Libra and Sagittarius - compatibility in love and family life. Compatibility: Sagittarius woman and Libra man

The compatibility of Libra and Sagittarius is not bad; these people create strong and harmonious unions. Both signs are intellectual, they read a lot, are not afraid to dream and make plans that go beyond generally accepted norms.

Libra and Sagittarius can talk for hours and never get bored of each other. Air sign inflates fiery energy. He, in turn, pushes the indecisive partner to action and inspires him with self-confidence. Problems arise due to conflict and lack of tact in Sagittarius, and the excessive passivity of Libra. But, in most cases, they are quickly resolved.

Characters of signs

The compatibility horoscope of the signs Libra Sagittarius is influenced by their character traits. These people have a lot in common, although there are differences. They belong to the dual signs of the Zodiac, therefore their nature combines opposite traits. Let's take a closer look at their characteristics.

Libra character

People born under the sign of Libra are constantly tormented by internal doubts. They strive for justice, carefully weigh all actions, but are not confident in the correctness of their own actions. That is why they gained fame as indecisive, cautious individuals. If Libra believes that their freedom and legal rights encroached upon, are able to act quickly and effectively. In other situations, they try to avoid conflict; the spirit of competition is alien to them. Libra achieves goals through compromise and concessions. Here is a short description of the main character traits of this sign:

  • Indecisiveness
  • Heightened sense of justice
  • Diplomacy and tact
  • Elegance, refinement of manners
  • Kindness and non-conflict
  • Sociability
  • Sharp analytical mind
  • Specific sense of humor
  • Love for comfort.

Libras are delicate and tactful, often acting as diplomats. They try to live peacefully with everyone, when their interests are oppressed, they show dark side their nature, become cold and reasonable, and take harsh revenge on the offender. If people of this sign are not pushed into action and their desires are not stimulated, they become lazy and immerse themselves in their own inner world.

Sagittarius character

Zodiac sign Sagittarius is cheerful, freedom-loving and purposeful. These people always look to the future, live with ideas and dreams that they strive to bring to life. They are full of energy, never stop, and do not get discouraged if they fail. The aspirations of Sagittarius are lofty and idealistic; they rarely act solely from material motives. Their innate optimism attracts people to them and evokes sympathy. Here are the main character traits of Sagittarius:

  • Optimism and cheerfulness
  • Honesty and straightforwardness
  • Energy and activity
  • The desire to learn new things
  • Kindness and generosity
  • Generosity and openness
  • Alive mind
  • Love for freedom
  • Inconsistency.

In front of everyone positive features, Sagittarius has a lot of negative ones. They do not know how to complete things and jump from one project to another. Completely devoid of tact; with their straightforwardness they can unintentionally injure even loved one. Sagittarius' love of freedom plays a cruel joke on them; they often become unreliable partners, do not fulfill obligations, and betray other people's secrets.

General compatibility of Sagittarius and Libra

Compatibility between the signs of Libra and Sagittarius is considered good. Both friendship and love are possible between them. Fire and air support life in each other, therefore they experience mutual attraction. When a guy and a girl meet, they quickly find general topics for conversations. They are interested in communicating, even after decades of being together family life. Both signs are intellectuals, they read and think a lot, and are happy to share their own thoughts. Their views on life coincide, both seek truth and justice, and do not tolerate deception.

Sagittarius and Libra gain compatibility in marriage by complementing each other; they know how to smooth out the negative character traits of their partner. Sagittarius pushes Libra to action, depriving them of internal doubts and constant hesitations. Libra smoothes out Sagittarius' conflicting nature, his tactlessness and straightforwardness. They will always give wise advice, which Sagittarius will listen to, and will direct his energy in the right direction. The couple will achieve great success if they interact correctly.

Problems arise when Sagittarius exhibits excessive activity. Libra feels insecure next to him, loses inner balance. Unfair remarks from Sagittarius can drive the air sign into deep depression. It is known that Sagittarius's affections are too superficial, this becomes the cause of Libra's disappointment. In turn, the fire sign gets tired of the partner’s constant indecisiveness. He is ready to push him, but not all his life. The compatibility of Libra and Sagittarius may be shaken by everyday life; neither sign likes to devote time to household duties.

Sexual compatibility of signs

Sexual compatibility between the signs Sagittarius and Libra is not ideal. They have different temperaments and attitudes towards bedroom fun. But that doesn't mean that love union hopeless.

