The dream book was about a deceased grandmother. Why did you dream about your dead grandmother? Why do you dream about a dead grandmother crying - Miller's Dream Book

A deceased grandmother in a dream is a very important sign that you should pay attention to Special attention. This image is interpreted differently by different dream books. To understand what such a dream means, you should carefully, to the smallest detail, remember your dream, possible words or dialogue with the deceased, your own feelings in the dream. Having put together the images and received a full-fledged picture of the vision, you can look for an interpretation in the dream book.

Deceased relatives come in a dream for a reason, but with the purpose of warning about something or pointing out something important that we have overlooked. For those who happened to see their deceased grandparents in a dream, dream books advise paying attention to this dream, since it contains encrypted information, which, in most cases, concerns relatives.

To find out why the deceased grandmother dreams, you need to pay attention to the smallest details: actions, gestures, words of the deceased - all this has hidden meaning, which you need to be able to correctly “read” and understand.

A dream in which a deceased grandmother often appears may indicate that the deceased should be remembered. Most often this is done in this way: they buy candies, cookies and other sweets that the old woman loved during her lifetime and treat them to neighbors, colleagues or just acquaintances with a request to remember the relative.

In some cases, in a dream, the deceased herself “orders” what she wants. You should buy everything that the old woman asked for and take it to the cemetery, light a candle and put on a plate all the delicacies bought the day before. Sometimes a relative may order not only groceries, but also wardrobe items, cosmetics or hygiene items.


If you dreamed of a deceased grandmother in a dream, then, according to the dream book, the dreamer is expected to big changes in life. This may apply not only to family ties, but also to the work and personal spheres. A radical revolution in human consciousness is possible.

A dream in which you happened to see the deceased grandmother in a dream in no way foreshadows death, but rather, on the contrary, promises a long and happy life. In most cases, the dream book interprets such a vision as a subconscious concern for the granny. Perhaps in reality the old lady became ill, and your fears began to manifest themselves in your dreams.

If you dreamed that your deceased grandmother was alive, then you should take a very careful look at her. If in a dream the old woman does not try to take him aside and tell him something and does not make any attempts to talk with the dreamer, but simply behaves as usual, it means that no significant changes are expected in the family.

If the deceased does not leave a certain person in a dream, talking to him, taking him by the hand or just walking, then in reality you need to see the people you dreamed about, because the relatives are bored and remember the dreamer.

For a woman, such an image, according to the dream book, suggests that in the past she made some unforgivable mistake, for which she will soon have to pay with her own happiness.

A dream in which the deceased grandmother came to life before the eyes of the dreamer is considered unfavorable. Such a vision, according to the dream book, warns of misfortunes that will soon befall a person or his relatives. Often the result of such cataclysms is other people's intrigues and slander.

Seeing a dream where a deceased grandmother dies foreshadows unexpected news in the dream book, which can be both positive and negative. For a girl, such a picture promises a favorable moment to express herself at work, and for newcomers - to get closer to colleagues.

Finding yourself in a difficult situation due to an incorrect choice, the fault of which will be the dreamer himself, is what the 20th dream means, where the deceased grandmother swears. The dream book advises you to beware of rash actions and weigh your every step and think about every word.

If you constantly dream of a deceased grandmother who is in a wonderful mood, beautifully dressed and made up, it means, according to the dream book, in real life things will work out for a sleeping person the best way, and all worries are vain and groundless. Married young man this vision is deciphered as an upcoming break in relations (divorce) with your spouse.

Seeing an old woman silent and dejected promises unpleasant events in the dream book, which can lead to unexpected consequences. For men, such a dream can foreshadow unfinished business that definitely needs to be completed.


Interacting with a deceased old woman in a dream will also help decipher what the deceased woman is dreaming about.

Seeing your late grandmother crying in a dream means that you should soon expect serious squabbles and conflicts with relatives. In most cases, the reason is some little thing, which is just the tip of the iceberg, but like a match that can ignite a serious scandal.

For young mothers, such a dream, according to the dream book, reminds them that they need to take better care of their young children, since they can become very sick or injured. The girl will feel guilty for a long time for her “negligence.”

If a person happened to kiss his late grandmother in a dream, then one should expect a deterioration in his own health, frequent ailments and a painful state of the whole body. Seeing a deceased woman kissing someone means serious health problems for the person in the dream. If a relative kissed you on the forehead - to unexpected death that person.

