct the mistakes in the fairy tale!

Vitya Perestukin: Oh, well, when I was answering the lesson, I got something mixed up.

Scientist cat:: Maybe you can try again, and if it doesn’t work, the guys will help.

Vitya Perestukin: Okay, I'll try! I was retelling the tale about the fisherman and... the sprat, and

her... Chukovsky.

Children:“The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” was written by A. S. Pushkin

Vitya Perestukin: It's clear. There lived an old man and an old woman near the Red Sea...

Children: By the blue sea!

Vitya Perestukin: They lived in a one-room apartment (in a dugout) for exactly 100 years

4 years (3 years).

The old man was catching fish with a spinning rod (net), the old woman was repairing

(spun) tights (yarn).

Once he threw a fishing rod (net) into the river (sea), -

And he repeated this 5 times (3 times)

And he caught a silver (golden) fish.

And the fish prayed:

“Let me go to my children. And if you want anything, then say:

"By pike command, according to my desire..."

“You, elder, let me go to sea,

Dear, I’ll give you a ransom for yourself.”

He released the silver pike (goldfish)

And he said to her: “You are a fool, you simpleton!”

(God be with you, goldfish!

I don’t need your ransom!”

Vitya Perestukin:

Thank you, you helped me fix everything, and now I can open another 5th letter

1 deuce:

Sister, look, you have completed this task! And I thought it was nothing

they won’t succeed... Well, take the card (gives out a card with the letter “Ш”, you

deserve it.

Scientist cat:

Guys, we now have all the cards! Let's put a word together from them and find out where

Twos are hiding Queen Five!

Children assemble the word "from letters" LOCK".

Scientist cat:

Well, Twos, give us our queen Five! We know where you are

1 deuce:

Scientist cat and children:

2 deuces:

You guessed it! We did it! Guard! But no, we don’t give up so easily, even if your dads

Competition "Make words" Come on, the brave ones come out, now we will take you out

on clean water(4 dads are called up to make words from the letters on their chest and

on the back (AO, EI, ShP, NL). Here are the letters - one on the chest, the second on the back, I

I will ask questions, and you must compose your answers from these letters.

It can be a fish, it can be a tool (saw)

2. Tree from whose flowers tea is brewed (linden)

3. There is a wheat field, there is a football field (field)

4. What you can’t hide in a bag (awl)

5. Wheel shoes (tire)

6. Sometimes sea foam, sometimes shaving foam (foam)

7. Little horse (Pony)

Queen Five comes out.

Queen Five:

My dear guys, thank you very much! You are so great! So many challenges

came through to save me! I will not forget your kindness! I will reward you like a king!

And you, Deuces, I will turn into A’s, so that you will be diligent students, and not

lazy people, and went to school.

Queen Five waves her pointer and pronounces magic words. Deuces, in

casting time magic words change the headbands with the number “2” to the headbands with

number “5” and... become Fives.

In parting, I’ll remind you of a proverb:

“Learning is light, not learning is darkness,”

Remember it, friends!

Goodbye, I have to go!

We'll see you at school, friends!

Queen Five and the Fives leave.

Cat Scientist:

It all starts with the school bell

The road to the stars, the secrets of the ocean,

Everything will be late or sooner,

Everything is ahead of you for now!

♫"Who to become" DEFILE


Today we are graduates

No longer preschoolers.

Fun calls await us

And new guys.


Let's go to an unfamiliar class

Along the school corridors.

Farewell to our kindergarten!

We will remember you with a smile more than once!


We'll sing goodbye -

We give this song to everyone,

May this song be a May day

Flying around the world!

The song “Good Hour!” is performed. POEMS (rap, Mambo dance)

1 child:

It sits in our bellies

Sweet tooth-appetite.

He alternately gurgles and howls.

Who will calm the poor thing down?

Porridge since the morning

Chefs cook for children!

Dear chefs,

Adults and children

They say thank you

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts

For borscht, cutlets, porridge...

We appreciate your work!

The sheets couldn't be cleaner!

After all, our Faith erases so much

That aunt Asya is resting!

It sparkles so white

Towel and robe.

Amazes with its cleanliness

Our favorite kindergarten.

4th child: Working day at the caretaker's

It's very difficult to predict.

The flood is a threat,

Then the plumbing again,

The battery burst here,

There is an audit going on.

We didn’t have time to look back,

The garden is closed for renovation.

How can you live without a caretaker?

We are in a hurry to thank you, Nina Vladimirovna!

There are no more interesting things to do

More musical and louder.

We danced with you together

And they tried their best.

You taught us to sing

And play and listen.

