What do you need to open a private taxi? Obligations of individual entrepreneurs to pay fixed contributions. Use of cash registers for individual taxi companies

Today, passenger and cargo transportation services are provided not only by large companies, but also by individual entrepreneurs with a “vehicle fleet” of 2-5 cars. Illegal immigrants who do not have registration also work in this business, but the authorities are fighting such taxi drivers.

Therefore, if you want to work as a taxi driver, but don’t want to go under the wing of a large company, there is only one way out: open an individual entrepreneur that provides services for transporting passengers and goods. You can describe the whole process step by step so that you get a kind of step-by-step instruction on opening a private business for a taxi driver.

To open an individual entrepreneur, a taxi driver must contact the tax authority at his place of residence with an application for registration as a private entrepreneur.

You need to have with you:

  • passport along with copies of all significant pages of this document;
  • TIN (original, copy). If there is no such document, it can be drawn up and received in parallel with the opening of an individual entrepreneur;
  • application for payment of taxes under a simplified scheme. It is not necessary to draw up this document, but in this case, when registering a taxi service company, the entrepreneur will be assigned general system, which can be replaced only after a year. According to the simplified tax system, you can pay as tax every month 6% of the income received (namely turnover, not net profit) or 15% - but after deducting expenses incurred.

The local tax authority will need to write an application to register an individual as an individual entrepreneur. Next, the taxi driver job applicant will be given a form to pay the state duty. When filling out the application, you need to take into account all the requirements, then pay a fee at Sberbank. The application and document confirming the fact of payment of the state duty must be given to the inspector. The registration procedure for an individual taxi operator will be completed within 5 working days.

Documents receiving

On a previously determined day, the local authority tax office will issue the future entrepreneur with a package of documentation confirming the fact of registration of an individual entrepreneur (registration certificate, certificate with an extract from the register, notice of registration with local authority on taxation).

Next, step-by-step instructions instruct you to figure it out yourself or find out from a responsible specialist what taxes and in what volume you need to pay in order to open a company providing transport services. The standard list of taxes collected from working in a taxi service includes the following payments: single and transport deductions, contributions to Pension Fund(registration as an insured by notification (arrived by mail) from the tax service).

Getting a license

The next step in the step-by-step instructions suggests issuing license documents for a taxi. The executive branch, represented by the authorized body in the region of residence of the applicant for the job of an individual entrepreneur, can issue a work permit as a taxi driver. It is necessary to clarify the package of documents that will be required to obtain a work permit, the conditions for obtaining this permit and the amount of the state fee.

In order to obtain a license to operate a taxi, the instructions prescribe certain conditions:

  1. at least 5 years of experience as a driver;
  2. transport for work must be the property of the individual entrepreneur or it can be leased;
  3. a necessary condition for opening an individual entrepreneur is passing a state technical inspection;
  4. the instructions require that the car be appropriately equipped: a taximeter must be installed in the cabin, an orange light must be attached to the roof of the taxi, and checkers must be applied to the sides of the car.

Next, the step-by-step methodology instructs you to submit an application to obtain a work permit. The application is submitted complete with a copy of the passport, extracts from the Unified Register, TIN, vehicle registration certificate (or leasing agreement). The license will be issued within 1 month. After receiving permission, you can officially start working.

Possible registration options

To open an enterprise providing transport services for passenger transportation, it is not necessary to deal with this issue personally. We can let you do this specialized organizations. These are legal or consulting companies whose services include the procedure for registering individual entrepreneurs. Such registration of private taxi services has several positive aspects: the likelihood of refusal of registration due to incorrectly completed documents is reduced and the job applicant does not waste his free time.

You can open your own taxi service company by registering yourself online on the FSN website. The government has greatly simplified registration procedure, giving those who wish the opportunity to carry it out remotely. Payment of the fee can be made with mobile phone, bank card.

A package of necessary certificates and documents for registration can be sent by registered mail. All documents must first be notarized.

