A wonderful prayer for the fulfillment of Saint March's wishes. Reviews of Saint March's prayer for the fulfillment of wishes

Among the Orthodox, remnants of paganism are still strong, when there is an incorrect attitude towards prayers, as if they were conspiracies - you just need to read them a certain number of times and your wishes will come true. Saint Martha’s prayer for the fulfillment of a wish has become widely circulated on the Internet. Let's figure out whether it can be read, and what specific text to use for this.

Who is Saint Martha

We should start with the fact that in Orthodoxy St. Martha, who, together with her sister Mary, is mentioned in the Gospel texts. She is called Martha in Catholicism. This woman was the sister of Lazarus, whom Christ resurrected after several days in the tomb, when a foul smell was already spreading. All this can be read more fully in Holy Scripture. The life was translated from the Latin text “Golden Legend”.

According to him, Lazarus and his sisters were forced to flee from Jerusalem during the outbreak of persecution of a new religious movement, which was then Christianity. Having made a long dangerous journey, Saint Martha ended up in Rome. Pilgrims offer prayers to her near the relics, which are kept in Tarascon.

The city got its name from the monster that lived there. It struck fear into everyone and devoured travelers. The appearance and size were terrifying. Only the prayer of Saint Martha could deprive him of his strength. Therefore, on icons she is often depicted with a dragon-like beast. The life story of the ascetic convincingly proves that the Lord values ​​both women and men equally, if only their hearts are completely devoted to Him.

St. Martha was honored to live to a ripe old age. She ended her days among her disciples, founding a monastic community. The prayer to Saint Martha is read “for the fulfillment” of a desire. It is indeed possible to ask the saints for help. Only this must be done as the Holy Church teaches, and not the occultists. First you need to familiarize yourself with the life and reflect on it. Why did the Lord choose this particular person to work miracles through him? How does a saint’s behavior differ from yours?

How not to read prayers

Saints do not help to acquire money or other material values. First of all, you need to pray to the Lord, then to the Mother of God. There is no need to think that a specific saint is “assigned” certain types miracles that he distributes through prayers. You should protect your soul from demonism, of which there is a lot on the Internet today. The text of the prayer to Saint Martha, which is replicated on most sites, causes, in best case scenario, bewilderment.

Our website contains a real prayer to Saint Martha, which can be read to baptized people. It helps a lot of people, as you can see from the reviews. It can be read any day, not only on Tuesdays, as various dubious sites teach, where Orthodoxy is confused with the occult and magic. Here you need to choose one thing - either Christianity or witchcraft, these are mutually exclusive concepts.

You can be sure that the site has no connection whatsoever with any Christian denomination if one (or all) of these signs are present:

  • if there is a requirement on the page to spread some kind of prayer;
  • prayers must be read in strict sequence, a certain number of times, while performing other rituals;
  • you are promised that St. Martha’s prayer (or any other) will fulfill a certain desire after some time.

Any real prayer (not converted into a conspiracy) first of all asks Jesus for the forgiveness of sins. None christian prayer will not demand fulfillment of desires from the saint. People awarded holiness are not jinn who do what you want. Saint Martha, like other righteous people, conducts eternal life in prayers to the Lord, and does not travel around the world, distributing high salaries, cars and apartments to everyone who wants them.

The prayer to Saint Martha can be read before Orthodox icon, after completing the daily rule. Done at any time free time, once is enough. You can express your desires, but not in an ultimatum form. Remember that if what you want does not happen, it means that the Lord is preparing something else for you, more valuable (in the spiritual sense).

Saint Martha and her sister Mary are revered not only in the Eastern, but also in the Western Church. It was the converted Catholic prayer that became widespread. You should not use it, it can harm your soul. Of course, she doesn’t fulfill any wishes. May the Lord grant you spiritual wisdom, kindness of heart and strength for all trials!

Read the prayer to St. Martha

“Oh Saint Martha, You are Miraculous!
I turn to you for help!
And completely in my needs, and you will be my assistant
in my trials!

I promise you with gratitude,
that I will spread this prayer everywhere!
I humbly and tearfully ask -
comfort me in my worries and hardships!

