Time management for schoolchildren. Correct daily routine for schoolchildren. Everything is according to plan. How to teach a child to organize his time

The issue of daily routine is important for every person, and for parents of schoolchildren it is of almost paramount importance. After all, his success in school, sports, creativity, as well as his health depends on how well a child’s day is structured. TutorOnline has identified 4 main aspects that you should definitely rely on when organizing your child’s daily routine.

1.Sleep. It would seem that this item should be somewhere at the end of the list, but it is the most important. How many hours a schoolchild sleeps directly affects his health, energy and performance. Here it is important for parents to ensure that schoolchildren, starting from grades 5-7, do not go to bed later than 23.00. This should be the lowest limit! It’s even better if it settles at 22.00. Before this time, children should have time to do all their chores and get ready for bed.

And if we are talking about schoolchildren junior classes, then they should go to bed at 21.00. This is necessary because growth hormone begins to be produced in the fourth stage of sleep, that is, at approximately 00:30 hours if you go to bed exactly at 21:00. If a child goes to bed very late, he has less time to produce this hormone, which can seriously affect affects his growth.

In addition, according to experiments in this area, children with proper sleep patterns are more concentrated in lessons and remember material better.

Another significant benefit is that children with a routine have a lower risk of developing Alzheimer's disease as adults because, according to doctors, there are only two things that slow down the disease: sleep and physical exercise.

Do not forget that children adopt all the habits of adults, so it is in your interests to monitor both your schedule and the child’s routine. After all, this will certainly affect his future, both physical and mental.

2. Homework. Modern schoolchildren have quite a lot of it, and to do it correctly and thoughtfully, you need to spend more than one hour. However, you should not put your child “for homework” as soon as he comes home from school, not letting him go for walks until everything is done. There must be a minimum of 2 hours between school classes and homework. During this time, give your child the opportunity to do what he wants.

3. Combine. If a child is studying some subjects with a tutor, in most cases, you can combine the lesson with homework review. We are not talking now about those cases when the entire lesson is spent on homework and the tutor almost does everything for the child. We are talking about competent help from the teacher when he explains the solution method using the example of similar tasks or reveals the topic using the example of a similar exercise, which the child will then do in homework. This way, the child will spend less time on homework in the future, and will also consolidate what he has learned.

4. Make your schedule more flexible. As practice shows, strict routines like “from 14.00 to 14.30 - lunch, from 14.35 to 15.00 - cleaning” do not work. It is difficult for a student at any age to adhere to too strict boundaries, especially since their well-being and mood also need to be taken into account. Therefore, let your child choose what time he will study with a tutor and what time he will go for a walk. But stipulate that he must have time to study with a tutor for 1 hour (for example), and go to bed on time. On TutorOnline, it is very easy to schedule lessons at a convenient time, because a child can study with 2-3 teachers and choose the one who is available at the right time.

We wish all students success, more energy and are always happy to help!

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Every parent wants their child to be successful - to study with excellent marks, know a foreign language, go to clubs and sections, and win competitions. In an effort to comprehensively develop a child and give him as much knowledge as possible, parents often forget that schoolchildren need rest and personal time. The RIAMO in Korolev columnist found out how to properly distribute the load and why you shouldn’t overdo it with extra classes.

Set priorities

The first step is to decide what knowledge the child really needs. Parents should build on the school load. Everything is distributed at school; specialists have thought through the number of lessons for each age, the amount of homework and other nuances. In this regard, parents can be calm. It is worth paying attention to studying foreign languages at school and extracurricular activities.

By the age of seven, a child can usually already determine what specifically interests him. By listening to him, it is easier to come to a compromise. Many children are interested in sports, and a certain type- in this case, it is worth sending the child to the appropriate section. Some are already in early age begin to take a serious interest in science - for example, mathematics, physics, chemistry. Others show artistic abilities - they draw, sing, play the musical instruments. The child’s interest needs to be noticed and supported.

Choose the “golden mean”

It is important to protect the student from overwork and rationally organize training sessions, increase physical activity and ensure effective rest. Experts recommend that parents take a closer look at their child after school. Is he satisfied with the results and the educational process itself? In what mood does he go to school and return home?