You can open your own company using the Internet services of special services. These software products will not only help with the preparation of a package of documents, they will be useful in the further operation of a private enterprise for maintaining all documentation (financial, accounting) in proper form. This tool will allow you to take into account payment documents, store customer databases, receive expert advice, and much more.

Does a driver need an individual entrepreneur or LLC to work with Yandex.Taxi?

To work with Yandex.Taxi, the driver does not need an individual entrepreneur or LLC. You can work with Yandex.Taxi through a partner who receives money from Yandex.Taxi and transfers it to the driver’s card account. What is better for the driver: working with Yandex.Taxi directly or connecting through a partner? Should a driver open an individual entrepreneur to work in Yandex.Taxi?

Why IP

Advantages direct connection to Yandex.Taxi for driver

  • Much greater control over your own income, and money from Yandex.Taxi arrives without delay
  • If the driver works directly with Yandex.Taxi, the partner cannot deceive him, and there will be no delays in transferring money from Yandex.Taxi.
  • In this case, the driver does not have to pay an affiliate commission ().


Video - whether to open an individual entrepreneur for the driver to work with Yandex.Taxi

Work without an individual entrepreneur

Disadvantages for the driver if you connect to Yandex.Taxi directly through your own IP

  • The Yandex.Taxi driver will need to register an individual entrepreneur with the Tax Office.
  • The driver needs to open a bank account and pay all bank fees for maintaining the account and transfers, and pay taxes.

It must be said that this is often more expensive for the driver than paying a 5% affiliate commission. This is the price that the driver will have to pay for working directly with Yandex.Taxi.

Working through a partner

If the driver works with Yandex.Taxi through a partner without opening an IP

In this case, there is no headache for the driver regarding maintaining the account and paying taxes. But the driver loses complete control over his income in Yandex.Taxi: he receives money not directly from Yandex.Taxi, but through a partner, so delays in payment and even complete deception on the part of the partner, the driver will also bear the cost of paying the affiliate commission.

Should I open an individual entrepreneur?

Should a Yandex.Taxi driver open an individual entrepreneur?

  • Yes, it’s worth opening an IP, if the driver is concerned about the safety of his income and the speed of receiving money for working in Yandex.Taxi.
  • No, you shouldn’t work directly with Yandex.Taxi, if the driver is not ready to get involved in this story with banks and taxes.

How to start

How can a driver start working with Yandex.Taxi?

In general, it makes sense to start working with Yandex.Taxi through a partner, weigh the pros and cons, after which you can decide whether to work directly with Yandex.Taxi.

Private transportation is prohibited. It is not forbidden to give a colleague a ride home or a friend a ride to their dacha; for now, you are allowed to look for travel companions on all kinds of websites and mobile services. However, if you receive regular income from transporting passengers, this may be classified as illegal business activity.

Step 1: Registration of individual entrepreneur for taxi

How to open a taxi and start legal work in passenger transportation:

  1. Obtain permission to operate a taxi.

Registration of an individual entrepreneur is the easiest thing when deciding to open a taxi. It is enough to submit a package of documents to the registration authority at your place of residence to become a full-fledged entrepreneur in just a few days.

  • 49.32. – Taxi activity is the main one;
  • 49.39.3. – Irregular transportation of passengers by land – additionally.

You can get by with just one main type, because they are held free of charge. To make additions to the list of activities or exclude a code from it, you must submit a tax application P24001 without paying a state fee and within 5 days receive a USRIP entry sheet with all the changes.

An application for registration of an individual entrepreneur can be submitted:

  • during a personal visit to the tax office or to the MFC (recommended method);
  • through a special online service, if you receive an electronic signature;
  • by mail or courier delivery, if the application and a copy of the passport are certified by a notary.

Filling out an application electronically, printing it out, signing it and taking it to the registrar yourself is the most economical and fastest option to open an individual taxi business. If you contact the Federal Tax Service in person, you will have to spend only 800 rubles on the state fee and within 3 working days you will receive a USRIP registration sheet. Other options require more time and expense.