Obediently, for the sake of great joy,
which filled your heart,
I tearfully ask you to take care of me and my family,
so that we keep our God in our hearts

and thus they deserved the Saved Supreme Mediation,
first of all, with the concern that now weighs on me...

...I tearfully ask you, Helper in every need,
conquer the burdens just as you conquered the snake,
until I lay at Your feet!”

Saint Martha's prayer for the fulfillment of desires - listen

Saint Martha's prayer for the fulfillment of a wish was last modified: May 7th, 2018 by Bogolub

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There are prayers through which you can ask a higher power to fulfill your desires. There are many of them and everyone can come to the one that suits him. One of these prayers is to Saint Martha, if you turn to her with your requests for help in fulfilling your desire, then she will help and everything will come true. With all this, everyone should understand that it is not necessary for requests to be mercantile, for example, for the purchase of an airplane, or large quantity money, this is not true.

If your desires, which you ask the Saint to help fulfill, are directed in such a direction as the birth of a healthy baby, so that your loved one gets well and close person and something like that, then everything will come true.

It is necessary to try to ensure that the desire is not aimed at material gain, but there are also cases when the Saint helps people in particular need. Try to concentrate on your request.

The request to Saint Martha must be fulfilled in the morning, as soon as you wake up, your head is light and clear, think only about your desire. You will need to repeat the prayer words at least three times, concentrating and understanding your sayings. During the period when you begin to ask for help and fulfillment of a desire, you must completely eliminate smoking and the use of products containing alcohol.

During this period, try not to use foul language and be pure in soul, that is, do not quarrel with people and do not hold anger in your soul. Another indicator is that you should not allow deception towards your own kind.

The request period can last for varying lengths of time, from several days to months. It all depends on the person’s desires and his mood, i.e., for some, a few days will be enough, while others will get carried away with monthly readings and petitions. When pronouncing the holy words, you can light a church candle in the room you will be in.

Holy Martha! I ask you, help me cope with all the trials. I ask you to help me and fulfill my request and desire (say your desire). I ask you, do not leave my requests unfulfilled, help me and hear me. I tearfully beg you not to pass by and do not leave me without your help! Amen. Amen. Amen.

It's better if no one bothers you with this. Only those people who want to help you with your petition should be present, this is permitted. There is no need to immediately ask for several wishes; after receiving the result, move on to the next one; do not forget about gratitude.

Saint Martha - where did she come from?

Exists huge amount saints who help a person in business. However, it is Saint Martha who is especially popular among ordinary people.

Orthodox scriptures say that Martha lived during the time of Christ himself. She knew him personally and believed that he was the son of the Lord and the owner of divine power long before he was resurrected. In Orthodoxy she is called Saint Martha.

Some believe that she was Mary's sister. The girls were radically different from each other. Martha was in charge of everyday life, she provided guests with the best she had, and constantly spent time in chores and everyday affairs. Mary attended Jesus’ sermons all the time; she considered mortal affairs unworthy of attention compared to faith in the Lord.

One day, right in front of a guest, Martha could not stand it and told her sister everything she thought about her behavior and refusal to help around the house. The Lord said that Mary was constantly concerned about her soul and its salvation, and therefore did not think about anything else.

Some time later, Martha's brother Lazarus also experienced interesting case. Christ went far beyond the city limits. Lazarus at this time became seriously ill, he was dying before our eyes, and Jesus was unable to return and cure him in a timely manner. The patient passed away and the sisters mourned him tearfully. It was only after death that Christ came and resurrected the young man.

Martha is also considered the myrrh-bearing wife.

She is the patroness of various servants, waiters and cooks, the guardian household.

Prayer to Martha for the fulfillment of a wish

The prayer to Saint Martha is written in accessible language, and not in the usual way. orthodox prayers. The text is perfectly understandable to anyone and is not difficult to pronounce.

"Martha the Wonderworking"
I ask you for help,
I will pray
Tell everyone about you
I beg you,
Become my assistant
I will thank you for everything
I will bow to you too."

This Holy Prayer actually helps to achieve a great effect; desires are indeed fulfilled very quickly. Many people said that when they turned to St. Martha, everything worked out for them. But this prayer has a rather big weakness; it should not be read separately, but other Orthodox prayer texts should be used.