To explain why you dream of feeding your late grandmother in a dream, you need to remember the dish that the old woman was treated to. Jam - beware of deception, a girl should not trust a young man claiming the hand and heart of a beauty.

If a young man dreams of a deceased woman feeding him, it means it’s time for him to think about his own health and proper routine day. For an unmarried man, such a vision is interpreted by the dream book as a desire to find a family and acquire heirs.

Hugging a deceased grandmother in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as a person’s need for care and guardianship. In some cases, a dream may indicate nostalgia for someone.

A dream in which a deceased grandmother gives money suggests that in real life a person is (or will be) experiencing financial difficulties, to the point of borrowing money from strangers. This state of affairs can lead to the dreamer becoming dependent on these individuals, who can use him for illegal and unkind deeds.


Deceased relatives who come in a dream do not always look the same as they did in life. However, you shouldn’t ignore your dream just because of this, since all the details can help you find out in more detail what the late grandmother is dreaming about.

Seeing your relative with someone else's face indicates that it is better not to trust the dreamer strangers because they pose a potential threat. You need to try in the near future to reduce your stay in the company of unfamiliar people, not to trust your acquaintances and not to be fooled by provocations.

If the face loved one acquires the familiar features of another, which means you should take a closer look at him. This vision may not always indicate negative aspects. Sometimes the dream book interprets such images as helping the native spirit in solving difficult situations, pointing to the person who can solve the problem.

Seeing a deceased grandmother lying in a coffin warns the dreamer about rash actions that can greatly affect the relationship between family and friends. The dream book advises you to watch your words, so as not to bitterly regret what you said later.

It is useful for young girls to know why a pregnant deceased grandmother dreams. This dream foreshadows imminent joy, surprise and addition to the family. Also denotes successful endeavors, and for a woman - new stage in life.

If you dream about the house of your deceased grandmother, then it is important to remember its details. If it is new, clean and bright, it means that a successful acquisition will soon take place in the dreamer’s life. Old and abandoned - to troubles associated with old gossip or conflicts. Businessmen should not get involved with people with whom they were previously in conflict, as they will not live up to expectations.

The words spoken by a deceased dear old woman are of great significance. In most cases, after waking up, half of the dialogue does not remain in memory, but the meaning of what grandma said in a dream should remain. Sometimes spirits communicate with us through those phrases and sentences that evoke certain associations. You need to listen to your intuition and interpret the meaning according to your own understanding of the phrase.

An important factor that helps to find out what the deceased grandmother is dreaming of is her behavior in a dream. If a relative behaves out of character, too aggressively and defiantly, then, according to the dream book, you should be wary of squabbles and discord in the family, since the scandal will be stormy, long-lasting and with serious consequences.

A quiet, silent image of a deceased grandmother with a reproachful look, according to the dream book, indicates that the person has gone the wrong way and made many mistakes, for which not only he, but also his family and friends will have to pay.

Young people, seeing such an image in a dream, should not rush to grow up. Love, care and respect for loved ones should come from the dreamer in the near future, since these people need them very much.

For a man, this dream speaks of an excellent opportunity to get closer to his wife, with whom they are already long time can't find mutual language. A silent reproach in the gaze of a relative will haunt a person until he realizes his mistakes and sincerely repents of them.

Other dream books

Miller's dream book interprets a deceased grandmother in a dream as a very unfavorable sign, promising disappointment, failure and illness in reality. However, a dream in which you have to hug a dead old woman is interpreted as a favorable sign, foreshadowing health and longevity.

Miller's dream book ambiguously interprets a dream in which he happened to see the house of his late grandmother. On the one side, deceased relative warns that someone in the dreamer’s family line will soon become seriously ill. It is also a reminder for a person to pay attention to his relatives.

However, if you see the mistress of the deceased entering the house, then such a picture portends wealth and good luck to the dreamer in achieving his own goals. To an unmarried girl this image foreshadows in the dream book a meeting of the betrothed or an imminent engagement.

Interpretation of sleep - deceased grandmother, for Gypsy dream book, suggests the health and longevity of the dreamer and his family members. Talking to a deceased woman means practical advice that relatives will give to a person. You need to listen to advice, even when some of people’s statements may hurt your pride.

A dream in which I happened to see my deceased grandmother in a dream is interpreted by Vanga’s dream book as the presence higher powers, which will accompany and help the sleeping person cope with the difficulties that have arisen.

