Funny and cool games for an adult party. Games and competitions for parties

Each participant in the competition is given a banknote. At the presenter’s signal, the participants throw the bills up and begin to blow on them so that they fly forward and do not fall to the floor. But if the bill does fall, don’t despair, because you can get down on your knees and continue to blow on it so that it, in turn, moves forward.
The participant whose bill moves as far as possible wins.

Baba Yaga

The players are divided into two teams and lined up. Players standing first in their ranks are given a mop and bucket. The mop must be taken to right hand, put your foot into the bucket and hold it with your left hand. In this state, the player must run the intended distance and then pass his equipment to the next one.
The team whose players complete the task faster will win.

Feminine sophistication

Two girls are invited to participate in the competition. They are given bananas and a bowl of ice cream. The task of each of the girls is to eat ice cream with a banana. However, there is no need to rush, because the main thing in the competition is artistry. When determining the winner, the host addresses the guests, who vote to choose best girl.

Funny balls

To participate in the competition, you must invite several people. Each player is given balloon and thread. The thread is tied to the belt, and the ball should be attached to the end of the thread and go down randomly.
In addition, a push pin is attached to the forehead of each player with the needle pointing up. This can be done using a patch. Each player must literally burst the opponent's balloon with his forehead. Whose balloon bursts is out of the game. Whoever survives wins.

3-D representation

This competition will bring a lot of fun and joyful emotions to both the spectators and the participants themselves. Teams of 4-5 people are formed from the participants. Each team chooses its own forfeit, which will indicate to them a certain situation that they must show in 3-D. For example, relaxing by the sea: someone shows seagulls with their hands and sounds them with cries of “my my my”, someone imitates a gentle sea breeze, someone sounds the splashing sea ​​waves, and someone shows a bright glow from the sun. Situations in forfeits can be completely different, for example, a flight into space, a morning in the forest, and so on. Whose team shows the best 3-D performance will receive its prize.


A small indoor tree is placed in the center of the hall, preferably with spreading branches. All over the tree there are leaves with wishes written on the back. Each participant in turn is blindfolded and asked to remove one of the leaves.
After this, the player must fulfill the wish that was written on the sheet.

Find the orange

The presenter announces the competition and its conditions: in front of each participant there are 3 boxes (which are not see-through and completely closed), in each box there is a hole for a hand, in one of the boxes an orange (apple) is hidden and in one of the boxes there are, for example, spiders or worms (but in fact there are no spiders). At the command “start”, each participant must stick his hand into all three boxes and find the orange faster than the rest. Some of the guests, and most likely all of them, will not immediately decide to stick their hand in, knowing that there are “unpleasant” creatures sitting in one of the boxes. But, nevertheless, whoever finds the orange first wins. And in the end, the guests themselves will guess, and the host will confirm that there were no worms or spiders. And the participant who can overcome his fears and find an orange faster than others will receive a prize.

That's another couple

Guests are divided into pairs. Each couple assumes a back-to-back position, sitting on the floor with their arms wrapped around each other. Without changing position and without releasing their hands, on the command “start” the couples must get to their balloon (balloon), which is located at a certain distance from the start, and burst it. The couple that completes this fun task the fastest will be the winner.

What's on my head?

Each participant is blindfolded in turn and 5 different objects are placed on their head, for example, a book, a spoon, a comb, a coin, keys, a ball, candy, a jar, and so on, and the participants must guess what is on their head. Which of the guests can recognize all 5 “of their” items will receive a prize.

No truly fun and lively party is complete without competitions. They help create a relaxed atmosphere and prevent boredom. We offer you scenarios of the most interesting games and fun competitions, suitable for a wide variety of situations. There is entertainment competitions For large quantity few people who know each other, competitions for not big company close friends, competitions for children. Make the evening memorable - choose holiday competitions in this catalog, prepare everything necessary to conduct them and involve as many participants as possible in them.

Before the game, blanks are made (clippings of newspaper headlines, and the topics of the headlines can be very diverse, for example: “Down and Feather”, “Winner of the Competition”, etc.) The clippings are placed in an envelope and...

To play you will need a large box or bag (opaque) in which various items of clothing are placed: size 56 panties, caps, size 10 bras, glasses with a nose, etc. funny things. The presenter suggests...

The victim of the prank is told that now everyone in the company will wish for one famous fairy tale. He will have to guess it by asking the company questions about the plot of the fairy tale. The whole company answers in unison (and not individually)....