Ritual to make your dreams come true

The ritual with the prayer to Saint Martha requires the necessary preparation, which includes:

  • use of ritual paraphernalia;
  • appropriate appearance;
  • peace of mind of a person;
  • correct formulation of desire;
  • suitable environment during the ritual.


In order for the dream fulfillment ritual to work, it is necessary to prepare in advance all the items for its implementation. Should be purchased:

  • church candles;
  • an icon or image of Saint Martha;
  • a prayer book so that you can read other prayers and texts from it.

Naturally, it is advisable to know all the necessary prayers by heart in order to fully concentrate on the process and not be distracted by anything.
The Holy Prayer for the fulfillment of dreams is suitable for those who are unable to attend church for certain reasons. You can turn to the righteous woman at home, where no one can distract you from the ritual process.


You must bring your state of mind to calm down, not to be nervous and to feel peace. Thoughts must necessarily be pure; a person should under no circumstances wish harm to other people.

You should turn to Saint Martha after a shower or bath, because the righteous woman does not tolerate dirt. You also need to wear clean clothes; if possible, new ones that have never been worn are best; preference should be given to light shades. A nightgown is perfect for women, and pajamas for men.

Formulation of desires

You can ask Saint Martha for the most different things. A righteous woman can help in conceiving a child or getting married, finding your soulmate or healing from a serious illness, and much more.
The most important condition should be to do no harm and bring evil. Also, when performing one ritual, you can make only one wish.

Naturally, a person can have many desires, but you can ask for fulfillment only for one of them. You can perform another ritual some time later and ask for something else.
You must clearly formulate your desire, present all the details in detail and possible problems so as not to be surprised by unexpected surprises later. It is also best to write your wish on a piece of paper so that you can read it later. It is important that it always sounds the same.

Situation during the ritual

The ritual to fulfill a wish can be performed at any time, but it is better to do it in the evening or early in the morning. A person needs to stay in all alone and bring yourself to a calm state.

It is also better to place fresh flowers indoors. Bergamot oil will help you calm down and put your inner state in order; it will help create an optimal atmosphere for the ceremony. They need to lubricate the candle.

Prayer ritual to Saint Martha

The ritual must be performed for nine cycles only on Tuesday. You need to perform the ritual for nine weeks in a row without missing a day on Tuesday at the same time. If you missed even one day, you will have to start all over again.

Before you start reading the prayer, you need to put fresh flowers in the room, light a candle and place an icon of Martha in front of it. After this, you need to focus as much as possible on the desire and imagine it, and then start reading the prayer. A strict order must be observed when reading prayers. Here are the prayers to use:

  1. Prayer to Martha;
  2. Our Father;
  3. Prayer to the Mother of God;
  4. Father, Son and Holy Spirit;
  5. Intercession of Saint Martha.

All prayers must be copied from the prayer book, and it is also recommended to memorize them so as not to be distracted by reading and focus on the most important thing.

The church candle must burn out completely. During the ritual cycle, it may turn out that the wish will come true much earlier. However, in any case, it is worth carrying out the ritual for nine weeks; under no circumstances should it be interrupted. It is also recommended to carry a piece of paper with a prayer to St. Martha at all times.

Under no circumstances should you tell anyone about the ritual, especially if the wish has not yet been fulfilled. Only when a person achieves his goal will he be able to tell his loved ones about his joy. However, he should only share this with those he can truly trust. The person who has learned the secret must have a good, only positive aura, so that he does not jinx the success of the one who told it.

Any Orthodox Christian knows very well that prayer must be said from the heart, without selfish motives, without wanting to harm anyone. You should also first carefully consider your desire and understand whether it is really necessary or whether you can do without it. You can turn to every Saint in any difficult situation.

The main thing is to concentrate and remember your prayers, turn to the Lord with all your heart. Prayer allows you to turn to the Mother of God and the Lord. It is recommended to know the prayers by heart, you need to say them in silence, and turn to God. It is worth remembering that if a dream does not come true, then maybe it is not so necessary, because the Lord sees everything.