Even those who don't care

Stepped on my ears

Our farewell holiday

Spend with us

Most musical

Our leader

3rd child:

The teachers met us in the garden in the morning,

They replaced our mother all day long.

We read books, learned to write,

Taught elders to respect.

Build, glue and sculpt,

Love your homeland!

1 child:

And our kindergarten is the most beautiful!

I could go here without my mother!

But my mother was afraid without me

And she held my hand,

When she brought me here...

Now you're not afraid, right?

Nursery teachers

You accepted our children as babies,

Who still speak poorly.

They diligently eat themselves with spoons,

But they don’t want to get dressed yet...

Teaching children diligently to order,

We have to explain a lot to them:

And how to wash and do exercises,

Go to the potty and fall asleep at night.

They need to wipe away their tears and snot,

Distract, calm, understand, regret.

Learn how to move together to music,

Sculpt, draw and sing a little!

And mothers calmly go to work,

We know that the kids are in good hands.

For your love and for your care,

We are grateful for your work from the bottom of our hearts!

Thank you for your care and attention,

For helping in education,

Being a nanny is very difficult, we understand.

We are grateful to you and we congratulate you!

Our group is always clean.

The floor and dishes sparkle.

Our nanny in the morning

Brings order everywhere.

She teaches our children

Set the table and be neat.

Every prankster, of course, knows:

Our nanny’s work needs to be appreciated.

4. What should the guys do? How to study and when?

We don’t know how to go out and have fun, that’s the problem!

But the methodologist writes a whole sheet of advice to all of us.


Teachers and nannies,

Nurses and cooks

To our laundresses, watchmen,

Methodist and caretaker,

We say: “Thank you!”

For warmth, smiles, joy -

Everything you tried to give us,

Every day, rushing here, -

Be happy always!

Song "Goodbye, kindergarten!"

SKETCH “Kindergarten”.

(arrange furniture in the hall:

chair and table with telephone and papers for the manager)

Child presenter: Early morning, conversation at 7 o’clock:

Mom (adult): - Daughter, daughter, breakfast is ready.

Child manager: - Mommy, I’ll lie down a little longer.

Mom (adult): - But I won’t wake you up later,

Get up! Wake up! It's time to go to kindergarten!

Child manager: - Oh, I don’t want to go there today!

Mom (adult): (quietly): - Daughter, we must!

(the manager takes her bag and goes to work)

Child manager: - I go to kindergarten. 8:30 am.

The cooks are already working their magic in the kitchen.

Corridors, toilets, groups, halls, offices...

I have to check everything and maintain safety.

(sits at the table, there are papers on the table, a telephone)

Child presenter: It’s 9 am,

And on the threshold there is already a nurse:

Child nurse: - We have problem number one:

The Tulip group is in quarantine again.

We need to quickly run through the garden,

As soon as possible, gather the nannies together.

Bleach and soap, brushes, water.

The SES will rush to us, again as always.

Child presenter: 9:15 - the phone rings

(the manager picks up the phone)

The event should be given to the area.

The problem again: everyone needs to be collected,

Quickly decide how and what to show.

Child manager (looks at his watch) 10:00 - like a locomotive,

Our dear caretaker comes to my door:

Child caretaker: - There is no heating, the basement is drowning!

The pipes are rotten, it's a complete emergency!

Call the housing department urgently,

Ask a locksmith to send them urgently.

Child leader: 11 exactly. The methodologist runs:

Methodist child: - A computer virus has entered our kindergarten!

Computers urgently need treatment

Otherwise, all files will die very quickly!

Child manager: 13:00 - I have a teachers’ meeting,

Educators need to be given good advice.

And they weren’t sad about their salary.

Child presenter: 14:30 - runs to RayONO.

Slippery! Luckily it's nearby.

There, of course, they will be reprimanded for everything...

They don’t want to give money.

Child manager: 17:00 - I go into the office,

I think I missed lunch.

I just can’t eat now,

I'll run to the meeting hall.

19:00 - the janitor has left,

He more expensive work found it.

What should I do? What should I do?

Where can I get a new wiper?

Until I found a man to take the place,

I came home late at night.

I just closed my eyes,

Mom (adult): - Daughter, get up, it’s time to go to kindergarten,

All the children are already heading to kindergarten.

Child manager: - No! There's no way I'm going there!

I'd rather die, drown, shoot myself!!!

Mom (quietly): - Daughter, we need it!

You are the head of a kindergarten!

Encore song "Russia"

Word from the head, parents


throw and do not tear... We swear! Do your homework completely...

We swear! To come to school on time... We swear to become smarter and smarter in a year

grow up... We swear! Become the pride of parents and teachers... We swear!

presentation of diplomas and gifts to graduates.