If a child looks tired, it means that the school load is quite enough for him. We need to make sure he is well rested. It is best to choose an active holiday - a sports section or dance classes are suitable, where the student can take a break from lessons.

If your child returns from school too excited, then you need to choose additional activities that will help him calm down and get distracted. A drawing club or chess section is suitable for an overly excitable student.

A child who is not tired from school will be able to handle one more lesson in the afternoon. It can be sent to a language or music school- depending on the child’s abilities and interests.

It is worth remembering that fatigue or excitability is not a sentence or a diagnosis. You just need to adapt to such manifestations of the child’s psyche: choose the optimal time for classes, motivate correctly, and not put pressure on the child. His desire to engage is key.

If a child says that he is not interested in anything, you need to try to captivate him. By leaving him to his own devices, parents risk losing control: the student may withdraw into himself. It is worth showing your child various hobbies to make it easier for him to find something he likes.

Increase the load gradually

The number of classes and the load should be increased gradually. It's best to start with one additional lesson after school - optimally if it is a sports section. When it becomes clear that the child can cope with the load and wants something new, you can add another activity.

You should not attend more than three additional clubs at the same time. Absorb too much large number information is very difficult, a lack of time will begin, the child will get tired and lose interest.

Most likely, in high school, a teenager will choose one or two activities that can become passions for life. Don’t be afraid to experiment: let your child try to join several clubs, this will make it easier for him to find something he really likes.

Think over your daily routine

The daily routine is very important for a schoolchild. School performance, the child’s health and his proper development as an individual depend on it.

The student's day should be clearly scheduled. The schedule should be drawn up depending on school activities. It is best to distribute extracurricular activities evenly across all days of the week so as not to overload one of the days.

To do your homework, it is best to take certain hours, however, do not forget about short breaks every half hour of work. During them, you can perform light physical exercises accompanied by music, which will help relieve fatigue, improve your health and get a boost of energy.

Preparation for lessons should begin with less complex tasks that do not require much time. This will give the first-grader confidence in their own strengths and knowledge. Then you need to move on to more complex subjects that require more care, perseverance and time. It is worth finishing with one simple task so that the student feels that it is easy for him to learn.

It is absolutely impossible to forget about rest, especially for parents of a first-grader. In case of rapid fatigue and weakness, the child’s daily routine should include a daytime nap of 1 to 1.5 hours. If your child no longer sleeps during the day, let him play quiet games, listen to a fairy tale, or watch a calm cartoon.

Also, parents should definitely consider time for walks. The student needs to “let off steam”: jump, run, shout, mind his own business. Every day the child should spend time fresh air from 3 to 3.5 hours. This time can be combined with returning from school - take a walk in the park or around the city, play on the playground, have a snack in the fresh air.

To ensure that your child sleeps well at night, he should have dinner no later than two hours before bedtime. In cases where the student is too active, half an hour before bedtime he can be given milk with cookies, fruit or tea with honey. For stronger and healthy sleep you need to ventilate the room in which the child sleeps. The optimal night sleep for a student is 9 hours.

Be interested in successes and praise

Parents' praise and their interest is a very important incentive for a child. The student should be praised for successes, and in case of failures, not scolded, but supported and helped to cope with difficulties.

For example, during lunch or dinner, you can ask what new the child learned at school, what he did in the circle. Experts recommend “pretending to know nothing” and asking the student to talk about obvious things. Then the child feels smarter - as if he is becoming an adult, and with great pleasure he talks about his day and new knowledge.

With this approach, the student will be happy to attend lessons, clubs and sections, and they will not be a burden. How more interesting for a child, the easier it is for him to cope with loads.

The situation is familiar to everyone: you have been running around the house since the very morning, getting yourself (and at the same time your husband) ready for work and the children for kindergarten or school. The older one doesn’t remember where he put his sports uniform, the younger one scattered his toys again and refuses to put them away...

When will children start helping you? Why doesn’t it occur to them to do something themselves?

Don't expect this desire to appear on their own. You need to instill responsibility and organization in your offspring from a young age.

