Learn group dances for a party. Six videos for those who want to learn to dance. My little baby

The reasons for learning to dance can be very different - to impress everyone at a corporate party, to dance at your own wedding, to inspire your significant other, or just to have a blast. If there is little time left before the event, take out your smartphone. Below are six video lessons that will help you feel more confident on the dance floor.

What have you done for hip-hop in your early years?

Let's start with a truly street style - hip-hop. In the video, charming Arthur Panishev will teach several basic elements of this dance in just 10 minutes. Together with him you need to do simple things: squat, grab a non-existent rope and beat imaginary drums - that is, perform the elements of tonewop, BK bounce and krisskross. But when in the finale Arthur shows how to dance them together, it turns out that we now know a whole bunch in the hip-hop style. The main thing is not to forget about the basis of the direction: the groove, that is, the dancing, “we’re pumping all the time.”

This and other lessons from dance school Forma posted on the channel Slenergyextreme: they are well filmed, logically structured and will help you learn to move confidently to hip-hop in a few days.

Crazy in dance

In a pink glamorous studio, choreographer SuperJanne shows five dance moves, which “everyone can repeat.” The girl breaks down the energy, scope, and power of moves and gestures from the Crazy in Love video into its components in just over two minutes. He does it so fiery and sexy that you want to repeat it both in the club and alone with your loved one. It is important that there is enough space around: Beyonce loves spectacular appearances with a self-confident gait!

And it is no coincidence that this waltz dance

A gift for couples - lessons with Evgeniy Papunaishvili and his assistant Alla. The popular dancer, choreographer, participant in the “Dancing with the Stars” project shows basic steps and talks about the intricacies of the most popular dance in the world - the slow waltz. But the main thing he pays attention to in his lessons is the assertion that everyone can perform a waltz beautifully! Apparently, the fear of this legendary dance is strong among beginners, and first you need to overcome it.

After watching the video, it seems that it’s really not difficult to learn: beautiful hand position, go three-quarters and don’t forget to iron the parquet!

My little baby

Dudes who want to learn how to boogie-woogie and rock 'n' roll will surely enjoy the video with the funny presenter, who clearly always feels like the queen of the dance floor. First, she talks about the dude subculture: “The ability to “dance in style,” like 50 years ago, is now again considered a special chic!”, and then (from the third minute, if you don’t want to listen to the story) she shows the simplest movements. The dancing is actually easy. This is their charm: even those who usually “fiddle with handkerchiefs in their hands” to the music can dance them alone, in pairs or in a crowd. Moreover, the main thing in both rock and roll and boogie-woogie is to enjoy the way you move. Which is what the presenter of the video demonstrates for all 9 minutes. It's worth watching the lesson just for her teaching style. Well, rehearse at the same time: both movements and facial expressions.

Almost every company considers it obligatory to hold several corporate events a year for its employees - on the occasion of the approaching New Year, as well as on the birthday of the company itself.

Such parties promote team unity in an informal atmosphere, filled with fun and the atmosphere of a real holiday.

Often, a corporate party is not limited to just a feast, but also includes a rich entertainment program with a host, competitions and, of course, a disco.

Any girl has a lot of worries about such an event - what to wear, what hairstyle to do, and also how to behave in such an environment with colleagues and superiors.

It seems that such fun parties are more suitable for young people, so a woman of forty may experience ambivalent feelings at the holiday.

On the one hand, you want to relax and support everyone’s fun, but on the other hand, there is a fear of losing your face on the dance floor, surrounded by graceful young girls.

Any corporate event is organized by the bosses precisely with the aim of encouraging their employees, in the desire to arrange a real holiday for them.

And at such events, people usually do not hesitate to have fun and relax with all their hearts, regardless of their position in the company.

Well, it’s really possible and even necessary to enjoy the holiday, but still, a woman at such an advanced age needs to “keep up her brand” and make sure that her reputation does not suffer during the fun.

In this article, we will tell you about several rules of behavior for women at a corporate party and how to present themselves with dignity on the dance floor.

There are different companies - some companies are friendly team of 20-30 people, where everyone has known each other for more than one year, and some organizations, for example, large factories, have hundreds of employees on their staff, who often do not even know each other personally.