The children are great, but you can see from the faces of their parents that they are not yet ready for

school life, so I want you to say the oath that I am for you

came up with it. You must say YES loud and clear!

1. Will we always help children with their studies? - Yes!

2. So that the school is proud of its children? -Yes!

3. Are you not afraid of leapfrog tasks? -Yes!

4. Are formulas to remember nonsense for you? -Yes!

5. We swear to never hit children! -Yes!

6. Just scold a little sometimes? -Yes!

7. Let's be calm, like water in a river? -Yes!

8. Will we be as wise as a star in the sky? -Yes!

9. We will get up in the cold mornings,

To be on time both here and there? -Yes!

10. When the study period is completed,

Shall we go for a walk with the children then? -Yes!

1 Ved. How difficult it is for us to part with you,

And let you out from under the wing into the world.

We became family, we became friends,

And it seems like you couldn’t be found better.


In our kindergarten there is a tradition of releasing dream balls into the sky...

Release your childhood balloon into the sky,

And your wishes and cherished dreams will come true!

Many good things await you ahead.

We wish you a safe journey!

Graduation party script

“Vitya Perestukin in the land of unlearned lessons”

Job title: Musical director

Place of work:

municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten of general developmental type (artistic and aesthetic priority direction development of pupils) of the second category

No. 6 “Fairy Tale”

Belaya Kalitva, Rostov region

Target: to encourage interest in musical, dance and stage activities, to indicate the upcoming change in the lives of children, to emphasize their status; consolidate knowledge and skills in musical education received during a visit to a preschool educational institution.

♫ Fanfare sounds

Two children come out
1 child:

Today we have a holiday in the garden,

But we are a little sad,

All because we are with friends

We don’t want to say goodbye today.

2 child:

Let's not be sad,

And let's start the holiday happily!

And you help us together,

Welcome with applause!

♫ Dance “We are the best!” (stand in a semicircle)

Presenter-1: Let's say goodbye quietly friends

Let's not be sad today.

And no matter how many years pass, it’s all the same.

You won't forget our kindergarten.

Presenter-2 : Let them wait on the school route

A lot of big changes.

You walked out of here into adulthood.

From these kindergarten walls.

3 child:

Our beloved, our beautiful, our wonderful kindergarten!

Today you are seeing off your preschool children on their happy journey.


Goodbye, our fairy tales, our merry round dance,
Our games, songs, dances! Goodbye! School is waiting!

5 child:

Our favorite kindergarten, you will be remembered forever!
We will send you from school from excellent students...
All. Hello!

♫ Song “Kindergarten” (children sit down)

Conversation on a bench(two kindergarten graduates are sitting on a bench, their briefcases are lying on the ground next to them)

girl: (looks at herself closely in the mirror, speaks flirtatiously, turning to her friend)

Oh, how quickly the years fly by,

No good.

It's scary to look in the mirror

I don't want to grow old!

girl: And don't tell me how right you are.

Here in the next group is Ksyushka,

Oh, what a girlfriend looks like.

All of yourself!

Fu-you, chickpeas, well done!

girl: What have I come to?

(looking in the mirror, makes a light massage with fingers under the eyes)

I bought the bags for myself.

The trace of blush has long since disappeared,

All diets are of no use.

They force you to eat oatmeal,

They wake up early.

Develop intelligence

In our computer age.

girl: Oh, what you are (name)!

Okay, it's not that bad.

We will live to be a hundred years old,

What will you tell me then?

girl: Yes, friend, you're right.

Let the years fly by.

School is waiting for you and me,

What's in great life leads.

(recovering themselves, they run away, laughing with their briefcases)

♫ Dance with briefcases

Presenter (draws attention to the briefcase).Look, whose briefcase is this? Interesting...(picks it up)

♫ Magic music
Briefcase . How unlucky I am! I've been lying here for a long time...

But I will, everyone needs me at school, friends!

Presenter. What a talking briefcase! Whose are you?

Briefcase. No luck, no luck, I got such a lazy student - Vitya Perestukin! I got everything mixed up and ended up in the land of unlearned lessons. How am I now without a master?

Ved1. We must save Vitya Perestukin! Girls and boys, can we help?

Ved2. How can we help Vita Perestukin?

Briefcase . We need to correct all his mistakes...Kotofeich, come in!

Kotofeich . Meow! Why are you calling me?

Briefcase . Boys and girls decided to help Vita Perestukin!

Cat . This Vitya Perestukin didn’t solve a single problem correctly! What do you think, dear portfolio, these kids will be able to find the right answers?

Portfolio Let's try it!

