Female name Lana meaning. What does the name Lana mean in the character of a girl? Main personality qualities

Meaning of the name Lana: this name for a girl means “pretty”, “fertile”, “harmony”, etc.

Origin of the name Lana: controversial. This name is found in Slavic, Irish, Celtic, Italian and Latin.

Diminutive form of name: Lanochka, Lanulya, Lanushka.

What does the name Lana mean? There are analogues in different languages. So, for example, according to one version, the meaning of the name Lana is “wide field”, since “lan” translated from Ukrainian and Old Russian has exactly this meaning. So the name is often interpreted as “fertile.” By the way, it is interesting that there is such an obsolete form of the word as lanita, which means “cheeks” and comes precisely from the root from which Lana was formed.

The second version says that the name Lana is a variant of Alan. There is also a third version, according to which the name is of Irish origin, which means “peaceful.” Finally, there is information that, perhaps, Lana is formed from a Celtic word, translated meaning “harmony”, “concord”. Also, in Italian the name Lana means “soft”, “fluffy”. It seems that the meaning of the name Lana is translated from Latin - “peace-loving”, “pretty”.

The girl is often identified with Lada, but this is not entirely true. In addition, it must be said that there are such interpretations as “pride”, “golden fleece”, “afloat”.

Angel Day and patron saints named after Lana: the name Lana does not mark the name day, since it is not included in the list of Catholic and Orthodox calendars.

Zodiac: Gemini, Cancer

Characteristics of the name Lana

Positive features: A girl with this name has a refined taste; she helps her friends choose furniture, curtains, and clothes. The work of a designer, florist or event organizer would be just right for her. She Lana loves her husband and children, but suddenly she can start an affair on the side.

Negative features: For some reason, many people believe that the girl named Lana is unreliable. But, in fact, it is difficult to find a more devoted and faithful friend - you can trust her with a secret secret without fear or ask for help if she needs it. Outwardly, the girl may look reserved, but she has a very kind and open heart.

Personality of the name Lana: He is a very friendly and pleasant person to talk to. Interestingly, the first impression of her may be wrong. One more distinctive feature character is her masculine mentality. Has for her special meaning pragmatism. However, at heart, the person with the name Lana is a romantic; she tries to communicate more and meet new people. She has the ability to be charming, and she is, indeed, able to quickly make a favorable impression on a person. In men, she values ​​the ability to provide support, lend a shoulder and protect.

This is a freedom-loving person. She loves to command, makes decisions independently, and values ​​stability. The same can be said when watching Lana work.

Lana and her personal life

Love and marriage: IN family life a similar situation occurs. In general, the person with the name Lana does not attach great importance to the family, is in no hurry to get married, and, having entered into marriage, begins to lead. Next to her there should be a person of a phlegmatic nature who will be able to calmly react to some of the features of her wife’s behavior.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: She is well developed artistic taste. So, very often she chooses creative professions. If Lana takes on the role of a housewife, she often tries to realize herself in terms of interior design of her own home. It is noteworthy that she always has her own view of what is considered creative, beautiful, attractive, and therefore her creative “handwriting” is, as a rule, easily recognizable.

Business and career: Sometimes Lanochka is not only indecisive, but also very lazy. This prevents her from achieving her goals. In such cases, the owner of the name Lana often scolds herself. However, if she manages to concentrate and put her soul into the business she is doing, a girl with this name will definitely achieve her goal.

Lana's fate in history

What does the name Lana mean for a woman's destiny?

  1. Lana Gorbunova is a television journalist, economic commentator and journalist for Channel One. Since 2009 he has been a producer charity project"Parade of star dolls for children."
  2. Lana Jean Clarkson is an American model and actress.
  3. Lana Lane is an American performer.
  4. Lana Gogoberidze is a Georgian director.

Origin of the name Lana. Name Lana Slavic, English, Catholic.

Name synonyms Lana. Svetlana, Ruslana, Milana, Alana, Milena, Roxalana, Iolanta, Evlampia, Melania, Belyana.