Seeing in a dream how a dear old woman hugs someone close to you is a sign that these people need care and guardianship. The dream book advises to surround with attention the people you dreamed about, who will later become good friends and loyal associates.

The desire for love, attention and understanding is what dreams of a deceased dear old woman mean, according to Long’s dream book.

comments 63

    Had a dream deceased mother And deceased grandmother alive. They were lying very sick, and I asked my daughter to give them painkillers, and I remember exactly that she gave two tablets to my mother and my grandmother too, I don’t remember exactly what this dream was for. I was very worried that they were in a lot of pain.

    Hello, please tell me, I’m leaving every other day to work, I dreamed that I was walking near the river with a very muddy water(calm, without a current), and my late grandmother was walking about 5 meters in front of me along the very edge and suddenly one of her legs seemed to slide into the water and she couldn’t keep her balance and she fell, I screamed and ran to her, and She smiles calmly and suddenly gurgles under the water. My thoughts need to do something, I panic and I jump after her, but the water is so muddy that I have to dive, I seemed to feel her hands, but I can’t pull her out and I woke up, I have this feeling, I want to help, but I can’t, I don’t know how, Help me explain, I’m worried because I’m leaving the child with my parents, and I’m going there for a month.

    Hello, I had such a dream, my late grandmother came to the house with a flower in a pot, as I understand it, she wanted to make a surprise and came, and I always cry when I see her. In the dream she was very beautiful, healthy and joyful, she was beautifully dressed, we sat and hugged and talked to her, she came unnoticed and left. Why is this dream?

    It’s not even a year since my grandmother died, today I dreamed that she died and came to life before my eyes, then she asked me a question: why did you tie my hands and feet?

    • The hands and feet of the deceased are tied so that the corpse does not disintegrate, but maintains its shape in the coffin. Well, I don’t know how else to explain. Someone did this in your family or in the morgue. Usually, before closing the coffin or a little earlier, the ties are removed. You probably didn't take it off? Grandma is probably not happy with this.


    Please tell me, I dreamed about my dead grandmother. The dream was this: I was running with a friend and didn’t see the cliff, I jumped into the river with her, there I saw my dead grandmother and one living grandmother walking in the river, they were holding hands, and the dead grandmother was smiling at me, that this could to mean?

    Help me interpret the dream. I’m standing in front of the cemetery at night, and to the side, my recently deceased grandmother says: “Tell Zina to buy me a candle!” And then in the dark sky it’s as if a door opens, from there bright light and something dark flew out. And then this shadow appeared in front of me. I started running away from fear and woke up. Then I fell asleep again and dreamed that my dead grandmother was lying across the bed in her house. I understand that she is dead. I sit down next to her and stroke her hand, saying: “My grandmother, she was the brightest person.” And she opens her eyes, but her eyes are empty, without eyeballs, only darkness, and she held out her hands to me. I woke up in fear again. So I can’t understand why she didn’t have eyes?


    I dreamed of my grandmother, in the dream I hug her and try to kiss her on the cheek, but something is stopping me, as if it were her hair, I seem to be pushing it apart and still kissing her, she seems happy about this, I say grandma, I miss her, she She answers me, I’m cold, cold, thereby hugging me.

    Hello! Maybe someone can help me. I often began to dream about my late grandmother; she died six months ago and just recently began to appear in my dreams very often. Almost always in her dreams she is in great pain, then she screams that she is dying, she even dreamed that her legs were amputated. Today I dreamed about her in the hospital and asked me to cover her warmly. All dreams are very difficult for me, I remembered and prayed. Maybe someone knows what this is?


    My grandmother died 10 years ago, I dreamed about it for the first time for 2 years, I was pregnant at that time, in the dream she came to visit me and brought raw meat, in general, a couple of months after the dream, my child died in the womb. IN this moment I’m in a position again, exactly two years have passed and I again dreamed of my grandmother, she was arguing with me that I hadn’t taken her to the dacha for many years and was poisoning a big dog on me. And this is how I define this dream. The mood is lousy in the morning.

    I dreamed of a dead grandmother, as soon as she died, for some reason we put her in a terrible, unfinished coffin and put it in the basement next to my other grandmother, she was alive, and then night came we all went to bed, and the dead grandmother started screaming in the coffin. her voice just chills to the bone, it was terrible. We go down there with my mother, brother and another grandmother, open the coffin, and the grandmother is alive and says, why did you make me such a small coffin (in fact, the grandmother had a normal coffin, not cramped) and reproached us for everything that we are bad and she has There were bruises all over my body on my shoulders and hips. Please explain this dream to me because I’m scared, I live in the house of the deceased, and my husband works on shifts. I’m often alone and waking up alone at night is simply nightmare!