Cat. Well, then, cheerful company, double your attention!
1. You will sleep during lessons -
For your answer you will receive... (not five, but two)

2. Your head cooks great:
Five plus one turns out... (not two, but six)
3.I have a black cat,
He has as many tails... (not six, but one)
4. Alphabetical family
Headed by the letter... (not Y, but A)
5. Round shaped head,
The same shape of the letter... (not A, but O)

Cat . Thank you, kids, for your help, this is the game!

♫ Game "Numbers"

Presenter. You all need to prove that you can count.

Do you agree, kids? It's time to start the game.

The song `Walk` is playing

The presenter shows the number 2. The children become pairs and say the words:

We know this is number two,

The kids got into pairs.

The verse of the song sounds again. The presenter shows the number 4. Children gather in circles of 4.

We know the number 4

Let's make the circle wider.

The verse of the song sounds. The presenter shows the number 5. Children gather in circles of 5.

We formed a circle again

Children love the number 5.

Briefcase . Where did you learn to count, not that this Vitya Perestukin mixed everything up!

Cat. Thank you! And it’s time for me! I’ll go restore order, otherwise the bears are in the pond, and the ducklings are in Vitya’s den. Be friends with mathematics! Good luck at school!

Santa Claus comes in, wrings out his handkerchief, and wipes his forehead.

Santa Claus (angrily). Where is this Victor Perestukin?... Hello! It is necessary to answer the question: “When does it come? New Year? He replied: “June 31st.” So I walk around and worry... Who will correct the mistake of this lazy and poor student?

Briefcase. Ay-ay-ay! The seasons are mixed up! Help correct this mistake of Vitya Perestukin

Didactic game "Seasons"

The soundtrack of a blizzard sounds, Santa Claus thanks for the help and, spinning, leaves.

Briefcase. What smart girls and boys! They solve problems and don’t get confused about the seasons!

A scream is heard, Vitya Perestukin runs into the hall, a cow is chasing him, Vitya hides behind the leader.

Cow. Hid! Oh, Vitya Perestukin! I'll eat you now!

Ved . Wait, wait, dear cow... Something is wrong here!

Cow . This boy said that I was a predatory animal. Now I'll eat you too!

Ved. Children, help, what does a cow eat? (grass) So she (children answer) is a herbivore, not a carnivore.

♫ The cow sings and dances “Green ant grass...” and leaves.

Briefcase. So you, children, corrected another mistake of Vitina.

Ved. What are you doing, Vitya?!

Vitya. Yes, it's my fault... I thought, like in kindergarten, adults will always help

Ved . Vitya, our children will also go to school on September 1 and this is what they think about it...


Malch : Hurray, hurray! Finally, the time has come!
Dev 1: I don’t understand why you’re happy - that you’re leaving kindergarten?
Malch : Well, yes. I won't sleep during the day
Dev 2: And you will read and write everything.
Malch : But I won’t eat porridge,
Dev 1: You want to get up, but they tell you to sit down
Malch: We'll come home early
Dev 2: And we won’t find our mother at home.

Himself - in the refrigerator, himself - lunch, himself - for homework...

Malch: And the neighbor? I’ll invite Vovka to visit (the 2nd boy runs up)

He and I will eat everything we find.
Then we'll go for a walk with him,

Malch 2 - Let's take my cat Maruska and play with her a little.

Then we will fight in a sea battle...

Dev 1: Wait, please, wait.

Then solve the task

After all, you can get a bad grade, and your mother will be very upset.

M 2 - Yes, brother, that’s how things are. As you can see, youth has passed...
M 1 - Yes, you’re right, we’ve matured, serious things await us too
Together: We are entering first grade!

Song “We are now students” (bell at the end of the song)

Briefcase . I would like to be friends with such first-graders, not like my Vitya Perestukin!

Vitya (tries to take the briefcase). And here is my briefcase!

Briefcase. Oh-oh-oh! Don't touch me! If you open it, you will forever remain in the Land of Unlearned Lessons! Complete the last task - correctly compose a proverb from the words. Only you have to do this yourself! Children don't have to help you!


Briefcase. Well, finally, Vitya, he himself completed at least one task correctly! It's time for us to go home!

♫ Sounds out magical music. Vitya takes the briefcase and, in a hurry, leaves.

Ved 1. It all starts with the school bell
The road to the stars, the secrets of the ocean,
Everything will be late or sooner,
Everything is ahead of you for now!

Ved 2 .Starfall, starfall
The stars are circling across the sky!
Smile at the star
Share your dream with her!

♫"Who to become" dance performance

Ved. Today we are escorting all preschoolers to first grade,

Let me dance “Preschool Waltz” as a farewell dance.

♫ Waltz

Ved. Now the time has come to say “Goodbye!”

But we won’t be sad anyway.