Libra Sexuality

The air sign is an esthete in love. For Libra, foreplay, flirting, and intimate settings play a big role. The physical aspect of love, on the contrary, is not so important. Women of this sign consider sexual intercourse itself to be a little “dirty.” Libras rarely find themselves in bed with random partners; they do not like to make love anywhere. Only Aquarius can surpass them in their passion for surroundings.

At the same time, Libra remains passionate natures. They are amorous, therefore they change more than one partner throughout their lives. Even in marriage, they will easily cheat when they meet another person and fall in love with him. In bed, Libra rarely plays the role of a leader; they prefer to submit. They indulge in sexual experiments with pleasure if they are compatible with their idea of ​​aesthetics and sophistication.

Sagittarius Sexuality

Sagittarius finds compatibility in love relationships easily and is not very picky about his connections. This does not mean that Sagittarius has sex without feelings, it’s just that his loves are superficial, come quickly and go just as quickly. Representatives of this sign are skilled lovers, largely due to their rich sexual experience. But they don't give of great importance foreplay, they strive to quickly move on to the main part.

LIBRA + SAGITTARIUS - Compatibility - Astrotypologist Dmitry Shimko

Compatibility of Libra man and Sagittarius woman

Compatibility of Sagittarius man and Libra woman

psychology. Compatibility of the sign Libra with the signs Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

Compatibility Horoscope - Libra

#Libra sign compatibility. #Sex. Reciprocity. #Astrology.

Compatibility Horoscope - Sagittarius

The fire sign of the Zodiac is a passionate nature, with a stormy temperament. But often he replaces quantity with quality. He strives to get pleasure himself, thinking little about the feelings of his partner. At the same time, he is not averse to learning new things. If you offer Sagittarius preliminary sexual play as an experiment, he will gladly accept it.

Compatibility in bed Sagittarius and Libra

If there are real feelings between partners, Sagittarius and Libra may well improve sexual compatibility. The air sign will take the initiative of the fire sign. He will be happy to experiment and withstand the pressure and demands of his partner. Sagittarius will find in Libra a passionate and at the same time obedient lover. They will never be bored together.

Problems in Libra and Sagittarius sexual compatibility arise when he and she don't love each other very much. then the difference in temperaments and approaches comes out. Libra lacks affection, Sagittarius lacks passion. Since the signs are prone to betrayal, their love union ends with trips to the left. If feelings are rekindled, the couple will improve their relationship again. Both know how to forgive and do not suffer from pathological jealousy.

Compatibility of Libra woman and Sagittarius man

When they meet, a Libra woman and a Sagittarius man are able to like each other at first sight. They'll get carried away interesting conversation, they won’t even notice how time flies. If a man is a Sagittarius traveler type, he will like a woman’s intelligence, her ability to listen, and her pliability. He will understand that Libra will give him complete freedom. The secular Sagittarius, for whom the goal of life is success, will be carried away by the refined manners of a woman. Libra will be attracted to a man's confidence, determination and irrepressible energy.

The Sagittarius man and the Libra woman will build their compatibility on mutual understanding. They travel together, have fun, read, go to visit, they are never bored. A woman is able to support everything, even the craziest ideas of a man. She indispensable assistant in business contacts, because with his tact and talent as a diplomat, he knows how to smooth out the rudeness and straightforwardness of a man.

Difficulties arise when Sagittarius gets too carried away with dubious projects. Libra loses confidence tomorrow which leads them to internal conflict. A woman should not limit a man’s freedom or tie him to the house. This will only lead to distance, betrayal and collapse. family relations. Libra and Sagittarius will maintain the compatibility of their signs if they listen to the following advice:

  • In any conflict, seek a compromise
  • Listens to your partner's opinion
  • Do not limit a man's freedom
  • Do not bore a woman with conflicting ideas and adventurous projects.

The initiator of compromise in a couple is Libra; they are always ready to make concessions in order to avoid conflict. A man should listen to a woman’s advice; they will protect him from many rash actions. A wife must respect her husband's right to freedom, this main value for Sagittarius. If a couple is united by true friendship, they will not have problems.

Compatibility of Sagittarius woman and Libra man

To outsiders, the Libra man and the Sagittarius woman seem completely different people. In fact, they have a lot in common. Both are smart, fair, strive for knowledge and improvement. The guy sees the girl as a dream come true, an active, cheerful personality. She is fascinated by the sophistication of Libra, a man’s ability to love and pay attention, to emphasize the importance of his chosen one in his life. Often relationships begin on the initiative of a woman, against which the man does not protest at all.