Step 2: Choose a tax system

An entrepreneur, within 30 days after registration, has the right to decide on the choice of taxation system and submit a corresponding notification to the Federal Tax Service. There are several options for taxis.

Individual entrepreneurs on it pay personal income tax at a rate of 13%, VAT at a rate from 0 to 18%, property tax - 2% of the value of assets owned by an individual. Quarterly you need to report on income and pay VAT, keep accounting records, pay insurance premiums for yourself and your employees.

Read also: Sample of filling out P24001 when changing the types of activities of individual entrepreneurs according to OKVED in 2019

Simplified taxation system(Chapter 26.2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). The simplified tax system allows you to pay 6% of actual income or 15% of the difference between income and expenses. For certain regions (Republic of Crimea), a temporary reduction in the simplified tax system rate to 0% is provided, and the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation can set a rate from 1 to 6% of income.
It is necessary to maintain accounting records, submit quarterly reports and pay insurance premiums. But self-employed individual entrepreneurs will reduce the amount of tax by the amount of insurance premiums, and individual entrepreneurs with employees - by 50%.

(Chapter 26.3 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). A special regime is applied when providing motor transport services for passenger transportation if the individual entrepreneur uses no more than 20 vehicles for this activity.

The tax under this system is 7.5-15% of the basic profitability, which is 1,500 rubles per month for each seat. On average, you need to pay 1,500 rubles monthly for using an ordinary passenger car as a taxi. * 4 places * 15% = 900 rubles, but the final tax amount depends on the region - the adjustment factor ranges from 0.05 to 1. In Moscow, UTII is not applied at all.

Moreover single tax is also reduced by 50% of the amount of insurance premiums paid by individual entrepreneurs, so fiscal costs can be reduced.

(Chapter 26.5 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). The patent tax is 4-6% of the potential income received from passenger transportation by road in each region and even municipal formation he is his own.

The basis for the calculation is the number of cars (in some places the number of seats is taken into account, and in others not): for example, in the Krylatskoye district in Moscow, for a car with 1-5 seats, the potential income is 300 thousand rubles per year, for a car with 6 -8 places – already 1 million rubles, and in St. Petersburg the tax is calculated on the number of cars and amounts to 500 thousand rubles. per year for one car.

There is no reporting or accounting requirements. But here, too, there are limitations - only from this year it is possible to apply a patent if there are several cars in a taxi fleet at once, and now an individual entrepreneur, when using this system, does not have the right to hire more than 15 workers. Also, the use of a patent does not exempt from payment of insurance premiums, and they do not reduce the amount of tax payable.

Choice tax regime IP- Very important step, because the composition of the required reporting, the form of accounting and the amount of tax deductions depend on it. Working for OSNO is very troublesome, the patent system does not provide for tax reduction through insurance contributions, UTII only works until 2021. That's why optimal choice for a self-employed person who decides to open an individual entrepreneur and work as a taxi, it becomes “simplified”. possible simultaneously with documents for registration of individual entrepreneurs.

Taxi license without individual entrepreneur(i.e. without registration as an individual entrepreneur) is issued quickly enough and does not require large quantities documents. Taxi licenses without individual entrepreneurs are required for all drivers who carry out paid transportation of passengers, if this is their main activity carried out on an ongoing basis. We'll talk about how to get a license in this article.

Is it possible to get a taxi license without opening an individual entrepreneur?

To begin with, we suggest you figure out why private cab drivers open individual entrepreneurs and when it is necessary.

A taxi license without an individual entrepreneur is issued if you are engaged in transporting an unlimited number of passengers for a fee, but are employed by a taxi service, which is your employer and bears the burden of responsibility for you. Roughly speaking, if you get a job as a simple driver in a taxi service (including using your personal vehicle), you need a license, but opening an individual entrepreneur is not required.