List No. 1. Important things to do

Every family has a list of things to do. Decide which of these things your child can do, depending on his age, gender and capabilities. For example, the list might look like this:

Buy groceries - dad.
Cook dinner - mom.
Wash the dishes - daughter.
Walk the dog - son.

You can make a general to-do list and put a check mark next to each item - completion. Or you can make plans for the week, indicating the day the task will be completed and the distribution of responsibilities.

Lists can be compiled not only by maintaining household. Try to write together a list of purchases in a store, gifts for relatives, a plan for spending the holidays... Such a system not only helps organize time and teaches you how to plan, but also unites the family, makes it united and strong. And plays an important role in the next point...

List No. 2. Family values

Each family is a small state with its own commandments, laws, values ​​and orders. When children understand that they also belong to a certain “state,” this gives them a feeling of security. Such children adapt faster to society and feel calmer in conflict situations.

Make a list of your family's values ​​with your children. What is important to you? Don't offend the younger ones? Help others? Strive for new knowledge? Write down the most important points, format the list beautifully and hang it in a visible place. Children should definitely take part in writing “the laws of your small state”!

List No. 3. Our results

Teach children to sum up everything they did and planned. This will develop in them the ability to analyze actions (instead of complaining about life), look for effective solutions (instead of blaming other people for their failures), and think together.

Make it a rule to get together weekly and discuss: what worked for you in the past days? Did everything go according to plan? Why were some points left unfulfilled?

Let children actively engage in conversation and share their thoughts about why something went wrong. What needs to be corrected to get the job done in the future? How to solve difficulties and what do they need help with? You may be very surprised when you listen to your child. Just don’t interrupt him under any circumstances, don’t humiliate him, don’t impose your opinion. Analyzing failures requires maximum trust and openness. No pressure!

Summing up, thank the children for their active participation, excellent work and be sure to tell them how great they are and that you are a real family!

The sooner you introduce a list system in your family, the sooner your children will learn to plan things.

Hang the lists in a visible place to remind children of their responsibilities.

Don't be discouraged if your plan doesn't work for the first 2 weeks - that's normal. Moreover, at first the idea may cause rejection. But over time, you will see that children like to complete tasks, see that a lot depends on them and that they, like adults, are connected to important processes within the family.

If you have two children, completing to-do lists can be turned into gambling: whoever gets the most points for the most completed tasks will win a prize at the end of the week!

Be an example for your children. The more clearly you begin to complete the tasks on the lists yourself, the faster your kids will catch up. After all, what their parents do is right for them.

Ekaterina Odintsova:

My daughter, when she was a fifth grader, scored huge amount various circles. As a result, I didn’t have time to do anything. She and I wrote a schedule for the week. And then she realized that if she attended all the clubs she wanted, she would have 40 minutes of free time a day. So she crossed out what wasn't a priority.

Usually parents they want the child to be organized during school days, and therefore they try to come up with and accustom him to different routines so that the student gets everything done and is not late.

Because children Everyone is different, so the day needs to be shaped differently for everyone. So it is for this reason that each routine must be drawn up based on the busyness of the parents and the individuality of the child himself. baby.

It is imperative to take into account what time of year V at the moment. For example, in winter it gets dark early and so that parents do not get nervous, the child needs to go home early, and in summer it is important that schoolboy sat down for lessons early - this leaves him more time for games and communication with peers.

You can always change the routine due to different circumstances. For example, a child is sick or on the street it's raining, and you don’t have to go to bed exactly at the set time, you can do it earlier.

An example of a daily routine for children.

7:30 - rise. It is better not to feel sorry for the child and raise him early, since it is quite possible that he may be left without breakfast, and this is much worse than if he doesn’t sleep an extra 15 minutes.

7:45 - breakfast. Before the child goes out, it is necessary for him to have breakfast and even if he does not want to eat, it is better to force him to at least drink tea, because after the first lesson it is quite possible that he will feel hunger and will eat a dry sandwich or cookies, and this is not very good for stomach.

8:30 - lessons. Basically in all schools lessons start at this time, but in some at 8 o'clock - then you just need to change the time in your routine.