In family life, everything will go smoothly if the spouses truly love each other. Compatibility between Libra and Sagittarius allows you to achieve ideal relationship. The husband will give his wife the whole world. She will be able to appreciate his efforts, give him self-confidence, push him to action, help him accept the right decision. A prosperous couple lives in abundance, rarely quarrels, and is active social life, travel and relax together. Harmony and mutual understanding reign in this marriage.

Everyday life can destroy the compatibility of Libra and Sagittarius. A woman does not like to do household chores, and a man is in no hurry to take the initiative. Libra's passivity can irritate active Sagittarius. A man is outraged by a woman’s excessive desire for freedom, her inconstancy and whims. To save your relationship you should:

  • Distribute household chores
  • Avoid arguments in relationships
  • Strives to find a compromise in any situation
  • Spend more time together.

The Sagittarius woman must have her own personal space; her love of freedom cannot be limited. A man should be more active and tolerant of the shortcomings of his other half. A girl should learn tact from Libra and pay more attention to home and family. Then the compatibility of the signs Libra and Sagittarius will remain throughout life.

The Libra woman works hard to improve her well-being, tries to eradicate all the shortcomings in herself, but the Sagittarius man does not even notice half of the problems that his chosen one is working on. His optimism energizes both throughout life together, her romantic nature brings an atmosphere of love into their life. The stars confidently predict 100% compatibility for them.

Sagittarius man Libra woman compatibility in love

Sagittarians love new experiences constant movement and positive people around. The Libra woman shares such preferences and, with her romantic nature, makes the life of Sagittarius a continuous daily holiday, which they love so much. Union Libra woman Sagittarius man will always stand out among ordinary couples; this harmonious tandem does everything together and looks happy to the envy of others. Relatives often notice that after meeting, both of their eyes begin to glow in a special way, the girl becomes prettier, and the man becomes more stately.

The Sagittarius guy in this love relationship completely takes on the responsibilities of the man he wants to follow. He is a true seeker of adventure and thrills, which the Sagittarius man and Libra woman love so much. The lady will take care of peace of mind between them, to protect their love from envious glances, of which there will be quite a few on their way. He will work to improve well-being and quality of life, and she will think about how to maintain peace, stability and high spirits for every family member in the house. The charm emanating from the Sagittarius man and Libra woman infects their social circle; other married couples will want to know the secret of such warmth and mutual understanding.

For a more detailed forecast, it is better to compare personal horoscopes Sagittarius man and Libra girl, but now we can safely say that together they can conquer any peak.

Sexual compatibility between Sagittarius man and Libra woman is high. The leader here, of course, will be the Sagittarius guy, and the lady born under the sign of Libra will be responsible for the inspiration and atmosphere. The air element only helps fiery Sagittarius start with a half turn. They have several moments in their intimate life that they look at differently. The first is emancipation.

The Libra girl is quite shy, especially until she is completely confident in her partner. This applies to her appearance, characteristics and preferences in sex. The same cannot be said about Sagittarius, who bears little resemblance to a shy person. Even if he has complexes or imperfections, he will not pay attention to it, much less be embarrassed. The second is incompatibility of schedules. If Sagittarius is constantly traveling or cannot pay enough attention to his partner, she may start looking for another lover.

Libra women can turn a man on with just a smile, a glance or verbal flirtation. He has a talent that can destroy all her insecurities and self-doubts. Sagittarians know how to act assertively, but not impudently or rudely, and Libra can look seductive without demonstrating depraved behavior. Together they manage to please both themselves and each other.

After years of relationship, a Sagittarius Libra man will be able to remain attractive and desirable, and sincere love will only add fire and passion to their bed.

Family life with a Sagittarius man and a Libra woman

The Sagittarius man does not particularly strive for marriage, delaying this event in every possible way under various pretexts, although he understands that he is unlikely to achieve such compatibility with another woman. Any obligation is a direct threat to his freedom and plans for the future. In addition, in his opinion, family life is full of routine, ordinary everyday affairs and there is no room for diversity. In addition, there is a type of Sagittarius man who is not always sure that his current partner is his destiny. And at the thought that he could fall in love with someone, but at the same time he would be constrained official marriage, is puzzled by the problem. And Libra, like any ordinary woman, wants home comfort and a real family in which she will feel protected and needed next to her beloved man. This woman is confident in her feelings and expects reciprocal fidelity from her husband, counting on decency and a sense of responsibility. Therefore, Sagittarius will make a proposal to his chosen one either after carefully thinking it over, or spontaneously and on emotions. A Sagittarius husband turns out to be an exemplary one, especially if the man has already had experience love relationship married and at the same time he is spiritually mature.