If you work for yourself, earning a living as a private driver, then the state will require you not only to have a license, but also to register your activities as an individual entrepreneur. And in this case, of course, you will have to fulfill all the obligations provided for by law for an individual entrepreneur:

  • do accounting,
  • pay taxes,
  • submit documents to tax authorities and compulsory insurance funds,
  • make pension contributions.

By the way, if you decide to work for yourself, then it is not at all necessary to register as an individual entrepreneur, since it is possible to open a legal entity, for example a company with limited liability. Difference between these two organizational forms business is significant both in the order of preparation of documents for registration, and in the amount of costs for registration, and in the order of reporting after it, and in the amount of responsibility for obligations.

Documents for obtaining a license and the body that issues it

So, if you need a taxi license, then you need to apply for it to the regional executive authority that is responsible for such licensing. For the most part, this is done by the Ministry of Transport.

As mentioned above, you will need to submit a set of documents. It includes:

  1. Application for a license. Such a statement is made in writing in free form. To avoid any difficulties, it is best to use the application form available from the authority that issues permits.
  2. A copy of the passport of the person applying for a license (not all pages of the passport are required, but only 1, 2 and the registration page). If your representative applies for a license, then in addition to the above, a copy of his passport is also required, as well as a power of attorney to represent interests.
  3. A copy of the document confirming the state registration of the vehicle on which the activity of transporting passengers will be carried out.
  4. A document confirming the right to own a car. It is important to emphasize that we are talking here about ownership, and not about ownership. That is, if you are the owner of a vehicle, then skip this point; if the owner is another person, then you must submit a document on the basis of which you are using this vehicle. An example of such a document could be a lease agreement, a power of attorney for a car, or a leasing agreement under which you operate a car owned by a leasing company.
  5. A document confirming your registration as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity. We draw your attention to the fact that such a document, as we already mentioned above, is necessary only for those who work for themselves and in labor relations I am not affiliated with a taxi service.
  6. A document confirming payment of the state duty. It should be noted that each region of our country has the right to independently set the amount for such services, so it is not possible to tell you the real cost. To do this, contact the place where the documents are presented and clarify the information.

It is important to say that if you are applying for a permit to carry out paid transportation of passengers (taxi license) without registering yourself as an individual entrepreneur or opening a legal entity, then an official agreement must be concluded employment contract between the taxi service and you.

Finally, it is worth pointing out the need to familiarize yourself with the legislation in force in your region on this issue. For example, it would be useful to study the mechanism for obtaining permits and the requirements for cars that will be used for transportation, since there may be special requirements for the age of the car and even its color.

What you need to work as a taxi driver in the dispatch service + job features + how much you can earn. What you need to work as a taxi driver in your own car: documents, equipment, license + approximate earnings + pros and cons of working as a taxi driver.

Each of us has at least once wondered how to find a way to earn extra money. One of best options, in particular, for men, this means working as a taxi driver. There is always demand in this area, regardless of the time of year or day of the week.

What do you need to work in a taxi? First, decide for yourself: do you want to work on your car or get a job with a carrier company?

We will discuss all the nuances of both options below.

Working as a taxi driver in the dispatch service

You have decided to try your hand at getting a job as a cab driver for a dispatch company.

IN in this case Having your own car does not matter. Many companies have a sufficient number of cars in their taxi fleet, so they only need experienced drivers.

Before you get a job you must undergo an interview.

To become a driver, you must meet the following criteria:

  1. Age from 25 years;
  2. Driving experience of at least 5 years;
  3. Knowledge of the city;
  4. Experience as a driver and letters of recommendation from a previous place of employment (not required, but desirable);
  5. No accidents;
  6. There should be no criminal record, even a suspended one;
  7. Availability of a certificate from a narcologist stating that the person does not have problems with drugs and alcohol;
  8. A certificate from a psychiatrist that the candidate for the position is not registered with a doctor.
  9. The ability to use a navigator will be a big plus, but even if you don’t have such knowledge, you can quickly learn it.