In any case, when planning to attend a corporate event, you should adhere to these not very strict, but still rules.

  • Punctuality and dress code. The event, although festive, is still official. Most likely, before the fun begins, the management will decide to give a speech of gratitude, and maybe even award particularly distinguished employees with certificates of honor. Therefore, it would be very impolite to be late for the start of a corporate event. The dress code is also important, because the party can take place either in a restaurant, where it is appropriate to wear evening attire, or in a country club, which requires a more informal setting and comfortable clothing. Choose a sophisticated, elegant, festive, but at the same time modest outfit, no longer than knee length, without a deep neckline, and at the same time, emphasizing the dignity of your figure.
  • Dating, communication, conversations. If the team is unfamiliar to you, then a corporate event can be a great opportunity to make friends with colleagues. However, you should not cross the boundaries of what is permitted in communication; perhaps the interlocutor will not want to be frank even in such a fun environment. It’s also not worth talking only about work, because many people came to the party with the goal of relaxing and getting away from everyday work.
  • Entertainment program plan. Any event has its own logical sequence of events - at the beginning of the evening there is usually a formal part, speeches and congratulations, followed by a buffet with snacks, drinks and communication at the table, and only when everyone has completely relaxed does the entertainment and dance program take over. Wait until most people hit the dance floor, don’t try to stand out with such an initiative as wanting to start dancing faster, because you are already a respectable lady, and not a young girl who can afford such carelessness.

How to behave on the dance floor as a woman over 40

Dancing itself seems like a very harmless form of entertainment, but in a corporate setting it can be interpreted ambiguously.

Let's think about the hidden dangers for a woman who dances at a festive event.

  1. Slow dance. Even if you are family woman with children, one way or another you may be invited to a romantic couples dance. Whether to accept such an invitation or not is a purely personal matter and depends on your attitude towards the very possibility of dancing with another man. However, what if the director of the company invited you? Most likely, refusing him will be simply unacceptable, because for some, slow dancing is just harmless entertainment, and your prejudices may be interpreted differently and not in your favor. Even if you accepted the invitation, try to keep the tactile contact between you and your partner as innocent as possible, and the distance between the bodies is what is called “pioneer”.
  2. Dance competitions. Although such entertainment is very fun for observers, it usually always puts the hero of the action in an awkward position. So that the next morning you don’t feel ashamed and bitter about your clumsy “steps” in the image of some character, you should politely refuse to participate in such competitions where you need to dance.
  3. Uninhibited dancing. It happens that the company is very cheerful and friendly, but you have “a little” too much alcohol... You want the climax of the holiday, everyone’s attention, and just prove to yourself that “there is still gunpowder in the flasks.” In this state, many ladies decide to do the unthinkable - dancing on the table and even a light striptease. Need I say how incompatible this behavior is with the image of a beautiful forty-year-old woman?

If you are not confident in your dancing skills, then it may well turn out that the only the right decision will even give up dancing altogether.

It is unlikely that anyone will be able to force you onto the dance floor if you do not want to, and the boss, on the contrary, may appreciate your restraint and seriousness.

I've heard different reviews about dance workshops. Both good and full of disappointment. But something else is surprising. What caused delight in positive reviews was perceived by critics of the master class as a disaster.

I decided to figure out what was going on here. It turned out that the organizers of the corporate party were to blame for everything because they could not meet the expectations of their colleagues.

Dance master classes can vary greatly from each other:

Option 1

It’s just a disco run by professional dancers who show simple, spectacular moves, encourage people, and organize funny dance battles. As a rule, it’s a lot of fun, as Russian and world hits are played one after another, processed. Experienced organizers of such a “led disco” skillfully manage a large number of people, lead them around the hall like a snake, put them in a circle, help them decide on a partner, and so on.

Option 2

This is a show with a 15-20 minute master class. In other words, beautiful couple professionals shows you ready-made rooms, talks about the types of modern ballroom dancing. Sometimes this is done with the aim of advertising a dance school that is located next to your office.
You will rather be spectators. The dance lesson will take up a minimal part of the program, but you will see an incendiary concert, bright costumes and carnival emotions. This is exactly how many people imagine a master class at a corporate event.