A woman knows how to find an approach to her man, show affection and care in a timely manner, and her husband provides for the whole family, taking care of her and the children. Conflicts can only arise if Sagittarians allow themselves to flirt with other ladies or devote too much time to work. Libra is also not satisfied with his chosen one’s frivolous attitude towards money issues.

Society brings each other into daily life lots of colors and variety. Sagittarius will always hint to their girlfriend about romantic dates, and they may refuse for a long time, although the offer may seem quite attractive to her. With the easy presentation of the playful mood and attractive appearance of the Libra girl, things can arise between them short novel or long-term relationship. Even if the passion ends, they can return to friendly relations again. Many people dream of such sincere friendship; Sagittarius and Libra are always ready to lend a helping hand to their girlfriend or friend.

Business union signs

As a business couple, Sagittarius and Libra find common language as quickly as in other areas. They are both creative, active and enterprising employees. If a woman can’t cope or Sagittarius sees that she is tired, then he will undoubtedly help her by taking on part of the work. The Sagittarius man will not tease his colleague, spread rumors or weave intrigues, even if he wants to take her place. A joint business will also be successful and productive.

Libras are purposeful, but sometimes they lack persistence and audacity in business, but Sagittarians have all the necessary qualities. The only thing they lack is patience and restraint. They often try to “sit on several chairs” at the same time, but here Libra’s endurance and responsibility will come to the rescue.

In general, they complement each other like no other. Oddly enough, Sagittarius is not at all against working under the leadership of Libra. They can perfectly perform tasks that are difficult to entrust to someone else. This is a real godsend for a woman leader, because this subordinate will always help out his colleagues and superiors; the feeling of fear or shame is alien to him. When Sagittarius leads, success in business depends on several conditions. The first is if Libra is not irritated by Sagittarius’ habit of making illogical, hasty decisions. Secondly, if Sagittarius can delegate authority and completely entrust some of the work to Libra, allowing them to make decisions independently and show creative inclinations.

There is one “but” in a business tandem: Sagittarius may begin to delicately hint to Libra about a relationship romantic in nature, show signs of attention and flirt with a Libra girl.

A Sagittarius man can achieve a lot if his woman supports, inspires and gently guides her man in the right direction. In appearance, this fragile girl has enough strong character, which is why she risks taking on the role of leader in the family. In this case, a man can relax and enjoy his freedom while important decisions will be accepted by the Libra woman. The spouse should not try to re-educate her chosen one, but rather find a compromise.

Because of this man’s loving nature and manner of communicating with the fair sex, a woman can torment herself with his attacks of jealousy and scandals on this basis. A fire sign man must understand that such behavior insults his beloved woman, and Libra, in turn, must accept the characteristics of his soulmate and pay more attention to them, showing love.

Another point of conflict in their union will be the money issue. Sagittarius are great spenders, and Libra does not understand such a passion for beautiful life. To maintain relationships and harmony in the home, the couple needs to immediately discuss all the nuances of living together and remember that true love able to survive any challenge.

If ideal couples exist in principle, then the Libra man and Sagittarius woman can safely be called one of them. Their compatibility is so successful that together they will move mountains in any area of ​​life. The similarity of views allows us to understand each other perfectly, and our easy-going nature allows us to turn a blind eye to annoying trifles. The slightly superstitious Libra man considers his wife to be his talisman, never tires of admiring her and shows care unheard of for a windy sign. Next to him, the Sagittarius woman feels truly happy.

Character compatibility of Sagittarius woman and Libra man in the family

The couple often finds themselves at the epicenter of their social circle. These two will amuse any company, never complain or make public scenes between themselves. Communication with them gives others a charge of enthusiasm and positivity; you want to imitate such people. Often business card couples become characterized by image, behavior, unusual hobbies, which adds charm to them in the eyes of others and strengthens compatibility.

A Sagittarius woman and a Libra man, as a rule, are not poor: they either have a good income or cleverly manage available funds. Material difficulties rarely become the cause of quarrels: both regard money as an auxiliary factor that greatly simplifies the implementation of various undertakings, but nothing more.