Props: not needed Everyone sits in a circle and someone speaks any word into the ear of his neighbor, he must as quickly as possible say into the next ear his first association with this word, the second to the third, and so on. Bye...

The game is a modification of "New Year's Tree" and is offered in a company where there are boys and girls (uncles and aunties). It all starts out banal. Each boy and girl, who are blindfolded, have 5 clothespins attached. Couple...

Guests run around the festive table at speed, holding the glass by the stem with their teeth. The longer the stem of the glass, the better. The one who runs the fastest and doesn't spill the contents is the winner. With flour on his face, two guys sit down at the table opposite each other. Before...

Reminiscent of the game With clothespins, but a little more frank... (for 4-8 people). Pins are taken (the number is arbitrary, usually approximately equal to the number of players), everyone except the leader is tied...

Two (or more) pairs are called. After an introductory conversation about fashion and fashion designers, each "tailor" is given... a roll of toilet paper, from which he needs to make a dress for his "model"....

You will need: empty glass bottle, notes. Write tasks in advance on small pieces of paper, for example: “Kiss three times”, “Make a compliment”, “Wish you health”, “Dance a dance together”, etc...

This game is good if you are relaxing with several families or companies for more than one day. All vacationers are participants. All names of participants are written on separate notes, which are folded with the inscription...

What's a party without some fun? After all, you want to relax, forget about the dull everyday life and get the most positive emotions, Truth? Then, you will agree that the party and competitions are simply interconnected with each other. So, let's take a couple of notes:

1. "We save things." This is a fairly simple, but at the same time fun competition. The idea is simple: take two pieces of paper and a pen, the presenter suggests imagining that there is a fire and there is time to save only one thing (it is clear that there is no need to save money and documents). Each participant must write what this thing is on one piece of paper and why this particular thing was saved on another piece of paper. All sheets are collected (the first leaves in one box, the second leaves in another box) and mixed thoroughly. The presenter pulls a piece of paper first from one box, and then from the other and reads (for example, a TV - because without it it’s simply impossible to go outside).

2. "The Voice of Helium". The name of the competition is simply multifaceted. You can just spend a competition to guess the voices, you can tell jokes and funny stories, or you can confess your love and fidelity to each other. By the way, helium is completely safe and can lift anyone’s spirits.

3. "Andersen". On the one hand, you will think that this is a very boring game. But it's not Truth. This game is perfect for a great time at home, such as a pajama party. The essence of the game is very simple: on specially prepared cards you write the name of the most popular and favorite fairy tales. But the goal of the game is to tell this tale in new way(you can use humor, you can come up with a fairy tale in the style of a detective or horror film). Believe me, it's very interesting!

4 . "In search of adventure."This is a universal game that can be played inapartment. All you need is to come up with an exciting story, puzzles, competitions, riddles and draw a “map”. You set the rules of the game yourself: you can invite each player to get to the treasure on their own, or you can invite guests to split into teams. At each destination, come up with your own competition (it could be some kind of puzzle or riddle, task), and the one who gets to the destination first will receive a prize (the prize can also be different).

5 . "Kangaroo". Who would have thought that the most simple game will be so much fun. Can you guess what we're talking about? That's right - jumping in bags.

6. "Voroshilovsky shooter." For this game you will need a large plane, which

easy to make from cardboard or plywood, and also lots and lots of balloons. You inflate the balloons and attach them to plywood. The goal of the game is to shoot down as many balls as possible with a slingshot.

7. "Quiz". It never hurts to entertain your guests with some good old quizzes. You can choose any topic, prizes and questions.

8. "Oink-oink." Oooh, this is the perfect competition, for which you only need x good mood and jelly. The point of the game is to eat the jelly as quickly as possible without using your hands.

9. “In my pants.” You need to be well prepared for this competition. Gathering newspapers or old books and interesting phrases or short headlines are cut out from them (for example, a meteorite fell, water broke, etc.) All these pieces of paper are put into a paper bag, glued together in the form of panties (you will have to try) and guests are invited to first say the phrase: “ in my pants...”, and then take out one piece of paper and read it out loud. It will turn out something like: a woman gave birth to twins in my pants today!

10. "Chinese Eating" To run this competition you will need to stock up some amount Chinese chopsticks and a couple of jars canned peas. The participants' task is to eat the contents of the jar as quickly as possible using Chinese chopsticks.

