Is the girl going through a breakup with her boyfriend? Naturally, everything depends on several factors. Male behavior after a breakup

Hello friends! Liliya Fetisova is with you again. Today I want to talk to you about how men deal with breakups.

What emotions overcome the strong half of humanity? Do they worry at all? How will a man behave when breaking up, depending on his zodiac sign? Don't you know yet? I will tell you about all this here!

It just so happened historically that we call men representatives of the stronger sex. In the minds of many, a man is a block of stone, capable of killing a couple of mammoths with his bare hands while hunting, chopping firewood for the whole winter in 20 minutes (not only for himself, but also for some lonely old woman) and cutting a couple of kilograms of onions without shedding a single tear. He has no right to weakness - “He’s a man.”

Of course, I'm deliberately exaggerating. But a certain image of a man as a protector and provider is firmly entrenched in the heads of representatives of both sexes.

Numerous books, films and magazines offer us exactly this model of behavior of “males” as the only correct one. And therefore, we are all accustomed to thinking: only women can worry, suffer and kill.

In fact, everything is completely different. Often, it is men who find a breakup much more difficult - it can truly destroy their lives. Why does this happen?

Emotional closedness

We all know: women are very emotional and open. The slightest troubles can sometimes cause a flurry of feelings, not to express them is a real crime. Thus, the “weaker sex” frees itself from all negativity: if you cried in a friend’s kitchen, it became much easier.

The situation is completely different for modern men. Most of them keep their experiences somewhere inside themselves. There are a great many reasons for this: some are not allowed by their personality and psychological characteristics, others by their upbringing, others are afraid of losing the image of a “male,” and others sincerely do not understand why this is necessary. One way or another, all negative emotions accumulate without a way out. So what's the result?

What do they feel?

And as a result, severe stress (such as a breakup) turns into a local disaster. Small, but extremely destructive to nervous system, tsunami.

When parting, a man feels a universal emptiness; a kind of black hole that appeared from somewhere in his soul for inexplicable reasons. He begins to blame only himself, giving vent to all his complexes and fears.

In order to overcome this pain, everyone finds their own painkiller: some drown their sorrows in alcohol, others look for thrills, others throw themselves into work, and others begin to change girls like gloves.

Naturally, it all depends on several factors:

  1. Who is the initiator of the breakup?
  2. What was the relationship like?
  3. How long did they last?

It is generally accepted that being abandoned is much more difficult. So, I responsibly declare: not always! The “victim” has no right to choose. She was presented with a fact: “Alas and ah, we are breaking up.” Yes, it is painful and offensive. Even very much so. But there is only one option: to survive this stage as quickly as possible and move on.

But the one who has to make a decision that sounds like a bolt from the blue also suffers. The “thrower” understands perfectly well that he will become a kind of executioner for his loved one and practically loved one. And the feeling of guilt, believe me, can break a person from the inside.

Of course, this doesn't always happen. But sometimes the person “passing the verdict” really deserves sympathy.

Much also depends on the nature of the relationship. A husband and wife break up in a completely different way than, say, a guy and a girl. A completely different category - married men who have broken off contact with their mistresses.

  • The separation of married couples is usually extremely difficult. Whatever the relationship, people “grow together” a little: many common memories and ups and downs experienced together make them related like nothing else. That is why such ruptures are usually extremely painful.
  • A young couple who has never crossed the line of living together will survive the breakup much easier. Of course, it’s unlikely to happen without mutual offense. However, it will be easier to cope with yourself.
  • End of relationship with mistress married man, most likely, will be perceived as liberation from captivity (to which, in fact, he sent himself). Firstly, it has an “alternate airfield” - legal wife. Secondly, he will finally stop lying endlessly. And thirdly: if the mistress remained in the category of a “reserve player,” then probably there were no special feelings for her. Most likely, there was affection, passion or a kind of excitement.

Zodiac signs and approach to the problem

How do men cope with breakups depending on their zodiac sign? Let's try to figure it out!