Short form of name Lana. Lanochka, Lanulya, Lanushka.

Name Lana has several versions of origin. According to the first version, the name Lana is a Slavic name. The word “lan” in Old Russian and Ukrainian means “wide field”, so the name Lana give the interpretation “fertile”. From the same root comes the ancient word “lanita”, meaning “cheeks”.

“Lan” in Old Russian means “land”, namely Ukrainian word“lan” just means arable, and in more in a broad sense- fertile, fertile land or land of habitation, since people did not settle on infertile lands. Hence such names as Ruskolan - Russian land; Mediolan - middle land; Scotland is a land of pastoralists, distorted in our country into Scotland; England - the land of the Ingles, distorted into England, etc.; villager - living on the earth, village - place of residence on the earth.

According to the second version, the name Lana- this is the female form male name Alan, which has different versions of its origin.

According to the third version, the name Lana is an Irish name meaning "peaceful."

According to the next version, the name Lana comes from the Celtic “alun”, which means “concord”, “harmony”.

Name from Italian Lana will be translated as “fluffy”, “soft”, from the Latin name Lana interpreted as “pretty”, “peace-loving”.

The most common name you hear is Lana as a diminutive appeal to the names Svetlana, Ruslana, Milana, Alana, Milena, Roksalana, Iolanta, Evlampia, Melania, Belyan. But the name Lana is independent and is also used independently of the above names.

It is believed that the name Lana in Slavic it means “sweetheart”, “feminine”, “okay”, but most likely the name Lana identified with the name Lada, which is an independent name and is not related to Lana. They also give the value “white”, which is more suitable Slavic name Beliana, Belyanitsa.

There are options for translating the name Lana- “golden fleece”, “pride”, “floating, afloat”.

Name day Lana– see corresponding full female name.

Lana quite a friendly, smiling person. She comes across as an unreliable person, but in reality she is a loyal and devoted friend. This girl is very touchy, sometimes she herself cannot even explain why and what she was offended by, so you should be very careful with her. Outwardly, she may seem closed, cold, rude, but inside she has a kind and sympathetic heart, she will always offer help, express sympathy and provide support.

Lana has a masculine mentality, she is practical in everyday life. But at heart she is a romantic, does not like loneliness and always tries to be in company. This girl knows how to charm those around her, but to really get to know her, you will have to try very hard and spend more than one year. She may pretend to be weak to gain your trust, especially if you strong man, who will not mind providing support and lending a strong shoulder.

Lana is often characterized by prudence and courage. In her style, these qualities appear quite often. Of course, in different situations, Lana’s character manifests itself differently; she is subject to frequent mood changes. Lana effectively uses its strengths without even being fully aware of them.

Lana a freedom-loving woman with an independent character. Likes to command, makes decisions quickly and without hesitation. The owner of this name gravitates towards stability, rarely changes jobs, preferring a proven place to risk. She is a hard worker.

Lana- a creative person. She loves music, poetry, and has a well-developed artistic taste. She embodies her love in interior design, writing poetry, dancing and clothing. She has her own view on everything, not burdened by stereotypes.

It happens that Lana’s indecision and laziness prevent her from achieving her goals. She will blame herself for all mistakes, but she will not be in a particular hurry to correct them, preferring to do something else. Lana doesn't always get things done. Many of her endeavors, in which she puts her soul, turn out to be successful.

Married Lana not in a hurry. Having gotten married, she tries to command her husband, which any man will not really like, but not every strong man is able to subjugate her. Lana does not like sycophants and henpecked people. Lana amorous, can be unfaithful in marriage. Good housewife, Lana appreciates cleanliness and comfort in the house. She is usually hospitable. Lana loves children, and children often love her in return.

Lana can become a very successful poetess, singer, artist. It happens that Lana chooses a career as a director or actress. With effort, Lana may become a reporter or travel observer, although these professions are not the most popular among owners of this name.

Lana's birthday

Lana does not celebrate name day.