    Me, my late mother and grandmother are in my grandmother’s garden. In front of us is a hole about a meter deep, measuring approximately 2 by 6, and the edges are lined with rotten logs, and at the bottom there are cracks in the ground. Grandmother has a shovel and she is picking up the earth around the hole. I am standing on one side of the pit, my mother and grandmother are on the other. Grandma is drunk and unhappy, mom is sad, she tells me, look how lazy grandma is and let everything go. All this happens at dusk, why such a dream?

    My grandmother died 41 years ago, I was 6, and I never dreamed about it, but here she’s lying on the floor, and we have to bury her, I think now my aunt will come and tie her legs, her legs are covered, and for some reason I’m crawling over her, and She opens her blue-blue eyes and looks at me. I crawled to the door on all fours and looked back, and she rose from the floor and stood up to her full height. I woke up. And I noticed that she was somewhat similar to me, I was named after her. What kind of dream is this?

    I dreamed about my grandmother, we were talking to her and she was beautiful in good mood, I ask her how you are doing, she says everything is fine, and then we eat raw meat. What is all this for?

    I dreamed today that I was sitting in my grandmother’s dark apartment. There is no light. The key turns and someone comes in, I'm scared and I want to wake up. And then my grandmother appears in the corridor, stands and looks at me intently. I was very happy about her and started shouting “Grandma, grandma”!!! She turned away and went into the kitchen and began to cook. And he cuts vegetables, cuts them with his back to me. I tell her: Grandma, I love you very much!!! And I stroke her back. I take her hands, look into her eyes and say that I love her. And she looks at me, and I see that she is upset and does not believe. He continues to cut and is silent. Here’s a dream, grandma died 8 years ago and I haven’t been to her grave for a very long time.

    I dreamed that my late grandmother came to life, and I forced her to come with me and get her a new passport, and for some reason I wrote an autobiography for her. And when we went to the registry office with her, she asked all the way why she needed a passport, she was fine without it. And I convinced her that she couldn’t do anything without a passport. Explain why this is?


    Hello. I had a dream about how I was in my late grandmother’s kitchen, cooking fish. She came in (light-haired, smiling), I was very happy, shouted “Grandma!” She ran up and hugged her (she was just as warm and soft). And when I hug her, she told me: “Close your eyes.” I closed. Then I remembered what my mother told me (not to go after a dead person). And I just started saying, off topic, that I can’t do it today and I can’t do it tomorrow, I still need to hang out the laundry. And I woke up abruptly.

    The dream was very strange and chaotic. I only remembered part of the dream well, towards the end. I saw my cousins ​​moving to the other side of the river along the stones protruding from the water, and I hurried after them. As soon as I stepped ashore, the terrain changed dramatically. I didn’t see my sisters anymore, they just disappeared. Instead of spring nature, I saw yellowed trees and realized that I had moved to another place and time. Judging by the clothes of passers-by, about 16-17 years ago (approximately the second half of September - early October). It was a courtyard in one of the districts of our city. I decided to go into one of the entrances. It turned out that an elderly writer lived in one of the apartments (in reality, I had never seen this woman either in person or in print publications/media). I stayed with her, she gave me her autographed book as a farewell. When I went outside, my grandmother, who died 15 years ago, was standing near the entrance. She looked at me silently. I was so glad to meet her, as if I had simply not seen her for a long time, as if I did not know that she had died. It felt like my heart was about to jump out of my chest. But for some reason I didn’t hug her. And she didn't rush to me. We exchanged glances (we didn’t talk at all), after which she disappeared to God knows where, as soon as I turned away. At this moment, I suddenly moved again. I saw a house at the crossroads, which was relatively close to my aunt's house. I don't remember anything else. Someone help me decipher the dream. No matter how hard I try, I don’t understand what it means. In my opinion, it is also significant that I dreamed of him on Annunciation. Last time I dreamed about my grandmother about a month and a half after the funeral. She said goodbye to me and never came back until today. If this is important, then I haven’t been to her grave for a long time because of my studies at the university.