14:00 - lunch. Usually at this time classes end and the children run home, and if your Baby If you're staying for an extended period, then lunch will come in handy. At least in schools dinner lasts enough time to go home and eat, or eat in the school canteen.

14:30 - 17:00 - rest. After lunch break you need a little relax so that the food is digested, and then you can take a walk.

17:30 - 18:00 – dinner and a little time after the walk to change clothes and eat.

18:00 - homework. You can’t immediately determine how much time you need to spend on lessons; it all depends on what day it is, how much time is assigned and how difficult the task is.

20:00 - personal time. Surely, any child will do his homework in 2 hours and then the student can do whatever he wants: watch TV, talk with friends on the phone, play on the computer.

21:30 - preparation procedure sleep. It is necessary to bathe and brush your teeth, despite the fact that some people do not want to do this at all.

22:00 - sleep. Under no circumstances allow your child to sit late at the computer or in front of the TV, because tomorrow it will be early to get up again and the baby will be lethargic and sleep-deprived all day, but classes he won't understand anything. In order for the student to be rested and full strength, he needs to sleep at least ten hours.

Yes, on weekends you don’t have to follow the schedule and do whatever you want, but that’s why they weekend to take a break from school week And schools.

Planning - the ability to assess the availability of time, manage it and meet deadlines, a sense of the importance of time. You probably know adults who are excellent at time management and others who find it extremely difficult.

The first ones always manage to fulfill their obligations on time; they can estimate how long a job will take them. Adults who lack this skill have difficulty sticking to schedules, are constantly late, and make mistakes when calculating the time they will need to complete a task.

How to develop time management skills

We know that young children are not able to manage time. So we do it for them. We remind you when it's time to get ready for school or kindergarten, according to their own understanding, calculating the time that should be enough for them to complete the task. Or we remind them when it’s time to get ready for bed so that they have time to read after they put on their pajamas, brush their teeth and wash their face.

We are gradually transferring responsibility for this to the children themselves. When they begin to tell time using a clock (usually by second grade), we remind them that it is time to look at the clock. If there are planned events, e.g. sports sections, we help children plan their time around these events.

Sometimes, going to high school, children face difficulties because demands increase, and we spend less and less time monitoring and supervising them. The number of responsibilities increases, as do the number of distractions. How can you spend time doing homework if you want to play video games, chat with friends, browse your favorite sites, listen new music and chat on the phone? For some, the temptations are too great. In this case, we must help them learn to manage their time more effectively.

By high school, many children become more adept at juggling opportunities and responsibilities and manage their time more effectively. If your children have not yet mastered this skill, relationships with them may deteriorate because at this age they resist any instructions from their parents.

Teaching time management in everyday life

  1. Maintain a predictable family routine without going overboard. If children wake up and go to bed at approximately the same time every day and eat on a schedule, they grow up with a sense of time, an orderly transition from one activity to another.
  2. Discuss with your children how long it took them to complete tasks, such as chores, cleaning their room, or homework. This is the basis for developing time estimation skills - very important component planning.
  3. Plan a multi-stage event for a weekend or vacation. When you work on your planning skill, you also increase your sense of time because planning involves setting a time limit for completing a task. When you discuss your plans for the day or the time it takes to complete a task, your child understands the relationship between time and tasks. It can even be fun if you're planning fun things to do, like a day out with a friend. Ask your child to estimate how long lunch, a walk in the park, ice cream on the way home, etc. might take. The lessons your child can learn will be especially helpful if he understands that he and his friend can do whatever they want because they have set aside time for it in advance.
  4. Use charts and calendars yourself to set an example for your child. Some parents hang a large calendar in a prominent place in the house, which marks important events for each person and for the whole family. Thanks to this approach, the child will learn to sense time.
  5. Buy an inexpensive timer that you can set so your child can see how much time is left before work. The timer can be set to normal or wristwatch, as well as on the computer.

Leaving home on time: planning your morning routine

Seven-year-old Garrett is the youngest of four sons. He was always desperate to keep up with his older brothers. He wanted to be independent, but he often seemed to lose track of time and have little sense of urgency.