Option 3

Everything is serious. There is no way to organize such a master class in an office or in a regular café. You need to come as a whole team to a real dance hall with mirrors, parquet, changing rooms and equipment.
There will only be a dance master class, which may help you choose a direction for classes in the future. I personally know a girl who became interested in flamenco at just such a lesson. The disadvantage of such a corporate event is that older employees and overweight people, as a rule, refuse to participate.

Option 4

Mix. There will be learning movements at a slow pace with a count, and a disco “I dance as best I can”, and a show from professional dancers.

Option 5

Dancing with the Star. Well, for example, Evgeniy Papunaishvili himself, familiar to us all from the famous TV show, will become your choreography teacher for 20-30 minutes. As a rule, this is a short master class that can become highlight entertainment program.

What dances can you choose for a dance master class for a corporate event?

Tango, foxtrot, waltz, Irish dancing, flamenco, boogie-woogie, twist, rock and roll, salsa, bachata, rumba, hustle, discofox, solo jazz, Lindy hop, go-go... (please add in the comments).

Here's what we can offer:

A dance master class at a corporate party is not held to teach your employees how to dance incomparably (for short time this cannot be done, everyone understands). But! It will be a very fun and organized disco with elements of competition.

Here are the options offered by my 5 friends - professional dancers from show ballet (the offer is relevant for Moscow):

  • the guys choose 5 people from your team and in a short time (15 minutes) cook with them in the next room dance numbers. All the dances are different and catchy, so everyone else will be offered not only to watch 5 show numbers, but also to take part in the crowd.
  • dancers can involve all employees in turn in pair dances, and everyone else will be shown simple spectacular movements
  • A mass flash mob looks very cool... A few days before the party, our dancers conduct rehearsals with a group of employees. Everything is kept in the strictest confidence, as it should be during flash mobs. Suddenly, at some point, one person, two, five, fifteen begin to dance along with our dancers to catchy music... The rest smile in surprise and also begin to “rock.”
  • what if we had a dance battle? Our dancers will divide you into 5 teams, the choice of dance is a lottery. Well, what do you come across... Then a little instruction, accessories, rehearsals for a few minutes. Ready! The winners are awarded for synchronicity, enthusiasm, non-standard solutions, etc.

Call me! I can give you an idea of ​​the price - 35,000 rubles (ready-made show numbers from dancers + entertainment program with your employees for 1.5 hours).

How much does it cost

A question that no master class organizer can answer without finding out some initial data. To be able to tell you the amount, you need to say:

  • place and date
  • How long do you want to learn to dance?
  • what level of teachers do you need?
  • how many employees will be on site

If we are talking about Moscow, it all starts with the amount of 35,000 rubles.

As a rule, a series of fun office parties begins in early December. And since a corporate party is exactly the kind of vacation where you really can’t relax, we have compiled a small guide to the most controversial and not as harmless as it might seem, entertainment at a corporate party, namely dancing. We will tell you how not to lose face.

No striptease

Of course, no one in their right mind and strong memory would think of performing such dances. But anything can happen, so we strongly advise against overdoing it with alcohol, even though there will be many temptations throughout the evening. Remember, despite the fact that on the one hand there will be a table with free and endless drinks and “cheerful” colleagues who will furiously tease and shout “Drink to the bottom!”, on the other hand there will always be a boss who, even at a corporate party, remains yours leader. Even if you are used to being the center of attention, the phrase “Well, you gave yesterday!”, which will fly around the whole office the next day, in in this case, is unlikely to sound like a compliment.

The director cannot be refused

This golden rule corporate party To refuse a director who has invited you to dance means to offend him, and to offend the director means many terrible consequences. During slow dance Keep your distance from the director so as not to give rise to unnecessary activity towards you (except if you are secretly in love with him, and even here you should think twice!). But if your boss is very drunk and asks you to dance, you can, no, you simply must, politely refuse. Explain that you need to go to the ladies' room, or pretend that the phone is ringing. This won’t be particularly difficult, but the next day the boss will be grateful that he didn’t have to blush when he met you in the hallway.