They do not take economic issues much more seriously. Nobody likes to do housework, and clutter goes against aesthetic preferences. It’s good if you can afford the services of a housekeeper or ultra-modern household appliances, which lovers of new products will enjoy dealing with.

Sometimes feelings turn out to be more tangible and meaningful than the material world. With her unpredictability, the Sagittarius woman inadvertently upsets the emotional balance, visible only to Libra; the man finds his companion too eccentric. She, in turn, sometimes wants to be more in love; her partner seems too superficial or not always sincere.

Compatibility at work

If a Libra man ends up on the same team with a Sagittarius woman, completing the assigned tasks will resemble anything: gambling, fun competitions - just not work. A creative approach only benefits the result: the goal is achieved successfully, the entire team is infected with energy and a cheerful attitude.

The tandem has a couple of tools in store for running a joint business: communication skills, the ability to easily make useful contacts, and ingenuity. There is no dispute regarding the distribution of responsibilities.

The Libra man feels quite comfortable under the guidance of the Sagittarius woman, respects her ability to manage, and picks up ideas on the fly. When he is the boss, the Sagittarius subordinate may get bored. She is overwhelmed with fresh, non-standard solutions. And the leader is unlikely to want to break the usual way of life for the sake of some adventures.

How a Libra man can win a Sagittarius woman

Don’t regret anything, if the previous method didn’t work, try the next one - this is roughly the motto of a Libra man who goes hunting. Perseverance coupled with boundless confidence brings success. To be fair, it should be noted that the Sagittarius woman often does not mind being conquered by someone who knows how to inspire, admire, and treat with understanding.

She is one of those who loves with her ears: she is not able to forgive all criticism, but she is unusually responsive to meaningful compliments that emphasize individuality and are addressed to her personally. The eloquence of the Libra man is very beneficial for compatibility.

How a Sagittarius woman can win a Libra man

The Libra man is alien to the state of loneliness, so completing the next romance before looking for the next one is the most favorable moment for dating. The Sagittarius woman's chances of being a suitable candidate for an amorous adventure are quite high. As the experience of other couples shows, serious relationship started just like that: with flirting, an affair, dating without obligations.

The Libra man takes the next step only when he is sure that he really has a lot in common with the girl. The past negative experience of the Libra man can make itself felt; caution and distrust on his part are quite natural. Psychological comfort, which will certainly arise in the process of communication, will help melt the ice.

It should be noted that Libra is one of the most family-oriented zodiac symbols. Adventures undoubtedly attract him, but common sense still prevails. If a love affair threatens well-being or mental comfort, the guy will prefer a safer option. The importance of public evaluation cannot be underestimated: you have to make not only the individual fall in love with you, but also everyone around you.

Who and how raises children in a family?

Some parents unconditionally believe in the success of their children, and the Sagittarius woman is one of them. Mom does not sit idly by, she is quite objective and adequately evaluates own capabilities and children's abilities, tries to develop them, and not only within the framework of the general education program. With her input, acquaintance with the world around us takes on the most unexpected forms: fairy tales, live communication with nature, travel, an interesting answer to every “why”, an unconventional look at everyday life.

As a result, children are noticeably different from their peers in their breadth of outlook; they easily find a common language with representatives of other cultures. The authority of a Sagittarius mother extends not only to her children, but also to her friends, who often drop by for a quick visit; each time they are greeted by a warm, cheerful atmosphere, a treat, and a new game.

To imagine what kind of parents Libra men are, remember the movie “The Martian” with Matt Damon. The screenwriter and Golden Globe winner is known throughout the world as the father of four daughters. Another cinematic example is the mutant Wolverine from the X-Men; the superhero was played by Hugh Jackman, who adopted two adopted children.

The younger generation is an integral component of the harmony that the Libra man strives for. It is not easy for many representatives of the sign to decide to take this step: the stereotypes about exorbitant responsibility and a forced change in lifestyle are too strong. With the birth of one or more children, such horror stories dissipate.

Libra dad almost from the first days and forever establishes mental and emotional contact with the kids, sometimes understands their gestures or first words better than mom. There is no threat of generational conflict - there are too many unifying factors: games, hobbies, interests. And yet his most beloved person will still be his wife.

Intimate compatibility between Libra man and Sagittarius woman

Thanks to successful compatibility, the intimate life of a Libra man and a Sagittarius woman is bright, varied, and impressive. The symbiosis of attraction, rich imagination, and sincere experiences gives both of them incomparable emotions.