It was especially difficult for him to be ready to leave the house on time. The situation would get worse if Garrett had to go somewhere he didn't want to go (such as a doctor's appointment). However, he was always slow to get ready, even going to his favorite places (like the water park). To hurry him up, his parents or one of his brothers had to constantly remind and grumble at him. Although this approach ultimately worked, it was a source of displeasure for the rest of the family.

Garrett did not struggle in school, he did not have any special problems academically, but he often turned in papers last. The teacher noticed that the boy could work more efficiently if he needed to finish a task in order to do something enjoyable, such as go to recess.

Garrett's parents decided that their son was old enough to learn basic time management skills. Since Garrett must be taught to finish work on time, he must first understand what is expected of him. His parents decided to focus on the tasks he needed to complete in order to leave the house: from the full morning “ritual” (wake up, get dressed, have breakfast, brush his teeth, etc.) to very simple tasks, such as putting on shoes. Since most problems arise in the morning, the parents decided to start with these “rituals.”

Taking advantage of Garrett's desire to be a "big boy" and become independent, they discussed a morning routine with him. They said that if he did everything on time, they would stop nagging him. But Garrett didn't show much interest until his parents told him that he could get a prize for completing the plan.

He enjoyed making a schedule using words and pictures. His parents allowed him to almost completely determine the order of tasks. They made a Velcro strip so they could change the order of the pictures and put them away. According to the plan, after completing each task, Garrett was supposed to take a picture and hide it in a pocket labeled “done” attached under the schedule.

Instead of setting a time for him to start, they agreed that in the morning for two days they would record the time it took their son to do a particular activity and determine how much time he needed to get ready.

They made a prize box with an inexpensive toy and candy and placed a photo of the box at the end of the schedule.

To increase the chances of success, the parents agreed that they would check on the plan twice a day for a couple of weeks.

After coordinating the approach with the teacher, the parents insisted that if Garrett's slow implementation of the plan made him late for school, he would make up the time by taking a recess or staying after school.

Using this system, Garrett began to function more efficiently and independently in the morning. For other “get ready” situations, parents use a mini version of the plan that includes one or two pictures, a timer, and reinforcement.

Learning to estimate task completion time

Nathan's parents always appreciated the self-control of their eighth-grader son. He especially stands out against the background of his sister, who panics every time on the eve of an exam. But since the boy entered middle school, his parents have become increasingly concerned about his habit of putting off homework until almost before bed. He did everything carelessly or not at all. The situation was made worse when Nathan had a long-term project to do because he would often put it off until the due date.

Over time, Mom realized what the problem was: Nathan could not estimate how long the task would take. A job that Nathan estimates will take half an hour actually takes two hours; a project he plans to spend a couple of hours on takes five or six.

The parents tried several times to help the boy understand that he was misestimating the preparation time. But even if he knows that he wrote the previous work in two hours, this time he is confident that he will still do it in a maximum of an hour, because he understands what he wants to write about and has already come up with a rough plan.

After another argument, in which the parents brought up a lot of arguments confirming that their son cannot estimate time, and Nathan directly told them: “Don’t meddle in my affairs!” — the parents decided that they needed to look for another way to solve the problem.

On Saturday evening they went to a cafe together and suggested that every day when Nathan returned from school, he would make a list of the homework he needed to do and estimate how long it would take. He must then determine when to begin the tasks based on his estimate of time, but with the condition that he must finish the work before 9 pm. If he is more than 20 minutes behind schedule, he must start his lessons the next day at 4:30 p.m. If his assessments turn out to be correct, the next day he will again determine the start time for homework. They also agreed that Nathan would set aside time to study for tests and do a small portion of a long-term project two to three times a week, as long as the homework took no more than two hours to complete.

Nathan agreed, confident that this way he could prove his parents wrong. When he got home, he even spent an hour on the computer, creating a spreadsheet to track his time and assignments. He told his mom that he would email her the spreadsheet every day as soon as he completed it. They agreed that mom would study the plan and then check that all tasks were completed by the time specified by her son.