Famous people named Lana

  • Svetlana Alliluyeva ((1926 – 2011) born Stalin, in exile - Lana Peters; Soviet philologist-translator, candidate of philological sciences; memoirist. She became widely known as the daughter of I.V. Stalin, about whose life she left a number of works in the genre of memoirs. In 1967 she emigrated from the USSR to the USA.)
  • Lana Turner ((1921 – 1995) real name - Julia Jean Milfred Frances Turner; one of the most glamorous and sensual stars of classic Hollywood)
  • Lana Gorbunova (television journalist, former correspondent and economic commentator for Channel One. Since 2009, producer of the charity project “Parade of Star Dolls for Children”, co-organizer of the project to recreate the collection of dolls and toys of the children of the imperial family of the Tsarskoe Selo State Historical Museum)
  • Lana Gene Clarkson ((1962 - 2003) American actress and fashion model)
  • Lana Lane ( American singer. Sings in his own group “Lana Lane”, performs backing vocals in the progressive group “Rocket Scientists”. She also took part in the project “Ayreon”, the rock opera “Genius” and the albums of Erik Norlander. Fans call her the “Queen of Symphonic Rock.”)
  • Lana Azarkh ((born 1922) Russian artist, animation director)
  • Lana Gogoberidze ((born 1928) Georgian film director, People's Artist of the Georgian SSR (1979))
  • Lana, Lana Del Rey ((b. 1986) pseudonym, real name - Elizabeth Grant, is an American singer. In June 2011, she signed a contract with Stranger Records, the label that published her debut single "Video Games". This song and video created by Lana Del Rey, on her own, instantly made the artist famous in October 2011. Lana Del Rey won the Q Award for "Next Big Thing".)
  • Lana Parrilla ((b. 1977) American film and television actress)
  • Svetlana Garon, Lana Garon (theatre scholar, theater critic, essayist)

Are you interested in the secret of your name? Still don’t know where it came from, what it means and whether it has an impact on your destiny?

Then we hasten to inform you that you have come to the right place, because in our articles we help you figure it out. Today we present to your attention an article in which we will reveal the meaning of the name Lana.

It is worth immediately noting that in Russia the most widespread version connects the origin of Lana with the ancient Russian word “lan”, which means “meadow”, “field”, “fertile”. The second common version is Alan, which is more common in Ossetia. According to her, Lana is the female version of the male name Alan. There is even an opinion that the female name Lana has Irish roots and is translated as “peaceful.”

An important point in the description of the name Lana is that it can act both as a full and as an abbreviated form of other names:

  • Milena, Milana, Melania.
  • Ruslana.

However, in lately it is more often used not as an abbreviated form of a name, but independently. A girl named Lana celebrates her birthday on the days of veneration of saints Svetlana or Melania, since in Orthodox calendar these are the days of the saints closest to her name.

It is often confused and put in parallel with the name Lada. In this regard, they give Lana next value: “nice, feminine, sweet.” And even though in reality these personality characteristics often really correspond to Lana, these are two completely different names.

Main personality qualities

Girls named Lana are very positive, brave, and great inventors. Parents have practically no problems with them. But the main thing for these children is the atmosphere in the family. Parental support is very important to Lana. Even if she commits some offense, you should not immediately scold her and punish her.

Understand the situation - perhaps the girl was right about it. After all, undeserved punishment can provoke Lana into impulsive and unreasonable actions. If parents initially treat their daughter as an individual, then she grows up to be a very kind, charming and independent child. She can easily stand up for herself and her friends.

Studying is easy for a girl with this name, she is comprehensively developed, tries to get the highest score in any subject, and always be the first. Therefore, she gets upset when others succeed better than she does. Besides school, Lana is interested in many other things, and therefore attends various sections. The abilities that she has almost from birth help her develop her talents.

Lana also has a trait that is inherent in many women - being offended for no apparent reason. Only it manifests itself not over the years, but from childhood. It is useless to fight it; nothing will come of it anyway.