11. "Cute mess." This is a great competition for a large company. Each guest it is necessary to hand over a list of tasks (for example, take 10 autographs only from girls, quietly untie your shoelaces yourself nice guy at this party, etc.). It will be exciting!

12. "Let's get to know each other together." This is a great game for a company that doesn't know each other well friend. The essence of the game is that each guest needs to attach a small piece of paper to their back and give a felt-tip pen in their hands. After, within ten minutes, each participant must write on the backs of others their first impression of this or that person (preferably something humorous). Afterwards you can read out loud what someone wrote.

13. “And I’ll put it there...” This competition is suitable for any company. The point of the game is that it is necessary to instantly come up with and voice the name of an object or living creature that can easily fit into three liter jar. There is only one condition: the word must begin with the letter that the presenter suggests and must be said in a matter of seconds. The one who did not have time to come up with a word becomes a “corpse” and leaves the game, but the winner receives a valuable comic prize.

14. "Chapi-bani" Prepare several lemons in advance and cut them into thin slices. The essence of the game is that participants need to put five slices of lemon in their mouths and say the word “chapi-bani”, then, without chewing the previous ones, one more and repeat the same word. The one who can put in the most slices in a minute wins.

15. "We rewrite poems." This intellectual competition. Its essence is simple: it is necessary classical poems rewrite into modern youth slang. The winner is chosen by all participants.

16. "Chimpanzee Racing" This competition is from the category of outdoor games. The essence of the competition is simple: everyone participants compete in the chimpanzee pose (you need to hold your ankles with your hands and imagine that this is a real race!)

17. "Fanta" A good old children's game. Surely it’s no secret to you how to play it. But let's remind you. You will need to collect one personal item from the guests and give each person a pen and paper. Each guest must write some task on a piece of paper. Then all these pieces of paper are collected, mixed, and the presenter first pulls out an object, and then pulls out a note. The person who owns the item must complete the task.

18. "Mr. Rodent and Miss Rodent." This comic competition. Couples are invited to participate. The task of each pair is to peel as many seeds as possible with their hands in the allotted time. Whoever copes with the task better wins.

19. "Chicken paw." Competition for amateurs. You need to attach a felt-tip pen to the feet of the players. Well, the players themselves must write the word with their feet. Whoever writes more beautifully wins.

And finally "A bottle of brightness." This competition is perfect for pajama parties. All you need is to prepare a few bottles of varnish. All participants take turns spinning the bottle, and the one pointed at must paint their nails. (you can also add shadows, blush, lipstick and play until you get the perfect makeup).

For the game to be interesting, it is necessary that most of the participants do not know the essence of this game. To play you will need a long rope and a spacious room. In this room, a rope is pulled in the form of a labyrinth, and the more complex the labyrinth, the more more interesting game. The player is invited into the room and the rules are explained. Now he must remember the location of the rope, and then go through this maze blindfolded. All other spectators are allowed to give hints. The secret of the game is that when the player is blindfolded, all this rope is removed. The player tries to step over and crawl under a rope that is not there.

Get the candy
Flour is poured into a bowl in a heap. The candy is inserted into it so that the tip sticks out, by which it can be pulled out. If your nose and cheeks are not stained with flour, you can take the candy as a prize. Anyone who wants to test their dexterity can take part in this competition.

Forbidden fruit
The competition is held according to the principle “the pear is hanging - you can’t eat it.” First, find a long rope. Stretch the obtained rope across the entire room. You will have to persuade two guests to do the hard work of holding it at shoulder level. Tie thin threads to the rope. The number of threads must correspond to the number of players. Attach apples to the ends of the threads. Before the competition begins, tug on each apple and make sure it is securely tied. Everything is ready, and now you can invite lovers of “forbidden fruits”. Any forbidden thing is attractive because you can’t just get it. Task: eat an apple without touching it with your hands. In this case, the apples are tied on strings, and the hands are clasped behind the back.
Another version of this competition can be called a “wet deal”, and it is more suitable for the male half. Before the start of the competition, apples are placed in a bowl of water, and you need to take them out and bite them without using your hands. As you understand, girls are not made for “wet things”, because “the mascara on their eyes is not dry.”

Rubber ball
Partners (man and woman) stand opposite each other, holding a small rubber ball between their stomachs. The task is to roll the ball with rotational movements to the chin of the one who shorter. The pair that never dropped the ball and completed the task the fastest wins.