  • Aries and Leo perceive the breakup as a personal insult. For them, this is a kind of challenge to a duel! Women shouldn't be surprised if in a couple of days they see their newly minted ex with another girl - the challenge has been accepted. Such men will not forgive the one who dared to leave him. And they certainly won’t try to remain friends.
  • Taurus and Scorpio It’s hard for them to let go of their other halves. For them, “to separate like ships at sea” is unthinkable. Such people resist breaking up for a long time, and then become mortally offended by their “ex”.
  • Gemini, Virgo and Aquarius parting is easier than anyone else. During such periods they are completely unperturbed. What seems like a real drama to many is practically no problem for representatives of these signs. They start new relationships very quickly, while not shying away from communicating with former lovers.
  • Cancers, Capricorns and Pisces very vulnerable and sensitive. Sensing the impending breakup, they will do everything to prevent it. If they don’t succeed, they will withdraw into themselves and spend a long time trying to recover. Representatives of these signs find it most difficult to cope with the departure of their loved one.
  • Libra and Sagittarius do not turn the breakup into a tragedy. They are sincerely worried at first, but rather quickly develop a new passion. Such people are true philosophers. Even such a difficult moment is just a “change of season” for them.

So we found out how the “stronger sex” experiences a breakup. Be that as it may, I wish you all to cope with all life's difficulties and finally become happy!

Best regards, Liliya Fetisova

Contents of the article:

Many people have long believed that women are weaker than men. This opinion is wrong. Psychologists say that it is men who take the breakup of relationships very hard and painfully.

At first glance, many men seem to be very strong and confident individuals, but as soon as something is taken away from them, they immediately panic. If it is voluntary, it is equivalent to taking away a child’s favorite toy. It is at this moment that a man turns from a self-sufficient adult into a defenseless, weak and vulnerable little boy.

Delving deeper into the psychology of relationships between a man and a woman, we can come to the conclusion that it is men who are exposed to greater stress than women. The very first reason is that representatives of the stronger sex often hide their character, keep everything to themselves until the last moment and do not let their emotions out. Women after a breakup very often rush to best friends to cry into their vest and ultimately make some decision. Of course, it’s best not to keep all your experiences to yourself. But it’s not always so easy for men to tell their loved ones about their worries.

How to live after a breakup?

How can a man continue to live if such an unpleasant event still happens? As a rule, they first pour alcohol into all the wounds or smash their fists into blood. An abandoned man behaves very defiantly (this is especially true for the “explosive” representatives of the fire signs of the zodiac - Aries and Sagittarius) and he needs to be given time to throw everything out.

How to understand that a man has broken up?

It is after a breakup that you can see a man crying. It’s not very often that they allow themselves such weaknesses, but sometimes this happens. So, if you see a representative of the stronger sex crying, you can be almost sure that the woman he loved has left him. When everything is good in a couple’s relationship, it is the man who is more emotionally charged than the woman. Therefore, the breakup is a big blow for them.

Almost everyone has experienced a breakup with a loved one at least once in their life. How women experience breakups and how men experience breakups can be seen from personal experience or from the experience of surrounding couples. It always hurts on both sides. Everyone wants the person who left to return to them. Nobody wants to be abandoned. Girls worry much more emotionally, but guys try to keep everything to themselves until the last moment and therefore it is more difficult for them. A man experiences a breakup very painfully, not showing his emotions until the last minute, and when he no longer has the strength, he spills everything out. This is the nature of the stronger sex. When men are deprived of their women, they become weak and this frightens them even more. This is why many “macho men” became alcoholics or bachelors for the reason that they do not have the strength to fight their fear.

The worst types of breakups for men

Very tragic. If their spouse leaves them, this is a big collapse for their psyche. They fall into long-term depression and in many cases simply do not come out of it. Women do not always perceive the full scale of the problem when they leave their men. Many girls don’t even think about the fact that he, abandoned, will be left with an inferiority complex. for many years and will never be able to build normal relationships in the next ten years. And all because women rely on stereotypes and think that men strong creatures.
For men, everything related to the departure of a loved one is very painful. This is manifested in the most different forms and therefore, before building a relationship, you need to think about the fact that you are really ready to live your whole life with this person.

Not all women know how men experience a breakup with their beloved. Many people think that they do not experience experiences at all. And wild parties with friends are a kind of celebration of freedom from relationships. In fact, for a man, breaking up a relationship is no less painful a process than for a woman. Parting is hard for them, but they don’t show it.