Anyone who does not know a girl with the female name Lana may think that she is frivolous and unreliable. But this first impression is deceptive - she is a real, loyal friend.

In addition, upon superficial acquaintance, one gets the impression that Lana is cold and distant. But in her close circle, the girl reveals a completely different side. Friends and family know her as a person with kind hearted, she will always lend a helping hand and support in difficult times.

In everyday life, Lana is very pragmatic, and a masculine mindset helps her in this. But she absolutely cannot be alone, she definitely needs to be in the company of friends. Cunning is another trait of her character; it is not difficult for her to pretend to be weak, especially in front of a man, when she understands that he will want to protect her and become a support for her.

Lana's main qualities are her prudence and prudence. The girl never commits rash acts, succumbing to momentary weakness. That is why troubles pass her by.

As she gets older, Lana becomes more and more interested in creativity and often begins collecting paintings or figurines. Moreover, she does not suffer from a lack of money. But he is not a spendthrift either; he does not allow himself to buy everything spontaneously. Makes purchases only when necessary.

The female name Lana endows its owner with such a character trait as falling in love. In her youth, she is attracted not only to her peers, but also to older men. She, of course, loves to walk with a fan in the park, kiss in the moonlight, but still expensive gifts are more important to her. In their absence from the boyfriend, Lana will part with him without regret. She would prefer to marry a wealthy man, so she is very careful in choosing her future husband.

After getting married, she retains her habits, never adapts to her spouse, as well as to the rules of her parents, which is why she prefers to live separately from them. The fate of Lana and her husband will not work out if they live with their parents, because only she should be the mistress.

The appearance of children pushes our heroine to achieve greater heights in her career, because she believes that they should have all the best. Therefore, she tries to be an example for them in everything, takes care of herself and always looks beautiful, which causes attention from strangers and her husband’s jealousy.

As for work, Lana most often finds herself in creative profession, here she fully realizes her creativity if she really likes the job. She can make a wonderful artist, designer, performer. If she chooses a non-creative field, then, most likely, only for financial reasons.
Author: Natalia Chernikova

The name Lana has many versions of its origin, which will be discussed in our article. Of course, its meaning also depends on the origin of the name. About versions of origin, meaning and much more in our review article.

One of the most popular versions in Russia will of course be the version Slavic origin name. According to this version, the name Lana comes from the root “lan”, which in Old Russian means “wide field”. Linguists claim that it is more accurate The meaning of the name Lana is "fertile".

Another fairly popular version in Russia is the version of Alan origin. This version is especially popular in Ossetia and regions close to it. According to this version, the name Lana is the feminine form of the name Alan. The name Alan also has many versions of origin, which you can find out about by clicking on the link.

The next version is Irish. According to this version, The name Lana means "peaceful". This exotic version is for Russia, but it is very popular in other countries.

A fairly close version can be called a version of Celtic origin. Some linguists believe that the name Lana comes from the Celtic word "alun". If this is so, then the meaning of the name Lana is “concord” or “harmony”, because this is how “alun” is translated.

And of course the most popular is the use of the name Lana, as short form other names. These are the names Alana, Melania, Milana, Milena, Ruslana and Svetlana. You can find out all the details about these names by following the links.

The meaning of the name Lana for a girl

As a child, Lana is distinguished by her kindness and positivity. She is a very responsive girl, and her cheerful mood always makes others smile. Lana gets along well with her peers, although she herself is more drawn to communicating with older children. She has many friends, because Lana is a very sociable child. Even in an unfamiliar company, she gets comfortable in a couple of minutes. WITH childhood Lana learns the power of coquetry. Already in preschool age she begins to use it, although she does it completely unconsciously.

Studying is not easy for Lana, because she is rarely interested in school curriculum. The lessons seem boring and unnecessary to her. Unfortunately, in this case, many children find it extremely difficult to maintain attention, so Lana is no exception. But in various extracurricular activities Lana “spreads her wings.” If a girl is interested in something, then she will not lack attention and hard work. She is a creatively gifted child, especially in dancing and various acting disciplines. A very artistic girl.