Bottle and ball
Each participant has a bottle tied to his belt in front, some from vodka, some from champagne, milk, cognac. A ping-pong ball is placed on the line in front of each person. The winner of the competition is the one who is the first to drive the fake ball into the goal.

Place the egg or ball on the floor
Couples stand with their backs to each other, leaning forward slightly. An egg is sandwiched between the backs (a little lower). The task is to carefully lower it to the floor. The couple whose egg remains intact wins. The egg can be replaced with a rubber ball. In this case, the competition is won by the pair whose ball, after touching the floor, does not roll to the side.

The most sensual
Only women participate in the competition. The participants stand facing the audience. Behind each is a chair. The presenter quietly places a small object on each chair. On command, all participants sit down and try to determine what kind of object is under them. Looking at and using hands is prohibited. The first one to determine wins.

Pissing boys
The presenter announces the title: “Pissing Boys.” This is already alarming. Three or four willing (men) are selected, preferably at random. Inventory: 3-4 glasses, preferably more, 3-4 bottles of beer. The players hold the beer between their legs, obliquely, with the neck up. Hands are pulled back. Task: pour beer into the glass standing on the floor in front of the player faster than your opponents. The presenter congratulates the winner and offers to drink the glass he filled.

Water carriers
Two parallel straight lines are drawn with chalk at a distance of 10 meters from one another (or on the ground). Several guys get down on all fours at one of the features, and plastic bowls half filled with water are placed on their backs. They must quickly cross the other line on all fours, turn back and return to the start. Those who arrive faster and do not spill water win. You should compete in the warm season.

Competition “Lenta”
To play you will need several balls of tape (depending on how many players there will be). Women hold one such ball in one hand, and men, without touching their hands, take one end of the ribbon with their lips and wrap it around their lady. The winner will be the couple whose unique outfit turns out more beautiful, or who does it faster.

Games and fun. True, with age our games change, entertainment and toys become different and different for everyone. Here are the games for holiday programs everyone chooses according to their own taste.

Here are games that are especially good in a friendly drunk company. These are games for those who like to fool around during the holidays, run around in huge underpants or flippers, and who like to laugh at themselves and others.

We offer our cool competitions for a close group- it’s up to you to decide whether to play them or not.

1. Cool "captains" competition.

The competition is funny for spectators, but somewhat traumatic for participants. It takes two men. We dress them up in everything related to the marine theme: caps, swimming goggles, inflatable children's rings, fins, life jackets, binoculars, and so on - these will be sea captains.

Then we put the “captains” in plastic basins and give them two plungers in their hands - they will be oars. The task is to “swim” from start to finish as quickly as possible. To get going, players are allowed to push off with both hands and feet from literally anything that gets in their way.

Or an option without basins - then the task is to go through the obstacle course with fins and binoculars at the ready.

2. Competition - drawing "A trickle or a boy."

This . On a strip of wallpaper we draw a stream, that is, many, many winding blue lines and various fish. We call 3 participants and invite them to cross the stream blindfolded, but so as not to crush a single fish. The presenter constantly reminds the girls about the fish, asks them to be careful and spread their legs wider - the girls, of course, obediently follow his instructions. When the girls pass the “stream”, the presenter is in no hurry to untie their eyes, distracting them with comments about how they passed the “distance”, at this time a man lays face up on the “stream” or even a videographer with a camera.

When the girls take off the bandage and they look back at the “stream” - the first reaction at the sight of a lying man is embarrassment and shock, the presenter should explain everything to them after a while. Sometimes girls don’t wait for explanations, but simply try to break the camera or the presenter’s nose, be on your guard.

3. "Grandfather for a turnip" for a friendly company.

For a change, a cool game with a gardening theme. The host invites couples who have a vegetable garden, a summer house, etc.

We make “beds” out of the men: we invite them to sit on the floor with their legs folded cross-legged and their hands hidden behind their backs. The ladies will be "turnips". They sit in the space between the man's legs and stretch their arms up, like the tails of a turnip. The role of the grandfather, a Michurin resident, is first played by the presenter.

To lull the vigilance of the “Michurinets,” walking through an improvised vegetable garden, he begins to “rub” something about timely watering of turnips and suddenly unexpectedly grabs one of the nearest “turnips” by the “tail” and pulls it towards himself. If the man - the “bed” did not hold back his “turnip”, then the man becomes a “grandfather”, and the woman returns to the hall. Now this “grandfather” must improve the moment and pull the “turnip” out of someone else’s “bed.”