Stages of separation

Guys, like girls, go through certain stages of separation. Some experience them easier, others more difficult. But it is impossible to say that young people do not experience worries. It’s just that a man’s emotional passage through all stages is a little different from a woman’s. In psychology, the following stages of separation are distinguished:

  1. Negation. It is human nature to subconsciously deny something that happened too unexpectedly. Women at this stage suffer in the same way as they experience a breakup with a man’s mistress. Guys also try to get a girl back by going to places where their beloved may be, tracking her profile on social networks etc. The denial stage can last several months. All this time the guy is waiting for his girlfriend to come to her senses, call and come back.
  2. Hatred. When a man comes to terms with a breakup, the stage of hatred for the one who caused so much pain begins. At this stage, he tries in every possible way to offend his ex-girlfriend, spread gossip about her, and characterize her negatively in front of his friends. Often this behavior is typical of a husband who has been abandoned by his wife. If the breakup with her husband was painful, then after the divorce the man often pursues ex-wife, not allowing her to live in peace.
  3. Hope for the best. After accepting the breakup, the man moves either to the second stage or immediately to the third. If the guy still continues to have feelings for his ex-girlfriend, and new lover he doesn’t have it, then after a certain period he tries to win over his chosen one again. It would seem that the storm has passed, so you can start all over again.
  4. Depression. It seems that only women can go through a breakup for a long time and become depressed, regretting each of their lovers. However, apathy is also characteristic of men. When the realization appears that his beloved will not return again, the guy becomes indifferent to everything around him. He, too, can lie on the couch all day long, eat away stress with food and drink alcohol.
  5. New life. It may take a few years to come to the realization that life does not end with the passing of your loved ones. Some manage to forget about breaks after 2-3 months. How a man experiences a breakup depends on his character. But gradually the grievances are forgotten, the depression goes away, the man begins to be interested in new acquaintances. It happens that a guy takes a lover to forget about his former passion, and the new relationship quickly develops into true love.

How men cope with breakups

The degree of a man’s grief, of course, depends on the depth of his feelings towards his other half. If the connection was short-lived and fragile, then the breakup is perceived easily by the guys. But a man who breaks up with a loved one certainly suffers.

Women, looking at the stronger sex, doubt whether men experience a breakup at all. Psychologists say that it is even harder for a man than for a woman. It’s just that the girl doesn’t hide her emotions, she tells everyone how she experienced a breakup with her lover, how she suffered, etc. And male character does not allow a guy to show his weaknesses and worries when breaking up with a girl.

Guys are stingy with emotions, they keep everything to themselves. However, this state cannot last long. If a woman finds an outlet for her emotions in tears and hysterics, then a man goes to great lengths. When a young person experiences heartache, he prefers to drown it out with alcohol. To escape from boredom, he begins to engage in extreme sports or immerses himself in a hobby. And promiscuous sexual relations with mistresses help not so much to survive an ended relationship, but to assert oneself.

This is important for guys, because after the girl they love leaves, they subconsciously think that something is wrong with them. And if the ex directly says that she is dissatisfied with the guy, then this is a huge stress for him. So that they don’t worry about this and prove to themselves their “competitiveness,” guys find temporary girlfriends. Husbands have the hardest time in such situations. Having gained freedom, they follow the same path as the young guys.

Men who have gone through a painful breakup are dangerous to get involved with. Sometimes they do even more stupid things than women. Experience a breakup and you will understand how sometimes you want to take revenge on the person for whom you are going through so much pain. Likewise, men, worried and suffering, are ready to take revenge at any cost and prove to their former passions that they are okay. An offended guy may well start a relationship out of spite ex-girlfriend and even marry new darling. And all this to prove that he is doing great.

The decision to break off a relationship with a man is always difficult for a woman. This is an emotional shock, stress for a woman, but sometimes it becomes an even greater shock for her a man's behavior after a breakup. Men behave differently after a breakup, but some things, according to psychologists, are common to many members of the opposite sex. How to recover after a breakup and normalize your life?

Male behavior after a breakup

If the girl is the initiator of the breakup, then the man in most cases is not able to calmly accept her statement about the breakup. Sometimes it happens that man after breakup shows incredible activity: he is looking for meetings with ex-girlfriend, tirelessly calls, writes, even blackmails her, threatening her with suicide. Psychologists remind girls that such threats are a method of manipulating a woman, and they should not react painfully to them. After all, people who really want to commit suicide will not warn about it. You need to know so that this separation passes without any losses or trauma for the psyche of both. It is best to blacklist the man on all social networks and on the phone after a serious conversation has taken place. If a girl allows herself to react to the messages sent ex-boyfriend messages, it will be extremely difficult for her to recover after the breakup.