The Libra man never ceases to admire the stately manners of the Sagittarius woman; he expresses his feelings with gestures, caresses, and refined words. The partner also has many ways to create a romantic mood; she demonstrates passion and unconditional confidence in sexual attractiveness.

The act of love begins long before foreplay, manifests itself in beautiful courtship, even in thoughts that are understandable to both, and often implies experiments in the physiological and sensual sphere. Passionate sex fills life with new meaning.

Pros and Cons of Libra men and Sagittarius women

The Sagittarius woman and the Libra man perceive almost the same surrounding reality. Both value beauty, grace, lightness, intuitively follow the path of least resistance, but if difficulties suddenly arise, they will stand shoulder to shoulder.

The lifestyle of this union often causes slight envy and delight among friends. The couple has many friends, they often receive guests and are welcome in companies. There are no quarrels between them, controversial issues, most often associated with everyday issues or household chores, help solve, if not resourcefulness, then a sense of humor. Treason is very rare, if it occurs at all. The partners are completely satisfied with each other in all respects, so there is no need to look for adventures on the side.

Perhaps the only unforgivable act is loss of self-respect, falling to the bottom. It doesn’t matter whether due to circumstances or through their own fault - neither Sagittarius nor Libra will risk their reputation for the sake of a hopeless loser.

What is the likelihood of compatibility between a Libra man and a Sagittarius woman?

Small differences in characters only benefit compatibility. The unpredictable inconsistency of the Libra man is an inexhaustible source of food for thought for the thoughtful, inquisitive Sagittarius woman; these two constantly give each other new impressions.

Both perceive the surrounding reality in a friendly and optimistic manner, are moderately concerned with everyday affairs, and are drawn to beauty. An original harmonious union develops on for many years, if not forever.

There is excellent compatibility in all areas between Sagittarius and Libra. Next to each other, they feel completely satisfied with life. In addition, Sagittarius brings good luck to Libra.

Sagittarius-Libra compatibility: how to seduce a Libra man

The Libra man is usually happy with himself and his life. He is prudent, charming, and is loved by those around him. He cannot imagine life without a partner, so at the time of meeting the Sagittarius woman, he is probably in a relationship or has just ended it. Libras are polite, not adventurous, and lead a calm, socially approved life. They don't have much fire, passion, or temperament. But, like any man, he wants to feel like a hunter, a conqueror. Sometimes he dreams of passionate things, whirlwind romance, although he understands that in real life he is unlikely to agree to not give a damn about conventions and give up a quiet life for the sake of love. When a Sagittarius woman appears on his horizon, all Libra’s dreams come to life. He finds the ideal woman For love adventure- active and temperamental, but respecting social norms of behavior and not demanding the impossible. Libra understands that passionate people can combine sexual relations with the secularity and restraint, decency to which they are accustomed. Therefore, Sagittarius will not have to specifically seduce Libra for an affair. Moreover, Libra is a master of courtship. The Sagittarius woman will not have time to look back before she herself finds herself seduced. Once Libra is convinced that Sagittarius shares their views and they are sexually compatible, they will not refuse marriage. After all, Libra is not afraid of marital ties, but on the contrary, they willingly live in a family.

What does an ideal couple look like: Sagittarius woman – Libra man?

People around see this couple as a union of socially successful and loving friend people's friend. They like to be invited to visit because they never burden their acquaintances with problems and stories of troubles, and do not publicly conflict with each other. The Libra man and the Sagittarius woman really are not the kind of couples who create problematic, conflict-ridden families. Their neighbors are happy: this couple is always nice, polite, friendly, and does not arrange a noisy showdown between themselves right on the site. If Sagittarius and Libra live next to you, you can be sure that you will never have to call the police with a request to calm down the brawlers. On the contrary, this couple gives off a feeling of success and well-being. If you look inside the relationship with the help of synastry, you will see that these people are completely satisfied with their family. They have good mutual understanding, common goals, and excellent sexual compatibility. Both do not like to create problems out of the blue, they live easily, and resolve all issues peacefully. They are not boring, do not like to chew themselves, and avoid unnecessary worries. This couple most often has a rich home, an organized life, well-mannered and charming children.

What are the difficulties in a union between Sagittarius women and Libra men?