For the first couple of weeks, Mom had to remind Nathan to make a plan and mail it to her. Nathan quickly realized that he was not as good at judging time as he thought. But since he didn't like to sit down homework immediately upon returning from school, he gradually improved his ability to estimate how long it would take. A couple of times when he showed his parents completed assignments, they noticed that the work was done sloppily, perhaps due to an attempt to meet a deadline. They discussed introducing penalties and warned that penalties would be imposed if negligence became a habit.

Peg Dawson
Richard Guare


Relevant. I can't cope with mine at all. This is probably true for all single parents.

Comment on the article "How to teach a child to plan time: 5 rules and 2 stories"

But even more important is to teach your child to evaluate periods of time, so that if you succeed, you will get a highly organized person who knows how to plan his time. You need to start with periods of time from 2 to 5 minutes. Here children feel the difference well.


We have puzzles with clock faces. 12 cards, each with a number from 1 to 12 written on it. Each card has a hole in it and a dial is inserted into it, showing the time. Each dial fits only into the hole of the card on which the time shown on the dial is written. The hour hand on the dial is near the corresponding number, and the minute hand is at 12. We were putting it together, I said, please give me the dial that shows 8 o’clock, 11 o’clock, etc. We were just putting together a puzzle together, rather than learning time, and that’s how I remembered everything. With minutes it’s more difficult, we have these toy watches, the numbers are written as if in 2 concentric circles, at the end of the hour hand there are numbers on the dial from 1 to 12, and at the end of the minute there are numbers indicating minutes 5 -10 -15 and etc. There is a small circle at the end of the minute hand. The number with the minutes falls into this circle and you can remember which position of the minute hand corresponds to how many minutes.

First, the child must understand the idea of ​​cycles in general. I would draw a circle on the ground with chalk, or put chairs in a circle. Toys are placed on a circle and when you run past each one, you call it, for example, “cat-dog-bear-cat-dog-bear.” Questions - what comes after the cat, who comes before the dog? Children usually like to run in circles or push cars around in circles. What you run past or drive past can be written down in symbols on paper, or in words if the child is already reading.

If this stage is passed and/or the child quickly understands about cycles, we move on to cycles with numbers. First I use the “alien clock” - so that it goes not to 12, but to 3, or 5. A small number. This is very important - a child can keep small quantities in mind, while 12 is difficult to keep in mind. After running around in a circle with the numbers, as described above, you can talk: “What’s after 3? What’s before 1? What if we take two steps forward from 2?” And after such work with the clock reaching small number, regular hours up to 12 work well.

I have a thing about linking watches to music, but not everyone understands it yet, because... there is a vague explanation :-) Maybe it will come in handy:

My name is Yana, I'm 29 years old. I gave birth to my daughter in 2008, then I was 25, my daughter will soon be 4 years old. Time flies quickly not only for others. Many friends already have a second child, some already have a third))) My husband is also asking for a second child, I actually want a second one, but not now, I want to work a little, and sometimes I don’t have enough patience and nerves with my daughter, I’m wondering how I’ll manage with two...if I can’t always cope with one. But time doesn’t stand still, I’m starting to think when it’s better to do this, if...


I like it when the difference is 4-6 years, so if I were you, I wouldn’t delay it.
But “I can’t always cope with one” good reason, so as not to start a second one at all.
The husband probably not only wants a “2nd”, but a son? Well, scare him that “a very good fortune teller told you that I will only have girls,” maybe he’ll cool down.

It’s strange to read about a woman’s approaching age at 29 years old. :) Many of my friends just gave birth to their first at this age. They are now on maternity leave and happy. Due to circumstances, I’m only now getting ready for the second one. The difference between children is huge. The eldest will be almost 15 and a half... But his 10th-11th grade and admission will fall on my maternity leave. Almost the same arguments as “the eldest will go to first grade.” :) From 5-6 summer child(if he is not spoiled) it is already very easy to cope. Much easier than with a teenager. Well, at least that’s how it is with mine... Therefore, if you have to choose between now and later, it’s better now.