What do men do after a breakup?

It is generally accepted that the male sex never shows emotions, does not show their suffering, and in general rarely suffers due to a breakup. Actually this is not true. Even the strong ones courageous men Having lost their beloved girl, they experience difficult moments in their lives. Someone tries to wash down their grief with vodka, but drunkenness, as a rule, does not last long. Soon the man returns to his old life. But long-term drinking bouts, which spoil a man’s life and his relationships with his family, cannot be ruled out.

Many members of the opposite sex experience breaking up with a woman completely different. They are completely immersed in work, immersed in everyday affairs, without giving themselves time and reason to remember, think and be sad. Another common one male behavior after a breakup- change women like gloves. For men, breaking up a relationship at the initiative of a woman is a severe blow to their self-esteem and manhood, so in order to rehabilitate themselves in front of themselves and their ex-girlfriend, they begin to have an active sex life, constantly changing partners. There are also cases when a friendship develops between a guy and a girl after a breakup. Tender and romantic feelings may fade away, but the habit and spiritual closeness with the girl will remain.

How do relationships develop between a man and a woman after a breakup?

There are often cases when a man continues to be interested in his former partner several years later, despite a new relationship and even the presence of a family. Most often, such interest is caused by girls who have left a deep mark on the heart. Is it worth renewing the relationship? Psychologists note that the possibility of resuming a relationship directly depends on the cause of the breakup. If a man tries to resume a relationship with a woman, having fully realized the reason for the breakup, having been mentally prepared to work on himself, on the relationship, for the changes that are necessary for well-being, then in this case you can give him a chance to prove himself. But most often, men come to this realization when a woman is either already burned out, or is so depressed and broken that she does not have the moral strength to communicate further. You must be able to see. It all depends on the specific situation, but the tips given above will help girls build the right relationship with a man after a breakup.

Unfortunately, over the past few decades, the number of divorces married couples continues to grow steadily, and quarrels and conflicts are increasingly shaking the walls of our family “huts”. The blame for everything is modern dynamic times, when it is easier to cross out everything and start over, without bothering with attempts to maintain existing relationships that have been built over the years. But a breakup and parting are still always painful, for both sides. But who worries more: men or women?

Difference between the sexes

It's no secret that men and women experience breakups differently. Of course, it’s not worth brushing everyone with the same brush, because everywhere there are exceptions to the rules and everyone reacts to the same situations. different people will be different - depending on temperament, character, lifestyle, etc. But still, women are considered more emotional, letting everything pass through themselves, so parting for them is always a shock and surprise, even if things have been heading towards this for a long time. In most cases, a man can be the initiator of a breakup, so this will not be a surprise for him. But if you think that a man will worry less than a woman, then you are deeply mistaken.

How do women feel?

As we said above, women are more emotional creatures. On the one hand, this is bad - tears, nervous breakdowns, stress. On the other hand, it’s good: we cried and forgot. And feelings about breaking up with a loved one follow exactly this pattern. A woman takes a breakup very hard at the beginning; she literally becomes depressed, loses her appetite, sleep, and interest in life.

But over time it becomes easier, a woman, like a phoenix, is reborn from the ashes, and now, she is ready to live and enjoy life again. This unique characteristic that most women have, coupled with the fact that ladies fearlessly express their emotions, ensures stronger mental health and the absence of unpredictable nervous breakdowns, which cannot be said about men.

How do men feel?

For men, the opposite is true, although, as we said above, there are exceptions to any rule. Representatives of the stronger sex keep most of their emotions to themselves, unlike women, they do not splash them out, mostly because. That they simply don’t know how to do it. That’s why they seem calm and unperturbed even after the most stormy showdowns and loud breakups.

However, this does not mean that it is not easy for them; on the contrary, it may be much harder for them than for women, precisely because of suppressed emotions that do not find a way out. And, undoubtedly, men experience a breakup much longer than women; they remember their relationships more often and more painfully, and this brings them real suffering.