    I dreamed at our house, my grandmother and I were standing on the loggia. I lean on the railing, she kind of hugs me from behind and starts pressing her body on me, I say: throw me off, and somehow it turns out that she squeezed me through the railing with her body, and then suddenly grabs me by the shoulders, while I’m hanging behind the railing and she pulls me back and I woke up. What is this for?

    And I very often dreamed of my grandmother, both sick, and dying, and coming back to life. I was always drawn to her, she didn’t let me get close to her. Now I understand what these dreams were about. My mother died two years ago, she was 48 years old, and my grandmother stopped dreaming about me. I started dreaming about my mother. They even dreamed about them together. Now I often dream about my mother. There was a dream in which my mother wanted to give me a gift. She said she would give me something. Mom always talks to me in my sleep. I even dreamed that I was dying and saw myself from the outside, as doctors tried to pump me out. Then I get into my mother’s room, and she tells me: “Well, I knew it,” and I woke up. Now I think and am afraid that I also dream about my mother for a reason, that she wants to tell me something. After her death, my mother dreamed of me after the 40th day and said that she felt good there and wasn’t bored, that there were a lot of them there, and I tried to give her her boots, and she told me to wear them. And she said that I would give them to her later. The last time I dreamed of her was for a very long time, but I don’t remember the dream, I remember what felt good in that dream. I follow her in almost every dream. Tell me what these dreams are for?

    What could this dream mean? In a dream, I walked with my late grandmother and father, but I didn’t see their faces, I just knew that they were, my grandmother looked bad during her life, but in the dream she was neat and wearing a bright white sweater. She told me and her father that she did not regret her first love and that she had lived with him all her life, I started crying, asked her to hug her, hugged her tightly, and she said three words in my ear: I didn’t love you. Help me explain please.

The dreamer did not have the most optimistic dream, at least based on the plot itself. What kind of sadist would be pleased to watch death, or to see the suffering sign of his own relative in a dream, especially his beloved grandmother? So, what does the deceased grandmother dream about in a dream?

Perhaps the deceased comes to you to warn you about something. But in another case, a dream with a similar plot may simply symbolize the pain of losing a relative, or something completely different; the dream cannot be interpreted unambiguously.

Interpretation of dreams based on certain themes

The dreamer needs to tune in and relax, after which he needs to remember the main circumstances and details that will help interpret the dream. Much depends on the dreamer in this operation, but the reader can remember his dream as the interpretation progresses.

Interpretation of dreams by famous personalities and dream books

  1. According to Menega's dream book. Menega claims that a deceased woman who visited you in a dream symbolizes some kind of loss that will change your life in better side. You don't have to be afraid of forgetting the past, because that's what's holding you back;
  2. Miller's Dream Book. Henry Miller interprets the dream differently; the reader needs to be wary and inquire about the health of loved ones, since the subconscious clearly senses problems associated with the deterioration of your grandmother’s condition, but in real life, which cannot be forgotten;
  3. According to Vanga. The Bulgarian seer does not interpret the dream unambiguously, but notes that a good, contented grandmother symbolizes a certain situation, the way out of which an elderly person you know will tell you, but the grandmother’s bad mood indicates the imminent arrival of a terrible envious person in your life, who will threaten your life as a whole;
  4. Modern dream book. By modern dream book such a dream promises problems on the dreamer’s path, which, as they are resolved, will bring him closer to his goal.

The image of a deceased granny in a dream is very often interpreted as a harbinger important events in your real life. This dream may mean that very soon you will have to face problems and difficulties that will be very difficult to overcome. But despite this, if a wise relative or acquaintance is nearby, the situation will be resolved in a favorable light for you.

In some dream books you can find an interpretation according to which a dream about a deceased grandmother indicates that you need support. Too many difficulties and everyday troubles have fallen on your shoulders, which are quite difficult to cope with alone.

Of particular importance for an accurate interpretation is the woman’s mood and her speech addressed to you. If a grandmother shares memories in a dream, tells something animatedly, then this is a sign good news and surprises. Morals and dissatisfaction may mean that you are leading the wrong lifestyle, that you are an evil and deceitful person. If you hear advice from her in a dream, then be sure to use it in reality. Ignoring what has been said can seriously spoil your affairs and family relationships.

Seeing a joyful grandmother in a dream and her smile is a sign that positive changes will soon occur in your family (especially for relatives along her family line). Seeing a sad, upset granny in a dream means the emergence of difficult situations and conflict in the family. If your dead grandmother happened to cry in a dream - expect misfortune, perhaps loss. Sometimes people turn to dream books because they saw a deceased woman hysterical. There are no interpretations as such regarding the dreamer’s life, but this is a clear sign that the deceased does not find a place for herself in the other world.