Ved. Today I want to go to the farewell party

Just say a kind “THANK YOU”!

1. Well, that's all! Goodbye my kindergarten
Childhood is leaving you little by little,
I will save childhood memories,
I'll take some of them with me on the road.

2. We are our own good kindergarten
We will not stop loving
And yet we say goodbye
After all, we have become big!

3. Everything passes, but I'm a little sorry
That a page of childhood is closing,
Everything is ahead, but only to kindergarten
We will never return!

4p . Goodbye to everyone who loved us
Taught me to play, write,
Sculpt, and dance and sing,
Helped me become smarter!

5 rub. We will not forget your hands, their gentle warmth.
We learned the word “friend” here.
And “happiness” and “good”!

6r. Thanks to everyone who taught us,
Who fed us and who treated us,
And to those who simply loved us!
All. Bow to you and thank you!

♫ Farewell song

Vedas 1. A long-awaited call will call all of you in September,

Everything will be different - both school and the first lesson.

Ved 2. And here is an unfamiliar desk and your first class.

Everything will be as before, everything will be, but only without us.

♫ Musical sketch “Farewell, beloved kindergarten!”

(last photo of preschool childhood)

Children sit on chairs
1st Educator: And now the most solemn and exciting moment is coming for you!

2nd Educator: May you have many awards in life, but the first one in life is more valuable than a treasure.

Ved. 1: Dear graduates! The head of the kindergarten addresses you with kind, parting words.

Presentation of diplomas and gifts

Ved. 2: Dear children! All life's joys and hardships, ups and downs, disappointments and victories have always been shared with you by your glorious parents. A word to the parents of our graduates!
Parents' response.

Presenter1. In our kindergarten there is a tradition of releasing dream balls into the sky...

Presenter 2. Release your childhood balloon into the sky,

And your wishes and cherished dreams will come true!

Many good things await you ahead.

We wish you a safe journey!

Vedas 1. Our ball is over, the holiday is ending...

Have a nice trip, first grader!

Ved 2. Let school life it will be just as beautiful

Like this day - bright, cheerful and clear.

♫ Music plays, children with balloons go outside, make wishes and release the balloons into the sky

Treshchinskaya Olga Nikolaevna
Job title: music director
Educational institution: GBOU Gymnasium No. 1512
Locality: Moscow
Name of material: matinee script\. dedicated to farewell to kindergarten
Subject: Adventures in the Land of Unlearned Lessons
Publication date: 01.06.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Moscow Department of Education

State budgetary educational institution


Gymnasium No. 1512

Preschool department No. 1287

Matinee dedicated to farewell to


"Adventures in the Land of the Unlearned"


(based on the cartoon “In the Land of the Unlearned”


Prepared and conducted:

Musical director of GBOU Gymnasium No. 1512

Treshchinskaya Olga Nikolaevna


Educational area: artistic and aesthetic development (music);

Integrated areas: physical development (elements);

socio-communicative development (elements);

cognitive development (elements);

speech development (elements).

Target: create conditions for children to demonstrate their skills as fully as possible and

skills acquired in the process of mastering the preschool program




Ability to perform vocal and choreographic compositions;

Ability to dance in pairs, ability to keep distance when moving in a circle

one after another and in pairs;

Musical ability;

Musical and motor memory;

Coordination of movements, ability to navigate and move freely

in the music hall space;

A sense of partnership in games and dances;

Good diction, rich vocabulary and artistry;

The ability to realize oneself in theatrical activities;

Interest and love for music;

Treat each other with respect.


A set of phonograms;

A set of items for the game “Build a Briefcase”;

Character costumes.

Hall decoration: on the curtains

“watermelon” and “bread” trees, inscription

“Land of Unlearned Lessons”, model of the Castle of Grammar, clock with transfers


Matinee dedicated to farewell to kindergarten.

Adventures in the Land of Unlearned Lessons

(based on the cartoon “In the Land of Unlearned Lessons”).


Vitya Perestukin

Mathematics textbook

Russian language textbook

Cow or Bull

Diggers 2

Father Frost


P.I. Tchaikovsky's Polonaise from the opera "Eugene Onegin" sounds. Children in pairs

They enter the hall, dance a polonaise, and at the end of the dance they line up in a semicircle.

1. Hello day, happy and sad!

The hall is replete with garlands of balloons...

Today we are starting a farewell ball,

Seeing off kindergarten graduates!

2. The years of childhood flew by unnoticed.

These walls protected us as best they could...

We played pranks, grew up and became wiser,

And now the hour of farewell has come.

3. It was warm and cozy for us in the kindergarten,

There were many projects and discoveries.

We were surrounded with care every minute,

A series of joyful events.