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The requests that we voice in prayers will definitely be heard and come true, but only on the condition that their fulfillment does not harm a single soul. We all, of course, have a lot of requests and desires, and, for the sake of decency, there is no need to burden the Saints with your daily changes of preferences, choose the most intimate thing that is in your soul and ask in prayer to Saint Martha.

Saint Martha is a 19th century Orthodox nun. She devoted her entire life to helping people, she served before God for you and me, asked him for our problems, prayed for God’s grace to be sent down on humanity. Saint Martha prays for the fulfillment of desires of all kinds: they ask for marriage, for pregnancy, for healing, for enlightenment. There is even a certain one with which you can achieve the fulfillment of your desire.

How to read prayers to Saint Martha?

A prayer for Saint Martha’s wish is not just one prayer, but a whole cycle:

  • prayer to Saint Martha - 1 time;
  • prayer “Our Father” - 1 time;
  • prayer to the Mother of God - 1 time;
  • prayer “Glory to the Father and the Son...” - 1 time;
  • prayer request for the intercession of Saint Martha - 9 times.

We begin with a prayer to Saint Martha the Miraculous:

“Oh Saint Martha, You are Miraculous!

I turn to you for help! And completely in my needs, and you will be my helper in my trials! I promise you with gratitude that I will spread this prayer everywhere! I humbly and tearfully ask you to console me in my worries and hardships! I humbly, for the sake of the great joy that filled your heart, I tearfully ask you to take care of me and my family, so that we preserve our God in our hearts and thereby deserve the Saved Supreme Mediation, first of all with the concern that now burdens me (we say your request).

I tearfully ask you, Helper in every need, overcome hardships just as You defeated the snake until it lay at Your feet!”

“Our Father who art in heaven!

Hallowed be Thy name;

Thy kingdom come;

Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven;

Give us our daily bread;

and forgive us our sins,

for we also forgive every debtor to us;

and do not lead us into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.


Let's move on to the Mother of God:

“O Mother of God, Virgin, rejoice! Blessed Mary, the Lord is with you! Blessed are You among Women and Blessed is the Fruit of Your Womb, for You have given birth to the Savior of our souls!”

Let's continue:

“Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! And now, and forever, and forever and ever! Amen!"

And we finish:

“Saint Martha, ask Jesus for us!”

Now the most important thing: all these five prayers must be read in order on Tuesday, for nine weeks in a row. That is, every Tuesday, at any time of the day, you sit down and read this series. In total, we get nine weeks and nine cycles.

You need to light a church candle nearby and let it burn out after reading the prayers. Put an image in front of you Saint Martha, as well as fresh flowers. The candle can be lubricated with bergamot oil. Only you should be in the room when reading prayers. And, most importantly, do not forget to first concentrate on your desire!

If your wish comes true before the end of the reading cycle, complete it anyway. If you missed one Tuesday, start over.

Prayers cannot be printed out and given to other people. The prayer that a person reads must be written in his hand. You can print the text, but rewrite it in blank slate necessary. Carry a piece of paper with a prayer with you at all times. During a nine-week cycle, you can work with only one desire, and it is better to write down the desire itself along with the prayer on paper, because it is very important that it always sounds the same.

A wonderful prayer for the fulfillment of a wish to Saint Martha

1. Prayer to Saint Martha - Read 1 time

Oh Saint Martha, you are miraculous,

I'm running to you for help

I promise you with gratitude,

I humbly and tearfully ask,

and that's what they deserve

in our need

(INDICATING YOUR NEED can be done in a few sentences; write clearly and clearly what you want so that there are no complaints later, since wishes are fulfilled almost literally)

Mother of God, I ask you

as a helper in every need

and placed it near her feet.

2. Prayer “Our Father” - read 1 time

3. Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary - Read 1 time

“O Mother of God, Virgin, rejoice! Blessed Mary, the Lord is with you! Blessed are You among Women and Blessed is the Fruit of Your Womb, for You have given birth to the Savior of our souls!”