Other interpretations of dreams in which a deceased grandmother dreams

If a deceased grandmother gives money in a dream, then this foretells a quick profit, an increase in salary, an increase in income. Giving the dreamer money into the hands of the deceased indicates that a major purchase (for example, a car or real estate) is just around the corner. The same interpretations can be applied if you accepted or gave any gift.

Kissing or hugging your own woman means sadness and tears. As some commentators say, tears and Bad mood will be caused by minor reasons, such as memories.

Swearing at grandma or scolding her means that you will soon become very ill. The disease will occur in an acute form, but, fortunately, no complications will follow.

As you can see, if you dream of a deceased grandmother, then, as a rule, you can expect something favorable in the near future. What this is connected with is not written in dream books and has not been revealed by any scientists. Maybe a dear, albeit deceased, person is trying to take care of us in this way? No one knows…

Dreaming of a deceased grandmother in a coffin is not a pleasant sign. Difficulties will begin on the love front. The second half is not completely frank with you. This will cause some problems.

Do not rush to blame your partner, let him speak out and explain his behavior.

Late grandmother gives money in a dream

A dream where your deceased grandmother gives you money foreshadows the emergence of financial complications. Unforeseen expenses await you; you should take care of the safety of your funds.

Now it’s better not to make expensive purchases; think about creating a separate reserve for a rainy day.

Feeding a dead grandmother in a dream

Why do you dream of feeding your dead grandmother? The vision warns that you will soon be deceived. For a man, it foreshadows intrigues at work. A girl should be more careful when communicating with the opposite sex.

Don't be too trusting. Reject dubious offers and do not work with those who are suspicious.

Deceased grandmother hugs according to the dream book

If you dreamed about being hugged by a deceased grandmother, your inattention can cause serious problems. This is especially true for work. The cost of a mistake will be very high.

Be careful - if something is not going according to plan now, there is still time to make the necessary adjustments and fix everything.

Hugging a dead grandmother in a dream

According to the dream book, hugging a deceased grandmother means living a long time; I don’t know hardships or serious illnesses. The vision is especially favorable for patients - you will soon get better.

Stay positive. The future will pleasantly surprise you again and again.

Why do you dream that your dead grandmother is crying?

If you dream that your dead grandmother is crying, you will have to face a difficult life situation. Problems that arise in the financial sphere, as well as emotional instability, will be reflected in your well-being.

Don't let problems get the better of you, stay focused and proactive.

Late grandmother gives a gift in a dream

A dream where a deceased grandmother gives a gift foreshadows the onset of a period of luck and good fortune. In the near future, you can think about implementing long-standing plans and fulfilling your cherished dreams.

Take advantage of this favorable period to sort out long-standing issues and especially difficult problems.

Dreaming about the funeral of a dead grandmother

Seeing the funeral of a deceased grandmother in a dream - the interpretation of this vision will depend on the weather in the cemetery. A sunny and clear atmosphere promises to achieve harmonious relationships in the family. If the sun was hidden by clouds, quarrels and disagreements cannot be avoided.

Support your family and friends in solving problems. Rejoice with them if you manage to find a way out of a difficult situation.

I dreamed that we were visiting my late grandmother

Why do you dream of visiting your late grandmother? The vision foreshadows the establishment of tense relationships in the family. Household members will quarrel over little things, which could one day lead to a serious conflict.

Maintain restraint and composure, try not to get personal in a quarrel, this will help resolve the conflict peacefully.

Why do you dream of talking to your dead grandmother?

I dreamed that I was talking to my dead grandmother - a prosperous vision. An old lady can give you wise life advice that can be applied in solving difficult problems.

People have a rather difficult attitude towards everything related to death. Therefore, when a person dreams of someone who has already passed away, such a dream raises many emotions and questions. There are many signs and interpretations of such dreams that can give certainty, reassure and suggest what to do in such a situation. The most emotional dreams are those in which we see people who have recently left our lives. For example, if a deceased grandmother dies in a dream, not everyone will be able to resist emotions. And the question of why you had such a dream can provoke a lot of reasoning and worry. But if you dream that a living person has died, then there is no need to worry, just wish him health, because this dream predicts a long life for him.