A song about kindergarten is performed (at the choice of the music director)

5. The wind of wanderings inflates the sail.

Never return to childhood.

Only a child's heart remains

In our kindergarten, probably forever.

6. Let's not forget our games, fairy tales,

Motley New Year's round dance

Goodbye songs, dolls, dances,

Goodbye, school awaits us in September!

7. Our favorite kindergarten

We will remember for many years

And we will send him from school from excellent students...

All together: HELLO!!!

A song about school is performed (at the choice of the music director)



hides behind the curtain. Vitya appears to the appropriate music, he has

in his hands are textbooks, which he drops in different places, Vitya is worried about something

searching, muttering to himself...

Vitya: Where did he go? Not on the windowsill, not under the curtain... Oh, and

I’ll get it... both from my mother and at school... If only someone could help?!

holds out

greet with a handshake.

Boy: Well, tell me, how can I help you?

Vitya: You see, I lost the diary, and without it I feel wow... (makes a gesture towards

Girl: Don’t be shy, now we’ll look for it together... (finds the diary in the very

inappropriate place, such as under the carpet). Why is it so dirty?

(waves the diary, and deuces pour out of it).

Music plays, all the children, except the Girl, the Boy and Vitya, dance

deuces, then sit down, and the performers of the roles of textbooks go behind the curtain and

changing clothes. Vitya, the Girl and the Boy continue the conversation.

Boy: Oh, how many twos you have! How bad are you at studying!!!

Vitya: Screw this study and these lessons! I will become a traveler...different

there are all sorts of countries...

Girl: A traveler must know a lot...

Vitya: Yes, I already know everything!!!

Boy: Everything is clear: in fact, you are a typical lazy person, and you have no strength

will, no character!

Vitya: Oh! Where can I get them?


bring up,



overcome, struggle with difficulties...

Vitya: Yes, I would overcome, I would fight, but where are they, these difficulties?

Boy: Well, first of all, do your homework, put your textbooks in order...

Vitya: Textbooks??? (shouting) I hate all these textbooks, damn them


(picks up textbooks from the floor and throws them behind the curtain with all his might).

There is a roar (thunder). The Girl and the Boy get scared and sit down on the chairs.

Textbooks come to life from behind the curtain. One has a bandaged head, the other

leans on a crutch. Vitya runs away in horror and screams...

Vitya: Oh, mommy!!! Who is this???

Math textbook: (indignantly) He doesn’t even recognize us!!!

Russian language textbook: (angrily) He draws devils on us!!!

Vitya: (embarrassing) Ah-ah-ah, you are my textbooks! Hello! (disdainfully) So what?

do you need from me?

Mathematics textbook: We have come to save you!

Russian language textbook: We are sending you to the Land of Unlearned Lessons!

Vitya: (joyfully) That’s great! Are there any difficulties there?

Mathematics textbook: As many as you like!

Vitya: What about the dangers?

Russian language textbook: More!

Vitya: Can I take my friends with me? (addresses the children) Guys, help

in my time of need??? (children answer: “We’ll help!”)

Mathematics textbook: Yeah! I think you will need helpers...

Russian language textbook: And remember, at exactly six o’clock you must be at

Palace of Grammar! If you don’t have time, you will forever remain in the Land of the Unlearned

Vitya: I understand, I understand, I remember!

Mathematics textbook: Well, quickly, everyone join hands (Vitya joins hands with

A girl and a boy, the rest of the children join hands in pairs) ... One, two, three!!!



curtain with,

changing clothes,



movements of the hands, simulating a state of weightlessness, slowly moving along

hall and return to their chairs. The performer of the role of the Cow (Bull) leaves for

curtain and changes clothes. At this time, the teachers move the large and small

curtain: on the backdrop - the Palace of Grammar, above the Palace - large props

clock with movable hands, on the left side of the curtain there is a “watermelon” tree,

on the right side there is “bread”, on the lambrequin there is the inscription “Land of the Unlearned”

Lessons." Vitya, the Girl and the Boy stop in the center, look around,


Vitya: Well!!! (triumphantly points to the watermelons) I told you that watermelons

grow on trees! And everyone laughed...

Boy: (points to buns) Do you think buns also grow on trees?

Vitya: Well, yes, you don’t see. what??? (offended) And they gave me a bad mark for this!!!




Let's go

let's figure it out...

(addresses all children) Guys, where do watermelons grow?

Do any of the children give the correct answer: watermelons grow on a special

vegetable garden, which is called “melon”.

Boy: Where do the buns come from?

Do any of the children give the correct answer: first they grow in the fields

grain, then the grain is ground into flour, and rolls, bread, and





Boy: Don't worry, we'll make it in time. Better look around, how beautiful it is,

green meadows, a herd grazing in the distance...