These requirements may vary from company to company. For example, for some services it does not matter how old the driver is, while others strictly observe this point.

Reputable taxi companies in Moscow require knowledge from drivers, because foreigners often come to the capital.

If you have your own car, then you need to have a license to transport passengers (we will tell you how to get it below), a state vehicle inspection and a passed medical examination.

Features of a working day in a rented taxi

Working with a rented taxi has its own nuances that are not suitable for everyone.

How does a taxi driver's working day go without his own car?

  1. The driver comes to the parking lot and takes his work car. It is necessary to check the technical condition of the car before the trip. If you see any defects, please report this immediately to the employee who issues the taxi from the parking lot.
  2. If everything is in order, you take the car and transport clients strictly according to the instructions of the company’s dispatchers. You will be notified by phone about where to go.
  3. You give all the money you earn during the day to the company. Taxi drivers are paid 1-2 times a month. Exactly how much you earn will depend on the number of working days and income if you work on a percentage basis.

    Some dispatch services only pay employees a rate. Which method is better, each taxi driver decides for himself individually.

How much can you earn on a rented car?

Now specifically about the numbers. If the taxi driver does not operate his own car, then he will have to pay a percentage to the company for renting the vehicle.

The driver receives only 20% from one call. The rest of the amount is spent on gasoline and salaries for dispatchers.

If you work in your own car, then the dispatcher needs to pay up to 25% for 1 call, a certain amount will be spent on gasoline, and the rest will be transferred to the driver’s salary.

Sometimes carrier companies hire drivers on a salary basis. If you work on a 6/1 schedule, 12 hours a day, then the salary will be approximately 35-50,000 rubles per month.

To work as a taxi driver in the dispatch service you don’t need much, but it will be difficult to make good money. But you will be provided with a serviceable car, for which only the company will be responsible for repairs and fuel.

There will also be no need to waste time looking for clients; other people will do this. You just need to deliver the client to the desired address as quickly and comfortably as possible.

What do you need to work as a taxi driver in your own car?

It will be much more difficult to operate a taxi in your own car. You will have to go through many stages associated with registering an individual entrepreneur and issuing a license for the right to transport people.

What exactly do you need to work in a taxi? We will tell you everything in order.

No. 1. Automobile

The first priority is the availability of a vehicle.

To become a successful driver, the car must be in good working order and ready for 24-hour workload. A good driver should regularly take the car for technical inspection.

To work as a taxi driver, it is advisable to have a foreign car, and not a domestic VAZ model.

In addition to technical characteristics high level, the car must be equipped with additional devices:

  1. The car should be repainted yellow or purchase a checkerboard;
  2. According to GOST, a cab driver needs to buy a taximeter of any brand;
  3. According to the new rules, every car must have a GPS navigator and a video recorder.

No. 2. Individual entrepreneur registration

To maintain any entrepreneurial activity It is necessary to obtain confirmation from the tax office of registration of an individual entrepreneur (IP).

With this document, anyone can engage in small business and transfer taxes to the state budget.

If you want to expand by creating your own transportation company, then you don’t need to fill out any more documents. You just need to register your employees and pay regular state duty for them.

Step-by-step instructions for working in a taxi:

  1. The first step is to contact the tax office at the place of registration of the business. You must take a copy and original passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation with you;
  2. In the tax inspector’s office, using the sample, fill out an application for individual entrepreneur status;
  3. After this, you will be given a receipt according to which you need to pay the state fee at Sberbank. The price for each region is individual. After payment, the receipt must be given to the inspector who is responsible for registering the individual entrepreneur for you;
  4. Within 5 days you will receive the status of an individual entrepreneur and can safely start working as a taxi driver.
  5. The tax office will also give you the following accompanying documents:

  • registration certificate individual as an individual entrepreneur;
  • extract from the Unified Register individual entrepreneurs And legal entities Russian Federation;
  • notification that the individual is registered with the tax office at the place of registration of the individual entrepreneur.
  • The last step is to open accounts to carry out cash transactions for business in any bank.
  • It is advisable to order a seal, but this condition is not considered mandatory.
  • After this procedure, you should check with your inspector when and how much you will have to transfer to the state budget.