Rarely does anyone see dreams where living people die, but dreams of dead people in the guise of living people are much more common. At the same time, having seen such a dream, many begin to worry, because beliefs say that these visions prophesy bad news, bad weather, illness and even death. But these are just old beliefs, interpretations of modern famous dream books strikingly different from them.


Difficult relationships between people lead to dreams where a deceased grandmother can be alive in a dream. Such a dream speaks of a feeling of guilt before the deceased, of an unresolved quarrel or a dispute that was never completed. When you dream about your grandmother almost immediately after the funeral, this can be regarded as an experience of the bitterness of loss. But, on the other hand, such a dream can be interpreted as a harbinger of imminent positive changes in life.

Dead relatives in a dream

It happens that a person can see in a dream a deceased grandmother with other family members who have gone to the next world. For example, if you dreamed about your mother, it means that the sleeping person will soon get sick. The deceased brother in a dream wants to remind you that one of your relatives needs help and support. But the father who dreamed with his grandmother says that man walking on the path of ruin, and he should manage his affairs more carefully.

The appearance of close relatives in a dream speaks of possible slander against your family, of gossip, so such a dream calls for you to be more attentive. And if you see both grandmothers at once in a dream - both on the maternal and paternal lines, then this indicates that you have serious, strong spiritual protection. If a deceased grandmother dies in a dream and comes along with her grandfather, then this is a sign of new troubles in the future; most likely, the person will be given additional responsibility, or one of the relatives will ask for financial help and participation in his life. Typically, such dreams occur before important ceremonies and family celebrations.

I constantly dream about my dead grandmother

Any person will be wary if he constantly sees his dead grandmother in a dream. If she asks for something, think about what unfinished business and unfulfilled obligations you have. Therefore, you need to make a list of such tasks and start doing them. Remember, you can’t quit this business halfway, even if you stop dreaming about it. Because interrupting the completion of tasks can lead to the appearance of these dreams in the future.

Also, through such dreams, remorse can be expressed that the relationship with the deceased person during life was not very warm, and there was no mutual understanding, and there are also grievances that have not been forgiven. In this case, it is better to let go of grievances and worries about the past, learn a lesson and not repeat your own mistakes.

Freud's Dream Book

According to the great Freud, she is the personification of the feminine principle. Therefore, an adult man dreaming of a deceased grandmother indicates that he is yearning for missed opportunities and the realization that life did not turn out the way he wanted.

If similar dream dreamed about it to a young guy, then this speaks of his doubts in his own abilities. Most likely he did not comply difficult work or feels immature for relationships with women. For a woman, such a dream will be a clear sign of insecurity in her own beauty and femininity, and also speaks of the fear that she will not be properly appreciated and will not receive reciprocity in a relationship.

The importance of details if a deceased grandmother dies in a dream

The events that occur before the appearance of the late grandmother are also important when interpreting the dream. If she dreamed about own home, then the dream book says that this is a lack of warmth and care for the sleeping person. If she enters her house in a dream, this portends imminent material enrichment. But if we consider Miller’s dream book, then such a dream does not bring anything good. There is a chance that her relative may become seriously ill. And the appearance of the deceased’s house in a dream speaks of an imminent change in worldview; there will be a series of events that will change your life.

Grandma's funeral

If a person saw a grandmother’s funeral ceremony in a dream, then all the details are also important here. Generally see dying grandmother in a dream it is very disturbing, but this does not mean that the dream is bad. If the weather was good, then the family is predicted to prosper. If the weather was bad, then the sleeper will face troubles and changes in the near future, not for the better.

Grandma lying calmly in a coffin different dream books means different things. In one of them, the dream: a grandmother has died and is being buried is interpreted as financial gain, in the other - as a series of troubles and misfortunes. In some cases, such a dream speaks of a partner’s betrayal. And others say that the deceased grandmother in the coffin is a symbol of the most negative fears coming true.

Communication with grandma

If a person talks to his deceased grandmother in a dream, this is very important point for dream interpretation. Her very voice is dangerous sign, especially if the deceased grandmother dies in a dream. But the dream book also says that at this time a person can receive very important and meaningful information for himself. If she advises something, then it is better not to neglect the instructions. Also, communication with the deceased may indicate the approach of a dark streak in the life of the sleeper. Any fears can come true.

Usually talking with the dead in a dream is a warning and prophecy regarding further development events. All dream books report that you should under no circumstances neglect the words of the deceased.