Sagittarius and Libra have such a good mutual understanding that this couple is not threatened with serious tests. They are not only ready to cope with difficulties together, but both also tend to choose those paths where there are the fewest holes and stones. Their life is calm and prosperous. And the fly in the ointment can be added to this harmony... by the most ordinary pans. Pans, vacuum cleaner, dishwasher... In a word, everyday life. Household side life - this is the most “terrible enemy” of the couple. Strelchikha is not the best good housewife. She can quickly put the house in order, but she is not interested in doing it on an ongoing basis. Libra will decorate their home and set the table beautifully, in addition, they will do everything they are told - but Sagittarius is not going to say anything, and Libra themselves do not like boring household chores. And it turns out that two people who love to live in a beautiful and comfortable atmosphere have no one to create this very atmosphere.

I don’t think it’s worth talking about how to make it easier for yourself to manage household. These “secrets” are obvious: beautiful household appliances, discipline, and, in extreme cases, an au pair will help. Let's better discuss what needs to be done so that inability in everyday life does not interfere good relationship in pairs. Libra is a completely non-conflict man who will help a woman. He has no prejudice against “non-male” work. Therefore, if a couple once and for all distributes household responsibilities and everyone does their part, this will remove the reasons for conflicts. If both absolutely do not want to waste time on homework, then Sagittarius’ sense of humor and Libra’s light-hearted outlook on life will help them. For Libra, there is nothing more valuable than human relationships, and he will never be the first to spoil the mood of himself and his beloved. And if Strelchikha feels that anger is boiling inside, let her look at the situation with humor. This is her universal lifesaver in many difficult situations. Cultivate this character trait in yourself, develop it, and everyday difficulties through the prism of humor will seem unimportant to you.

Compatibility of Sagittarius woman and Libra man at work

Sagittarius woman and Libra man are very compatible in business relations. They both do not shirk their work, value the same methods, and both are aimed at success. Thanks to Sagittarius, Libra sets bigger goals for themselves than they would do alone.

Compatibility of a Sagittarius woman and a Libra man - colleagues or partners

When Sagittarius and Libra work together, they achieve success. Employers value this non-conflict, but inspiring couple. IN own business there is no dispute between them about the goals to be strived for or about the methods of work. Great help on the path to success comes from useful connections that both Libra and Sagittarius know how to make.

When a Sagittarius woman is a boss and a Libra man is a subordinate

This is a wonderful combination. Sagittarius can do something that Libra cannot - set large-scale goals. Sagittarius's connections are also more extensive. Therefore, Sagittarius will be a good leader who sets tasks, and Libra will be able to work effectively under his leadership, fully understanding the plans of the boss.

When a Sagittarius woman is a subordinate, and a Libra man is a boss

In this case, mutual understanding remains between them. But at some point Sagittarius may feel cramped within the limits set by Libra, and Libra will be unhappy that the subordinate often exceeds her authority and interferes in her own business.

Compatibility of Sagittarius woman and Libra man in friendship

There is good mutual understanding between Sagittarius and Libra, and this is the basis for strong friendship. They are both optimistic and love to spend time in pleasant company. Therefore, there are no obstacles to their friendship. They are keenly interested in news, they - frequent guests at exhibitions, in the theater, in companies. Despite good compatibility in all areas, they will not begin an affair if one of them (or both) is not free: both value the beauty and decency of the relationship. But for free Libra and Sagittarius, friendship can end in a wedding. Relationships can be destroyed if one of the friends drops from his social stratum to a lower one. Neither Libra nor Sagittarius will want to continue communicating with a loser, a convicted person, an alcoholic, because for both it is important to make a good impression on society, and such friends do not make them happy.

Very often, mutual acquaintances doubt the prospects of such a couple: the Libra man and the Sagittarius woman seem to them too dissimilar and unable to reach mutual understanding. However, their marriage can last a very long time and become happy, since there is every reason for this.

The elegant Libra man is famous for his poise and ability to control himself. His shyness should be understood correctly: it is not a complex or weakness. His ability to stick to the golden mean in everything is a very valuable quality in the eyes of the Sagittarius woman; to this should be added his breadth of soul, subtlety of manners, romanticism and remarkable intelligence. The Libra man will try to surround his life partner with maximum attention and warmth, anticipating her desires. There may be no reasons for global conflicts in this pair at all.

Their qualities complement each other, and this is an inexhaustible resource for a Libra man and a Sagittarius woman. And yet, despite belonging to the weaker sex, a woman of this sign sometimes sins with rudeness, harshness, and straightforwardness, in response to which the Libra spouse begins to accumulate grievances in her soul. If this process is left to chance, the man may gradually lose old feelings and, as a result, stop being interested future fate these relationships. Therefore, the spouse should be as delicate as possible.