Music sounds, children go out onto the carpet, the song “Who grazes on

meadow" lyrics by Yu. Chernykh, music by A. Pakhmutova and rhythmic composition based on





music and a wild Cow (Bull) runs onto the stage. Girl and Boy

They run to the side, Vitya hides behind them.

Cow (Bull): Moo-o-o, where is this poor student - Perestukin? (notices Vitya) Ah-ah-ah,

hid! Now I'll eat you! (steps on the guys).

Girl: Wait, wait, dear cow (bull)... Something is here

Cow (Bull): That's right! This boy said that a cow (bull) is a predatory animal

animal. So I’ll eat you all (points to the children)!!!

Vitya: Oh, guys, help me, tell me what do bulls and cows eat?

The children answer: “Grass.”

Boy: So, both bulls and cows are herbivores, not carnivores!

Cow (Bull): Of course, herbivores...(jumps joyfully, sings, leaves behind

curtain) Grass, ant, green...

Girl: Well, Vitya, do you understand the power of scientific knowledge?

Vitya: Got it, got it, just let’s hurry up, I really don’t want to stay in

this terrible country...

Vitya, Girl and Boy join hands, all the children become pairs,



(lyrics by Yu. Entin,

music by M. Minkov), but with the second half of the first verse changed:

Ask strict life:

Which way to go?

Where in the world should you go in the morning?

Walk the path of knowledge

Don't be afraid of trials

Go, my friend, go along the path of knowledge and goodness!

During the movement, a Cow (Bull) joins the children, and the performers

The diggers go behind the curtain and change clothes. Children sit on chairs, Vitya,

The Girl and the Boy continue to march merrily in the center of the hall.

March music sounds, “one and a half Diggers” enter the hall, Vitya screams from

horror, hiding, the Diggers make a circle around the hall and stop next to

A girl and a boy.





happened? Did a tram run over you?

Digger 1: He was run over by the poor student Perestukin. He solved the problem in such a way that he

it turned out to be one and a half diggers (makes a gesture towards the “half” of the diggers)

...Oh, if I come across this Perestukin... (threatening with a shovel)

Girl: Don’t be upset, please tell us the condition of your task, and

The guys and I will solve it...

Excavator 1: Well, listen: one excavator can dig one

pit. How many diggers will it take to dig two holes?

The guys give an answer, the second Digger appears.

Excavator 2: Glory to the great mathematicians!!!

Excavator 1: Shame on Viktor Perestukin!!!



A gloomy Vitya approaches the boy.

Vitya: (scratching the back of his head) Yes-ah-ah, I’m a lousy mathematician...

Boy: Nothing, Vitya, all is not lost, just stop being lazy and start


Girl: And understand that in our time no one can do without mathematics!

Children run out onto the carpet, stand scattered, the role of Grandfather

Moroz goes behind the curtain. Children perform a comic song about mathematics at

melody of the Song of the Lion Cub and the Turtle (music by G. Gladkov)

After all, everything needs an account.

Kudos to mathematics!

We count everything:

Crocodiles and chickens.

After all, everything needs an account.

Kudos to mathematics!

Suddenly, a disheveled and confused Santa Claus appears. Seeing him

children run away screaming, Vitya hides in auditorium. Girl and

The boy, spreading his arms in surprise, approaches Santa Claus.

Boy: Hello, Grandpa!

Santa Claus: (angrily) Hello...(wipes his forehead with a handkerchief, wrings out the handkerchief, drips

Girl: Santa Claus! How did you end up here? After all, the New Year has long passed,

Spring is just around the corner. Are you sick? Or have the seasons been mixed up?

Santa Claus: No, honey! I didn't mix anything up. I'm looking for Vitya Perestukin.

Can you imagine?


Help, killer whales, answer correctly, when does the New Year begin?..

Otherwise I’ll melt soon!!! (cries and wrings out the handkerchief again, water drips)

Boy: Yes, well, Vitya, he managed to make two mistakes at once. Firstly,

how many days are there in June?

The children answer: “Thirty.”

Girl: And when does the New Year come???

The children answer: “December thirty-first.”

Santa Claus: Thank you, guys! I’ll quickly run to my place, to the north. See you

in December!!! (music sounds, Santa Claus waves his hand, runs behind the curtain and

changing clothes. The Girl and the Boy wave their hands after him).

Vitya comes out of his hiding place and approaches the Girl and the Boy.

Vitya: (looks around) Well, he left??? And I was afraid that if the guys didn’t help, he would

will freeze...

Boy: Well, buddy, you’ve done a lot...