4. “Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! And now, and forever, and forever and ever! Amen!” - Read 1 time

5. “Saint Martha, ask Jesus for us!” - Read 9 times

Prayer is very powerful; Fulfills all desires (if it pleases Heaven, this means that you will not harm anyone with your desires, voluntarily or unwittingly); wishes are often fulfilled even before the end of the reading cycle. Personally, I get fulfilled a few months after the cycle. We read one cycle and forgot, we don’t wait for it to be fulfilled.

You need to read it in a cycle - 9 Tuesdays in a row. If one of the Tuesdays is missed, start all over again. If your wish came true earlier, still read to the end of the cycle (all 9 Tuesdays). There should be a candle burning nearby (to the right) on the table. You can use any candle, but preferably a church candle, a small one.

The time of day - morning or evening - does not matter. If the candle is a church candle, let it burn out to the end; if it’s different, let it burn for 15-20 minutes, and then you can put it out (don’t blow it out!). It is better if you lubricate the candle with bergamot oil (with your palm, from bottom to top, from the base of the candle to the wick). It’s also better if there are fresh flowers nearby! But bergamot and flowers are not necessary, but very desirable!

The desire is better written down on paper so that it always sounds the same when reading the entire text of the prayer. One cycle - one desire.

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Miracle-working prayers. Prayer to Saint Martha

Prayer is very powerful.

Fulfills all desires (if it pleases Heaven, it means that you will not harm anyone with your desires, wittingly or unwittingly).

Desires are often fulfilled even before the end of the reading cycle.

I'm running to you for help

and I completely rely on you,

can you help me with my need?

and you will be an assistant in my trials.

I promise you with gratitude,

that I will spread this prayer everywhere.

I humbly and tearfully ask,

comfort me in my worries and burdens.

For the sake of great joy that filled your heart

when you're at your home in Bethania

gave shelter to the Savior of the world,

worry about me and my family,

so that we keep our God in

and that's what they deserve

Saved Supreme mediation

in our need

first of all, with the anxiety that worries me

as a helper in every need

help so that through the mediation of Saint Martha

defeat my burden and concern that I named/named

the way you defeated the ancient serpent

and placed it near her feet.

The text you have rewritten cannot be passed on to others; each person must rewrite the text of the prayers in his own hand (you can dictate to him or simply give yours or this printed text for rewriting).

Prayer to Saint Martha

The requests that we voice in prayers will definitely be heard and come true, but only on the condition that their fulfillment does not harm a single soul. We all, of course, have a lot of requests and desires, and, for the sake of decency, there is no need to burden the Saints with your daily changes of preferences, choose the most intimate thing that is in your soul and ask in prayer to Saint Martha.

Saint Martha is a 19th century Orthodox nun. She devoted her whole life to helping people, she served before God for you and me, asked him for our problems, prayed for God’s grace to be sent down on humanity. Saint Martha prays for the fulfillment of desires of all kinds: they ask for marriage, for pregnancy, for healing, for enlightenment. There is even a certain ritual with which you can achieve the fulfillment of your desire.

A prayer for Saint Martha’s wish is not just one prayer, but a whole cycle:

  • prayer to Saint Martha - 1 time;
  • prayer “Our Father” - 1 time;
  • prayer to the Mother of God - 1 time;
  • prayer “Glory to the Father and the Son...” – 1 time;
  • prayer request for the intercession of Saint Martha - 9 times.

We begin with a prayer to Saint Martha the Miraculous:

“Oh Saint Martha, You are Miraculous!

I turn to you for help! And completely in my needs, and you will be my helper in my trials! I promise you with gratitude that I will spread this prayer everywhere! I humbly and tearfully ask you to console me in my worries and hardships! I humbly, for the sake of the great joy that filled your heart, I tearfully ask you to take care of me and my family, so that we preserve our God in our hearts and thereby deserve the Saved Supreme Mediation, first of all with the concern that now burdens me (we say your request).

I tearfully ask you, Helper in every need, overcome hardships just as You defeated the snake until it lay at Your feet!”

“Our Father who art in heaven!

Hallowed be Thy name;

Thy kingdom come;

Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven;

Give us our daily bread;

and forgive us our sins,

for we also forgive every debtor to us;

and do not lead us into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.

Let's move on to the Mother of God:

“O Mother of God, Virgin, rejoice! Blessed Mary, the Lord is with you! Blessed are You among Women and Blessed is the Fruit of Your Womb, for You have given birth to the Savior of our souls!”