When dancing with a colleague, keep your distance

If you are invited to dance by a work colleague or a subordinate, the choice: to dance or not is yours. The main thing while dancing is not to forget about the distance. Even if the atmosphere seems relaxed and, it seems, “everyone is our own,” you must remember that tomorrow, no matter what opportunity, you can become the epicenter of unnecessary gossip.

Don't make sudden movements

Feel the rhythm and move to the beat of the music. There is no need, wanting to seem liberated and bold, to make movements that are unusual for you in life. Sudden movements and awkward turns, again, happen with alcohol abuse. Try not to lead to such situations, and if you feel that you have drunk too much, skip the first “steps” and wait until it gets better. In the end, a couple of skipped tracks, in this case, can save the reputation.

Say no to dancing on the table

Especially if you hold a high position at work. Even if the body requires “wild dancing” and all restrictions have long been broken by the last glass of rum, tell yourself – stop! Subordinates may stop taking you seriously, but does your boss need such a “right hand”.

Avoid plasticity competitions

This is especially true for beginners! Even if you are a very good dancer, you should not join dance battles. It is unknown what an ordinary competition can lead to, because with one turn of the hip right side this obviously won't stop there. If you have recently joined this team and believe that this way you will immediately become “one of our own,” you are deeply mistaken. Most often, the most “fun” employees watch this competition, while the smartest and most important ones sit on the sidelines. Gaining time to make contact with the latter will be much more fruitful.

As a rule, a series of fun office parties begins in early December. And since a corporate party is exactly the kind of vacation where you really can’t relax, we have compiled a small guide to the most controversial and not as harmless as it might seem, entertainment at a corporate party, namely dancing. We will tell you how not to lose face.

No striptease

Of course, no one in their right mind and strong memory would think of performing such dances. But anything can happen, so we strongly advise against overdoing it with alcohol, even though there will be many temptations throughout the evening. Remember, despite the fact that on the one hand there will be a table with free and endless drinks and “cheerful” colleagues who will furiously tease and shout - “Drink to the bottom!”, on the other hand there will always be a boss who, even at a corporate party, remains yours leader. Even if you are used to being the center of attention, the phrase “Well, you gave it yesterday!”, which will fly around the entire office the next day, in this case, is unlikely to sound like a compliment.

The director cannot be refused

This is the golden rule of corporate events. To refuse a director who has invited you to dance means to offend him, and to offend the director means many terrible consequences. While slow dancing with the director, keep your distance so as not to give rise to unnecessary activity in your address (except if you are secretly in love with him, and even here you should think twice!). But if your boss is very drunk and asks you to dance, you can, no, you simply must, politely refuse. Explain that you need to go to the ladies' room, or pretend that the phone is ringing. This won’t be particularly difficult, but the next day the boss will be grateful that he didn’t have to blush when he met you in the hallway.

When dancing with a colleague, keep your distance

If you are invited to dance by a work colleague or a subordinate, the choice: to dance or not is yours. The main thing while dancing is not to forget about the distance. Even if the atmosphere seems relaxed and, it seems, “everyone is your own,” you must remember that tomorrow, at any opportunity, you can become the epicenter of unnecessary gossip.

Don't make sudden movements

Feel the rhythm and move to the beat of the music. There is no need, wanting to seem liberated and bold, to make movements that are unusual for you in life. Sudden movements and awkward turns, again, happen with alcohol abuse. Try not to lead to such situations, and if you feel that you have drunk too much, skip the first “steps” and wait until it gets better. In the end, a couple of skipped tracks, in this case, can save the reputation.

Say no to dancing on the table

Especially if you hold a high position at work. Even if the body requires “wild dancing” and all restrictions have long been broken by the last glass of rum, tell yourself – stop! Subordinates may stop taking you seriously, but does your boss need such a “right hand”.

Avoid plasticity competitions

This is especially true for beginners! Even if you are a very good dancer, you should not join dance battles. It is unknown what an ordinary competition might lead to, because this obviously will not be limited to one rotation of the hip to the right side. If you have recently joined this team and believe that this way you will immediately become “one of our own,” you are deeply mistaken. Most often, the most “fun” employees watch this competition, while the smartest and most important ones sit on the sidelines. Gaining time to make contact with the latter will be much more fruitful.