How to teach your baby to eat with a spoon? There is no standard age when a child should start feeding themselves with a spoon. It depends on the character and mental development of the child, on the participation of parents in this process. Some people can handle a spoon just fine at just one year old, while others can’t do anything at two. To help your baby quickly learn to eat on his own, you should give him a spoon already during the first feeding, at 5-6 months. During feeding, you can use two spoons...


And my son wasn’t even six months old when I handed him a teaspoon. He played with it happily, quickly began to learn how to use it correctly, and by seven months he was confidently eating it himself, although rarely, because he didn’t particularly want to eat complementary foods.

On April 2, 2015, Children's Book Day is celebrated around the world. On this day, exactly 210 years ago, a wonderful writer, author of the collections of fairy tales beloved by millions of adults and children, Hans Christian Andersen, was born. Since then, many wonderful books have been written, and today psychologist, expert at the “Responsible for the Future” foundation Pavel Kudelin tells which of them and at what age are the most interesting to read. Their own book Parents often wonder why their children don’t read? It's very simple...

As a rule, with the first child, such ideals hover in the head, until the reality is not So “harmful sweets” appeared in our lives (in general, I did not plan to introduce the child to So you YOURSELF shared the tablet with the child and taught him to spend time there.


It's honestly your own fault! It is YOU who disappoints the child. Take the tablet to the trash and the TV, too, and never take it out. Follow the link yourself and learn HOW to play with your child so that he would look forward to these games and would be happy to heaven...

any child at this age only wants cartoons and candy. :(((((((That's for sure.

1. Remove the tablet as evil. (broke-lost)
2. Do not buy or store sweets.

I have my own kind. We also had to remove the TV, by the way.

03.10.2014 03:40:15, masha__usa

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Study the dial of a clock with your child; this will be a good step towards the development of mathematical thinking in a child who, learning about a clock, gets used to numbers, masters ordinal counting, and learns the technique of addition by increasing a number by one. How to teach a child to tell time? How to teach a child which hand shows the hour and which hand shows the minutes? You can help master time with the help of a handmade watch. Making paper clocks View on Yandex.Photos View on Yandex.Photos...

Since childhood, we have known the common truth that breakfast is the most important meal of the day for both adults and children. In children, during night sleep, the body expends a large supply of energy, and care must be taken to restore it and replenish reserves for the coming day. Scientists at Harvard University have found as a result of research that children who eat a good breakfast achieve excellent academic results and grow faster than their peers who underestimate breakfast. Such...

An elegant sweet caramel on a stick is the embodiment of a childhood dream of something tasty. The caramel master will teach children how to make this magical delicacy on their own! At the same time, children will not only create their own beautiful candies different forms and flowers, but also learn about all the intricacies of technology. Because the master class will be taught by a real production technologist confectionery. First, the presenter will talk about how to follow all safety rules when making caramel. Then...

How to teach a child not to be afraid of tests? Good afternoon. I am not an experienced mother, I have no experience with my own children, so I will be happy to listen to the advice of experienced and experienced ones. I just really don’t have enough time to take care of my child the way I think it’s necessary.


Arrange with the teacher to let her rewrite the test after class.

Our class does this with Edik and I. He rewrites the test after class in a calm atmosphere, without stress.

You can bring a certificate from a neurologist stating that a child’s performance decreases when under stress.

Mathematics, unlike other subjects (some of them), gives excellent results with repeated repetition. If the child understands even a little, decide and decide. Play, solve, solve, play - instead of five examples - thirty, instead of two problems - ten (of the same type, of course). It helps a lot.

Teasing, name-calling, extortion, fights. And the ears are long, and the last name is funny, and there is no need to talk about the fact that the clothes are not as they should be. For any child new team- this is a big emotional load, additional stress. Woman.ru will tell you how to teach your child to respond to ridicule. For any child, a new team is a big emotional burden. It is no secret that children who attended kindergarten adapt to school much better. For them it is already...

How to teach a child to try? I’m scared to think that in 2 years he’ll be going to school, since he doesn’t want to go through everything, he just plays with round cars. At a certain time, create an atmosphere, “dress up” as a teacher yourself and alternate easy tasks with difficult ones...