Now the most important thing: all these five prayers must be read in order on Tuesday, for nine weeks in a row. That is, every Tuesday, at any time of the day, you sit down and read this series. In total, we get nine weeks and nine cycles.

You need to light a church candle nearby and let it burn out after reading the prayers. Put an image in front of you

Saint Martha, as well as fresh flowers. The candle can be lubricated with bergamot oil. Only you should be in the room when reading prayers. And, most importantly, do not forget to first concentrate on your desire!

If your wish comes true before the end of the reading cycle, complete it anyway. If you missed one Tuesday, start over.

Prayers cannot be printed out and given to other people. The prayer that a person reads must be written in his hand. You can print out the text of the prayer, but you need to rewrite it on a blank sheet of paper. Carry a piece of paper with a prayer with you at all times. During a nine-week cycle, you can work with only one desire, and it is better to write down the desire itself along with the prayer on paper, because it is very important that it always sounds the same.

Copying information is permitted only with a direct and indexed link to the source

Prayer to Saint Martha for the fulfillment of a wish

Secret dreams and desires should have a place in the life of any person. After all, a desire or a dream is always some kind of goal, and a life devoid of a goal is simply a meaningless existence, a banal living of the days ordained by God and fate.

But alas, not every wish comes true. However, it is not for nothing that they say that a person himself is the smith of his own happiness, and he can even realize his cherished dream - provided that he applies various techniques fulfillment of desire and strong faith in their work. Many people, for example, use the prayer for the fulfillment of a wish addressed to Saint Martha.

Saint Martha - who is she?

Saint Martha is a righteous woman who lived at the same time as Jesus Christ and believed in God even before His miraculous Resurrection. Martha was the sister of Lazarus - the same one who died of illness and was resurrected by Jesus.

Martha is a Catholic name; in Orthodoxy it sounds like Martha. In Christianity, she is one of the myrrh-bearing women. Saint Martha is the patron of the household and is considered the intercessor service personnel(cooks, waiters, servants).

Prayer to Saint Martha for the fulfillment of a wish: text

Unlike most Orthodox prayers, the text of the prayer to Saint Martha is compiled in modern and accessible Russian, therefore it is understandable and not difficult to pronounce for every person. The text of Martha's prayer is as follows:

The prayer to Saint Martha for the fulfillment of a wish is indeed characterized by high efficiency. Proof of this is the convincing examples of many people who have had the opportunity to use this technique in practice. However, this prayer has one significant feature - it does not work separately, but in conjunction with other Orthodox prayer texts. Read below about the ritual of petitioning Saint Martha, which grants wishes.

Preparing for the ritual of wish fulfillment

A magical ritual to make a dream come true using the prayer to Saint Martha requires the performer to carry out special preparatory measures regarding:

  • attributes of the ritual;
  • appearance and emotional state of the performer;
  • desires and its formulation;
  • conditions in the room where the ceremony will be held.

Ritual attributes

In order for the cycle of prayers for the fulfillment of a wish to lead to the desired outcome, the performer must prepare in advance the items that may be needed during the ritual. Necessary attributes speakers:

  • candles– it’s good if they are purchased in the church, but the use of ordinary ones is also allowed;
  • image of Saint Martha– this can be an icon of a righteous woman, or a photograph (picture). As a last resort, if it was not possible to find either one or the other, you can do without the image of the saint - the prayer will still work;
  • prayer book– its necessity is caused by the use of other Orthodox prayer texts in the ritual. If you don’t succeed with the prayer book, you are allowed to find the texts of the necessary prayers on the Internet and rewrite them with your own hand on a piece of paper (the use of computer printed text is not encouraged). Ideally, these Orthodox prayers should be known by heart and recited from memory. Leaflets with prayers cannot be passed on to strangers, even relatives.

The good thing about praying to Saint Martha for the fulfillment of a wish is that you don’t have to visit a place of worship to say it. You can contact the righteous woman in the comfort of your home, where no one and nothing will distract you from the process.