The girl's health is average, but she rarely gets sick. Lana's stomach and intestines are the most vulnerable, which requires adherence to a certain diet and, of course, proper nutrition. However, despite the problems, Lana’s vitality can be called high. Moreover, she retains it throughout almost her entire life.

Short name Lana

Diminutive pet names

Lanochka, Lanushka, Lanulya, Lanusya, Lanulka, Lanuska, Lanchik.

Name Lana in English

IN English The name Lana is spelled Lana and pronounced Lana.

Name Lana for international passport- LANA.

Church name Lana(in the Orthodox faith) is not certain, since the name does not exist as an independent name in the church calendar.

Characteristics of the name Lana

Having matured, Lana does not change much in character. Her positive character is still noticeable, and her skill makes a positive impression on others becomes filigree. Lana is not characterized by long hesitation before making a decision, although she tries her best to calculate the possible consequences. She is quite a brave and active person. She does not like idleness and is constantly busy with something.

Lana’s work activity is most successful in areas related to her creativity. Her creativity and communication talent will bring her good luck. Of course, even here you will need to work hard, Lana will simply do it with pleasure and without noticing the difficulties.

Lana's family relationships are often quite complicated. She is very amorous, and her natural coquetry often helps her in this. She always has a lot of fans, and this is of course a big risk in family relationships. She is an excellent hostess, but she does not like to receive guests. She’d rather go visit herself, because then she doesn’t have to clean up and wash the dishes. One can also note Lana’s desire to give a good upbringing to her children. Special attention she pays attention to the moral component.

The secret of the name Lana

Lana's secret can be called her touchiness, or to be more precise, the reasons why she Bad mood. She is often offended, but the offender must guess the reason himself. Unfortunately, this happens extremely rarely, which of course does not lead to the establishment of spoiled relationships. Lana needs to understand that people are not telepaths, and therefore you need to talk to them.

Planet- Jupiter.

Zodiac sign- Fish.

Totem animal- Carp.

Name color- Silver.

Tree- Poplar.

Plant- Crocuses.

Stone- Amber.

Reveal the secret of the name LANA(in Latin transliteration LANA) looking at the results of calculations in numerological magic of numbers. You will discover hidden talents and unknown desires. You may not understand them, but you feel that you don’t know something about yourself and your loved ones.

Meanings and origin of the name LANA

The first letter L of the name LANA tells about the character

Everyone whose parents gave names beginning with this letter is characterized by a love of changeability. You are sociable and interesting, but if you fail in love, you may tend to drunkenness or gluttony. If everything is fine, then for your partner you are a journey into the unknown.

Characteristics of the name LANA

  • power
  • comfort
  • artistry
  • great ingenuity
  • logics
  • pettiness
  • interest in health
  • sharp mind
  • creative ambitions

LANA: number of interaction with the world “3”

People under the influence of three, as a rule, are incorrigible optimists, capable of finding the positive side in any situation. Alas, such a position often becomes an excuse for inaction - really, why try if everything is already quite good? We must admit that “C” students are not the most active people. They are endowed with a rich imagination and prefer to dream rather than act, and will gladly accept the help of any person who is ready to take on their affairs.

In his circle, the “C” student usually has a reputation as the ringleader, the inventor and the life of the party. Such a person is truly cheerful and friendly, he is able to make anyone laugh and will find something to talk about with everyone. Listening to a “C” student is a pleasure; He handles words very skillfully, has excellent command of his voice, remembers the importance of pauses, and knows how to arouse interest in his interlocutor even in the most boring things. But you shouldn’t trust him recklessly: he tends to embellish reality, sometimes unconsciously, and emphasize his own merits, hushing up the achievements of others. “C” students often make good actors, since these people know how to portray feelings and get pleasure from it.