If you succeed, be sure to write. “How to teach a person to try if he doesn’t need results?” - The Nobel Prize is given for less.

10/12/2011 00:18:03, masha_usa-2

Experience from classes with children: almost everyone did not want to study with their parents, but they tried with the teacher. In my opinion, he already knows that you will love him in any way, so why try. You can try playing school. At a certain time, create an atmosphere, “dress up” as a teacher yourself and alternate easy tasks with difficult ones, entertaining ones with meaningful ones, then after a couple of such classes you can introduce the speech therapy exercises that you really need, among other entertainment ones. The main thing is that you are the teacher in this game - not the mother, give the grades. And then after the game - having transformed back into your mother, ask - how are things at school? Was the teacher strict today? what did they give you? and praise for the ratings :)

This is my second child who is mastering these skills in much less time, and almost independently. I don’t plan to load my child with all sorts of violins at all. The teacher said that first of all she wanted to teach the children to read. Children are mostly 5...


I teach my daughter to read before school, because I don’t see the point in not teaching. I teach without fanaticism. But I think the most important thing is the attitude towards learning, so that the child loves to learn and gain knowledge. I do everything for this. If this requires teaching, I will teach; if it requires not teaching, I will not teach. For example, I wasn’t going to take her to training, but since she asked, for God’s sake, they took her for two months. By the way, we chose the officially weakest class, because I liked the personality of the teacher there. And I didn’t like the teacher at all.

I’ll try to voice my mother’s conclusions - she taught reading 30 years ago and now. He says that now it’s much more difficult :))

Previously, the number of reading lessons per week was greater - now not every day, but before - every + Saturday.

Previously, d/s were assigned in 1st grade - and everyone did them, even the most inveterate and unsupervised children never thought of not doing d/s (I wonder why? :) - they probably knew that if the teacher complained to their parents, they would break in don't worry ;)

Previously, there was often a class group. Those. all 40 people stayed for an after-school program, which was _obliged_ to be taught by the main teacher, who _did quality work there with the children.

"In the second half of 2010, Beeline plans to introduce something unique for Russia. Teach your child to look for the information he needs and check it, including with your help. Rule 3. Select convenient form control your child's online presence

1, I think a child should have time simply for his own worldview, then his interests will appear. success story - this is straight out of something from corporate mail :) good idea, but of all the poems it is like teaching a child to read a game. Popular discussions in 2007.


I read your revelation... It’s as if it was copied from my son! Before entering college (after the ninth grade), I had difficulty learning poetry, did not like to take care of fish and turtles, and, in general, did not want anything... And I did not torture myself and him. She simply lived and LOVED her son. Every day I told myself that nothing bad could happen to my son and that everything in his life would be fine! Like a prayer she repeated and repeated. The result - college is over, the institute is taken by storm on the budget. And, most interestingly, his interest in photography awoke. At 20 years old!!! He worked himself, saved up for a good expensive DSLR and now does what he loves in parallel with his studies and work! Don't torture him! Just love and that's it! He doesn't like what you offer him! Maybe it's just not time yet! Let the child have a blast, let him have carefree childhood! Everything has its time!!!


I don’t know what other conference participants answered.
My opinion is that mothers often overestimate their demands on their children. That is, each age has its own requirements. It is quite unreasonable to ask a two-year-old child to clean up his toys, since after playing he is already very tired, playing is his work. It is also not reasonable to require a 3-4 year old to clean his bed and remember to wash his hands before eating, while this should remain his mother’s concern.
And the requirements should not fall from the ceiling. “You are 5 years old - now you must: first..., second...”
It is necessary to add new requirements and instructions gradually.

I once witnessed such a picture. A mother was feeding her four-year-old child. If I were a child, I would hang myself. She did not give him a moment's rest. “Sit still, don’t fidget, you’ll spill it on yourself, hold your back where you reached with your hands...” This stream of words did not stop. The child was just brilliant, he put an impenetrable wall between himself and his mother and simply did not pay attention to her. What I mean is that your words are worth their weight in gold, and not become a heap of unnecessary rubbish.