Requirements for the appearance and emotional state of the ritual performer

The performer should begin the prayer ritual for the fulfillment of a desire V good location spirit and a calm, peaceful state. His consciousness must be freed from disturbing and negative thoughts, and his thoughts must be pure, devoid of selfishness, selfishness, revenge, and all evil.

You need to turn to Saint Martha with a prayer for the fulfillment of your desire with a clean body, therefore, it is necessary to take a shower or bath before the ceremony, or wash in a bathhouse. The performer’s clothes should also be clean, and it is also very desirable that they be new, never worn, in light colors. Suitable clothing option for women - nightgown, for men – pajamas.

Desires and their formulation

The requests that people make to Saint Martha are very different. The righteous woman is asked for pregnancy, marriage, healing from an illness, enlightenment, a solution to some serious problem, etc.

The main requirement that a wish made must meet is its safety and the absence of harm (even potential) to other people and to all living things.

Second rule: one ritual - one desire. Of course, a person may have several cherished desires and goals, but one prayer cycle addressed to Saint Martha should cover only one desire. If you want to fulfill your other dreams, then you can dedicate another ritual to them and carry it out after a while.

You need to think through your request clearly, take into account all the details, and eliminate possible pitfalls to avoid unexpected surprises. It is better to write down a clearly formulated desire on a piece of paper, so that each time you say the prayer to Saint Martha, it sounds the same.

Indoor environment

You can perform a prayer ritual for the fulfillment of a wish with an appeal to Saint Martha at any time of the day(although it is more often recommended to do this in the morning or evening). The room in which the ceremony will be performed should be quiet, and the performer should be completely alone.

In addition, it is recommended to place indoors vase with fresh and fresh flowers. It will bring benefits, create the right atmosphere and allow you to tune in to the right mood. bergamot oils- You can lubricate a burning candle with it.

Description of the prayer ritual for the fulfillment of a wish

The prayer ceremony for the fulfillment of a wish takes 9 cycles and is carried out strictly on Tuesdays (9 weeks in a row). It is highly undesirable to miss at least one of these Tuesdays. If this nevertheless happened due to some circumstances, the ritual will need to be started anew and the 9 Tuesdays counted again.

Before reading prayers, you need to place fresh flowers, an image of St. Martha and a lit candle (to your right) on the table. Then, focus on your desire and begin reading prayers (strictly in the order in which they are given below). Prayers used in the ritual:

The text of the prayer to Saint Martha is given above. “Our Father” and the prayer to the Mother of God can be copied from the prayer book or simply follow the links provided. The fourth prayer goes like this: “Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! And now, and forever, and forever and ever! Amen!" Before reading it, the performer must cross himself on all 4 sides.

At the very end, you need to ask Saint Martha 9 times for intercession using these words: “Saint Martha, ask Jesus for us!”

The candle that was used in the ritual must be allowed to burn out to the end - if it is from a church. You can put out an ordinary candle (do not blow it out!) after reading all the prayers, allowing it to burn for 15-20 minutes.

Throughout the entire period of the ritual, it may happen that the performer’s wish will come true before the end of the entire 9-week cycle. In this case, there is no point in stopping the prayer ritual - it is important that it be carried out to the end.

It is advisable to memorize all the texts, and carry the piece of paper on which the prayer to Saint Martha is written with you for the entire 9 weeks.

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Snezhana, thank you! Your review gave me hope. My husband and I also really want a baby, but nothing is working out. We were examined, both are healthy, the doctors just shrug their shoulders ((Saint Martha, help me!

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The unknown world of magic and esotericism

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Most people daily ask higher powers to provide certain benefits. Sometimes their requests are fulfilled, but more often than not the person asks to no avail, not knowing that the request must be correct. It can be addressed to God or saints. A prayer to Saint Martha for the fulfillment of a wish, reviews of which are only positive, helps people believe in miracles. Thanks to this faith, your most cherished desires and aspirations are fulfilled.

Life of Saint Martha

The name of the woman to whom people pray is Martha in Orthodoxy. For many centuries she was called that, but over time people began to call her Martha. If you believe the legends, this simple woman lived at the same time as Jesus Christ. She not only lived, but was personally acquainted with him and his teaching, which nowadays can only be studied from the Bible.