The winner is the pair: “bed” and “turnip”, which “Michurinets” cannot separate.

4. "Let's remember our golden childhood"

This fun entertainment from the series - not for everybody. For it, you need to prepare in advance several huge “family” panties, pots, and to complete the picture, you can also have children’s caps.

You put this “beauty” on the players who, while the music is playing, just dance. As soon as the melody stops, the players must quickly sit on the pots pre-placed throughout the hall and shout very loudly: “Mom, I’m done!”

Then a prize is awarded audience choice for the best reaction.

Sometimes this idea is used to organize a team relay race, the meaning of which is as follows: the first player of each team (dressed in large underpants) runs to the opposite side of the hall where the pots are. He runs up, takes off his panties, sits on the potty and shouts: “Mom, I’m done!” Then he quickly puts on his underpants and runs to his team. There he takes off his underpants and hands them to the second player, who puts them on and quickly does the same as the first player. The most dexterous and fastest team will win.

5. "Oriental martial arts".

The competition is from the same series as the previous one, only in the style of sumo wrestling, and for it you will need adult diapers (larger size) and balloons.

We invite two men who are ready to strip to the waist. We dress them in diapers, and attach one large or two small balls to their stomachs using double-sided tape. In the process of fighting, they must burst these balls, pressing their stomachs against each other. Naturally - without the help of hands. It is quite possible to limit the circle for them to fight (it is correctly called dohyo), beyond which they will try to push each other out.

To increase interest, you can arrange several rounds and even accept bets from visiting fans. The winner, of course, is the one who crushes his balls faster or pushes his opponent out of the dohyo.

6. "Running in your underpants."

For this competition, in addition to two to three teams, you will need huge family underpants. Each team member puts them on at the start, runs to the finish line, takes off his underpants there and returns to the start line with underpants in his hands. Thus, this wonderful part of the wardrobe turns into a relay baton.

The fastest team whose members overtake their opponents wins.

You can complicate the game and add a second round to it: first we do everything as described above, and the second race takes place together in just underpants. Did you run back and forth together? Let's add a third. In this case, the team should be no more than five people, but more panties will have to be sewn.

A game for “amateurs”: on the one hand, it is most fun to play it on a heated audience, on the other hand, it can be unsafe for them.

7. "Tear it off with your teeth!"

Couples participate in the game; first, they need to tie each other’s neckerchiefs properly. Then we put the pairs facing each other and offer to untie these scarves using only their teeth. Whoever is faster wins!

8. "Karapuz"

This fun relay race is for men. Three to four volunteers are called from the audience. They are dressed up in caps and bibs, have pacifiers hung around their necks, and are given a bottle of juice. Assignment: while the music is playing, they can drink juice through a pacifier, as soon as the music stops, the “little ones” must take a pacifier in their mouth and say loudly: “Yum-yum!” several times. The most important thing is that the music and pauses alternate very quickly and are of different durations.

The winner is the one who drinks the juice the fastest. The main prize for him is a bottle of beer, the rest are consolation prizes - rattles.

To make it more comical, you can organize this competition in your company, for example, with eating porridge from children's pots

9. "Explosion" of emotions.

If you want to shout loudly, then the presenter can play such a funny game. The first one pronounces the word “well...” very quietly. The next one should speak a little louder, and so on, progressively, until the last in the chain of participants have to yell with all their might.

For more fun, you can greet everyone entering with the phrase; “Hello, we were waiting for you” and again in chorus favorite word. However, this game can be played with any stupid word, the main thing is that emotions grow with each utterance.

10. "Funny football."

For this cool team competition, stock up plastic bottles volume of a liter - one and a half and fill them with water to two quarters. We strongly do not recommend using glassware, so it can hit the player painfully and seriously injure him.

So, you select two teams with the same number of players. It can be mixed or only men's and only women's teams.

Tie the mentioned bottles to the participants’ belts so that twenty to twenty-five centimeters remain to the floor. Give out a soccer ball and use chairs to mark the goals on both sides of the room or hall. What should players do? Use bottles to score a goal for the opposing team. Moreover, it is strictly forbidden to kick the ball with your feet - only bottles are used (they must be used almost like a stick).

Arrange two halves of three to four minutes each. Be sure to award free throws - they will become additional comic moments. The result of the game is summed up as in regular football.

11. "Chicken Coop Fights."