“C” students prefer not to let their friends out of sight for a long time, regularly inviting them to visit or initiating some kind of joint events. It is worth noting that the “C” is not as simple as it might seem; take a closer look - it is possible that the shirtless guy without a king in his head will turn out to be a calculating and prudent man, and his simplicity is just a mask put on to make it easier to manipulate others.

“C” students cannot be reasonable and calculating only when it comes to those who are not indifferent to them. In love and affection, such people do not know half measures; they do not notice the shortcomings of loved ones, allow them to manipulate them, and solve other people's problems without expecting reward. However, it is difficult to get along with a “C” student - he gets carried away easily, often changes his preferences and pays too much attention external attractiveness, as well as what others think about him.

LANA: number of spiritual aspirations “2”

Those born under the influence of two strive for balance and harmony in everything. It is these people who reconcile quarreling relatives, look for a reasonable compromise with their significant other, and readily sacrifice their own interests for the sake of their friends. However, cherishing the dream of world peace, losers do only what they consider necessary - attempts to put pressure on them will end in a complete fiasco.

Being cunning and weaving intrigues is also not the best good idea, since these people will not only see through the insidious plan of the manipulator, but will also definitely take care of fair retribution. Losers are surprisingly honest and sincere, sometimes it even reaches the point of absurdity. They expect a similar attitude from others and can be seriously offended by hypocrisy.

People under the influence of two love naturalness and therefore experience extreme discomfort if they have to follow rules that they do not understand. As a rule, they can boast of innate literacy, and those whom nature has not endowed with such talent simply ignore spelling.

Losers do not understand anything about technology and the exact sciences, but in the field of human relations they are simply irreplaceable. They are friendly, sincerely interested in others, and are able to empathize. You can’t lure a D-person with pretentious slogans and lofty words, but when he sees someone else’s grief, he will always sacrifice himself in order to somehow alleviate the fate of the poor fellow.

Endowed with the valuable ability to understand people, losers, however, have difficulty getting along with those they love. It is those born under the influence of the deuce who suffer from the attacks of the family tyrant, endlessly forgive betrayals and addictions to their partners, and endure children’s whims for a long time. They forgive loved ones even what cannot be forgiven, but they themselves suffer because of the discrepancy between expectations and reality. A poor student can become truly happy next to a person who can appreciate the depth of his experiences, learn to read between the lines, and understand his subtle nature.

People under the influence of two adore art and often achieve outstanding success in this field. Another area that arouses their genuine interest is mysticism. However, occult sciences can turn out to be not only tempting, but also dangerous, since losers are sometimes so immersed in them that they forget about reality.

LANA: number of true features "1"

For a unit to have a positive influence on a person, he needs loneliness and freedom of activity. The problem with these people is that they not only do not take into account, but do not even listen to the opinions of other people. Carrying out other people's orders is not for them. If a “one-man” happens to be in a leadership position, then his orders will be clear and will not be subject to discussion.

From their subordinates they expect only the execution of orders, but not advice or expression of their opinions. Such a person very rarely sees people as helpers. Those around him are followers of his ideas and no one else. For this reason, the “unit” will never brag about his high patrons. He will simply never have them.

It is very important that the people affected by the unit always remember what they are working for. As a rule, this is not difficult. After all, they set extraordinary goals for themselves. For them, only the significant, the great, the large-scale are significant. Only by remembering the goal can a “one-man” force himself to listen to other people, try to find a solution that is beneficial to both parties and drown out his violent impulses.

If the unit influences a woman, then the lady will definitely be the leader in the pair. Moreover, in labor activity, she often does not show herself as actively as in her personal life. But “one-off” men try to dominate in all spheres of life.

To maintain the bar, they sometimes have to be at the limit of their capabilities. They cannot relax either surrounded by family or on vacation. And this is fraught with nervous breakdowns, health problems and difficulties in communicating with loved ones.

To prevent life from becoming a race with obstacles, such people definitely need to learn to hear others. Pay attention to their needs, desires, learn to trust not only yourself, but also others. Only in this way can they find peace and rejoice when their goal is achieved.