There is a legend about two sisters - Martha and Mary. The first was a very thrifty and hospitable girl, worried about household chores and the comfort of everyone who came into her abode. She tried to please everyone, she only wanted to hear about herself kind words, to be respected and loved by everyone. At this time, her sister Maria was somewhat aloof; she did not care about everyday worries, the opinions of others and other little things. The girl spent the whole day in prayer and did not miss a single sermon of Jesus Christ.

During one of Christ’s visits to the sisters’ house, Martha publicly complained about Mary. To her complaints, he replied that her sister cared more about her soul, to strive to cleanse herself and renounce everything worldly. Perhaps it was after this story that Martha began to be considered the patroness of the household, cooks and other workers. Powerful Prayer Martha's desire for fulfillment also became a petition for well-being in the house.

Another confirmation that this woman lived at the same time as Christ was the situation with the resurrection of Lazarus. It is known that he was the brother of Mary and Martha. One day Lazarus fell ill with a terrible and incurable disease at that time. For several days he was on the verge of life and death, delirious, tried to fight the disease. Christ was far away at that time and could not help his disciple. The man died and his sisters mourned him.

However, Jesus returned and performed a miracle by raising Lazarus. They say that it was after this episode that Martha believed in the Lord God and became another disciple of the Messiah. A little later, after the death of the woman, a prayer to Saint Martha appeared for the fulfillment of a wish, which is used by those suffering and seeking consolation, hope, and strengthening of their faith.

Purpose of prayer

Many people use prayer to fulfill a wish in the near future, but do not know its true purpose. It is necessary to read the text when a person needs help in the following matters:

If you really want to, you can read the text in any situation and to achieve different goals: good relationships with close relatives and friends, successful study and work, getting rid of uncertainty and anger in the soul. The main thing is that the desire cannot cause harm to others.

Prayer should not be confused with conspiracy. These are completely different things. The first is considered only a petition, which implies hope for a positive result. The second is specifically aimed at achieving a specific goal and pre-sets the one performing the ritual for a positive outcome. As a rule, reading conspiracies is accompanied by other occult activities. The Orthodox faith does not approve of this approach. It is up to the person to decide whether to use a spell or not, but many of them relate to black magic, which is definitely beyond the reach of those who have a vague idea about it.

Rules for the ritual

Some believe that in order to ask for the mercy of a saint, it is necessary to go to church, to a priest. But this is not at all necessary. As a rule, it is enough to follow a few rules for the ritual to bear fruit:

Before reading the prayer to Martha, you must read the “Our Father”, as well as “Virgin Mary”. This will allow you to reach everyone higher powers, will set a person in the right mood. After reading, he will be able to more accurately formulate his desire and will not make mistakes. If for some reason a person was unable to read the text on one Tuesday, he must start all over again.

Some clergy recommend visiting church before starting the cycle, going to confession with a priest, and donating some amount to the needs of the suffering. This is not prerequisite, but a person who does this with a pure soul can hope for fast execution desired. That is why these actions should not be performed under duress. If the soul does not demand, then there is no such need.

It is important to be in a positive mood during the cycle. It is advisable that there is no one else in the house. Then energy different people will not interfere with the one asking. If he is pre-set for failure, prayer will not help, because the whole ritual contains some elements of self-hypnosis. Vera doesn't play last role and becomes the starting point for achieving desire.

Text in Russian

Despite the fact that there is a text of prayer established in Orthodoxy, reading should not be limited only to these words. Many speak simply from the heart, without observing any consistency. For those who want to read everything correctly, there is the text:

“Oh, Saint Martha, you miraculous one! I turn to you for help! You will be my helper in my trials and fully in my needs! I promise with gratitude to you that I will spread this prayer everywhere! Tearfully, I humbly ask you to console me in my hardships and worries! Take care of me and my family, so that we preserve our God in our hearts and deserve the Saved Almighty with the care that weighs on me now.

I ask you tearfully, helper in every need, conquer all hardships, just as the snake conquered until it lay at your feet!”

After reading, you need to dive into yourself, find the strength to believe in the fulfillment of your desire. For many, this is not so simple; you need to be in complete harmony with yourself.