Girl: Oh, guys, we need to hurry, look (points to the watch), already

five o'clock! Get on the road!!!

run out






Grammar goes behind the curtain and changes clothes.



Emerald, we are walking along a difficult road” (music by I. Efremova).

A wonderful Palace awaits us

Interesting science:

It's called grammar

And anyone is friends with her.

It will be useful to us in life,

It will teach you not to be lazy.

And Vitya will return

Home with victory!

Children sit on chairs, Grammar comes out to the music.

Grammar: Hello guys! You reached my Palace on time and I

I can help you.

Vitya: (plaintively) Help, please! Take me home and the guys to the nursery

Grammar: And you are probably the same Vitya Perestukin who doesn’t want to

Vitya: Yes, yes, the same one, only I understood everything, I already want to learn and am ready for any

difficulties and trials...

Grammar: (slyly) Ready for the test, you say??? Well, here's mine for you

test...But no one will help you, if you handle it yourself, you’ll come back

home, if you can’t handle it, you’ll stay in my Palace forever!



portable board so that all spectators can see. Vitya comes up to the board and

Vitya: That’s it, I’m lost, I can’t see my home...

Boy: Don’t whine, but rather think, use your brains!

Vitya puffs, sighs, thinks out loud and, with difficulty, solves the puzzle.

Vitya: (with pride) Here! Ready!

Vitya reads the rebus, all the children applaud and chant “Well done!”

Grammar: Yes, indeed - well done! And your friends are wonderful, in everything

helped. And now, as a farewell, I want to give you school bags, but

you just have to lay them down yourself, and only with those objects that will

you need at school...The judges in this test will be your teachers!

Children line up in two teams, in front of each team there is a table with

many different subjects (school and non-school). Standing on a chair nearby


one by one







Grammar stands between the teams, watching from the sidelines and approvingly

nods. Having finished packing, the children sit on chairs.

Grammar: Well, I'm pleased with you. Receive your gifts. And now -

home... Hold hands... one, two, three!

The music sounds fantastic. Children perform smooth movements with their hands,

simulating a state of weightlessness, slowly move around the hall and return

on the chairs. At this time, the teachers close the large and small curtains.

Vitya, the Girl and the Boy go out to the middle of the hall.

Vitya: Thank you guys for your help! I’ll run to correct my mistakes as soon as possible.

I wish you success on the path of knowledge! (waves his hand and runs behind the curtain).

Girl: Days pass by days, and now the time is coming,

When the Road of Knowledge calls us forward.

Farewell, our peaceful childhood corner!

Life will take a sharp turn.

Boy: We are not afraid of school problems.

We are ready to gnaw on the granite of science.

Let's study formulas, laws, theorems,

Worthy to serve the Motherland!

A girl and a boy sit on chairs. Solemn music sounds, children

line up in a semicircle, the ceremony of presenting the “Golden” awards begins

pelican", which is accompanied by the sound of a fanfare.



carried out

award ceremony for contributions to the education of preschoolers “Golden


2. In the nomination “One for all and all for one...” figurine “Golden Pelican”

awarded to our senior teacher......! (presentation of the statuette)

3. In the “Favorite Mentors” category, the “Golden Pelican” figurine is awarded

to our teachers………..(presentation of a statuette).

In the “Better Cinderella” category, the “Golden Pelican” figurine is awarded

assistant teacher………..(presentation of a statuette).

5. In the category “Did you call the doctor?” The Golden Pelican figurine is awarded

to our nurse ……………..(presenting a statuette).

6. In the “Bon Appetit” category, the “Golden Pelican” figurine is awarded

catering workers……………..(presentation of a statuette).






to our psychologist……………..(presentation of a statuette).

8.In the nomination

"Fun Starts" Golden Pelican figurine is awarded

physical education instructor……………..(presentation of a statuette).

9. In the nomination “With music through life” the Golden Pelican figurine is awarded

to the music director……………..(presentation of the statuette).





educational institution)

After this, all the children sing the song “Kindergarten” (lyrics by V. Borisov,

music by A. Ermolov).

Teacher 1: And now, as a sign of gratitude, our children will give their

flowers for mentors (music plays, children hand flowers and sit on chairs)



parting words

our senior teacher addresses……………(speech).

Teacher 1: The floor is given to parents……….(speech)

Educator 2: In our kindergarten, there is a tradition of letting go into the sky

dream balls...

Educator 1: Let this ball bring good luck,

Happiness, health, success to boot,

Feel free to walk the school road!

We wish you a good journey!

Music plays and children are given balloons. Together with parents and

teachers go out into the yard and release balloons.

After this, everyone returns to the group room and the celebration can be

continued in accordance with the initiative of the parents.

songs is Treshchinskaya O.N.