Both should live with the understanding that the other half naturally has a slightly different rhythm of life. If each of them loses part of the freedom they love so much, then in the end they will gain more than they will lose - life gradually brings such a couple to this important conclusion. Free time It is best for partners to spend time not within their own four walls, but to go out or travel somewhere - this will give them new strength and refresh the relationship.

Sagittarius Woman and Libra Man Compatibility

A pair of Sagittarius woman and Libra man have excellent compatibility in almost all areas of life. Their family union almost always turns out to be strong and happy. If exists mutual love, then all difficulties can be easily overcome. The Sagittarius woman and the Libra man understand each other perfectly from a word or even a glance, and they don’t even pay attention to each other’s minor shortcomings. In their relationship there is always mutual understanding, support, and complicity. A Sagittarius woman, having married a Libra man, finds a reliable shoulder and protection from any adversity, and for a Libra man, the love of Sagittarius is more valuable than all rewards, moreover, it brings him good luck. Being next to each other, they feel completely satisfied with life.

Despite excellent compatibility, the Sagittarius woman and the Libra man have absolutely different characters, therefore, this relationship cannot be called boring, and both partners have a lot to learn from each other. Sagittarius and Libra are a very original couple in which an emotional, contradictory Libra man and a cheerful, restless Sagittarius woman come together.

The ideal couple of a Sagittarius woman and a Libra man is immediately visible. They love each other and do not hide it. Both are socially successful and have many friends and acquaintances. This couple is happily welcomed as a guest because they never bother the people around them with their problems and stories of troubles, they never conflict or sort things out. Both the Sagittarius woman and the Libra man are charming, polite, nice to talk to, and being around them, everyone feels a sense of success and well-being emanating from them.

In a pair of Sagittarius and Libra compatibility, these people are completely satisfied with their family and life in general. They have excellent mutual understanding, common goals and excellent sexual compatibility. As a rule, this married couple has a rich home, a well-thought-out life, well-mannered and charming children. Both partners are used to resolving all issues peacefully, avoid unnecessary worries and do not engage in self-criticism.

A pair of Sagittarius woman and Libra man have excellent compatibility. They have such a good understanding that serious trials bypass them. Both support each other in difficult times, are ready to cope with difficulties together, and, in addition, they both intuitively choose those paths where there are the fewest obstacles, pits and stones. In general, their family life is calm and prosperous. But, no matter how ideal the couple is, there is always a fly in the ointment that will spoil the barrel of honey. The problem of compatibility of the zodiac signs Sagittarius and Libra is... the most ordinary pots, pans, vacuum cleaner, dishwasher... In other words - everyday life. The everyday side of life is the most “terrible enemy” of the couple.

A Sagittarius woman cannot be called a good housewife. She can quickly put the house in perfect order, but maintaining it or putting it in order all the time is not her strong point. She's just not interested. The Libra man can decorate his home, he can even set the table beautifully and, in general, he is ready to do whatever the Sagittarius woman tells him. But the problem is that she is not going to say anything, and Libra does not like boring household chores. And in the end, both people, so eager to live in a beautiful, comfortable and cozy atmosphere, live as they please, because there is no one to create this very atmosphere.

According to the compatibility horoscope of Sagittarius and Libra, so that in their married couple If harmony is not disturbed due to unwashed dishes or dirty laundry, both partners should think about arranging their lives. They need to agree and distribute responsibilities around the house. The Libra man is completely non-confrontational and has no prejudices about “non-male” work. He will happily help his beloved woman only if she asks him about it. When a couple distributes responsibilities once and for all, and everyone does their part of the work, this already removes most of the possible conflicts. Housekeeping can also be made easier by beautiful and modern household appliances, discipline, and, in extreme cases, an au pair.

Also, the cheerful disposition and wit of the Sagittarius woman, and the lightness of the Libra man’s outlook on life will help mitigate conflicts over the disorganization of everyday life. For him, there is nothing more valuable than human relationships, and he will never be the first to spoil the mood of himself and his beloved. And if a Sagittarius woman suddenly feels anger boiling inside, then she should immediately turn to her lifesaver for help - humor. If you look at the world through the prism of humor, then all difficulties, including everyday ones, will seem small and unimportant.