    According to the law, it is necessary to pay a single tax, make transfers to a pension fund, and also pay transport tax.

    No. 3. Registration of a license

    Every taxi driver, even if he works for a company, must have a license from the Ministry of Transport. This document certifies that a person has the right to transport people.

    Sometimes even the client may require to see a license. Traffic police officers may issue a license for a taxi driver not having a license. fine of 5,000 rubles.

    For this purpose, it is necessary to prepare the following documents:

    1. Draw up an application for a permit;
    2. Make a copy of your passport;
    3. Provide a copy of the vehicle registration certificate;
    4. If the car is not owned by the applicant, you must provide a copy of the lease agreement or power of attorney;
    5. Present a document confirming that the vehicle has undergone state inspection.

    With this entire list of documents you must contact executive agency Ministry of Transport at your place of residence.

    The license to transport passengers is valid for 5 years.

    Not everyone can count on obtaining a permit to work as a taxi driver.

    You will not receive the document if:

    1. Driving experience less than 5 years;
    2. The car for which a license is being requested is not the property of the applicant, and he does not have a rental agreement with the real owner of the car;
    3. The vehicle has not passed state technical inspection.

    How much can you earn from your car?

    The most important question for many is how much can you earn as a taxi driver using your own car?

    There are no specific figures, because the amount of earnings depends on the following points:

    1. What tariff the driver chose for himself;
    2. How many hours did he work;
    3. Where does he wait for his clients?
    4. What route did the taxi driver take (experienced drivers know all the roads in the city where they can travel as quickly as possible, thereby saving on fuel), etc.

    The standard taxi fare for Moscow is 250-500 rubles per 1 kilometer.

    The sweetest places for drivers are subways, train stations and airports. At night, many taxi drivers stand near nightclubs.

    May be in bad weather or holidays.

    To make good money, you need to serve 10-15 people a day. If you calculate the cost of gasoline and car maintenance, then in a month you can earn an average of 50,000 rubles.

    Here, income directly depends on the work schedule and parking location of the taxi driver.

    To increase your customer base, make bright business cards and hand them out to all passengers.

    What you need to know about working in a taxi: all the pros and cons

    We have already found out what is needed to work in a taxi, now let’s figure out what the pros and cons of working as drivers consist of:

    1. If you work for yourself, you receive your salary immediately after completing the order.1. When working in a dispatch service, you have to wait 2-4 weeks for your salary.
    2. In order for the profit from working in a taxi to be significant, you need to work during rush hours: at night, in bad weather, on weekends and holidays.2. Hired drivers give most of their income to the company for car rental and the work of dispatchers who forward customer orders to taxi drivers.
    3. Working as a taxi driver is also necessary in order to get the opportunity to study better city and improve your driving skills.3. Clients will not always be friendly. You need to be prepared for scandals or passenger dissatisfaction.
    4. You choose your own work schedule. You can earn extra money as a taxi driver in your free time, while also having another permanent job.4. Taxi drivers are often attacked by thieves. To protect yourself, do not carry large sums, put all the money on the card. Leave some small bills so you can give change. You can keep a gas spray, a shocker or a traumatic pistol with you.
    5. Due to bad roads, a lot of money and time is spent on taxi repairs.
    6. Taxi workers have health problems: vision loss, back problems, constant fatigue, digestive disorders, etc.

    What is the schedule of a taxi driver and how much can you earn?

    A professional talks about the features of the profession:

    Working as a taxi driver is difficult, but with the right approach it is possible to make a good living and even start your own business.

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